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My Naughty New Neighbor

"She moved for the neighborhood, but she's cumming for the neighbor."

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Famous Story
Competition Entry: The Ultimate Seduction

July in Eastern Tennessee, holy shit, was it hot.

So, there I was, having graduated high school and turned eighteen right in the middle of a global pandemic. Welcome to being stuck at home. It wasn’t all bad. I was looking forward to a gap year from studies, but the summer was starting slow thanks to a recent breakup, which meant I was sitting on my bed scrolling through PornHub channels with my dick in my hand. Little did I know that my summer and life were about to be flipped on their head.

So, that was what I was doing when the moving truck caught my attention, beeping into my new neighbor’s driveway. 

Anyway, I didn’t think much of it, just a new neighbor. I got back to stroking myself to watching this milf getting her pussy stretched by a monster cock.

It was three days later when it happened. I had just gotten up from my desk with my phone, heading back to my bed to beat the one-eyed snake, when I caught movement from the corner of my eye. My bedroom gave me a clear view of my neighbor’s pool and patio. I’d been able to spy on many parties, and that was where I saw her.

There she was, the woman of my dreams, stepping onto the patio. I hadn’t seen her before, but from a distance, holy shit. She had wavy golden hair. I had no idea how old she was, but she was toned. She pulled a loose-fitting white t-shirt off over her head to reveal tan skin and a fit figure. Her black two-piece made me want to melt.

She laid back on a reclining chair and sunned herself. Her face was half-hidden by over-large dark sunglasses, but I stood there at the window, watching as she lotioned her body. She began to glisten. My jaw dropped, and the longer I stood there watching, the harder my cock grew. I glanced at my phone, then back to the woman on the patio.

Was I going to do this? Yes, yes, I was. I fell back a little bit, concealing myself, and tossed the phone to my bed. I undid my belt, let my jeans fall to the floor, took my cock in my hand, and stroked myself to the babe that had materialized across the street.

I took my time.

If she could see me, she made no sign of it, so I stared out the window stroking my cock.

Part of my soul left my body as she sat up. I did not want her to go, but then she reached back and undid the strings of her top, letting her tits spill out. This woman was an image of natural perfection.

I paused for a moment, leaving myself at the edge of cumming what would be a monster load, and went to my desk. I rifled through the drawers for a pair of binoculars, which were about only good for seeing next door.

I went back to the window, raised the binoculars in one hand, and stroked myself with the other.

She was perfect. She was older than me, much older. I could see that, but she didn’t look a day over thirty. The globes that had spilled forth were all-natural and topped with cherry, perky nipples. I just wanted to hold them in my mouth and suck on them.

She put on more lotion, rubbing a generous amount into her tits. My balls clenched as my cock began to pump.

Oh, fuck! I wanted to shout as my load spilled from my balls, and I put my head against the window, taking her in for another moment.

“Jack, sweetie, do you want lunch?” my mother called.

I jumped. “Yeah,” I shouted. “I’ll be right there.”

I cleaned up quickly, got dressed, and glanced back to the patio. Was she smirking? It didn’t matter. She was getting leaving anyway, and I had to get downstairs.


She didn’t come out the next day, which was disappointing. I’d checked around the same time and more throughout the day, but there was no sign of her.

She came out the following day, though, and I lost my breath. She laid back in her chair and removed her top as she lotioned up, but then she went a step further and undid the thong, exposing her shaved mound. I raised my binoculars as she applied lotion between her thighs.

She closed the bottle, then laid out and flicked her bean as I stroked my cock. Had I ever been this hard? I wanted to see more.

She rolled over, sunning her back and exposing her firm, rounded ass.

It was like she’d read my mind. She reached back and toyed her hole with a single finger.

I couldn’t hold it back. I fumbled for a tissue as my cock erupted, gushing hot cum in a jet. I didn’t catch it all. Some of it hit my desk.

I was so busy trying to collect myself that I almost didn’t notice her start back inside. She lowered her sunglasses for the briefest moment, looked right at me, and winked. There was no way she hadn’t seen me.

My heart raced.

Was she going to come over here and tell my parents? Did she like being watched? I had no idea, but my heart was racing as I fled back to my bed to stroke my cock once more, letting the image of my neighbor flicking her bean fill my mind, letting the sight of that pink pussy drive me mad. I didn’t need my phone. The thought of stuffing my neighbor’s box drove me to cum.


She made a habit of making me wait because she didn’t come the next day. I wondered what it meant because she had seen me that second time. It left me worried. As the day passed, though, I became content with the idea that she wasn’t about to tell my folks.

I spent so much of the following day waiting by the window, and then it happened. She stepped back out, laid in her chair, and disrobed. She hadn’t even bothered with the bikini today. Part of me didn’t like that. I enjoyed the tease of watching her take it off.

She had something else in mind, though. She lotioned her body as my cock grew stiff for her. I held up my binoculars as she raised something to her lips and sucked on it. It was small, silver, almost bullet-like. I couldn’t tell what it was, at least not until she pressed it into her asshole.

My jaw dropped. My heart raced.

She pursed her lips and arched back as she pressed on a little bejeweled button. She lifted her hand away, and it reflected straight into my binoculars. That was far from all she had in mind, though. She had one of those two-sided dildos now, purple and long and thick, and she sucked at one end.

My cock and balls ached. I wanted to be in her mouth. She was delicious, and she lowered the dildo slowly, flopping it between her tits for only a moment before stuffing it into her cunt.

That was it.

My breath came in gasps as she set to fucking herself with the toy.

Her body heaved, and I struggled to keep myself from cumming. I was begging for more. I needed more.

My knees shook.

She fucked herself and cupped her tits at the same time.

I wanted to open my window to see if I might hear her moans.

My balls clenched against my shaft as her hips bucked against the dildo. My balls emptied in the hottest, biggest load I’d ever had.

I kept watching, stroking myself back to hard as she fucked herself.

She must have cum. She slowed, fucking herself more gently. Her heaving chest settled, and then she removed the dildo and sucked it off, tasting herself. I melted.

She rested for another moment before collecting her things and going back inside.

I needed more.


Fit with the pattern, I waited by my window the following day, but she never came out.

I’d left the bookmarks on my phone untouched since I’d started watching my neighbor. My mind was filled with images of her. I didn’t need anything else.

I had resigned myself to another day waiting for her when I went downstairs for dinner with my folks. It was too hot for anything substantial. We had pineapple, green beans, and catfish. It wasn’t what I needed to slake my appetite.

“Is everything okay, sweetie? You’ve been acting strange recently,” Karlie, my stepmother, asked.

“Hmm? Yeah, I’m fine.”

“Okay, I just wanted to be sure. You know you can talk to us.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“You need to find yourself a job to save some money for next year. It’ll help get you out of this slump,” my dad said.

“Yeah, I know, and I’ve been looking, but nobody is hiring with this damn pandemic.”

“Yeah, it’s tough out there right now, sweetie.”

I nodded and reached across the table to refill my sweet tea. It was good on such a hot day.

“Speaking of jobs, though,” my mother started, “that new woman across the street, Audrey”—I froze. Dear god, the angel had a name.—“stopped by, looking for some help this evening.”

“Oh?” Had she told my parents I’d been spying on her, because they would barbeque my ass.

“Yeah, just some help with some shelves and boxes. So, did you want to go help her?”

I fought to contain whatever anxiety I was feeling. “Yeah, sure.”

“Okay, well, whenever you’re ready then.”

I nodded and finished slowly, not bothering with seconds. My stomach was twisting into knots. I got my shoes on and made my way over, hurrying across the street, and rang the doorbell. She must have been waiting by the door. It opened so fast.

“Jack, hello.”

She knew my name! “Hello.” I was so close to her. I could have taken her in my hands, and I wanted to. Did she want me to? She was wearing a thread bear, white tank top; her nipples were poking through, and she was wearing short shorts, the kind of short that was cut at the seam.

“Do you mind?” Audrey asked.

“Hmm?” Oh, shit, I was staring at her tits. Now that I was looking at her eyes, though, I thought she was older than my first guess.

“It’s okay.” She leaned in close and whispered. “I know you’ve been watching me. Do you want to know something?”

“What?” I was shaking.

“I think it is so hot,” she whispered. “But come here. I do have a job for you. Call it payment for services rendered.” She stepped back into the house.

“Hmm? Yeah, anything.”

She chuckled. “You might regret saying that. You see these shelves?” She pointed, and I nodded. “I need you to put them together for me. All of these boxes are books. They’re all numbered LOC style. I want you to put them in order.”


“That will be yes, ma’am,” Audrey corrected me.

“Oh, sorry, yes, ma’am,” I said, confused.

“Goodie. Thank you.” She bounced away, and I stared at her breathless as she took a seat on the sofa with one leg up, showing off her pussy.

What had I gotten myself into? It took me an hour to put the shelves together. They had been a flat pack, and it wasn’t easy without the directions. Admittedly, it wouldn’t have taken as long if I wasn’t looking back at her every other moment, salivating. She was fucking a spoon with her tongue as she ate chocolate ice cream watching Sex in the City reruns.

I got the last book shelved and stood up.

“All done?” Audrey sang.

“Yes, ma’am.” It’d only taken three hours.

“Goodie.” She set her bowl down. “Now, get back on your knees.”


“Excuse me?” Her tone changed. She wasn’t playing now. “I said get back on your knees.”

I fell back to the carpet.

“Goodie,” she sang again. “Now, come over here.”

I shook my head. What the hell was this woman playing at? I went to stand up—

“Ah! I said stay on your knees. Crawl over here,” she commanded.

I obeyed. My heart was racing. What was this? I was almost afraid but in a good way. My cock raged as I crawled up to her.

“Look at me.” Audrey leaned in close. “I want to hear you say it,” she whispered, purred, into my ear. “I want you to beg for what you want. I want to hear you beg me like you’ve been begging from your window on the days I don’t show up. Beg me. Tell me what you want.”

I was right there, nestled between her legs. I didn’t say anything. I reached up and started to undo her belt, and she slapped my hands.

“I said, beg,” she repeated.

“I want to eat your pussy,” I confessed. “I want to stuff my mouth with it. Then I want to stuff your box with my cock.”

“Mmm, tell me more.”

“I want to fuck your tits. I want to fuck your tits as you flick your tongue over my cock. I want to suck on your nipples.” I was melting.

“Mmm, more,” Audrey begged. She reached down between her legs and massaged her mound.

“I want to eat your ass and fuck all of your holes.”

“Mmm, that’s better. Now, get out.”

I jumped back. “What?”

“Get out,” she repeated. “You can stand back up.”

I got back up as she leaned back into the couch, collecting her ice cream.

I practically fled.

“Hey, Jack,” she called as I made the door.

I turned, my heart fluttering. What did she have for me now?

“You should come back tomorrow morning, say eleven o’clock. I think I have more things you can help me with. Is that okay?” She smiled at me.

What was I supposed to do? I was powerless.

“Ye—yes, ma’am.”

“Goodie. Have a good night.”

I slammed her door and raced into my home.

“Hey, sweetie, how did it go?” Karlie asked.

I stopped at the railing. I wanted to flee to my room and nurse my cock.

“It went well,” I confessed. “She wants me to go back in the morning to help with more things. Moving is a bitch, you know.”

“Better than you, sweetie. Go get some rest.”

I took the steps three at a time to get to my room. I kicked off my pants, fell into bed, and grabbed my cock.

“Oh my god,” I gasped. I needed this. My balls were aching from her teasing. I wanted to explode, and it was no time before I burst into my shorts and fell back, gasping.

“Holy fuck!” I could smell her perfume, and I let the memory take me in as I stroked myself to sleep.


I stared at the clock. Somehow, I doubted Audrey wanted me to be early. I also didn’t dare to be late. I would run out of the house at 10:59. I would be on time, punctual.

And, so at 10:59, I was out the door and across the street. I rang the doorbell, and it opened.

Audrey was stunning, dressed in her white t-shirt, which showed the outlines of her black string bikini.

“Goodie, you made it.” She smiled. “Did you rub one out for me last night?”

I froze. I had to consider the question, but then, she knew I’d been jerking off to her, so what was the point of lying? “Yes, ma’am,” I stammered

She pursed her lips and blushed up to her eyes. “That’s hot. Now, come out back with me, and we can get started.”

“Ye—yes, ma’am,” I stammered. I knew the way. I’d been in this house more times than I could count. Was I getting a private show this morning?

We were barely out the backdoor when the t-shirt came off. I took in her tight form. She made her way to her chair, but I looked up. I had never noticed how clear of a view there was into my bedroom from here.

She must have caught my gaze.

“You were so obvious; it was pathetic,” Audrey said. “I liked it, though. Of course, there was an initial shock, but then came the thought that a handsome young man was getting off on me, and that turned me on.”

She handed me the bottle of lotion and then laid on her belly. “Be generous.” She undid the strings of her bikini and left her back and ass bare.

My cock snapped to attention as I squirted lotion onto my hands and began to smear it over her shoulders. I worked my way down her back, glad that she was finally in my hands. My cock was so hard, it hurt. I found my way to her ass and spent a lot of time rubbing the lotion into her thighs.

“Don't forget the rest of my legs."

"Yes, ma'am." I pled for forgiveness and moved down to her calves, nudging her legs apart to expose her pussy. I wanted to eat it.

I undid my belt and unzipped my pants, reaching for my cock, when she snapped around.

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"Put that away!"

I froze.

"Put it away," she repeated.

I shook my head and put it back. Audrey stared a moment, then laid back down. "Silly boy. I have neighbors."

"So no toys today?" I dared to ask.

She chuckled. "Just you." She smiled. "Rub more into my shoulders, would you."

"Yes, ma'am." I obeyed, eager to touch her.

"Mmm, that's nice. It's so hard to get my back," Audrey purred.

She stayed on her belly for several minutes until she rolled over to sun her front. She exposed her body to me entirely. I became short of breath, and she smiled at me.

"Do you like what you see?"

"Oh fuck, yes."

"Beats staring out the window with binoculars, doesn't it?"

"You have no idea."

"You're right. Lotion," Audrey commanded.

Finally, it was permission. I worked over her arms and her belly, then rubbed her tits as they spilled over my hands. They were so soft. Audrey bit her lip as I pinched her nipples, making them stand on end. I wanted to suck them.

"My legs," Audrey said.

"Yes, ma'am, sorry."

I worked the lotion into her legs, taking in the shape of her feet. I wanted to suck her painted toes. I worked my way up, taking in the firmness of her calves and then how tight her thighs were. I spread her legs as I neared her mound.  I was so close that I could have eaten her up right there. I could have made her mine.

"Good, Jack. That's enough."

I was too tightly wound. I wanted to scream. I had a raging hard-on and my balls hurt. I wanted to fuck that cute pink receptacle. I needed this woman.

I stared at her. I waited for her to do something, anything. Several minutes passed before she finally got up.

She didn't bother putting clothes back on. She just started to walk in, then, turning towards me, "Are you coming?" she called.

I snapped from my daydream and chased her inside.

"Wash your hands and join me in the bedroom."

I'd never been in this part of the house, so I never realized how extensive the master suite was. It was nice. I washed up and went to the bedroom.

Audrey had had a seat at the foot of her bed and looked me over. She crossed her legs and tapped her foot as if contemplating me.

I wanted her, but this was her game.

"So, you like what you see?" She bit her lip and stared at the bulge in my pants. As if that wasn't enough to show that I loved every bit that I saw. I loved the messy bun of blond hair; I loved her green eyes and high cheekbones; I loved the lean muscles of her arms and legs and belly; I loved the gap between her thighs; and I loved the bounce of her breasts. Yes, I loved what I saw.

"Ma'am, you're perfect."

Audrey smiled. "Say it again," she purred.

"You're perfect," I repeated.

Audrey raised a finger and beckoned me closer, patting the bed. I was to sit beside her.

She turned and straddled me, pressing her soft breasts against my chest. I nearly melted. She was so warm. Her skin was hot from the sun, and she smelled like wildflowers. She pushed me down to the bed, and I gazed up at her.

"Is this what you've been dreaming about?"

"Oh, fuck, yes."

Audrey smiled, wrapped her fingers under my shirt, and threw it off. Then, in the same motion, she pinned my arms over my head as she rubbed her pussy against the bulge in my pants. She kissed me.

"I haven't been with a young man in a long time. It excites me to see much I turn you on. How hard you are for me?" She kissed my neck.

"Oh fuck." I gasped. "I am so hard for you."

"Mmm, I feel it against me."

Something rattled behind me, and the next thing I knew, there were cuffs around my wrists. Audrey chuckled, then whispered in my ear. "I want you to stay right here until I get back."

I gazed up at her, aghast. Dammit, my balls hurt.

"Yes, ma'am," I said. What was I supposed to say? I was cuffed to the bed!

"Goodie." Audrey hopped up and left.

What the fuck was I supposed to do? She left the room, and then there was water running. Was she getting a shower?

God damn her! I could have been in there with her. Instead, I was cuffed to the bed with blue balls.

How long had she been gone?

It seemed like an eternity before the water stopped, but then there she was, naked still, leaning against the corner, holding a riding crop.

"You must be taught," Audrey said. She sashayed up to the bed. I was breathless as she pressed the crop into me. "You're like a puppy, begging for treats. You think they just come, but they don't, mister."

She hopped onto the bed and straddled me, slapping the crop into my chest. "I'm gonna make you bark."


She smiled down at me. "That was good." She smacked me once more. "Again."


"Mmm, yes, that's it." She rubbed her wet pussy against my abs. I probably wasn't in as good of shape as Audrey, but I wasn't in bad shape either.

"You like that?" She asked.


She smacked me with the crop again. Christ, I was going to have welts.

"I asked, do you like that?"

"Oh, fuck." Now I remembered. "Yes, ma'am."

"Mmm, that's better, but I'm going to teach, puppy, some manners." She smacked me again. "Open your mouth, puppy. Mommy has a treat for you."

I obeyed, and Audrey chuckled as she turned, spreading her legs over me. Her pussy was dripping, and she bloomed as she pushed back into my face.

I licked her up.

"Oh yes, puppy, lick me just like that," Audrey purred.

I traced my tongue around her lips, teasing her. Then she ground her pussy into my face. She wasn't having it, and my tongue penetrated between her dripping lips. Her nectar was so sweet, and she was so wet.

I twisted my tongue around her pearl, and she drove her pussy deeper into my mouth.

"Oh, yes, yes, just like that. Oh, yes! Stick your tongue out. Stick your tongue out, puppy."

I obeyed, and she gyrated her hips over my tongue, forcing me to lick all of her. My tongue slipped through her pouting pussy, and passed over her taint before circling the rim of her asshole. Then she did it again. She passed over my tongue front to back. I took in all of her flavors.

She smacked me with her crop.

"Suck on my clit, puppy. Suck my clit."

I twisted my tongue around her clit again. She held on to the headboard as she rocked over me, moaning as I sucked on her.

"Oh fuck! Oh, fuck! Just like that. Just like that. Oh, my god. You really want to treat me right, don't you, puppy?"

"Mmm, hell yes."

"Mmm, fuck, that's so good. Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh fuck, stick your tongue out!"—she hit me with the crop—"stick your tongue out"—she hit me again—"oh fuck, I want to cum. I'm going to cum on your face."

I stuck my tongue out, and she ground her sex into me, gyrating in big circles. I tasted all of her and pressed my face deeper into her, taking all of her in.

"Yes! Yes! That's so good, puppy! Mmm, fuck yes! Eat it! Eat it!" Audrey commanded as her juices spilled from her. "Oh fuck!" She didn't stop rocking her sex into my face, and I did not want her to.

"Oh, fuck, lick my asshole! Lick my asshole, puppy! Mommy's got a surprise for you."

She fell over top of me, undoing my belt and casting it to the floor. Then she had my pants around my knees.

I kicked them off as I licked her asshole.

Audrey's hand wrapped around my cock. "You're so big. Mmm, mommy's going to take such good care of you, puppy."

She caressed my member, and then her lips wrapped around the head of my cock, and I wanted to explode. I wanted to cum down her throat. 

I gasped as she twisted her tongue around the head of my cock, pressing her tongue hard against me.

Oh, my fucking god! She inhaled me and swallowed as I hit her throat. She took my cock down to the hilt.

Gwack! Gwack! Gwack!

She rammed me deeper into her throat then came up gagging.

"Oh fuck," I gasped.

"Did you like that? Did puppy like that?" She jerked me off.

"Oh fuck. Yes, ma'am, puppy liked that. Oh fuck, I want to cum so bad."

"Mmm, give mommy a treat, puppy."

She went down on me again, twisting her tongue over my shaft. Her lips held me as she bobbed around me, swallowing me, gagging, and coming back up again. Her spit dripped down to the base of my cock.

Holy shit, it was like a dream.

She cupped my balls and drove her ass into my face. She twisted her tongue around the head of my cock and through the tip, all in one moment.

I exploded.

"Mmm." I gasped. My face was buried in her ass as I pumped a hot load of cum down her throat.

She swallowed every drop.

Audrey sat up and smacked her lips. She ground her sex into my face, and I tasted her pussy once more. Then she turned on me, sitting on my belly again.

She kept my cock in her hand, stroking me.

"Did my puppy like that?"

"Holy fuck, yes, ma'am." I gasped.

She chuckled. She hadn't let go of my cock, and she was pulling at me, willing me back to full mast. I needed more of her.

"Your cum is sweet," Audrey purred. "You're mommy feeds you all the right things." She leaned down to kiss me and pulled the breath from my body. I could taste cum on her lips. I could taste her ass and pussy too. Her kiss was sex, and I breathed her in.

"Does puppy want more treats from mommy?"

"Mmm, yes," I pled. I wanted out of these cuffs. I wanted to drill her.

She sat up, picked up her crop, and smacked me on the chest. Her hips gyrated against me.

"I'm sorry. I think I asked, does puppy wants more treats from mommy?"

"Oh, fuck," I berated myself. "Yes, ma'am," I pled.

"Mmm, that's better. The puppy needs to learn if he wants treats. Understand?" She said in her baby voice.

"Oh fuck, yes, ma'am." I gasped. She pressed the crop into my shoulder.

"Good, puppy." She smacked me again. "Now, bark."

"Woof." I obeyed.

She chuckled and slipped back to guide my hard cock between her pleading, dripping lips.

"Oh fuck," I gasped as I penetrated her.

"Yes, mmm, that's so good. Oh fuck, your cock is so big, puppy."

I was deep inside her now. Her lips were stretched around me, keeping a tight hold around my girth. She gyrated over me, and I stared up at her. I was cuffed to the bed. I had no choice. I gazed into her eyes as she gazed into mine. 

"Mmm, do you like your treat, puppy?"

"Oh, fuck, yes, ma'am. Oh, fuck!" I gasped. Her pussy was so tight around me. I wanted to explode inside her again. I wanted to fill her with my hot seed.

She leaned back. Her nails dug into my thighs as she plunged onto my cock.

She was so wet, and her pussy was so tight. She was milking me. I gazed at her and her bouncing tits that swayed with every thrust of her body.

"You like my titties? Do you like to watch them bounce? You like my bouncing titties?"

"Oh, fuck, yes, ma'am!"

"Mmm, then suck on them, puppy." She fell on top of me, thrusting onto my cock, as she popped a nipple into my mouth.

Oh, fuck. I sucked at her nipple, flicking my tongue off the tip until it became erect in my mouth. I wanted to devour her. I wanted all of her in my mouth.

I pressed harder into her as she fell into me and onto me.

I fell back. "Oh, fuck! You're going to make me cum!"

"Oh, don't you dare! Don't you dare, puppy!" Audrey called out. "Mommy's got more treats if you're a good boy."

She pressed her tits back into my mouth. I had no choice but to try to stem the flow of my cum into her hot and willing receptacle. I wanted to fill her up.

She plunged onto my cock. Her hot, slick grip splashed each time she impaled herself on my stiff rod.

"Holy shit, your cock is going to make mommy cum. Oh yes, oh yes," Audrey shouted. "Do you want to make mommy cum?"

"Oh, yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am!" I begged. I wanted to feel that crash within her body. I wanted her to milk my cock. I was going to fill her up.

"Oh fuck, I'm cumming! I'm cumming! Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck!" Audrey shouted.

This time, when she came, she came like a fountain, squirting past my cock and spilling onto me like a flood.

I nearly lost it.

I gasped as she plunged onto me. Her tits bounced in front of me, and I fought to hold it together against the muscles pulling at me, begging me to fill her womb with my seed.

It subsided, and she fell from me again. She slid up my body, leaving a trail of her juices across my chest, and then she drove her dripping cunt back into my face.

She tasted immaculate.

She turned and fell on my cock once more. She twisted her tongue over the head and then licked along the shaft, tasting her sex.

"Oh fuck." I gasped. "I want to cum. Oh, fuck I want to cum."

Her lips smack off my cock with a pop! "You want to cum. You don't want one more treat from mommy?"

"Oh fuck! Yes, ma'am, I want another treat," I begged. She was right. I was nothing but a dog begging for her body. I wanted her; I wanted all of her. I would never be through with her.

"Mmm, you want to fuck my ass, puppy? You want to fuck my ass?"

"Oh, yes, ma'am! Shove my cock in your ass."

She withdrew. Flipping off me and turning on me, she kissed me hard, and I relished it. The taste of our sex was on our lips. I wanted more. She held my throbbing cock in her hand.

"Are you going to make me cum again? Are you going to make me cum? Huh, puppy, are you?"

"Oh, fuck. Yes, ma'am." I hoped.

She sat up straight and gasped as she took my stiff, hard cock into her hole. She gasped at every penetrating inch.

Her ass gripped tight all around me. I'd thought her pussy was tight but, holy shit! She rode me down to the hilt, and as she pulled up and plunged deeper onto me once more, it never let up.

My head fell back into the pillow. I was gasping, fighting to fill my lungs.

"Oh fuck! Yes! Yes! Yes, puppy, yes!"

She rode my cock harder. She wasn't even looking at me. Her closed gaze was at the ceiling as she dug her nails into my thighs. She rode me harder, and her titties bounced wildly.

Maybe I'd died. Maybe this was heaven.

"I'm going to cum. Oh my god, I'm going to cum," I called out.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh fuck, yes! Fill me! Fill me! Yes! Oh, fuck!" Audrey called.

"Oh, fuck," I shouted. My rod burst with a gushing load into her asshole. Cum dripped down my cock, and she rode me harder.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh fuck, yes!" Audrey called.

Her ass didn't loosen its grip. She rode me, and I wanted to take her in.

"Oh yes! Yes! I'm going to cum. Make me cum," Audrey begged.

"Oh, god, yes." I rammed into her asshole, and she shouted. Her orgasm was even more powerful. It seemed like every muscle in her body wrapped around my cock, and she steadily came to her fall. I went limp inside her, and she fell to the bed, heaving for every breath.

She crawled up to me, kissed me once, then again, before curling up next to me with a pleased sigh.

"I guess I should probably uncuff you before I fall asleep, shouldn't I?" Audrey asked.

"Yes, ma'am, that would be nice." Oh fuck. What was I feeling? Holy fuck.

Audrey reached up to the bedpost and grabbed the key to unlock me.

My wrists were chaffed. I guess that was the payment for the deed.

"Thank you, Jack. That was fun. It's been too long since I had such a ride."

"That was amazing."

She nodded and pressed her head into my chest. She breathed me in. "I think uh, I should have more things for you to do here tomorrow." She was still trying to catch her breath. "Maybe we'll see about letting puppy off the leash. Would he like that?"

"Oh, fuck yes."

"Mmm, you'll just have to remember that mommy is in charge."

"Oh, I could never forget it."

"You should find your way home. The whole neighborhood probably heard us."

"Probably," I agreed. "Do you mind if I use your shower?"

"Sure, sure, go ahead. Holy fuck."

I got up and made my over to her shower. "Hey, Jack."


"Thank you."

I smiled and turned back to her. "Thank you," I said.

Audrey fell back into the sheets, pressed her fingertips to her gaping asshole, and scooped up my cum before biting it from her fingers. She took a deep breath and purred as I stepped in to get a shower.

Written by Bd1348
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