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Busty MILF And Teen-Slut Daughter… Get To Work!

"Mrs. Forde and her daughter Kelly both target the men they want to lose their ‘Arizona cherry’ to, and the seductions begin…"

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The next morning Kelly heard her mom out in the backyard on the phone to someone. She couldn’t make out what her mother was saying, but Kelly assumed she was arranging for the guy her mother had chosen from yesterday’s pool party to come over to the house that afternoon. Kelly was pretty certain who she was calling too.

But Kelly had her own preparations to make. She went through her wardrobe, plus a couple of suitcases and four unpacked boxes of clothes, looking for the perfect outfit for her afternoon tryst. Eventually after putting on a number of outfits, she settled on one and then headed down to the other end of the house to her mother’s bedroom.

“Wow!” Kelly’s mother said, checking out her daughters’ outfit choice, grinning, “He’s not gonna know what hit him.”

Kelly looked across her mother's bed. There were several pairs of tiny black panties laid out, they all had slogans printed in white lettering on them.

“Oh Jeez, Mom. You’re MILF panties? Don’t you think that might be a bit too much for today?”

Some of the panties had ‘MILF’, ‘SLUT’, ‘HORNY’, or ‘WHORE’ written across the front. Others had slogans like ‘IT AIN’T GONNA LICK ITSELF’, ‘I NEED IT’, and ‘MILF’s NEED COCK’. Other pairs had slogans printed on the back like ‘SPANK ME’, ‘TAKE ME’ or ‘BAD GIRL’.

“Girl, you’ve got shorts and panties with slogans printed on them, why can’t I?” Mrs. Forde asked, folding her arms in mock indignation.

“Well, that’s true. But I just think for what you’ve got planned for today, maybe something more classic and simpler might be better?” Kelly replied.

“You think?” Mrs. Forde asked.

Mrs Forde knew these panties were absolutely too much for what she had planned for this afternoon. She had just been having a sort out of her underwear, and had already selected something of a more ‘classic, simple’ look. But she was impressed and proud of Kelly that she could see this wasn’t the way to go.

Just after 1 p.m. there was a knock at the front door, and Mrs Forde went to open it. Outside was Ronny, or Ronny D as he liked to be known, and his friend Jayden.

“Hey Mrs. Forde, how are you? It’s Ronny,” Ronny said, smiling.

“Ronny, of course. Come on in, honey,” Mrs. Forde said, greeting Ronny with a hug and a kiss on each cheek.

“This is my friend Jayden,” Ronny said.

“Yes, we met yesterday. How are you, Jayden?” Mrs. Forde smiled, again greeting him with a hug and a kiss on each cheek, “Well come on in, boys. You don’t mind if I call you boys, do you? I know your young men really.”

“No, it’s fine, Mrs. Forde,” Jayden replied, stepping inside.

“You look very nice, Mrs Forde,” Ronny said.

“Oh, thank you, Ronny, very nice of you to say so,” Mrs. Forde replied.

She was wearing a short, tight, black mini-skirt, and a tight white blouse that showed off her impressive bustline, with a hint of cleavage, and little black high heels. It was quite sexy, but not over the top.

“Well come through to the pool, I know you boys didn’t get to swim yesterday. Did you bring your swimming trunks?” Mrs. Forde asked, as they walked through the lounge and out into the backyard.

“No, we figured we could just swim in our boxer shorts,” Ronny said.

Mrs Forde could see Ronny and Jayden looking around, then looking at each other, perhaps slightly puzzled.

“Well, you’re probably wondering where Kelly is?” Mrs. Forde asked, smiling, “She had to pop out for a little while, but she’ll be back real soon.”

“Oh okay,” Ronny said, looking a little disappointed, “Is she alright?”

“Yeah she’s fine, we just had to completely change our plans today, and so she had to go out for a while,” Mrs. Forde explained.

Both guys looked a little disappointed, even awkward.

“You know what it is, Kelly just discovered she’s left all her swimwear back in Utah, so she just went out to buy a new bikini,” Mrs. Forde continued, “But she’ll be back real soon. I hope it’s okay with you boys but as soon as she returns then I’ll need to go out. The three of you will be okay, right?.”

Ronny and Jayden then seemed to relax, smiling and nodding. It seemed they were very much looking forward to seeing Kelly in her new bikini, and eager to be left alone with her.

“If you boys are going to wear just your boxers then you can strip off out here I guess, and leave your clothes on the chairs over there?” Mrs. Forde told them, smiling and folding her arms.

She then carefully watched them both strip down to just their boxer shorts. Just for a moment, Mrs. Forde allowed her eyes to wander over their athletic, firm young bodies, and their gorgeous dark skin.

“You boys jump in the pool. You’ll have to excuse me for a few minutes, I have to take care of something,” Mrs. Forde told them, turning to head back inside the house, “I’ll bring you out some drinks, and Kelly will be back soon.”

Ronny performed an acrobatic divebomb into the pool, and Jayden soon followed.

Mrs Forde made her way to the east side of the house, and into her bedroom. She opened the patio door out onto the backyard just a crack and tried to hear what the two guys were saying. She couldn’t make out most of it, but heard Kelly’s name a few times.

Mrs. Forde closed the door and turned back to face her bed, smiling to herself. Those boys had no idea what was about to hit them.

Five minutes later, and the distinctive ‘click-clack’ sound of high heels rang out on the patio tiles. Both Jayden and Ronny looked up, and looked like they simply couldn’t believe their eyes. They stood in the pool, staring, open-mouthed, dumbfounded.

Walking into the backyard was Mrs. Forde in the tiniest, skimpiest white bikini, sparkly little high-heeled shoes, sunglasses, and a big smile. Her huge tits were just barely covered by the little white triangles of her bikini top, her nipples straining like they were desperate to be released. Each time she took a step her huge boobs bounced and jiggled.

Mrs. Forde had two opened bottles of beer, one in each hand, and slowly, deliberately made her way over to the pool. Her hips swayed; her ass jiggled almost as much as her tits.

“Here you go, boys,” Mrs. Forde said, grinning at them, as she reached the side of the pool.

The two guys quickly swam over to the side of the pool. Mrs. Forde leaned down to hand them a beer bottle each. As she did so, her huge tits swayed forward, and she had to put her hand across her bust, for fear of falling out of her bikini top completely.

“Kelly just messaged me, she’s got delayed, so I thought I’d get changed and catch some rays out here with you boys. Keep you company until she gets here?” Mrs. Forde said, smiling.

The boys just nodded, still looking dumbfounded at the vision in front of them.

“Ah, yeah, that’d be great, Mrs. Forde,” Ronny finally said, snapping out of his trance, “Um, you look very nice, by the way.”

“Oh thank you, Ronny, it’s new, I never wore it before,” Mrs. Forde replied, “Do you like it, Jayden.”

Jayden simply nodded, seemingly transfixed.

“What’s the matter, Jayden? Cat got your tongue?” Mrs. Forde giggled, then turned back toward the bar area, “Let me get you an ice bucket for those beers.”

She then very slowly and deliberately walked away from the boys, back toward the bar. Her hips swayed from side to side, her incredible peach of an ass bounced, wiggled, and jiggled. Eventually, she reached the bar area and opened a cupboard in the front.

Mrs. Forde then bent right over, trying to access something on the floor of the cupboard right at the back. Her head was almost between her ankles. It meant her amazing ass was on display for Ronny and Jayden’s eyes to feast on, the fact she was wearing high heels only accentuated the effect. Her skimpy little white bikini briefs had ridden up even further, right into the crack of her ass.

Of course, Mrs. Forde could feel their eyes on her behind, she knew exactly what she was doing. She gave it half a minute longer, pretending to having difficulty finding the ice bucket, letting them get a good long look at her ass.

“Ah, here it is,” she finally said, pulling the ice bucket out of the back of the cupboard, and filling it with ice.

She then returned slowly back to the pool, her huge natural tits bouncing around once again.

“There you go boys,” Mrs Forde said, placing the bucket of ice at the side of the pool right in front of them, “Now, I need to catch some sun.”

She turned and headed over to one of the cushioned sun loungers, sitting on it, then laying down flat on her front.

“You know, it was mostly cold as hell in Utah. I really need to top up my tan,” Mrs. Forde told them, “You boys are very quiet, are you okay?”

“Ah yes, ma’am,” Jayden said, finally able to speak again.

Mrs. Forde could see the two boys in the pool, smiling, looking at each other, seemingly not knowing what to say or do next.

“Oh, damn it, I forgot my suntan cream,” Mrs. Forde said, turning to the boys and smiling, “Ronny would you be a dear and get it for me? It’s on the countertop over there.”

“Yeah, sure Mrs. Forde,” Ronny replied, clambering out of the pool, and heading over to the bar to grab the lotion.

He returned and tried to hand it to Mrs. Forde. But she did not extend her hand to take it, looking up at Ronny from above the rim of her sunglasses.

“Oh honey would you mind rubbing it into my back, I’m all comfortable here now,” Mrs. Forde told him.

“Ah, yeah. Ah, ok,” Ronny replied, a little unsure.

He took a cushion from one of the seats, placed it on the floor to the right of the sun lounger, and knelt down on it. He then squeezed some lotion onto his hands, and began rubbing it into Mrs. Forde’s shoulders and upper back area.

“Oh yeah, that’s nice,” Mrs. Forde told him, then looked over her shoulder at Ronny and smiled, “Can you untie me?”

Ronny looked down at the ties of Mrs. Forde’s bikini top.

“You mean…” Ronny mumbled.

“Uh-huh. I don’t like having tan lines, you know?” Mrs. Forde replied.

Ronny slowly untied her bikini top, placed the strings to the side, and returned to rubbing lotion into Mrs. Forde’s back.

Mrs Forde made sure there was plenty of side-boob on show for Ronny to enjoy looking at. She also raised her ass up just a little, making it look even more inviting. Mrs. Forde knew she had a great ass, many men had told her so before, and she knew how to use it. She also knew black guys typically loved a nice peachy or ‘phat’ ass, and that was exactly what she had for them.

“Oh yeah, that’s it, Ronny, mmm. That feels wonderful,” Mrs. Forde told him, “You have such lovely big strong hands.”

Ronny continued rubbing and massaging lotion into her back, occasionally looking over to Jayden, still standing alone in the pool.

“Oh Jayden, you look so lonely over there. Bring the beers over and come and join us, honey,” Mrs. Forde told him, smiling, “You know I once had a four-hand massage on vacation years ago, it was very relaxing.”

Mrs. Forde saw Ronny look over at Jayden. He seemed a bit unsure of what to do. Ronny beckoned him over with a nod of his head, and so Jayden hauled himself out of the pool and headed toward the sun lounger.

Jayden copied Ronny, pulling one of the cushions from the other seats, placing it on the floor to the left of Mrs. Forde, and kneeling down on it. He placed the ice bucket with the beers to the side.

“Here you go honey,” Mrs. Forde said, handing Jayden the suntan lotion, “Thank you, boys, I really appreciate it.”

Jayden rubbed lotion into both hands and began massaging it into the left-hand side of Mrs. Forde’s back, while Ronny concentrated on the right. Over her shoulder, she caught them for just a second grinning at each other.

“Oh boys, can you go lower please?” Mrs Forde asked.

The guys moved down to massage her lower back.

“Lower,” Mrs. Forde told them.

They moved their hands slightly lower again, just brushing against the top of her ass.

Mrs. Forde thought this was amusing. What were they waiting for? She was putting herself on a plate for them. But she also knew they were polite, well-educated, well-mannered young boys who had probably never been with an older woman before.

“Oh, don’t make me beg boys. Lower,” Mrs. Forde ordered.

The two guys looked at each other once again, smiled, and in unison slid their hands down onto Mrs. Forde’s amazing, stunning ass.

They started off with one hand on each ass cheek, but quickly Mrs. Forde had four hands massaging lotion into her ass.

“Oh yeah, that feels nice, just like that,” Mrs. Forde purred.

She let them massage her ass with those big strong black hands for a few minutes. She was enjoying herself, and wanted to let them enjoy themselves too.

As the lotion began to absorb into her skin, she knew it wouldn’t be long before they were essentially just groping her ass rather than applying a skincare product. She wasn’t ready to move on from this stage, where all three of them could still pretend this was not a prelude to something else. Where they could pretend this was just two helpful young guys helping a lady in her prime with her skincare.

Mrs. Forde grabbed the suntan lotion and looked over her shoulder at her two eager, willing helpers.

“Here you go, boys,” she grinned, and reached behind, squirting the suntan lotion bottle, aiming it at her ass.

Two huge spurts of white cream shot out of the bottle and splashed across her ass. Another deliberate act by an experienced older lady. She knew exactly what that looked like, what it would remind these two young guys of. Again, she clocked them smiling at each other, as their strong black hands began rubbing the white cream into her stunning ass.

Mrs. Forde was loving all this attention and sighed and moaned as four hands slid all over her lubricated ass. She noticed Ronny’s thumb began straying further and further into her ass crack, and soon Jayden followed suit.

“Oh yeah, I’m so… relaxed. You’re my little angels, thank you boys. I really appreciate it,” Mrs. Forde sighed.

“Mrs. Forde, you uh, have an amazing body,” Ronny said, obviously still a little unsure of himself, but gaining confidence, “You’ve really looked after yourself.”

“Oh thank you, Ronny. That’s very kind of you,” Mrs. Forde said, smiling over her shoulder, watching the two boys slide their hands over her ass endlessly.

She decided perhaps it was time to move things along now.

“Jayden, can you tie me up?” she said, looking over at him with a grin, a real twinkle in her eye.

Jayden smiled and reached for the strings to the back of her bikini top, tying her back up again. Mrs. Forde then turned over, and adjusted the sun lounger from lie-flat to a seated position so she could sit up and face Jayden and Ronny.

“Are up for doing my front?” Mrs. Forde asked, grinning.

Ronny put some suntan cream onto Mrs. Forde’s thighs and began rubbing it in. Jayden followed suit and began rubbing cream into her stomach.

“Oh no boys, I had something else in mind,” she told them, smiling.

The guys looked up as Mrs. Forde then slowly, sexily pulled aside her bikini top, exposing her huge, amazing breasts. They were enormous, and wonderful, with perfect nipples and areolae. Once again the two guys looked at Mrs. Forde open-mouthed, dumbfounded. Mrs. Forde thought in that moment, they both looked starstruck, or maybe tit-struck was a better term.

It excited her, being looked at in this way. It made her feel special, and desired. Mrs. Forde grinned at these two young black guys, thinking that this was the turning point.

Before she had just been a bit naughty, having them massage suntan cream into her back and ass. If it had stopped there, and anyone had found out about it, Mrs. Forde could have always explained it away. That it was all just innocent, and nothing inappropriate had occurred.

But now it was most definitely turning sexual, and these two guys knew it. She could see it in their eyes.

“Come on boys, I need your cream on my tits!” she giggled, laying on the innuendo good and thick.

The two guys grinned, as Mrs. Forde once again picked up the suntan lotion bottle, and gave it two good squeezes, sending two spurts of white cream all over her huge tits. She then took their hands in hers, placing Ronny’s on her left breast, and Jayden’s on her right breast.

Both guys had smiles a mile wide, as they rubbed and massaged the cream into Mrs. Forde’s amazing rack. She just sat there, looking up at them, grinning and giggling. She let them play with her tits for some time like this.

Finally, Ronny grabbed them both, pushing Jayden out of the action for a moment. Jayden soon counteracted, grabbing both of Mrs. Forde’s boobs, pushing out Ronny.

“Boys, boys, don’t fight over me,” Mrs. Forde chuckled, placing their hands back on one boob each, “There’s plenty of me to go around.”

She had liked them briefly fighting over her though, it heightened her excitement.

This whole scenario was going just as Mrs. Forde had planned. She had chosen her subjects well.

If she had chosen more experienced older guys, they would have already gotten her bikini off and had her sucking and fucking. Being taken like that was certainly fun, but sometimes she liked to tease a guy before all that, and younger, more inexperienced guys were perfect for that type of game. It also made the experience last much longer for her too.

“Well, I’m certainly not going to get sunburnt now, am I?” Mrs. Forde giggled.

She let the boys play with her tits a little longer, as they slid their hands endlessly over them, rubbing their thumbs and fingers over her nipples. As she looked down at her chest, Mrs. Forde loved the contrast, their strong, young, black hands on her milky white boobs. She ran her hands over their strong, athletic chests and arms, enjoying the feeling of their firm young bodies.

“Have you ever played with a pair of tits as big as mine, Ronny?” Mrs. Forde asked with a glint in her eye.

“Oh no, Mrs. Forde,” Ronny replied with a grin, “They’re amazing.”

“How about you, Jayden?” Mrs. Forde asked.

“No, ma’am,” Jayden replied, still a huge smile on his face, “Your tits are… stupendous.”

Mrs. Forde giggled. She’d had probably hundreds of compliments about her boobs from men over the years, but never that one.

“Oh, this does feel good,” Mrs. Forde moaned, closing her eyes for a moment, “I love your thumbs on my nipples.”

The guys took her cue, and immediately went to work rubbing their thumbs back and forth across her nipples. Mrs. Forde had always had very sensitive nipples, and she loved this attention. She could feel them turning harder, like little erasers on the end of a pencil.

“Mmm, yeah,” Mrs. Forde whimpered, looking up at them, “You know, this is great boys, but what I’d really like is your tongues on my nipples.”

The two guys grinned, and immediately leaned down, placing their mouths over each nipple. Ronny on Mrs. Forde’s left tit, Jayden on the right. They eagerly licked, lapped, and nibbled at her nipples, as they cupped one breast each. Mrs. Forde could feel them becoming harder, like little bullets.

Mrs. Forde held Ronny and Jayden’s head in her hands. She pulled them further into her chest, squishing their faces against her huge boobs. Of course, there were no complaints from the guys, as they continued to suck on her titties.

“Oh yeah, good boys,” Mrs. Forde gasped, releasing them, letting them up for air, “Mmm, you’re getting me all wet.”

The guys grinned, still playing with her tits in their hands. Mrs. Forde couldn’t help but notice both Ronny and Jayden had growing bulges in their wet boxer shorts. She wondered just how much bigger those bulges might get.

Mrs. Forde knew it wouldn’t be long before these boys wanted something more from her. She decided she wanted to get just one more thing for herself first. She felt she deserved it, after enduring such a relatively barren spell in Utah.

Mrs. Forde slipped one hand into her bikini briefs and began rubbing herself.

“Ooh Ronny, would you mind, honey?” she whimpered, looking down at her hand in her panties.

Ronny looked at her, grinning, and began to slip his hand into her bikini briefs.

“Oh no Ronny, take them off,” Mrs. Forde begged, “Take them off now!”

Ronny grabbed the side strings of her tiny white bikini briefs, and slowly pulled them off, revealing Mrs. Forde’s perfect little shaved pussy. Both guys grinned at the sight.

“Get on the end of the lounger, Ronny,” Mrs. Forde told him, spreading her legs wide, her high-heeled clad feet now on the floor at the side of the lounger, “And get that tongue of yours on my clit, baby.”

Ronny grinned, and did exactly as he was told, clambering onto the bottom half of the lounger, laying down on it, with his face right in between Mrs. Forde’s upper thighs. He immediately got to work, kissing, licking, and lapping at her pussy.

“Ooh, kiss my clit, Ronny” Mrs. Forde whimpered.

Again, Ronny did what he was told, and began lapping at her clit. Meanwhile, Jayden now had access to both of Mrs. Forde’s tits, and took full advantage. He continued to rub his thumbs and fingers over her nipples, and sometimes lean in to lick and suck on them once again.

Mrs. Forde was loving all this attention and was getting very wet indeed. She closed her eyes and thought about all the naughty things she was going to do with these two young black men later. She moaned and whimpered at the wonderful tonguing she was receiving from Ronny.

She had decided on Ronny to eat her pussy, as she felt he was the more experienced of the two. Jayden seemed a little bit more innocent.

“Oh you’re tits are amazing Mrs. Forde,” Jayden told her, “They… just like…”

He seemed to struggle to find the words.

“Sit up on my chest?” Mrs. Forde asked, grinning.

“Yes, exactly,” Jayden replied, coming back in to suck on her left tit again.

It was true her huge tits did sit up very nicely on her chest, just as they had done when she was in her twenties. But that wasn’t due to good genes or taking care of herself. She was now in her early forties, and any woman with boobs the size of hers would have noticed at least some sagging by now.

No, Mrs. Forde had seen what the future held for her and her boobs a few years ago, and done something about it. She didn’t want to be the older woman with big, slightly sagging boobs. She wanted to still attract the very hottest guys for at least another ten years.

So she had gone to the very best surgeon in the U.S. and got a breast uplift procedure. Mrs. Forde had been ecstatic with the results, as had all the men who had slept with her since. Of course, they hadn’t needed to know that, and she didn’t feel Ronny and Jayden needed to know either.

Mrs. Forde closed her eyes again, feeling so good about herself, and loving all the attention from these two black studs. Again she thought of all the dirty things she was going to do to them, and what she was going to let them do to her.

Suddenly Jayden’s hands left her tits and didn’t return. She opened her eyes, and looked up at him.

“What’s wrong honey?” Mrs. Forde asked, concerned.

“I… uh. Well, Mrs. Forde, won’t…” Jayden stammered.

“Spit it out, darling,” she said, but in a soothing tone.

“Won’t Kelly be back soon?” he said, looking worried.

Mrs. Forde giggled at the thought. That she would book the house for the afternoon, to have Kelly walk in on her with one young black guy lapping at her pussy, and another with his hands full of her tits, did amuse her. Jayden really was rather innocent, just as she’d thought.

“Oh honey, I’m sorry. I lied,” Mrs. Forde said looking up at him, reaching out to caress his face, “Kelly’s not going to be back until this evening. I just wanted some alone time with the two of you lovely boys. Can you forgive me?”

“Oh, okay,” Jayden replied, rather sheepishly, perhaps feeling a little foolish.

“But what about… your husband?” Jayden asked, quizzing her. He had obviously suddenly gotten worried about being caught out by a horrified daughter or an angry husband.

“My husband?” Mrs. Forde giggled, “Oh no, that’s not a problem either. He’s back on the east coast. He’s not coming out here, so relax, okay? Come here and suck on my titties again, honey.”

Jayden smiled, and happily did exactly as he was told.

Mrs. Forde had separated from her husband many years ago. But she had never actually divorced. She liked using the name Mrs. Forde too, rather than reverting back to her maiden name. It gave her several advantages.

When she held the pool party the day before, she had referred to herself as Mrs. Forde, or Mrs. Rachel Forde. It meant that any wife of some guy Mrs. Forde fancied was somewhat put at ease, thinking that Mrs. Forde was not a threat, as she already had a husband, and so would not be interested in stealing hers. She also liked younger guys referring to her as Mrs. Forde, feeling it gave her some extra power over them in exactly the type of dynamic she found herself in now.

Mrs. Forde kept an eye on the continually growing bulges in both these guys’ shorts. She was going to have to do something about that pretty soon.

She giggled to herself, thinking about how Jayden had still thought Kelly was about to return home. Of course, there was no chance of that. As Ronny and Jayden had knocked on her front door, Kelly had crept out the patio door of her bedroom, around the side of the house, and hid there until the two guys were safely inside. Mrs. Forde wondered for a moment how her daughter was getting on, and whether she was having as much of a fun afternoon as her mother was…

Kelly had waited for a moment at the side of the house, then crept down the front driveway, and down the street. Around the corner, she found their SUV just where her mother had left it. Her mother had decided she didn’t want Kelly to start up the engine on the driveway and potentially spook Ronny and Jayden, possibly spoiling her plans for the afternoon. Kelly got in the car, started the engine, and drove down the street.

Kelly wasn’t going far at all; she could actually walk to her destination in a few minutes. But Kelly needed the car for other reasons to make her own plans for the afternoon go well. Since her mother had effectively kicked her out of the house for the rest of the day to entertain two young men, Kelly had come up with her own scheme.

After making a couple of turns, Kelly pulled up two houses down from her destination. She couldn’t be sure whether anyone was at home, and she didn’t want to pull up right outside. Kelly got out of the car and headed down to the very end of the street, to a rather large two-storey house. She walked up the driveway and quickly peered through a window but could see no one inside.

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Kelly was actually looking for a carport, but she didn’t see one either on the front or the right-hand side of the house. She noticed the driveway ran from the street around the left-hand side of the house, so headed that way. She headed down the side and got to the corner of the house and peered around it into the back. Kelly smirked to herself, as she found her target for this afternoon's fun.

Behind the house was another, smaller two-storey structure. It was a two-car garage, with presumably some rooms above it. On the side of the garage was a carport. A Mercedes car was parked in the carport, and a man was hosing it down, ready to wash it.

Perfect, thought Kelly, right on time. Now to implement her plan and have some fun. Kelly headed back down the side of the house, checking again through the windows to be sure no one else was in, and out to the street. She headed back to the car, and started up the engine.

Kelly then took a moment to check her hair and make-up. She re-applied her glossy lipstick. She then checked her outfit.

Kelly was wearing a tiny little pleated blue skirt. It was so small that when she sat down her tiny little bright pink panties were very much on display. On top, Kelly wore a simple white blouse, but one that was one size too small for her frame, meaning her huge, young firm tits were literally being squeezed by it. She also wasn’t wearing a bra underneath, so her nipples were attempting to poke through the blouse and say hello.

Kelly also wore some sexy little high-heeled shoes.

Kelly had pulled the skirt down as much as she could, and done up the buttons on her blouse when she had exited the car to scope out the place, just in case she was spotted by someone. Now she pulled her skirt back up, and undid the top two buttons on her blouse so that plenty of her cleavage was on show. Kelly was going for a busty, naughty schoolgirl look. She had thought about doing her hair in pigtails but decided it was a bit too much.

To finish her look Kelly put on a pair of glasses, to give her that perfect fantasy student vibe. She checked herself over in the rearview mirror, then started the engine and drove toward the house at the end of the street. She pulled into the driveway and then followed it down the side of the house, and around to the back.

As she pulled up in front of the man washing his car, she grinned. Kelly could tell the man did not recognize the car, and so was looking rather confused.

Kelly opened the door, and jumped out.

“Hi Mr Morton,” she said, smiling and waving, “It’s me Kelly.”

Mr Morton took a moment to respond. There was a lot for him to take in, with this gorgeous young girl in a tiny skirt, her huge tits almost bursting out of her blouse, suddenly turning up unannounced. For a moment he just stood there, water pouring out of the hosepipe he held in one hand.

“Oh hi,” Mr. Morton finally said.

“You remember me? From the pool party yesterday?” Kelly asked, knowing there was no way Mr. Morton had forgotten about her.

At her mother’s pool party the day before, Kelly had managed to separate Dale Morton from his wife Cherry, and get him alone at the bar for a while. She had chatted him up a little, then stood very close to him at the crowded bar, so that her tits were pressed up against him as they chatted. Later she had turned and slowly brushed her ass up against his crotch, and delighted in the fact she could feel his hard-on pressing back against her. Kelly had wondered if, when Mr Morton returned home after the pool party, he had jerked off thinking about her, or maybe had even fucked his wife thinking about Kelly.

“Yes, Kelly. Of course, how are you?” Mr Morton said, smiling, still taking in the vision in front of him.

“I’m good, Mr. Morton, how are you?” Kelly replied, grinning.

Mr. Morton was in his early forties, Kelly guessed. He was tall, over six feet she reckoned. He had fairly short, dark hair, and was reasonably good-looking. He had a bit of a ‘dad-bod’, as he had a little bit of a belly, but Kelly thought it was cute.

He had nice strong arms though, and he had smelt wonderful when she had chatted with him at the bar at the pool party. She hoped he was wearing the same aftershave today. He was clothed in khaki cargo pants and a black polo shirt.

“Fine, fine. Uh, well what do I owe this visit to, Kelly?” Mr Morton asked.

“Yeah, well I remember yesterday when we were chatting, that you said you would be washing your car today,” Kelly explained, running her hand through her hair, “And this morning my mom told me to take our car to get washed, cos we don’t seem to even have a hosepipe at our house, cos we just moved in. And I drove around town looking for a carwash but I couldn’t find one, so I thought maybe you might still be home and I could wash it here myself?”

Some of what Kelly had just said was true, some wasn’t. It was true that Mr Morton had told Kelly he would be washing his car the next day when they had stood at the bar chatting. It was because Kelly had been pumping him for information on his plans, and also the plans of his wife.

Mr Morton had told Kelly his wife was driving north to Phoenix with their kids for the day, visiting some relatives there. This golden nugget of information was what had led Kelly to formulate her plan for today. Her mom had not told her to clean the car, and Kelly certainly hadn’t driven around town looking for a carwash. But their SUV did need a clean, inside and out, as Kelly and her mom had driven all the way from Utah in it just a week ago.

“Oh okay, uh sure Kelly, that’s fine,” Mr Morton replied.

“Oh, thank you so much, Mr. Morton,” Kelly said, beaming, and putting her hands on his arm, “I really appreciate it.”

She then embraced Mr. Morton, making sure her tits pressed up against him once again, and gave him a peck on the cheek.

“I really owe you one, Mr. Morton,” Kelly told him, grinning.

Kelly hoped he was now thinking about how exactly a young busty, slutty schoolgirl might return the favor. Kelly liked the fact their cars were parked out of sight of the street. It meant there was no chance anyone was going to see her or Mr. Morton, which was important for what she had planned.

“You’re washing your car right now?” Kelly asked, knowing the answer already.

“Yeah, but we can do yours first,” Mr. Morton told her.

“No, no, it’s okay,” Kelly told him, “How about I help you wash your car before we do mine?”

Mr. Morton agreed, nodding. Kelly wondered if he thought that was all she was willing to do for him to repay the favor. It wasn’t, but she would get to that later. Firstly, Kelly was going to put on a show.

Kelly walked in front of Mr. Morton, tottering over to his car. Her high heels accentuated Kelly’s ass wiggling and jiggling, and caused her tits to bounce as she walked. Kelly knew her tiny, pleated skirt didn’t even cover her whole ass, so knew Mr Morton could see it.

Kelly got to a bucket full of soapy water that she assumed Mr. Morton had left out before she arrived. She bent right over, to pick up the sponge in the bucket, knowing her little pink panties, and her amazing ass were exposed when she did so. Hopefully, that would get Mr. Morton’s engine running again, Kelly thought.

Mr. Morton went into the garage briefly to get another sponge, then soaped it up in the bucket. They both began washing the roof, standing on either side of the car.

“So, where’s your wife, Mr. Morton?” Kelly asked, smiling, already knowing the answer.

“Ah, she took our kids to Phoenix for the day, remember I told you?” Mr. Morton replied.

“Oh that’s right, I forgot,” Kelly lied, “Did they get there yet?”

“Yeah, Cherry just called me actually, they arrived about twenty minutes ago,” Mr. Morton replied.

That was the information Kelly needed. It was possible his wife’s car had broken down, and she could turn up at the house in a tow truck at any time. There were a hundred different reasons why Cherry might turn around and come home. Traffic, bad weather, who knows.

But now Kelly knew Mr. Morton’s wife Cherry and their kids were in Phoenix. Even if for some reason, Cherry arrived at their relative's house there and immediately turned around and drove back, she was still three hours away. Kelly guessed that conservatively she had at least five hours before Mr. Morton’s wife returned. Now that Kelly had the information she needed, she moved into the next stage of her plan.

Kelly had noticed that Mr. Morton had a vacuum cleaner out at the front of the garage.

“Mr. Morton, why don’t you clean the inside of the car? I can clean the outside for you,” Kelly suggested, smiling across the car roof at him, “It will make it quicker.”

“Uh, yeah okay, sure. If you don’t mind,” Mr. Morton replied.

“Of course, I don’t mind,” Kelly said, beaming that winning smile.

Mr. Morton wheeled the vacuum cleaner over to the car. He began cleaning out the trunk. That wasn’t what Kelly had planned on, so she just took her time washing the hood, stalling.

Finally, Mr Morton moved to the inside of the car, sitting in the driver’s seat, and leaning over into the passenger side. This was what Kelly had been waiting for. She moved along the hood, and back to the roof with her sponge, moving the bucket alongside her. She stood next to the passenger-side window, and lifted the soaking wet soapy sponge onto the roof of the car.

Kelly then pressed her huge tits onto the window, and squeezed the sponge, letting water pour down the side of the car. The water ran all over her chest, stomach, and down her legs.

Kelly had selected the blouse she wore today very carefully. She knew this blouse went completely transparent when wet. She looked down at her chest to confirm it. As she wasn’t wearing a bra, her tits and nipples were now completely visible.

Kelly grinned to herself and pressed her tits back against the glass, knowing that Mr. Morton was getting a great show inside the car. Kelly began scrubbing with the sponge at a non-existent piece of dirt on the roof. It had the effect of making her tits bounce and jiggle against the glass.

“Oh damn it, there’s something stuck on the roof here,” Kelly said, trying to explain to Mr. Morton why she was still washing the same spot.

Of course, the real reason was she wanted to put on a show for Mr. Morton, and this was the perfect place. After letting Mr. Morton get a real good close-up look at her huge wet tits for a few minutes, Kelly decided to show him something else.

“Oh, I need some more soap suds,” Kelly said, and turned toward the bucket behind her.

Kelly then bent over completely, as she put her sponge into the bucket. She knew that Mr. Morton could now see her entire ass, and her tiny pink panties, just as she had done before. But she went further still, backing up slightly, and pushing her ass against the wet glass window.

Mr. Morton was now getting a close-up look at her stunning, firm, eighteen-year-old ass. Kelly could feel the gusset of her panties were now soaking wet, as her pussy lips pressed against the glass. Kelly decided to spin around and stand up quickly. It meant she got a very quick glimpse of Mr. Morton staring through the passenger side window before he checked himself and averted his gaze, going back to vacuuming the inside of his car.

As Kelly approached the car again with her soaped-up sponge, she caught Mr. Morton’s eye again as he briefly looked up. She smiled sweetly and innocently. Kelly was acting the ‘dumb blonde’, and playing a game where she hadn’t noticed her blouse had become completely transparent and was clueless to the fact Mr. Morton could see her tits whenever he looked up.

Kelly returned to attempting to remove the non-existent stubborn dirt on the car roof. She scrubbed and scrubbed at it, knowing her tits shook, bounced, swayed, and jiggled against the glass. Mr. Morton was certainly getting a good show.

Whenever her tits were pressed against the glass, Kelly noticed she couldn’t hear the vacuum cleaner’s nozzle being moved around at all. She presumed Mr. Morton was transfixed with the incredible show she was putting on for him.

Eventually, Kelly moved on, washing the rest of the car. She kept looking up and would meet with approving glances from Mr. Morton, and she would shoot him back a winning, but innocent smile.

Kelly moved around to the front of the car, bent over the hood, and began scrubbing at it with her sponge. It meant her tits swayed and jiggled in her soaking-wet transparent blouse. It also meant from this angle, through the front windscreen, Mr. Morton could see right down her wet teenage cleavage.

This time Kelly knew he was watching her. She didn’t want to look up at him, as she thought he might feel guilty being caught staring down the cleavage of a teenage girl over twenty years his junior. She scrubbed away, her tits swaying side to side, back and forth, playing the innocent. But in reality, Kelly could just about tell in her peripheral vision that Mr. Morton was watching her closely.

Kelly got up on tiptoes, and put all her body weight forward to scrub the sponge into the upper hood of the car. This had the effect of her tits once again swaying back and forth, as she rocked her hips back and forth. Kelly knew it meant her tits looked almost exactly like they did when she was being fucked from behind doggystyle. She knew that would give Mr. Morton a big thrill, and hopefully a few naughty ideas.

Finally, Mr. Morton got out of the car, saying he had finished cleaning the interior. Kelly wasn’t sure he had gotten much done in there, having mostly been concerned with checking out Kelly’s tits and ass. But then that was exactly what she wanted.

“So shall we do me now?” Kelly asked.

Mr. Morton looked like he didn’t know what to say.

“I mean, shall we do my car now?” Kelly corrected herself.

“Ah right, sure,” Mr. Morton replied.

He went and refilled the bucket with hot, clean water and added the cleaning solution. He then hosed down Kelly’s mother’s SUV. As he did, they chatted away. He asked her about Utah, and what she was studying in college.

Kelly asked him about his kids. He and his wife had a boy, seven, and a girl, nine. Throughout all of this Kelly stood there, her huge tits completely on show for Mr. Morton to take a good look at whenever he felt like it. It amused Kelly that whenever Mr. Morton looked to Kelly when he spoke, he initially tried very hard to look her in the eye, but very quickly his eyes ended up firmly fixed on her tits yet again.

But Kelly didn’t mind that at all, it was sort of the point.

“Do you want to do the same again, Mr Morton?” Kelly asked, “I’ll wash the outside and you vacuum the inside?”

“Uh, yep. Okay, Kelly. Will do,” Mr. Morton replied, smiling.

Kelly thought he would say that. She knew he would very happily sit in her mother’s car and watch again as this busty teen’s tits and ass bounced and jiggled in front of him.

Mr. Morton rolled the vacuum cleaner over to the SUV. Kelly bent right over to soap up her sponge again, giving Mr. Morton another glimpse of her ass. As she bent over, she smiled to herself, getting a naughty idea. Out of sight of Mr. Morton, she unbuttoned the next button on her blouse.

Mr Morton clambered into the driver seat again, and began to use the vacuum cleaner. Kelly went to the passenger side window again, and began cleaning the roof again. She squeezed the sponge, pressing her tits against the glass again, water cascading down her chest, ensuring her blouse did not dry out. She rubbed her breasts against the glass again, continuing ‘Kelly’s Big Wet Tits Show’ for Mr. Morton.

Soon she moved on to the hood, and repeated the trick she had done on the Mercedes before. Her huge tits swayed back and forth underneath her chest as she scrubbed the sponge across the hood. Except this time there was one less button holding her in.

It meant Kelly’s huge tits were very much in danger of completely falling out of her blouse, and she knew it must be turning Mr. Morton on. There was just one small button, just underneath her breasts, keeping her ‘decent’. It excited Kelly, the danger of it, as she continued to make her tits sway back and forth. Her mother often told her she was too much of a thrill seeker.

Kelly carried on for a few minutes like this. Kelly wondered if Mr. Morton was praying that one button on her blouse would give way. Kelly then fantasized about being in bed with Mr. Morton in exactly this position. She thought about being placed on her hands and knees on his bed, a large mirror in front of her, as Mr. Morton screwed her from behind in her tight teen pussy, as he watched her tits sway back and forth in the reflection.

Kelly looked up at Mr. Morton in the car, and he once again averted his eyes from the show. She moved around the rest of the car, washing it fairly quickly now. Kelly had gotten herself excited and wanted to move things on.

“Okay, I think that’s it,” Kelly told Mr. Morton.

He clambered out of the SUV.

“Yep, me too,” Mr. Morton replied.

Once again, Kelly wasn’t sure much cleaning had gone on inside the car, but she didn’t care about that.

“Thank you so much, Mr. Morton,” Kelly said, and went to embrace him.

Mr. Morton put her arms around her too this time.

“You’re very welcome, Kelly,” Mr. Morton replied with a smile.

“You’re such a nice man,” Kelly smiled, looking up at him, knowing he was looking down at her transparent blouse, her wet nipples and huge wet tits pressed up against his chest, “You’re wife is a very lucky lady.”

“Oh, well that’s very nice of you to say, thank you,” Mr. Morton replied, smiling, still embracing her, “And your boyfriend is a very lucky guy too. You’re very… lovely.”

“Oh, I’m lovely? Oh, that’s so sweet of you to say! Thank you,” Kelly smiled, and reached up to give Mr. Morton a quick kiss on the lips, “But I don’t have a boyfriend.”

“Oh really?” Mr. Morton said, his hands moving from her back to her waist, his thumbs resting right beneath her tits.

“No, I prefer older men,” Kelly said, meeting Mr. Morton’s gaze, and giggling.

There was a moment between them. Kelly thought he might try to kiss her, cup her breasts, unbutton her blouse, or do something. But finally, their embrace came to an end. Mr. Morton seemed to be paralyzed by uncertainty.

To a less experienced girl, this would be frustrating, or a turn-off. But Kelly knew a married man like Mr. Morton wasn’t going to make a move without being certain Kelly felt the same, and that anything that happened between them would all be kept a secret from his wife.

Kelly realized that perhaps their being outside didn’t help either, perhaps Mr. Morton would be more comfortable inside the house.

“Well, shall I help you put these things away?” Kelly asked, pointing to the bucket, vacuum cleaner, and hosepipe.

Kelly immediately picked up the bucket of soapy water. Mr. Morton picked up the vacuum cleaner and they started walking toward the garage.

Kelly then deliberately let herself stumble a little in her high heels and managed to tip the whole bucket of soapy water all down herself. She had soap suds all over her blouse and skirt.

“Oh shit!” Kelly cried out, acting the dumb blonde again, dropping the bucket to the floor.

“Oh Kelly, oh dear,” Mr Morton said, not really knowing what to do or say.

“Damn it, I’m covered in soap suds,” Kelly exclaimed, “Mr. Morton would you mind hosing me off?”

“Ah, you mean…” Mr. Morton stuttered, not quite believing what Kelly was asking.

“Yeah, just spray me down,” Kelly grinned, “I just wanna get rid of all these soap suds.”

Mr. Morton nodded, picked up the hose, and came and stood quite close to Kelly.

“Alright, here we go,” he said, and pulled the trigger on the spray end of the hosepipe.

Kelly was sprayed with water all over her chest and stomach. It ran down her skirt and legs. The soap suds soon got washed away, and Mr. Morton then shut off the water spray.

Kelly smiled at Mr. Morton. He smiled back, as he could obviously see through Kelly's transparent blouse again, and her huge wet firm teenage tits.

This next bit had to be played carefully, Kelly thought. She then looked down at her own chest.

“Oh my god!” Kelly cried out, and grabbed her breasts, awkwardly trying to cover her nipples, “Oh my god, my blouse is see-through. Oh, Mr. Morton don’t look.”

“Oh, of course, I’m sorry,” Mr Morton replied, turning away, “It’s not that noticeable.”

Yeah right, Kelly thought. Mr. Morton had been happily staring at her tits for the last hour.

“Oh jeez! I can't go home like this,” Kelly complained, “Mr. Morton, can I come inside the house for a moment to dry off?”

“Ah, yeah. Sure, okay,” he replied, “Let me get you a towel. It’s this way.”

Mr. Morton led Kelly through the back door of the house, through the kitchen, and to the bathroom.

“You can use any of the towels on the shelf there,” Mr. Morton said, and began to close the bathroom door.

“Mr. Morton?” Kelly said inside the bathroom, behind the door, “If I pass out my blouse and skirt out to you, do you think you could hang them out on the washing line? I saw you have one in the backyard there. They’d dry out faster then.”

“Sure, Kelly. Will do.”

Kelly left the door slightly ajar, and quickly took off her blouse and skirt. She placed them on the shelf nearest the door.

“Mr. Morton, can you open the door again?” Kelly asked.

Mr. Morton opened the door to find Kelly standing in front of him, wearing just her tiny bright pink panties, and a smile. She had one hand over each of her nipples.

“I put them on the shelf there,” Kelly told him.

“Right, I’ll hang them out on the line,” Mr. Morton said, nodding, but unable to not stare at her huge boobs, “Ah, Kelly maybe you should wrap a towel around yourself?”

“Okay, sure, Mr. Morton,” Kelly replied.

Her plan was working. She had got Mr. Morton inside the house now. She had come up with a scenario where she had been forced to remove all her clothing. It was going well.

Kelly grabbed a towel and wrapped it around herself. But she then realized it was a beach towel, and much too big. Finally, she found a smaller one. It just about covered her nipples and went down to cover most of her ass. She put on her sexy little high-heels again, and headed out into the lounge area.

A moment later, Mr. Morton returned. Kelly could see her blouse and skirt hanging on the line outside in the bright sunshine.

“Do you want a drink, Kelly? Or something to eat?” Mr. Morton asked as he walked into the lounge, “Oh, I think there are some bigger towels than that one if you want…”

“Oh, this is fine, thank you,” Kelly interrupted, “But I’ll have a drink if you’re having one.”

Mr. Morton fixed them both a drink. Kelly was surprised when he handed her a whisky and coke.

“Just don’t tell anyone I gave you alcohol,” Mr Morton told her.

“Oh, I won’t Mr. Morton. I’m very good at keeping secrets,” Kelly beamed.

They clinked their glasses together. Kelly waited until Mr. Morton decided where to sit. Luckily he chose the sofa, so Kelly could immediately sit right next to him, nice and close. They sat silently for a moment, sipping their whisky. Finally, Kelly broke the silence.

“You know Mr. Morton, I have a secret to tell you,” Kelly told him, “But I’m shy to tell you it. Can I whisper it in your ear?”

“Sure,” Mr. Morton replied.

Kelly put her drink down, then swung around to sit in Mr. Morton’s lap.

“Um, okay,” Mr Morton said, looking a little unsure of the situation.

He had a busty teenage beauty sitting in his lap, wearing nothing but a towel too small for her and a tiny pair of pink panties. In fact, now that Kelly had sat down, the towel had ridden up, exposing those tempting bright-pink little panties completely. Kelly felt in control of this older, married man now, and she liked that feeling.

Kelly leaned into Mr. Morton’s ear.

“You know, outside we had a little cuddle, and I gave you a little kiss?” Kelly whispered, as Mr. Morton nodded, “Well, I just really loved that, and I was just wondering, do you think your wife would mind if I got one more kiss before I go home?”

“Well… she might, Kelly,” Mr. Morton replied honestly, also whispering.

“What if we kept it a secret, Mr. Morton? What if I promised never to tell anyone?” Kelly continued whispering, “And what if you promised not to tell your wife, or my mother? How would that be?”

“Well…” Mr. Morton began, but was interrupted by Kelly's lips on his as she kissed him.

Kelly kissed him long and wet, until Mr. Morton began kissing her back. Soon their tongues entwined, as their kiss became a proper full-on snog.

Kelly raised her ass for a moment, taking Mr. Morton’s right hand and placing it with his palm facing upwards in his lap, and then sat on it. It was the first time Kelly had felt a married man’s hand on her since she arrived in Arizona. She was determined it would be the first of many.

“Oh Mr. Morton, you’re so lovely,” Kelly told him, as she kissed him again, “Can I please ask you for another favor?”

“Uh-huh,” he replied, kissing Kelly back as she felt his hand gripping and groping her ass.

Kelly took his other hand and made him grip the top of the towel that was just barely covering her breasts.

“Pull here,” Kelly whispered, grinning.

Mr. Morton did as he was told, tugging at the towel until it pulled away, finally revealing Kelly's huge, natural, amazing tits. They were absolutely perfect, wonderful, and enormous. Like mother, like daughter, Kelly’s boobs were incredible, so firm and full, sitting up on her chest, with stunning nipples. Their size was accentuated by the fact she was really quite petite, with such a small waist.

Kelly let Mr. Morton take in the sight for a while. She usually let men undress her like this when she was with them the first time, at least her top, whether it be a towel, bra, bikini top, or whatever. She knew men enjoyed that moment so much, particularly older men, and so she wanted them to have the power in that moment.

She loved the faces men made as they stared at her huge perfect tits for the first time. They looked so happy, ecstatic, like they’d seen the face of God or something. She knew she was giving them a wonderful memory they would not forget for a very long time, if ever. Mr. Morton’s face looked no different from the many other men who had been privileged to see Kelly topless.

“Oh…” was all Mr. Morton could manage.

Kelly grinned.

“Come here, silly,” she whispered, taking his left hand and placing it on her right breast, and pulling his face right in between her huge tits.

Mr. Morton then groped, licked, and sucked on Kelly’s wonderful teenage boobs for the next few minutes. Kelly encouraged him, holding his head in her hands, kissing the top of his head, and making soft moaning and whimpering noises whenever he sucked on her nipples. Kelly enjoyed this very much, a married man with his hand on her ass, and his face buried in her tits. She liked thinking about Mr. Morton’s wife Cherry, far away in Phoenix, with no idea what her husband was up to right now, or Kelly’s further plans for him.

Kelly let Mr. Morton pleasure himself on her tits a little longer. She threw the towel lying around her waist onto the floor and spread her legs so she could sit astride Mr. Morton, facing him. It meant Mr. Morton’s lips and tongue had better access to her tits, and his hands had better access to her ass, both of which he immediately took advantage of.

“Mr. Morton? Will you do me one more favor before I go?” Kelly whispered.

Mr Morton nodded and mumbled something. Kelly couldn’t make it out though, probably because his tongue was licking her left nipple.

“Oh, Mr. Morton, will you please let me suck your cock?” Kelly purred in his ear, “Please? It can be another of our little secrets.”


Written by Reddead2010
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