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Busty MILF And Teen-Slut Daughter… Arrive In Town

"Mrs. Forde and her daughter Kelly are new in town and throw a pool party to meet all the local cock available…"

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Mrs. Forde parked up on the driveway of what was to be her home for the next few months. It was a rental that her company had paid for, and Mrs Forde hoped it had everything she had requested.

“Kelly, wake up, we’re here,” Mrs Forde said as she got out of the SUV, looking the house over from the front.

Mrs. Forde wore jean shorts and a white T-shirt. It had been a long drive all the way to this mid-sized town here in Arizona, and she had wanted to be comfortable. The T-shirt was fairly tight though, which showed off her huge bust, and she had received a few complimentary looks from truck drivers et al whenever they had stopped for gas.

“Kelly!” Mrs Forde repeated, louder this time.

Mrs. Forde adjusted her little jean shorts, just in case any male neighbor across the street was checking out the new arrivals. She had a stunning ass for a forty-one-year-old woman, and she knew it. She had no problem with some guy getting a thrill from seeing the bottom of her ass cheeks peeking out from her shorts. Mrs. Forde had always believed in ‘if you got it, flaunt it’, and she knew she had got it, in spades.

Mrs. Forde was a very attractive lady. She was beautiful, slim, and stacked, with a killer ass. She turned heads wherever she went. She got a lot of male attention and loved every minute of it.

She flicked her long, straight, blonde hair from her face, as a light breeze blew past, giving some brief relief from the heat. Damn it was hot here, thought Mrs. Forde. At least it would mean that here she could get away with wearing short, revealing clothes easier than back in Utah where they had spent the last few months. Utah had been cold as fuck.

After checking out the front of the single-story house, Mrs. Forde returned to the SUV, opening the rear passenger door.

“Kelly, wake up honey,” Mrs Forde repeated yet again.

A moment later, out of the SUV stepped Mrs. Forde’s daughter Kelly. She was eighteen years old, blonde, and fairly petite, except in one area. Like her mother, Kelly too was extremely busty. It was accentuated by the fact she had such a tiny little waist.

She wore little pink shorts and a pink crop top. Her blonde hair was tied up in a long ponytail. Like her mother, her shorts revealed the bottom of her ass cheeks. Kelly rubbed her ass with her hand, it had gone a little numb sitting in one place in the car for so long.

Kelly too had a stunning ass, full and firm. Her mother often joked that God had blessed both the Forde women with ‘bumpers in the front and the rear’, and it was their duty to both their country and the almighty to make the most of them. Her mother had also taught her to always look her best, as wonderful opportunities come along every day, and she should always greet them with a smile.

If anyone had been peeking through the curtains from a neighbouring house, they were certainly getting an eyeful of two hot, foxy blondes.

“So this is it huh, Mom?” Kelly said, smiling, rubbing her eyes. She had nodded off in the car over the last hour or so.

Kelly spoke with a Mid-West accent, as her Mom had moved them from one town to another for most of her childhood through Illinois, Michigan, Kansas, and Indiana.

“Yeah, well it looks better than the last place, doesn’t it honey?” Mrs. Forde said.

Mrs. Forde spoke in a more Southern accent, as she had grown up in Texas and Louisiana.

“Well, they sure have better weather here than Utah,” Kelly grinned, taking the keys from her Mom and opening the front door.

They looked around the house. It was pretty decent. It was all newly decorated and fully furnished and seemed to have what Mrs Forde had asked for.

She had been pretty specific about the layout that she requested. She wanted the master bedroom at one end of the house, with the second bedroom at the other end. Her company had found her a place that matched her expectations. The bedrooms were pretty big too.

Each bedroom had its own ensuite bathroom. They also both had access through large patio doors out onto the backyard.

In the middle of the house was a large open-plan lounge and kitchen. There was another bathroom, a utility room, and a double garage. But what Mrs Forde and her daughter were most looking forward to seeing was the backyard space.

Kelly opened the patio doors in the lounge that led out into the backyard.

“Look Mom,” she said, grinning from ear to ear, pointing outside.

Outside the patio doors was a paved area, with a large table and chairs for outside dining. There was a recently installed barbeque too. In the corner was a little bar area.

But what interested Kelly was beyond the paved area, a fairly large pool. Behind the pool was a mid-size hot tub you could fit five or six people in.

“Oh, it’s wonderful,” Mrs. Forde said smiling, walking out to view the backyard, “Oh Kelly, this will be so good for us. We’re gonna have a great time here.”

Kelly came over to hug her Mom.

“I’m sorry Utah was no fun, honey. But Arizona is not Utah,” Mrs. Forde told Kelly, putting her arms around her, and kissing her forehead, “I think it’s gonna be very different here.”

“Yeah, I think so too, Mom,” Kelly replied, kissing her mother on the cheek, “I love you.”

“I love you too, baby,” Mrs Forde said, smiling, and patting her daughter on the butt, “Now get your ass out to the trailer, we gotta unpack.

They both headed back out to the U-Haul trailer they had towed behind the SUV all the way from Utah. All of their possessions were inside, packed in boxes, and they set about bringing them inside the house.

As they did so Mrs. Forde thought about Utah. Her company had sent her there on her usual deal. Three to four months to go in and troubleshoot a failing local office that global headquarters wanted whipping into shape. Mrs. Forde had become very good at troubleshooting, identifying the problems the local office was having, getting rid of any deadwood employees, and generally improving standards and practices.

But Utah had been tough. The work side of it was fine, and she soon had everyone in the office singing from the same hymn sheet. But hers and Kelly’s home and social life had not been its usual good time.

Utah was full of Mormons, who did not warm to the charms of these two hot blondes. They had found it difficult, though not impossible, to have much fun at all there.  Plus they had been sent there in the dead of winter, and it was cold as shit. Well fuck Utah, thought Mrs. Forde, and hooray for Arizona, cos here they were both going to make up for all the fun they had missed out on in the last few months.

After unpacking everything, they ordered a pizza and sat eating in the kitchen, listening to some music and chatting.

“Well, kid you know the drill,” Mrs Forde said to her daughter, “This week we gotta knuckle down, get the lay of the land here.”

“Lay of the land,” Kelly repeated, nodding.

They went over all the things they needed to get done in the next week. Kelly had to finish her enrolment in summer college. She had done some of it online but needed to do the rest in person. Kelly was transferring to the best college this town had to offer, but the college insisted she take some summer classes so they could see what type of student she was and catch up with the local syllabus before the new term started again in September.

Mrs. Forde wasn’t sure if they would still be here into much of September. But sometimes these troubleshooting assignments took longer than expected, occasionally up to a year, so they had to prepare for that, which meant Kelly had to attend summer school.

Mrs. Forde had to get down to the office tomorrow morning and begin sorting them out. It was usually very long hours in the first few days, so Kelly would have to fend for herself.

“But we’ll plan an event for next weekend, okay?” Mrs. Forde said, “Just like we always do.”

“The Forde girls' way,” Kelly giggled.

“Exactly,” Mrs. Forde chuckled, “So if you see anything you like during the week, just add them to the list, and I’ll do the same. But remember, no fun until after next weekend. That goes for both of us, just until we get the lay…”

“The lay of the land,” Kelly interrupted, “I know, Mom.”

For the next week, both Mrs Forde and her daughter were extremely busy.

Mrs. Forde worked long hours, trying to discover exactly why the office here was failing so badly, and why sales were down compared to all the other offices her company owned in the state of Arizona. She went around meeting all the department heads, trying to get a handle on the situation, and studying all the figures and statistics she could get her hands on to dig down into the root cause. Mrs. Forde met so many people that week, which helped her add names to ‘the list’ for the following weekend.

Meanwhile, Kelly completed her enrolment in college and was given some pre-study to do before her summer classes started next week. She hit the books at home and used the library at the college too. As the school year had officially finished there weren’t the normal number of students and teachers around the place, but there were still some like her involved in summer classes. She always introduced herself with a smile, just like her mother had taught her, tried to get to know anyone she met, which also helped her add her contribution to ‘the list’ for the next weekend.

Mrs. Forde and Kelly didn’t spend too much time together during the week, as they were so busy. But on Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Forde finished work a little early, and she and Kelly took their bikes on a little ride around the local neighborhood. They started in their own street and then moved out from there. Whenever someone was out and about walking their dog, jogging, or gardening, they would stop and chat, and find out more about the place and the person they were talking to.

They also ‘spread some smiles’ as Mrs. Forde put it, amongst the male population. Any man encountering them was more than willing to stop and chat with two busty attractive women dressed in short shorts and crop tops.

It also allowed Mrs Forde and Kelly to add more names to their lists.

On Thursday evening they sat down to eat to finalise their list. There was a lot of joking, teasing, and giggling amongst the two women. Eventually, they got their list finished.

Mrs. Forde and Kelly would be throwing a barbeque pool party on Saturday afternoon, and the list was for who they wanted to invite. But a lot of those on the list were there not just because Mrs. Forde wanted to introduce themselves to the neighborhood, her work colleagues, and Kelly’s new acquaintances at college.

It was partly that of course. Mrs. Forde knew she was going to need the help of certain individuals at work to get on board with what she had planned to overhaul policies and processes at the office. Kelly would need help at college too, and as Mrs. Forde always said, ‘you can’t have too many friends’.

But there was also a fair percentage of those invited to the pool party who were on the list for a different reason. They were on there because either Mrs. Forde or Kelly wanted to fuck them.

This was the way Mrs. Forde and Kelly always set up in a new town. Check out the lay of the land, meet new people, invite them over for some type of party or function, and get to know them a little better, before then deciding which guys they wanted to spend the next few months screwing.

It didn’t matter to them if the guy was single or not. If he had a girlfriend, fiancé, or wife, it was all the same to them. All men were fair game in their eyes, and if they had to tempt them away from their significant other, all the better.

Utah had been a tough place, because of the religious aspect of the community there. They both thought Arizona was going to be a much more fun place.

On Friday Mrs. Forde went to work, and Kelly had the job of heading out around the neighbourhood with some invitations to the pool party on Saturday. She also went around her college giving out invitations to those whom she and her mother had decided were ‘worthy’. Mrs Forde did the same at her office.

Earlier in the week Mrs. Forde had called a catering company and arranged for them to bring all the food over and have two staff to help with the party. One would oversee the barbeque, the other would serve drinks at the little bar area. Mrs. Forde didn’t want the hassle of dealing with all the food. She needed Kelly and herself free to be able to mingle and chat with their guests, particularly the men from their list.

Mrs. Forde made it clear on the invitations that people were welcome to bring along a guest or their family. If she or Kelly were later going to tempt a guy away from their wife or girlfriend, if only for a few hours, it was more fun if they knew whom they were stealing them away from.

Due to the party being organised at short notice, a few people told Kelly or Mrs. Forde they couldn’t attend due to having other plans. But most people said they would drop by at some point on Saturday afternoon. A lot of the men they had invited seemed very enthusiastic, probably hoping they were going to get to see either Kelly or Mrs. Forde in a bikini.

Saturday morning came around, and Mrs. Forde and Kelly were excited for the pool party to get started. The catering company arrived and began setting up in the morning, and Kelly got her big speaker box out on the patio and got the music started.

Mrs. Forde had to veto Kelly’s outfit that she had planned to wear, which showed off too much ass and too much cleavage.

“You’re going to spook all the wives and girlfriends dressed like that, Kelly,” Mrs. Forde told her daughter, “Try again.”

Eventually, Kelly returned wearing more modest jean shorts and a white T-shirt that wasn’t too tight. However she insisted on wearing high heels, as Kelly said she had to wear at least one thing that was ‘a bit sexy’. Her mother relented.

Mrs. Forde decided to wear some jean shorts too, but again fairly modest ones. She wore a beige crop top with three buttons. She did up the first two buttons, leaving the top one undone, to show off just a hint of cleavage. But she went back on forth on whether she should wear her high heels or not.

As she had told Kelly, she didn’t want these two hot busty blondes putting the backs up of all the wives and girlfriends of any guys they were interested in. It might create suspicion or problems later down the line.

But eventually, she decided she would wear her sexy heels. Many of the guys were surely coming hoping to see either herself or Kelly in a bikini or some such sexy outfit, and she didn’t want to disappoint them either. They had to be careful, but they had to put on some kind of a show for the guys. It was a careful line to walk.

About 12.30 p.m. their guests started arriving, and Mrs. Forde greeted them at the front door. First was Jack McKinley, who was the number two guy at the office, along with his wife and two kids.

“Hi Jack,” Mrs. Forde said, welcoming them inside.

“Honey, this is Mrs. Forde,” Jack said to his wife, a fairly pretty brunette.

“Please, call me Rachel,” Mrs. Forde said, shaking Jack’s wife’s hand, “We’re not at the office today.”

“Nice to meet you, Rachel. I’m Caroline,” Jack’s wife replied, “Wow, nice place you have here.”

“Oh, thank you, but it’s just a rental. Me and my daughter Kelly are only here for a few months, we just moved in,” Mrs. Forde explained, “Please, come through to the pool. If your kids want to change into their swimming things the bathroom is down the corridor on the right.”

They all walked through to the backyard.

“This is my daughter Kelly,” Mrs. Forde said, “Kelly this is Mr and Mrs McKinley.”

Kelly came over from the speaker box up on the bar.

“Hi Mr. McKinley,” Kelly said, beaming and shaking Jack’s hand, then his wife’s, “Ma’am. Nice to meet you both. You kids want to get in the pool?”

Kelly led the two kids off to get changed in the bathroom. Mrs. Forde had the catering girl serve some drinks, whilst they chatted.

Soon more guests arrived.

There was Mr. Dale Morton and his wife Cherry, who were neighbors from the next street. Dale Morton was in his forties, tall, and reasonably good-looking. His wife Cherry was quite pretty, skinny, rather flat-chested, with short red hair. Mrs. Forde and Kelly had stopped and chatted with Dale when they were out on their bike ride earlier in the week.

Then some more employees from Mrs. Forde’s office arrived, one of the couples had three kids who soon got into the pool as well. Later some of the people Kelly had invited from college arrived. There were several single guys, and a few who had brought their girlfriends along.

One of these was Ronny D, a tall, twenty-year-old athletic black guy who was on the basketball team at her college. Kelly had met him in the student canteen. Ronny had brought his girlfriend Nia, a tall black girl, eighteen years old, with long braided hair. It amused Kelly that Ronny hadn’t mentioned he had a girlfriend when she had been flirting with him in the student canteen a few days ago.

It didn’t matter to Kelly. If Kelly decided Ronny was going to be the one for her, the fact he had a girlfriend was irrelevant.

Kelly stood at the bar chatting with Ronny, who had his arm lovingly draped around Nia. Kelly smiled and nodded along as Nia chatted about her studies. But she wasn’t really listening. Kelly smiled to herself, thinking she might well have Nia’s boyfriend Ronny busting his nut all over her tits in a few days, and there was absolutely nothing Nia could do to prevent it.

Ronny’s friend Jayden showed up later on. Kelly had not met him before, but Ronny said he studied at the same college, and as he knew Jayden would enjoy the pool and free beer he invited him along too.

Kelly told them it was fine and welcomed Jayden and got him a drink. Jayden was a little younger than Ronny at eighteen years old. He was black, tall, also rather athletic-looking, and perhaps rather more innocent than his friend. Jayden seemed to immediately take a liking to Kelly’s obvious charms. But Kelly decided Jayden wasn’t really for her, and after a few minutes made her excuses and moved on to chat with another group.

More and more guests arrived, and by 3 p.m. Mrs. Forde estimated there were fifty or so people in their backyard enjoying themselves. The barbeque food was very popular, and the drinks were flowing at the bar. Everyone seemed to be having a good time.

Kelly mingled amongst the guests, making sure she spoke to all the guys on her list for at least a few minutes each, trying to make her mind up about them. She also made sure she found the time to introduce herself to all the guys from her mother’s list too. She did this as firstly she was curious as to what types of guys her mother saw some potential in. Secondly, Kelly spoke with them to see if she saw any potential in them for herself.

Mrs. Forde was making her rounds too. She also made sure she spoke to all the guys from her list, but all her daughter Kelly’s picks too. Most of her own picks were guys in their thirties, forties, and a couple in their fifties. They were mostly, but not exclusively, either married or in serious relationships.

Kelly’s picks were mostly younger guys, either her own age or in their twenties. They were either single or had a girlfriend, but none were married.

It made sense, Kelly would associate with younger guys at college. Mrs. Forde would mostly associate with older men at work. Therefore, their lists came from these demographics.

However, both Mrs. Forde and her daughter Kelly had varied tastes. ‘Variety is the spice of life’ Mrs. Forde would often tell Kelly, who agreed with her mother wholeheartedly. It was another reason why both women checked out the guys from each other’s lists.

Mrs. Forde also enjoyed talking with some of the married men, their wives lovingly standing alongside and chatting away, blissfully unaware of what she was thinking. She would listen to the wives' stories about their kids, or some charity bake sale, and nod along and smile. But Mrs. Forde was thinking that if she wanted, in the following week, she could be blowing this woman’s husband as he groped Mrs. Forde’s huge tits and slapped her ass, and there was absolutely nothing the wife could do to stop that eventuality.

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If she wanted it, Mrs. Forde thought, it was inevitable. No man could resist her.

Mrs. Forde really loved this, innocently pretending to listen to the wives chat, as she smiled at the husband, giving him lots of eye contact, as she imagined bouncing up and down on his cock, or sitting on his face. It was something she had done many times before, in many other towns.

By 5 p.m. there were almost eighty people in the backyard, in the pool, or at the bar. Some had spilled over into the lounge and kitchen inside. Mrs. Forde was super happy with the turnout. It meant she and Kelly had a bigger pool of guys to choose from.

Mrs. Forde went over to Kelly for a moment.

“You having fun, honey?” she asked her daughter.

“Sure Mom,” Kelly grinned, “How about you?”

“Of course,” Mrs. Forde giggled, whispering, “So, what do you think of the pool of guys we’ve assembled?”

“Yes, lots of potential,” Kelly whispered.

Both women took a moment to silently look over all the potential lovers here. Mrs Forde wondered how many of these guys she and Kelly would get through by the end of the summer. It could be quite a few.

Kelly was trying to decide who it was she was going to lose her ‘Arizona cherry’ to. She looked over to one of the married guys playing with his children in the pool, his wife lovingly looking on from one of the sun loungers. It amused Kelly to think that in a few days, she might well have that married cock buried in her tight teenage pussy, letting him pound away at her, if she chose him. Of course, there was a lot of choice here, and Kelly had made no definite plans yet.

Mrs. Forde too had made no definite plans. She was tempted by taking one of these husbands away from their wives, if only for a couple of hours of fun in bed. But then she thought about all the available younger guys, and fantasized about fucking one of these young studs all night. She couldn’t decide either.

“Well, let’s both do another round,” Mrs. Forde said, “And if you think there’s anyone who isn’t getting the message, well you know what to do.”

“Okay Mom,” Kelly giggled.

Both women went back out separately into the crowd and mingled around chatting with everyone but trying to not make it too obvious of their real intention, to chat up any guys they were interested in.

Now they had gotten to know the guys a little, the ones they fancied needed to know that Mrs. Forde or Kelly were interested in them too. With the single guys it was easier, they could pull them to one side, compliment them on their looks, look long into their eyes, and smile a lot as they chatted, put their hand on their arm, and giggle at their jokes. They were experts at these types of tactics, and the guy was left under no illusion that either Kelly or Mrs. Forde had at the very least taken a shine to them. The guys with wives or girlfriends were a bit more of a challenge.

They couldn’t exactly chat them up, give them the big eyes, or ‘accidentally’ have their chest press up against them, with their wife or girlfriend standing next to them.

They needed to get the guy away from their significant other, if only for a minute or two.

Mrs. Forde would ask if everyone in a particular group wanted a refill, then ask the guy she was interested in to help her bring more drinks from the bar. She would stand nice and close to him at the bar, allowing him an eyeful down her cleavage. She would then ‘accidentally’ allow her chest to brush across his, then turn and let her ass rub across his crotch. Again, she would put her hand on his arm as they chatted, maybe comment about what sexy arms he had, and that his wife or girlfriend was a very lucky lady, that kind of thing.

But it was all out of the way of his significant other, and the guy always had a spring in his step and a smile on his face as he returned to his significant other.

Kelly employed the same tactic too. She stood at the bar for a good ten minutes with Dale Morton. She tucked her T-shirt into her shorts a little, making it tighter, and accentuating her amazing bust.

She pulled at the V-neck collar of the T-shirt, complaining she was hot, and wafting air down her chest. But every time she did so, Mr. Morton got an incredible glimpse of Kelly’s huge young firm tits encased in a black balconette-style bra.

Someone else came to the bar for drinks, crowding Kelly and Dale. Kelly used this as an excuse to move closer to Dale. His wife was on the other side of the pool and oblivious to the fact a hot busty blonde teenage girl was pressing her huge breasts up against her husband's chest. They stood like this for a few minutes, Dale looking down with a huge smile on this busty petite teenage dream as she looked up at Dale, giving him the ‘all innocent’ eyes.

As Kelly finally turned and slowly brushed her ass across Mr. Morton’s crotch, just like her mother had taught her; she had to smile to herself. She could feel Dale’s cock against her ass cheeks, and by Kelly’s estimate, he was at least seventy-five percent on his way to a full hard-on. Kelly loved that, knowing her eighteen-year-old body had had such an effect on this older married man, with his wife just a few yards away.

Kelly still wasn’t sure if she was going to bed Mr. Morton at some point in the future, but she was sure about one thing. Either Dale was going to go home tonight and jerk off thinking about Kelly, or even better, he was going to fuck his wife thinking about Kelly. That made Kelly giggle to herself as she watched him finally return to his wife on the other side of the yard. His wife would have no idea about the hard-on her husband had right now.

Later Kelly used the same tactic with Ronny, and got a thrill when she briefly pressed her ass up against him and could feel what she estimated was a pretty big, hard, black cock.

Another tactic Mrs. Forde and Kelly used was to keep an eye on whether there was a line for the bathroom. If one of the married guys, or a guy who had brought their girlfriend was waiting in line for the bathroom, they would quickly head down the corridor and offer to let them use the ensuite bathroom in their bedroom.

Mrs Forde saw that Jayden, Ronny’s friend, was waiting in line to use the facilities, a bottle of beer in hand. She had tried to chat with him earlier, but just as she was about to introduce herself, the catering guy running the barbeque interrupted her as he needed something, and she got called away.

“Hi there, it’s Jayden, right?” Mrs. Forde asked, smiling, “I’m Mrs. Forde, Kelly’s mother.”

“Oh hi yeah, nice to meet you,” Jayden replied, a little nervously.

“Do you want to use the bathroom in my bedroom, instead of waiting?” she asked him.

Mrs. Forde usually used this tactic to separate married men from their partners for a moment. She knew Jayden was single, and therefore no need to remove him from a wife or girlfriend. But he was kind of cute, so she decided to give him a quick thrill, and see where it went. Mrs. Forde liked single guys too, especially young ones.

“Oh erm, sure yeah, thank you ma’am,” Jayden replied.

“Let me show you the way,” Mrs. Forde smiled, and led this rather shy, young black guy by the hand across the lounge and down the corridor to the other end of the house. Mrs. Forde made sure she sexily swayed her hips in front of Jayden all the way into her bedroom.

“Are you having a nice time, Jayden?” Mrs. Forde asked, grinning, “I saw you chatting with my daughter Kelly earlier?”

“Oh yeah, she’s er.. well, she’s uh.. you know, very nice,” Jayden stammered.

“Oh, does someone have a little crush?” Mrs. Forde giggled, “Don’t worry, I won’t tell her, unless you want me to?”

Jayden looked like he didn’t know what to say.

“Oh, I’m sorry honey, look at me, I’ve embarrassed you,” Mrs. Forde said, reaching out and putting her hand on his arm, stepping closer toward him, “But anyway, you seem like a very nice young man. Well, I don’t know what you kids call it nowadays, but if you want to, you know, be friends with Kelly, then I’d love that. Well, here’s the bathroom.”

Jayden stepped into the doorway of the bathroom before Mrs. Forde suddenly cried out.

“Oh my god! Sorry, Jayden, I’ve left my panties in there,” Mrs. Forde exclaimed, “Excuse me a moment.”

Mrs. Forde then squeezed past Jayden standing in the doorway, smiling at him, her huge bust pressing up against his chest as she did so. She then bent right over, to pick up a pair of tiny black panties lying in the bathtub. She took her time picking them though, making sure Jayden got a good long look at her ass encased in her little jean shorts.

As Mrs. Forde began to stand, she quickly, out of Jayden’s view undid the second button on her crop top. She had a quick peek down her own cleavage. “Fuck it,” she thought and undid the final button as well.

She then stood and turned to squeeze past Jayden once again, her huge cleavage on display.

“Sorry about that,” Mrs. Forde grinned up at Jayden.

Jayden could only smile as surely the biggest pair of tits he’d ever seen in his young life were briefly pressed up against him once again. Mrs. Forde knew Jayden could see right down her cleavage now and was probably imagining exactly what she looked like topless. She knew he couldn’t see her nipples, but potentially he might just be able to make out her areolae.

Mrs. Forde passed by Jayden, as he was about to finally enter the bathroom.

“My bra!” Mrs. Forde exclaimed, “Jeez, I’ve left my bra in there too!”

Jayden began to move out of the doorway back into the bedroom.

“No, no stay there, Jayden. This won’t take a second,” Mrs. Forde said.

She didn’t want Jayden moving from the doorway, as it gave her an excuse to press up against him again. This time she squeezed past him the other way round, her ass slowly and firmly brushing against his groin.

Whenever Mrs. Forde was tempting a man, she always wanted to press both her tits and her ass against him. Some men loved tits, some loved ass, most loved both. She wanted them to know she had both in spades, and that there was a strong possibility they were both up for grabs.

Mrs. Forde then stepped into the bathroom and picked up one of her sexiest black bras from the floor. It had gotten entangled with another white bra on the floor.

“Oh would you look at this, black and white all tangled up,” Mrs Forde giggled, attempting to untangle them, “So how old are you Jayden?”

“Oh, erm, eighteen, ma’am,” Jayden replied.

“Oh wow, the same as Kelly,” Mrs. Forde, “You’re both so young. You’ve got your whole life ahead of you, Jayden. All those exciting discoveries ahead of you.”

“Ah, yes, ma’am,” Jayden said, smiling.

He watched as Mrs. Forde struggled to untangle the two bras, her tits bouncing around on her chest with the effort.

“Jezz these things are so big,” Mrs. Forde said, looking up at Jayden, nodding, still staring at her tits, “I mean my bras, Jayden. You naughty boy!”

She giggled, and finally untangled the two bras, smiling at Jayden.

“Well, if you’re only eighteen, don’t tell anyone you got served beer here today, okay honey? I don’t wanna get in trouble with the law,” Mrs. Forde said, as she again squeezed past Jayden, her tits pressing on his chest again, “Can it be our little secret?”

Mrs. Forde had decided Jayden was a boob man more than he was an ass man.

“Of course,” Jayden replied, smiling, but staring down at Mrs. Forde’s huge tits rather than looking at her in the eye.

“You promise?” Mrs. Forde asked, taking hold of Jayden’s chin and making him look her in the eye.

He nodded.

“Ah, thank you, honey,” Mrs. Forde said, still holding his chin she pulled him close and gave him a long kiss on the lips.

She let her hand drop away from Jayden’s chin, and deliberately let it brush and bump against Jayden’s cock in his shorts. Mrs. Forde then finally stepped out of the doorway and back into the bedroom, taking the bottle of beer from Jayden’s hand and putting it on the top of her bedside cabinet.

“Shhh!” Mrs. Forde giggled putting her finger up to her lips, “It’s our little secret, okay? As is the fact you’ve seen my sexy little panties, and my huge… bras. What would my husband think, huh? Ok take care, I’ll see you later honey.”

Mrs. Forde then closed the bathroom door on a smiling Jayden. She giggled to herself. That had been fun, teasing such a young guy.

Of course, it had all been set up earlier. She had deliberately left her panties and bras on show in the bathroom for just this type of scenario. The fact one bra was white, the other black, was just so that she could make that innuendo comment to Jayden.

The fact she had told him it was ‘our little secret’, referring to the beer, but also to the fact he had seen right down her cleavage, and that she had kissed him. It was all deliberate. Nothing was accidental. Mrs. Forde was very, very good at this sort of thing, having had years of practice.

She wondered if Jayden was taking a leak in there or frantically jerking off. She decided to leave him one final treat. She laid out her sexy little panties on the bed next to the bathroom door, knowing he would see them when he came out. She then laid out the two bra’s next to the panties, turned up so the little label that showed what cup size she wore was visible.

Mrs Forde knew Jayden wouldn’t be able to resist at least taking a peek at what size bra she wore on his way out. She was about to leave and head back to the pool. She buttoned her crop top back up. Then a final, very naughty thought occurred to her.

Mrs. Forde quickly went into the drawer of her bedside cabinet. She pulled out a realistic-style eight-inch black dildo. It had a suction cup on the end, and she pressed it down onto the top of the bedside cabinet, making it stand up, right next to Jayden’s half-empty bottle of beer. She smiled to herself, wondering what Jayden would think of that when he came out of the bathroom and reached for his beer.

Mrs. Forde made her way back out to the party, and continued making her rounds. She returned to her bedroom later on to put her panties and bra back on the floor of her bathroom so she could run the same setup with another guy. However the black panties and black bra that she had left on the bed for Jayden to see when he came out of the bathroom were no longer there.

Mrs. Forde giggled to herself, knowing Jayden must have taken them, that they were probably stuffed in the back pocket of his shorts. Perhaps he was going to jerk off into them when he got home, which was something she certainly didn’t want to deny him.

Over the next two hours, Kelly and her mother continued separating men from their partners, either by taking them to the bar and chatting them up there, or offering to let them use the ensuite bathroom in their bedroom to get to talk to them away from the crowd for a moment. In all, Kelly managed to chat up two married men at the bar, another with a girlfriend, and a couple of single guys, plus she took another two married men to use her bathroom. Mrs. Forde chatted up three guys with girlfriends, two married men, and three single guys at the bar. She also took another married guy, a man with a fiancée, and two single guys to use her bathroom.

Around 7 p.m. the party guests started to leave when the catering staff packed up and left, and by 8 p.m. it was just Mrs. Forde and Kelly alone again in the house.

They sat in the kitchen, grinning at each other, excited about what the following week had to offer. They chatted about all the men they had met earlier; which ones were cute, which ones hadn’t impressed them so much, which ones had awful wives or girlfriends and deserved a brief injection of one of the Forde women in their lives.

“So, when are we… getting started?” Kelly asked, smiling.

“Tomorrow, of course,” her mother replied, “We both need to have some fun. I’ve put the calendar up on the refrigerator.”

Kelly went straight to the refrigerator to check the calendar. It was a system they had always used. If one of them wanted the house to themselves for a few hours, they wrote it on the calendar. It meant the other one had to make themselves scarce.

“Mom, already?” Kelly giggled, seeing Mrs. Forde had booked the house for the next day for the whole afternoon, “You already got something arranged for tomorrow?”

“Well, not yet. But don’t worry, he’s not gonna turn me down,” Mrs. Forde replied, smiling, “What are you gonna do tomorrow afternoon then?”

“Well, I think I might just indulge myself with one of my very favorite pastimes,” Kelly giggled.

“So it’s a married man then,” Mrs. Forde said, grinning, seeing the excitement in her daughter.

“Yeah, well. Probably, I don’t know I could change my mind tomorrow. What about you, Mom? Who are you inviting over here?” Kelly asked.

“Well, I’m thinking I might also indulge in my very favorite pastime too,” Mrs. Forde said, with a knowing smile.

“What! Mom, no!” Kelly giggled, “I know exactly what that means. Mom, you’re so bad!”

“Well, we all know that’s true,” her mother replied.

“Mom! I mean, he was one of my picks for God’s sake,” Kelly said, laughing at shaking her head at her mother, “Plus, since when did you do something like that first out of the gate?”

“Now Kelly, share and share alike, you know that,” Mrs. Forde giggled, “I mean you’re right I wouldn’t normally do that type of thing first. I had sort of decided I was going to seduce Jack as my first guy. But then…”

“But then… what, Mom?” Kelly sighed.

“But then I figured that I haven’t been to bed with a man for so long, and I deserve to treat myself to my very, very favorite thing, don’t you think?” Mrs. Forde grinned, “I mean, can you imagine doing that, after not having sex for so long? I’m gonna go off like a fucking rocket.”

Kelly and her mother giggled.

“Exactly how long has it been for you though, Mom?” Kelly teased, trying to push her mother’s buttons just a little.

“Kelly! It’s been three fucking weeks, you know!” Mrs. Forde said, giving her daughter's attitude right back at her, “I mean, I’ve got cobwebs down there.”

Kelly started laughing uncontrollably at her mother's joke, which was very infectious, and Mrs. Forde joined in. It took quite a while for the laughter to subside.

“Well, I hope you enjoy yourself tomorrow, Mom,” Kelly said.

“Oh, you too honey, you deserve it,” her mother told her, putting her hand on Kelly’s hand and squeezing it.

“Oh, I know I will. I’m gonna go off like a rocket too,” Kelly giggled.

“And which lucky married man is getting a visit from my gorgeous daughter tomorrow?” Mrs. Forde asked.

“Oh, well I’ve narrowed it down to two. I’m gonna go to bed and think it about. Think about it really hard,” Kelly giggled.

“Why do you like married men so much, honey?” Mrs. Forde asked. She knew the answer but just wanted to hear her daughter say it.

“It’s just so much fun, cos it’s naughty, cos I’m doing something I shouldn’t, cos I could get caught,” Kelly explained, “And the guy is always so grateful, and adores my body, and can’t believe his luck that he’s in bed with me. It just makes me feel so special. I love it.”

“You are special honey,” Mrs Forde said, hugging her daughter and kissing her forehead, then slapping her on the ass, “Okay come on, help me clean up. This place is a mess, and I’ve got some cock coming over tomorrow.”

They both giggled and began tidying up.

“Hey Mom,” Kelly said, turning to her mother and smiling, “It’s gonna be a good summer.”


Written by Reddead2010
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