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Author's Notes

"We move into Part 3 of the Best Laid Plans series. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Life has a way of changing."

After Jeanie's departure, life for Ted and Pam returned to its normal pace. They continued to relive their memories of the movie star's stay. Ted had enjoyed their time together with the Hollywood vixen but was happy to return to the life he knew with Pam.

One afternoon when Ted was out of town, Pam took some time to earnestly consider their relationship. What did it mean, and where was it going? She wondered what it meant to her and to him. She knew without a doubt that no man had ever been more important to her, but she asked herself, "Do I love him?"

The answer came to her, "I admire him. I think that he's wonderful. I love the way he makes me feel. I want to have sex with him every minute possible." But the thought, "I love him and want to spend the rest of my life with him," did not come to her mind. The realization was a little jolting to her, but it was also an awakening. She sat staring at her computer monitor and whispered, "He has taught me everything. He has given me everything, but he's not mine forever. No matter how much I love him, he can never be mine."

Pam answered a few emails that had come in, but her mind wasn't really on them. Instead, her mind was on Ted and the future. She wished that he was here to press the button on her special panties and make her cum over and over again. She wanted to do anything other than think about reality and what was in the real world. Pam considered that she could stay right where she was and work for Ted until he retired.

And then what? Work for his replacement? That wouldn't do. There was no question about it.

The light began to come in her mind. Ted had been training her from day one. He had always taken the time to explain everything to her and made her understand his decisions and why he was making them. In addition, he had always told her why upper management wouldn't like his choices and why it didn't matter. And always. Always. He was right. It had empowered her to know that she was working for and with the guy that made things happen. And the light dawned. The pathway was clear, and she knew what needed to happen.

As the next few weeks passed. Their schedules didn't change. They continued to spend their nights together when Ted was in town. Their sex continued to be beyond hot. There was never a morning that Pam woke up alone that she didn't immediately begin fantasizing about Ted and yearning to have sex with him. When he was away, she went home from work to her apartment. There was never a day that she didn't end up naked in bed and masturbate, thinking about what he would do to her if he was with her.

But now she had a purpose that hadn't been there before. She could not and would not share it with Ted while she savored every second with him, knowing that it would all end too soon.

One of the things that she hid from Ted was her continuing correspondence with Jeanie. They traded email messages and texts as well. The two had become good friends.

Jeanie had told Pam about her meeting with Stella, the photographer. Stella was happy to give Pam an audition shooting, but not immediately. Jeanie explained that Stella was in the middle of a hefty schedule. She was working with two different catalog companies and would be tied up for at least two months.

"You're going to get your audition, Pam," Jeanie had said. "As soon as Stella can get a free afternoon, you'll be on her schedule. So stay loose and ready. Your turn is coming."

Something else had opened up for Pam. One afternoon when Ted was away from the office, Pam took a trade magazine from his desk and thumbed through it. Looking at the section that offered job openings, she found an ad for a Marketing Manager for Wilson & Decker, her company's chief rival, in Dallas, Texas. Reading the ad, Pam discovered that the position they wanted to fill was essentially the same as Ted's job. "I could do that," she thought.

Two minutes later, Pam's thoughts turned dark. "How could I ever presume to do Ted's job? I am an assistant. I could never be the manager."

She had copied the employment ad and read it again and again. "I've been so well trained by Ted, I could do the job," she thought. "I can't stay in this position until Ted retires."

That night Ted had dinner with a client. Pam stayed home and began working on her resume. She determined that while waiting for her audition with Stella, she should be working on other possibilities. Pam remembered her stepfather warning her not to keep all of her eggs in one basket. She had no idea what he was saying at the time, but now she did. Her appointment with Stella could still be many months away. Even then, there was no guarantee that Stella would be interested in helping her into the modeling business.

After two weeks of self-debate, Pam printed her resume, added a letter of introduction, and mailed it to Wilson & Decker. In conversation with Ted, she had learned the name of the person in Dallas who would probably decide on the new hire. Her letter was addressed to Hank Lawson in hopes that he might be interested in someone on the way up.

Pam dropped her envelope in the mail at a nearby post office. She had determined it wouldn't be a good idea to put it in the office mail pouch. You never knew who might go through the mail in her building.

After her resume was mailed, Pam felt a sense of relief but held no high expectations of hearing back from them. Life would move on, and she would always be happy to spend most of her time with Ted.

Another two weeks passed, and Ted and Pam's relationship remained consistently hot and active. It seemed to her that the more time they spent together the better they got to know each other, the hotter their sex became. Maybe they had just begun to learn each other's appetites, favored positions, and erogenous zones. Whatever the reasons, the newness never seemed to wear off their passion for each other. Pam was so involved with her relationship with Ted that she almost forgot about her application for a new job.

From the start, Pam was sure that once she and Ted had become active lovers, she would become much less needy. She was convinced that the regular morning masturbation sessions would end for her, but they didn't. She jokingly called herself a gluttonous slut because her thoughts often went straight between her legs. Brushing her breasts against something could make her panties wet, thinking of Ted sucking and teasing them.

After giving it a lot of thought one night when Ted was out of town, Pam decided that the unrelenting fire between them was most likely because each of them wanted so badly to satisfy the other. Nothing made Ted happier than making her have such an intense orgasm that it left her dizzy. For her, it was making him so excited that he pulled her hair until it hurt just before exploding like a cannon as he bellowed like a bull.

When she would sit and review everything going on with and around them, Pam wasn't sure that she never wanted this to end. But, as always, she was a girl with a plan, and it was all going to work out very soon.

It took another month, near the second anniversary of their first night together, when all of Pam's plans came together. As had happened now for many months, Pam spent Wednesday night with Ted at his house. Their sex had been exceptional. Not that it wasn't always, but this Wednesday night was better than average. Ted had brought her to two mind-bending, squirting orgasms that had left her unable to move. She had thought about changing her mind before saying, "Ted, my mother is coming to town on Friday. I want to take the day off if you don't mind."

"Sure, baby," he replied, giving the matter no thought. "You take whatever time you need. How long will your mother be here?"

"I'm not certain," Pam lied. "She's having some work done on her home and will stay with me while that's done."

"That's nice," Ted replied, about to go to sleep, giving no thought to what she was saying.

"Thanks, Ted," she said as she rubbed her hand through the hair on his chest. "I hope you'll come by my place on Friday afternoon to meet my mother and have a drink with us."

Those words took a full minute to sink into Ted's mind. He was in a blissful calm until her words sank in, and he began to understand, "come by my place to meet my mother." By the time his mind cleared, and he was ready to ask her questions, Pam had cuddled against him, pressing her bare back against his chest, and appeared to be asleep.

"Meet my mother," he thought again. "This could be a minefield to walk through," he thought. But before his mind could calculate much more than the comfort of having her soft, beautiful, naked body pressed against him, Ted was lulled into sleep by dreams of soft breasts pressed into his mouth as his ears heard her moans and whimpers.

Ted didn't remember the conversation until Friday morning when he came into the office around 9:30 and noticed that Pam was not sitting at her desk as usual.

"Damn," he thought, "I forgot I gave her the day off." He went into his office with a small black cloud over his head because he always looked forward to Fridays in the office. Every Friday for the past two years had been filled with a certain amount of tension. He and Pam attempted to show everyone how they were taking care of corporate business while they were trying their best to get out of the office as quickly as possible so that they could get home, get naked and fuck like a couple of wild beasts for a few days.

For most of the day, Ted was a little depressed. Every Friday for the past two years had been a time of fun and anticipation for him. He and Pam had played games as they waited for the weekend they knew they would spend together. However, in the afternoon, he realized they would not be spending this weekend together if Pam's mother stayed with her. Every weekend, even during Christmas, they had spent their time together, and now her mother was here, and that couldn't happen.

By 4:00 in the afternoon, Ted was in a deep depression. For the first time in almost two years, he would spend his weekend alone. "Pull yourself together," he thought. "We're talking about a weekend. You can spend a weekend alone!"

As he was daydreaming, he told himself that there were programs on television that he wanted to see. This time of year, all kinds of sports programs would entertain him. While thinking about it, he went online and checked the ESPN website to see what sports would be covered over the weekend.

Shortly before 5:00, his direct telephone line rang, and he answered, "This is Ted."

"Hi, baby. Do you have time to talk?" he heard Pam say.

"For you, I always have time," he answered, happy to hear her voice.

"Did you miss me today?" she asked.

"Did I miss you?" Ted asked. "Is that a joke? But, of course, I missed you, and I'm guessing I will miss you more this weekend with your mother here. Can't you send her home?"

There was a long pause on the line before Pam said, "No. I can't send her home, and I want you to meet her. I promise that you won't be sorry, Ted. Can you get here by 6:30?"

Ted grumbled to himself before he answered and said, "Sure. I'll be there a little after 6:00. Do you have some scotch for me to drink?"

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"If you let me know when you leave the office, I'll have a drink waiting for you when you walk in the door," Pam told him with a smile. "I promise you that nothing bad will happen. You have to trust me."

When Ted started the car engine, he glanced at the clock on the dashboard and saw it was 6:01. Before he pulled his car out of the parking lot, he called Pam from his cell phone. When she answered, he said, "I'm leaving the office now. I'll be there in twenty minutes."

"Great," she said. "Your drink will be waiting."

Twenty minutes later, he was standing outside her door. Deciding not to use the key she had given him, Ted knocked on the door and straightened his tie. Within thirty seconds, the door opened, and to his delight, his beautiful woman was standing in front of him, smiling and holding a glass filled with ice and scotch.

Stepping in the door, he glanced around the room. Not seeing Pam's mother in sight, he leaned over to kiss her and scooped her ass with his hand while taking the scotch in the other. "You look good enough to eat," he whispered, "But I'm guessing I can't do that in front of your mother."

Pam just giggled and closed the front door. She put her arm around his waist and escorted him into her living room. "Mom just went to her room to get her glasses," she said. "She'll be right back." And while they were standing there close to each other, Pam looked up and said, "There you are. Mom, this is Ted. Ted, this is my mother."

Ted looked to see Pam's mother walking into the room and almost dropped the glass he was holding. The woman walking toward him and smiling was an older version of Pam, but not nearly as old as he was expecting. Yes, he knew that her mother was under fifty, but somehow Ted was thinking of an older, gray-haired woman.

The woman approaching Ted was nothing less than what most any man would refer to as a MILF. Ted was hoping that his mouth wasn't open. His mind was attempting to classify this woman. She looked familiar, but he couldn't quite place her.

"Hi, Ted," this stunningly beautiful woman said. "Maybe you'd prefer to call me Kate instead of Mom."

"I'm sorry," Pam announced. "Ted. This is my mother, Kate Barnes. Mom, this is my boss, Ted Hanson."

Kate reached out her hand and took Ted's while she looked at Pam and said, "Based on what you've told me, I'm thinking that calling this handsome man your boss is ignoring a few facts."

Pam laughed at her mother's comment and replied, "Alright, Mom. He is my boss at work during the day and my lover after hours. And you are correct; he is handsome, isn't he?"

"He is very handsome," Kate said to Pam. "I certainly have to give you credit for gaining good taste as you age. You've had a few men in your life that I seriously questioned, but this one appears to be a winner."

Suddenly Ted felt as if he was not in the room as these two women were talking about him.

Pam took her arm from around Ted's waist and said, "Mom, I've already given Ted a drink. He's a scotch man. Single malt, on the rocks. What would you like?"

Kate looked back at Ted and nodded. "Single malt scotch. I like you more already." She turned to Pam and said, "Make mine the same as his."

When Pam entered her kitchen, Kate turned to Ted, saying, "You have good taste in whiskey and women. Why don't you sit down and relax? We need to get acquainted.”

Ted was feeling a little uneasy now and was sure he was a spectator rather than a participant in the activities. He sat on Pam's couch and watched as Kate sat on a nearby chair. Ted had a chance to look her over as she and Pam started a conversation.

To say that Kate was pretty was an understatement. Unlike Pam's dirty blonde hair, Kate's was a rich brown that looked silky. Her eyes were big, brown, and beautiful. As she turned toward Pam in conversation, Ted checked her out from head to toe. Kate wore a navy blue skirt and a white top with blue horizontal stripes. He could see she was in excellent shape and nicely tanned as she crossed her legs. There wasn't any question in Ted's mind that Kate's breasts were at least the size of Pam's and probably larger. After running his eyes over her completely, he couldn't believe she was old enough to be Pam's mother. From their conversations over the past couple of months, he knew that Kate was at least forty-seven years old.

From her kitchen, as she fixed a drink and carried on a conversation with her mother, Pam looked over to see Ted's eyes fixed on the woman sitting near him. Pam felt a sense of victory as the women continued to talk. This was going to work out precisely the way she wanted. There was no doubt. She knew these people better than any others in the world, and now she knew her plan would work.

Pam handed her mother the glass of scotch that she had requested. She held out her glass of wine to Ted and her mother and offered a toast, "Happy Days." All three touched their glasses together and took a sip.

"That's nice scotch," Kate told Pam after a taste.

"Not my choice, Mom," Pam offered. "Ted's the scotch expert around here. He brings what he likes over, and all I do is pour it."

Kate turned to Ted and asked, "Have you spent any time in Scotland?"

"A little," Ted answered. "I've made some trips there with some friends to play golf. We've had some great trips, and all we do is play golf and visit distilleries."

"That sounds like great fun," Kate replied, showing great interest in what Ted was saying. "No wives or girlfriends?"

"Nope," he replied smiling, "It has always been just a 'guy trip' lasting eight to ten days. We usually play a different course daily and plan it around which distillery we want to visit. That's where I developed my taste for single malt. There are a lot of expensive single-malt Scotch products on the market here, but there are many good ones that aren't so pricey over there. The people in Scotland are great, but the weather can be pretty darned cold in July, so you need the personal antifreeze."

"I've never been there," Kate said. "I've never been much of any place, but I've always thought Scotland would be a great place to see. Unfortunately, my late husband wasn't much of a traveler. So other than an occasional trip to New York for business, we didn't do a lot of traveling."

"No reason not to travel now," Ted replied.

Pam jumped in and said, "Oh, I've been telling her that since Dad passed away. It's not like she can't afford it."

"Now, Pamela, we've discussed that," Kate said to her daughter. "I have responsibilities to the business."

"Now, Mother," Pam said with some attitude in her voice, "That's just bullshit, and you know it. You have wonderful people to run that business; you could be gone for a month, and it would be fine. But you don't want to travel alone."

Kate took a long drink and responded, "Well, maybe."

Pam laughed out loud and said, "Oh, I got you. I don't blame you because you don't want to travel alone. I wouldn't want to go to Paris and see the Eiffel Tower alone. And I sure as hell wouldn't want to see it with a bunch of women. Just admit it."

"You might be right," Kate responded, took another drink, and looked up to see that both Pam and Ted were looking at her and waiting. "You are absolutely correct," she said. "Does that make you feel better?"

Pam laughed before saying, "No, Mom. It doesn't make me feel better, but it's good to hear you admit the truth."

Ted watched the conversation between them like a tennis match, his eyes moving from one to the other as they lobbed shots back and forth. He just kept sipping on his drink and watching these beautiful women go at each other. The fact was Ted was enjoying it and learning a lot about both of them. Finally, it was Kate's turn to respond, and he looked at her waiting to hear what she had to say.

"OK, young lady," Kate announced. "You've made your point, and now it's time for me to make one. We are here for you to make an announcement. Based on the time, I suggest you get on with it."

Pam's demeanor changed instantly, and her face turned down as if she were a guilty child. Ted could feel the mood in the room change. He sipped his drink and waited to find out what would come next.

After a long silence, Pam lifted her head and looked directly at Ted. She took a deep breath and said, "How many times have you told me that I should be a lingerie model?"

Ted was surprised by the question but answered, "About 500 times, give or take a thousand."

"Maybe not that many," Pam said, "but certainly a lot. So you need to know that I took your advice and had some pictures of me made in lingerie, and I sent them to an agent in New York."

Ted smiled and said, "Good for you. Did you get an answer?"

Pam beamed a big smile at Ted and said, "Yes, I did. And I'm leaving tonight for a photo shoot in Atlanta to see if I might be able to get hired to model for a major lingerie manufacturer that does business in the US."

Ted was genuinely pleased with her news and said, "That's great, darlin'. Just great. I've always told you that you are the sexiest thing going and should be a model. And you can certainly make more money than I can pay you to be my assistant."

Pam turned to her mother. "See, Mom, I told you he would react that way. He cares more about me than about how I help him." Then she turned back to Ted. "That's not all of my news. On Sunday, I'm leaving Atlanta and flying to Dallas. On Monday, I'm starting a new job with Wilson & Decker. They've hired me as a junior executive to do the same thing you do for our company today." She finished her statement and waited for Ted's response.

Ted felt Kate's stare and Pam's as he prepared his answer. They both watched as Ted's face turned into a smile. "Really? Pam, that's just outstanding! Not that I want the competition, but it's just great."

Pam immediately turned to her mother. "I told you," she pronounced with certainty. She turned back to Ted and said, "I'm sorry to tell you like this, but I've arranged everything for you. You'll have a new assistant on Monday. I've been working with her, and she's ready to go. Of course, you'll have to give her some direction, but that's what you do best. Her name is Julie, and I promise that you'll like her. In addition to being sharp and bright, she's got a great ass that you'll enjoy. Within two weeks, you'll forget that I was ever there."

It was Ted's turn to talk. He considered his reply and said, "I will not forget you in two weeks or two years. You have been the best assistant, regardless of our relationship outside the office. I am thrilled that our competition has chosen you. There couldn't be a finer compliment to what we've done than to hire you. I promise that I am excited for you and for your success. But I have to say you'll most likely make more money as a lingerie model than you in this business we are involved with today. But either way, sweetness, I'm thrilled for you. I'm sad for me, but I'm thrilled for you."

Written by JefferyB
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