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Once they were out of the pool, Pam looked to see the moon’s reflection in the shimmering clear water of the pool. Feeling moved by the setting, she said, “Everything we’ve done today has been exceptional. Maybe it’s because we are living in a dream. We don’t know where we are or how we got here. We don’t know anything about our surroundings. We just know that we are living in luxury and we are alone. Everything we have done has been mind-numbing.”

Pam lowered her voice to a whisper and said, “And to tell you the truth, I can’t wait for the next thing we do.” She pushed Ted down on a chair and sat on his lap. She put her mouth to his ear once again and whispered, “I want more, baby. For the first time, I’m beginning to understand what you mean when you say that you can’t get enough of me. I’ve never cum so much in my life and I can’t wait for it to happen again.”

“Then I think that we should get into one of the showers in one of these big bathrooms and plot our next act of sexual madness,” he said while stroking her breast.

Pam giggled and said, “I like the way you think.”

After some debate, they returned to their bedroom after another quick stop in the kitchen for something else to eat. After all, it had been a while since they had dessert and had undoubtedly worked off the calories taken in with the ice cream and Amoretto. While digging through the refrigerator, Ted found some sliced cheese. In a nearby cabinet, he found some excellent crackers. He turned to see Pam holding a bottle of champagne and two glasses and smiling broadly. Ted looked at her for a moment and said, “Sure, this is a holiday and you can have all the bubbly you want.”

Pam kissed Ted quickly and took off at a run for the bedroom. He watched her leave, picked up the cheese and crackers, and walked after her.

When Ted found her in the large bathroom, Pam was running water in the giant tub. Unlike the tub in the other main bedroom, this one was elevated and had plenty of space around it to hold their drinks and snacks. Pam gave him the “big smile” as he entered the room and said, “I’ve decided that we need to bathe our private parts in some warm, soothing water. Besides, this tub has some jets that spray water over those parts and help them prepare for more adventures.”

“Should I assume you will stay awake long enough for a new adventure?” Ted asked.

Pam took the plates Ted was holding. Before she turned away, Pam leaned over and gave me a quick kiss saying, “You should assume that as long as I’m awake, I’ll want more. And I’ll assume that as long as your dick is hard, you want more.”

Ted stood there a few seconds and waited for her to put the plates down and turn back to him. She looked at Ted’s face and laughed. “OK… OK… I know! You want more even if you aren’t hard.”

Pam kissed Ted, put her arms around his neck and said, “Let’s get in this big tub, drink some champagne, eat some snacks and decide on what happens next.”

Minutes later, they were both deep in the large tub with water jets massaging them below the water level. It excited Ted that Pam wasn’t looking at the clock but was willing to ‘party’ as long as she could on their memorable trip. They were talking and laughing above the water and touching each other below.

“Have you ever watched us having sex in the mirror in the bedroom at home?” Ted asked.

“I did once,” Pam answered, “And I don’t know why I haven’t since, but I remember getting very excited one night when you were on your back and told me to turn around so that you could watch my ass while I fucked you. Now I remember how hot it was to look into the mirror and watch as I slid up and down on your cock. I could see it happening in the mirror and feel it between my legs. It was exhilarating and I remember cumming very hard, but I don’t think I’ve ever done it since.”

“Sometimes I worry about you,” Ted said with a chuckle.

“I know… I know,” Pam said. “You would think if I thought it was so hot, I’d want to do it again, but I didn’t.”

Ted smiled and held his glass up in a mock toast. “The good thing now is that I know,” he said. “And I’ll remember to do that to you again and again.”

They were both very still for a while, simply letting the warm water run over them. They weren’t really touching each other as much, as their legs were very close. The tub jets were making a bubbling noise, but otherwise, there wasn’t any sound.

“Can we go to bed now?” Pam asked.

“Of course we can,” Ted answered. “Are you ready for some sleep?”

Pam looked at him for a while and said, “No. I’m not ready to sleep, but I want to be in bed with you. I want to feel your naked body against mine. I don’t know what else will happen, but I want to feel your skin against mine without anything else between us. Is that OK?”

“Sure, sweetness. I can’t think of anything nicer,” Ted told her.

He got out of the tub and found two enormous towels. Ted held one out for her and wrapped it around her when you stepped out of the tub. As he turned to ensure that the tub jets were disengaged, Ted felt Pam wrap the other large towel around him. When the tub noise stopped, he hit the drain switch and turned to Pam, only to find her towel on the floor.

Ted looked up just in time to see Pam’s bare bottom climb under the sheets in the softly lit bedroom.

Ted dried himself on the large towel and followed her to the bed. They curled up facing each other on the cool, soft sheets, exchanging kisses and smiles.

“It’s been a nice day, hasn’t it?” Ted said as he gave Pam a small kiss.

“It’s been a wonderful day, baby,” she replied. “I had my first ride on a private plane. And it was an exciting trip. We had a driver pick us up and bring us here. And then this house alone is spectacular. Playing in the pool and drinking champagne. It has been a wonderful day and I got to spend every minute of it with you.”

“And you enjoyed your playtime?” Ted asked.

“Oh, God, Yes!” she answered with excitement. “Honestly, baby, I’ve never had that much sex in one day and you might think I would be satisfied. But you know, I really can’t wait for what comes next. I’ll be ready again as soon as you touch me.”

Ted kissed her and said, “I think it was a good idea that I took that little blue pill that you gave me this afternoon.”

“You didn’t need it,” Pam said with a laugh, “But there are plenty more if you plan to keep up this pace tomorrow.”

“Would you like to keep up this pace tomorrow?” he asked.

Pam kissed him, sliding her hand down his back and cupping his butt with her hand. “You know that once you told me that the more you get, the more you want. I thought that was clever but didn’t think much about it being true. The more we are together, the more I believe it. Maybe it’s just you and your magic fingers.”

“And don’t forget my magic mouth,” he teased.

“Not likely. No one has ever been able to drive me crazy with their mouth on my breast but you, babe. You drive me wild every time.”

“Well, why don’t you drive me wild right now? Turn over and let me feel your sweet ass,” he said softly.

She rolled over and snuggled up against him while he put one arm around her and cupped a breast. As Ted lightly ran a finger over her nipple, he said, “We’ll have to have sex in the Great Room tomorrow before Bill arrives.”

“Right,” she answered with a yawn. Less than thirty seconds later, Ted could hear Pam was asleep. He gently squeezed her breast and lightly kissed the back of her neck. Ted released her breast and ran his hand down over her belly, then over her sweet, soft bottom. He whispered, “I love your mind. I love your body and everything that is you. I love you, baby. You are my world.”  Thirty seconds later, Ted was asleep.


Saturday morning, Ted didn’t wake up until 9:30. He rolled out of bed, made a bathroom stop, picked up a blue terry robe, and returned to the bedroom. Pam hadn’t moved and was not showing any signs of waking. It suddenly occurred to Ted that he could smell coffee. He tied the robe around his waist and started following the smell. In the kitchen, Ted found a large black woman busily working. She looked at him and gave a big smile. “Good mornin’, sir.”

“Good morning,” Ted replied, “May I assume that you are Matilda.”

“Yes, sir. That would be me. I’ll jes bet you smelled the coffee and followed your nose out here to find it,” she said.

“And you’d be exactly right, Matilda,” he told her. “But there’s something else that smells awfully good.”

“Now you jes sit down right there at the counter and Matilda will fix you a cup of coffee. And you is right about that other good smell. In about two minutes, I’ll be pulling a fine coffee cake outta dat oven and I promise yo mouth gonna drool when you tastes it.”

Ted sat as directed and waited for her to pour him a cup of coffee. “It all smells wonderful, Matilda.”

“Dis here coffee somethin’ special that Mr. Bill brings me from someplace in Washington. I think maybe it mus be Seattle. I didn’t know that they growed coffee up there, but I have to admit that it is mighty good,” she said as she passed a large mug over to Ted. “You want some cream with that, honey?”

Ted took a sip and answered, “No thanks. This is very good and I’ll just drink it black.”

Matilda put back her head and laughed out loud. “Yeah, jes like Mr. Bill say all the time, he likes his coffee like he likes his women. Hot and Black!” And she laughed again. “That man, I swear. If he wasn’t a white man, I might jes marry him myself.”

After talking with Matilda for a while, she pulled her coffee cake from the oven. Ted’s immediate thought was that if it tasted as good as it looked and smelled, he would put on five pounds while sitting there. Matilda chatted as she worked her way around the kitchen, seemingly with four or five different projects underway. She mentioned that Mr. Bill was due in around 6 PM today and he had told her what he wanted ready for dinner. Apparently, he had ordered four thick stakes and specific side dishes, some of which were specialties of hers. Now she was working on getting them ready for his arrival.

Matilda and Ted had been talking and eating her mouth-watering coffee cake for about thirty minutes when Pam came out of the bedroom wearing a matching light blue terry robe. She walked over and gave Ted a gentle good morning kiss and he introduced her to Matilda.

As Pam stood there exchanging greetings and conversation with Matilda about how good everything smelled, Ted felt Pam put her hand in his lap for just a second and then move it away. Matilda handed Pam a glass of juice and offered her a cup of coffee. Looking down, Ted saw that Pam had placed one of the Viagra packages in his lap. He looked up and saw a knowing smile on Pam’s face. She said, “Don’t forget your vitamins, sweetheart.”

“Do you think I should take two?” Ted asked as I put one on his tongue and washed it down with some juice.

“Maybe one now and one this afternoon,” she told him while she accepted the coffee from Matilda.

As Pam and Matilda began “kitchen talk” that only two women could follow, Ted swallowed the little blue pill and let his hand fall below the countertop. He slipped it under Pam’s short robe and between her thighs. He quickly moved his hand up to ensure Pam was not wearing panties and was pleased to find her uncovered.

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Looking at the opening of the front of Pam’s robe, he also discovered that her breasts were as bare as her bottom. Holding his coffee cup up to his mouth, Ted let his fingers slip again between her legs and felt her slightly adjust her stance. She made it easy for him to reach his target, her sweet pussy.

While Ted ran his fingers lightly over her folds, Pam made it even easier by leaning over the countertop to reach for a spoon. She opened her legs wider as she put her elbows on the countertop, never missing a beat in the conversation with Matilda.

Ted was not a man to pass up an invitation. He ran his finger between her legs and found that warm wet spot she was offering. As Ted took another swallow of coffee, he let the finger slip into her silkiness. Ted moved it slowly in and out of her so that his actions wouldn’t be evident to Matilda. With each inward stroke, he could feel her wetness increasing. When the woman turned to get something out of the refrigerator, Ted removed his finger. Pam turned with a quizzical look, only to see him put the finger into his mouth and suck on it. Her face flushed a little and she whispered, “Put it back. It feels wonderful.”

Before Matilda turned back to them, Ted pushed his thumb into the butter on the countertop to be applied to the hot coffee cake. Pam looked at Ted like he had lost his mind but quickly found out he wasn’t crazy. He was planning his next step. As Matilda turned, Ted dropped his hand back between Pam’s thighs. Again he let his finger glide into her wet pussy. But this time, as he pushed the finger deep, he put his butter-covered thumb on her rosebud.

While the finger began slowly gliding in and out of Pam’s pussy, his thumb made gentle circles around her crinkled opening. Ted thought it was all Pam could do not to say something or make a noise, but without a doubt, he knew that she was enjoying both sensations.

Matilda left them for a minute and went into the large walk-in pantry. Pam turned to Ted when she was gone, saying, “What a lovely way to start the day.”

While she was leaning over to kiss him, Ted pushed his thumb inside her up to the first knuckle. Just as her lips touched Ted‘s, Pam gasped and sucked his tongue into her mouth. While they kissed, Ted moved both his finger and thumb and heard a little growl inside her throat. Pam broke the kiss and reached her hand between his legs to find what you knew would be there. She discovered a very hard cock waiting to be touched. She grasped it firmly and said, “Do you suppose you could put this where your fingers are?” When Ted nodded, Pam asked, “Soon?”

“Why don’t you go into the bedroom and decide how you want me,” Ted whispered. “I’ll give you two minutes and join you.”

Pam turned slightly, picked up her coffee cup and moved quickly to the bedroom. She looked back briefly when she reached it, then went inside and closed the door.

As the bedroom door closed, Matilda returned to the kitchen and announced that she would leave in just a few minutes and would be gone for about an hour. She would return, finish what Mr. Bill had requested, and tidy up our bedroom. Matilda took off her apron, grabbed her car keys and was gone.

That sounded perfect to Ted. Now he wouldn’t have to worry about how much noise they would make as they began their second day of great sex in this wonderful house.

Ted entered the bedroom and closed the door behind him. He walked around the little entryway and found Pam lying completely naked on the bed. She had her hair splayed out across the pillow. One hand was between her legs and the other covered her breasts.

Ted crossed the room to stand by the side of the bed. He dropped his robe and stood beside her with his hard cock pointing toward her face. “Were you covering something up from me?” he asked.

She moved both hands, grasping his stiff rod and snaking around his leg. “No, baby,” Pam said softly. “Just waiting for you to get here and finish what you started out there.”

Ted leaned over, swept his hand over her breast, took her chin, and kissed her lightly. “What did I start and what do you want finished?” he asked.

“You know what you did,” she replied in mock indignation. “You teased me to the point of orgasm. I almost screamed right in front of that woman.”

“Maybe if you had screamed, she would have left sooner,” he offered.

“She left?” Pam asked, surprised.

He stroked her breast again and lightly squeezed the nipple before answering, “She needed to pick up something for dinner tonight and told me she wouldn’t be back for at least an hour.”

As he lowered his mouth to Pam’s breast and sucked a nipple into his mouth, Pam put her hand into his hair and pulled his face against her, saying, “That’s good. I wouldn’t want to alarm her when I scream in the thrill of an orgasm.”

Ted ran his tongue around her hardened nipple and pressed it between two fingers. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you scream out of passion,” he said. “I’ve heard you make some loud noises, but I don’t think you’ve screamed.”

As he said the last few words, Ted let his hand slip between Pam’s legs and slid a finger into her extremely wet pussy. He sucked her nipple back into his mouth and heard her gasp. He let go of the nipple and kissed her once again. The kiss was hard and long while his finger thrust in and out of her flowing pussy.

“I need you inside me, baby,” Pam said in a loud whisper. “Please, baby. I want to cum with you inside me. Oh god, I am so ready to cum.”

Pulling his finger from between her legs, Ted halfway stood up so that she could see. He let her watch him suck on the finger that had just been inside her. “Not just yet,” he said and dropped his face down between her legs, pushed them apart, and found her clit with his tongue.

The sound Ted heard was almost a scream. It was loud and spontaneous. The thrill and joy spread through her body as his mouth sucked on her clit. As he rose up to get deeper into her, Pam grasped his cock and pulled it into her mouth and they both moaned. A stranger watching would have thought he was watching two wild animals from the way they moved and the noises they made.

Ted read someplace recently that “69” was a thing of the past, but there was no doubt that they were in that position and we were enjoying it to the maximum. They were moaning as we each pleasured the other with their mouths simultaneously. Ted’s mouth and fingers were making love to her clit and pussy while her mouth was making love to Ted’s cock.

Ted rolled her over until Pam was on top of him. Pam seemed unaware of their position and continued to suck his cock in and out of her mouth while he fucked her face. They were both wild with passion within seconds and without any rational thought other than their desires to make the other crazy. Ted wanted to hear her scream. He was guessing that she wanted the same from him. Ted suddenly became aware that the room was filled with their moans, but each of their cries was muffled because their mouths were filled with the other’s naughty bits. The air was filled with the smell of sex.

Ted pulled his cock from her mouth and spun around so that his mouth was against hers. As he sucked her tongue into his mouth, he pushed his cock deep into her slippery pussy. “Wrap your legs around me, baby,” Ted said in a loud whisper, “and hang on for the ride.”

“Ride me hard,” she said in a none-too-soft whisper. She locked her legs around Ted’s. Pam pulled his mouth against hers, kissing him wildly as he slid his rock-hard cock in and out of her. Within a minute, they were both breathless, their chests heaving with excitement as they gasped for air. Pam moved her hands from around his neck and pushed his face down to her breasts, saying, “Touch them, baby, please.”

As he pounded into her, Ted put his lips around one nipple and sucked it into his mouth. He was rewarded with a loud cry of ‘Yes.’  He took the breast in his hand and held it while lashing the nipple repeatedly with his tongue. Pam’s moans got louder and her pussy got wetter. He felt his balls coated with her juices as they slapped against her ass. He moved to the other breast and then back again, hearing her excitement intensify each time.

Ted felt her legs tighten around him. As he looked up at her face, Ted saw that her head was back and her mouth open in a silent scream. Pam was obviously on the edge of her orgasm and Ted knew that she would hit it with no reservations or thoughts of proper behavior. She was utterly absorbed in the pure sexuality of what they were doing. There was no rational thought going through Pam’s mind other than, “I want to cum!”

Once more, Ted lowered his mouth to her breast and took a hard nipple between his teeth. Ted bit on it hard enough for her to feel it as he buried his cock in her, going deeper and deeper.

The orgasm swept over Pam like a title wave. She threw her arms around Ted’s neck, pulling his face to hers. He could feel the trembling in her legs and a gush of fluid in her pussy. He put his mouth on her neck and ran his tongue around it as he stopped pumping and let the wave wash over her. Her body jerked and trembled for several seconds before it became completely limp.

Ted had been extremely close to his own orgasm but was so involved in pushing Pam over the edge and listening to her animal-like cries that he just forgot to finish. Ted lay very still for at least two minutes while they didn’t speak or make a sound. Finally, he moved and pushed himself up, letting his cock slip out of her.

Pam’s eyes popped open and she said, “NO! I want you inside me.”

Ted picked up two pillows and as he turned back to her. He slid them under Pam’s butt and said, “It’s only a temporary removal, my love. I still have some work to do, but I’m setting the stage.”

As he looked down, Ted saw that the pillows had raised her ass off the bed about five inches. He took her knees in his hands and spread them apart so that he was looking into her dripping, wet pussy that was now a hot pink and throbbing. Getting onto his knees, Ted positioned himself between her legs and slid his cock back inside. He watched as her head dropped back on her pillow and she gasped again.

Ted pulled her toward his cock until he was completely buried. He had her legs wide open and was looking down the length of Pam’s body, between her breasts, hard nipples and seeing her face.

Once again, Ted moved his cock deep into Pam, back out until the head almost came out.

He put his hands on her waist and arms against her thighs to keep Pam’s legs spread wide. Within a minute, he was going as hard and fast as he could, feeling the wetness of her pussy and the heat that continued to build.

Then the animal lust was Ted’s. His brain screamed at him to let go and fill Pam with hot cum. As he pounded in and out of her, he watched her breasts bounce and ripple with the impact of his body against hers.

Ted’s mind was on sensory overload. All at the exact moment, he wanted to kiss her, suck on her nipples, caress her breasts and press his mouth against her pussy. He wanted it all while being unable to stop thrusting into her.

His mind was a blur while his body continued to be ruled by the animal in it. Finally, the fog cleared and he saw Pam holding her breasts in her hands and saying, “Cum for me, baby. Cum for me!”

The feeling started somewhere below his knees and began climbing upward toward his cock. Like a tidal wave, it hit Ted from behind and cum exploded out of him and into her waiting pussy while he roared at the ceiling.

Ted heard her moan as load after load of hot jizz shot out of him as he continued to pump into her. In fact, he continued to thrust long after the last drop was out. He felt their combined juices run down inside her legs, over his balls, and onto the bed sheets. He wondered, “Could life be better than this?”

Written by JefferyB
Contributing Authors
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