Pick me, pick me!
Yea! A whole day luxuriating in her warm, snug nest!
Wheee—down to the ankles we go! Must be pee-pee time. Lovely view!
Oops—missed a few drips! No problem. I’m cotton—nice and absorbent!
What’s happening now? She’s getting excited! Really humid here! Whose fingers are those?
Whoa—that’s huge! Where's he going with that? Ah, okay—don’t mind me!
Ahem—take your sticky time, why don’t you...
Flood alert! Careful—you’re saturating me!
You're taking me off now?
Hey—do I look like a hanky? I’m dripping already!
Really? The handbag? Again!
Ah—howdy Butt Plug! Where have you been? Oh, yes…