It was Sunday morning and Carol Blunstone said to her husband Harry at breakfast, "Obviously there was a change of plan about the all-night fishing."
"Yeah, you had the bedroom door closed so I went into the spare room," replied Harry.
"I did hear you come home but I was nearly asleep," said Carol who had wisely made the decision not to spend the night in her lover Duncan's bed when Harry had indicated that he might not be out all night.
The Blunstones spent the day together, at least they were in the same house, although sixty-year-old Carol was wishing that she was with Duncan. It was not all that long ago that Duncan had first indicated to Carol that he fancied her but they had fucked several times since then and they both intended to fuck much more.
Carol had almost stopped feeling guilty about it because although she still had feelings for her husband their sex life had been non-existent for ages. She did not know quite how Harry would react if he found out although she thought that he would probably be amazed that anyone fancied his wife, let alone a twenty-six-year-old man.
Monday morning arrived and Carol felt elated because she was going to see 'her' Duncan again. She had enjoyed working for the Henderson family company most of the forty-two years that she had been there but she had never looked forward to going to work quite as much as she did now.
The lovers had to try to be discreet with their interaction within the office because they did not want to be the subject of office gossip and although both Duncan's father and grandfather liked Carol, neither they nor Duncan's mother would likely take kindly to finding out that she was screwing the young Mister Henderson.
They kept their hands off each other during the normal arrival at the office pleasantries and, at the earliest opportunity, Carol let Duncan know that their decision not to spend Saturday night together had proved to be the correct one. Whilst they were discreet in the office they had become a bit more adventurous as Duncan would run his hand over Carol's buttocks or even grope a tit when they were alone in his office.
Towards lunchtime on Monday, Carol entered Duncan's office with a file in her hand and a grin on her face. Carol closed the office door and Duncan watched her go to a filing cabinet in the corner and bend to open the bottom draw. Carol remained in that position with her large bottom making her skirt tight and she made no effort to move or to take anything from or put anything into the cabinet.
Duncan saw this as the invitation that it was. He got up from his chair and moved behind the bent over Carol and pushed his crotch against her arse. "Mmmm," said Carol as she felt the hardness of his penis through their clothing.
Neither of them knew what was going to happen next although both knew what they would like to happen, then a knock on Duncan's door caused him to move away from Carol and for her to straighten up as Duncan said, "Come in."
"Sorry to disturb you, Mister Henderson, but you wanted this file," said Allison Cole from the accounts department.
Duncan hoped that Allison did not notice the bulge in his trousers although she did glance in the direction of Carol who had her back to her, "Yes, thank you, Allison, I did need that," said Duncan as he took the file.
With Allison having left his office, Duncan said to Carol, "That was close."
"Yes, in more ways than one because if we had stayed like that for long I would have cum in my knickers," said Carol.
"And so would I have done in my boxers," confirmed Duncan before Carol left his office.
They were at a difficult stage because they wanted to get more daring but they increased the chances of somebody in the office spotting something, as Allison had possibly done, and have their world come tumbling down.
Allison had sensed something and she said to another woman in the office, Brenda Mitchell, "You don't think that something is going on between Duncan and Carol do you?"
"I wouldn't think so, she is as old as his mum, if not older," replied Brenda.
"Yeah but he apparently likes older women," said Allison, who only knew that by reputation.
"Well he can fuck me anytime he wants and I must be ten years younger than Carol, " laughed Brenda and they left it at that.
It got to Wednesday with only a bit of buttock touching having been possible over the last two days when Duncan asked Carol, "Do you fancy working late this evening?"
Carol knew that there would be no work involved, not office work anyway, and replied, "Sure, how late should I tell Harry that I will be?"
"Well, what I have in mind might take at least three hours," grinned Duncan.
"Mmmm, I like the sound of that. I will text Harry," said Carol who promptly did so without feeling any guilt.
Carol assumed that they would be going to Duncan's house so she was surprised when, at the end of office hours, Duncan said, "Meet me in reception at The Cavendish. I have booked a room."
The Cavendish was just about the best hotel in town so Carol felt good about having a fuck there as she pulled into the car park to see Duncan's car already there. She entered reception and Duncan had already got the room key so he guided her to the lift.
The lift had other occupants so they had to keep their hands to themselves but they had no need to do so moments later when they were in the booked room. They kissed and Duncan's hands, as usual, were attracted to Carol's arse cheeks which he gripped and squeezed.
Carol then did what was often her first action after the initial kissing, she undid Duncan's trousers and got his rigid penis out of his boxers. As Carol gently wanked him, Duncan undid and removed her blouse and then did the same with her bra. Duncan's tie and shirt were the next things to go and then down came Carol's skirt.
They collapsed on the bed kissing, both naked on their top halves and with Carol still having very damp knickers on and Duncan having his trousers and boxers halfway down his legs. Carol lifted her sizeable arse off the bed so that Duncan could drag her knickers down and off and he then put his boxers and trousers on the floor so now they were both very much ready for action.
Duncan slowly crawled up the bed as Carol excitedly awaited him, legs and arms wide open, and he eased his penis into her cunt before she wrapped her arms and legs around him. To start with he just made minimal movements of his hips as another session of lovemaking between Carol and Duncan got underway but he gradually increased the speed and the depth of his thrusts and had Carol squealing her pleasure.
Until she had met Duncan sexually, Carol's orgasms in recent years had only been induced by her fingers or occasionally a vibrator but Duncan's throbbing and largish cock took her to heights that she had never attained before.
Carol came several times as they rolled into different positions and still Duncan remained hard and inside her. He was now gazing into her eyes with her legs on his shoulders as he momentarily stopped his thrusts with his penis only just inside Carol's wet cunt.
A grin spread over Duncan's face and then a smile spread over Carol's as his penis started spurting jet after jet of fresh spunk into her cunt. Duncan then collapsed forwards, still with his cock in her, and they exchanged tongues in a long and passionate snog.
They had to be aware of the time because Carol had told her husband that she would probably be 'about three hours' late home but they could just lie in each other's arms.
"You do know that you will have to be caned again soon, don't you Mrs Blunstone?" said Duncan in a mock stern voice.
"Most certainly sir, I deserve a real thrashing," she replied but then her bottom twitched at the thought.
The idea of the caning appealed to them both but the problem would be the marks that were left afterwards and the possibility of Carol's husband seeing them, even though he and Carol rarely saw each other naked.
For now, there was still a hotel bed to be made use of and Carol sucked Duncan back to full erection before presenting her backside to him with a view to him fucking her from behind but Duncan thought that he would have some arse play before doing so.
For the next ten minutes, he drove Carol wild as his fingers and tongue played with her arse crack and her anus and she swore through two orgasms before he had his cock touching her cunt lips once more before another penetration.
Duncan gave her a good fast shafting having her yell, "Shit, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," as she came again before Duncan groaned into his ejaculation.
They showered and Carol got dressed and prepared to go home, "See you in the morning, Mrs Blunstone," said the still naked Duncan.
Carol left the room but not before she replied, "Yes Mr Henderson."
When Carol got home, Harry again remarked on the fact that she did not work much overtime under Duncan's father and grandfather, "Yes, well, Duncan is more demanding," she answered truthfully.
So Carol and Duncan had managed some more sexual time together but they were already thinking of when and how they could have more. All they could really do was to get together as often as they could whilst hopefully keeping it a secret because if it was blown right open there would probably be distress and concern caused to several people.
Despite their wanting to, they were not able to get together the next weekend although a conversation that Carol had with Harry brightened the future up considerably.
"You remember that my planned all night fishing thing did not happen last week?" said Harry.
"Of course I remember, " said Carol irritably as she was reading a book but thinking about Duncan.
"Well, Tony and I were thinking of having a few days away salmon fishing in Scotland," Harry said with a bit of trepidation because he expected Carol to be annoyed as he and she rarely had any days away.
Carol thought that all her Christmases had arrived at once but she remained calm, "Were you? How soon are you planning on doing that?"
"Well there is a possibility that we'll go next weekend until the following Wednesday but I told him that you might not be pleased," said Harry.
Carol did a quick mental calculation, 'four or maybe more nights with Duncan,' before she replied, "No, you go if you want to. I am busy at work anyway so I might not be here all of the time."
"Are you sure, I thought that you would be pissed off?" said Harry surprised at the ease with which he had got 'permission' for his fishing trip.
"Yes, you book it. Just let me know when you are going and when you are coming back," said Carol.
Harry did book it and it transpired that he and Tony would travel north through Friday night and would not actually be home until early on Thursday morning. So that gave Carol five nights in Duncan's bed plus time for an after-work fuck on Wednesday if they were not both totally drained by then.
Carol could not contain her joy, although she was careful to not show it externally, and she sent Duncan a text saying, 'I have some great news, tell you in the morning,' which had all sorts of thoughts crossing Duncan's mind including, 'I am going to be a dad,' although he swiftly dismissed that one.
Carol gave Duncan the news in the morning and he was equally thrilled. During the working week, the lovers refrained from too much touching because they knew that soon they would have seemingly countless hours together, at least in comparison with what they had had so far.
Carol had to wait until Harry and Tony actually left on Friday night and it was not much before midnight when she arrived at Duncan's house where they had a drink and chatted. She had brought clothes with her for work the following Monday but would have to call at home either Monday evening or Tuesday morning for clothes for Tuesday.
"Is your arse ready to take another caning?" Duncan asked Carol as they had a drink.
"What, now?" she responded, as it was now after midnight.
"Why not? You could go to bed with a sore arse and imagine how horny you will be in the morning," grinned an excited Duncan.
"That's true, down here or upstairs?" said Carol, warming to the idea of having a caning now and the stimulation it would cause both now and in a few hours.
The previous caning that Duncan had given her had been over the back of the settee but Duncan had already given some thought to the next one so he said, "Upstairs, I want you on the bed with some pillows under your middle so that your bare arse is raised nice and high."

This was the first complete night together in Duncan's house and Carol had envisaged some gentle lovemaking but now she was going to get her arse whipped followed, no doubt, by a hard fuck but the gentle lovemaking could be for another night.
An appropriate number of pillows were placed on the bed and Carol and Duncan both got naked before Duncan fetched the cane. Carol got on the bed with the pillows below her and after a few adjustments, her backside was in the perfect position to receive the cane. Duncan was ignoring the needs of his rigid cock as he bent the cane, "The nine strokes that you had last time did not seem to cure your infidelity, Mrs Blunstone," he said.
"No Mr Henderson, I think perhaps twelve strokes this time," said Carol who knew that it would be very painful but ultimately very satisfying.
"Yes, twelve strokes but twelve hard ones," said Duncan as he slashed the cane through the air.
"Followed by a hard fucking, I hope," said Carol.
"Most certainly," said Duncan who moved closer to the bed and measured the cane across Carol's rounded buttocks. Carol turned her head away, not that she thought that it would diminish the sting, as Duncan raised the cane. CRACK, the cane whistled through the air and made contact with Carol's arse. She twisted but did not make a sound but if Duncan could have seen her face he would have seen the pain register on it.
Duncan watched the first red line appear and then he added others at intervals of about fifteen seconds. Carol was bucking and writhing and groaning and sobbing as stroke after stroke lashed her cheeks. Duncan was breathing heavily, as was Carol, and he had been mentally counting the strokes and he had now delivered eight. Carol's arse was on fire but so was her cunt and she was longing to have something inserted in it, almost anything, as she felt herself close to orgasm just by getting her buttocks flogged.
CRACK, stroke number nine landed and Carol shrieked, "Shit!" and her thighs tightened and her legs opened and then closed as Duncan watched an orgasm in progress.
Duncan waited the best part of a minute for Carol to calm down before another CRACK made her scream and Duncan rapidly landed the last two CRACK, CRACK, and threw the cane aside. Carol was crying into the bedclothes and her body was trembling or convulsing but her legs were wide open and her cunt seemed to be pleading with him to insert his cock. Duncan looked at the cane-ravaged cheeks for a moment before getting on the bed and, after moving the pillows under Carol's middle a bit, shoving his penis into Carol's vagina.
There was nothing subtle about this as Duncan thrust hard and fast and had Carol cumming again as Duncan's body made contact with her stinging buttocks and then she felt her lover spurt his spunk deep inside her. They were both soaked in sweat from the caning and the fucking but they did not bother about bathing. Carol was certainly not going to be lying on her back nor did she want any bedclothes touching her arse.
Carol had a very uncomfortable night with her buttocks burning but she was feeling incredibly randy as she started wanking the still sleeping Duncan's cock in the morning. Duncan was not sleeping for long and soon he was looking at Carol's cane marked bottom before again entering her from behind. This was not as frantic as the night before's fuck immediately after the caning but it was not all that long-lasting either and quite soon Carol was orgasming and Duncan was ejaculating.
They had a shower but did not dress and Carol knew that she would not be sitting down much for a day or two as she continued to get sexual arousal from the feelings in her nether regions. Duncan's penis was mostly close to full erection and it often hardened as he made one of his frequent inspections of his secretary's caned arse.
After one of those arse inspections, Duncan's cock was so rigid that Carol got on her knees in front of him and wanked him hard and fast until he spurted spunk all over her face and into her hair causing Carol to shriek with laughter.
Harry had sent Carol a couple of texts, one to say that they had arrived safely and the second to comment on the weather and the fishing, both of which was good.
Carol still did not fancy having her backside on the bed on Saturday night so she was stood, legs spread, looking at Duncan's erection before slowly lowering herself onto it. As she rode him, her arse hurt every time that it hit his thighs but she found that exhilarating and she bounced faster making it hurt more as she shrieked and laughed through an orgasm. Carol's bouncing and her use of her cunt muscles soon had Duncan coming inside her.
The Sunday morning lovemaking was with Carol on her back although she could still feel the effects of the caning from thirty plus hours earlier. It was loving and slow and Carol's orgasms were not as wild as some before Duncan once again emptied his balls inside her.
There was more text contact between Harry and Carol, saying that he was having a great time and that he hoped that she was not too bored. As Duncan was licking her cunt as she started to reply, she had to cut the reply short before she came hard on her lover's face.
They made love gently on Sunday night and then it was Monday morning and they had to arrive at work at separate times and pretend that they had not seen each other since leaving work on Friday.
They still had two more nights to go plus time for a Wednesday evening fuck, so the immediate prospects were good for Carol and Duncan.