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Sam's Sexual Awakening Part 1

"Sam learns about sex from a middle-aged neighbor."

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Author's Notes

"This is part one of a series. All characters are 18 years of age or older."

Before my dad remarried and I entered college, life had been a series of ups and downs. Mom was diagnosed with cancer when I was a freshman in high school, and she finally succumbed to the disease the summer after my senior year after a long, drawn-out battle with both chemo and radiation treatments. She hung in there until the bitter end, but her last days were an emotional roller coaster for dad and me as we both secretly knew the end was in sight but refused to admit it to one another or ourselves.

During my high school years, her condition affected me in a variety of ways. I tended to engage in risky behaviors and got in a fair amount of trouble at school. Of course, this didn't help our home life. The last thing my parents needed was to worry about me, but it was my way of rebelling to circumstances beyond my control and mom's spiraling health issues.

My friends typically avoided the subject of my home life, and I went through a few typical high school romances that tended to be short-lived, mainly because of my bad attitude. I dated a few very sweet girls who tried valiantly to change my bad boy ways and a couple who got a thrill out of my negative behaviors and troublemaking.

Most of the time, I was in a relationship for self-gratification. The one thing my girlfriends had in common was a particular look. Personalities came secondary. Anyone with a brain could see that I liked big tits, and my dates fit that body profile almost always. My brain was in my groin as I was repeatedly reminded by my friends.

At the age of eighteen, I lost my virginity to an older neighbor girl who was a freshman at a nearby community college. I can't say it was a particularly wonderful experience since it took place on the uncomfortable bench seat of my ancient Chevy Bel Air after we had been dating for about a month. One night when her parents were out for dinner, I reached second base with her in her living room by successfully getting her bra off and fondling those perky teenage tits, but she stopped me before I could get into her panties for fear her parents would walk in the door during our wrestling. She did offer hope for future entanglements, however, if we could find a place of privacy.

"Not here, Sammy. What if my parents walked in on us? I'd be grounded for the rest of my life!"

Of course, my house was off-limits since my bedroom was next to my parents and my ailing mother was always home.

That prompted an area search, and many miles and a tank of gas later I discovered a hidden parking place with a view of city lights. And so, after a movie and a few hits off a joint I'd been saving, we drove to my magical spot to check out the view. In no time, we were entangled in a heavy make-out session and after an appropriate amount of kissing and light touching, I moved in for the next stage of my plan.

Even though the heater in my car barely worked, I successfully convinced Sharon that this would be a romantic culmination of our relationship as I grappled with first her jacket, and then her sweater. After a few minutes of serious fondling underneath that garment, I had eventually worked it up above her bra and convinced her it would be better removed. With no help from her, I eventually got her bra unclasped and the pleasures of bare breasts awaited me. Immediately my lips found a large pink nipple and attacked it with gusto. With Sharon's eventual encouragement and instructions, I made a meal of her ripe teenage tits.

My success with her perky cone-shaped breasts only emboldened me further, and I was soon able to work a hand under her skirt and inside her panties without any objection, eventually slipping a finger into her juicy vagina. This caused even greater gasps of pleasure as both of us ignored the cold vinyl seats and the occasional pokes from the floor shifter. I had rounded third base and was headed for home. With a free hand, I had sneakily unfastened and lowered my pants and boxers to my knees, and in the dim evening light, Sharon got a glimpse of my rock-hard boner for the first time. She gasped, but this time in shock.


I just happen to be blessed with a rather large cock, and when it is angry, it swells in girth as well as length, prodigiously so. This is something I proudly achieved on a regular basis while locked in my bedroom late at night with an ancient and well-used Penthouse publication in front of me and a box of tissues on the nightstand. One other girl had previously seen my penis and decided then and there that I was a freak and would have nothing further to do with me or my appendage. Her negative reaction did not exactly boost my ego. It had the opposite effect, and I honestly began to think I was a freak of nature and would remain a virgin for the rest of my celibate life.

So, when Sharon caught a glimpse of my virginal penis, she practically fainted. "Jesus, Sammy. You are huge. I don't think that thing will fit in me!"

Despite her reservations and after much encouragement from me and giggling from her, Sharon tentatively wrapped her hand around my swollen member and stroked it--almost too professionally for a nineteen-year-old whom I always thought was sweet and innocent. I was doing my best to strategically place myself between her legs on the narrow car seat, carefully avoiding the Hurst floorboard shifter, and kneeling in a position to finally experience actual fornication. And with her help and even more giggling, I soon found Valhalla as she finally succeeded to get just the head of my cock between the unshaven lips of her pussy.

"Oh, my god. I've never seen a cock this big. You have just the tip in me, and I feel stuffed!"

This both pleased and disturbed me. Clearly, Sharon was impressed by my penis, but then it sounded like she had been here many times before, obviously with guys other than me. I guessed she wasn't a virgin. My disappointment was short-lived, however, overridden by the fact that I was about to get rid of that label for myself.

In short, I just wanted to fuck her, and her soft pussy flesh felt nothing like my own calloused fist. After some mutual groaning and pleas from Sharon to not cum in her since I didn't come prepared with a rubber, I began working more than just the bulbous head of my cock inside her. Sharon was biting her lip as we both watched inch after inch of my thick shaft disappear into her velvety vagina.

"Oh shit, Sammy. God, your cock is so fucking big. Jesus, whatever you do, don't cum in me. I'm not on the pill."

Her hand was on my stomach as a precaution to my exuberance. She craned her neck and gasped each time I pushed inside her, fucking her ever so slowly at first and then gradually increasing my tempo as my excitement grew. And my excitement was growing quickly, as was the too-soon urge to empty my balls.

Sharon looked up at me and just managed to get out a compliment that put me over the edge,

"God, Sammy, your cock is splitting me in two! I can't believe how thick you are. You feel so good in me..." when suddenly, approximately two minutes after insertion, I groaned loudly and exploded with a huge burst of cum inside her.

Sharon's demeanor quickly turned from passion to panic. It only took a second or two for her to realize that I was pumping a steady stream of semen into her warm and willing pussy.

"Oh, shit! What are you doing, Sammy? I told you not to cum in me. Jesus, and so soon! I was just getting warmed up!"

I hurriedly pulled out--obviously too late--as my cock continued to squirt sperm over her stomach and onto her jutting tits now exposed by the loosened bra incongruously wrapped around her neck.

"Sorry," I muttered. "I didn't mean to cum so fast. But I don't think I got much inside you." As if that mattered. Besides, it was a lie. A river of white, sticky cum began draining out of her pussy trailing the sudden withdrawal of my softening member. My rapidly shrinking organ continued to leak the final remnants of my pent-up product onto her stomach and down onto the cold vinyl seats of my Bel Air.

We quickly cleaned up as best we could, using my t-shirt as a cleaning rag, and Sharon asked me to take her home so she could try some home remedies to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. That effectively ended the romance for a while as we both feared the worst. Eventually, though, we realized we had dodged a bullet and none of my soldiers had found a home during the invasion of her pussy. But even so, between the embarrassment of my premature ejaculation and tempting fate with an unwanted pregnancy, I deliberately avoided Sharon.

So, my first experience, while pleasurable for me at least, was so short-lived that it only encouraged me to practice more. Unfortunately, my practice sessions were done solo. I was humiliated by my performance with Sharon, and I don't think she was too impressed with my stamina despite the pleasing size of my tool in her view. So, by mutual agreement, our relationship seemed to dissolve after that. I did fantasize about those fabulous breasts of hers and the sight of my cock being guided by her encouraging hand into her waiting pussy. In my fantasies, though, I lasted much longer until she was begging me to stop. But instead of coming in her tight pussy, I filled a handful of Kleenex tissues.

Mom was not doing well during this time, and we had lots of well-wishers and friends who offered help in a variety of ways. One spring day on my way home from school, I ran into a neighbor lady down the block who had befriended mom, and she inquired how things were going. I was walking by her house, and she was watering some flowers along the sidewalk in a tight pair of shorts and a tank top that caught my attention. I thought it was someone much younger until she turned around in surprise when she heard my footsteps, and then gave me a big smile.

"Oh, hi! You startled me! How's everything, Sammy? I haven't talked to your mom in a while. How's she doing?"

Like most folks, Mrs. Collins' inquiries tended to be generic so as not to seem intrusive. The handwriting was on the wall as to the probable outcome, but everyone just wanted us to know they cared about what we were going through as a family.

"Oh, you know. Some good days and some bad. Thanks for asking." Mrs. Collins had always been nice to me, and I had secretly fantasized about her in a far-fetched dream after realizing during one of my visits to mom that she had great tits. She was very attractive to me, even as a middle-aged friend of my mother. But I also figured it was probably weird to be attracted to an older woman.

"How about with you? Do you have a job lined up for the summer?"

“No. Nothing yet. But I really haven't been looking much since school is still going on."

"You know, Sammy, if you have some time, I could use a little help with some yard chores, and I'd pay you well. It's hard to find help these days and since I'm single, there's a few things I can't do very easily. Are you interested? Nothing too difficult for a big, strong guy like you but hard for me. I'm afraid I'm not very handy when it comes to house maintenance."

Mrs. Collins was petite...maybe 5'5" and thin except for her big boobs. She was clearly fit, and I frequently saw her running to stay in shape. I assumed she had to wear a running bra, but even then, her breasts appeared to be quite large as they bounced deliciously. In a tank top, they were hard not to notice.

Since I was without two nickels to rub together, and gas money did not come easily, I jumped at her offer but tried to sound nonchalant.

"Sure, I can help out, and I do need some gas money for my jalopy. Seems like I'm always running on empty."

"Well, your car does look a little worn I've noticed, but you seem to be in good shape. You must work out!" She reached up and gave my biceps a brief playful squeeze. "Mmmm, I bet the girls are breaking your door down." She winked and smiled at her comment.

Obviously, she was joking with her flirtations, but I certainly didn't mind. Mrs. Collins could still turn heads. More than once, I saw my dad staring greedily at her when she was visiting mom. One time I overheard him say to a friend something about how much fun it would be to get her in the sack. She had a reputation after she moved into the neighborhood as being promiscuous, but it was likely wishful thinking from gossipy neighbors who were probably jealous of her obvious good looks and attention from the men of the neighborhood. She was single and the word on the street was she was divorced from her shithead husband before moving here.

Red-faced, I pulled my shoulders back and sucked in my stomach in response to her compliment. I had to force myself to look at her face and not her chest, which begged for my attention. "Actually, I can probably stop by tomorrow if that's ok. I don't think I have anything going on after school. Football practices are done for the year."

"Well, the weather's nice now, so feel free to stop by any day. If my car is in the driveway, I'm home. I live the life of a spinster these days. Having a young man to talk to would be a welcome addition to my boring life. Anytime, even evenings if that works better for you. We can discuss what needs to be done and compensation for you."

"Ok, thanks. Sounds good."

"Nice seeing you, Sammie. Say hi to your mom. I need to get over there and see her."

She turned and walked back down the street toward her house, and I stood there, following her with my eyes until she turned her head and saw me staring. She gave me a little wave and a giggle as she turned up her driveway. I could see what my dad saw in her at that moment. Mrs. Collins was still a babe, or a MILF as my friends would say.

The next day I got home from school and took a shower. I had showered that morning, but I wanted to be fresh after a day in stuffy classrooms. I combed my hair, put on a tight t-shirt to accentuate my chest and arms, and even a dab of cologne. I posed in front of my bedroom mirror. My 6'1" reflection looked pretty good, I reasoned. I stuck my head in the bedroom where mom was resting and said I'd be back soon.

"Where're you headed? You look like you're going on a date to see a bodybuilder!"

"I'm looking into a job opportunity. I'll tell you later."

"Well, good luck then. But I think a nice shirt would be more appropriate for a job interview, don't you? That t-shirt is pretty tight."

"No, this is for physical work. I need to show off my guns." I smiled and waved goodbye. "See you soon."

"Good luck, then. Don't be too long. Dinner's at six or shortly after."

I practically ran down the street and in minutes I was in front of the Collins' house. Her red Mustang sat in the driveway. I took a deep breath and walked up to the front door and rang the bell. I waited a few seconds with no result and then rang it again.

After a moment or two, I heard footsteps padding on the tile floors and the door unlock. Mrs. Collins opened it cautiously at first until she saw who it was and opened it the rest of the way.

"Oh, Sammy. Nice to see you again. Come on in. I'm afraid I'm a bit of a mess...I just got out of the shower and my hair is wet, but you look nice. And you smell good too. I love that cologne."

She was wearing a thin knee-length summer robe, and I tried not to stare but her nipples jutted prominently through the material. She tightened it and retied the waist strap which accentuated her breasts even more. She gave me a hug and briefly pressed her bosom into me. "I forgot you said you'd be over today." Her thick blonde hair was hanging still damp as she pulled it into a ponytail and secured it with a rubber band. I tried not to stare at her boobs as they jiggled with the action of her arms.

"I can come back if this is a bad time, Mrs. Collins. You said anytime and your car is in the driveway." I placed my hands in front of me. I could feel my shorts starting to tent at the sight of those prominent nipples.

"Oh, no. This is fine, Sweetie. I just need to slip on some clothes, so I look presentable. Sit down and make yourself comfortable. Before I change, can I get you something to drink? Water? A beer? Oh, sorry. You're too young, I guess. But I'm having a glass of wine. If you'd like a beer, I won't tell."

"Uh, water's fine, thanks." The fact that Mrs. Collins had offered me a beer made me feel like an adult, but I didn't need to go home with beer on my breath.

"I'll be back in a jiffy." She disappeared to the kitchen and returned shortly with a tall glass of iced water and a glass of red wine. Her breasts jiggled tantalizingly with each step as she marched across the living room and stood in front of me with the beverages. Oddly, I noticed that she was now wearing bright red lipstick and assumed she had applied it when she left the room.

She leaned forward to set the water down, and her robe opened just enough to offer a tantalizing peek of a ripe globe capped with a prominent pink nipple. She leaned back and adjusted the robe self-consciously when she realized it had opened.

"Sorry about that. No one wants to see an old lady's boobs, especially a young man who probably has his pick of young, perky ones." She giggled and self-consciously tried to close her robe even tighter. "Mine used to be that way but gravity is a son-of-a-bitch."

Her frankness took me by surprise, but not wanting to seem prudish, I tried to look serious and reassuringly mature about a woman's breasts.

"Your boobs are nice, Mrs. Collins. I mean... I'm sorry. I don't mean to be forward, but you have nice boobs. I'm sure," I added quickly as if I hadn't been gawking at them. I was, no doubt, beet-red at this point. I fumbled for the right thing to say, and I tried to smile through my embarrassment, but at the same time, my cock was getting uncomfortably stiffer by the second.

"Well, first, let’s drop the Mrs. Collins stuff." She sat next to me on the couch at an angle, her knees touching mine and her hands folded in her lap. "That's way too formal. Just call me Linda. And thank you. No one has complimented my old boobs in ages...or any part of me for that matter. It IS nice to be noticed. She took a sip of wine and sat upright, pulling her shoulders back just a fraction.

"I do try to stay in shape as gravity takes its course. Not too bad for forty, although you should have seen me when I was in high school. I was very popular with the boys. But those days are long gone. As you probably know, my husband left me for a younger version a few years ago and it's been a long dry spell, not to mention lonely. Being a divorced woman has its drawbacks. You're the first man to pay me a compliment in some time...although I suppose I don't get out much anymore to receive any notice, and most of the women are protective of their men around a divorcee. Too much information, I know. I exercise regularly, but mother nature and age can be cruel. Thanks anyway, Sammy. You're a sweetie."

"You're very attractive, Mrs. Collins. I hear lots of people say that about you."

"Oh, Sammy, thank you. That's a sweet thing to say. You're so nice. And handsome too! I'd jump on you if I were younger!"

And with that, she reached over and placing a hand on my knee, planted a motherly kiss on my cheek.

"Older women love to hear compliments, even if they are forced."

I turned to her, a look of confusion on my face, not knowing what to say or do...and then I kissed her back, awkwardly, and not on the cheek. Something just came over me, and I reacted. The smile on her face turned to surprise when I reached around her with my arm and kissed her. As my lips touched hers, she jumped a bit, but then she relaxed and opened her mouth. Suddenly, I felt a wet tongue tangling with mine. I pulled her closer to me, and we stayed that way for several seconds...but it felt like an eternity. My cock responded appropriately. Finally, she pushed me a few inches away and looked me in the eyes. Her pale blue eyes seemed to be pleading.

"Whew! I think I started the wine a bit too soon today, Sammy! I'm not sure what has got into me but thank you for taking pity on an old lady. It's not every day a handsome young man compliments me, let alone kisses me. You definitely got my blood moving." She smiled and gave me a peck on the lips as if to say, "that was nice, but we'd better stop here."

"Mrs. Collins...umm, Linda," I stammered. "I'm so sorry, but you are so sexy, and I couldn't resist. I apologize if I'm way out of line here. I didn't mean to offend you. I'm sorry your husband left you...and... It’s just...well...I couldn't help myself. You are very attractive and... hell, I don't know what to say. I'm sorry."

"Oh, honey. No offense taken." We were still inches from one another, and I could smell the wine on her breath mingled with fresh bath scents. She patted my knee and let her hand run along my inner thigh as if to ease my embarrassment. Suddenly she started, and her face changed to a look of surprise. Her hand found the end of my cock nearly extending out the leg of my shorts and she slid her hand lightly up and down its length, squeezing it along the way. Her surprise soon became a smile.

"Oh my god! What have we here? Oh, Sammy. Is this all you, Sweetheart? Am I dreaming?" She looked down at the bulge in my shorts. "Did I do this to you?"

"Sorry," I apologized. "It has a mind of its own. I can't help it. It's embarrassing." I tried to push my legs together to hide my huge erection but the restriction in my shorts prevented my knees from going together.

"Sweetie, you have nothing to be embarrassed about. This is the nicest gesture anyone has made at me in ages. And on top of that, that's quite a whopper you have going there. I'm flattered if I can do this to someone your age. I'm a proud woman who doesn't get much attention anymore. Don't try to hide it. Please! You might hurt yourself."

She giggled and then we both sat there in silence for a pregnant moment. Finally, I sheepishly opened my knees and smiled as if to say, "What the hell." With a look of amazement on her face, Linda looked down and put both hands on the tubular shape and gave it a gentle squeeze. Then, she looked directly at me with penetrating animal eyes. Suddenly, she leaned over and kissed me tenderly on the mouth.

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"Sammy, stand up for a minute, please."

I did as I was told as she turned me to face her on the couch.

"Honey, I'm going to do something I think you'll like so don't be alarmed. I just can't help myself, and I hope you can keep this a secret between you and me. But I do know something about the sex drive of young men and I'm guessing you are no different."

My wildest fantasies were about to be realized.  At least, that is what I was praying.  I couldn’t believe my ears, but when I heard the word “sex” come out of her mouth and I saw a look of sheer passion on her face, my brain began spinning.

Looking directly into my eyes, Linda gently unbuckled my belt and undid the button at the waist. My shorts were a bit on the loose side at the waist, and she easily unzipped them. She reached under my t-shirt and grabbed my shorts and my boxers at the same time, slowly lowering them, slowly revealing the shaft of my penis until, finally, when my shorts were just above my knees, my cock sprang free like a Jack-in-the-box and hung obscenely at a slightly downward angle.

"Oh, my lord. It is all you. Jesus, Sammy. You are packing some serious heat here." She reached up with both hands and placed them on my cock and slowly examined it. Her fingers did not completely enclose it as she slid them up and down its length. Her voice suddenly became almost hoarse, as if she were in a daze, and she stared at the swollen circumcised head with a look of amazement. "Sammy-honey, you have a gorgeous cock, and so big and fat." She examined it, smiling and licking her lips. "I don't think I've ever seen one this big, Sweetie. This thing looks dangerous."

I could only look down in amazement as this gorgeous middle-aged neighbor fondled my rigid penis. Her face was only a few inches from the large plum-sized glans, and already a droplet of clear liquid was forming at the large piss hole. Mrs. Collins looked up at me and in a throaty, husky voice asked, "Would you mind if I put it in my mouth? Would you care if an old lady gave you a sloppy, wet, blowjob? Hmmm? I used to be pretty good at this, but I have never tried one anywhere near this big."

My wildest fantasies were suddenly being realized. The only hands beside mine that had touched my cock were Sharon's in the front seat of my car in the dark of night. But now I watched in amazement as Linda Collins, my sexy neighbor who had been the object of my jack-off dreams on more than one occasion, held my cock in both hands and was about to give me a blowjob with those full lipstick-covered lips of hers.

She looked at me with puppy eyes and kissed the plum-sized head. Her tongue licked the droplet that had formed there. I was straining and praying not to cum, but this was clearly the most exciting moment I had ever experienced in my short, eighteen years of life.

"Uhm, sure, I guess. If you want to." I had never had a blowjob before, and I couldn't believe my ears. This beautiful forty-year-old woman was about to put her painted lips around my prick. I was stunned. Nothing had prepared me for this moment. "Mrs. Collins...umm...Linda. Do you mind...umm...can I see your breasts?" As the words came out of my mouth, I realized how stupid they sounded.

"Oh, Sammy. You can not only see them. You can squeeze them and suck on them, honey. But first, let's see if I can fit this bad boy into my little mouth."

Her demeanor had changed to almost excitement by this point. She released my cock momentarily to untie her robe, and after shrugging her shoulders, it fell to the couch exposing two beautiful breasts capped with dollar-sized pink areola and pencil erasure nipples. Her breasts sagged a bit, but her nipples seemed to defy gravity and point slightly upward.

"Go ahead and touch them, Honey, while I see if I can get you in my little mouth."

And with that, she opened wide and wrapped her lips around the tip of my cock before stretching her mouth wide and sliding her lips forward until the head had disappeared. She held it there, almost gagging, and sucked, leaving a bright red ring of lipstick around the shaft just below the glans. As she sucked, her tongue periodically came out and licked the underside and around the circumcised head until it glistened with her saliva. She worked both hands slowly up and down my length, occasionally releasing a hand to caress my balls.

I fondled her breasts, gently at first and then pinching and pulling her nipples as I squeezed them. Linda stopped periodically to get a breath of air and encourage me. She raised her gaze to watch my reaction as she struggled to fit more of me into her mouth.

"That's it, Sammy. I love to have my breasts played with. And no one has touched them in ages. Are they firm enough for you? You like big tits, I can tell. But let me see if I can make you cum, Sweetie. I bet you've got a big load ready to shoot, don't you? You'd like to cum, wouldn't you? You are so hard, Honey."

I strained to keep from coming in Mrs. Collin's mouth, but the sight of those red lips stretched around my cock and her tongue licking the head was too much, I felt an explosion working its way from my bowels.

"Uhm, Mrs. Collins, I think I'm going to have to cum. I can't hold it much longer. Maybe you'd better stop so I don't squirt in your mouth." The last thing I wanted was for her to stop, but good manners temporarily took over my brain.

But then I felt her put pressure on the base of my cock with her thumb and fingers, squeezing it in a death grip until the urge to cum dissipated.

"Just a little longer, Honey. Then you can shoot all that gooey sperm right into my mouth. I love the taste of cum, especially from a big cock like yours and it's been ages since I tasted anything as wonderful as this." She released the pressure and resumed her attention to my balls and prick, now twisting her hands as she stroked me. I mentally recited what I could remember of the Gettysburg Address to keep from ejaculating. I got through the first line when it hit me like a tsunami.

"Oh, God, Mrs. Collins. That feels so good. But I don't think I can hold it any longer." And with that she began sucking and jacking me with renewed vigor. She removed one hand and massaged my testicles and teased them with her fingernails, all the while staring directly into my eyes. Her cheeks hollowed, and her mouth made lewd slurping sounds until a surge of cum rushed up from my balls and into my phallus like a volcanic eruption.

"Unngghh," I grunted. "Oh fuck, I can't stop it. Here it comes."

As I uttered the last syllable, a huge wad of ejaculate shot out my prick and into her waiting mouth. Mrs. Collin's lips were wrapped tightly around the glans but were unable to contain all of it. She gagged at the sudden volume and soon cum overflowed and dribbled down her still-pumping fist and onto her lap until, finally, I was spent. Linda kept sucking and licking until my cock began to soften, wiping up the overflow with her fingers and placing it in her mouth, giggling at the mess I had made on her. Her face was dotted with overflow splatter, and a thick white streak clung to her cheek. I was weak-kneed and had to sit back down. As I lay back on the couch in exhaustion, she leaned over me and pressed her naked breasts into me, giving me a sloppy kiss, the taste of my sperm still on her lips.

"Oh, Sammy. My god, I'm soaking after that. I'm not sure I've ever seen that much cum, Honey. And I can't believe it, but your cock is still huge, even when it's soft and still leaking." She wrapped her arms around my neck and snuggled with me for a few minutes, breathing heavily. Finally, she looked up into my eyes and smiled as she used the fabric of her robe to wipe the remnants of my ejaculate from her face.

"Nothing like a horny virile teenager when it comes to sex. I hope you won't think I'm a slut, Honey. This isn't something I normally do, but all the stars were aligned today. Are you ok with what just happened? I don't think I did anything illegal." She smiled sheepishly and pulled the robe partially over her breasts.

"Oh, no, Mrs. That was something I've only dreamed of. You were wonderful. And I won't tell anyone. I promise. In fact, I'll work for free. You don't have to pay me a cent."

"Oh, Sammy, that's so sweet, but no, I'll pay you well, and maybe even give you a bonus from time to time. You've got the job and I couldn't ask for anyone better equipped to do the work." She winked and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I responded by kissing open-mouthed on the lips as I reached down and fondled a ripe nipple.

Finally, Linda broke off and pushed me away with a look of astonishment on her face.

"Honey, haven’t you had enough?  Nothing like the power of youth." She opened her robe. "Would you like to suck on these babies? Go ahead, Sammy. You seem to be enjoying them."

Linda wrapped her arms around my head as I feasted on those fat breasts, licking and sucking the large aureoles. Her nipples became hard nubs under my ministrations.

"Umm, that's it. You're making me tingle all over again, Honey. And look! That big schlong of yours is already getting hard again. My god! Your cock is amazing."

As spent as I was, listening to this middle-aged friend of my mom talk this way had a visible effect on my penis. Slowly it started to stiffen and straighten and while not rock hard, it was stiff enough for more action. Linda grabbed my cock and kissed me tenderly.

"Why don't we go into my bedroom, Sammy, just in case someone walks by the window, hmmm? We can stretch out and relax in there. Oh, wait! Do you have to go home? I don't want you to get in trouble." A genuine look of concern came over her and I was reminded of my mother's admonition to be on time for dinner and the fact that I was still just a teenager.

"No, I've got some time. No worries." The thought of getting Mrs. Collins in bed and what possibilities that promised made my cock stiffen another notch. I stood and followed her in a duck walk until I pulled my shorts back up and held them at my waist. My 10-inch cock protruded obscenely like an arrow pointing the way through my unzipped fly. My eyes were glued on Mrs. Collins' ass as she let me to the bedroom. I followed her down the hallway and into her large master suite with a king-sized bed, unmade with the sheets piled to one side. She sat on the edge and bade me sit next to her.

"Should I take my robe off or leave it on?"

"Oh please. Take it off!" I was perhaps a little too enthusiastic, and I dropped my shorts to the floor and stepped out of them. I was now naked except for my t-shirt.

Mrs. Collins stood and removed her robe and folded it. She was naked underneath--no panties--just raw flesh. "That robe is ready for the wash anyway. It is covered with your sperm, although I might keep it around to sniff it periodically." She winked and sat back down before lying back on a fluffy pillow.

"Go ahead and take off the rest of your clothes, Sammy. Let me see that manly chest."

I peeled off my t-shirt as she lay back on the bed, naked--a mature, sexy, goddess. Her large breasts jutted upward as she stretched her arms over her head. Her neatly trimmed delta glistened with moisture.

I stood there staring at her. I was about to have sex with an unbelievably sexy middle-aged woman--a friend of my mother's--and I didn't want this to end. I gazed upon her beautiful mounds piled on top of her chest and let my eyes slowly wander to her fertile delta. Mrs. Collins was a true blonde based on the patch of pubic hair visible above the v formed by her closed thighs.

She sat up and grabbed me by my rigid cock, gently pulled me to the bed before releasing me and lying back on her pillow. She stretched her arms over her head again, accentuating those beautifully round breasts capped with large, puffy, pink nipples.

"Sammy--would you do me a small favor, please. Would you just get me a little wet first? I do have some lubricant, but I prefer the real thing: a nice warm tongue to get my pussy wet. Is that something you could do? I just had a shower and I'm clean as a whistle. I'm afraid that weapon of yours will require extra lubricant due to your size."

I had never performed cunnilingus before, but it seemed simple enough. Of course, I had seen plenty of examples of it on porn sites, but the real thing excited me beyond belief. Also, it would give me the opportunity to please this goddess and show her that I was not just about getting my rocks off. As much as I wanted to sink my cock in Mrs. Collin's pussy, the thought of making her happy also excited me.

I kneeled on the bed and placed my face in position just above her fertile valley, inhaling the musky scent of her pussy. She spread her legs and pulled her knees up, giving me a closeup view of her labia and engorged clitoris protruding from her delicate maidenhair. Her blonde pubic hair was soft and downy and contrasted with the fine blonde peach fuzz on her lower abdomen. I gently pushed her thighs further apart, partially opening her labia, and ran my tongue up the slit formed by her outer lips.

"Oh, yes, Honey. Just like that. You have no idea how wonderful that feels. It's been ages since anyone has done this to me, and I'm so happy it is you."

Her words of encouragement excited me even more. She moaned my name over and over and at one point grabbed my head with both hands and pressed my face into her vagina.

"Sammy, Sammy, Sammy. Sweetie. That is so good! You are making me so horny and wet, Honey.  Yes, just like that, Honey."

Emboldened by her words, I began to experiment with my tongue and fingers, occasionally licking lower and touching the star of her anus with my tongue before letting it slip inside her pussy and over her clitoris. Her clitoris seemed to grow each time I licked it, and I put it between my lips and gently sucked it from time to time. Her clitoris was partially covered by a hood of skin, but the little penis head protruded well beyond that flap of skin as I kissed and sucked on it. I inserted my index finger into her pussy, now soaking with her juices, and then brazenly inserted just the tip into her ass.

She gave a start. "Oh Sam, Honey. That is so nasty, but I love it. You're a naughty boy, aren't you?"

Finally, she grabbed my head and pulled me up to kiss me, open-mouthed, her tongue frantically exploring the insides of my mouth. She breathed a throaty demand in my ear after first running her tongue around the inside of it.

"Sammy, I'm ready, Honey. I need you to fuck me with that big cock of yours. I need to feel you stretch me, Sweetie. Go ahead, put it in me. I'm as ready as I'll ever be."

She held my head in her hands staring into my eyes with a look that was almost pleading. "Fuck me with your big cock, Honey. I'm so horny. I want you to feel how soft my pussy is as I squeeze your fat cock."

I scooted up and grabbed my rigid phallus in one hand and brought the head to the entrance to that beautiful honey pot, the ultimate object of my dreams. Of course, I had fantasized about many different women as I jerked off, usually the face of a well-used Penthouse magazine model, but as I looked at the middle-aged woman who was about to feel my cock slide into her waiting pussy, I realized she was even better than those perfect airbrushed models. Mrs. Collins' face was beginning to show laugh lines and tiny wrinkles around her eyes and mouth, but they only made her more beautiful to me. Her blonde hair, still in a ponytail, added a youthful touch to her maturity. And her body was not that of a teenager. Her skin upon closer inspection had minor blemishes, a small mole on her shoulder, a tiny bit of excess skin on her stomach perhaps. But it was the body of my dreams. Big boobs with large puffy nipples that begged to be sucked. Full lips that had recently left a bright red ring around my cock. And a gorgeous neatly trimmed pussy waiting to pleasure me. I wanted to pinch myself.

I sluiced my cock up and down between Mrs. Collin's labia, moistening the head and repeatedly trying to push it in to no avail. She craned her neck in anticipation of my attempted penetration. The effect only heightened the excitement for both of us. Sensing my building frustration, Linda reached down and placed the fingers of both her hands on her pussy lips and spread them apart, revealing a pink cavity still smaller than the plum-sized head of my cock.

"Try it now, Sammy. Don't be afraid. It will fit but you might have to push harder to get it started."

Once again, I rubbed my glans up and down her slit and then hesitating over the pink target she was presenting, pushed a bit more forcefully. The head flattened at first but refused to slip in.

"That's it, Honey. Keep pushing. You're almost there."

I pushed again, the shaft bending under the pressure and then suddenly, the head slid in and disappeared in the confines of that beautiful cunt. The sensation was indescribable.

"Oh fuck, Honey. There you go. Jesus, your cock is so thick! Hold it there for just a bit and let me get used to you. My god, you feel so good.  It’s been so long."

I stared in awe as Mrs. Collins reached down with one hand and stroked the shaft still waiting for to bury itself in her. She gripped me with one hand on my cock and the other on my ass and guided me slowly into her pussy.

"That's it. Nice and easy, Baby. Keep pushing. Oh, Sweet Jesus, Sammy. What a beautiful cock you have. You're making this old lady happy, Honey. It's been ages since I've felt like this."

I gently pushed with my hips and watched as inch after inch steadily disappeared into her pussy. Finally, I was all the way in, and I stayed there a moment before withdrawing. As my cock emerged from those velvety confines, her inner lips retracted with it, clinging to my thick shaft. Fortunately, her natural lubrication eased the process and my cock glistened with her juices.

Linda Collins' eyes were hooded over in pleasure as I repeated the process and gradually increased my tempo. Thanks to her wonderful fellatio, I didn't feel any urgency to cum despite my obvious excitement. This was technically only the second time I had intercourse with a real person, and the first time with Sharon had only lasted seconds before I blew my wad.

"Oh Sammy, Honey. You feel so good inside me. My god, I can't believe all that cock will fit in me, but don't stop, Sweetie. You're going to make me cum if you keep this up."

She reached down and grabbed my wrists, placing my hands on her breasts.

"Go ahead and play with my breasts while you fuck me, Honey. That's it. Kiss and suck my nipples. They are so sensitive.  You are a wonderful lover, Sammy.

Her words of encouragement caused me to really fuck her in earnest. My cock was ramming in and out of her so hard I was afraid of hurting her, but Linda only wrapped her arms around me and began meeting me thrust for thrust, occasionally rotating her ass in tight circles.

"Oh fuck, Sammy. That's it. You're going to make me cum, Honey. Just like that...oh sweet Jesus...right there. Hold it there Sammy. OH FUUUUUCK, I'M CUMMING. SHOOT YOUR CUM IN ME, HONEY. FILL MY PUSSY. THAT'S IT, BABY!"

I held my cock buried to the hilt in her pussy as her cunt muscles gripped me tightly in a spasm of pleasure. Mrs. Collins' body jerked uncontrollably, and she squeezed my neck and chest into her, mashing her breasts against my chest. After a minute or so, she began to relax, and I felt her breath in my ear again.

"That was wonderful, Sammy. You made me feel like a little girl again. I don't think I've ever had an orgasm that violent before. Just hold me with your cock inside me so I can feel you soften. I hope my pussy was tight enough for you.

"Did I do OK, Mrs. Collins? I tried to hold it as long as possible."

"First, stop the Mrs. Collins shit, OK? You can call me that in front of your mother, but when you are here, I'm Linda. And secondly, you did better than OK. You are a young stud, Sammy. I'm going to be sore and have trouble walking after this, but, Honey, believe me, it was worth it. You made an old lady feel like a teenager again. That baseball bat of yours hit a home run. You must make a lot of girls happy with that weapon of yours."

"Actually, I'm new at this. I was worried I would do it wrong. You're a great teacher."

"Well, if that's the case, Honey, I'm happy to give you private lessons. You must be a fast learner because I haven't been fucked like that in memory. You could teach a few men I've known a thing or two. But remember, this must be our secret. If you need to brag about it to your friends, it all goes away."

"I promise I'll never say a word, Mrs.—umm--Linda. This has been the greatest day of my life. I swear!"

"OK, Sammy. I believe you. And this has been a day for me to remember as well." She kissed me on the cheek. A motherly kiss. "I don't want to get a reputation as being easy, do I? If you can keep your word, this could be fun."

We finally did talk about some chores that needed to be done as well as compensation, as if having a sexy, beautiful, woman to fuck wasn't enough. Shortly before 6:00 I put my clothes back on and after kissing her luscious breasts and her full lips one more time, I made my way home. My feet barely touched the concrete.

Mom and Dad were in the kitchen when the door slammed behind me. "How did it go?" Mom yelled.

"Fine. I got the job."

"Congratulations. Where is it?"

"Helping Mrs. Collins with yard work and chores around the house. It's just gas money mostly, but it's a start."

My dad only smiled. "Way to go, son."

If he only knew.




Written by johndoe7
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