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Saint Laura Part 2

"Kyle is a married man with a mean wife. He meets Laura who takes pity on him."

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Carla lay on the king-sized bed with her legs slightly apart. She was caressing her boobs for a little while before one hand slid down to her shaved pussy and began to play with her clit. Her young firm body was a sight to see and Kyle loved to watch her. He stood at the foot end of the bed looking down at his wife. She was thirty-five years his junior and some people gave them looks on the streets. He didn’t care, he loved her and cared for her.

“Honey, come and fuck me. Don’t you see my pussy is wet and ready for you?”

Kyle was pulling at his cock but the darn thing wouldn’t get hard. He became frustrated and Carla noted it.

“Oh, look at you, can’t even get an erection these days. What a useless husband I have. Maybe I should get myself a much younger one on the side. One that can fuck me until I come over and over again.” She ended with a giggle and then got out of bed. She could have played with his cock or sucked on it to help him out but she thought that if he didn’t get hard watching her, why should she put any effort into it. A man should always get hard was her idea of a real man.

When she walked past him, she whispered. “You are a pathetic excuse for a man, Kyle.”

He stood by himself and heard how she closed the door to the guest room behind her. Kyle looked down at his limp cock and sighed. This was not the way he had thought things would turn out when he met Carla three years earlier. He put on his pajamas and went to bed. Her fragrance lingered in the sheets and he berried his head on the pillow wondering why he couldn’t get it up for her. He had morning erections but she didn’t like to fuck in the morning. When he watched porn he would be hard as a rock but with her, nothing.

They had tried the pill but his heart began to beat so hard he thought it would bust through his chest and he got headaches afterward. They had tried to watch porn together and that didn’t help either. The fact that Carla would constantly comment on the dude’s dick and how big and hard it was didn’t make things any better. Carla never said a kind word to him, but he let it fly. He was seventy and she was thirty-five. While they were dating she was kind and loving but once she had the ring on her finger the taunting began. Deep inside, he knew she had married him for money, and that was okay. He had no children so he couldn’t pass it on to them. Carla had worked as a barista when they met. He would go to the same coffee shop and there she was. Tall, dark-haired, with a big smile on her face and perfect teeth. That she was smart and funny made chatting with her while waiting so much better. She had asked him out and he had been surprised.

During the first date, she explained that she had always preferred older men and that her last boyfriend had been sixty-five. She didn’t care about kids so that was one good thing at least. Kyle had worried that she might have wanted a couple. They would go on long walks and travel together. She quit her job and began painting as a hobby. Their life was good until they got married.

Kyle woke up and the house was empty. He looked out the window and Carla’s car was gone. He decided to go and visit his old business partner Manny at the old people's home. Kyle wondered if he would end up in one too if Carla left him. He was healthy, active, and had his head on straight. He didn’t need any help around the house either. The only reason he might check into a home would be for the company of the other guests. He had no friends alive apart from Manny and he was on his last breath anyway.

“How you holding up, Manny?”

His friend and previous business partner sat at a table playing cards with some of the other men at the home. Next to him stood an oxygen tank with a tube up to Manny’s nose.

“Hi, what a pleasant surprise to see you. Let me finish this hand.” He coughed a few times and Kyle thought he would keel over right there and then.

They sat down at a different table and Kyle went and got them two plastic cups of water from a dispenser.

“I’m dying, the doctors can’t tell me exactly how long but I won't be around for Christmas which will save you some money not having to buy me a gift.”

Kyle smiled. Manny was always the joker of them. “Sure, you will be around.”

“No, I don’t want to. I have been around for a long time and I want to go. I want to see Marta again.”

She was his wife who had died ten years earlier in a stroke. That was about the same time that Kyle’s ex-wife had left him to go to a hippy commune in India and he had never heard from her again.

“I’m sorry you feel that way. I will miss you, you know.”

Manny patted his hand. “We have made a lot of money together, fucked a lot of women, and drank a shit load of expensive booze. We have had an amazing life together. How’s Carla, still giving you a hard time.”

“Yeah, it seems to get worse every day.”

“Just divorce her, she gets some money and you can be in peace.”

“I’ve thought about it, but I don’t want to be alone until I die.”

While they talked a pretty young woman came out from the office and began tidying up the lobby area. Kyle caught her eye and she smiled kindly at him and he smiled back.

“Who’s that?” he asked.

“Laura. She is the best nurse we have here. Listen to this, every morning when she wakes me up, she lets me touch her boobs. Not naked, but through her top.”


“I swear to God. She lets all the men do it.”


“Shit, I don’t know and I don’t care.”

They talked some more and when it was time for his medicine and bath Kyle hugged his friend and left. On his way home he couldn’t take his mind off this nurse Laura. What an amazing woman she must be. He had never heard of a nurse letting her patience touch her.

“Who was that you were talking to?” asked Laura while shampooing Manny’s white hair.

He was naked in the bathtub and she sat on a stool behind him. She could see his wrinkled cock and she so much wanted to touch it and make it hard but not at work, never at work. Manny couldn’t leave so she would never have the opportunity.

“That’s my best friend and old business partner, Kyle. He is married to this very young woman and she is a complete bitch.”

“How do you mean?”

“Well, she married him for the money and once she had the ring on her finger, she turned into a real asshole. I’m sure you are not interested in this but, she makes fun of him when he can’t get it up. Says she will find another man who can.”

“You don’t say.” Laura’s mind began to work. There was an opportunity here to make an old man happy.

“Anyway, enough about Carla. Be careful I’m getting that fruity shit you call shampoo in my eyes.”

Laura rinsed his hair and then helped him up and put him in a thick bathrobe before taking him back to his room.

“I know this therapist that helped a friend of mine and his wife. Maybe I can call Kyle and give it to him.”

“Sure, that might work. I’ll write down his number.”

Kyle was practicing his golf swing at a golf center later that afternoon when his phone rang. He didn’t recognize the number but answered anyway.

“Hi, this is Laura from Manny’s home.”

“Shit, did he die?”

“No, he is just fine. I’m calling because he told me you have problems with your wife and I thought I could help.

Kyle looked at the phone. Why was this woman helping him? Manny must have told her after he left. He sighed and said, “thanks, but it isn’t much you can do.”

“Please, at least meet me for a coffee.”

He thought for a moment. He could go home and sit and wait for Carla to show up, or he could meet the pretty nurse. Easy choice.

“Sure, text me a place.”

She was already waiting for him when he arrived and he took a seat opposite her. It was a small café with a couple of busy tables. Mostly young people from the university close by. Paola looked very pretty out of uniform. She wore a summer dress with straps over her brown shoulders.

“Thanks for meeting me,” she said.

Kyle ordered for them and when the waiter was gone he said, “Manny told you I guess.”

“Yes, he did. I’m sorry but I think I can help you.”

“How you don’t know Carla and I don’t understand how you get her to be nice and have sex with me?”

She slowly shook her head and then tilted it. “I’m going to sleep with you.”

Kyle stared at her. “Could you repeat that?”

She giggled. “I said I will sleep with you.”

He was suspicious now. “What, are you an escort?”

“No, I don’t charge. I like being with older men. Young guys can get all the pussy they want, but men your age can’t so that’s what I give them.”

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Their coffees arrived and when they were alone again Kyle asked, “So you do this often, like at work?”

“No, never at work and not too often either. I’m quite picky but you seem like a nice man. Could you give me your hand?”

Kyle put it forward and she took it in hers. “Good, you have a strong pulse. What about your health in general?”

“I’m fit as a fiddle.”

“How come you can’t get it up?”

“I can, just not with Carla.”

“I see, and you say she treats you badly all the time.”


“I think I know what this is. Let’s finish the coffee I’ve booked us a room at the hotel around the corner.”

“But I haven’t said yes yet. I’m not sure I want to cheat on Carla.”

“No problem, think about it and while you do, have a look at this.” She slid her phone over to him.

He picked it up and when he looked at the screen he said, “Wow, you are amazing.”

She was naked in the photo, leaning against a door frame. The light came in from a window and lit up her one boob and her hip. She had long legs and a slim hourglass figure.

Laura thought the problem with Kyle was performance anxiety. A lot was expected from him and when it was time, he just froze and didn’t get it up. She was sure she could help him and hoped that he would take her up on her offer.

Kyle’s head was spinning. He had been with some amazing women and as far as looks and being sexy, Laura was equal to his top three. Did he care if Carla found out, no he didn’t. She had threatened him so many times that she would be with another man he had lost count. As far as he knew, she could be fucking some horny dude with a giant cock right now.

“Ok, I’m in.”

She just smiled at him and asked for the bill which she paid.

The room was bright with large windows facing the street. A bed stood in the middle against the wall and opposite was a desk, a chair, and a minibar. Kyle looked into the bathroom which was large and clean. When he came out again Laura was pouring him a drink from the minibar.

“I thought this might help you relax,” she said and handed him the whiskey.

“Thanks, you are right. I’m very nervous.”

She sat down on the end of the bed and he leaned against the desk and sipped on his drink. The room was quiet until it became a little uncomfortable. “So, what happens now?” he said.

“We drink, we hang out here. There is no stress. We have the room until tomorrow.”

His phone rang and it was Carla. Laura nodded that he should take it.

“Yes, honey?”

“Where the fuck are you? I come home and the dishes aren’t made and the washing you promised to put in the machine is still in the basket.”

Kyle sighed. “Sorry, baby. I forgot. I will do it when I come home.”

“I’ll just do it. Not only can’t you fuck me, but you also can’t even handle simple tasks.”

Kyle had put her on speaker so Laura could hear. When Carla hung up Laura sipped from her vodka and said, “That woman needs a good old spanking.”

Kyle laughed. “Yes she does, but she doesn’t let me do it.”

Laura handed him her glass and very slowly undressed while keeping eye contact with him. When she took off her bra he sighed at the sight of her firm boobs. She stood up and wiggled out of her thong. Then she placed everything neatly over the chair by him. Then she sat down again and got her to drink back.

“Your turn,” she said.

Kyle had always been a bit shy about being naked. He preferred to get undressed in the dark, but here was Laura telling him to do the opposite. He began with his shirt, then his pants and socks. He laid everything on the desk.

“Those too,” she said pointing at his shorts.

He took them off and put them on top of his pile. He felt uncomfortable and the cool air in the room made his dick shrink. Laura sat in silence and looked him up and down like she was measuring him. Finally, she said, “you are quite fit for a man your age. I like it.”

“Thanks. Just so you know, I’m not very comfortable right now standing naked before you.”

“I know, and that’s what we are working on. Try to relax. Here, let me get you another drink.”

When she handed it to him, she stood so close her pussy barely touched his thigh, but he did feel it and that sent a wave of emotions through his body. He felt his cock come alive, not a giant erection, but blood was filling it.

Laura sat down again and watched with interest how his previously shriveled dick now grew in length and girth. “Just look at that, how amazing the human body is. I barely touched you but you reacted.”

Kyle looked down and felt so proud as the blood pumped into his cock and it stood up. Not fully erected but half-mast as they say.

“Come here,” she said.

He took a step towards her and she reached for his dick and pulled him closer. When he was just a foot from him, she gave him her glass which he put on the desk. Her hand was warm around his shaft and after sucking on her thumb a little she let it play over his cock head. He sighed and a moan slipped over his lips.

“It feels good doesn’t it, Kyle?”

“It sure does.”

“You have a beautiful cock. I just want you to know that.” She leaned in and kissed it and then sucked on the head.

Kyle went rock hard in that instant and Laura giggled before taking him in her mouth. It was such a long time ago Kyle had seen a woman’s lips go taught around his shaft but watching Laura’s, he was so happy and grateful.

She loved sucking cock and while she did, she would tease his balls with her nails and gently squeezes them in her hand.

“Oh god, I’m almost coming.”

She let go of him and he stepped back from her. Still hard he grabbed his drink and finished it off. He looked down and he was still hard. Usually, as soon as he let go of his dick when he jerked off it would go flaccid within half a minute.

“This is amazing.”

“I told you, all you needed was to be relaxed. Just look at that beautiful hard cock you have there. Would you like to fuck me now?”

“I was wondering, would it be too much to ask if I could lick you first?”

“Of course not, I love being licked. Come here.” She scooted up and put a pillow under her head and Kyle followed her onto the bed. He lay between her legs and then he licked the slit slowly upward. Downward her put a bit more pressure and her lips came apart and he tasted her. It was such a turn on his cock grew even harder under him. He located her clit and licked that until it was full of blood. Then he went back to the slit and Laura began to squirm under him.

“Come, I want your cock in me.”

“Should we use protection?”

“I can’t have children.”

“Oki doki, here I come!”

He lifted her legs over his shoulders and lined up his dark red cock head with her pink pussy and began to push inside. She opened up slowly and she was so tight he had to put some effort into it. Once inside he was in paradise. She was hot, wet and her pussy squeezed his shaft. Slowly he began to move.

“Yes, yes, Kyle, give me your cock, make me come.”

Her boobs bounced seductively as his thrusts became harder and faster. He heard his balls slap into her pussy as he fucked her hard and deep. She moaned and dug her nails into his back until he winced.

“Oh my god, here I come, baby.”

He felt her pussy contract a few times. Her mouth formed an O and her body trembled as she orgasmed. He didn’t stop and kept on fucking her, far away from coming himself and within minutes she had another orgasm and another before she asked him to stop.

“Let me ride you, I want to see your face when you come for me,” she said.

Quickly she was on top of him and his cock slid inside that warmth and wetness. She began to ride, supporting herself with her palms on his chest. She leaned forward so he could suck on her nipples and then lower so they could kiss deeply.

Kyle began to feel those first contractions in his balls and he didn’t want to come yet so he tried to wiggle out but she held him pinned.

“Come inside me, Kyle, I want to feel you explode.”

And that’s what he did a few seconds later. Laura giggled and moaned when his cock and balls sent three shots of old man cum into her pussy. When it was over, she lay on top of him until his dick slid out and then she moved to his side.

“I haven’t fucked like that since I was in my thirties,” Kyle said after a while.

“It was a great fuck, and I love your cock. It was so hard in me and that makes me extra horny.”

He kissed her forehead and then her sensual lips. “Now, what?”

“We cuddle a little, then take a shower and then you go home to your dishes and dirty laundry.” She laughed when he put on a sad puppy face.

He rolled on top of her and she smiled when she felt his cock go hard against her thigh. “Alright, you want another round?”

He kissed her lips while wiggling a bit and then he was inside her. “You bet I do, let’s fuck until I can’t get it up anymore.”

“Give it to me, baby!”




Written by NatashaTsarinaErotic
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