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Saint Laura

"Robert's granddaughter signs him up onto a dating app where he meets Laura, a young woman with a certain type of men on her mind."

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Robert walked his dog every day at the same time. It was a bulldog named Nicole after his first love. Of course Nicole the dog and Nicole the girl had nothing in common. Nicole had been a seventeen-year-old with an hourglass body and eyes as blue as the sea. They had met at a dance when Robert was visiting a cousin in a different village. They had fallen in love, fucked under the stars, and taken long walks along the beach. Sadly she had to move away and he never saw her again. He could still feel her firm body if he closed his eyes and how soft her lips were against his. Just the thought of her gave the old man the beginning of an erection but due to his seventy-five summers on this earth, it quickly died again.

Nicole, the dog squatted and peed before walking on, slowly and gently in no hurry. Robert wasn’t in a hurry either. He took the days as they came. Breakfast at eight, then reading or working on his beloved model planes, lunch at one, and then dinner at six. Nicole had her walk at nine and at seven which was the time now.

They walked through a forested area by the lake and then came upon the beach. It was June and there were several families and teenagers on it. Nicole had to take a break so Robert walked over to the kiosk and bought ice cream. While eating it he watched the teen girls. How he wished he was young again and able to walk over, chat one up, and then take her back to his place. Back then people talked, and they communicated like humans were supposed to. These days everyone was on their phones, tablets, or computer.

Two girls walked passed him to the kiosk and Robert looked back at them with longing in his eyes and groin. Their firm asses, the soft curve of their boobs under the bikini tops. Again he felt that jolt between his legs, but nothing happened. He finished the ice cream and kept on walking with Nicole.

When he walked around the corner and up the cul de sac where he lived he saw someone waiting outside his house. As he got closer he recognized his granddaughter, Emily.

“Hello, what brings you over to visit this old man?” he said when she was within hearing distance.

“Do I have to have a reason to come and visit you?” she said and took Nicole from him. He went up the two steps to the door and opened it. Emily closed it behind her and he hung his hat on a peg and then took the leash off Nicole who went to the kitchen and drank water.

“How are you feeling, Granddad?”

“I’m just dandy, I worry more about Nicole, she can hardly make it around the lake these days.”

Emily looked at the fat dog who had now laid down in the living room. “I think she needs a diet.”

“Bullshit, she is fine, just old. You on the other hand need to eat more, you are like a stick.”

Emily spun around where she stood and her summer dress lifted relieving long shapely legs. She had the body of her mother at the same age and lord had that body gotten Robert’s only daughter into trouble when she was young. He had to chase many horny teens and young men who wanted to get in her panties.

“I hope you behave yourself, young lady, and don’t let those boys too close.”

Emily laughed and sat down on the sofa and Robert in his favorite chair. “I have an idea. I’m going to get you an app and then you will see if you can match with a woman your age. I think it would be good for you.”

“App, I don’t want any fucking app on my phone. If I want to meet someone I can do that by myself, thank you very much.”

Emily swiped his phone off the table and began to download an app. She took a photo of him and filled in the information.

“Hey, give me back my phone right now!”

“Hang on, almost done." She typed something and then handed it to him. “There you go, all done. Just swipe right if you like her and left if you don’t. I’ve put the age between fifty and eighty so you have some options.”

“You little rascal.”

Emily got up and gave her grandad a hug before saying, “I just want you to be happy. You have been so lonely since nana died.”

“I have Nicole for companionship and the boys I play chess with, I’m perfectly fine.”

“Whatever. Take care, and I’ll come by in a couple of days.”

Later that evening when Robert sat with his whiskey he picked up the phone and began to look at the women in the app. A few were pretty, many were vegan which he would never accept. Others had kids and some were just looking for an affair. Being Robert he switched the ages to eighteen to thirty and when the app adjusted he almost coughed on his drink. The young women stood in sexual poses baring a lot more than they should in his opinion but he couldn’t stop swiping right. He knew none of them would answer or like him being so much older but he didn’t give a flying fuck. He just wanted these young hot women to know that he liked them.

Just before midnight Robert went to bed and read for a little while before turning off the light and turning over onto his side. In the living room, his phone bussed but he didn’t notice.

After Nicole's morning walk, Robert made a cup of coffee and picked up his phone where he had left it. With the phone and coffee, he went out into his back garden. Full of flowers, tomatoes, cucumbers, and lettuce. He liked to sit there in the morning sun before it became too hot. Nicole came out and lay down with a heavy dog sigh.

He opened his phone and said loudly, “What the fuck?”

There was a message on the app to him from a girl named Hotlegs. Not her real name he thought. He clicked on the profile and sure enough, she had long beautiful legs. She was twenty-five, a registered nurse, and lived a few miles from him. He opened the chat and read what she had written.

“Hi, Robert. My name is Laura and I’m looking for a dirty old man to fuck me. Is that you?”

He laughed and shook his head. What was this? Why would she joke like this with a man she didn’t know? He wrote back.

“Come off it, you should stick to a man your age and don’t bother me. I could be your grandad.”

He sipped his coffee and turned his face to the sun. A few minutes later his phone buzzed. Laura answered.

“I don’t want a man my age. I want an old man with an old dick that I can work until it gets hard and I feel that I have done something good. I work with old people and I feel sorry for all those shriveled-up cocks that don’t get to play anymore. Can I call you?”

Robert wasn’t too sure what to do, so he called Emily.

“Hi, listen there is this woman who wants to call me. What should I do.”

“That’s great, how old is she?”

Fuck, thought Robert. He didn’t like lying but he said, “She is sixty.”

“Give her your number, and talk to her.”

After he hung up Robert made more coffee and went back outside. He still wasn’t sure he should give this stranger his number. What if it was a he and then this person came and robbed him? He looked at the photos she had and she sure was a beautiful and sexy woman. Large firm boobs, a round ass, and those long legs.

“Fuck it, I don’t care anymore. If I get robbed or killed, so be it,” he said to Nicole and sent his number to Laura.

Laura sat on the bus on her way to work when she got Robert’s number. Butterflies began to flap their little wings in her stomach and she wondered if the people around her noticed that she was blushing. She looked at the only picture of the man she was talking to. It wasn’t very good but he had a nice smile and thick white hair. His nose was straight and his face square and manly. She thanked him for his message and told him she would call during her lunch break.

“Mr. Nelson, how are you feeling this morning?” she asked when she walked into the room. It was one of twelve that held older people who couldn’t take care of themselves and didn’t have family who would.

“Hi there, Laura, you are a sight for sore eyes.”

She opened the drapes and let the sun shine in on the old man in the bed. He had been an accountant with a brilliant mind she had been told. Now he was just the husk of his former self. She helped him sit up straight and then she did what she always did.

She opened her nurse robe, and let him feel her boobs. It always made him smile and she felt good that she could help him feel better.

“Thank you, Laura, that’s the highlight of my day.”

“You take care now, Mr. Nelson, and have fun during the walk in the garden with Tommy.”

Tommy was one of the male nurses who mainly walked the patients. He was big and strong and could easily support them.

Then Laura did the same to all the male patients. Each got to feel her boobs before starting their day.

Robert stirred his chicken soup and kept looking at the clock above the picture of his wife. Then he looked at her. “Honey, if you are up there looking down at me, please forgive me, I’m just a simple man and you have been gone for so long.” She just stared back at him from the frame with those kind brown eyes he had fallen in love with.

He had forgotten to ask Laura when she had lunch and that’s why he was nervous. He ate his soup and then began painting a Spitfire model plane. He was just about to blow on it to dry the paint when his phone rang.


A soft, quite deep voice said, “Is this Robert?”


“I’m Laura, thanks for giving me your number. How are you?”

She sounded so kind and warm. “I’m fine, how is work?”

“The same, and I’m doing great. I was wondering if you would like to have dinner tonight. Let’s say the restaurant at the Orangegrove Inn?”

Nice but not too fancy, thought Robert. He could take a taxi there since he didn’t drive anymore. “Sure.”

“Great, let's say at seven, drinks in the bar first.”

After he hung up his hands were shaking. He was going on a date and after some calculations, he realized it was his first date since he had met his wife in 1970. Now he felt like a schoolboy and went to his room to see what he had to wear. Of course, everything was outdated by decades. He managed to scrounge up a white shirt and a pair of black pants. It was warm enough that he didn’t need a jacket. After searching for half an hour he found an old iron but it still worked. Slowly and carefully he ironed the shirt and the pants before sitting down and polishing his only pair of black shoes.

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Laura stood in front of her large mirror matching dresses. She had five laid out on her bed and she tried them on in turn. She chose a dark red one with straps over the shoulders which ended just above her knees. Sexy but not slutty, she decided. She had already taken her shower and put on her makeup. Her dark brown hair had been pulled back with a little wax. She turned to her dresser where she gently took out her underwear. These were in the same color as the dress. First the lace thong, then the bra. She adjusted the garter belt and then very carefully put on the stockings. She took another look in the mirror and adjusted her boobs a little before putting on the dress. She grabbed her purse and said goodbye to her roommate. She was the only one of her friends who knew Laura dated old men. She never understood why but as long as Laura was happy, she was too.

Laura had dated many men her age but she had come to a conclusion the previous year. They didn’t deserve her. She wanted men who otherwise would never meet or be with a young woman to have her. To kiss her, caress her warm skin, and play with her boobs, ass, and pussy. She had a beautiful little pussy that many many men had commented on ever since she was sixteen and lost her virginity. Men her age could get about any woman they wanted, so she preferred to give hers to those older men.

She walked into the bar at the restaurant and hotel and saw Robert sitting at the bar. He looked quite good in reality, much better than that one photo.

He saw her come in and his stomach turned into a knot. What was he doing here, who was he kidding? The angel that had just walked in would never want him. For a second he thought about walking past her and going home to Nicole and his whiskey, but she was fast on her feet and stood by him before he could move.

“Hi Robert, thank you for accepting my invitation.”

Her green eyes were deep and kind. Her skin was flawless, like satin. When she sat down her dress slid up a little and exposed a firm thigh.

“You are welcome, but it’s me who should thank you, Laura.”

They ordered drinks, she a GT he a whiskey and then they talked about her work, his life as a retiree, and his work as a broker before. He mentioned his granddaughter and daughter and his dead wife. Laura told him about nursing school and that she liked to go to the gym and run in her free time.

They ate in almost silence. There was tension between them and they stole glances at each other over a glass or before putting food in their mouths. Robert still couldn’t believe this young woman was interested in him so when he had finished eating he said, “Laura, let’s get to the point of this. Why are you here?”

She wiped her mouth slowly and gently with her napkin and said, “When was the last time you were with a woman?”

“About fifteen years ago, before my wife became ill.”

“Would you like to be with a woman again, before you get too old to perform?”

Robert was a bit taken aback by her frankness. “Sure, but who wasn’t an old man like me who can’t get it up anymore.”

“I do and don’t worry, I have things that will make you as hard as you were in your twenties. All you have to do is say yes. I have already booked a room here.”

He sat there thinking about what she was angling for. She hadn’t asked for money or his home address. She had come alone and as far as he could see through the windows no one stood outside lurking.

“What’s in it for you? Is it money you want?”

She slowly shook her head and took his hands in hers. Hers was warm and soft, with perfectly painted nails.

“I do this because I want to. I don’t date men my age anymore, they don’t deserve me.”

“And I do?”

“Yes, Robert, you do. You live a lonely life and you need some cheering up, don’t you think?”

Fuck it, thought Robert. You only live once and if this woman wanted to try to get his limp dick working, she sure was welcome to it. “Yes, I do need cheering up.”

Laura paid the bill and they left hand in hand and took the elevator up to the second floor. Robert was nervous. It was clear that Laura knew that he wouldn’t be able to perform like a young man but it still made him feel like shit. He had always been a great lover. After Nicole had moved away he slept with and dated many women until he met his wife, so he knew what they wanted.

“Here we are,” said Laura, and open the door with the key card and stepped inside the dark room. She found the light switch and then Robert came in after her and closed the door.

“Go and sit on the bed,” she said.

He did and she stood in front of him. Slowly she pulled one strap off and then the other and when the dress fell to the floor Robert winced. “Oh my god, you are perfect. I haven’t seen a woman like you in decades.”

She giggled and stepped closer. “Undress me.”

With shaking hands Robert had to stand up to reach behind her and undo the bra which he then through on a chair next to a small desk. He looked down at her boobs.

“You can touch if you want,” she said.

He did and when his hands touched her warm skin he sighed. The breasts were larger than his hands and so firm. Tiny pink nipples grew hard against his palms as he gently massaged them. He felt her fingers opening his belt, then the button, and finally unzip his pants which also dropped to the floor. Her hand cupped his cock and balls and gave them a gentle squeeze. In his ear, she whispered, “ Shall we see if we can wake this giant up?”

She hadn’t been kidding about the giant. Robert was well hung, way over average. “Sure,  but good luck with that.”

She took his hand in hers and slowly put it to her pussy. “Do you feel how warm it is? Why don’t you check if I’m wet yet?”

Robert's memories came back and he slid a finger in between her skin and the lace. Sure enough, the slit was wet and when he found her clit she sighed in his ear. At that exact moment, Robert felt his cock come alive. He was in shock that it moved.

Laura giggled. “Oh my, we have a live one here.” She went down on her knees and pulled down his shorts before taking his cock in her right hand. It had grown a little thicker but was far away from a full erection. She pulled back the foreskin and licked and sucked on the head.

Robert watched as she did so and couldn’t believe what was happening. It felt so good what she did and he should be hard as a rock by now, but there was nothing from that initial growth. Without stopping sucking his cock she reached over to her purse she had left on the bed. She took something out and showed him.

In her palm was a blue pill. Robert knew what it was. He closed his eyes and took it. He never liked dry swallowing pills but he wasn’t about to pull his cock from that amazing place which was Laura’s mouth.

It took about twenty minutes. By then they were lying on the bed on their sides kissing and fondling each other. He had just finished giving her an orgasm by licking her. She tasted like no other woman he had licked, sweet and salty at the same time. He had drank her juices as they entered his mouth. Robert had two fingers inside her slowly finger fucking her. Her pussy was sloppy wet and so tight it squeezed his fingers.

Laura looked down at the cock she was playing with and to her satisfaction, it grew and grew in her hand. The head popped out from its hiding place and the girth grew as well. Veins began to pop out along the shaft and when he was fully erect, Laura rolled him on his back and straddled him.

“Robert are you ready for this?” her voice almost a whisper.

He looked into her eyes and nodded. She scooted forward and her pussy slid along his cock making it wet. She grabbed it and then sank into it. Robert’s eyes were wide open as his cock entered the tightest pussy he had ever known.

“Oh god, you feel good,” he moaned.

“I love your dick in me, it’s so big and hard. I want you to fuck me all night long.”

Then she began to ride him, first slowly but then faster and faster. Her boobs bounced and she began thrashing her head from side to side. Robbert had his hands on her hips. Her pussy began to squeeze him at the same time she placed her hands on his chest and her nails dug into his skin.

“I’m coming, Robert, you dirty old man, you're making me come!”

Her body convulsed a few times and when Robert thought it was over she just rolled off him and on the king-size bed went down on all four. “Come and fuck my pussy again and if you want, my ass. I love it.”

Robert in all his life had never fucked a woman in the ass so he figured it was about time to try. Lining up his cock he gave her anus a few knocks with the head and on the fourth, he slid in an inch or so.

“Oh fuck, here you come, one long thrust, baby, stick it in there,” she moaned.

Robert did what he was told and this was a completely new experience and sensation. He grabbed her hips and fucked her deeply but gently. Long slow thrust so he could enjoy every inch of her. She began massaging his balls between her legs and to his surprise, he grew even harder.

“C’mon, fuck me faster, I want to feel your nuts slap into my pussy.”

He thought it was interesting how this angel could turn so foul-mouthed in such a short time but he followed her orders and she began to rub her clit. She came hard and her anus squeezed his cock and that’s when he came.

Laura giggled as she felt his cock jerk a few times inside her and then he pulled out. A few seconds later she felt his cum run down the inside of her thigh and she rolled onto her back pulling Robert with her.

He was still hard so he moved a bit until his cock head felt her pussy and pushed inside. “I love it, Robert. That pill will keep you hard for hours, and I want you to fuck me as much as you like.”

And so he did. The sun was coming up when he got into the taxi outside the hotel. He had left Laura in the room sleeping but he had to walk Nicole so he kissed her goodbye. He didn’t know if he would ever see her again and he hoped he would. In any case, it had been the best night of his life in years and his cock was still a little hard from the pill.

Laura woke up and rolled over onto her back in the big bed. She was alone but Robert's aftershave lingered in the air. She took a quick shower and then sent him a message.

“Do you want more?”

He answered almost immediately. “I need a week’s rest, honey, but then I would love to meet up with you. You are now my Saint Laura.”

She laughed alone in the room and wished the old man was still there, he had been a fantastic lover and her pussy was already craving his big hard cock.


Written by NatashaTsarinaErotic
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