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Reunited with Pippa

"A much need catch up"

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My flight from Abu Dhabi touched down at London’s Heathrow Airport just after two in the afternoon. I was shattered, it was my third trip to the Emirates in a month. This time however the new contract was safe. My firm would be working with our most valued customer in the Gulf for another five years. Enough to see me to my planned retirement.

This should never have happened, but my boss was a dickhead, promoted way beyond his ability and with no sense of just how diminished Britain now was in the eyes of the world. Had it not been for the fact that in a previous life many decades ago I had been at Sandhurst with the Minister of Telecommunications father then there was every chance that this lucrative contract would have gone to a very slick French firm.

I’d been to see my old fellow officer cadet and we reminisced late into the night about how far we had both come from those brutal training marches on the Brecon Beacons in the dead of Winter. He had risen through the ranks of the UAE Defence Forces and I had made Captain in the British Army before deciding that I had done enough tours of Northern Ireland.

Coincidently we had both embarked on second careers in the nascent mobile communications market. My friend’s son had risen to become the Minister of Telecommunications and with a contact like that, we were able to pull some strings and get our contract renewed. Not that my boss had the faintest idea how close it was. He was exceptionally good at Powerpoint presentations and telling the board what they wanted to hear. He could do little else.

As soon as I cleared Customs I messaged a new friend down in Dorset and said I would like to stay at her holiday cottages and could I come down tonight. She replied that of course, I could come down she would find space for me. She didn’t want me down this evening but suggested I get a good restful sleep and travel down the next day.

I stopped to pick up some fresh vegetables and fruit and a piece of salmon, something healthy and light was needed.

As soon as I got home I checked that the lawyers had the new contract and were working on it. I then put on the “out of office” message and poured a glass of cold white wine. I checked in with my adult kids while I was cooking, and made sure they were both OK.

After enjoying a lovely light supper I had a long hot shower and climbed into my bed naked. It was something I had started doing again after my divorce. I started thinking about my new friend down in Dorset while masturbating. After climaxing spectacularly I got my iPad out and watched a video of me and Pippa having sex that she had shot on a GoPro camera in her bedroom. In the clip I watched I was vigorously fucking Pippa from behind, doggy style. In the video, I pulled my cock out of Pippa’s smooth pussy and shot a jet of cum up her back and across her bum. In the real world, I managed to climax again and fell into a deep sleep.

I woke just after 8 am which was unusual for me, I’m usually up with Larks unless I’m enjoying female company. I also realised just how deeply I had slept, my cock and tummy were still covered in dried cum and I also noticed that I had missed a couple of WhatsApp messages from Pippa. The first was explicit and caused my cock to start swelling. The second, sent twenty minutes later, said that she was glad I was sleeping because she needed me well rested.

I hadn’t even got out of bed and I was already feeling horny. I threw the duvet back, grabbed my cock and started masturbating. When I was fully hard, I stopped for a minute, took a picture of my hard-on and sent it to Pippa via WhatsApp accompanied by the words, see you soon. After that, I lay back and blissfully finished my wank. Today was going to be a good day.

I knew that when Pippa was busy with guests then the mornings and late afternoons were when she needed to be around so I planned my journey to arrive at around two in the afternoon. I stopped to buy some wine and a bottle of decent malt whisky.

The drive down was glorious and I arrived just after one thirty. Pippa and her builder were on the roof of one of the buildings in the old farm courtyard. They were deep in conversation. It clearly wasn’t acrimonious but both were trying to find a solution to what was clearly a problem. Pippa leaned over the scaffolding and told me to head to the office.

I entered the office to be met by a blond woman in her mid-twenties, I’m guessing. She introduced herself as Brygida and said that she had returned to work for Pippa a few weeks ago. Her accent was clearly Eastern European. She told me she was Polish and I complimented her on how well she spoke English.

She said that at the moment all the rooms were occupied and that Pippa had asked her to show me to an unfinished room on the other side of the courtyard. She assured me that everything was working, but that they had not had time to finish decorating or connect the wood-burning stove.

As Brygida showed me to the room I gazed at her tight leggings, she couldn’t possibly be wearing any underwear I thought.

The room was lovely and when it was finished was clearly going to be one of the more expensive ones that Pippa would be able to rent.

Brygida showed me the bedroom and I dropped my bag there, it all looked fine, although I was puzzled by the presence of a single dining chair at the foot of the bed. I assumed someone had been using it as a step ladder.

Brygida said that Pippa should be free in about an hour. I decided on a short walk down to the sea to breathe in the fresh air.

When I returned Brygida showed me back to the room, she said Pippa would be over in a few minutes. Brygida asked me to take a seat on the dining chair in the bedroom. She then produced an old airline sleep mask and put it over my eyes. The last thing I saw before everything went dark was Brygida’s clearly visible camel toe. I was right she couldn’t have been wearing any underwear. As I began to imagine what her clearly shaved pussy looked like I felt her tie my ankles to the chair. She then asked me to put my hands behind my back and tied both my wrists to the back of the chair. I couldn’t move, and I couldn’t see.

I heard Brygida leave the room, I had no idea what was happening, but knowing Pippa it would be outrageous and fun.

After a few minutes I heard Pippa’s voice, she came into the room kissed me on the lips and ran her fingers over my growing erection. She said she was delighted to see me and enquired if I was well rested. Her tone was mischievous.

She let me know that the builders had done all they could for the day and that her next guests were at least three hours away. Now seemed like a good time for a catch-up.

Pippa left me and I assume headed for the bed, I couldn’t see but I sensed there was someone else in the room.

Before long I began to hear the sounds of intimacy, it could have been Pippa masturbating, but that was usually something she liked me to watch. I thought I could hear the sounds of another person being pleasured.

Soon the gentle mewing became louder and more guttural, I knew this was Pippa on the verge of an orgasm. What I couldn’t hear was the bedsprings going. In all honesty, I hoped that Pippa did not want me to hear the sounds of another man fucking her.

Soon after she climaxed I heard the sounds of another person, it was clearly a woman who was also on the verge of an orgasm. Pippa was in bed and making love with another woman.

The sounds of passion filled the room, the two lovers were going for it. My cock was straining at my shorts, but there was nothing I could do, I could not reach it, nor could I see what was going on a few feet away.

The sounds intensified as the two lovers picked up their pace I could only imagine what was going on. For the first time, I began to hear the bed creak as the women pleasured one another, somehow. After a few minutes of this blissful torture, I heard Pippa start to climax again and then encourage her lover to do whatever she was doing harder. Whatever was happening was really making the bed move now. I desperately needed to stroke my cock which was straining my shorts to their limit. I couldn’t move, Brygida really knew her knots.

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The sounds of the two women making love went on and on, I heard Pippa climax again followed quickly by her mystery lover. Then the panting stopped and the room was quiet.

Somebody got off the bed and approached the chair, I felt a hand on the zip of my shorts and my rock-hard cock was released. A hand grabbed my shaft and stroked it a few times before opening my shorts and pulling them down as far as my tethered ankles.

My cock was now out in the open, pointing at the ceiling. I felt a tongue begin to lick around the head and then my whole cock was swallowed in a warm mouth. This I knew must be Pippa, she really had a technique that worked and drove me wild.

I was debating whether to shoot my first load directly down Pippa’s throat when she stood up and gave me some very clear instructions. She was about to untie me, but only if I agreed to keep the mask on until she told me to remove it. In the state I was in, I would have agreed to anything.

After untying my ankles Pippa took my cock back into her mouth before she reached behind me and undid my wrists. As soon as my arms were free I pushed Pippa’s head down onto my cock, but also confirmed it was her by touching her ponytail.

Pippa got up and went back to bed, once there she told me to take the mask off.

Pippa and Brygida were naked on the bed in each other's arms, their smooth pussies were puffy and swollen, the reason was obvious, lying next to them on the bed was a large, purple double dildo. Both ends were clearly coated in fresh juice and there were damp patches on the bedsheet from both ends of the well-used toy.

I advanced on the bed cock first, I wanted Pippa and I was going to have her. I got her on her back, and instinctively she spread her legs and I mounted her. I pushed my cock straight to the back of her pussy in one strong thrust. She was soaking wet and I encountered no resistance. I began pounding into her like a man possessed, she wrapped her legs around my torso to draw me in and her hands gripped my bum and lower back. I was so aroused that I paid Brygida little attention she lay next to us naked and enthralled by the vigorous fucking I was giving Pippa. She would occasionally kiss Pippa on the lips and run her fingers through her tousled grey hair.

I felt my climax begin to build so I began thrusting even harder, it was selfish but I didn’t care I was too aroused. There were no complaints from Pippa. My release was spectacular at least three long ropes of cum flew out of my cock as I filled Pippa’s pussy to the brim.

I slumped onto the bed beside Pippa and we lay there panting. Beside us, the naked Brygida seemed content to just be in our company. We were all sated and spent for now. Both Brygida and I kissed Pippa as our racing pulses calmed.

I pulled a very light duvet over the three of us and we all began to drift into a post-coital siesta until Pippa’s phone rang.

It was her business phone, she got up and retrieved it from the dresser. While I was admiring her bum I noticed that she had a new tattoo on her back, it ran vertically along her spine. In someone so confident I found it very sexy.

The call was from her next guests who had made good time but were now hopelessly lost in the narrow Dorset lanes. Pippa gave them clear and reassuring directions, they would be here in ten minutes. Our siesta plan was abandoned, Pippa didn’t even have time for a shower. Brygida went to the en-suite bathroom, fetched a small towel and then cleaned all of my cum from Pippa’s pussy. She then knelt in front of her employer and gave her pussy a little lick and a kiss. It was a highly erotic gesture. While watching I noticed that Brygida also had a tattoo on her back, clearly the work of the same artist.

Pippa asked Brygida if the cottage was ready for the new guests and Brygida confirmed that there were fresh flowers on the table and milk and wine in the fridge along with a piece of local Dorset cheese. With thoughtful touches like this, you could see why Pippa was making a success of her business.

Brygida asked if there was anything she could do to help while Pippa dressed. Pippa replied with a mischievous smile that we had both done plenty to help already. She said that she would see us later and left to greet her next guests.

Brygida was still naked and she came back to the bed and got under the duvet with me. This was completely new territory for me, here I was in bed with a gorgeous naked Polish girl more than half my age. I had no idea what the etiquette was. Brygida on the other hand had absolutely no doubts. I felt her hand on my cock and she began to wank me.

As Brygida continued to stroke me she explained that she just had a thing for older more experienced lovers. She told me that a few years ago she had run into an ex-boyfriend’s dad one evening. He had invited her to a beach cabin along the coast from Gdansk and fucked her all weekend. His stamina and uninhibited imagination had shown her pleasures that no previous lover had come close to.

From that weekend onwards Brygida preferred the intimate company of older men. She said that she had known she was bi-sexual from her late teens, but that until she had slept with Pippa all over her female lovers were roughly her age.

By now I was so aroused that any residual doubts I had about what would happen between Brygida and me had vanished. I parted her thighs and began to lick her smooth young pussy. I like to think I know what I am doing when I go down on a lover and Brygida’s response seemed to confirm that. I’d had a number of lovers since my divorce and all of them seemed to appreciate my efforts when I was between their legs.

I have found that the most important thing I have learnt when licking a lover is not to rush, done properly it is exquisite and very pleasurable for my partner. Brygida was no exception, she enjoyed long licks along the length of her slit from bum to clit. The more I licked her the more the petals of her outer lips opened. The first time my tongue found her throbbing clit I felt her whole body shudder. The next time I gently nibbled it with my teeth I got a similar response. I wanted to feel Brygida climax on my tongue so kept working but stepped up the pace and pushed my probing tongue deeper into her folds. Her orgasm when it came was spectacular and I felt my face and beard become coated with her sweet nectar.

I didn’t give Brygida a minute, as soon as I felt her last shudder I mounted her and thrust my cock into her smooth tight pussy. The feeling was wonderful. Brygida was a great fuck, energetic, agile and incredibly experienced; she knew what she wanted and also what I wanted. I felt like the luckiest man on the planet as we threw ourselves around the bed in various positions.

The end for me came with Brygida squatting over my cock and then impaling herself on my erection. She would then rise up and push down again. She was able to keep this up because she was so young and fit. I didn’t stand a chance and shot my second load of the afternoon deep into this young Polish beauty.

We fell into each other's arms and Brygida pulled the duvet over us both, we quickly fell asleep still entwined.

We dozed until we were woken by Pippa arriving back in the room. She had welcomed and settled both sets of guests she was expecting this evening.

She was already taking off her clothes before rejoining us in the bed.

Written by JamesMerton1960
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