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Naomi Revisited

"Sometimes Photo shoots could lead to more"

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I had two previous photo shoots with Naomi. In the first shoot Naomi and her daughter were individually posed in their own rooms as clothing was shed.

The second shoot Naomi had her best friend Diane with her and in some of the shots they were together.

In both cases, I had just managed to maintain my resolve to remain professional throughout the entire session. I must admit, at times it was very difficult to control the temptation. This was especially the case during the second session. They went out of their way to tease the horny guy inside me.

It was a quiet evening at home. I was concentrating on processing a few images of wildflowers I had taken the previous weekend when I was startled by the ringing of the phone.

“Guess who?”

“With that voice, it can only be Naomi. You startled me. I was concentrating on tweaking some photos.”

“It is I, Naomi. You are correct. I promised I would call you again, didn’t I?”

“It was more like a threat,” I laughed back at her.

“Oh, you! ... I wouldn’t do that to you,” putting on the most innocent tone she could, “When have you got a day to do what you never did last time you were here?”

“Let me check my escort service diary,” I said in a serious tone, working hard to suppress a chuckle.

“Escort service diary? You are a bit of a lad, after all,” she giggled, “if I didn’t know you better ... Well, when are you available?”

“All of next week is free, so choose a day and tell me what you have in mind.”

“I’m sure you know what I have in mind. Still, bring your cameras along. Is it ok with you if I’m not alone?”

“Cameras will be fine and charged, but I’m a bit apprehensive about the company, to say the least. It’s something I’ve never done before. I’ll admit I’ve dreamed about it, but never sought to follow through with it. No one has ever offered it, either.”

“I understand your performance anxiety,” she replied with a giggle, “seriously, don’t worry, just let things happen naturally. So let’s make it Tuesday, then.”

“Ah, doing what comes naturally, he-he. Okay, then Tuesday it is, camera and energy drink in hand.”

“Energy drink ... oh, you … see you then.” With that, she ended the call.

All sorts of things were going through my mind after that. Who would be there with her? Diane, Naomi’s daughter Jean, or someone new? Could it even be two or three of them? Performance anxiety was certainly on my mind, but in this case, it would certainly be two. Certain was, that I would find out the next Tuesday.

I hoped it was just another of her teases and turned up on Tuesday at 8:00 am. The day was sunny, the autumn sun was warm on the skin.

The garage was open through to the backyard, so I made my way out there. Naomi was sitting at the patio table alone with her coffee and toast. She was dressed in her bathrobe and had her back to me.

“I hear you worked out your way in,” she giggled, as the garage door was closing.

“I’m not in yet,” I replied with a nervous laugh.

“Don’t be nervous. Sit and have your coffee,” she patted the chair to usher me to sit.

“Thank you for the coffee. Am I that obvious?”

“Yes, but there is no need. I’m alone,” she said with a smile and a pause, “The others will be here later. I want you to myself first.” She smirked again, but her tone was serious.

“Others, plural? How many have you invited?”

“Just kidding,” she said with a dismissive wave towards me. “Di will come over mid-morning or thereabouts and that is all. I really had you worried for a while, didn’t I?”

“I must admit that I am a little anxious about the day,” and I took a photo of her taking a sip of coffee. “That is a gorgeous natural shot of you. Look ...” I turned the camera so she could see.

“MMM, I like it,” and she leaned over to kiss me. “Oh, mm, that was a very naughty message you sent then. You should be ashamed,” she giggled, as she gently eased away.

She collected the cups and plates, stood up and turned towards the house, “Grab your gear, and we’ll continue this inside.”

I did as I was told and followed her inside. As she placed the dishes beside the sink, I deposited the bag on the floor and the camera on the table. Before the camera was safe, she spun around, flung her arms around my neck and our lips met firmly as she moaned and rubbed her right inner thigh up my leg. I put my arms around her as my tongue entered her opening mouth. She shifted her rubbing leg between my legs, so she could gently massage my groin.

Determined to make the most of the situation, Naomi’s kissing was full of passion and some urgency. When she stopped the kiss, she took me by the hand and almost dragged me upstairs. At the ensuite door, she undid my pants and let them drop to the floor. I put the camera down and removed my shirt, while she let her gown follow my pants.

“I was intending to drag you into the shower, but changed my mind. First I need to pee, and then I’m going to jump you.” She entered the ensuite, “You can watch me if you wish,” she giggled.

I removed the last few items of clothing and climbed onto the bed. She’d left the door open, so I could her legs peek out from behind the shower recess, while she had a quick wash in the bidet. I wondered if she really wanted me to watch, or if it was another of her little jokes. As she returned, she said, “Now that’s how I’ve wanted to see you since we met nine months ago.”

“I guess that’s fair, I’ve seen you like that before now.”

“That you have. Hold still,” she ordered, grabbed my camera and took some photos of me spread out over her bed, from different angles. In a few, I’d partly cover myself with the doona. “Something to make the others jealous,” she giggled.

She put the camera down and joined me. Kissing me from the knee, she worked her way up my body, intentionally bypassing my erection. As she reached it, she looked up at me and told me she would leave that for later. Naomi continued up my body with kisses and as she reached my lip she moved to cover me.

She pecked my lips, “Do you have any idea how much I wanted this?”

“I had a suspicion,” I chuckled.

She raised herself and moved up my body. She was wet, as if she had forgotten to dry after using the bidet.

“How good are you with your tongue?”

“Only one way to find out. Try me and decide for yourself.”

“I hoped you’d say something like that,” with that she moved to sit on my face.

What else could I do with a naked pussy in my face, but give it a long, slow lick? Naomi shifted slightly, so I could lick from the perineum to her clitoris, which I did several times to the music of her whimpers. Then she leaned slightly forward, her clitoris came close enough to suck, so I sucked it into my mouth and teased it with my tongue. Her whimpers turned into moans and pushed herself closer for better access.

My upper arms were trapped between her thighs and my body. I could still place my hands under her backside. Then, to tease, I could her rear hole with a thumb as she leaned forward. She moaned loudly and leaned further forward to give better access to both my mouth and thumbs. Naomi’s labia were very swollen from her arousal, so she used her hand to spread them open to them for me, since my hands were trapped under her.

She kept that up for quite some time, edging herself a few times. Her rocking motion allowed her to lean back when she was close, and she wanted me to stop licking and forward to get her going again. She leaned back again. That time, my thumbs applied enough pressure, so one slipped past the sphincter. To a deep moaning sigh, she plummeted over the edge and sprayed my face.

Her body shook for a while as she landed. In one slow, deliberate slither of her soaking lips, she moved down my body, leaving a wet trail. She leaned forward to kiss me and whispered, “Thank you, that was worth waiting for.”

My throbbing erection was laying between her thighs with the head at her perineum and the shaft along her wetness, getting very wet. I wrapped my now free arms around her and kissed her cheek and ear. For some reason, I still don’t understand, I was in no hurry to enter her. We just lay there like that in her afterglow. How long, I don’t remember, nor was it relevant.

I wasn’t going to deny her a pleasure she desired and waited for, for many months. At least I hoped I was providing that for her. In the back of my mind, I was still concerned about her, “the others”, remark. I snapped myself out of that and kissed her cheek some more.

“A penny for your thought?” I asked.

“Just replaying the feelings of that wonderful orgasm in my mind as I feel your throbber knocking on my doors. Which one would you like?”

“You choose, or you could just hump it as it is right now. I have no choice but to surrender to your lust, so you may as well decide where you want it most of all.”

She began by humping it as it was. After a little while, she lifted herself onto her knees and lowered herself onto my ‘throbber’, as she put it. She lowered herself slowly to a long sigh, “I haven’t had a thick one like this in ages. It feels so, so ... yum,” she said when it had almost disappeared inside her.

Naomi sat there for a while, squeezed me with her muscles, and slowly leaned forward to kiss me. It felt like she put all the lust she could muster, into that kiss. She squeezed her muscles and shaped her body to keep me inside as far as possible in that position. As she broke off the kiss, we both sighed, anticipating where our senses and nerves were about to take us.

She gently placed her hands on my chest to support herself in what she was about to do. Each hand was carefully placed, so my nipples were between her forefinger and thumb. Accompanied by a sigh, she slowly raised herself until only the tip was inside her. Then, with a louder sigh, she slowly lowered herself all the way,

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Our gaze met, as she rose again. On the way down, her fingers closed on my nipples. She kept repeating this a little faster each time, eyes locked on mine as if she were trying to read my mind. Neither of us said a word during this. All you could hear was the rustling of the sheets and her bum slapping against me with each downward movement.

I was in heaven. Naomi was in full control of both of our orgasms. She knew precisely when and how to hold me back and edge us both. Her breathing remained, I thought, remarkably unchanged until she decided she wanted the crescendo to hit.

Her breathing pattern changed and she picked up speed. As the sounds became wetter, her breathing became more laboured. She squeezed me harder on the upward movement and felt tighter on the way down. Those sensations started me building to the end. She squeezed my nipples as I pulled and pinched hers. Both breathing hard, she suddenly stopped with me deep inside. Her muscles spasmed around me and warm wetness flowed past my balls to the bed. Naomi gave a loud growl and I lost it and my seed flooded her depths.

She fell forward. We embraced and kissed for a long slow kiss, and we breathed for each like a kiss of life. Still coupled until I slipped out, followed by some of my seed. We both nodded off in that position.

We were awakened from our nap by Naomi’s phone, which was on her bedside unit. It was a short nap, so she was still in the same as we fell asleep. She kissed me, winked, and stretched out to reach for the phone. As she picked up she wriggled slightly, “I think I’m stuck on you,” she giggled and mouthed, “Diane.”

“Hello Di, how goes? Putting you on speaker.”

“Are you two exhausted yet? ”

“What do you mean by that? Of course not. I’m just stuck to him.”

“You took a long time to answer the phone, so I assume you are still at it. I’m at the front door, so see his car and know he’s here.” She laughed.

“Hang on.” She changed something on the phone. “The door should be open now. Let yourself in and lock it again. You know where to find us,” she said with her usual giggle.

It didn’t take long and Diane was in the bedroom door. She was wearing a colourful kaftan. As loose fitting as it was, her erect nipples were obvious under the material.

As she placed her bag beside my gear, she said, “I see I caught at it.”

 As she stepped into the room with the kaftan sliding down her torso to the floor. She stepped out of it, naked and with a broad smile, “Okay, I’m ready. Move over.”

“There’s plenty of room, no need.” Naomi giggled back.

“Now there’s a lovely view,” she said as she reached the foot of the bed, “Pass the camera. That cum soaked pussy, with the culprit still pointing at it, deserves to be shot.”

Quickly taking the camera, she took a few shots of our nether region from a few angles. The combination of her body on top of me and Diane’s naked vision had me at attention again. Naomi moved to one side, so she straddled one of my legs, her body still half on me.

Diane put the camera down and crawled up the bed to cover the other half of me. “Let me at him. It’s time I tasted his tongue,” she exclaimed as she reached my head and pinned my solid manhood between their hips. Arms intertwined, we lay there for a three-way cuddle. They both attempted to kiss me at the same time and knocked heads.

I laughed, “I never thought that would be possible, but I must admit a three-way French kiss is a lovely idea if it could be done. Di give me your hello kiss.” She did it with extreme passion.

We kissed for a while, taking turns, with my cock twitching between them. Naomi suddenly smacked Diane on the backside and exclaimed, “Hey, Di, I have an idea. Look at the position we are in and where his legs are. We each just hump the between our thighs to start with,” she laughed.

“Okay, you are on, miss!”

I did not say anything. Diane was extremely aroused and quickly wet my thigh. Naomi soon followed suit, and they were both rubbing their wet clits along my thighs. I pushed my thighs up to apply more pressure against their clits.

I looked forward to possibly having two women orgasm on me at the same time, but I wished it was easier to get a hand on a breast and nipple. Naomi wanted her orgasm quickly and humped hard while she kissed Diane. She came with a gush that flowed down my thigh to the bed.

Diane then continued her attack on my thigh as Naomi kissed me again and left the bed, “I’ll have a shower and go out to get something for lunch. You two have a good time while I’m gone.”

“Naomi, get something good and you better bring it up here. I don’t think Wolf will have the energy to come downstairs when you get back,” Diane giggled.

As we heard the shower start, Diane slithered fully onto me for a long passionate kiss. Her pussy was still on my thigh and wetting me. While we kissed I rolled her onto her side even though she resisted a little. My back needed a little movement and I wanted to taste her first. She lifted her leg over my waist and pointed the little man at her entrance.

“Slow down, I’m still recovering from what Naomi did to me,” I chuckled at her, “My tongue needs a workout first.”

I nudged Diane onto her back and edged my way down the bed and between her thighs. With my forefingers, I caressed her outer labia. She moaned at my gentle touch. Then softly rubbed both sides of her swollen, protruding clitoris. She suppressed a moan to whimper and raised her hips to get more pressure. I withdrew to tease her senses. Her clitoris firmed and felt as if it had grown before my eyes.

Cupping her clitoris with my open mouth, I teased it with my tongue. A louder moan escaped her throat.

“I see you are enjoying that Di,” Naomi giggled as she came from the ensuite, “Back soon, wet the bed before I get back.”

Naomi lightly tapped my butt as she headed out. Diane raises her legs, pulling her knees to her chest. I was licking Diane from her perineum to her clitoris by then, while she was enjoying the licking. Concentrating on her love button with my tongue, I inserted two fingers into her sex. As horny as she was, sucking her clit with fingering brought her to orgasm quickly.

With my wet beard, I slithered up her body, saying, “Don’t move. Hold that position.”

Almost simultaneously, I kissed her and entered her. In that position, I was into the hilt and held still. “Now you can relax,” I told her as I pushed against her and wriggled side-to-side to tease her clit. I could feel a few more contractions.

“Now ... I can ... relax ... you say ... and do that,” she said, interrupted by the contractions. “Easy for you to say ... Now get moving. I want to come again.”

“No hurry, we have time ... I’m certain that Naomi will take her time coming back.” I started, still not moving.

I fluffed up a few pillows to place behind my back while I sat back against the headboard. Diane looked disappointed. “What’s that look for? Come up and kiss me.”

She did so, straddling me with her clitoris rubbing against my shaft, as she leaned in for the kiss. She moaned into my mouth and humped the shaft. I broke the kiss, to nibble her neck. She pushed firmly against me as I nibbled her.

Changing to the other side of her neck, I whispered in her ear as I nibbled on it, “Turn around and slide over me.”

While turned away from me and lowered herself to cover me. I reached over for Naomi’s toy. Diane moaned when she was settled on me. Slowly she rocked her hips, to numerous sighs as she savoured the sensations of being filled. She stopped as I caressed her back and shoulders, down her arms and reached round the front.

As my fingers reached her nipples, she exhaled strongly and broke out in goosebumps. Her shoulders slumped, fully relaxed, and she farted. Embarrassed, she tensed, “I’m so sorry... I was trying to hold that in.”

I laughed, “You finally fully relaxed, and now you are all tense again. Relax! What’s a little gas between friends? That was certainly between us, and who knows where it is now. It definitely won’t bother you again. Now relax and get back to what we're doing and enjoy it.”

I twitched my cock to encourage her and tweaked her nipples. She restarted rocking slowly.

With my hands cupping her breasts, I pull her back slowly to kiss her shoulders. She was relaxed again, so with one hand, I fondled her breast and with the other, I fingered her clitoris. The sighs were quiet and from deep down.

She simply relaxed and allowed my hands to explore her body while she was impaled on me. It was time to tease her with the toy. I switched it on and placed it against her clit. She jerked her body at the surprise and emitted a guttural moan. Her body began to gyrate ever so slightly, which was the most she could do in that position.

I swapped hands from breast to toy, so both breasts would get a good tease. The toy I moved between the thigh and clitoris to spread the sensation wide. At times, I also needed to get the vibrations a little farther from my cock, so I would not come too soon.

I could feel her muscles twitch so took the toy away for a few seconds and told her, “Not yet Diane, not yet.”

I cannot remember how many times I did that, but she gave a disapproving moan. I turned up the speed slightly and pressed it firmly to her clit and pulled her nipple. She gyrated as much as she could and deepened her breathing.

Then, with a big exhaling moan, her pelvic floor squeezed me very firmly. Her body jerked a few times, accompanied by more moans. My hand became wet, and I felt fluid trickle down my balls towards the bed. One more squeeze from her and I lost my load inside her.

“It looks like I returned at the perfect time,” Naomi’s said. “That was wonderful to watch. All that twitching was yummy.”

Naomi was standing just inside the room with lunch in her hands. Diane had not moved since the orgasm. I was kissing Diane’s shoulder. She moved to turn for a full-on kiss. I slipped out, still semi-hard. We kissed passionately.

“Thank you. That was wonderful and a position I had never tried before,” Diane whispered in my ear.

“It was my first time, too.”

“Ok, you two, lunch is here on the table,” Naomi announced while disrobing.


Copyright © BigOldSofty 2023

Written by BigOldSofty
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