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Did It Really Happen? Part 4

"Laura and Sheila became closer in their wantonness"

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In a matter of weeks, I’d gone from staid English housewife to some kind of insatiable slut. In the hours before David got home from China, I tried to reason with myself. I tried to convince myself that I would turn over a new leaf, I’d be pleased to see him, I’d try to reinvent our sex life, I’d probably try to stay away from meeting with Sheila quite so much. 

“All with the best of intentions.” I heard myself almost speaking it out loud as my fingers massaged my clit. Silently, I shuddered as I brought myself off with a modest orgasm. 

David was snoring and snorting beside me in the dark. The evening had gone from bad to worse. From the moment he had walked through the front door he was offhand, rude, almost aggressive, and it didn’t seem that he’d actually been away for ten days or so. After an evening of heavy drinking, his response to my advances in bed was simply to roll on top of me, hump up and down for a few minutes, and empty himself inside me. A brief kiss and he turned on his side to go straight to sleep. 

I had gone to the bathroom and cleaned up, and was hurt and angry that my first attempt at being a ‘loving wife’ had met with such insensitivity. I even tried to rationalise it as karma for my behaviour.

I drifted off to sleep and had a restless night. The next morning David was up early and with just a peremptory, “See you tonight,” he was gone to work. I burst into tears. I was totally mixed up, my mind was in turmoil and I reached for my phone to text Sheila. 

Within minutes, she had phoned, asking, “Whatever’s the matter, Laura, what’s wrong?”

I don’t think she could make much sense of what I was saying between my sobbing.

“I’m on my way, I’m coming round.”

Both Sheila and I had copies of each other’s front door keys in case of emergencies, and in no time I heard her coming upstairs. I was curled up on the bed, red-eyed, and foetal.

She came over and sat beside me on the bed, resting her hand on my hip. 

“Come on, tell me all about it, Laura, it’s obviously David, has he found out what we’ve been doing?”

“I bloody wish he had!” I spat it out between sobs, and then it all poured out: his homecoming, the drinking, the lack of interest, the drunken, hurried sex.

Sheila leaned forward, “Come here, have a good cry, let it all out.”

I reached up, clinging to her, shoving my face into the crook of her shoulder, taking in her familiar perfume.

“Look, go and have a shower, come downstairs and we’ll talk it through, I’ll make a cuppa, I’ve got all morning so take your time.”

I felt much better after the water had washed away my tears. I slipped my bathrobe on and joined Sheila in the lounge. Sitting beside her on the sofa, I sipped my mug of tea.

“You’re feeling guilty, aren’t you?” She said it softly.

I nodded and replied, “I tried so hard last night and it felt like I was useless, but do you know, I know I’m sexy, I know I can turn guys on, and David is just using this place like a hotel.”

As I put down my mug, I turned to Sheila, “I feel like I want out. You divorced Jim, didn’t you, but I’m not so fortunate, David controls all the money.”

Sheila took my hand. “Laura, think carefully, don’t do anything hasty, but if you need help, I’ll be with you if that’s what you decide.”

I felt a sort of relief when Sheila said that, and I reached out and hugged her, taking in that lovely fragrance once again. As I pulled back, we stared at each other, and I noticed the deep green colour of her eyes for the first time. She wore no makeup; she’d hurried round to mine before she’d had a chance to get ready for the day. Her skin was flawless, and I could see the pink fullness of her lips.

It seemed natural that we kissed. It was a kiss of deep friendship, of understanding, of empathy, but as it went on it became one of more than that. Sheila’s lips parted, and we began a series of kisses, of gently trapping each other’s lips in a variety of ways, sucking, nibbling, and using our tongues to taste each other. I’m not sure how much time passed before I felt Sheila’s fingers tugging the tie around my waist, and pulling my bathrobe open. 

I wanted her to make love to me, I wanted the intimacy of someone who understood my needs at that moment. I freed my arms from around her shoulders and slipped my bathrobe completely off, and as I lay backwards on the sofa, there were no words spoken, but our eyes expressed something new between us.

I watched her lift her t-shirt over her head, exposing her breasts encased in her bra. She reached behind and unclasped it, letting her breasts tumble out. She stood briefly to unbutton her denim jeans and held onto the end of the sofa while she released her legs from them. As she stood on one leg I could see the damp patch on her tiny panties, which were then tugged downwards, leaving her completely naked, standing over me. 

She lowered herself to kneel on the rug beside the sofa and offered her mouth to me once again. This time the nature of the kissing showed a passion, a desire. Still unhurried, and without any spoken word, her lips found my nipples. 

The quietness of my lounge was now broken by the sound of me sighing. Sheila’s lips sucked gently, her tongue circling my areola, causing the noises I was making to become soft moans. One of her hands had strayed down across my tummy, and had found its way to my thigh. I parted my legs, allowing her fingers to stroke the soft skin just above my knee. 

I couldn’t help my words of, “Please, Sheila, yes!”

Her tongue moved downwards, tracing a path across my abdomen. I could feel the tip passing over my hip and down the outside of my thigh. Softly she kissed the inside of my knee and the kisses continued every inch upwards on the inside of my leg. I opened them wide and I knew I was so wet, longing for that final moment to come. 

“PLEASE, Sheila!” The cry was now a desperate plea.

She held back, almost teasing, before her tongue slid between my labia. Slowly back and forth, sucking each swollen lip, then plunging more deeply inside, flicking upwards and downwards. 

My breathing was now so rapid that my mouth was open and almost panting. When Sheila’s tongue finally lapped over my clit, I cried out so loudly that I was glad the house was ours alone.

“OHHH... FUCK!” 

I heard Sheila mutter, “Mmmmm,” as her face buried itself further between my thighs. 

And then she took my clit and started sucking, with the tip of her tongue rubbing it too. I was so close; the lounge was echoing to a rhythmic, “Oh...! oh...! oh...! oh...! ohhh!"

The moment her fingers squeezed one of my nipples, I came. 

“Oh god, oh god, oh god!” I kept repeating as my hips bucked upwards. 

Sheila kept her face buried in my pussy, gently kissing it as I slowly settled, moaning, and catching my breath.

“Oh fuck, Sheila, that was so, so good. Please come here, hold me, kiss me.”

Sheila climbed onto the sofa beside me, and the kiss came with all the flavours of my pussy juices.

“Now, now, my lovely friend,” she whispered. “I think we know that we both enjoy each other now. I really didn’t know how much I’d enjoy this, but we’ve discovered a new and exciting world. And if David doesn’t want you, I do!”

We lay for a while before we both got dressed. My tensions had been eased and the sharing of my problems had helped. 

Sheila stayed all morning discussing the ‘ins and outs’ of divorce, and how she had navigated her way through it. I had some serious thinking to do. I wanted her to stay longer, but she revealed that Jeff had invited her over for an afternoon drink. I looked at her and we both giggled at the thought of an afternoon fuck by that cock of his.

After she’d gone, I tidied up; there was a damp patch on the sofa that told the story of our morning. As I wiped everything down I resolved to give my marriage one more try. I’d suggest to David that we have a weekend away. I went online and taking the bull by the horns, I booked a hotel in Suffolk for two nights the next weekend. I texted him and told him, and I think he realised that he’d been a bastard so he agreed that we needed a ‘break.’

I got a text from Sheila that evening, asking how I was. I told her I was going to have one more go with David and that we were having a weekend away. I added a question about her afternoon. The reply came back, ‘I hope the weekend helps you decide. Jeff was larger than life as usual!’ It was accompanied by so many emojis I knew that she’d enjoyed herself.

I’d booked us into my favourite hotel, in my favourite seaside town. An unspoilt Victorian town, a lighthouse, so many pubs and restaurants, and pleasant coastal walks.

We arrived on the Friday evening in time to unpack, relaxing briefly with a glass of wine before dinner in the hotel dining room. At the next table were a much younger couple, the female of which had huge breasts that were overflowing her dress and kept attracting glances from David, each time he took a mouthful of food or a sip of wine.

“For God’s sake, David, don’t make it so bloody obvious, your tongue’s hanging out!”

Even the Hungarian waiter, Laszlo, was finding it difficult to serve her table without his eyes being drawn in her direction. I had a sneaky feeling she might have fancied him more than her partner because Laszlo was certainly a very attractive young man.

When eventually we finished our meal, we went to the lounge for coffee, and another Hungarian, Markos, equally as good-looking, served us. I happened to remark how alike they were, and Markos smiled, telling us in broken English that they were brothers.

When we’d finished our coffee we went for a short walk in the sunset before going back to our room. David surprised me by being attentive, and even affectionate towards me, and when we finally went to bed we had sex better than I had remembered for a long time. 

Next morning, however, David’s eyes were again riveted on the large-breasted girl; she was wearing a t-shirt for breakfast, displaying a suggestion of her prominent nipples. When Laszlo saw me looking at him looking at her, he smiled back at me and raised his eyebrows. David didn’t see that between us, and several more times, as Laszlo was clearing tables, we made eye contact. It all began to seem a bit flirty. As we left the dining room I made a point of saying, “Thank you, Laszlo,” and touched him on the arm. 

Saturday was just a nice summer's day, the town was busy with the usual holiday makers, and David and I drove out into the country for lunch at a farm shop. We spent the afternoon buying a few presents for upcoming birthdays, arriving back at the hotel in time for David to watch the sports results in our room. I wandered down into the bar and was served a Pimms by Laszlo, who was on duty there. Sitting on a stool at the bar I chatted with him between his serving of customers. I was flattered by his attention, and we had a private giggle about the girl with big breasts, which I guess was very unprofessional. When he made some complimentary remarks about me, in his heavy accent, getting all his words wrong, I laughed out loud and told him not to flirt. 

After an hour I got a text from David telling me he was taking a shower and getting ready for a pre-dinner drink. I told Laszlo that ‘hubby’ was calling, and he joked about how he thought he was a lucky man. I must have blushed, and blushed more when he helped me off my stool and held onto my arm a few seconds longer than perhaps was usual. Daringly I responded, “Well if I were a few years younger, you might have been the lucky one!”

I went even hotter when he replied, “If only.”

During that evening’s meal, we were served by Markos. Whether his brother had talked about me I’m not sure, but he kept making eye contact with me as well. David was completely unaware of it; his eyes were on the girl with large breasts once again. That night she was wearing a tight jersey dress, her partner oblivious to the carnage she was causing amongst all the testosterone in the dining room. Every man at some point was glancing in her direction.

David finished off a whole bottle of Sauvignon by himself. I had a couple of glasses of Prosecco, and as usual we went for coffee in the lounge. There was a pianist playing in there, and for more than an hour we listened and David consumed even more alcohol, first port, and then cognac. I knew pretty quickly that I would not be getting any lovemaking that night. 

Around 10.30pm, David asked me if we were going up to our room, and when I told him I was enjoying the music, he snorted and said that he’d leave me to come up on my own. 

For another twenty minutes or so, I had another glass of wine and listened to the piano player. I was hoping that David would be asleep by the time I got up to the room, and rather unsteadily I made my way to the lift. 

I knew I was pretty tipsy, quietly giggling to myself as I exited the lift, only to be met by Laszlo in the corridor.

“Ah, the lady from room 103,” he exclaimed in his accent, “have you had a good evening?”

“It’s Laura, and yes, I have, too good I think,” and I giggled again. 

My arm was touching the wall and it was pretty clear I was inebriated and steadying myself.

“Are you OK to get back to your room...Laura?”

“Yes, of course,” I replied, then as I stepped forward I swayed and stumbled. I literally fell into Laszlo’s arms.

“Oh god, I’m so sorry.” I was being held up by his strong arms, and as he lifted me back to my feet, I realised I’d broken my heel. One of his hands accidentally clutched my right breast while supporting me, which actually felt quite arousing.

“Shit,” my expletive probably was not the most delicate, as I slipped the broken shoe off. Bending over to pick it up. I wobbled again, clutching at Laszlo once again.

“Come in here, I’ll see if I can fix it.”

We were standing by a room marked ‘Staff Only,’ and Laszlo held his security tag against the lock, helping me inside. 

“There’s really no need, I’ve got more shoes in my room.”

I looked around and the room was obviously a staff bedroom, with two single beds, but quite comfortably furnished. It was very untidy; Laszlo was quickly shovelling discarded clothes from one of the beds onto the other one and telling me to, “Sit down, let me see what I can do.”

I watched him manipulating the heel, and he almost got it back into place before it finally broke off completely.

“Oh, I’m so sorry, Laura, it’s had it,” holding the heel up to show me.

“Don’t worry, they’re stupid heels anyway,” I replied. “I’m only along the corridor so I haven’t got to go far.”

Just as I was about to get up from the bed, Laszlo dropped onto one knee in front of me and with one hand under my calf, lifted my leg to take off the other shoe.

“Here, I'll escort you.”

His hand on my leg took me by surprise, and I felt a frisson of excitement. For a moment I wanted him to slide his hand up my leg, but he lowered it down and helped me to my feet. Briefly I clutched his arm and an image of him in bed with me flashed across my mind. 

“No, I can find my own way, thank you, Laszlo, and thank you for trying to mend my shoe.”

Gallantly he opened the door, and as I padded my way back to my room, I was quietly proud of myself for resisting temptation. Maybe my marriage might work.

I was sadly mistaken. As soon as I pushed the door of our room open, the snoring and snorting assailed my ears. In the semi-darkness, David was spread out across the bed, obviously in a deep, drunken sleep. I stripped off, went to the bathroom, and thought about what might have been with Laszlo. As I pushed his legs onto his side of the bed I heard a buzz from his phone, which was somehow lying underneath him. When it buzzed a second time, I thought it strange as he always kept his phone on silent during the night.

I closed my eyes and it buzzed again. It was annoying, and who on earth was texting him so often at this hour? Intrigued, I leaned over and pulled the phone out from underneath his arm. As I held it, it buzzed again. I knew David’s phone had face recognition so I held it over his face and it opened it up. There were twelve text messages, all from ‘Bill.’ I didn’t know any Bill; I’d never heard David talk of anyone called that. 

I opened the most recent.

‘If you don’t want to talk, I’m sad, I need you.’

I went hot all over, and nervously I opened one from further back.

‘I love it when you eat my pussy.’

I heard myself inhale and whisper, “Bastard,” under my breath. 

I looked at all the other texts, which were increasingly explicit; it was clear that David was having an affair with someone he had dubbed ‘Bill’ on his contact list.

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And then it hit me. What an absolute hypocrite I was. I’d been fucking so many guys, and now I’d found out that my husband was fucking another woman, and I was getting mad about it. 

I lay there and calmed down. “Hold on, Laura, be careful,” I said silently to myself. The situation needed careful thought. Divorce? Or maybe live with the status quo? I drifted off to sleep, contemplating the future.

I pretended to be asleep when David woke up. I decided to act as though nothing had happened, but I really wanted to know who ‘Bill’ was, just out of curiosity, and I found it difficult to believe that David was any more than an average lover!

The drive home was subdued, David’s phone was back on silent and during Sunday evening he looked at it several times. I texted Sheila and told her that I had ‘news’ and I knew she’d be champing at the bit to know what it was. She also added that “she’d missed me.”

When I read that text I felt strangely excited. A woman who had that effect on me was completely new, and I felt slightly embarrassed when my pussy began moistening. So it was a strange feeling on Monday morning, after David had left for work, that I found myself holding the jet of water from the shower head against my pussy, fantasising about Sheila making love to me. 

She arrived at mine around 10.30am, bubbling and wanting to share news.

“You go first!” she cried.

It took me all of ten minutes to relate the ups and downs of my thought processes of my marriage, and then to relate the discovery of David’s affair. Sheila cut to the very core of my dilemma.

“So you can do what the hell you like!” she declared, adding, “but I’d love to know who she is, and I bet you would.”

I shook my head in agreement and perked up when Sheila related her weekend activities.

“I’ve made a big decision, I’m going to buy a hot tub!”

Bursting out laughing, I asked, “What’s brought this on?”

“Well, guess what, Jason contacted me on Friday and invited me over to his and Becky’s house on Saturday evening. I must admit I accepted hoping that Josh would be there, but I didn’t actually dare ask. Anyway, I went and disappointingly he wasn’t, but we had a brilliant evening, and most of it was spent in their hot tub. They are so much fun and so relaxing.”

“And of course you had sex in it as well?” 

My face showed my complete knowledge of Sheila’s behaviour. 

“Well, yes, there was that!” and then we both giggled. 

“So Jason fucked you again?” I asked.

“Actually he fucked both of us, and me and Becky played a bit too." 

“God Sheila, you’re insatiable, I’m jealous, so how much are these hot tubs, they can’t be cheap?”

“About five thousand, but they vary. I thought that if they can be used all year round I’ll get the benefit, of course there are added costs, delivery, heating, water, maintenance, stuff like that, but I’ve got money from my divorce sitting in the bank so I thought, why not!”

We both looked at each other and smiled, we’d told each other all our news, and the excitement had subsided. For a moment there was a silence, a moment when we both nervously looked at each other before we both knew what came next.

“Come on,” I said softly, and stood up, taking Sheila’s hand. She followed me upstairs to my bedroom and without any words, we kissed. It seemed a wonderful, loving moment. Yes, we wanted to touch one another physically; yes, we wanted to be intimate, but in its own way the kiss was the most intimate of all.

We finally stood back, and Sheila said, “Come on, let’s go to bed.”

The feeling of Sheila’s body, her softness, the texture of her skin, the subtlety of our kissing, the gentle caress of her fingers, and the way she knew my most sensitive spots, was the nuance of making love with a woman. When we finally shifted our bodies so that we both were able to use our mouths to pleasure each other, we were on cloud nine.

As I rolled on top of Sheila she pulled my hips towards her. We found the perfect symmetry to feast on each other, and the slow way in which we both seemed to match our feelings; our sensations were making a journey that ended in the same moment, the same explosion of pleasure. 

“Oh god, Laura, just hold me,” Sheila gasped as I rolled aside and turned my body. I clung to her and we kissed, our mouths smeared with each other’s juices.

“I’m a bit afraid,” she added.

I knew exactly what she meant, but I still asked.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, my feelings... they’re running a bit wild.”

“You mean, we have feelings for each other.” 

It wasn’t a question, it was a statement.

“Yes,” she replied hesitantly, “yes... it’s all a bit confusing.”

“Don’t worry, I’m confused too. Just go with the flow, and please, Sheila, be open with me, I’ll be open with you. I regard myself as a free spirit now I’ve found out about David. If we want to be together then we can when we want to, and if we have adventures we can do that as well.”

Even as I said it, I knew that somewhere along the line our emotions might get the better of us.

~ ~ ~

It was just over a week later and just after breakfast that the whole street were out watching the mobile crane dangle the hot tub a fraction above Sheila’s rooftop, as it winched it into her back garden. There was much excitement, and even Jeff sidled up to me and muttered, “I hope I get an invite to the christening!”

I whispered back, “You randy bugger, I expect you will!”

It took the rest of the day to fix it in place and to plumb it in. Sheila told me that she’d got a local joiner to come and build a pergola-type structure over it, once it was working. I could tell how excited she was and when she asked me to join her the following day to try it out, I couldn’t wait.

Next morning the sun was out, and David had gone to work. I could hear the bubbling coming from next door, and when I looked out of my bedroom window I could see Sheila reading an instruction book, and playing with the control panel. She glanced up, beckoning me. It was obvious that she wanted to try it out with me. 

I slipped on my bikini and bathrobe, and taking a towel I slipped out of my side gate and in through hers.

“Isn’t it fantastic,” she said excitedly, “I’ve not worked out the settings completely, just wait and I’ll get changed, won’t be two ticks.”

When she returned we both climbed in and sat opposite each other, smiling broadly, and trying to gain our balance from the pressure of the jets. 

“Ooooh, I’m going to stay here all morning,” and then a moment later added, “David’s gone to work, hasn’t he?”

I nodded, and Sheila winked, as she suddenly flung her bikini top over the side, followed by her bikini bottom. 

“You’re terrible, Sheila, what if someone comes through the side gate, a delivery man or someone?”

“What the hell!” was her response, and she stood up and wobbled her breasts, laughing, “Go on, now you.”

Smiling, I removed my bikini too, and it felt extremely liberating.

Both of us relaxed back and I watched as Sheila closed her eyes. It was very soothing so I closed mine too. 

The bubbling made a steady sound; the massaging effect felt so good. It was after about ten minutes that I heard a murmur and wondered what Sheila had said. I opened my eyes and saw her opposite with her eyes still closed, but a look of strange concentration on her face. Her mouth was half open and every few seconds her tongue circled her lips. Instantly I recognised the familiar way she looked when she was cumming. Somehow she was getting pleasure from the jets of water under her body.

I said nothing, I just watched, until as she began to cum, her eyes opened wide for a moment, and she gasped loudly. One hand was gripping the side of the hot tub and her other hand seemed to be clutching one breast.

“Oh god, Laura, fucking hell... I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it.”

“Don’t apologise, I guess these bubbles can do that?”

I knew very well they could because it had happened to me once on holiday in a jacuzzi. 

Sheila regained her composure and settled herself again. “Oh fuck, it took me by surprise.” And then she had that devilish look on her face. “Go on, let me watch you.”

“Sheila, you’re a bad woman, you shouldn’t lead me astray!”

“Go on then!” she insisted.

With a bit of a resigned smile, I moved myself to one side until a jet of water was under my bottom. Spreading my legs, I adjusted myself so that the bubbles were directly on my pussy. Immediately I knew it was just right, and I heard Sheila mutter her approval as I closed my eyes. 

It was actually quite heavenly. I luxuriated in the total pleasure of it, and teased myself by moving slightly, to adjust the direction of the bubbles, and then holding back. 

It must have been five more minutes before I started to let go. Unseen by me, Sheila upped the rhythm of the bubbles and I started to cum in a rush. 

“Oh god, oh god,” I gasped out loud, my eyes tight shut, holding on to the edge of the hot tub while I shuddered with my orgasm.

And then as my body relaxed, I opened my eyes and my heart suddenly stopped. 

Standing behind Sheila, having come through the side gate, was Jeff, smiling with his arms folded. 

“Well, well, well.”

Sheila saw my horror and heard Jeff’s voice at the same time. Her head turned in a flash to see who it was.

“JEFF! I really can’t believe you. Can’t you ever knock, or let us know.”

I was sinking below the water as low as I could go.

Jeff just chuckled and said, “I’m sorry, It’s my birthday today, I woke up early, and I heard the bubbles and was thinking I’d come to see if I could have a birthday treat!”

“Happy birthday! But me and Laura were test driving it and... well... it was a private viewing!”

“It looks very inviting, and it seems to have a very relaxing effect.”

Jeff looked pointedly towards me. Whether I blushed or not, I’m not sure; I was already red-faced from having an orgasm in front of him.

Sheila looked at me too, with an expression of resignation, and just as she was about to make some further comment, Jeff stripped off his t-shirt and said, “I’d better join you and test drive it too!”

Sheila began to say, “Jeff, I think you’d ...” and before she’d finished, his shorts were on the floor and his boxers were being taken off. 

She fell silent as we both watched him lift himself over the side of the hot tub and sit between us. Neither of us could ignore his oversized cock swinging from side to side.

“This is the life,” Jeff was in full assertive mode, “it’s certainly a good way of spending a birthday.”

“Well, don’t enjoy yourself too much, this was meant to be our morning together.” Sheila had an indignant tone. 

Jeff looked over at me and raised his eyebrows.

“Get her!”

Underneath the water, Sheila must have kicked out at him because I saw him flinch, and when she tried a second time he must have grabbed her ankle and pulled. Suddenly she slid downwards under the water and came up spluttering in the middle of the tub.

“Bastard!” she shouted, and tried to punch him. It was semi-playful, thank goodness, and Jeff grabbed both her wrists and held her still. Sheila was half kneeling in the bubbles as Jeff stood up. It couldn’t be missed that his cock was on the rise and it prompted Sheila to remark, “Don't think you’re coming near me with that thing!”

It was met with a chuckle as he lifted her up to her feet by the wrists.

“Hmmm, you didn’t say that the other day!”

Jeff relaxed his grip as Sheila stopped struggling, and they stood facing each other in a sort of standoff. 

“Right, I’ll go and make some coffee while you calm down,” Sheila said, and turning to me, added, “Are you going to be safe if I leave you with him?” She placed particular emphasis on the word ‘him.’ 

Jeff snorted and sarcastically suggested, “I will resist her advances!”

He sank back down in the water; the minute that Sheila disappeared indoors, he shuffled closer to me. I was very aware that his cock was probably hard, and guarded against any movement myself.

“I haven’t seen you for coffee for a while, Laura?” Jeff’s innuendo was clear.

“I’m seeing you for coffee now, Jeff,” my sarcasm was obvious, and I just had to smile at his bravado.

Jeff edged closer so that his arm was up against mine. 

“So how about this afternoon?” 

I hesitated; the suggestion was rather sudden, but before I could reply he took my hand under the water and placed it on his cock. It felt hard; it felt big.

“Jeff, stop it, Sheila will be back in a minute.”

I should have taken my hand away immediately, but the feeling of gripping him again made me hesitate. Just then Sheila reappeared, still naked, carrying a tray with three mugs of coffee. She saw how close Jeff was to me, and placing the tray on the stone wall beside the hot tub, observed, “Is it still as hard as always, Laura?”

It wasn’t spoken with any animosity; it was said more in jest. 

Ignoring the mugs of coffee, she climbed back into the hot tub and sat herself down on the other side of Jeff. I felt her hand join mine on his cock, before she moved to grip his balls, and started to squeeze. 

Sharply Jeff inhaled, “Ladies! Please, let’s drink our coffee ... Sheila! ... Steady on.”

“Just wanting to make sure everything was working properly, I didn’t want Laura to be disappointed, and if you’re going to service both of us, then we need to check you over!”

It was Jeff’s turn to be embarrassed now, and as both of us released our grip on him he sighed a sigh of relief. 

Sheila laughed first, and then I joined in. Jeff looked uncertain as to what to do. He stood up and with his erection awkwardly standing out in front of him, he leaned over to pass us our mugs of coffee. 

Finally he sat opposite both of us and was now wondering where this was all going.

I wondered too. As all three of us sipped our coffees, the bubbles ended their cycle and the water calmed. It went quiet until Sheila made Jeff’s whole day.

“OK, I didn’t know it was your birthday, so special treat, if Laura agrees, and I’m sure she will, go indoors, dry yourself off, and get up to my room, we’ll both join you in a bit.”

Jeff’s mouth dropped open, as did mine. Sheila was suggesting a threesome, and it didn’t seem that I had much choice, although it was a tempting idea. 

Strangely Jeff said very little except, “I’ll see you both shortly,” and as he lifted himself over the side of the hot tub we saw the instrument of pleasure that would be ours in a short while.

“Fuck, Sheila, what the hell!”

Sheila giggled, “Don’t you fancy it? We’ve both had him and we know it’s fun, why not both of us together, c’mon, be daring.”

I could never be accused of not being daring after our visit to the swingers’ club, so both of us excitedly dried off in the kitchen, and checking we both looked okay, we went upstairs to Sheila’s bedroom.

My pussy was moistening as we climbed the stairs; while entering the bedroom, with Jeff showing his substantial erection, it melted completely. 

Both of us lay down either side of Jeff, Sheila was first to start kissing him, and that left me to start attending to his cock. Taking it in both hands I licked the head all the way around, then ran my tongue up and down the underside. It responded by becoming even firmer so I took it into my mouth and gently sucked. I decided I wasn’t going to be beaten to it by Sheila as she was certainly enjoying herself by placing her breasts up to Jeff’s mouth to feast on, so kneeling up, I sat astride his body, lowering myself down onto his cock. 

Even as I knew what to expect, the stretching of my pussy caused me to moan out loud, whispering a quiet, “Oh fuck!” 

Sheila saw me start to fuck Jeff, rising and falling slowly, so she decided to give him a taste of her pussy. Straddling his shoulders, she lowered her pussy onto his face, closing her eyes the moment she felt his tongue lapping at her. Now both of us were facing each other and it was obvious that we were going to kiss. It must have looked incredibly erotic for anyone to watch two women kissing. playing with each other’s breasts and riding both ends of an incredible man. The sounds in the room were a cacophony of a squeaking mattress, moans from both of us, heavy breathing from Jeff as he sucked in air through his nostrils, and the slightly ‘wet’ sounds from my pussy lubricating Jeff’s cock.

Sheila was the first to cum; Jeff’s tongue had worked its magic and she pulled away from me, slightly crouching and gripping Jeff with her thighs as she shuddered. I was grinding down on Jeff’s cock, and I could feel it against my cervix, a mixture of slight discomfort and pleasure. When I came I’m afraid I gushed slightly, making a mess of Sheila’s bed. I slipped back astride Jeff’s thighs and grabbed his cock, wanking it up and down rapidly. Sheila leaned forward just in time to receive the first spurt of his cum, greedily swallowing it back as he pumped more semen into her mouth. 

When finally he’d subsided, Sheila lifted up and kissed me, and unsurprisingly she had kept some spunk in her mouth to share with me. The sensation of overflowing semen dribbling from both our chins was another little step in our sexual education; I was getting a real taste for it.

And the advent of the hot tub had the potential for even more fun in the future.


Written by Cleevedreams
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