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The School Trip

"Staff liaison in the middle of the night."

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Author's Notes

"This is very much a true story so there is no follow up."

The coach pulled out of the high school at exactly 7.30 am and Mr Smith settled himself into his seat 2 rows from the front behind Ray the driver. The kids were excited and very bubbly but Mr Smith knew from experience that they would settle quickly for the long drive to Dover.

It was the yearly trip for year sevens to France and for Mr Smith it was the tenth year of running it. The school staff were always keen to be selected for it. It was fun and it was interesting.

On this year's trip were five staff besides Mr Smith. Mrs Pearson (head of English), Mrs Brooks (music teacher), Mr Watts (deputy head), Miss Clarke (history teacher) and Mrs Dent (learning assistant).

Sitting in his seat Mr Smith double-checked his paperwork for the trip, room lists, admission tickets to day-trips, and medical details. He knew the staff were all excellent professionals and would provide support with any problems should they arise.

The only member of staff he wasn't familiar with was Miss Clarke or Lizzie as she was known.

She was sitting opposite him in the coach next to Mrs Dent, and as he looked across, he couldn't help but notice her shapely butt wearing stretch jeans tight at the waist with a close-fitting t-shirt enclosing a delicious pair of breasts.

He reminded himself that she was a newly qualified teacher and only 24 years old. He was also a man coming up to retirement and married for more years than he cared to remember, and shouldn't be ogling women young enough to be his daughter.

His mind was suddenly brought back to focus by a shout from the rear of the coach. Someone was feeling sick. Mrs Pearson leapt up to deal with the situation. The trip had well and truly begun.

Eventually, after a long but reasonably uneventful journey, the coach pulled into the hotel at about 5 pm French time.

The first task was to sort the pupils into their rooms which were all off one long corridor on the first floor. The rooms held four or five pupils and at each end of the corridor were rooms for staff, each having two members of staff. Fortunately this year there was an extra room, so Mr Smith and Mr Watts had a room each to themselves.

The first evening was always unsettled. After dinner the whole party went for a walk into town via the seafront. This was meant to tire the pupils out so that they settled down to sleep at a reasonable hour. Lights out was 10 pm and the routine was to patrol the corridor until everyone was quiet and fast asleep.

It never worked that way in reality so the staff took it in turns, in pairs, to stay in the corridor until all was quiet. The other members of staff were free to go down to the bar or watch tv in their room. And so the week began...

The first day in France was full-on with excursions here, there, and everywhere. The staff bonded well and by the second evening, everyone was feeling pretty exhausted. Mr Smith had led from the front but had continued to steal glances in Lizzie Clarke's direction.

She really did have a wonderful body. Her blonde hair was shoulder length and her blue eyes made him weak at the knees. Today she had been wearing a low cut blouse tied at the waist, and close-fitting cotton shorts. He really felt quite guilty walking behind her and watching her ass sway from side to side stretching the cotton. He tried to be careful not to be caught by other staff staring at this sexy young lady.

After his turn of duty in the corridor, he decided to turn in; the kids had settled quickly, and apart from Mrs Brooks, the others did too. He quickly got undressed and washed and lay in his bed thinking of Miss Clarke and her exquisite ass. Tomorrow there was a trip to the indoor swimming complex on the seafront. His mind went into overdrive with wondering what she would look like in a swimming costume.

He was not to be disappointed.

Some of the staff usually changed to go swimming, while the others remained on loungers at the side of the wave pool. Mr Smith sat on a lounger surrounded by various towels and possessions that needed guarding. He was joined by Mrs Dent while the others went into the pool or climbed the stairs to the slides and flumes.

He'd missed Miss Clarke coming out of the changing rooms but as his eyes scanned the complex he caught a glimpse of her blonde hair bobbing up and down as she slid down the flume.

He lost sight of her as she splashed into the plunge pool at the bottom of the slide. But then his mouth dropped open as first her head appeared above the side of the pool and then the rest of her body. She was wearing a white bikini which was not the best at covering the most sexy body he had ever seen. It clung wet and so tightly to her skin that he could see each nipple protruding through the fabric, and he was almost sure he could see the shape of her pussy lips between her shapely thighs.

He quickly looked away and coughed to cover his guilt. He decided he would go for a supervisory walk to check that the kids were behaving themselves. He picked up his camera and made his way to the 'black hole.'

This was a large bowl at the base of a long and winding tube. As the bodies came shooting from the tube they slid round and round the bowl, until they disappeared down a hole in the middle and dropped into a plunge pool. He pointed his camera towards the bowl and switched it to 'continuous shooting' and started to take some shots of the kids as they appeared.

He'd been there about five minutes when the next burst of shots captured Miss Clarke exiting the tube with flailing arms and legs, before disappearing into the plunge pool. He would relish looking at those shots later. He continued for a few more minutes before returning to the loungers. It was time to get the kids out and leave.

After an afternoon visit to a museum and a long evening walk after dinner, the kids were readied for bed and lights out was again 10 pm. The staff took time to settle them in their rooms and once all was quiet they took it in turns to sit in the corridor while the others had a drink in the bar downstairs.

Mr Smith and Miss Clarke took their turn in that rota and made whispered small talk while Mr Smith decided to review the day's photographs. Lizzie Clarke sat beside him looking at the tiny illuminated screen on the back of the camera.

There were photos of everything they had done all that day, including the visit to the swimming complex.

"Do you mind if I look at the swimming ones Mr Smith?"

Even in the dark of the corridor, he could tell from the anxiety in her voice that Miss Clarke was worried about something.

"Certainly Lizzie, feel free."

He somehow felt awkward using her first name as he passed the camera to her. It was almost intimate in the dark and he could feel the warmth of her body close to his and smell the fragrance of her perfume.

"Oh my god, you've got to delete them, pleaseeee Mr Smith. Please don't look."

But of course, he had and what he saw made his heart jump and caused a faint twitch in his loins.

There were about six or seven shots in a row of Lizzie sliding around the bowl of the 'black hole', arms and legs splaying out, but most obviously was the sight of her left breast exposed over the top of her bikini with its dark brown nipple there for all to see.

"Oh dear Lizzie, I'll get rid of them straight away. How embarrassing for you," he said quietly, as he took the camera back from her and almost too slowly deleted them one by one, but relishing the sight as he did so.

He sensed a sigh of relief from her as he completed the task.

"There are no others are there Lizzie?"

"No I'm sure there aren't, I knew what had happened but thought no one had seen at the time. It was only just now I realised. Oh, thank you so much Robert."

When she used his first name his heart skipped a beat. It had always been Mr Smith, or "sir," but almost at the same time as she said that she leaned forward in the darkness and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you so much again for keeping it our secret."

As she drew away her breasts rubbed across the bare flesh on his arm. He felt flummoxed but felt his cock harden.

"Don't be silly Lizzie I understand, but you should be proud of your body."

Almost as he said it, he knew how inappropriate he'd been by saying that.

"Oh, I shouldn't have said that," he quickly muttered "sorry."

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Lizzie giggled and said, "Silly Mr Smith."

In order to cut through his embarrassment, he said, "you'd better get off to bed, it's another long day tomorrow."

"Ok, I'll see you in the morning and thank you again."

And with that she walked off down the corridor to her room, leaving Mr Smith with her scent in his nostrils, and his cock semi-erect. He hadn't felt that desire in a long time, and almost felt bothered by his feelings.

The kids were all fast asleep so Mr Smith went back to his room and undressed for bed. He lay on his bed in his pyjamas and had the tv on softly tuned to a French channel showing a typical old French film. He opened a bottle of red wine and poured himself a glass.

He must have been quite tired because with a passing thought of Miss Clarke in his mind he drifted off to sleep.

He awoke to the tapping on his door and Miss Clarke's voice whispering outside.

"Mr Smith can I have Jamie Thompson's 'calpol', he's got temperature?"

Jamie was a boy who suffered with his health, and suffered with an over-anxious mother, hence the sending of medicine with her beloved son and specific instructions should problems arise!

Mr Smith opened the door and Miss Clarke was standing there barefooted and in her pyjamas, which were a pink t-shirt and pink spotted pyjama bottoms. She followed him inside and he got the 'calpol' from the fridge and gave it to her to take to Jamie. While she was doing that he got the medicine book out to complete with the details of dose and time.

Miss Clarke returned a few minutes later and returned the bottle to the fridge and stood watching Mr Smith complete the documentation. He noticed her looking at his almost full glass of wine.

"Oh would you like a drink Lizzie? Or do you want to go back to bed?"

Lizzie noticed him blushing as he realised the possible innuendo, and with a smile, she said quietly "yes please Robert, some red wine would be nice, I'm not really tired yet."

Her use of 'Robert' again made him feel strange. He poured her a glass and she took it, sipped it, placed it on the bedside table, and sat herself on Robert's bed, leaning against the headboard with her knees drawn up under her chin.

Robert sat down facing her in an upright chair at the table. Conversation at first was stilted, but as the wine flowed they were soon telling each other something of their personal lives and how they came to be teaching at the high school.

Lizzie relaxed and was soon sipping her third glass of wine. She looked at Robert and noticed how authoritative he was. He was so knowledgeable on so many subjects but had such a way that he was not in the least arrogant. He was an attractive man. She wondered what he was like in his twenties. She would have 'fancied' him.

Robert's mind on the other hand was racing. Here was a young woman, fantastically sexy, scantily dressed, laying on his bed at one o'clock in the morning. He could see her pert breasts pressing against the thin cotton fabric of the t-shirt. Her nipples protruded succulently, almost wantonly. Her shapely thighs and that delicious ass lurked beneath her spotted loose-fitting pyjama bottoms. And it seemed she was totally at ease or maybe that was just the wine.

Robert looked at his watch. Did Lizzie realise it was so late? Was she bothered about what Mrs Dent, her roommate, would think? Apparently not. But just as those thoughts crossed his mind Lizzie sighed deeply.

"I suppose I must get back." She sounded disappointed.

"Yes I guess so" Robert replied, "people might start talking!"

"So what! It might spice their lives up a bit," Lizzie winked at him as she stood up unsteadily, and stretched her arms above her head.

Robert stared at her midriff as her t-shirt rode up and saw her flat tummy adorned by a silver bar in her belly button.

Robert stood up, but just as he did so he realised that his cock was going to 'embarrass' him. He quickly covered his errant member by crossing his hands in front of his crotch. Lizzie smiled broadly as she looked at Robert who was blushing, beetroot red.

"Mr Smith you naughty boy!" And with one step she grabbed both his wrists and pulled his arms out to the side, revealing an erection poking outwards underneath his pyjamas. "Very naughty!"

"I'm terribly sorry..." Mr Smith started to protest, but he couldn't get any further.

His jaw literally dropped open, as in one movement Lizzie sank to her knees, and as she did so she pulled his pyjama bottoms down to his ankles, exposing his cock stiff and sticking straight out towards her face.

"My word Mr Smith," she said hungrily, and took the head of his cock deep into her mouth.

Robert groaned and growled "oh god Lizzie", but all that happened was that Lizzie pushed her head forward and his cock eased itself into her throat.

Her face pressed against his tummy, and as she pulled back she gagged slightly. She drew back until just the head was between her lips and she flicked the tip of her tongue backwards and forwards in the groove underneath.

A loud "FUCK!" came from Mr Smith.

Lizzie stood up, looked Mr Smith in the eyes and whispered loudly "just be quiet, or do you want to wake the whole corridor?"

And as quick as a flash she turned him around and pushed him back on the bed. Flat on his back he looked up at Lizzie as she stripped off her t-shirt and stepped out of her pyjama bottoms.

"Now perhaps you'll shut up!"

He just gawped as she leapt onto the bed and straddled him, pushing her wet pussy down onto his face. Robert inhaled the perfume of her and pushed his mouth against her soaking womanhood. His tongue slid between her labia drinking her juices and sliding up over her clit.

He started to suck the little bud. At the same time, he felt Lizzie take him back into her mouth. They both fed on each other with a ravenous hunger.

The quiet sound of the tv covered the sounds of oral sex which slowly became more animated. Time stood still.

Then suddenly Lizzie pulled herself up, turned around, and guided Roberts's cock towards her pussy. She looked down at him lowering herself onto his cock and saying,

"Mr Smith you have been very naughty, now just be quiet and take your punishment!"

It didn't feel like a punishment to him! Robert felt her pussy close around his cock until she was sitting on his pelvis and her juices were dribbling onto his balls. Leaning forward, and bracing herself with her outstretched arms on his chest, Lizzie started to rise and fall on his cock.

Robert looked up at Lizzie watching her body moving slowly. Her face showed a look of concentration, her titties were swinging, her blue eyes staring down at him. He was finding it difficult to keep control, and he was frightened he would cum straight away. He closed his eyes to help him resist.

He could hear Lizzie breathing quickly, and felt her movements gather pace. He opened his eyes just in time to see her expression change. Her mouth was open, and her tongue slowly circled her lips, her eyelids flickered, and then closed, and her head was starting to tilt backwards. She was getting close to the edge.

Suddenly her whole body started to shudder, and she pressed down onto Robert, and he heard her moan softly. Her pussy convulsed, squeezing his cock, and that signalled the end of his self-control. He felt his cock erupt and gush deep into Lizzie's cunt, jerking once, twice, three times, each time pumping more spunk inside her.

Desperately suppressing his desire to cry out, he just managed a low grunting sound, as his muscles relaxed and he felt Lizzies weight slump downwards.

"Well, Mr Smith I think Ofsted would give you an 'outstanding' for that performance!"

Robert was just about to gasp a reply when in a flash Lizzie had leapt off the bed, quickly put on her pyjamas and let herself out of the door and into the corridor and disappeared back to her room.

He lay there mesmerized and still feeling the rush of their lovemaking. His pubic hair was soaked with Lizzie's juices and his now flaccid cock dribbled the last of its semen onto his abdomen. As he drifted off to sleep he thought "breakfast would be an interesting meal!"




Written by Cleevedreams
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