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Bewitched By Two Sisters. Part 2.

"A reunion for one brought unexpected pleasures for all."

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The next evening, Michael had an early dinner. On his way past the reception to the lift, he made sure that Lisa saw his greeting nod. She responded with a smile and a quick look at her wristwatch.

Not expecting her arrival before ten, Michael had a leisurely shower. Then, in his dressing gown, he sat down at the desk and opened his iPad Air to check his mail and to go over some of his prepared lectures for Innsbruck.

However, this time his normally disciplined mind could not focus on such a task. Like Rita, Lisa was coming to fuck. But unlike Rita – who had been a stranger he met in a drunken state under strangely fortuitous circumstances - Lisa’s arrival filled Michael with uncertainties.

With Lisa, Michael had an unresolved first-love past. It could, he feared, inhibit him from engaging with Lisa in the uninhibited, pleasure-releasing way he and Rita had enjoyed. Unless – his problem was that he found it difficult to imagine - the for him in his youth so untouchably pure Lisa reveals herself as an adventurous, sex-hungry woman like Rita.

He was unsure how he or Lisa would overcome their initial inhibitions, and if their intended fuck would become a tokenistic humping or a mutually enriching, pleasure-filled experience.

He could do nothing but wait.

Lisa entered without knocking. Closing the door, she pressed her back against it. With her head raised and eyes closed she stood in silence for long seconds, summonsing her courage as she offered herself to Michael’s eyes.

In high heels, her stockinged, shapely legs vanished into a dark skirt whose tightness accentuated the swell of her thighs. As she pressed against the door, the hillock of her pubes pushed against the skirt’s cloth and her nipples tented the silk of her blouse.

Her entrance had happened so quickly that Michal could only turn in his chair. He gasped in surprise before he uttered, “God, Lisa. You are sinfully beautiful standing there! You have come and I’m stunned.”

She looked down at him with an uncertain smile and took a faltering step, “Will you stay stunned, Michael, if I walk now into your arms like naughty Rita did into your bed?”

As Michael stood up, Lisa rushed into his opening arms and hers locked around his neck as her body pressed against his. With their lips almost touching, Lisa whispered, “It’s time, Michael, for our first kiss. It’s long overdue.”

As Michael’s lips touched hers, her lips parted and with a hot-breath moan her risking-all tongue pushed deep into his mouth to engage his in swirling copulation. When it eventually, teasingly, withdrew, his tongue followed to invade her mouth. Eventually, in their hectic to and fro their tongues conquered each other into gasping submission.

During their long spell of ever-sexier kissing, Michael’s hand had slid up under her blouse. Finding no bra, one of his hands cupped a lasciviously squirming tit while the other searched for the blouse’s hidden buttons. With greater success, Lisa undid the waist strap of Michael’s dressing gown.

Fighting for breath, Lisa continued with what their kiss had interrupted:

“Yes, Michael, I wanted you to kiss me like that all these years ago. And like now, ... I wanted your hands on my breasts and ... yes, even then ... touching my pussy. All the girls in the club wanted you to do it to them. They only left you alone because you and I were the champions playing together. They believed ... and I let them ... that we were fucking.  ... But you never kissed me ... or touched me. I was too shy to let you know what I wanted. Even now, I needed Rita to give me a push.”  

“Thanks for Rita! But you are as daring as her, Lisa! See what you have done!”

Lisa had undone the sash of his dressing gown and spread it open. She looked at Michael’s trim athletic body and, without hiding it, long and lusting on his not yet fully erect cock.

“You kept in great shape! And are twice as sexy as you were then!”

Lisa grinned, “And you are finding me now sinfully beautiful ... no longer just pretty like then? It may be for the best that we waited for our first fuck.”

“Why the singular? Are you set on only one?”

As he asked, Michael turned Lisa around and slid both hands under the blouse onto her breasts and his thumbs began to caress her excitedly responding nipples. Then kissing her neck and drawing his tongue to her ear he murmured:

“You have me already naked; what about you? You came without a bra, what is under your skirt, I wonder? ... Sexy panties? ... Or did you come bare-pussy? That would be dangerous; as you can see, I am getting harder and harder.”

With a half-embarrassed giggle, Lisa pushed her ass against his cock and her tits into his hands. With her neck pressed against Michael’s lips, she unbuckled her belt. Then, suppressing a peal of welling-up laughter she reached for the zips on either side of the skirt. With the skirt’s body-hugging fit, she had to wriggle it down over her ass and thighs. Bending forward to push it down, the skirt slid out of the way of Michael’s cock.

It had pressed against Lisa’s skirt-sheltered behind. But now, its tip slid into the warmth of an unsheltered crack. As the skirt slid down to her ankles, Lisa greeted the cock’s sudden prod onto her pussy with a moan.

She had come naked and what was happening surpassed what she had dared to imagine. Michael’s hands were sliding down her trembling belly and cupping her shivering pubes. And then two of his fingers stroked the already hot-slippery lips of her pussy open.

Moaning, Lisa arched back into his arms, “Don’t make me wait any longer, Michael! Fuck me, fuck me now! ... I want your cock in me, deep in me!”

Michael turned Lisa around. Reaching behind her he moved his Pad aside. Pushing her ass against the edge of the desk he murmured:

“Don’t you want to wait till we are in bed, Lisa? Spread out on the desk, God, you’ll turn me on! ... So, it won’t be a first-time, gentle-shy fuck! ... Is this what you want, Lisa?”

As he reached for her ass to lift her onto the desk she cried, “Yes, Michael, God, fuck me! ... It has been such a long wait!”

She pulled his face in for a wild, wet kiss that let him know what she thought of a ‘gentle-shy fuck’. His fingers dug into her buttocks as she ground her pussy against his rampant cock. Whenever it blindly touched the churning opening of her cunt, Lisa whimpered and gasped, “Yes! Yes! ... Fuck me!”

When Michael finally lifted her ass on the desk, Lisa lay immediately back. His dressing gown fell to the floor. Naked, with his cock pointing at her, he stepped between Lisa’s spread and raised legs. Her hands moved down and with her eyes on him, her fingers spread the lips of her pussy invitingly open.

Lisa may have expected that he would ram his cock into her offered cunt but Michael, for long seconds, only looked at the pink-glistening lushness of Lisa’s beautiful sex.

Looking down at her lust-filled but now blushing face he whispered, “God, I love looking at your hot-lovely pussy! ... You love showing it to me, don’t you?”

 Gripping his cock, he began to slide it up and down the hot slippery crevasse between Lisa’s shaking fingers. When he guided its tip first to her cunt’s opening for a few shallow, only teasing intrusions and then to her clit for a prolonged press and rub, Lisa whimpered:

“Don’t just look and play with me, Michael. ... Stop, please! ... Fuck me! ... Please!”

“I would never just blindly fuck you. I want to look and touch and make love to your gorgeous tits and shapely ass ... and your beautiful pussy and cunt. Don’t you want more from sex with me than getting humped in an eyes-closed fuck?”

Lisa listened but found no words of replay. In looking down at Lisa’ cock-stroked pussy, Michael saw that the cock’s play and Lisa’s pressing fingers had raised her clit into an attention-demanding prominence.

How could he resist? Sitting down on the chair, Michael slung her legs over his shoulders and brought his tongue onto the sensitive pearl that had escaped its sheltering sleeve.

In the following minutes, as his tongue and teeth took tantalising possession of Lisa’s clit, her moans and cries, her stuttered demands for more and more of his mouth’ sweet torture, gave him the answer to what kind of sex Lisa could easily be converted.

When he felt the first jitters of a climax in her pussy and thighs, he stood up. Gathering her legs and pushing them back almost to her shoulders, he pressed the full length of his rod slowly into Lisa’s extremely tight but hot-slippery cunt.

Crying out in lust and pain, she wanted to hold him in but his second thrust made her gasp a hoarse “Yes! Yes!” Hovering already on the brink, the third and the fourth thrust deep into her cunt, pushed her screaming into the torrent of an orgasm that left her body arching and twisting on the desk.

Michael withdrew and sat back on the chair. Lisa’s tight-hot cunt and wild surrender had pushed him close to a too-early coming. Lisa’s shacking and twisting legs - still in glamorous stockings and high heels –were still on his shoulders. He had held on to them in sitting down.

Before his eyes now was the unexpected sight of Lisa’s hand clawing her glistening, just fucked pussy. She knew that he watched as first two, then three of the fingers wormed through the juice-seeping opening to dive deep into her cunt. It triggered a final spasm which jerked up and shook Lisa’s ass in a final burst of coming.

Eventually, Lisa pulled her legs from Michael’s shoulders. She sat up on the desk’s edge and when Michael held out his arms, Lisa swung her leg over his lap and reached down to guide Michael’s stiff, unrelieved cock into her still-wanting cunt.

But Michael grabbed her wrist.

“If we fuck now - after you made me watch your naughty fingers - I will come too soon. Getting older, I don’t recover that quickly. I want to take you to bed now, Lisa. You are not even undressed and we have not had a proper foreplay. Or have you come for just one, plain, quick fuck after all these long years?”

“I did not know what to expect. But listening to Rita, I hoped for more. Much, much more!”, Lisa grinned as she reached down to rub his stiff cock against her pubes and belly.

After pressing her opening lips against his for a hungry, confessing all kiss, she whispered:

“God, I want this cock to fuck me again and again. I know now that I will be getting from you what no man has ever given me – lust-filled, guilt-free, uninhibited sexual pleasure. ... And I want to give you what I have never given to any man before, all, with never a NO. ... Let me go to the bathroom before we get into bed!”

 She got off his lap. Michael watched as she walked with measured steps through the room. He was struck by the breathtaking sexuality of her long, dark stockinged legs, further accentuated by Lisa’s high heels. And these marvellous legs flowed into a beautifully contoured ass that swayed naked under the loose silk of her blouse.

When she closed the bathroom door behind her and strolled smiling to the bed, she was still half-dressed as before.

For Michael, Lisa’s approach to their bed was as sexually stirring as Rita’s striptease had been the night before. Stepping up to her, he slipped his hands under her blouse and cupped her boobs. They were a beautiful handful and their nipples quickly stirred against the palms of his hands. He murmured in Lisa’s ear his joking complaint:

“You were so quick in shedding your skirt just to get fucked. You did not unbutton your blouse for me. Will you do so now? You want me to see and make love to your beautiful tits, don’t you, Lisa? You love showing them off as much as flashing your pussy, don’t you?”

With the last button undone, and her blouse falling open, Lisa swallowed her laughter:

“Are you complaining that I gave you my bare-for-you pussy first? You asked and I did because my cunt was itching for your cock. So, my titties had to wait a bit longer for your touch. They had done so for a long time. At eighteen, the thought that you might kiss them made me finger my pussy. ... It still excites me the same.”

She slipped out of her blouse and let it fall to the floor. Putting one knee on the bed, Lisa lifted her arms over her head and stretched out her tits, “Do you like them? ... Are they as sexy as Rita’s? ... Come on, Michael; make love to them. Drive me crazy.”

Then she let herself sink back on the bed and stretched out her arms for Michael to join her.

They joined for a long, at first, gently probing kiss while his fingertips traced over her right breast. It quickly had an electrifying effect. Every time his fingernails passed over its nipple, it grew and hardened. Eventually, Lisa, lusting for more pressed her aroused boob into Michael’s firm, no longer teasing, grasp. And when his fingers twirled and pulled her now stiffly aroused nipple, Lisa’s tongue madly entwined his.

Michael took it as a signal to shift his mouth down on Lisa’s other, now arching up tit to suck and bite its nipple into a pointy display. Lisa’s hands pressed him down, urging his mouth to suck and bite harder. And then she pulled his ravaging mouth back to her other breast. His now free hand stroked down her side, over her hips to come at momentary rest on her thigh.

Lisa, moaned, “Yes Michael, yes!” Her legs twisted to catch and lock Michael’s hand into her crotch. As his fingertips slid into her pussy’s slippery slit, Lisa cried out, “Yes, Michael! Touch me!”

Over the next minutes, as she more and more frantically shifted Michael’s ravaging mouth from boob to boob, her demands became, for Michael’s ears, a lust-charged love song of whimpers and cries and panted barely comprehensible words. At first, one, then two of his fingers had dug deep into Lisa’s tight but hot-slippery cunt, for an in-and-out fucking and a bending and twisting exploration that found her cunt’s most nervy spots.

Eventually, with fevering fingers clawing his hair, Lisa began to push his face down her midriff. When his tongue sunk twirling into her navel her body heaved up with a moan. It turned into a cry moments later when her hands had forced his mouth into her golden bush, and his teeth closed with a love bite over her bucking-up mons.

Michael knew that Lisa now wanted him to eat her pussy like he had eaten her tits. He would make her wait.

Pulling out of her grip, he kissed his way up again, over her heaving navel and bite-marked tits, to her lips to whisper:

“God, Lisa, making love to your beautiful tits turns me on. But you are still not undressed. I’m going to strip you now of your dangerous high heels and sexy stockings. ... Undressing your beautiful legs will give me more naughty ideas!”

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Getting off the bed, he reached for one of her legs and pulled it close. Lisa giggled as she lifted it and threateningly pointed its heel at Michael’s balls. He quickly removed the danger to his manhood only to see it as quickly replaced by Lisa’s other armed foot.

With this shoe removed, he reached up for the black lace top of her stocking and slowly peeled it down to let it drop to the floor. Then, grinning down at Lisa – with his eyes avoiding her spread-open groin and glistening pussy – he lifted her foot to his mouth and covered it with kisses. As his tongue licked up her sole and his teeth closed over her big toe Lisa burst into a body-twisting laughter.

Then, Michael sat down. Still gripping her leg, he turned sideways to kiss his way quickly up to the inside of her thighs. Slowing down, he covered her soft flesh with sucking kisses, each one marking her as his, as his mouth came ever closer to her quivering sex. And then, with her thighs spread wide open, Michael slowly drew his tongue over the pussy lips’ hillock.

After covering the inside of her other thigh with searing kisses to the top of her stocking, he knelt up and quickly peeled the stocking down. Hooking his arms under her knees and raising her thighs, he bent forward.

Michael’s cock was parting the lips of Lisa’s cunt, “What do you want, Lisa? You were pushing me down! Does your pussy want to be eaten first and then fucked? ... Or fucked, and eaten, and fucked and eaten again?  ... You are not too shy to tell me, are you, Lisa?”

“Fuck me, Michael, God, fuck me first! ... But do you want to eat then my wet pussy? You know how wet I get from before on the table. ... I can’t stop coming like that with you.”

Kneeling, Michael lifted Lisa’s ass off the sheet and pulled her so close that the tip of his cock pressed into her pussy’s glistening slit. The slightest push would have parted her throbbing opening but he held back. He wanted from Lisa more than silent consent.

“With you, Lisa, I like nothing more than tasting your just hard-fucked cunt. And eating it into another climax.”  

“God, Michael, if you like tasting me, eating me like that, fuck me now! Fuck me hard, eat me up, make me cum, again and again!”

Lisa reached down to press the engorged head of Michael’s cock into the opening of her already hotly aroused cunt. But hers was still girl-tight, not, loosened and widened by childbirth and the ravaging cocks and fingers of too many lovers.

Therefore, Michael did not force his cock in to the hilt as had done when he fucked her first on the desk. Enjoying the hot, tight nervy grip of her cunt, he slowly, with gentle but ever deeper thrusts, made Lisa quiver for the next cunt-filling thrust.

As he fucked her, his low voice told her what a beautiful and so sinfully sexy woman she was and how he loved fucking her, while he could look at her. He loved her brave shamelessness in showing off her tits and hot pussy, and how hard it made his cock. And how her wild sexy kissing told him to be like her, a daring-all lover. It always told him what she wanted in their sexual play.

Was it his cock stirring up her cunt or his hot words seducing her mind, it triggered the shaking in Lisa’s thighs and in her pelvis pressing against his cock. Her stammering, “I’m coming, Michael, I’m coming!” made him quickly withdraw and slither down.

As his mouth fastened on her quivering pussy and his tongue drilled into her cunt’s palpitating opening, her pelvis began shaking in repeating spasms. And then Lisa’s hand and her convulsing thighs locked his face and mouth onto her pussy as it filled with the hot juices of her climaxing cunt. And Michael licked and drank and discovered how much the heady taste of Lisa’s coming turned him on.

While the spasms of her climax gradually weakened, Michael continued his oral pleasuring. He pushed his tongue, time and time again, onto and through the pulsating opening of Lisa’s hot-fucked cunt.                     

By the time Michael’s lips and teeth moved onto Lisa’s hyper-sexed clit, the shivering of her pussy under his lips, the shaking of her thighs, and the high pitch of her whimpering told that she was already on the brink of another coming. The sweet torture of her clit, of his sucking and biting, and the lashing of his tongue, pushed Lisa into the vortex of orgiastic surrender.

Lisa met it with a lust-charged, drawn-out howl that turned into a fit of wild laughter as Michael, on releasing her clit, began to draw his tongue up over her mons, her heaving belly and straining tits to her hungrily opening mouth. As their tongues joined in wild copulation, his rock-hard cock slid unaided into Lisa’s insatiable cunt.

“Yes, Michael, I want it. ... Fuck me! ... Fuck me! ... Fuck me again ... and again ...and again!”

“How would you like to be fucked? ... What is your favourite position? ... On your knees, from behind? Or are you like Rita? ... Would you like to ride me? ... Didn’t she tell you that she did?”

Lisa did not answer in words but she started the move by pushing Michael sideways. And then, twisting and turning in unison with him, she straddled him with his cock still firmly in her cunt.

As she sat up, a pained ‘Ah’ escaped her as the tip of his rod touched her cervix but then, as she quickly lifted and sank her cunt slowly down again, her face lit up and she laughed in triumph. Then, with interruptions and her voice hoarse with excitement, she whispered:

“Yes, Rita told me about her ride. God, how she boasted about the best climaxes of her life ... first in riding you ... then in getting her pussy eaten ... while she sucked your cock until you came ... in a, she said, wild sixty-nine. ... God, she made me jealous! ... But I am no longer!”

While Lisa talked, she began to ride him. Having found her rhythm, she stretched back. Her talking of Rita made her keen to excite Michael, to let him watch as her lithe body lasciviously twisted on his cock as her hands grabbed her tits and her fingers pinched her nipples into a perky display.

Michael, in rising excitement, began to meet the sensuous sinking-down moves of Lisa’s cunt with a vigorous thrusting up of his steely cock. The electrifying moment of pain as his cock touched her cervix made her cry out and lurch forward. Somehow, she managed not to lose his cock. Only now, the engorged head of Michael’s cock massaged and excited the nervy entrance of her cunt.

With Lisa crouched over him, their mouths engaged in a long, salaciously carnal kiss; moaning and gasping into each other’s mouth while his cock speared up into Lisa’s more and more squishy cunt. When they stopped kissing, fighting for breath, Lisa croaked:

“Rita was right; riding is a great way to fuck. I love the change from fucking you and you fucking me. But you still must, won’t you, tell me about all the other positions.”

Without blushing, Lisa giggled, “See what you have done, Michael: ... you have turned me into a shameless, sex-mad woman.”

She sat up on his cock and this time, put her hand on Michael’s knees and leaned back. In her now sensuously slow fucking him, she wanted his eyes on her arching out tits. She wanted him to watch his wet gleaming cock slip in and out of her hot-glistening cunt. It was his eyes as much as his piercing cock that made her climax storm in. As Lisa’s body stretched, shook, and twisted, Michael felt the burst of heat from her gushing cunt.

It pushed him to the edge of climaxing but he grimly held on. His hands fastened with an unsparing grip on Lisa’s buttocks and lifted her off his cock. Ignoring her protesting wail, he quickly slid down between her thighs. With his fingers digging into her ass and a pull, he brought her steaming, hot-flowing pussy onto his mouth and face.

Her body responded. Kneeling upright over his face, convulsed in renewed spasms of coming, Lisa’s pussy squelched uncontrollably over Michael’s face. Then, as she slumped forward, clawing and biting into the sheet, Michael brought his mouth onto her already wildly excited clit. And as he loved and tantalised it as Lisa had earlier wanted, he could hear her love song, now less stifled than her screams before.

When a new burst of coming overwhelmed her, the quivering of her thighs against his cheeks and another hot gush flooding her pussy proved too much for Michael. He came in a burst with his semen shooting up in the air and then splashing down on his belly and chest. With his mouth still on her clit he cried out. Lisa, in shock and unaware of the explosion behind her back, struggled out of his grip and slid off his face.

When she turned and saw what had happened, a laugh quickly swallowed, escaped her. She bent over Michael’s face – wet from her multiple orgasms – and covered it with kisses before sinking her tongue into his mouth for a greedily sucking kiss.

Then she whispered, “I’m sorry you came like this. I wanted so much to taste my hot pussy juices on your beautiful cock and suck you into your climax.” Then, before her mouth closed over his spent cock to lick and suck it clean, she giggled and added, “Not just lick a taste of my hot comings from your face. Next time, no such cheating.”

Still, Lisa’s mouth got lovingly busy on his now spent cock while her hand rubbed Michael’s splattered cum into his skin.

Afterwards, as she slid up for a cuddle, she pressed her nose onto his chest and commented on how sexy he smelled. Then she giggled.

“If I smell like that too and get into my clothes and amongst people, they would wonder. And fellows with the right sense of smell would start following me. We better have a shower. I’d love to shower with you. I’ve never done it with a man.”

As they got up, Lisa looked down at the bed and shook her head. She declared that no bed after her rare fucks had ever been messed up like this. Then she grinned and said that now she knew why Rita had to change the sheets before the floor staff would do his room.

Lisa’s mentioning of Rita, as she had done repeatedly during the evening, encouraged Michael to ask, “Do you and Rita tell each other everything? Do you share everything? Is there never any conflict and jealousy between you?”

Lisa was going to turn on the shower. She stopped, looked at Michael and grinned, “You are wondering about Rita and I sharing you, aren’t you? I’ll tell you everything but after our shower?”

She turned on the water, adjusted the temperature, and raising her face stepped under the cascading stream. Michael, spellbound, watched. Out of bed now and moving around, the grace of Lisa’s tall, lithe body, of her long shapely legs and – in her shame-free nakedness – the sexual allure of her auburn bush and her shapely ass and boobs took his breath away.

When he joined her under the shower, it made washing Lisa, not an opportunity to grope but a prolonged, intimate worship of her beautiful body. Lisa’s hands, in turn, also stroked again and again, admiringly over Michael’s well-muscled torso and arms.

When she asked, he told her that he regularly swam and ran and that he still played serious tennis. Eventually, when his cock began to harden under her extended, loving attention, Lisa could not resist. Drawing him first into a naughtily probing kiss, she asked to what exercise his cock’s athleticism was due.

Laughing and bantering about Michael’s refusal to confess, they dried each other before rushing back to bed. For Lisa, the showering together had been like naughty, stimulating foreplay. She immediately tried to rush Michael into a leg-entangling, wild-kissing embrace, hoping that it would bring his half-erect cock into full glory.

His mind, however, was set on learning the truth about the sisters’ role in their affair and he resisted the tempting distraction. So, sitting up in bed he put his arm around Lisa’s middle and asked her to tell him what she had promised.

Lisa hesitated. Then, with a pained laugh, she settled back into his arm and began:

“Rita and I always were close and from our late teens on, liked to talk about sex. We were the naughty daughters of a respected, conservative family in a – as you well know – conservative little town. So, our virtues were safe and we had only our dirty thoughts to share. However, I had that crush on you and I told younger Rita, with some sexy embellishments, all about it.

"Then you left. Paradoxically, it caused me to lose my virginity. With you gone, I had no companion on the tournaments away from home. So, I had several affairs - one-night stands, actually – about which I could tell Rita in inventive detail. In reality, I had only four uninspiring fucks with young men that were as inexperienced and inhibited as I was.

"Then I got engaged and married Gerd, and Rita, four years later, married Robert. We continued to exchange notes on our marital sexual experiences and growing disappointment. I believe Rita told you about her marriage. I’ll spare you the details about mine but Gerd was from the beginning well on the way to being an alcoholic and becoming impotent. We have not shared a bed for the last eight years. And I have remained, with one unsatisfying exception, Gerd’s faithful wife.

"And then you arrived. Thrilled to bits about seeing you again and turned on by your looks, I made the unguarded remark to Rita that I wished you would fuck me. It was true but I knew you would not ask me and it would never happen in the two weeks you were here.

"Rita not only challenged me to offer myself to you without wasting a day. She accidentally met you at Gerd’s party. Finding you as sexually attractive as I did - and turned on by the thought of you fucking me - she beat me to the draw.

"It neither angered me nor stopped me from coming to your room, from offering myself to be fucked. I have never done anything like that in my life and nothing has ever excited me as much.

"Sharing you with Rita only heightens my excitement. Neither she nor I are on the lookout for another husband or another life. Therefore, we are not in competition over you. We want, for once in our life to be sexually excited and pleasured.

"And God, you do, Michael! We are lucky to have found you, even if it is only for a short time. With you being the male, we could be, will be a naughtier, sexier threesome than any Rita and I have seen on Pornhub.”


Embarrassed by her lengthy talk, Lisa slipped down under the doona. With Michael still sitting up, it brought her face precariously close to his cock. But then she only lovingly cupped his exhausted member:

“You are not shocked by us, are you, Michael? ... We want you as our lover ... individually as well as – if it should happen – together. ... You want to be the sexy male in our Threesome, Michael, don’t you?”

He lowered himself down and kissed her. Then, pretending to be worried he mumbled, “I’ll have to ask Rita tomorrow ... does she agree to such a wicked arrangement too? But right now, your partner needs some sleep.”

Written by Benku41
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