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Bewitched By Two Sisters. Part 1.

"A reunion for one brought unexpected pleasures for all."

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Michael arrived in Austria three weeks before the beginning of his guest-lecturer ship at Innsbruck University. He decided to pay a brief visit to the small town he had grown up in, and which he had left twenty-six years ago.

He was nineteen then. He thought he would be away for a two-year working holiday in Australia. But then his mother died; she had been in poor health. Michael stayed in Australia. He studied, gained a university grant, and built a successful career as a teacher and researcher.

Besides curiosity, Michael had little reason to spend two weeks in his place of birth. It was a health spa – for which he had no need – and offered little else in other attractions. No relatives lived there anymore, and contact with the friends of his teen years had ceased when he left for Australia.

In booking his stay, Michael chose a familiar hotel. He and Gerd, the son of its owner, had been in the junior squad of the local Tennis Club. On occasions, after Michael had again won at a tournament, he had been invited to appear at one of the club’s functions. These were always held in the Hotel Regina.

Gerd was now its owner. When Michael went down to dinner after arriving, Gerd waylaid and welcomed him like a long, lost friend. It surprised him because they had never been that.

It was unlikely that Gerd had recognised his name on the booking or his face on arrival. Gerd left his hotel’ running to his staff and its management to his wife. Therefore, Michael was welcomed by Lisa, Gerd’s wife. She told her husband of Michael’s arrival.

Lisa not only knew Michael intimately from their time in the Tennis Club. Both had been promising juniors who, in their late teens, represented their club in amateur tournaments, in Singles and Mixed Doubles, all over the state.

By then, they more than just liked each other as tennis partners. But Michael would not have dared to move in his relationship with Lisa beyond their tennis camaraderie.

Growing up in the town, he was aware of and accepted its social order. Lisa was out of his league. Her parents were wealthy and respected burgers while his mother was a war widow on a pension.

The ruling clique in the club would not only have frowned on a sexual relationship between them. Michael being their best male tennis player would have counted for nothing; they would have expelled him for his unacceptable sexual interest in Lisa.

Michael’s connection with the rather exclusive tennis club was only nominally as a member. He had not joined the club but had initially been one of the ball boys earning some pocket money.

His talent was accidentally discovered by the club’s coach by seeing him play against other ball boys and as a stand-in partner for guests wishing to practise. He started to coach him and eventually recommended Michael to be included in the club’s junior competition squad.

Among the younger club members, Michael’s successes on the court earned him quickly a degree of acceptance.

Gerd’s selective memory of Michael as a club champion and his now financial and social status as a paying guest in his four-star hotel, caused Gerd to claim Michael as a friend. The next day after his arrival, Gerd invited him to a welcome-home party in his hunting hut with some, he said, of Michael’s old friends.

The friends Gerd had invited were primarily his and not Michael’s although they were his age. Michael could vaguely remember only some.

Most of them, Gerd included, had not aged well. They were, it turned out, a close-knit group, united by their interest in hunting and alcohol-fuelled, card-playing nights.

As soon as they had settled in at Gerd’s hut, it made Michael, as well as the three women who had come along to the party, distinctively outsiders.

Eventually, Michael had to escape. Not so much from the incoherent noise of the card players or the fudge of their smokes but the compulsion he was under, as the supposedly honoured guest, to share in the too-regular rounds of the Schnapps bottle circulating the table.

Not used to the 60% proof Obstler, Michael was in danger of finishing up either sick or under the table.

Even though Michael was the supposed guest of honour at their gathering, nobody noticed when he got up and went outside.

In the unlit forest dark, Michael, already unsteady on his feet, stumbled to where he heard water splashing into a trough. He had noticed the hollowed-out tree trunk when they arrived. Grasping its rough-hewn edge, he dived his face into the ice-cold swirl.

When he pushed himself up, gasping for air, he heard a peal of laughter, followed by, “Feeling better now, Michael?”

Rubbing the water out of his eyes, Michael saw a shadowy figure sitting on one of the logs he had seen surrounding a fire pit. He took a few steps towards the figure sitting there. The unfamiliar woman smiled and patted the log next to her:

“Why don’t you join me, Michael? Sorry, nobody bothered to introduce us. I’m the sober, designated driver of the bus you came up in. At other times, I’m naughty myself. ... But you know me anyway! ...  I’m Rita, Lisa’s little brat sister, now all grown up, recently divorced, and now pleased to meet you again, Michael, and have you for company.”

As Michael sat down, Rita slung her arm around his shoulder. When he turned his still wet-dripping face towards her for a closer look in the almost dark, Rita drew him into a kiss.

Michael would never know what would have happened if it had been daylight and he would have been sober. Would he have drawn back after a chaste welcome kiss?

But now he did not. Michael’s arm slipped under Rita’s and his hand closed over a thinly covered breast. In response, her lips opened with a moan and her tongue parted his lips and curled around his.

When they broke out of their kiss, Rita burst into laughter:

“Lisa will be jealous when I tell her how quickly we kissed. She fancied you when you played tennis together but not half as much as now. She told me that you were now a man that needed only to ask her to fuck and she would say ‘Yes’. When I asked, ‘Why don’t you ask him?’ she hummed and smiled. I told her I would. So she might too!”

Swallowing a giggle, Rita added, “But I would not expect any man to accept such an offer sight unseen. You have not looked at me when you got on the bus. In your imagination, I could still be the dumpy sister of Lisa.”

Moving out of Michael’s embrace, Rita stood up and reached into her bag. And then there was a flashlight. Rita shone it first up on her skin-tight, jeans-clad legs and, as she turned, on her provocatively wriggling, nicely rounded ass. And then she let the light play over her flat stomach and midriff onto two lovely shaped tits crowned by perky nipples. All this was more highlighted than hidden under a minimalistic bra and t-shirt. Then she shone it on a youthful, mischievously pretty face, now grinning broadly.

The flashlight switched off. When she turned it on again, she ensured it lit up Michael’s face without blinding him. Her voice low, Rita asked, “What do you think of me now? ... Could I turn you on?”

Michael, entranced by Rita’s daring-all play reached for her ass and pulled her close. She shifted up her hindering t-shirt as he kissed his way up her midriff, Rita’s hushed cry, “Yes, Michael, kiss my tits!” urged him on. She pushed his mouth onto her eagerly straining-out breasts.

While she twisted in pleasure, Rita’s eyes were on the hut’s door, watching if somebody, with a flashlight, would stumble out for a piss. Eventually, she pulled down her t-shirt but only to draw Michael into an all-promising kiss. It encouraged Michael into groping Rita’s denim-clad, in pleasure twisting, ass and crotch.

“God, Michael, if I had known I would have worn a skirt.” Breaking into a giggle, she added, “And no panties!”

“With your pussy safe in your jeans, it’s easy to tease. Why don’t you ask me to fuck you? Or will I have to wait for Lisa to ask me first?”

“Do you want me as much as you want Lisa? ... All right, darling Michael: will you fuck me if I sneak into your room later tonight? All you need to do is leave your door unlocked. ... I don’t want to ask Lisa for her Mastercard. She might refuse me and use it herself and surprise you. She is, I know, as desperate for a good fucking as I!”

Before Michael could think of a question or suitable reply, the hut’s door opened and the first revellers –the soberest ones – streamed out.

Eventually, all were gathered outside, the kerosene lamps extinguished inside and the hut locked up. And then, Rita with her flashlight led the mostly stumbling, cursing, and laughing caravan down the steep track to where her minibus and the other cars were parked on the side of the road.

After Rita dropped six of her passengers off at their homes, she returned Gerd and Michael to the hotel.

Michael, fearing he had compromised Rita, apologised to Gerd for not being used to the Schnapps and having to go outside. Gerd grinned and mumbled a drunken, “No worries, mate, the Schnapps got you! It’s a real men’s drink, our Obstler.”

Rita was slow in locking up the bus. When Gerd had staggered into the hotel, she hooked her arm into Michael’s and said, “Don’t worry about Gerd. He either does not notice much anymore or is beyond caring.”

On walking into the entrance hall arm in arm, they saw through the glass door of the reception office Lisa behind her desk. She had stayed up and now looked at them questioningly.

Rita, pressing herself closer to Michael gave her a wave. She whispered, “But Lisa has noticed. As she is as keen as I to fuck you, she might be cross. I better check.”

In front of the lift, in full sight of Lisa, Rita gave Michael a blatantly sexy hug, rubbing her pussy on his thigh and pinching his bottom. Then, with a triumphant grin, she turned to join Lisa in the office.

Michael stood for long minutes under the almost cold shower trying to clear his head. While the effect of the Schnapps toasts was fading, the sexual offers of Rita intrigued him and stirred - even under the cold shower – not only his mind.

No woman he had ever met had so openly declared herself willing and eager to fuck as her. And then she admitted that she was quite prepared to share him with her also eager-to-fuck sister.

Despite the so openly made sexual offer, Michael could not believe that Rita and Lisa were promiscuous sluts. But, if it was not a mischievous bluff with him being drunk, what was behind Rita’s enticing proposal?

His doubts caused Michael not to get dressed to wait for Rita. As she had not done so, he would not follow the expected script of pre-first fuck-convention of kissing and groping and talking her out of her clothing. He would wait for Rita’s arrival at rest in bed, ready for sleep. If she came, it would be up to her to either undress and join him, or not.

With only the bedside lamp on, Michael waited. He was comfortably naked under the doona but far from at rest. It was not for long.

Rita entered without knocking, turned, and locked the door. Stepping into the centre of the room, she looked in surprise at Michael sitting up in the bed.

She laughed, “Getting ready to go to sleep? ... Did you think I would not come?”

Then, taking a deep breath, “You know, Michael, up in the forest I was all ready to be dragged into the bushes. But now, the thought of slipping under the doona with you makes me shy. ... You want me, Michael, don’t you?”

“You’ll find out once you are under the doona. Unlike in the bushes, the only thing prickly will be my cock.”

This made her smile and she slipped out of her flatties. Rita was no longer in Jeans but had put on a hotel staff dress. She regretted that it was not as figure-hugging as her jeans and top but it made her movement through the hotel inconspicuous.

Grinning down at Michael she apologised, “If you are waiting for a sexy striptease, Michael, you’ll be disappointed. This is not the dress for it.”

Fronting him and swaying out of her hips she undid some clasps and widened the decolletage of the dress well beyond its workday opening. Bending slightly forward, she let him see her freely swinging tits. Then her right hand and then her left, slowly pulled down the zips on her side. Each time, Rita’s body twisted side-on to give Michael a glimpse of temptingly naked skin.

In an unrehearsed finale, swaying her hips and her moist, half-opening lips muttering, “Look!” - Rita rolled the cloth teasingly slowly over her popping-up boobs and down over her tensing midriff and stomach.

For a moment only –she was blushing now - the dress rested on her hips. Looking Michael bravely in the eye, Rita wriggled the resisting cloth, centimetre by centimetre, down over her bush, her ass, and thighs until, finally, it slid down her legs.

Raising her arms and stretching out her tits Rita stepped out of the cloth pile to walk slowly up to the bed. Almost pushing her dark bush into Michael’s face on the pillow she whispered, “How much do I turn you on? ... Or do you prefer all-over blondes? ... If so, you better wait for Lisa?”

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By the time she finished her taunt, Michael’s restraint failed him. Throwing aside the cover, he pulled Rita’s tempting body into the bed. She, in one motion, spread her legs as he rolled onto her.

As their lust-gasping lips met, Rita’s hand grabbed his cock and pushed its blind-searching thrust through the hot-throbbing opening more than half into her cunt.

Its slippery heat required no centimetre by centimetre, excitement-building penetration. Rita welcomed each of Michael’s teasingly slow, deeply reaching thrusts with a muffled cry into his mouth, and a tongue whose play with his matched the lasciviously building-up turmoil in Rita’s cunt.

But when Michael lifted her legs onto his shoulders and began to fuck her mercilessly hard, ramming his rock-hard rod again and again into her hot-squishing cunt, Rita exploded.

She howled, “Yes! ... Yes! ... God, yes! ... Fuck, fuck, fuck me!” as the storming-in orgasm sent her pelvis and hot-gushing cunt into twisting spasms.

With her whole body shaking, Rita sunk her nails into Michael’s back bloodying him. And he, desperately fighting his onrush of coming, sank for a long, marking-her moment his teeth into Rita’s shoulder while he stopped fucking her.

With his cock remaining deep in her searing, pulsating cunt, he wrapped Rita into a peace-making cuddle.

But Rita needed no consolation.

When he rolled onto his back, she straddled him in one move without dislodging his cock. Astride him, she slid Michael’s bone-hard erection into her quivering, cum-leaking cunt.

Swallowing a moan and then fighting for breath she gasped, “God, Michael, that was my quickest, wildest orgasm ever! ... And now, I’m going to fuck us into another one, one for you to remember!”

She sat up and with a lust-charged moan began her ride, throwing back her head and arching out her glorious tits, offering them to be grabbed and possessed.

Michael had kissed them, through the sheerness of her bra, in the forest's dark. Now he saw their beautiful shape, with brown areolas circling the darker, lust-filled berries of Rita’s nipples.

But not only. As Rita rode him, now leaning back with her hands on his knees, she splayed her groin as wide as she could.

Licking her lips, she whispered, “Look Michael! ... Look!”

She wanted his eyes no longer just fixed on her tits, but to lust for her hot-fucked pussy as it pushed up and down on his cock in a hot, juice-squelching, ongoing fuck.

Michael and Rita were a perfect match in their reciprocal excitation. Getting ever closer to coming, Michael now grabbed her ass. His fingers clawed into the rim of her crack, pulling it apart. When a finger touched the rosette and began a naughty play, Rita cried out and gasped a lust-charged “Yes! ... Yes, Michael! ... Touch me! ... if my sexy ass turns you on!”

“All of you turns me on! Your naughty mind, your sexy voice, your lips, your tits, and ... yes, your sexy ass ... already before in your jeans! .... And, God, how you flash your hot pussy and clit at me. ... Do you want me to touch and kiss you there too, ... do you?”

Responding to his stammered sex talk and the jerking-up thrusts of his cock, Rita began to shake and squirm in the storming-in squalls of another coming. Michael was sucked in too and as his cum spurted into her, she sank onto him for a long, confessing-all kiss.

Still shaking in the aftermath of her coming, she panted her unstilled lust, fevering against Michael’s mouth:

“Next time, Michael! ... God, fuck me like that again but also ... make love to my pussy, ... kiss me there, lick me, God, eat me all up! ... You have done it with other women? ... With me, you’ll be the first. ... God, I want it! ... Always have! ... Just thinking about getting so eaten drives me crazy!”

Closely intertwined, they let the storm gradually fade away. Rita first and then Michael went to the bathroom. As he got out of bed with Rita ready to get in, she noticed the large wet patch on the sheet.

She burst into laughter, “I’ll have to change that before the chambermaid sees it and starts the gossip among the staff.”

 Settled back in bed, this time for a rest, Michael could finally ask some of the questions that puzzled him.

He drew her close. After a lingering kiss, with his fingertips playing over Rita’s bush, he returned to her wish to be orally pleasured:

“Next time we won’t have to rush into a first, hotly waited-for fuck. We’ll enjoy a long, exciting foreplay. I will kiss and lick and suck your sexy pussy and clit until you almost come. Maybe, you also want to suck my cock? I wanted to kiss and taste your pussy from the beginning. When you stepped up to my bed and put your sexy bush so close to my face, I could smell your pussy’s hot excitement. I grabbed my cock but I wanted to grab your ass and sink my tongue into your already well-aroused pussy!”

Rita chuckled, “I don’t know what I would have done if you had. Sure, I was excited, and I wanted to excite you too. I just did not think of that!”

“You are such an openly sexually alive woman, so uninhibited in the way you talk and act, and you have been married. How is it possible that you are an oral virgin?”

Rita leaned back against the headboard and took long seconds to order her thoughts:

“Michael, you may have thought I was a hussy. I am not even a hyper-sexed woman with a list of past lovers. I married at nineteen, Robert; Robert Gruber. Ours was a good marriage; we loved each other, established a home, and had a child. Robert built a successful career as first the local, then the regional representative of an insurance company.

We met at the Tennis Club and liked each other. Robert was five years older but I had to seduce him into our first kiss and to get him to touch my boobs.

When it came to sex, Robert was shy and inhibited – I blamed his mother - and he remained so throughout our marriage.

I never realised, right until the end, that our kissing and Robert looking at naked me or touching my tits and ass and fingering my pussy, did not excite him. But watching me getting aroused by my more and more elaborate games of seducing him, usually gave Robert a quite normal erection for our brief fucks.

I believed, for a long time, that this was what sex was like, what it was supposed to be. I liked the bodily closeness and the feel of his cock in me when I had again seduced him into fucking me.

Admittedly, it was not often enough.

Fifteen years into our marriage, Robert got a promotion to head office in Vienna. We were going to live there.

Then, on a visit home, out of the blue, Robert asked me for divorce. He told me, with many apologies, that he had met the love of his life and that they were going to share the rest of their lives.

His newfound, life-changing partner was a man. My shock was brief; we separated as friends.

Regretfully, our son Heinz - he was sixteen when we divorced - refused to have any further contact with his gay father. He has since joined the military, and even I see him not often. He seems to blame me for his dad changing sides.”


Rita slipped down under the doona. Half-covering her face she tried to make it sound like a joke:

“So, you see why I am so forward in getting some sex with you and so backward in knowing much about it. Oral sex in my marriage was a No. And the usual way we fucked was in the doggy position, and rarely face-to-face. When you pulled me on you to ride, it blew my mind. ... My first ride ever! I could not stop coming and flooded the bed.”


Rita began to giggle. Under the doona, with her mind on sexual pleasures, her hand played with Michael’s resting cock. Pushing the doona aside she moved onto her knees, turning her backside towards Michael’s face. Bending over the limp cock in her hand she murmured:

“I wonder if I could kiss and suck your cock into the same state as you could certainly do with my pussy – ready and hot for another wonderful fuck. ... Or have you enough of me already?”

Not waiting for an answer, Rita began to play the tip of her tongue over the opening of Michael’s glans before her lips closed, at first shyly, over the cock’s head. Michael held still and left it to the increasing fervour of her eventually hot-slavering mouth to raise a rampant erection. As the cock’s shaft stretched her hand’s grip and the engorged head filled her mouth, Rita slid her ass and crotch closer and closer to Michael’s face.

Rita lacked experience but not knowledge. When Michael reached for it, her leg lifted and turned on its own to bring her from their fucking lusciously swollen pussy lips over Michael’s face. Gripping her thighs, he pulled them down to draw his tongue’s tip teasingly up and down the pussy’s quickly moistening slit.

When his tongue circled her clit, Rita wanted more than a fleeting touch. Her crotch pressed her shivering clit into his mouth to stop it from moving on. As he tried, she moaned a distinct “No!” and her teeth threatened his cock.

Now Michael knew that he would not be the dominant master in Rita’s first oral experience. However, in continuing she let him lick her pussy, over long minutes, into a hot-slippery state. Already, brief shudders and Rita’s frantic mouth and hands on his cock told Michael that she fought against a too-early coming.

She decided now, how long Michael was allowed to French-kiss the throbbing, ever-widening opening to her cunt and scandalise her novice mind. And she was determined to extract the ultimate, hitherto unknown pleasure from Michael’s mouth on her lust-inflamed clit without it driving her into a too-soon, uncontrollable climax.

But finally, and jointly, control was lost. As his mouth closed over her clit for an all-possessing, eating-up bite and lashing-of-tongue, her mouth and hands on his cock and balls paid in kind.

And as their orgasms stormed in, neither he nor she could or wanted to escape. His bucking-up cock discharged its load into Rita’s greedily swallowing mouth as her cunt poured its hot-gushing juices into his.

Gasping for air they separated out of their sixty-nine to scramble hurriedly into each other’s arms.

Michael knew from experience and Rita by instinct that now their oneness as lovers had to be confirmed. They joined in celebrating the up-to-then strange to them sexual smell on their faces and the taste of cock and cunt in their mouth in long, shamelessly lascivious kisses while their bodies still shivered in the only slowly fading out spasms of their shared orgasm.

When they eventually calmed down, Rita chuckled:

“You know, Michael, I had no idea that sex could be like this. If it was not for Lisa, I would not have found out. I paid no attention to you on arrival. Only when she told me how keen she was on fucking you, I decided to be naughty and try to seduce you too. Up at the hut, I suddenly had the chance. ... What a hot chance it turned out to be for innocent me!“

Rita pulled back to look questioningly at Michael:

“Poor Lisa is still waiting; did she get in touch with you? Did she text you? When I told her I was going to spend the night with you, she said she would! She wasn’t cross either; ... just curious what I had done to get you to fuck me so quickly?”

Curiosity got the better of Michael. He got out of bed to fetch his phone which he had left in his coat on returning from the hut. There was an unread message. Michael hesitated for a moment: should he read it now or in bed with Rita next to him? He decided on the latter.

Getting back into bed, Rita immediately snuggled up to him, eagerly waiting for the phone’s screen to light up:

“Dear Michael, My naughty, forward sister is keeping you company tonight. It is a bit unfair; it should have been me. After all, I had a crush on you all these years ago. And then you left and we never even kissed. Much less fucked, like you and lucky Rita tonight. Can it be us tomorrow night? I put Rita in charge of the hotel as punishment. Leave your door unlocked. Using my MasterCard would make me feel like an intruder! Love, Lisa.”

With Rita’s head resting peacefully on his shoulders and her hand claiming possession of his cock, Michael waited uneasily for her reaction.

Without struggling out of their embrace, she calmly said, “Lisa is putting it nicely. I told you she would ask. Just as I did.”

“But you were first. Is Lisa now an intruder for you? Aren’t you jealous?”

“I gate-crashed into her plan with you, yet she doesn’t think I’m intruding .... Yours is a brief visit. Why can’t you fuck us, even love us both? ... It excites me. ... Does it shock you? Doesn’t it excite you a bit to fuck two sex-crazy sisters? ... If you leave your door unlocked tomorrow, you will find out! And you can ask Lisa how she feels about it.”

Rita was clearly not prepared to say more; reaching for the phone she asked, “May I set the alarm? I must get out of here before the morning staff is around.”

Then she added, “I want to fall asleep in your arms tonight, after our fantastic lovemaking! ...It was, wasn’t it; for you too? ... Or do you want me to leave you now?”

Michael just pulled her close for a long but gentle kiss. As if half-asleep already, he murmured, “God, woman, set your alarm and turn off the bloody light. But then let your man get some rest for tomorrow.”

Written by Benku41
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