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Surrendered Desire

"A Journey of Power and Pleasure"

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Author's Notes

"A sequel to "Lonely Longing" - Julie embark on a unhealthy search for love."


As Roderick vanished into the bustling night, I couldn't help but steal a glance at his retreating figure. Encased beneath those worn denim jeans was the symbol of my control - the chastity device that held him firmly in my grasp.

"Power is undeniably alluring," I whispered to myself, savouring the lingering taste of Cabernet.

"Who would have thought this could be so intoxicating?" I mused, tasting the sweet tang of my wine.

Indeed, the sensation was exhilarating. Yet as I gazed out at the glowing cityscape, I realized that perhaps owning Roderick was not enough. There must be a more intimate way to experience this power dynamic.

"Perhaps it's time for a new endeavour," I murmured under my breath.

While Roderick diligently satisfied all my wishes, there was an underlying sense of missing something deeper. The exhilaration of wielding power was intoxicating yet incomplete. I yearned to explore submission.

"But who is dominant enough for me?" I pondered, biting my lip lightly.

The mere idea stirred a primal desire within me; thoughts of restraint, discipline, and forced surrender ignited an inferno in the pit of my stomach. I craved a lover who could push me past my comfort zone into uncharted territories of self-revelation.

I paused, reflecting on a wild group encounter from two decades prior. The men's uninhibited desire coupled with my complete abandon had led to a level of awakening like nothing else.

"Could that be what's missing?" I wondered aloud, tracing sensual patterns on my body.

My physical response confirmed my thoughts - signalling waves of desire coursing through me – yes, this was undoubtedly what I desired: To find a partner capable of controlling me, compelling me to plead for release and guiding me towards unprecedented bliss.

"The time has come to retire these toys and begin a real quest," I resolved, eyes alive with anticipation. While Roderick will always be cherished, it's time for me to delve into the depths of my erotic needs. After all, his chastity allows him no action while I remain unencumbered.

That thought sent a mixed wave of melancholy and exhilaration through me, knowing that this new journey would distance me from Roderick. However, it was a path I had to tread, to satiate my insatiable appetite for love, loss, and carnal desire.

As I lay languid on my bed, the smooth sheets whispering against my skin, I studied Roderick's surrender. An effortless submission it was - too easy, almost rehearsed. The memory of him donning the chastity cage sent a delightful shudder coursing through me yet awakened an insatiable yearning.

"Is that all?" I mused in solitude, a whirlwind of emotions perturbing my thoughts.

The room echoed with silence, save for the bedside fan purring softly, its breeze like a fleeting lover's touch on my dew-kissed brow. Traces of Roderick's fervour lingered on lips yearning for depth and intensity.

"Could be...," I contemplated, eyes heavy-lidded with introspection, "I crave something more."

Visions of complete surrender to another’s will dance in my mind. But who could command such dominance over me? The very thought ignited a smouldering conflagration within.

"Kindness is Roderick's virtue but, challenge stirs me," I confessed, voice barely above a hushed murmur.

A newfound resolve washed over me. “It’s time to find that person,” A travel away from Roderick signals beginning of my own personal odyssey – A journey for the fulfilment of covetous cravings within.

"Love intertwined with loss and sensuality," I sighed pensively, fingertips teasing the inner curve of my thigh. "That's my quest."

These words brought forth waves of both anticipation and melancholy. This fresh endeavour would mean embracing uncertainty and diving headfirst into the cavernous abyss of unknown pleasures.

 In a room filled with darkness and silence, I lay on my worn-out bed, eyes fixated on the fractured ceiling as if it held answers to my restlessness. Roderick’s shadow of persistent affection wrapped around me tighter each day, but its comforting warmth felt lacking. Despite his attempts, I yearned - yearned for an intensity he could not provide.

"Is this all there is?" I asked myself, feeling a twinge of dissatisfaction settling in.

"Julie," Roderick's voice echoed from my imagination, "you alright?"

"Fine," I replied, masking my discontent with practised ease. "Just... thinking."

"Okay, let me know if you need anything." His imaginary footsteps faded away, and I found myself alone again with my thoughts.

"More," I whispered, craving something raw and untamed. "I need someone who can take me every now and then."

"Someone to challenge me..." The words hung heavy in the air, a promise yet unfulfilled.

"Roderick tries," I conceded, rubbing my thumb over the worn edge of the sheet. "But he's too gentle, too eager to please."

"Maybe it's time to look elsewhere," I mused, letting my imagination run wild. Images of strong hands and commanding voices danced through my mind, igniting a spark deep within.

"Someone who can make me feel alive again, truly alive." My heart raced as the possibilities swirled around me, dizzying, and intoxicating.

"Can I do it? Can I find that person?" Doubt gnawed at the edges of my resolve, but I pushed it aside. This was my journey, my quest for something greater.

"Love, loss, and eroticism," I murmured, feeling both exhilarated and afraid. "That's what I seek."

And with that, I vowed to explore the unknown and face whatever might come my way, driven by an insatiable hunger for passion and connection.

As I considered the plunge, it was apparent that the hour had arrived.



A seemingly typical sunlit afternoon found me rendezvousing with my common companion. Arthur - an unapologetically brazen libertine with a roster of feminine companions that would rival Casanova himself.

"Arthur, we're in for a change tonight," I whispered apprehensively, the words spilling out of me like pearls tumbling from their string. He eyed me inquisitively, his eyebrows arching, intrigue shimmering in his gaze.

"Alright, Julie. What's your proposal?"

"Two men. You, me, and another man," I confessed, my pulse quickening at the admission of my long-lingering fantasy. The dream that for so long haunted my slumber was now exposed to the harsh light of reality.

"Do you genuinely want this?" Arthur asked, worry etching lines onto his face. His perpetual concern was one of the things I loved most about him.

"I've never been surer." This was something I needed to do, for myself.

"Let's proceed then," he flashed a grin, his more assertive side emerging. We both shared a love for pushing our boundaries.

"And who might be joining us?" Arthur asked with a hint of playfulness, but there lay an undercurrent of jealousy behind his eyes – an emotion he rarely displayed. Julie is just an escape, a fleeting diversion, I reminded myself. Or am I?

"A versatile addition," I teased back while contemplating the two bisexual men who'd lingered in my fantasies for years.

"This could be intriguing," Arthur conceded with a tone steeped in sensuality.

"That's the spirit," I replied as I reached into my trove of carnal implements. Tonight was destined to make history; it would be a journey through love, loss, and erotic exploration.

The sensual atmosphere was palpable as Arthur invaded my personal sanctum, his notable engorged dimension pressing against the uncharted threshold. I stifled a gasp at the overwhelming sensation of being stretched to capacity, my psyche and physicality vibrated with indulgence.

"Are you deriving pleasure from this?" Arthur murmured against my earlobe, his exhaled breath warm and laboured. The subtle command in his inquiry sent a spine-tingling thrill through me.

"I-I am," my response was just above a whisper, the declaration scarcely discernible. Irrespective of the societal constraints screaming that this was taboo, I was unable to suppress my yearning for his touch.

"Excellent." His voice rang out clear and stable, mirroring the tranquillity preceding a tempest. With each calculated jab, he explored further into my yearning abyss, creating a paradoxical cocktail of discomfort and ecstasy in its wake.

"Oh! Arthur!" My call echoed in the room, surrendering to the intensity enveloping me. He persisted in rhythmically invading me, maintaining an unwavering tempo.

 "You're quite demanding," Arthur playfully goaded, delivering a smirk as he retreated momentarily to study my countenance. Abruptly, without any premonition, his ample palm connected with my posterior forcefully. The sting left behind spurred an array of conflicting feelings within me. It was painful yet undeniably addictive on some primal level.

"Please...proceed," I managed between clenched teeth against the acute sting. A satisfied grin graced Arthur's features upon hearing my plea.

"As you wish," he obliged and delivered another resonating smack followed by several more in quick succession. Each impact increased the blazing sensation residing on my skin while amplifying the stream of pleasure coursing through my veins.

"Arthur…gratitude," escaped my lips in a hushed moan, the words slipping out involuntarily. His eyes cloud over with depraved yearning as he continued his rhythmic invasion of my body, pushing me further towards an impending precipice.

"Never forget your allegiance to me," he rumbles into my ear, his grasp on my waist intensified. The combination of his presence embedded deeply within me, and his reminder of our unique bond was enough to unravel the tautly strung threads of restraint. Riding the tide of pleasure, I was left consumed by a single thought; Arthur and the exquisite torment he was introduced into me.

The thudding echo of my pulse filled my ears as Arthur took control, his assertive nature a potent concoction of authority and ardour. His fingers clawed against my sides, directing me in a dance choreographed by his will alone.

"Voice your desires," Arthur breathed, his whisper igniting my senses.

"All-encompassing," I managed to articulate, the phrase cascading from my lips like a waterfall breaching its confines. Arthur commended my compliance with an intensified manoeuvre that wrenches an involuntary cry from me.

In this singular instance, all external factors faded into insignificance - irrelevant was the perpetual clock or the burdensome history. In existence was solely Arthur's touch, his relentless hold on both physical and emotional aspects of me. Under his influence, I was malleable material ready for crafting, governed by his whims and mine.

"Plead... don't halt," I implored him, yearning for the continuation of his compelling domination. My mind orbited around this solitary focus, enveloped by a fiery craving for continuity.

"Naturally not," Arthur retorted with an ominous laugh, the sound teeming with assurance. "We're barely on the threshold."

As we moved as one, I drew comfort from the unfiltered passion exchanged - a healing balm for scars engraved by lost loves and shattered dreams. Within Arthur's hold, I found solace from life's brutalities, finding liberation to probe my innermost depths without apprehension or prejudice.

However, as our connection escalated to its peak intensity, doubts crept in regarding the endurance of this haven. Such ponderings were momentarily shelved though, muted within the symphony of our combined outcries and rhythmic resonance of skin upon skin.

"Arthur," I barely vocalized; the name serving multiple roles - a prayer, a plea, an acknowledgement of capitulation. In the ensuing quiet, I realized that despite our fleeting passion, the echo of Arthur's assertiveness would haunt my memories long after his departure. Maybe within that realization, some form of consolation could be found.

As the room was dimly lit, the flickering candles casting an intimate play of light and dark on the walls, Arthur's body pressed against mine, his muscled chest a reassuring solidity. He held me close, his breath hot on my neck as he whispered softly; sensuous words that danced on my senses.

"Julie, do you fancy meeting my acquaintance, Duncan?"

My pulse quickened. The concept of being with two men simultaneously had been something of an enticing daydream, but not one I'd ventured into before. My mind raced back to the intensity and fervour that Arthur always brought to our encounters - his firm hand leaving its mark on my skin and awakening an innermost yearning within me. I pondered about Duncan's possible differences from Arthur. Even though we, or rather I had brought it up earlier the same night, I did not expect Arthur to venture onto this path now. Or rather, venture onto this path, this soon. I knew I wanted this path, but nevertheless, I did not expect Arthur to bring that up now.

"Will he...?" I left the question hanging in the air, biting my lip anxiously.

"Spank you? Absolutely," Arthur responded confidently, a knowing grin adorning his features. "He's rather adept with his hands."

A thrill shot through me at the suggestion. A tingle in my lower part was felt. The anticipated sensation of their combined attention felt tantalizingly real already. My thoughts strayed to how Duncan might satiate his own desires whilst ensuring I was equally indulged. A stirring ache manifested itself lower down as I contemplated this.

"Alright," I murmured, barely above a whisper. "I want to meet him."

Arthur smirked triumphantly, his eyes glinting with lascivious satisfaction. "I knew you'd be intrigued."

He leaned in, our lips brushing against each other's in a dance of lust-filled exploration. In that instant, all past emotional whirlwinds seemed trivial; they were replaced by an insatiable craving for sensory indulgence.

"Tomorrow night," he murmured against my lips. "We'll make it a night etched into your memory."

As the night drew on, I couldn't help but anticipate what awaited me. The touch of two men, their commanding hands courting and disciplining my body, led me to uncharted heights of ecstasy. It felt dream-like, an erotic fantasy that was about to cross over into reality.

And in the hushed quietude, I acknowledged one incontrovertible truth: tomorrow night would usher in a transformation.



The car hummed softly, Arthur's fingers drumming a steady rhythm on the steering wheel as we neared Duncan's house. Anticipation thrummed through me, my pulse quickening to an almost painful beat. Arthur glanced in my direction; his eyes gleaming with an insatiable hunger that bordered terrifying.

"Don't forget, greet Duncan like the temptress I've sculpted you into," he commanded, and I nodded compliantly, embracing the unsettling character he's tailored for me.

As we rolled up to the house, Duncan stood imposingly on the porch. His brawny arms crossed over his ample chest. His hair was a vibrant river of silver, looking just as wild as the tales suggest. His icy blue eyes seemed to dissect me as they followed our arrival.

"Now go," Arthur prompted, and hesitantly, I grabbed my overnight bag and exited the car feeling sensitive and exposed in the revealing ensemble he chose for me. My legs wobbled slightly as I walked towards Duncan, marshalling all the audacity required for this role.

"Greetings, Duncan," I murmured sensually allowing my hand to graze his arm during our introductions. "It's indeed a pleasure."

Duncan's gaze swept over me, drinking in my scantily clad form. Desire kindled in his gaze, making my cheeks flare with mortification yet there’s also an adrenaline rush being at the receiving end of such primal yearning.

"Seems like you two are already well-acquainted," Arthur quipped from behind me, appearing by my side. "Shall we venture inside?"

Once inside Duncan's abode, I pondered what lay ahead in this orchestrated rendezvous with Arthur and Duncan. Fear wrestled with exhilaration within me churning a maelstrom of emotions that left me speculating wildly.

In the meekly lit boudoir, two men, Arthur, and Duncan, divested me. My heart pulsated rapidly in anticipation as my flesh tingled with fervour. They guided me to the epicentre of intimacy where a soft inviting bed beckoned.

"Are you prepared, Julie?" Arthur's voice was a whisper of satin.

My approval was a mute nod, speech suddenly elusive. Awaiting their touch on my eager skin was like waiting for an artist to create an opus of carnal desire. Their skilled fingers embarked on an exploration of my body, tracing suggestive patterns across it, a game of tease and temptation. Soft moans escaped from my lips as they each claimed passionate kisses that stirred a greedy hunger within me. Soon, gentle strokes morphed into wild touches driven by primal urges.

"She's drenched," grunted Duncan, his assertive grip upon my hips preceding his dive into me while Arthur claimed my mouth again, effectively silencing my pleasure-infused cries. The rhythm they establish was fierce yet rhythmic – the ocean in stormy rampage against unwavering cliffs.

"You're bewitching, Julie," Arthur rasped out as he found his niche within me, taking possession completely. The sensation of being filled by both men overwhelmed me as I drowned in the powerful surge of emotions.


Time momentarily froze as I succumbed to the rhapsody coursing through every cell. Exhaustion soon dictated its own terms, and we collapsed onto the bed.

Duncan whispered a request for closeness pulling me into his arms swiftly followed by Arthur lending his warmth too, providing a cocoon of tenderness. For once after countless years, I sensed this feeling of belonging which I have yearned for but never had the courage to confess.

Quietly praising my performance, Arthur sent shivers down my spine stirring an emotion within me that was both terrifying and thrilling, an awakening of sorts. As we lay there in a tangled mess, I acknowledged the encounter's significance. Beyond physical pleasure, it was a revelation pointing to my hidden vulnerability beneath my veneer of confidence. I allowed myself to luxuriate in Arthur and Duncan's protective arms and embraced this newfound acceptance, but only temporarily and just then.

As we lay there, our breaths slowly returning to normal, a new hunger began to stir within me. Arthur's fingers traced lazy circles on my thigh, while Duncan's arm draped protectively across my chest. Their closeness was intoxicating.

"Are you ready for more?" Arthur asked rhetorically, his voice low and seductive.

"Please," I whispered, biting my lip in anticipation.

Duncan shifted behind me, guiding himself into my ass, while Arthur positions himself between my legs. It was a tight fit, but the sensation of both their cocks filling me completely left me breathless.


"Ah, fuck," I gasped as they began to move in unison.

"God, Julie, you feel amazing," Arthur moaned, his face contorted with pleasure.

"Such a good girl," Duncan added, his grip on my hips firm.

I could hardly think, overwhelmed by the intensity of it all. My body thrummed with ecstasy, every nerve firing in time with their thrusts. I was a vessel for their pleasure, and it was more than I ever thought possible.

"Harder," I begged, arching my back, and gripping the sheets.

"Shit, yes," Duncan grunted, complying with my request.

"Fuck, I'm close," Arthur panted, his strokes growing more frantic.

I lost myself in the moment, surrendering to the sensations that threatened to consume me. As their thrusts became more urgent, I teetered on the edge, and then toppled over, falling headfirst into bliss.

"Julie," Arthur groaned, and I knew he was come undone alongside me. Duncan followed soon after, a guttural growl escaping his lips as he found his release.

As we collapsed onto the bed, a tangle of limbs and sweat-soaked sheets, I couldn’t help but marvel at the depth of my own desires. I had been used, and yet, I felt an unparalleled satisfaction. Love and loss, pleasure, and pain, all wrapped up in this delicious, sinful dance.

"Thank you," I murmured, my voice barely audible above the sound of our mingled breaths.

"Anytime," Arthur replied, his eyes soft with affection.

"Always a pleasure," Duncan added on his behalf, a wicked grin tugged at the corner of his mouth.

And as I drifted off to sleep, nestled safely between them, I couldn’t help but wonder if this was where I truly belonged - in the arms of these two men who had shown me that there's more to life than just existing. That perhaps, somewhere beneath the layers of hurt and disappointment, there might still be hope for love, connection, and unbridled passion.

As the nocturnal hours unspool, I found myself submerged in a world of sensual pandemonium. Each caress was akin to a muted conversation on my skin, igniting trails of passion that seared with an intensity hitherto unknown.

"Rotate," Arthur instructed, his voice gravelly with raw longing.

Without hesitation, I acquiesced, turning onto my stomach, and elevated myself onto my hands and knees. The chill air grazed my inflamed skin, providing brief respite from the deep-seated ache within me.

"You're quite the vision," Duncan mused, admiration tinting his words. "Almost as if you're pleading for a little discipline."

"Please," I whimpered, unable to stem the plea escaping my lips.

"With such politeness..." Arthur retorted, his hand materialized on my backside with a resonating snap that reverberated throughout the room.

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The sensation bloomed like an exotic blossom in my flesh, quickly followed by a surge of pleasure so profound it bordered on insufferable. My face dived into the pillow, muffling the sounds of ecstasy as they persisted in their torments.

As my body shuddered under their assault, Arthur's tongue darted out to taste my skin, lapping at the sting left by his palm. He muttered words of encouragement into my ear, his rugged beard tickling the freckled expanse.

With Duncan behind me, our dance continued; his fingers tracing along my spine and tugging at my hips with just enough force. The slapping of flesh against flesh echoed off the walls, punctuated by my moans and gasps for mercy. Every touch was a clap of thunder, every groan a rumble of pleasure that reverberated through the room. The scent of their arousal filled the air, mingling with the sweet musk of desire. They moved together now, each thrust forcing a gasp from my lips as I felt them plunge deeper than before. My body quivers with anticipation, aching for more. As they continued their loving assault, I lost myself in the sensations that surrounded me: Arthur's teeth grazing my shoulder blades, Duncan's hot breath in my ear.

In this moment, there were no thoughts of regrets or past loves - only their possession and the sweet ache between my thighs growing unbearable. The rhythm they had set was hypnotic, drawing me into a trance-like state where pleasure-infused pain replaced every other emotion. With each throbbing climax that shook me to my core, it felt like something inside me stirred awake from its slumber. A longing for more than just physical connection; an insatiable need to be seen and heard and desired. Like an addictive drug, each moment left me craving the next hit of ecstasy as Arthur withdrew only to push back in harder, firmer trusts.


First rays of dawn seeped through the drapes, bathing the room in a gentle incandescence. Engulfed in linen bearing traces of carnal aftermath and unfulfilled desire, I was left alone to contemplate last night's debauchery. Arthur and Duncan were nowhere to be found now.

"Julie, you're an enchantress," purred Arthur, his hand falling on my bare skin felt like a brand, leaving searing imprints behind. All the while, Duncan's gaze feasted upon us—an insatiable predator awaiting his turn.

"I cherish your anticipation," he murmured into my ear, a triumphant grin dancing on his lips as he forced me down onto our haven of sin.

But now, abandoned in this room, I struggled with an invasive hollowness that quietly crept in their wake. My body was brimming with phantom touches—yet all I could digest was an unbearable sense of void. With desperate vulnerability I offered myself to them—was it all for naught?

Their affection for me revolved around my sensuous reactions—the way I surrendered to their primal cravings—but it lacked depth. They extracted pleasure from my submission and then disappeared, leaving me yearning for something profound—a connection transcending corporeal desires.

"I need more," I sobbed out into the universe, pleading for a bond that wasn't merely sensual.

"We'll satiate you," Arthur promised, his heated breath whispering against my nape during our coupling.

"Good heavens Julie, your desires know no bounds," chuckled Duncan as he claimed me once more.

What they didn't comprehend was that my thirst wasn't just for pleasure—I craved love; authentic love that engulfs you until you feel ready to burst. Despite baring myself completely to them, I was left with nothing but a lingering sense of dissatisfaction and an oppressive silence.

"Is this truly what I desire?" my question hung in the air, barely audible even to my ears. Thoughts of Roderick, his chastity shrouded in mystery, led me to ponder: Had I found my salvation?

But there were no reassuring answers—only the daunting reality of solitude and confronting the unsettling fact that I was indeed, for now, utterly alone.

I stared at the tangled sheets, a testament to the frenzied night that had just passed. The room still held faint traces of sweat and lust, but as I breathed in, my heart ached with loneliness. My thoughts wandered back to Roderick, his chastity a symbol of devotion, yet now it felt like a cage that separated us.

"Is this what I want?" I whispered, my voice barely breaking the silence.

"Julie, are you all right?" Arthur's concern was seemingly genuine, but it didn't touch me the way I longed for.

"Fine," I lied, forcing a half-hearted smile. "Just tired."

"Hey, if you need anything, let us know," Duncan offered, his hand lingering on my thigh for a moment before he pulled away.

"Thanks," I murmured, turning my gaze to the window. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting melancholy shadows across the room. It was only then that I realized: I gave them all of me, and yet, I remained empty.

Duncan and Arthur went to their jobs and left me in the house alone. At least they trusted me that much.

"Goodbye," I said, trying to sound grateful for their presence. But as the door closed behind them, I couldn't stop the tears from falling.

"Roderick," I whispered, my chest heavy with regret. "How did we end up here?"

I went over in my head the time we'd shared prior to embarking on this journey with Arthur and Duncan. Was I seeking something we lacked? Or was it just my own insatiable quest for excitement that steered me down this road?

"Have I found my path?" I queried the mute room, longing for an insight that would never materialize. Instead, only echoes of my own cravings resonated around me—the hollow remnants of a passion that once blazed fiercely.

"Where to from here?" I pondered, feeling lost in the abyss of my own creation. But as I lay there, exposed, and defenceless, one thing was clear: I could no longer surrender myself to these men who saw me as nothing more than a carnal plaything.

 "Roderick," I beseeched again, his name a beggar's prayer on my lips. "Please absolve me."

I pledged then and there to find my way back to him—to seek out the love and connection that eluded me. And though I knew it would be an uphill battle, I finally recognized that sometimes the most profound journey was the one we embarked upon within ourselves. With this realization, I dressed myself in the cloth from my overnight bag and left Duncan's home behind and boarded a bus back to familiarity.


 Perched on the precipice of my bed, fingertips grazing the fine netting of my intimate apparel. The air in the room bore an oppressive weight, humid with echoes of passions spent and laughter shared with phantoms from a storied past. A profound yearning gnawed at my heart; only one man could satiate such hunger.

"Roderick," I muttered to myself, savouring the syllables as they flowed from my lips. It was time to summon him.

Grasping my phone as if it were a lifeline, I dialled his number, each tone harmonizing with the rhythm of urgency beating within me. His voice resounded after just two rings.

"Yes?" Roderick's undertones vibrated along my nerves.

"Roddy, it's Julie... I need you here." I confessed, failing to veil the desperation coating my words.

"I'll be there right away, Jules," he assured me, his voice carrying a thread of earnest commitment.

Disconnecting our call, my mind started playing out scenes from our last rendezvous – specifically the chastity device that had been his bane and boon. Imagining his continued constraint intensified my eager anticipation.

Upon Roderick's arrival, I opened the door to find him standing there still shackled by that merciless contraption. His gaze held both desire and surrender — a testament to his submission. An unexpected thrill coursed through me realizing that I alone possessed control over his gratification.

"Jules," he murmured almost silently, "I'm all yours."

"Come in," I gently commanded leading him into my private chamber.

With Roddy inside my personal sanctuary, an overwhelming sadness blanketed my spirit. Even with the sensuous atmosphere surrounding us, thoughts of lovers lost or those who drifted aimlessly through my existence refused to disengage. But Roddy was unlike them – his unwavering loyalty providing some solace amidst the maelstrom of my sentiments.

"Roddy," I whispered, feeling the confined fervour pressing against me, "I need you to understand how much your presence means to me."

"Jules," he responded with a soft inflection, "It's a pleasure to be at your service."

"Kneel," I commanded, directing Roderick to position himself below me. His gaze remained steadfast as he complied, a reflection of the bond we've formed. With every movement, I could sense his yearning for release from the cage that imprisoned him.

"Please," he begged, "allow me to pleasure you."

"Very well," I agreed, my pulse racing as Roderick guided me onto the plush bed, his strong hands guiding my legs apart. My body trembled in anticipation as his warm breath tickled my inner thighs, making me shiver with desire. He knelt between my legs, his chastity cage gleaming in the soft light and serving as a constant reminder of his submission to me. Every touch was electrifying, sending shivers down my spine, and igniting a fire within me that could not be contained.

As his skilled tongue trailed along every inch of my trembling body, a primal heat ignited within me, and all my worries and doubts evaporated. In their place, an insatiable craving took hold, driving me to the brink of euphoria. The intense sensations only intensified as Roderick's fingers danced and caressed, guiding me towards a thunderous peak that shook me to my core. Amidst the throes of passion, he whispered sweet declarations of love and devotion, each word igniting a new spark within my soul.

"Julie," he whispered, "I'm yours completely and utterly."

Even as I lay in his arms, my heart was in turmoil. I couldn't keep this secret any longer - Roderick deserved to know the truth. But the thought of losing him, of shattering our delicate bond, made my voice shake as I finally spoke the words: "I have to tell you... there have been other men." My chest tightened with fear and guilt, but I knew it had to be said.

His eyes met mine, searching for any hint of deception. "Do they satisfy you like I do?" he asked, his tone tinged with both despair and hope.


"Each lover possesses their own unique qualities," I admitted, my words dripping with a hint of melancholy. "But your unwavering devotion to me... it sets you apart from the rest." I could feel the weight of uncomfortable truth pressing on my chest, threatening to escape. I refrained from mentioning that both Duncan and Arthur were technically much, much better lovers than he was. After all, what I truly craved was not just skill in bed, but genuine and devoted love. A love that transcended mere physical pleasure. But for now, I would settle for his undying loyalty. As long as he kept worshipping at my feet, I could continue to play the role of adored mistress without revealing my true desires.

In that moment, I saw something shift within Roderick, a newfound understanding of our dynamic. He accepted my confession without judgment, his love for me unwavering even in the face of my imperfections. This knowledge only deepened my appreciation for him, and I realized that, despite the many lovers who had come and gone in my life, Roderick held a special place in my heart.

Roderick's eyes held mine, a mirror to my own vulnerability. The weight of our confessions hung heavy in the air between us, and I braced myself for his response.

"Julie," he began, his voice steady, "I can't control your desires or who you choose to be with, but if it's possible, I want to be part of your life, even when others are involved."

My heart fluttered, hope blooming within me. "You mean..."

"In affirmative," he confirmed, maintaining eye contact. "You can maintain other sexual liaisons, as long as I am privy to it. And if you're comfortable with it, I would appreciate being included in those instances."

His proclamation reverberated through my consciousness, clashing with recollections of former paramours and ambitions yet unexplored. Could Roderick genuinely accept this facet of me void of resentment or envy? It was an alluring prospect, one that aroused dormant desires deep within.

"Roderick," I whispered solemnly, enveloping his hand with mine, "do you comprehend the magnitude of what you're proposing? Sharing someone you hold dear is not an insignificant venture."

His nod was accompanied by an earnest glint in his eyes. "I'm aware of that, Julie. But I also understand that I'd prefer being included in your experiences rather than isolated from them. My affections for you run deep and unwavering; accommodating your exploration is a gesture of my love."

There it was – his candid admission unravelled before me like morning headlines on Times Square billboards. His understanding doused any reservations harbouring within me. Overwhelmed by the depth of his unconditional love, my smile fought against the rising tide of emotion welling up in my eyes.

"Alright Roderick," I conceded, reaffirming my hold on his hand. "We'll initiate this uncharted endeavour together, irrespective of its conclusion."

I found myself staring at Roderick, my curiosity taking over. Arthur and Duncan were momentarily forgotten as I focused on this man and the peculiar metal device encasing his manhood.

"Roderick," my voice trembled with a mix of fascination and lingering arousal as I spoke. "Please, tell me more about your devotion and the device that symbolizes it," I urged, my eyes drawn to the intricate metal contraption. It gleamed in the dim light, a physical representation of his commitment to our relationship. My mind raced with questions and desires, eager to understand and explore this aspect of our connection.

He glanced down, then back up at me with a mixture of vulnerability and pride. "It's a symbol of my commitment to my Julie. She holds the key, and only she decides when I'm allowed release."

I could feel my heart thumping in my chest, the idea of such devotion sending shivers down my spine. It was intriguing, this exchange of power, so different from what I had experienced with Arthur and Duncan.

"Doesn't it hurt?" I asked, unable to prevent my eyes from flicking back to the metal cage.

"Sometimes," he admitted, "but it's a constant reminder of your control over me. It brings me pleasure knowing I can please you by submitting to your desires."

My breath hitched at the thought. What must it be like to give yourself so wholly to another person, to allow them such intimate control over your body? It was a far cry from the wild gangbang I'd experienced years ago or the casual encounters I shared with Arthur and Duncan. This was something deeper, more profound.

"Have you ever been with a woman who wasn't your Mistress?" The words spilled out before I could stop them, my curiosity getting the better of me.

"Never, for real," Roderick replied firmly. "I am devoted to her and her alone."

"Wow," I murmured. It was an alien concept to me, but I couldn't help being drawn to the intensity of his passion. I wondered what it would be like to share that kind of connection with someone.

"Have you ever desired it?" I pressed; my eyes locked on his.

"Of course," he admitted with a rueful smile. "But my Mistress is my priority. Her pleasure comes first."

I nodded, feeling a strange mix of respect and envy toward Roderick. How different my life would be if I'd ever allowed myself to explore such a relationship. But then again, I had always been fiercely independent, unwilling to relinquish control to anyone else.

"Thank you for sharing that with me, Roderick," I said softly. "You've given me something to think about."

He inclined his head, and we shared a moment of understanding before I turned my attention back to Arthur and Duncan. They were waiting for me, after all, and there was still much sexual pleasure to be had. Still more sexual relief to be had. Still more mountain peaks of sexual tension to climb.

A vision of my life with Roderick unfurled before me, a tapestry woven from threads of passion and submission. I could see the shape it would take, the contours of our shared desires.

"Roderick," I said, looking deep into his eyes, finding the wellspring of his devotion. "I love how committed you are to me, but there is something I need." My words hung in the air, thick like honey. "I want you in chastity, more or less constantly."

His eyes widened, surprise mingling with a flicker of uncertainty. It was as if I had reached inside him, pulled out his deepest desire, and held it up to the light.

"Julie..." he began, his voice wavering. He searched my face for answers, for reassurance. But all I gave him was the truth, raw and unvarnished.

"Think about it, Roderick," I told him softly. "You can take this journey with me, or you can walk away. The choice is yours."

"Roderick," I continued, my voice low and steady. The words fell like raindrops, each one carving its own path through the air. "I need to be honest with you. I will still have other lovers, but can watch. Wearing your chastity cage, of course."

His breath caught in his throat, eyes widening as they met mine. I could see the storm of emotions brewing within him - desire, jealousy, fear, and something more, something harder to define. A hunger for submission that seemed to match my own craving for control.

"Think about it," I urged him, reaching out to trace a finger along the curve of his jaw. His skin was warm beneath my touch, alive with the possibilities that lay before us. "This is a new world we're stepping into, and I want you to be sure."

Silence stretched between us, heavy and charged. I watched Roderick's face, searching for any sign of what he might decide. My heart skipped and danced in my chest, anticipation mingling with a hint of melancholy. For all my confidence, for all my independence, I knew the choice was his to make. And the thought of losing him felt like a cold wind sweeping through my soul.

"Julie," he whispered at last, his voice trembling. "I...I don't know if I can do it. Be locked up like that, watching you with others..."

"Take your time," I murmured, stepping back, and giving him space. "There's no rush. You need to decide if this is the life you truly want, or if it's too much for you."

As the moments ticked by, my mind wandered back to that wild night twenty years ago, when a younger, bolder version of myself had taken on a roomful of eager men. Even now, the memory sent shivers of pleasure down my spine. It had been a night of hedonistic abandon, of pushing boundaries and exploring the darker corners of desire. And now, with Roderick, I was poised to journey even deeper.

"Julie," Roderick said again, his voice stronger now, steadier. "I will think about it."

"Good," I replied, a small smile playing at the corners of my lips. "That's all I ask."

A moment of silence hung in the air, Roderick's decision weighing heavily on both our hearts. The key to his chastity device gleamed in my hand, a token of power and vulnerability. I extended it toward him, my voice steady despite the turmoil within.

"Roderick," I said, "you have a choice. Unlock yourself, leave this life behind forever... or bend down and lick my ass."

His eyes widened, caught between shock and desire. A shiver ran through me as I imagined the warmth of his tongue, the intimacy of that act. But would he choose me? Or would he choose freedom?

I moved to the bed, laying on my stomach, my plump figure enticing and vulnerable. My heart raced, each beat echoing the question that consumed me: What will he choose?

"Julie..." Roderick murmured, his voice thick with emotion. The sound of metal clinking against the floor filled the room as he set the key down.

"Please," I whispered, needing him to know how much this meant to me, how much I craved his submission. "Show me you're mine."

He hesitated, his gaze flicking between me and the key, his own need and uncertainty warring within him. Time seemed to slow, my breath catching in my throat as I awaited his decision.

"Indeed," Roderick finally uttered, his voice a mere whisper in the silence. He hunched down next to me, shaking hands daring to graze my form, to trace their way across my existence. The heat emanating from his touch sent a ripple effect through my being.

My body was akin to an electrified grid, every sensory neuron crackling with vitality as his taste buds mapped out my topography. Then, his tongue dared to venture over my most veiled preciousness. This level of intimacy set alight a new realm of sensation within me, sparking raw wanton impulses. His unreserved worship and capitulation acted as an overwhelmingly potent elixir, sending me spiralling into a frenzy of longing. Yet amidst this ecstasy, a strand of sorrow began weaving its way around my core.

For in that moment, I knew the truth: love was a fragile, fleeting thing. In choosing me, Roderick had given up his freedom, had bound himself to my desires. But what of his own needs? What of his own heart?

As pleasure rippled through me, I clung to the bittersweet knowledge that our love could be both salvation and damnation, a journey into the unknown depths of desire and submission. And in the end, only time would tell if it was enough to sustain us both.

Written by DDFrida
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