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Lonely Longing

"I long for him, and I keep him"

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Author's Notes

"Julie ( first person) has trust issues"

The evening draped itself around me like a lonely shawl, the last light of day fading into an indigo sigh. My apartment, usually a haven of solitude, now echoed with a palpable silence that seemed to amplify my longing—a yearning not just for company, but for the fiery touch that could ignite the smoldering embers within me.

I wandered aimlessly from room to room, each step a muted plea against the hardwood floor. The reunion had stirred something dormant, a reckless whisper of desire that I couldn't quite name. Roderick. His image flickered in my mind, unbidden yet insistent.

"Damn it," I muttered to the empty space, pausing before an unfinished canvas that rested against the wall—my latest attempt at capturing something meaningful on the stark white expanse. It was another abstract piece, colors swirling in a dance of confusion, much like my thoughts.

I crossed my arms, the brush strokes blurring as my gaze softened, lost in recollection. The way his eyes had lingered on mine, that imperceptible lean closer as we shared stories of our lives since graduation—all harmless on the surface, but charged with an undercurrent of something more.

"Should've finished that one," I whispered to myself, referring both to the painting and the moment his hand brushed against mine. But life, like art, was often left incomplete—full of could-have-beens that taunted the edges of reality.

"Roderick," I said his name aloud this time, tasting it, wondering if it held the key to this restlessness. It wasn't love or romance that fueled my thoughts—it was simpler, rawer than that. The primal urge to connect, to feel another's skin against mine, to lose myself in the carnal rhythm of two bodies moving in sync.

I sank onto the couch, the fabric cool beneath my heated skin. My fingers danced across my phone, hovering over his contact. The idea of calling him sent a thrill through me, a mix of trepidation and anticipation.

"Would he even want to hear from me?" The question hung in the air, unanswered.

The night pressed on, quiet except for the soft creaks and groans of the building settling around me. In the dim light, the unfinished painting loomed—a testament to my hesitation, a mirror of my current state.

"Life is too short for what-ifs," I murmured, trying to convince myself as much as the shadows that clung to the corners.

But there I remained, caught between action and inaction, desire and doubt, contemplating the possibility of reaching out to Roderick and all that it entailed.

The memory of Roderick's lips against mine—unexpected and electrifying—lingered like a ghost touch. It came unbidden, crashing through the barricades I had meticulously built around my solitude.

"Shouldn't have let it happen," I whispered to the quiet of my living room, but the protest was weak, faltering against the truth that pulsed in tune with my quickening heartbeat. The kiss wasn't just a brush of lips; it was a promise of something more, a hint of shared hunger.

My breath hitched as I replayed the moment, the heat of his mouth on mine, the firmness of his grip on my waist, pulling me closer. We were a tangle of need and nostalgia, caught in the throes of what we had left behind.

"God, why does this feel so intense?" The words were a mere puff of air, lost in the spacious emptiness of my apartment. My hand trembled slightly as it floated back towards my phone, the screen a beacon in the dimly lit room.

"Roderick," I said again, softer this time, a plea woven into the syllables. My thumb hovered over the call button, a simple action that felt monumental.

"Am I really going to do this?" Doubt snaked its way into my thoughts, coiling around my resolve. But then, the warmth of his breath against my cheek flashed in my mind, and I found my finger pressing down. The action set a pulse of excitement racing through my veins. I closed my eyes, leaning back against the couch cushions, my heart thumping an erratic beat in my chest.

"Hello?" His voice, deep and unexpectedly gentle, crackled through the line, stirring something within me that went beyond physical desire.

"Hi, Roderick, it's me," I mustered up, my voice steadier than I felt. Silence stretched out, thick and charged, as if he too was navigating the complexities of our sudden reconnection.

"Hey." Just one word, yet it held layers of questions. Could he hear the nervousness in my breath? Sense the way his name lingered on my tongue?

"About earlier..." I trailed off, unsure how to convey the whirlpool of emotions without sounding desperate or indifferent—the two ends of the spectrum that seemed to define me lately.

"Listen, I've been thinking—" he began, but I cut him off, unable to bear the weight of silence any longer.

"Did you mean it? The kiss?" I asked, blunt and seeking affirmation. The question hung between us, naked and vulnerable.

There was a pause—a heartbeat, two—and then, "Yes."

His affirmation sent a shiver down my spine, igniting a flame that I thought had long been extinguished. Whatever came next was uncertain, but for now, the connection was undeniable, as palpable as the unfinished canvases that surrounded me, each waiting for a final stroke to bring them to life.

"Good," I replied, the corners of my mouth curving into a smile that felt both foreign and familiar. "Because I liked it, Roderick. And I think... I'd like more."

"Then let's talk about it. Face to face," he suggested, his tone steady and sure.

"Okay," I agreed, a mix of nerves and exhilaration coursing through me. With that single syllable, I felt a shift, an opening in the narrative of my life that I had not anticipated, much like the unexpected direction a brushstroke can take when painting.

"See you soon, then." His voice was the last thing I heard before the line went dead.

"See you soon," I echoed to no one, the words hanging in the air, filled with potential. I sighed and opened my eyes, the glow from the streetlights outside casting shadows across my canvas of hesitation. Tonight, I would leave it untouched, but tomorrow—tomorrow might just be different.

I stepped into the steamy bathroom, a cloud of warmth surrounding me as the hot water cascaded from the showerhead. My hands trembled slightly, anticipation coursing through my veins. Tonight was the night - my date with Roderick. The thought of him sent shivers down my spine.

"Focus," I whispered to myself, reaching for the razor and shaving cream. I lathered the cream onto my most intimate area, the silky foam caressing my sensitive skin. The razor glided smoothly across the delicate curves, leaving a trail of bare softness in its wake.

"Roderick won't be able to resist," I murmured, feeling a flush rise to my cheeks. A tingling sensation began to build within me as I gently massaged my clit, my fingers exploring the newly shaved terrain. In that moment, all I could think of was how his lips would feel pressed against me.

"Ah, Roderick," I moaned, surrendering to the fantasy of him ravaging me without restraint. I trailed my fingers lower, slipping one inside myself while my thumb continued to tease my swollen nub. The sensation was electrifying, my body responding eagerly to each probing touch.

"More," I gasped, plunging another finger into my slick heat. I imagined Roderick's strong hands gripping my hips, his mouth consuming me with unbridled lust. My walls clenched around my fingers, my breathing growing ragged as I chased after the climax building within me.

"Roderick, please," I begged, losing myself in the erotic dance of my own touch. I felt the pressure mounting, the pleasure coiling tighter and tighter until it threatened to consume me whole.

"Roderick!" I cried out, my orgasm crashing over me like a tidal wave. My body trembled, the aftershocks of ecstasy rippling through me as I rode the waves of release.

As my breaths steadied, I leaned against the cool tile wall, my heart still racing from the intensity of the experience. The thought of Roderick haunted me, his presence lingering in every corner of my mind.

"Tonight," I whispered, a melancholic longing settling within me. "Tonight, we'll finally be together."

A shiver of anticipation coursed through me as I sent the text to Roderick. "Hey, why don't you come over tonight? I've been thinking about you." With a pang of vulnerability, I awaited his response.

"See you soon," he replied almost immediately, setting my heart aflutter. A mix of excitement and anxiety washed over me.

As the minutes ticked by, I paced back and forth, the familiar ache of desire gnawing at my core. It wasn't long before I heard a knock at the door, each rap echoing like a drumbeat in my chest.

"Hey," Roderick greeted me, his voice a seductive purr that made my knees weak.

"Hi," I breathed, stepping aside to let him in.

There was an electric charge between us, an urgency that could no longer be denied. His hands found my waist, pulling me to him as our lips met in a fiery kiss. The taste of him was intoxicating, a balm to the ache within me.

"God, I need you," I whispered against his mouth, my fingers digging into his shoulders.

"Then let me take care of you," he murmured, his breath hot on my skin.

We wasted no time, making our way to the bedroom. Roderick lowered me onto the bed, his eyes dark with lust. The room seemed to close in on itself, the walls folding inward until there was only him and the hunger that consumed us both.

"Let me taste you," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

I nodded, unable to find words as he positioned himself between my legs. As his mouth descended upon me, a gasp escaped my lips. The sensation of his warm tongue exploring me was overwhelming, and the memories of my earlier touch paled in comparison.

"Roderick," I moaned, my body writhing under his expert touch.

"Tell me what you want," he urged, his voice thick with desire.

"More," I begged, the word slipping from my lips like a prayer. "Please."

He obliged, his tongue moving faster, deeper, sending waves of pleasure crashing through me. My thoughts dissolved into fragments, scattered by the storm of sensation that enveloped me.

"Roderick, please," I whimpered, feeling the familiar coil of release tightening within me.

"Come for me," he commanded, the intensity in his eyes consuming me whole.

"Roderick!" I cried out, my orgasm washing over me, every nerve ending alight with ecstasy. My world narrowed to the pulsing aftershocks that radiated through me, the sweet ache of surrender.

As I lay there, spent and breathless, Roderick pressed his lips to mine in a tender kiss. The taste of our passion lingered between us, a reminder of the love we'd shared, and the loss that still haunted us.

"Tonight," I whispered, my voice trembling with emotion. "Tonight, we're finally together."

My back pressed against the cool sheets, I knew it was time for a change—a shift in this dance of desire we had been playing all night. Roderick, his eyes filled with hunger, understood my unspoken request. In one fluid motion, he flipped me around, positioning me on all fours. My heart raced with anticipation.

"Are you ready?" he asked, his voice low and sultry.

"More than ever," I replied, my own voice shaking with excitement.

Roderick positioned himself behind me, and I felt the warmth of his body as he entered me from behind. The sensation of his big manhood filling me up was indescribable; a mix of pleasure and comfort that made my entire body shudder. We moved together, our rhythm in sync, as if we were two halves of the same whole.

"Roderick...this feels amazing," I moaned, unable to contain my delight. "You're so good at this."

His only response was a low growl of satisfaction. It was clear that words were no longer necessary between us—we communicated through touch, through the intensity of our connection. As we continued our passionate embrace, I found myself lost in the moment, completely consumed by the love we shared.

And yet, an undercurrent of melancholy tugged at my heart. For I knew that this ephemeral dance could not last forever. Our love was like a flame burning brightly, but destined to be snuffed out by the cold winds of reality. But for now, I chose to bask in its warmth, knowing that these memories would serve as a beacon of light in the darkness that lay ahead.

"Roderick," I whispered, my voice barely audible. "Please, don't ever let this end."

He paused for a moment, then leaned in close, brushing his lips against my ear. "I promise," he murmured. "I'll hold on to this moment for as long as I can."

With that, we continued our passionate dance, embracing the fleeting nature of love and lust, deeply aware that nothing lasts forever—but determined to make the most of the time we had together.

The sensation of Roderick's hand connecting with my ass sent a delightful sting through my body, jolting me into a heightened state of desire. The room seemed to vibrate from the force of his slap, echoing our fervent passion.

As the silken sheets cradled my naked body, the chill of the room was quickly replaced with an enchanting warmth radiating from Roderick. His eyes held a potent hunger that bore into me, igniting every nerve and fueling our dance of desire. With an agile maneuver, he repositioned me onto my knees and hands, the cool air caressing my exposed flesh before his heat reclaimed me.

"Ready for a wild ride?" His voice was a throaty murmur against my skin, drizzling goosebumps down my spine.

"Make me scream," I dared him back, my voice quivering with anticipation.

With one hand firmly gripped on my hip and his other guiding his throbbing erection, Roderick made his confident entry. The feeling of his thick member stretching me open sent shockwaves of bliss through me. Our bodies moved in perfect synchrony, each thrust meeting with my eager pushback. A soft gasp escaped me as he reached depths within I hadn't known existed.

"Oh God…Roderick…this is heavenly," My voice came out in fragments between gasps, struggling to contain the growing pleasure.

His response was lost in a guttural groan of satisfaction as we continued our carnal symphony - no words were needed now. Our bodies spoke volumes as they tangled together in this passionate ballet, each movement a testament to the love we cherished and the lust we indulged.

A pang of sadness pierced through the pleasure - our dance was fleeting as all good things are. But for now, I chose to savor each sensation: the feel of his strong muscles flexing against mine, the pleasurable sting when his hand connected with my ass adding another layer of intensity to our already heated encounter.

His movements became frenzied and more urgent yet still carefully measured. Then with a final powerful thrust that had me seeing stars, Roderick made his release. He shuddered as he filled me, the sensations of our bodies in climax together nothing short of a spiritual experience. Our heavy breathing was the only sound in the still night as we both basked in the erotic energy that had consumed us.

With each pulse of pleasure fading away to a delicious throbbing soreness, I felt him soften within me but he remained there for a moment longer, unwilling to break this intimate connection. We fell onto the bed intertwined, my heart pounding against his chest rhythmically.

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"Roderick… promise me we'll do this again," The plea slipped from my lips as a whisper against his sweat-glistened skin.

He bent down to capture my lips with his in a slow, languid kiss before murmuring against them, "Again and again, my love…" He promised, marking the beginning of another dance waiting for us on the horizon of tomorrow's sunrise.

"Roderick... lick me clean," I whispered, feeling a blush creep up my cheeks at the request. In the aftermath of our lovemaking, my thoughts turned inward, pondering the fleeting nature of our encounters and the bittersweet taste of love and loss.

Without hesitation, Roderick lowered himself, his tongue tracing a path along my sensitive skin, his devotion apparent in each tender movement. The intimacy of the act only served to deepen the melancholy swirling within me, as I knew all too well that these moments were ephemeral, destined to vanish like mist in the morning sun.

"Promise me something," I murmured, my heart heavy with emotion.

"Anything," he replied, the sincerity in his voice making my chest ache.

"Promise me that you'll remember this, us, even when we're apart."

Roderick paused, his eyes meeting mine with an intensity that took my breath away. "I promise," he whispered, sealing our pact with a tender kiss, an affirmation of the love and longing that bound us together in the fading twilight of our passion.

"Roderick, please," I whispered, still feeling the remnants of our fervent passion. "Lick me clean."

Obedient to my desires, he began tenderly cleaning me with his tongue. The sensation was electrifying, as if each stroke of his tongue brought forth a new current of energy that coursed through my veins. I reveled in the erotic nature of the act, my body quivering with delight.

"Is this what you wanted?" he asked, pausing for a moment, his eyes locking onto mine.

"Yes," I breathed heavily, lost in the depths of his gaze. "It's perfect."

He continued his ministrations, and with every lick, my heart seemed to swell, threatening to burst from the overwhelming emotions that washed over me. The love between us had always been intense, but now it felt almost unbearable - a beautiful agony that consumed me from within.

"Roderick," I murmured, "I can't help but worry about what will happen when we're forced apart."

"Shh," he soothed, resting his head on my thigh. "Let's not think about that right now."

But I couldn't shake the sense of impending loss. Our love was like a dying star, burning brilliantly as it approached its final moments. I knew we couldn't escape the inevitable, but I ached to hold onto these fleeting moments, to somehow preserve the magic that existed between us.

"Promise me something," I said again, searching his eyes for reassurance.

"Anything, my love," he replied, his voice steady and sincere.

"Promise me that no matter what happens, you'll never forget these moments we've shared."

"Never," he vowed, sealing our pact with one last, lingering kiss upon my skin. And in that moment, I chose to believe him, allowing myself to be swept up in the current of our love, even as it carried us ever closer to the precipice of heartache.

The dim light of the room flickered, casting shadows that danced upon the walls. My breath hitched as I gazed down at Roderick, his eyes full of desire and submission.

"Roderick," I whispered, my voice quivering like the flame in the corner of the room, "do you enjoy serving me with your tongue?"

He looked up at me, his hazel eyes shimmering with a mixture of lust and devotion. He didn't hesitate. "Yes," he breathed, and the word slid over me like silk. "I live to please you."

My heart ached within my chest, yearning for something more – something deeper than the carnal pleasure we shared. But I pushed the thought aside, focusing instead on the burning need that coursed through my veins.

"Then," I said, my voice barely audible, "I want you to lick my ass."

His gaze never wavered as he nodded slowly, his eyes locked on mine. And then he lowered his head, his lips parting and his warm breath caressing my skin as he edged closer to my most intimate area.

As his tongue made contact, it was as if the world dropped away, leaving only the sensation of his mouth exploring me. It was divine – a worshipful act that filled me with both ecstasy and sorrow. I closed my eyes, lost in the swirl of emotions and sensations, as his tongue worked wonders on me. The rhythmic strokes, the gentle pressure, the way he seemed to know exactly how to drive me wild – it was all too perfect.

My body trembled, every nerve ending ignited by his touch. As the pleasure built, I couldn't help but wonder, was this enough? Could this momentary bliss fill the void that had taken root within my soul?

"Roderick," I moaned, my voice barely recognizable even to myself. "'re incredible."

"Thank you," he murmured, his words muffled against my skin. "I live to serve you."

And as those words echoed in my ears, I knew that, for now, it was enough. The love I sought might remain elusive, but the passion Roderick and I shared – the raw, unadulterated lust that bound us together – would sustain me for a little while longer.

My mind wandered, tangled in a haze of pleasure and nostalgia. Roderick – his touch, his devotion – had managed to pull me from the depths of despair, if only for a fleeting moment.

"Roderick," I whispered, my voice tinged with both desire and a hint of sadness. "Can we...can we see each other soon?"

"Of course," he replied, his breath warm against my skin as he lifted his head from his task. His eyes held a mixture of longing and concern. "Whenever you need me."

"Promise?" The word escaped my lips before I could stop it, but there was no taking it back now. I watched as his expression shifted, the weight of my request settling upon him. But he didn't hesitate.

"Promise." Roderick's thumb traced circles over my hipbone, an intimate gesture that sent shivers through me. As he leaned in, our lips met in a tender, bittersweet kiss.

My heart ached, torn between the passion of the moment and the knowledge that this would not last forever. Yet, for now, I clung to the hope that Roderick could fill the void left by love long gone. With every caress, every whispered word, I allowed myself to sink deeper into the fantasy.

But fantasies are fragile things, and all too soon, reality would come crashing down. I tried to push those thoughts away, to savor the taste of Roderick's lips on mine and the feel of his strong arms wrapped around me. This was our time, our sanctuary.

"Let's make the most of it," I murmured into his ear, feeling the thrum of his pulse beneath my fingertips. He nodded, his eyes darkening with renewed desire.

"Whatever you want," he said, his voice rough with emotion. And for a little while longer, we lost ourselves in the heat of our passion, chasing away the shadows that threatened to consume us both.

"Thank you," I whispered, as we lay entwined in the aftermath. A bittersweet smile played on my lips – a fleeting moment of happiness in a sea of sorrow.

"Always," he replied, pressing a tender kiss to my forehead. And as his arms tightened around me, I allowed myself one final indulgence: to imagine a future where love and loss were but distant memories, and all that remained was the warmth of Roderick's embrace.

The air felt heavy as I held the small, metallic chastity device in my hands. Roderick's eyes widened with curiosity, a hint of trepidation flickering behind them.

"Would you wear this for me?" I asked softly, fighting to keep my voice steady.

He hesitated, his gaze shifting from the device to meet my pleading eyes. A deep breath escaped him before he nodded, his face set with determination. "Yes, I'll put it on."

Roderick took the chastity cage from my hands, his fingers brushing against mine, and began to secure it around himself. As he did so, I marveled at the sight – the intimacy of the act was undeniable. My heart raced with anticipation.

"Is it comfortable?" I inquired, wanting to ensure his well-being.

"Yeah, it is," he replied with a shy smile. "It's... different, but not bad."

I moved closer to him, placing a tender hand on his chest. "Thank you, Roderick."

We lay down on the bed together, our bodies entwining like delicate vines. The warmth of his embrace enveloped me, and the chastity cage remained in place, a silent witness to our connection. This moment, shared between us, felt sacred. His heartbeat thrummed against my skin, a comforting lullaby.

"Are you sure about this?" he whispered, his breath tickling my ear.

"More than anything," I murmured back, pressing a gentle kiss to his collarbone.

Our conversation trailed off into comfortable silence, punctuated only by the rhythmic rise and fall of our chests. My thoughts swirled with newfound emotions, a kaleidoscope of love and desire. I had never felt so close to someone, so utterly vulnerable yet safe.

As we lay there, locked in each other's arms, I couldn't help but think of the chastity cage – a symbol of devotion, of trust. Roderick was mine, and I was his. Together, we had discovered a new way to express our love, through the giving and receiving of power.

My heart ached with the knowledge that this moment would eventually end, that Roderick would return home to his life outside of this room. But for now, I cherished every second spent wrapped in his embrace, every tender touch and whispered word.

"Please remember," I said softly, my voice barely audible, "you're not just wearing this for me. You're wearing it for us."

"I know," he replied, his voice filled with love and understanding. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

The world beyond our cocoon dissolved into insignificance as we clung to each other. Time seemed to stand still, and in that moment, I realized that nothing could ever truly tear us apart – not distance, nor circumstance. We were bound by something far stronger than steel: love.

The room was dimly lit, shadows playing on the walls as Roderick and I lay entwined, breathing in each other's presence. His chest rose and fell beneath my hand, a soothing rhythm that anchored me to the moment.

"Tell me," I whispered, curiosity getting the better of me, "how does it feel?"

Roderick's eyes met mine, a mixture of vulnerability and determination swirling within their depths. "It feels...confining, but not uncomfortable. It's a constant reminder that I belong to you."

I traced my fingertips along the cage, marveling at how his arousal was contained within the cold steel bars. The sight brought a soft smile to my lips. "Your dick looks cute like this."

His cheeks flushed a rosy hue, but he didn't look away. "You think so?"

"Absolutely," I murmured, captivated by the power dynamic we'd created. "It's like you're wrapped up in a pretty little package, just for me."

"Only for you," he confirmed, his voice low and intimate. We shared a tender kiss, our hearts beating in sync as an unspoken understanding passed between us.

"Promise me something," I said, my voice barely more than a breath. "Promise me that even when we're apart, you'll remember what this symbolizes."

"I promise," Roderick vowed solemnly, his eyes never leaving mine. And though I knew the world outside would eventually steal him away from me, I found solace in the knowledge that a part of him would always be locked away, safe within my grasp.

The room fell silent, save for the sound of our breaths melding together. I stared at Roderick's caged arousal, a vision of submission and devotion. It seemed to wait for me, yearning for my touch, my command.

"Roderick," I whispered, reaching out to delicately trace the metal bars encasing his rigid flesh. "It looks like it's waiting for me."

"Because it is," he replied softly, his gaze locked on mine. "Every part of me is yours."

A shiver ran down my spine at his words, and I found myself reveling in the power I held over him. This beautiful man, so willing to give himself to me completely – it sent a thrill through my veins that I'd never experienced before. In that moment, I knew what I wanted.

"Come here," I said, pulling him closer. Our limbs tangled together as we shared a passionate kiss, the taste of his desire intoxicating my senses.

"Tell me again," I murmured, breaking away from the breathless contact to look into his eyes. "Tell me that you're mine."

"I'm yours," Roderick confirmed without hesitation. "Body, mind, heart...everything."

"Good," I breathed, feeling a warmth spread through my chest. "I like you locked up like this, Roderick. It means you're mine to have."

He nodded, his eyes burning with a fierce determination. "As long as you want me, I'll be here, ready to serve you in any way you desire."

My heart swelled with a mixture of love and an undeniable ache at the knowledge that our time together was fleeting. We embraced, holding each other tightly, trying to capture the essence of our connection before reality forced us apart.

But for now, for this moment, Roderick was mine – utterly and completely. And I intended to cherish every second of it.

I lay on the bed, my body still tingling from our heated encounter. Roderick's task was clear: to please me. And I had no doubt that he would do so with the same fervor he had shown thus far. In that moment, I realized how much I'd come to rely on his devotion, his desire to satisfy my every whim.

"Roderick," I whispered, his name a sweet taste on my lips. "I want you to show me how much you want me."

His eyes met mine, filled with a mix of vulnerability and determination. "Anything for you," he murmured, and I knew he meant it.

Slowly, deliberately, Roderick began to worship my body. His hands traced my curves, sending shivers down my spine as his fingertips danced across my skin. His lips followed, leaving a trail of gentle kisses that ignited a fire within me.

But even as pleasure coursed through my veins, a melancholic realization settled in. This connection, this passion we shared, was fleeting – a mere moment in time before we would be forced to separate once more. It wasn't fair, but it was the reality we faced.

"Roderick," I said softly, my voice heavy with emotion. "You need to go home now."

"What?" He looked up at me, his eyes clouded with confusion and concern.

"Go home," I repeated, my heart aching as I watched him struggle to comprehend my words. "Your dick stays locked in chastity. I'll keep the key."

"Are you sure?" he asked, the hurt in his voice cutting through me like a knife.

"Positive," I choked out, forcing a smile onto my face. "We both know this can't last forever."

Tears brimmed in his eyes, but he nodded, accepting my decision. As he dressed and prepared to leave, I clung to the memory of our time together. The taste of his lips, the touch of his hands – every detail imprinted on my heart.

"Goodbye," I whispered as he walked out the door, leaving me with a bittersweet mixture of love, loss, and an empty room filled with memories.

And in my hand, the key that bound us together, yet kept us apart.

Written by DDFrida
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