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A Second Chance At Love - Chapter Two

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Author's Notes

"Final of two chapters to this story. If you haven't read chapter 1, I invite you to read it before continuing. <p> [ADVERT] </p>If you like what you've read, tap the like icon and leave a comment. Enjoy!"

We made love again in the morning and it was as wonderful as it had been the previous night. “I could get used to waking up next to you,” I said and she just pulled me to her, squeezing hard.

We eventually got up and she invited me to shower with her but I shook my head. “You go ahead, I have to get home and get things ready for tonight.”

She pouted for a moment but relented quickly, “Tomorrow morning before work then?” she asked.

“Definitely,” I said. I kissed her softly. “Your kisses are delicious,” I said.

“Our kisses are delicious,” she corrected me. “You said your family will be there about  four o’clock, right?”

“Yup, please be there before they get there, I want to greet them together.” She hugged me.

“Wow, this is big!” she said, “I’ve never met the family before!”

“Well you’re meeting them today,” I said, “Unless you chicken out!”

“After waiting for six years? I don’t think so!” She kissed me once more, “Later David-san.”

“Later, Chinami-chan,” I replied.

“Don’t ever stop calling me that,” she said. It was hard to leave her as she stood still dressed in her lingerie. Evelyn had worn lingerie but hers had been filmy and alluring, not as brazenly erotic as this.

Crystal arrived at my house right on time at 3:30, Elizabeth had texted me to say they would be there right about 4:00. I greeted my new girlfriend with a hug and a kiss, “I’m a little nervous,” I said.

“Me too,” she said in return. It turned out we had nothing to worry about, she and my daughter, being the same age, had a lot in common so they had plenty to talk about. Sarah would not let Crystal out of her sight, calling her “Chrissle,” as she followed her around the house. After dinner, we all sat in the living room except Sarah and her dad, who went into the spare bedroom for some quiet time before the drive home.

“So, you guys are a couple now,” Liz said. “Look, I know you’re not trying to replace my mom, you never can, not in my eyes and I don’t think in his,” she pointed at me.

“I’m not trying to replace her,” Crystal said, “I realize that David will always love her and I have no problem with that. I told him last night and I’ll tell you now, I’ll be happy with what he has left over.”

“Don’t you dare break his heart,” Liz warned, “I don’t think he could take having his heart broken again.”

“I promise, Liz, I won’t. I know he’s not ready to say this yet but I am. I love your dad, I’m sure of it. But I’m willing to wait until he’s ready to say it to me.” Crystal’s face was pure truth.

“Besides,” I interjected, “She’s been in this relationship for six years already.” Liz laughed at that and that broke the tension.

“I think you do,” Liz said. “Dad, Mom would be so happy to know you’ve found someone.” She took a deep breath, “How about the three of us go visit her next weekend and tell her?” Liz and I visited the cemetery often, sometimes together, sometimes alone.

“You really want me there?” Crystal asked.

Liz nodded, “I do. She needs to know you’re together and you’re happy.”

“She knows,” I said and I choked back a tear.  “She knows.” I got up to be alone for a few minutes.

“Now you see what you’re up against,” said Liz. “In his eyes, she’s the most wonderful woman who ever lived.”

“I know,” said Crystal, “And I promise I will do my best to make him happy.”

“That’s good enough for me,” said Liz as she stood up and held her arms out. I came back into the room to find my daughter and my girlfriend hugging and wiping tears from each other’s faces. “Welcome to the family,” said Liz. She went in to collect her husband and now sleeping child and get them moving so they could get home. Before they left, Liz came to me and took me in a big hug, “I’m so happy for you Daddy,” she said. “Mom is too.”

“I hope so,” I said. I shook Charlie’s hand and kissed my sleeping granddaughter on the forehead. As the lights of their car disappeared, my Chinami-chan came to me.

“Elizabeth is just like you,” she said.

“She’s her mom,” I countered. “So much like her.”

“Then she’s pretty special,” she said to me. We kissed for a few moments and then she said, “Are we going to stay here tonight or go back to my place?”

“Yours I think,” I said. “I’m not ready to make love to another woman on our bed.”

“I understand,” she said softly. “Do you need help getting your things together?”

“No, I’m about ready,” I said. I picked up my overnight bag and we left, locking the house up tight and setting the alarm. “I might have to sell that house,” I said wistfully, “Too many memories there for you and me.”

“We can deal with that later,” she said. We held hands as she drove and when we arrived, we took that shower together. That was the start of another night of passion and discovery, by the time we were finished we were both exhausted. “I can’t wait to see the look on everyone’s face when we show up together tomorrow!” We laughed as we snuggled in for what I hoped would be the next of a great many nights sleeping together.

The next morning brought another shared shower. “I’d forgotten how much fun showering together can be,” I said.

“I know, right?” replied my Chinami-chan. She kissed her way down my body and took my almost erect cock into her mouth. Her hand caressed my balls as she slowly moved her head up and down on me, then I felt a finger slide along between my butt cheeks to come to rest on my puckered back door. She massaged it as she sucked my cock, taking me deep into her throat.

She took her mouth off me and said, “Next time, I’m going to clean you up down here!” I of course didn’t see the look on her face, my head was thrown back and my eyes were closed as she fellated me. All I could manage was a grunt as I felt her mouth close over me again.

My hand went unbidden to the back of her head but she pushed it away and shook her head. A moment later, it happened again and she took her mouth off me, “I got this baby, just let me do it my way.” I looked down and she licked her lips before making a show of opening wide and going all the way down, trying not to touch my cock until the head brushed the back of her mouth. I watched or tried to, as she slowly went up and down, using her hand to rub along my shaft as her lips slid along it. A moment later I felt that familiar surge as I was about to orgasm.

She must have sensed it because she took her mouth off me and started jacking me. “Watch me, baby!” Watch me take your cum on my face!” I tried to watch but, like most men, (or so I’ve heard), there are two things we cannot keep our eyes open for, a sneeze and an orgasm. At least I couldn’t. I braced myself against the shower walls with both hands and surrendered myself to the rush.

I forced my eyes open and watched intently as my spunk shot out in spurts and landed on her face and in her hair. She tried to keep her eyes open as well but they instinctively blinked every time they saw a spurt erupt from me. She continued stroking slowly until all that was left was a drop at the opening at the end of my cock. She opened her mouth and flicked her tongue forward to collect it.

She stood up and showed me the dollops of my cum on her tongue before making a show of swallowing it. “Clean my face,” she said and I started to lift my hands to her face but she pushed them down, “No David-san, with your mouth. Clean me with your mouth.” I hesitated for a moment, “Please David-san, I want to share it with you!” I leaned forward and flicked my tongue out, tasting my tangy salty flavour. I collected some on my tongue and kissed my lover, our tongues thrashing about. I cleaned off the rest and we shared it all.

“See, not so bad!” she purred. “I take it Evelyn never did that?”

“No, she never did and please let’s not talk about my late wife while we’re having sex.”

“I’m sorry, David-san, I should have known better,” she said contritely.

“I get it,” I said, “You want to know how experienced I am and what kinds of things I’ve tried. The answer is, I’ve had a lot of sex, my sex life with Evelyn was amazing but it was pretty vanilla. We never tried anything other than a few different positions. She would take me in her mouth but never finish me. We never tried anything else really, just oral and regular intercourse.” I stopped and sighed, “It was all pretty damn good though.”

“Thank you for telling me that, I know it’s not easy for you,” Crystal said. “Once we get to know each other better, we can talk about other fun things we might try. There are a couple of things I really like that I hope you’ll try with me. All in good time.” We kissed and finished washing up. Twenty minutes later we were out the door heading for work.

I was convinced that Crystal had given our co-workers a heads-up, normally I was one of the first ones to get to the building and she was one of the last. Our offices on the third floor conveniently overlooked the parking lot and as we pulled in, I noticed the windows were lined with eager faces. “It seems everyone got in before us,” I said. “You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?”

“No David-san, I would not,” she said with a broad smile. She was such a terrible liar and I was glad for it. We shared a nice kiss before we got out of the car and as we walked toward the building, I noticed all the faces were out of sight.

Our team’s seating area was at the end of a short hallway so you really couldn’t see much until you got to the end of the hallway and rounded the corner. We held hands as we walked down the hall and we heard whispers and scurrying as we approached. As we rounded the corner, everyone jumped to their feet and started applauding. Crystal raised our interlocked hands above us to a rousing cheer. Cheryl, a matchmaker of ever there was one cheered the loudest as she jumped up on a chair and shouted, “ABOUT FUCKING TIME!” Then she got down and ran toward us, initiating a massive group hug.

Everyone seemed so very pleased about our new situation, except for our Program Manager, Allan. He came over and said loudly, “Okay everyone, settle down! Back to work!” he came over and shook our hands and said, “I’m happy for you two, I really am, but this might be a problem.”

“Oh,” I said, “how so?”

“We really can’t have two partners working on the same project,” he said.

“Oh really?” said Crystal, loudly. “You didn’t seem to have a problem when your little piece on the side was working on the same project as you!” He took umbrage to that, his little piece on the side cost him his marriage and her a job.

“That’s different!” he protested.

“I wonder what Kim in HR thinks about that?” she said.

“We don’t need to involve HR in this,” he objected.

“I think we do, don’t you honey?” she said looking at me.

“I agree,” I said, “Let’s go see Kim right now.”

“Forget I said anything,” he said and he huffed away back to his office.

“No Allan, I’m afraid that I can’t,” said Crystal. I had never seen her angry and just watched and learned. “You just tried to bully us and we all know why, it’s because I wouldn’t go out with you after your little skank got herself fired!”

“What’s he got that I don’t?” he asked defensively.

Crystal just smiled and counted them off on her fingers, “Class, morals, common sense, just to name a few!” She pulled me in for a deep kiss to the cheers of our collected co-workers. “And he has me!” she added. “Something you’ll never have!”

Defeated, Allan slinked back to his office. Crystal received high-fives from a number of our co-workers and we made our way to our desks. Two hours later, the office was still buzzing as people came to our desks one by one or in pairs to congratulate us. Just before lunch, Kim from HR made an appearance.

“Hi, David can you and Crystal come up to my office for a few minutes please?” Crystal’s eyes were like daggers as she caught a glimpse of Allan as we walked by his office. We entered Kim’s office and sat down.

“I hear you have some news,” she said. Crystal and I reached for each other’s hands at the same time.

“Yes we do,” I said.

“Ah I see,” Kim said. “Is working on the same project going to be a problem?” We both shook our heads and answered it wouldn’t.

“And what about Allan, can you keep working with him?”

“I’m fine with it, he can’t intimidate me,” I said.

“I hate him,” said Crystal. I fucking hate him! Did you know that he asked me out after that whole mess with Jessica? And when I refused him, he told everyone it’s because I’m gay?”

“You’re not gay, are you?” Kim asked.

“That’s none of your business,” she said, “but no I’m not.

“So, Allan disclosed to your co-workers your sexual orientation, is that right?” Ki asked as she furiously scribbled notes.

“It’s not true,” Crystal corrected.

“Doesn’t matter,” Kim said, “that’s protected information that he has no business knowing that, and he certainly can’t disclose it if he did know it. Can I confirm this with any of your co-workers?

“All of them heard it,” she said. I confirmed that I had.

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“Okay, that’s all I need for now.” She placed her pen on the desk. “I am so happy for you guys, but please, no PDAs at work? Let’s keep your private life private, okay?” We all shook hands and left Kim to her work. Every so often over the next day or so, one of our co-workers would go into Kim’s office and come back with a shit-eating grin on their face.  Finally, on Friday morning, we heard a great deal of shouting from Allan’s office and then slamming things. A few minutes later he stormed out, “I fucking hate every fucking one of you cunts!”

Kim came into our work area, “Just in case anyone was unsure, Allan is no longer employed with our company.” She smiled as almost everyone cheered, then Cheryl asked, “Who’s going to be the new PM?”

“That’s up to you,” Kim said. “Applications open on Monday. Have a great weekend!

Another cheer and then Crystal shouted, “Who’s up for a celebration drink after work?” she called. Another round of cheers indicated that it would be a busy night.

An hour after work ended, we and most of our co-workers were at the local pub and the beer was going down way too easily. I finished my second pint of dark and delicious stout, “Ah, that tastes like ten more!” I said loudly to which my co-workers agreed. As I waited for the barman to pour my next pint, Cheryl sidled up to me.

“I am so happy for you guys,” she gushed. The vodka sodas she was drinking were having the expected effect on her. “Can I tell you a secret?” She didn’t wait for my reply, “Crystal has been head over heels for you since day one!” She took another slug from her bottle, “I didn’t see what she did obviously. I mean, you’re a handsome man, a lot of the girls at the office think you’re attractive but you’re old enough to be her father for God’s sake!”

“It’s true, I am much older but the heart wants what the heart wants,” I said, knowing inside that I was wasting my time trying to reason with a drunk Cheryl. The sober one was hard enough sometimes.

“I guess,” she mumbled. “Wanna know another secret?” She smiled at me, her eyes sparkling, “She has not been with anyone since she met you!” I raised my eyebrows and shook my head, not believing that for a minute. “It’s True!” she said, her voice getting louder. “I’ll bet you didn’t she used to be quite a handful in bed before she met you.”

I had no trouble believing that, “Shhhhh Cheryl, is this the kind of thing you want broadcast all over the pub?”

“Oops, sorry!” she giggled. “But she was, ask her if you don’t believe me!”

“We haven’t had that conversation yet,” I said.

“Well, when you do, you’d better fasten your seatbelt, it might be a bumpy ride!” She tiptoed up and kissed me. “That’s for helping to get that jackass Allan fired!” Then she kissed me again, “And that’s for making my best friend happy!” She turned and broke free from my grasp and went in search of Crystal. “I just kissed your boyfriend!” she sang as she crossed the room and wrapped my new girlfriend in a bear hug.

The party didn’t last long but it went on long enough that no one was in a fit state to drive home. Crystal and I helped pour our friends into taxis and Ubers and went back inside for one more before we left. We watched a young couple vacate a small corner table that offered a little privacy so we took our drinks there and sat down.

“Cheryl is so funny when she drinks!” laughed my Chinami-chan.

“What I noticed is that she turns off what little filter she has!” I said. I leaned in closer, “And she told me a few interesting things about you.” I touched her chin with my finger as I spoke the last word.

“Oh, really? What did she say?”

“I think that’s a conversation we need to have in private.” Crystal’s face changed from a smile to a pensive mien.

“Oh, that conversation. Yes, that is one we should have in private.” She kissed me softly, “But I warn you, you may not like some of the things you hear.”

“We’ll deal with that as it comes,” I said. We finished our drinks and called for a cab. Twenty minutes later we were in her apartment.

“I’d like to take a bath,” she said. “I wonder if we’ll both fit?” It turns out, we didn’t both fit. I made a mental note about that. I left her to enjoy her bath as I got ready for bed, there wasn’t much getting ready involved other than taking off my clothes and brushing my teeth. I went to the kitchen and got us both a large glass of water and placed one on either nightstand.

I heard a whispered, “Hi,” from the doorway. There was my Chinami-chan, naked as the day she was born, her hair still wet. That was the only hair I could see. I drank in the look of her body, her swimmer’s shoulders, full round breasts that had not a hint of sag, her round tummy, the flare of her hips and her bare mound, still shiny from the bath.

“Hi yourself,” I said, moving to her and taking her into my arms. The kiss we shared was long and deep, filled with passion and love and lust and the promise of a long and busy night ahead. I released her and held up the glass of water, “Here, drink this, you’ll thank me in the morning.” We both drained our glasses like college kids chugging beer, exhaling with an explosive “PAAAAH!” We looked at each other and laughed.

I turned back the sheets and we got into bed. “Now,” I said, “I think we have some things to talk about.”

“Okay,” she whispered. “First, what did Cheryl say?”

I took her hand in mine as I laid back and she cuddled into me, resting her wet hair on my shoulder. “She didn’t say anything specific, but she implied that you enjoyed a rather active and varied sex like before you met me.”

“She didn’t lie,” she said. “But all that stopped when I first met you.”

“Cheryl said that too,” I said. I propped myself up on my elbow so I could look into her face. “Here’s the thing, tell me about your prior life or don’t that’s up to you. But I won’t talk about my sex life with Evelyn with you, that’s personal and I want to keep it that way. If that’s a problem better we know now.”

She pulled me in to kiss me, “That’s not a problem.” She took a deep breath and kissed me again. “It’s true, I did enjoy a rather busy sex life, especially in university. There’s not much I haven’t tried and I’ve liked most of it. But that was then, this is now.” She kissed me again, “Sweetheart, I want to get to know you, what you like, what you don’t, what excites you and what doesn’t, things you haven’t done but might want to try, or not.”

“So how do we do that?” I asked. “Evelyn and I never had this sort of conversation. We grew up in a time when people weren’t so free sexually, you slept together, you figured out what worked and you stuck with that.” I took a deep breath, “To be honest, I haven’t even considered doing things any differently.”

“That’s how we do this, we talk. Don’t be afraid to say things because you think they might offend me, I promise you, I am not easily offended. Like I said, there’s not much I haven’t tried.”

We kissed for a bit and then she said, “Okay, let’s try this. Let’s talk about the things we have done together and see where the conversation goes from there?” I nodded but said nothing, unsure of what to say. “I’ll start. So you like oral sex, both giving and receiving, that much is clear.” I nodded again. “And that humming thing you did while you were eating me, OH. MY. GOD! AMAZING!”

“And you thought that “hummer” was just a euphemism for a blowjob!” I said. We both laughed and snuggled in.

“Moving on, you like old-fashioned man-on-top sex, what about if I get on top of you sometimes?”

“That works for me,” I said.

“What about sixty-nine, do you like that?” she asked. I felt her hand move down my belly and fondle me. “Somebody’s excited!”

“Yes, I like that,” I said, my body twisting in reaction to her touch. “Look I can talk or I can make out, I can’t do both.”

Crystal laughed out loud, “Typical man, can’t multitask! I’m going to teach you how to do just that mister!”

“I’m a pretty old dog,” I said, “new tricks aren’t something I do well with.” We laughed some more and then I asked her something that I’d been dying to know since Cheryl had mentioned her busy sex life.

“Have you ever slept with someone you worked with before?” I asked.

She nodded,” Yes but not with anyone who ever worked where we work now. I had a relationship with a guy who worked in the university bookstore with me. It ended when his wife caught us.” She paused for a moment, “There was one other person I was attracted to but it didn’t work out.”

I thought for a moment, and something else came to mind, “Have you ever been with more than one person at a time?”

“I was hoping you’d ask me that,” she said and she squeezed my cock. “But before I answer, I have a question for you. “Have you ever fantasized about seeing two women make love?”

“Of course,” I said, “what man hasn’t?”

“Well then,” she said, “you’ll like this.” She let go of my hard-on and snuggled back in with her head on my shoulder. “Remember I told you about living in Japan for a year? Well, the couple that I lived with were my lovers, we all lived together and slept in the same bed. Yurika and Kazuo were their names and I was so in love with both of them. We were together for about a year and then her family found out. It was a big scandal in their town and they were forced to move away. They eventually emigrated to the US and are living in San Francisco. They have two children now. I went to see them after they emigrated and it was a wonderful reunion. But now that they have a family, they’ve stopped living that life.”

“So they called you Chinami-chan as well?”

She nodded, “That’s why that name is so special to me, it reminds me of them.” She blinked away a tear and then continued. “Is that something you might like to try, having two women with you at the same time?”

“I’ve never really thought of it,” I said, “but the idea is pretty interesting.”

“Okay,” she said. “We’ll put that one in the parking lot!” We both laughed again at her use of the phrase that we use at work during our brainstorming sessions.

After we settled down again, I said, “It’s good to laugh again. I never thought I would ever laugh after…” I gathered myself, “Enough talk for tonight, okay?” We started kissing and a few minutes later she was on top of me and inverted, my fingers, lips and tongue on and in her pussy and my cock in her throat. After a few more minutes, she rolled off and climbed on top of me.

“I need you inside me,” she said softly. She reached down and handled my cock to get it lined up with her opening and then slid slowly down until I felt her pussy lips wrap themselves around the base of my shaft. Her eyes closed and I could see the smile form on her face, “Mmmmmmm, that’s what your Chinami-chan needs! Her pussy full of your cock!” She looked at me, “I hope you don’t mind if I talk dirty while we fuck!”

“No Chinami-chan, I don’t mind if you talk dirty,” I grunted as I pushed up into her.

“Would you talk dirty to me?” she asked.

“No, not yet, maybe someday,” I answered. She rode me and kissed me for a bit then pushed herself up so her arms were extended. She took my hands and placed them on her breasts.

“Hold me up,” she whispered, “My clit needs a little attention!” Her hand went between us and I could feel the ends of her fingernails against my shaft as she teased her clit. Every so often she would slip a finger inside herself alongside me, her fingertip drawing a little circle along her G-Spot. Her hips rocked faster and faster as her orgasm built.

“Oh fuck, baby, this is going to be a good one!” she cried out. “Almost there! ALMOST! THERE!” the scream that came out of her originated deep in her soul and gathered every bit of energy from her as it burst forth. Her fingers were a blur as she sat on top of me, I could feel her pussy pulsing around me, contracting with each blissful wave, each one accompanied by a rush of warmth that surrounded me.

She calmed somewhat and took my hands from her chest, falling down and kissing me deeply. “Your turn, baby! I’m gonna milk that cum out of you and then lick you clean!” Her hips danced and my shaft glistened as she fucked me. Our grunts and moans became syncopated as she bounced up and down.

“Oh fuck, baby, HERE I COME!” I cried as my sperm jetted into her.

“Oh, baby, that feels sooooo good, you are so warm inside me!” she purred. She held still until I stopped pulsing into her then slid off me, “Time for dessert!” she grinned. Her mouth cleaned our combined cum from me and then she came up to share it with me, driving her cum-coated tongue into my mouth. As she came off the peak of excitement, she kissed me once more, “Any chance of you going down and cleaning me up?” she asked. “I think I have one more good screamer left in me!”

“I’ve never done that before,” I said.

“Try it,” she urged, “for me?” She kissed me, “If you don’t like it you can stop.” Another kiss, this girl sure knew how to turn me to her side.

 I shimmied down between her legs and flicked my tongue forward. The taste wasn’t much really but it took me a while to get used to the texture of our combined issue. I was about to stop when she let out a soft moan that could not be interpreted as anything but pure pleasure so I decided to keep going. Before long, her thighs clamped around my head so tightly I could barely breathe, her hands pushed my head into her and she let out that promised scream.

This time, her cum didn’t flow, it shot out of her in a loud jet, squirting all over my face. I pulled back and watched her opening close, then open on its own as two, three, four more screams accompanied each jet of fluid. I leaned back in and cleaned up as much as I could before shimmying back up and sharing her slick cum with her.

“Oh, baby, where have you been all my life?’ she panted.

“Married to someone else,” I said quietly.

“But you’re all mine now!” she smiled and kissed the rest of her issue from my cheeks. “We need another shower!”

“Not tonight,” said, “I’m wasted. We can sleep in this for one night.”

“Okay, baby,” she whispered. We snuggled in and traded soft kisses until we dozed off.

Written by CaressofSteel
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