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Author's Notes

"This is the final chapter in The No Entry Club series."

First through the door this Tuesday evening was my ex, Dave. My mouth dropped open, I couldn't find any words to say.

He now looked very different to how he had looked when I had last seen him, in the room in the Tiverton Arms in bed, half on top of someone else in the bed who turned out to be Suzanna. Then, he had looked really really surprised and, for the first time ever, at a loss for a misguided smart-alec retort or an embarrassingly poor attempt at a sarcastic put-down. He'd lain there, one leg over her and one leg not. He hadn't thought to put the door lock on and, since I didn't have a door key card, he could have kept me out long enough for Suzanna to hide in the paltry little wardrobe they have in all the rooms.

But no, ever the brainless moron that he was, he just thought he would get away with it for always. Not that time, however. He just gaped at me gormlessly while a flurry of sheets meant that his bit of stuff was pointlessly hiding herself under the bedding. I could see the presence of another body next to him, or almost under him as it turned out, so pretending to not be there wasn't going to fool me for very long.

I thought back to that day when I found them together. A bad Friday at work had culminated in me getting to his sports shop in the town centre ready for a take-away meal with him and an evening in front of some comedy repeats on the telly, followed by a night of passion in my bed. When I arrived outside the shop his assistant manager, Gary, was inside the shop behind the glass security doors, locking up. I mimed 'where's Dave?' while he keyed in the alarm code. He was about to make the usual dash for the shop's back door before the alarm cut in. However, as he was about to turn away he mouthed 'Tiverton Arms' at me. It's certainly where his eyes were looking as he did it. He pointed down the street and made a 'going to sleep' sign with his hands together on one side of his face, followed by a 'sexual thrusting' motion with his torso.

I knew Gary hadn't been making obscene suggestions to me because he was as gay as they come. He and I normally got on quite well because of it, both of us knowing nothing could go tits up (so to speak), even though I quite often went to the sports shop to look for Dave and ended up chatting to him for a while.

He'd capped it all with the universal sign for a sexy woman - the mirror image motion of hands outlining a curvy woman. He pointed down the street again, shrugged to say 'sorry' and turned away from me.

I then forgot about a take-away. I forgot about a repeat on the telly. I even forgot about the anticipated night of passion, or at least the seven minutes of it that was a more accurate forecast. I raced a hundred yards to the Tiverton Arms, a glorified pub/hotel with a poor reputation except among van drivers and travelling salesmen. I got to the Reception, and the woman I vaguely knew reacted semi-guiltily on seeing me. She pointed to the doorway leading to the rooms.

“A hundred and fifteen,” she said as I rushed up to the counter.

I changed direction without slowing down and a few seconds later I burst into the room and saw them both. Well, just him actually. I stood there, about six inches from his face, and gave him a comprehensive but one-sided discussion of his strengths and weaknesses, his reliability and his disloyalty, his honesty and his lies, his faithfulness and two-timing infidelity, and his good points and his absolute and utter worthlessness, while he lay there naked and frozen like a rabbit caught in the headlights. When my tirade came to an end I marched out and left the door wide open.

His possessions were out on the road outside my gate within a few minutes of me getting home, and the door code changed. That's what prompted Himari and me to start the No Entry Club, after a few weeks of emotional agony.

And here they all were again on this Tuesday evening, except that there was a lot of laughter coming from somewhere just outside my side door, the one they all used every time now. And, as I already said, Dave was first through the door.

This 'Dave' was infinitely better than the original Dave. This one was a skin-coloured inflatable sex doll, complete with large balloon-shaped boobs (obviously fake, I mean, who would grow natural ones like that?), a mouth already open in a wide 'O', arms and legs apart like she was frozen in mid-air in a 'jumping up and down' exercise game, and a large vagina in full view at the top of her legs.

And with 'Dave' written roughly in felt tip pen on her forehead.

Behind her was Suzanna, holding Dave out in front of her as if leading the way in a conga line. Himari, Lindsey and the others were there too, a full semi-circle of my friends standing (or sitting) outside my side door, all of them laughing and clapping.

I couldn't help but laugh too. They all came into the kitchen still laughing and found somewhere to sit.

Suzanna and Nicole took it in turns to tell the story.

“I found this beauty in a skip somewhere, still in its original wrapping, and kept it in case I could ever think of a use for it.”

“Then Suzanna told me about it yesterday, and it seemed so right for Dave.”

“Look, she's even got her mouth open with an empty space where her brain should be!”

“She took a while to blow up, but we did it eventually.”

“I should have guessed that she would be full of hot air.” (That one got a groan from all the listeners.)

“And I wrote Dave on her face.”

“In case she ever forgot her name.”

Suzanna placed Dave up against the wall directly above the cat litter tray. How apt. Dave stood there, her mouth in the 'O' shape looking permanently astonished. Rover, the cat, stared questioningly at Dave before turning her back on her and washing her face with a paw. (Rover's face, I mean, not Dave's.)

Nicole, Mandy and I made a group in my bedroom while the others sorted themselves out noisily in the other bedrooms. I was last out of the kitchen, and just as was leaving Dave fell forwards onto the floor. I picked her up and brought her with me. Nicole took her and gave her a good cuddle, making sure her fingers went in all Dave's orifices. Well, none of us had anything else to use as a penis although I had a brief vision of Suzanna's fake penis going into Dave's fake vagina. Mandy and I laughed at Nicole's antics, then Dave was leaned up against the bedroom wall and proceeded to look surprised at everything we did.

Nicole and I both started to undress Mandy, who stood there and just let it happen. First off was the black leather jacket revealing more of her large bust which was covered by a white top. This came off to reveal a large white bra and a necklace made from small metal discs of varying metallic colours. Usually, the members didn't wear any necklaces or earrings to meetings because things like that wouldn't stay on for very long and then would probably be left behind when they go home again.

“Ooops, sorry, forgot about that,” said Mandy, unclipping it and cramming it into her jacket pocket.

Our hands slid down Mandy's body and Nicole and I each took off one of Mandy's black ankle boots and socks. Our hands slid up her legs to the top and Nicole undid her jeans which slid down her ample thighs (after a couple of extra tugs) and off from her feet. A pair of white high-waist knickers greeted us at our eye-level. Mandy stepped away at this point.

“Right, ladies, I'm going to undress you now. Nicky, you first. Stella, you can watch.”

Nicole stood there. Mandy undid the buttons on Nicole's stripy top and gently pulled it over Nicole's head. She knelt down in front of Nicole and unzipped her denim skirt which came down her legs in the same motion as her leggings. Nicole was now also just in her bra and knickers, this time in dark blue.

I felt their eyes swivel towards me. 'You're next' was the unspoken command. I stepped into the centre of the room, which I now called 'The Drop 'em Zone'. I hadn't had to go outside on this not-very-warm evening since I live here, so I had less on to start with. Just a thin floral jacket with my La Redoute bra underneath, with a matching patterned skirt and some new knickers. The jacket and skirt joined the other clothes tossed carelessly onto a chair. We were now just in our bras and knickers. No-one had said anything, but Nicole and I had followed Mandy's lead to not have our underwear taken off, and we wondered what she would do next. We didn't have to wait long before finding out.

There is a certain 'je ne sais quoi' about three women standing in a bedroom, each only in their underwear, knowing that one way or another the underwear was going to be removed, and that very soon. My sex senses were already well on the way at this point, but not knowing what Mandy was going to do made it more enjoyable. Of course, we each looked at the other women's bras and knickers. Mandy's bra struggled to contain her E's, especially considering that the bra she had chosen for tonight had cups cut away down to the band strap in the middle of the bra at the front, the top of each cup going diagonally up across each breast to the bra shoulder strap near each arm. Each breast therefore was being guided towards the other one in a wonderful cleavage which you could see clearly all the way down to where the bra band was.

Long story short, Mandy's breasts were very clearly visible in her moulded-cup bra, especially where they formed a terrific cleavage.

I think this was rather the whole purpose of Mandy's decision, one that Nicole and I wholeheartedly agreed with. I compared Mandy's with Nicole's. She, too, had a fine pair of DD's in a lacy push-up that was very much worth the study. They both saw me admiring their busts, whilst they had also been admiring each other's. And mine too, though my bust was a little less impressive.

I couldn't resist it. I planted my hands on Mandy's bust then put my face directly on it and felt her skin on mine. Mandy put her hands on my head and cradled it softly in her bosom. Nicole knelt down and buried her nose in between Mandy's legs and sniffed the scent from her knickers. Mandy's breasts tried their best to fall out of her bra, her nipples becoming harder and more pointy the more I breathed her in. She stood there, eyes closed and basking in the attention she was getting.

At length she moved a little, signifying she wanted to enjoy one of us more directly. She put her face on my bust and pushed her nose between my boobs, holding them in each hand and pressing them against her cheeks. I felt Nicole down below, doing nice things between my legs. My juices were starting to gather, an event not lost on Nicole who breathed in deeply, so much so that I felt the rush of air between my thighs. Mandy put her hand around my back and I felt my bra slacken and fall down my chest and arms. I wriggled it off onto the floor. Mandy sighed happily and helped herself to all I had.

I always felt my boobs were on the small side. Early on in the No Entry Club, I found that I'd been using the wrong bra size, but even with the bigger bra size, my self-estimation had not changed. According to the Law Of Stella, 34D was a reasonable size whereas my previous 34C wasn't. In fact, 34D was preferable to a much bigger bra size whose owners often complained more about sweating, backaches, and so on. On the whole, I was now very happy with what I'd got, and it seemed that Mandy was too, the way she was enjoying me upstairs while Nicole was enjoying me downstairs. Nicole slid my knickers down to my feet and enjoyed me even closer.

“Come on, Nicky, your turn,” said Mandy at length.

We swapped positions and enjoyed Nicole. Her breasts were slightly longer and narrower than mine or Mandy's. She wore a 38DD bra but, like me, didn't have cleavage, but what she did have was more than enough to bury my face into. Mandy and I took it in turns to just wallow in her bust and her pussy while the subject of all this, Nicole, simply stood there with her eyes closed and an enormous smile on her face.

The remaining underwear came off one at a time until all of us three women were naked and still standing or kneeling, our faces pressed into the other's busts or pussies. Mandy's pussy had some hair around it. Not a huge bush, just some quite neatly trimmed fuzz. Further up her body was where her birthmark began, but we'd all seen it and rather forgotten about it. There was fuzz on Nicole, too - but not around her pussy. Her fuzz was on top of her head, a nicely styled effort cut quite short but not very short. Between her legs was as smooth as a baby's bottom. Her lips, being the kind of slightly ragged lips almost standard among women no longer in their twenties, began to glisten as her hormones took effect, and my nose (being the one pressing into it) enjoyed the scent of womanhood. I breathed it in and then indicated to Mandy that there was a good thing going on down there. I took my nose, and the rest of my face, back up to her breasts which she was holding together to create a cleavage.

I gently eased her hands off her breasts. Each breast separated from its sister and I watched as they settled into their natural position which was a tiny bit narrower than the average (whatever that may mean) and a tiny bit longer. When in her bra, each breast settled into each cup fully. It was only when unsupported that the small alteration in shape took effect. I caressed each one lightly, enjoying the feel of my hands on another woman's breasts, whatever shape they were. I guessed that Nicole was still as sensitive about her boobs being abnormal in the same way I had been sensitive about my colossal clitoris. But I had been set free from that, currently being demonstrated by Mandy, who had been suckling it and generally giving it a good time for a few minutes. I didn't have an issue with my body anymore. Mandy and the others always enjoyed my clitoris and breasts and I had learned to do the same, in fact, I was revelling in it.

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Time for me to reassure Nicole about her breast shape. My fingers fondled them, visiting all the places. The sides, underneath each one, around her nipples and the front surface of both of them. I applied my face, smelling faintly of her own juice, to all these areas. My mouth nuzzled her nipple and began licking it, tasting it and suckling it.

“I just love your breasts, Nicole,” I whispered.

Might as well say what I mean.

“I wish they were a proper shape like yours,” she whispered back.

I didn't reply. I simply went on enjoying them. Her nipples grew harder as I licked them and played with them with my teeth. I tried nibbling them. They grew harder still.

“Are you enjoying this?” I whispered. “I am.”

Nicole looked down at her breasts. Her skin was a tiny bit darker than mine, as if she'd been out in the sun and I hadn't. Not enough to notice unless you studied Nicole's hair and other features, at which point you might suddenly put two and two together and realise she might be mixed race. Something changed within her psyche.

“Yes, actually, I am,” she whispered back. “Thank you.”

I nibbled at her nipples a bit more, my teeth meeting harder and harder resistance. Nicole shivered with pleasure and took one of her breasts from me, easily led it up to her mouth and bit it herself. I watched her do it while I was doing the other one.

“I can't do that with mine!” I hissed with a mouthful of her nipple.

“Well, that's alright, then,” Nicole hissed back before we dissolved into giggles.

Mandy stopped suckling my clitoris, looked up from her kneeling position with the unspoken question 'what's going on up there?', then continued suckling me. I'd recently had 'I want a penis' feelings when I was with Suzanna, and she had provided me with one, even though it was detachable and we had to take it in turns to use it. And now, here I was with a woman kneeling down in front of my crotch and sucking my real one. My clitoris, of course, but close enough.

At length, Mandy struggled up into a standing position then she and Nicole herded me towards the bed. I settled back onto it, my breasts flopping a little to one side or the other and my legs wide apart and everything on show including my engorged clit. This time it was Nicole that fell upon it and popped it into her mouth and gave it a good tongueing while Mandy relaxed her aching knees and stiffening back by playing with my breasts.

When you get to our age, you have to remember to take your pleasures in shorter sessions before changing position and continuing.

I felt my clitoris being sucked in and out of Nicole's mouth. Each time it popped out from between her lips I got a kick as if from a nine-volt battery applied to my tongue. And each time Nicole sucked it back into her mouth I got another kick. Then Mandy began suckling my breasts and my nipples began popping in and out of her mouth. My hormone levels couldn't keep track of all this popping and I exploded deliciously, even doing a little squirt out of one of my orifices into Nicole's face. However, she kept on popping until I stopped wriggling and shaking.

“Sorry, Nicole, I don't know what happened there!”

“No problem. You were enjoying yourself and so was I!”

Two minutes later, the bed was usable again and my dirty sheets were tossed untidily into the dirty washing basket. Mandy gathered us both up, led us into the en-suite shower and turned it on. When it had warmed up she stepped into it, drawing me and Nicole in as well. The hot water sprayed over us all in sufficient quantity to keep all of us warm all at the same time.

I'm glad now I spent the extra twelve pounds on the wide-angle showerhead in last year's January Sales.

I pointed out the least-emptiest shower gel bottle, and Mandy and Nicole started soaping me from head to foot, specifically breasts to pussy, and shoulder blades to buttock crack. They slowly massaged the foamy water all over my body while I stood there enjoying it all. Then Nicole and I started on Mandy. I massaged all around her ample bosom, underneath, each side and on the fronts, then underneath again while Nicole attended to her pussy and bottom. Then it was Nicole's turn and I got to play with her breasts again, while she and I exchanged significant glances.

I was reminded of the last time I shared a shower with two other women. The 'National Cake And Biscuit Fayre' was a while ago now, but the memories of me, Himari and Lindsey in the same hotel shower, several times, was still a very recent and pleasurable memory.

We got out of the shower and dried each other. Dave had tried this with me a few times but succeeded only in distributing the water everywhere while I stayed cold and wet. I had forgotten how sensual it was being dried after a shower by another person, a woman. At the hotel with Himari and Lindsey, this activity had been introduced to me for the first time, and I think it was a first time for Himari and Lindsey too. More recently there was another first time when I introduced the idea to Suzanna, and now here I was basking it the good feelings again with Nicola and Mandy. The caress of a fresh towel on my clean skin by the hand of another woman gave me a warm glow from more than just being dry again. Having parts of a towel applied gently to my nether regions raised the level of erotic satisfaction to new heights and almost caused each of us to need another shower just to get over it, especially when the soft towelling stroked under our breasts (an oft-forgotten area), directly on our clitorises and between our legs and buttocks.

Finally, all three of us collapsed onto the bed and began to chat. We all lived on the same road, the lane that ran from the outskirts of town up to the farm that Nicole worked on, where the road ended at a field gate the other side of the farmyard. We had lots to talk about - our other neighbours, the farm, the dirt on the road, and milk lorry passing our house at half past seven in the morning every morning including weekends. And an hour earlier on Christmas Day and Boxing Day. Periodically, one of us would lay a hand on one part of another's naked body without stopping the flow of chat.

Suddenly we heard laughter and screams coming from the rest of the house so we got up to investigate what was happening, bringing the blow-up Dave with us and replacing her above the cat litter tray.

As usual, it was nothing more than Lindsey and Jennifer tussling over who was going to use the wheelchair, while this time Charity had got there first and had wheeled herself out of the spare bedroom and halfway towards the kitchen, though how she'd seen where the doorway was or where she was going no one could explain, least of all Charity herself. Charity stayed in the wheelchair all through our coffee time. Jennifer was carried out of the bedroom and into the kitchen by Himari, Tess and Suzanna. Three naked women carrying another naked woman with her legs flopping everywhere was a sight I'd never seen before. The laughs came from Jennifer and Suzanna, and the screams from Tess, although to be fair that's how she laughs normally, it would appear. The teas and coffees appeared quickly, thank you Nicole, and we all found places to sit and regale others with what we'd been up to.

It felt like being at school on the last day of term, although I fervently hoped there would be many more occasions when we, as friends held together by more than just living in Tiverton, our men issues, our genders or even our frequent lesbian sex sessions.

Funny how I can say that word now.


I plunged into the conversation after the end of someone's funny story before anyone else could start one. I reminisced how I'd squeaked 'I'm a lesbian, I'm a lesbian!' to myself when I had touched Himari's chest that first time, while the club was just me and Himari. There was a babble of agreement and a raising of their hot drink mugs ('I'll toast to that!') from the others. Himari was sitting next to me and she caught my eye. She leaned nearer to my ear and whispered,

“I was always a lesbian and I've wanted you for a long time, Stella.”

I put one arm around her and cuddled her, and put my other hand underneath her breast and cradled it for a few moments. She cuddled me back and planted a kiss on my cheek. Suzanna was sitting on my other side on the kitchen bench, quite by chance. I put my other arm around Suzanna, too, as she had suddenly become someone special to me - and I to her, I rather thought. I cuddled her, too, and she cuddled me back. In the time that followed from this moment until going-home time, I noticed the others also doing some cuddling of their own, picking up from our example. Not in a possessive way, they cuddled like I had, inclusively.

And all of us still completely naked and sitting in close proximity to their current neighbours on the kitchen benches or the extra chairs I'd brought in. Heads were popping in and out of view as each person wanted to see the person currently sharing a memory or a desire we hadn't covered yet. Different hairstyles attached to these heads flicked one way and then the other. Upper bodies turned slightly to follow the heads, varying sizes and shapes of breasts followed the bodies, sometimes swinging into the next person whichever side they happened to look. Bottoms nestled up against bottoms as everyone squashed onto the kitchen benches, all those pussies only inches from each other.

Hands were free to 'accidentally' land on the next person's body, although it was never accidental. And hands did land on other people, who welcomed them with another touch in return.

The roar of conversation, giggles and laughs continued later into the evening this time, I don't know why. Nobody was in a rush to leave, so nobody did.

I began to wonder about the future of the club. Would we still be here doing this next year? Who knows! I fully expected that sometimes, some people wouldn't be able to make an evening session for a myriad of their own reasons, but they would pop up the evening after, the week after or even the month after and would slot in as if they'd never been gone.

Perhaps these few cuddles, laughs and teases had moved us all one level up in the sisterhood stakes. To say nothing of us taking monstrous liberties with the two disabled people in the club who, it seemed, really appreciated being treated the same as everyone else despite their almost total blindness or their complete inability to use their legs. The unacceptable opposite of this would be for them to sit to one side while everyone else had fun but not them.

For instance, Jennifer's wheelchair had seen use by every member of the club, both by official request when we met at her house, and here in my house where it would be nicked to have sex in or simply borrowed without permission (although it was clear that permission was always granted) while Jennifer lay helplessly on the bed or floor, or dragged herself along the floor after it, laughing along with everyone else. And Charity had a larger circle of friends now who knew how to treat a blind person properly, while she would also laugh delightedly when someone wanted to see what her eyes looked like close-up, or when her blindness was talked about in great detail, taken in our stride or ignored altogether.

I watched Tess and Lindsey trying to outdo each other in the boob department, while Mandy officiated with a tape measure I'd forgotten to put away.

Dave, leaning on the wall above the cat little tray, looked over us all, her constant astonishment and semi-spherical titties plain to see, except no one was looking at her. At a random lull in the general conversation, she made a funny hissing noise, deflated and collapsed slowly like a snowman melting in the sunshine. We all turned to look at her. Someone told Charity what was happening. We watched while Dave sank further and further towards the floor, growing thinner and thinner every second. She came to a halt, half in the cat litter tray and half not. When there was nothing else to look at, we turned back and resumed our noisy chattering.

Dave lay face down on the floor and didn't move or contribute anything more to society (not that her namesake had ever done much of that anyway). Dave - or 'Dave' - would never trouble us again.

How fitting.

Rover, the cat, dispassionately watched Dave's fall from grace, then carried on with her evening snooze by the Aga. And somehow this triggered a rush to get dressed now we had all realised what the time was. Clothes were found for Charity and the wheelchair for Jennifer, and eventually the flow of chattering friends flooded out of the side door and gradually faded away as they got into their cars and drove away.

Peace and sanity returned to my house once again. I washed up the cups, locked up and started the process of going to bed, ready for another day, another evening and - perhaps - a new friend to join the club.

Rover, the cat, and I regarded each other and the remains of Dave. 'It wasn't me', Rover seemed to say. 'And it's no good you looking at me like that, either!'

“I wasn't blaming you,” I said out loud. “And I wasn't looking at you like that, either!”

She closed her eyes as if to say 'this conversation is now over. Goodnight.'

I looked around the room. She was right, it was over. For now. I headed for the door and turned the light off.

“Goodnight,” I whispered into the quiet darkness.

There was no reply. I closed the kitchen door and walked to my bedroom, yawning as I went. Back in my bedroom, I turned the bedside light on and the room light off and looked around. The room was quiet and peaceful. I decided against having another shower, turned back the bed cover and got in. Suddenly I was tired, remembering I had to go to work tomorrow. I switched the bedside light off, and settled down in my bed, being now the only one in it. Soon I drifted off to sleep, that pleasant state of mind where everything is right with your world.

At least until the morning.

Written by KalTurnerThomas
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