Aisha Irani thought that she should phone Sonia Devlin, for more than one reason.
Sonia was a valued employee of Aisha's, but what had happened that afternoon needed some sort of contact before things between them got worse. What had happened that afternoon was that Sonia had gone to Aisha's house on Aisha's day off from work, because a work matter needed Aisha's input and attempts to reach her by phone had failed. Sonia knew that Aisha quite possibly had the day off to have sex with someone, but she was horrified to discover that the someone was Sonia's seventeen-year-old son, Layton.
Sonia had slapped Aisha's face, and spanked her bare arse with hand and hairbrush, before taking her son home. Although she was not a mother, Aisha understood Sonia's reaction.
Aisha did not know if Sonia would want to continue to work for her, she was certainly not going to dismiss her, so she wanted to try to clear the air a bit. Aisha rang Sonia's mobile.
"What do you want?" said Sonia on answering, when Aisha's name came up.
"Look Sonia, you have every right to be mad at me, but I think that we need to talk," said Aisha.
"Why? Are you going to sack me for tanning your arse?" responded Sonia.
"No, I have no intention of sacking you, and I deserved what you did to me," said Aisha, not adding that the after-effects turned her on.
"So what is there to talk about?" asked Sonia.
"I want to know if you still want to work for me, and to try to explain a little about what happened," replied Aisha.
"It was pretty obvious what happened, you fucked my seventeen-year-old son, as if you do not have enough people wanting to fuck you," snarled Sonia.
"We need to talk face-to-face, but not at work," continued Aisha, ignoring Sonia's remarks, although Sonia was correct.
"I don't know if I can continue to work for you, I need to think," said Sonia.
"Okay, but please do not do anything hasty until we have had a face-to-face talk," replied Aisha.
Sonia disconnected the call. She enjoyed her job, and until a few hours ago, she liked Aisha, but now she needed to think.
Sonia also thought that she needed to talk to Layton. They had not spoken on the drive home from Aisha's house, and Sonia had then returned to work, although her mind was not on it. Layton had been in his room most of the time since his mother got home. Sonia knocked on his door.
"Can I come in?" asked Sonia.
"Yes," Layton replied softly.
"I think we need to talk, is that okay?" said Sonia, sitting on the bed on which her forlorn-looking son was lying.
"Are you mad at me?" asked Layton.
"No, but I am mad at her, but it is you that I want to talk about," replied Sonia.
"What do you mean?" responded Layton.
"To make sure that you are alright," said Sonia.
"I am alright, I love her," replied Layton.
"Don't say that, you can't love her, you mustn't," said Sonia.
"That is what Aisha said, but I do, I love her," said Layton.
"I know that she is a very attractive woman, but she is not for you, please understand that," said Sonia, feeling sorry for her son.
"I do understand, but I want to be with her," said Layton, close to tears.
"You need to forget her, and find a nice girl of your age," reasoned Sonia.
"But it is Aisha that I want," replied Layton.
"You don't think that you are the only person that she has sex with do you?" said Sonia, not wanting to hurt her son, but telling him the truth.
"I know, but I love her," replied Layton, before he burst into tears.
Sonia hugged her son, and tried to comfort him. She hated Aisha Irani right now. She did not know what else to say, and she did not know if she could continue to work for Aisha.
Sonia was reluctant to go to work the next morning, firstly because she did not want to leave her son who still seemed depressed, but secondly because she would have to face the woman whom Sonia saw as the cause of Layton's depression.
Sonia went to work, and as soon as she laid eyes on Aisha, she wanted to slap her face and tan her arse again.
"Morning Sonia," said Aisha, probably accurately reading Sonia's thoughts.
"Morning," replied Sonia, for the sake of the other employees that were there, because she did not want there to be an atmosphere at work.
There was not much reason for Sonia to have direct contact with Aisha during the morning, but as lunchtime approached, Aisha spoke to Sonia.
"Can we talk at lunchtime, go for a coffee or something?" suggested Aisha.
"I am not ready to talk to you yet, sorry," replied Sonia.
"Okay, let me know when you are ready," said Aisha.
Sonia did not respond, but she knew that something had to give at some point, because work would be so difficult.
Sonia went for a walk at lunchtime to try to get herself thinking straight about what to do, she knew that it would have to involve talking to Aisha at some juncture. By the time she went back to work, Sonia had decided that they needed to talk sooner rather than later.
"This can't go on like this, we do need to talk; how about after work today?" Sonia said to Aisha.
"Yes, okay, a coffee or a drink?" replied Aisha.
"The pub might be best," said Sonia.
"Fine," responded Aisha.
Sonia sent Layton a text to say that she would be a little late home, but should not be too late.
After work, the two women went to a nearby pub, and Aisha bought the drinks. They sat opposite each other in a quiet corner.
"I cannot undo what has happened," Aisha said.
"He thinks that he loves you," responded Sonia.
"I know, he told me, I tried to explain that he mustn't," said Aisha.
"He said that you told him that, I have told him the same," replied Sonia.
"I do understand that as his mother, you must hate me right now," said Aisha.
"I wish that I had spanked you harder and longer," said Sonia, with a hint of a smile.
"Maybe another time," said Aisha, who then thought that that was probably not the wisest response.
"What do you mean?" said Sonia.
"Nothing, forget it," answered Aisha.
"Anyway, how long has it been going on? I did not ask Layton," said Sonia, deciding not to pursue the spanking conversation.
"Yesterday was the second time, the first time was last week when I had the afternoon off," replied Aisha.
"You just decided that you wanted to fuck him, not thinking about the damage?" said Sonia.
"Not quite like that, and it might not have damaged him, it might have done him some good," said Aisha.
"He was crying in my arms last night because he has fallen in love with you," said Sonia, bitterly.
"I am truly sorry about that," said Aisha.
"But why Layton? You can get fucked by just about anyone you want," said Sonia.
"When I brought that envelope to your house the other day and you were out, something just made me decide to give him the chance," replied Aisha.
"Give him the chance? So you were doing him a favour? He was not just a young cock to have between your legs, you slut?" said Sonia, raising her voice enough for Aisha to look around to see if anyone was within earshot.
"Yes, I fancied him, but a lot of youths would like to lose their virginity to a woman like me," answered Aisha.
"I bet they would," said Sonia.
"Look Sonia, I do not want to lose you but if you think that you can no longer work for me, I would understand," said Aisha.
"Do you know that sometimes I am jealous of you and all the sex that you get?" said Sonia, a bit off-topic.
"You are an attractive woman, don't you get enough?" responded Aisha, who had never thought about Sonia's sex life.
"Enough? I don't get any, I have a teenage boy at home, remember?" said Sonia.
"Yeah, I imagine that it must be difficult for you to entertain anyone," replied Aisha.
"Whereas you have your big house all to yourself and you can bed whoever you want," pointed out Sonia.
"Do people really see me as a slut?" asked Aisha.
"Well, it is common knowledge that you do a lot of fucking," replied Sonia, not directly answering the question.
"Maybe I am a slut, I love sex, with males and females," said Aisha, thinking for the first time ever that she would not mind bedding Sonia Devlin.
"Yeah, rumour has it that you go both ways," said Sonia, who had had occasional sapphic sex in the past.
"Rumour is right, in this case," replied Aisha, wanting to take Sonia's hand in hers. The women's eyes met, and for a moment they each had similar thoughts.
"We were talking about you seducing my son," said Sonia, putting thoughts about just how attractive Aisha was to the back of her head.

"I do not expect you to forgive me for that, Sonia, but do you think that you can still work for me?" said Aisha, looking into Sonia's eyes.
"You are right that I cannot forgive you, but you are a great boss to work for," said Sonia, smiling.
"Maybe we can have a drink together another time?" said Aisha, hopefully.
"Maybe, but I had better get home to Layton," said Sonia.
"Okay," said Aisha.
"See you tomorrow, Aisha," said Sonia, not hating the woman as much as she had not so long ago.
"Yes, bye, Sonia," said Aisha, as the two women again locked eyes on each other.
That evening, Sonia and Layton had another talk. Sonia told her son that she understood why he found Aisha so attractive, but that he had no future with her. She told him that he should try to get on with his life, and to forget the Indian woman, Sonia knew that that bit would be very difficult for him. Layton remained mostly silent, but did not burst into tears.
That night in bed, Sonia thought back over her conversation with Aisha, and kept coming back to Aisha saying 'maybe another time' when Sonia had said that she wished that she had spanked her harder and longer. Did Aisha actually want another spanking?
Aisha spent some time thinking about Sonia, more specifically, thinking about having sex with Sonia, who was six years younger than her.
The next day at work, Sonia and Aisha were much more cordial with each other, almost friendly.
Aisha had made up her mind that she wanted to bed Sonia, and she usually bedded someone whom she set her sights upon. She did not want to rush her approach, in case she ruined her chances, and even maybe risked Sonia deciding that she did not want to work for her anymore.
During the day, Aisha got a text from Layton.
I can't stop thinking about you. I want to be with you again. Please.
Aisha did not reply immediately, and after a lot of thought, decided to show Sonia the text.
"Sonia, I have had a text from Layton," said Aisha, showing it to Sonia.
"I hoped that he would forget you, but it does not look like he will anytime soon," replied Sonia.
"Should I reply?" asked Aisha.
"And say what?" responded Sonia.
"I am not going to say yes, am I? You might give me another spanking," smiled Aisha.
"I thought by what you said in the pub that you wanted another one," said Sonia, looking at Aisha's face to try to read her reaction.
"Maybe I do," smiled Aisha, who then licked her lips. Sonia squirmed in her seat, this was getting hot.
"I think you need to tell Layton 'no', but try not to hurt him too much," replied Sonia.
After a little thought, and still standing near Sonia, Aisha typed a reply. She showed it to Sonia for approval before sending it.
I don't think we can. I like you a lot, but it can't go on.
Both women wondered what Layton's reaction would be. It soon came, and it surprised both women.
Can we do it just once more?
"What do I say to that?" Aisha asked Sonia.
"I am not going to say yes, am I? But if I didn't know about it,...," replied Sonia.
"So I can say that we can do it just one more time?" said Aisha.
"It would give me a reason to give you a long and hard spanking," answered Sonia.
Aisha sent a text back to Layton, again she let Sonia see it before she sent it.
We will do it again, but it must be for the last time.
Layton was thrilled, as his response proved to Aisha and his mother.
Great! I promise, When?
Aisha replied that she would let him know when.
"Do we get together before or after I see Layton?" Aisha asked Sonia.
"Before I think, don't you?" replied Sonia, touching Aisha's hand.
"Tonight?" smiled Aisha.
"Yes, I will tell Layton that I am going out with a friend," said a very happy Sonia.
At teatime at home, Sonia told her son that she was going out with a female friend from work. She stressed that it was a female friend. Layton was not too bothered, he could wank thinking about Aisha Irani, and the fact that he was going to fuck her again.
Sonia drove to Aisha's house, which was where they would do what they were going to do, although other than a spanking it was not certain what would be happening.
Aisha opened her door wearing a green blouse with obviously no bra underneath, and incredibly tight white trousers.
"Mrs Devlin, do come in," smiled Aisha. Sonia was stunned by how attractive Aisha looked.
"It has come to my notice that you propose to have sex with my son again, is it true?" said Sonia, her voice crackling a bit with sexual tension.
"Tell me, Sonia, does my arse look big in these trousers?" asked a smirking Aisha, turning her gorgeous backside in buttock-hugging trousers towards her visitor.
"It looks, um, great," replied Sonia, wanting to touch it. Aisha read her mind.
"Touch it then," smiled Aisha, over her shoulder.
Sonia reached out with her right hand and caressed Aisha's bottom.
"You and I are going to have a great time; now, what was the question?" said Aisha.
"Is it true that you are going to have sex again with my Layton?" asked Sonia, removing her hand from Aisha's arse.
"What if I am?" smiled Aisha.
"If you are, I will spank you so hard that it will be a long time before you think of sitting down," said Sonia.
"Mmmm, sounds wonderful," said Aisha, wiggling her large arse.
"Is it true?" asked Sonia.
"Yes, I am going to fuck your son again, spank me, spank me hard," said Aisha, her dark eyes flashing.
Sonia sat on a chair that was near the door, whether it was normally there or had been placed there for what was about to happen, she did not know.
"Over my knee, madam," said Sonia, and Aisha draped herself over the younger woman's lap.
Sonia spanked Aisha over her trousers, but they were so tight that they offered virtually no protection. She spanked hard and fast, and for a long time, but she was not done yet.
"You will remove your trousers and then you will fetch your hairbrush so that I can continue your punishment," said a breathless Sonia.
Aisha got off her lap and removed her trousers, revealing as Sonia had suspected, that she was naked underneath.
Sonia's eyes were on Aisha's gorgeous bare arse as the Indian woman ascended the stairs. She returned with her hairbrush in her hand. She handed Sonia the hairbrush, and got back into position. Both women were very wet.
Sonia spanked Aisha's arse using all her might as the hairbrush cracked from one buttock to the other. Aisha bucked and squirmed, and came hard. Sonia spanked on, although she was aware that Aisha had orgasmed, and she was about to soak her knickers with her own cum. Sonia's strength drained from her when she came in her knickers, and she stopped the spanking.
For a while the women remained as they were, both breathing heavily.
"Get up," Sonia said, when she could speak.
Aisha slowly got up, and gingerly reached behind her to try to soothe her well-spanked buttocks.
"Fucking hell," Aisha said, half chuckling but moving from foot to foot because of the pain in her rear.
"I warned you," said Sonia.
"You did, now we are going to my bedroom to make love," said Aisha, Sonia did not disagree.
The two women went upstairs, and Aisha removed Sonia's trousers and cum soaked knickers and then they both got naked up top.
They kissed, sensually at first and then it became an open-mouthed snog, as Aisha's hands pawed Sonia's large arse.
They got onto the bed, and Aisha spent some time eating Sonia's cunt, making her cum three times. Sonia then tongued Aisha to further orgasms before kissing and licking the arse that she had spanked so hard, and making Aisha cum again.
They continued to make out, and it seemed obvious that this would not be the only sex session that the two women had.
Sonia decided, reluctantly, that she would have to go home soon, but the women showered together and each came one more time.
Sonia got dressed. She had been added to the list of Aisha Irani's lovers.
One day in the near future, Layton Devlin would be fucking Aisha again, with his mother's knowledge, if not approval.
Sonia and Aisha would no doubt have sex again. After another long kiss, Sonia went home to her son. They now both had sexual knowledge of the beautiful Indian woman.