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The Beautiful Indian Woman

"A young virgin male and a beautiful mature Indian woman have a mutual attraction"

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Seventeen-year-old Layton Devlin lived with his mother, Sonia, who was a long time divorced from his father, Terry. Layton was a bit shy, particularly in the company of females, and had no experience of sex. He fancied females though, particularly older ones, and his wanking fantasy at the moment was Aisha Irani, a forty-nine-year-old Indian businesswoman that Sonia worked for.

He did not know Mrs Irani, who was also divorced, very well, but he had met her a few times. She was beautiful, well built and curvy, and Layton often wanked imagining her large bare bottom. He actually had a photograph of her, cut from the local newspaper when she was photographed at a business dinner.

Layton was on holiday from school and was home alone when the doorbell rang. He had not long cleaned himself up after wanking thinking of Mrs Irani. He opened the door to see the stunningly attractive woman of his fantasies standing there.

"Hello, Layton, is your mother in?" smiled Mrs Irani.

"Um, n-n-no, " stammered the tongue-tied young man.

"Oh, never mind, could you give her this for me?" said the woman, handing Layton an envelope.

"Um, y-yes, Mrs Irani," replied the blushing Layton.

"Oh, call me Aisha, please," said the smiling woman. Layton did not respond.

Aisha Irani certainly did not go short of sex partners, male and female, but a thought crossed her mind, and the thought involved Layton Devlin.

"Will your mother be long?" asked Aisha.

"Don't know, don't think so," replied Layton.

"I was wondering if it might be worth me coming in and waiting, but I might be disturbing whatever you are doing," said the still-smiling Aisha.

"Um, don't know," said the confused and embarrassed Layton.

"Better not, what would your mother think that we had been doing if she caught us together?" said Aisha, her brown eyes fixed on Layton.

"Um, no, yes," replied Layton, simultaneously wishing that Mrs Irani would both come in and go away.

"Nice to see you Layton, see you again... soon," smiled Aisha.

"Nice to see you, Mrs Irani," said Layton.

"Aisha," corrected the beautiful Indian woman.

"Aisha," said Layton, coughing in embarrassment.

"Give your mother that envelope, it is nothing for her to worry about," said Aisha.

"I will," said Layton.

"Bye," said Aisha, turning and deliberately swinging her hips as she walked away.

"Bye," said Layton, almost inaudibly, his eyes on the woman's arse, as she imagined they would be.

Layton closed the door, put the envelope down, and went to his bedroom. He dropped his jeans and boxers and took his erect penis in his hand and wanked thinking of Aisha Irani for the second time that morning.

A little later, the landline phone rang. Sonia was not yet home, and Layton answered it.

"Hello," said Layton.

"Hello, Layton, it is Aisha, is your mother home yet?" said the woman on the other end of the line.

"No, no, she isn't," replied Layton.

"Good, because I just wanted to tell you again how nice it was to see you," said Aisha.

"Um, oh, thank you," said Layton.

"I would like to see you again," said Aisha.

"Um, why?" said a shocked Layton.

"You are a good-looking young man, Layton," said Aisha, who had worked out that the youth had the hots for her.

"I don't understand," said Layton, genuinely not knowing where Aisha was going with this.

"Do you find me attractive, Layton?" asked Aisha,

"Yes, oh yes, I w—" started Layton, before finishing the word.

"What were you going to say? What word starting with w?" pressed Aisha.

"Nothing," said Layton.

"I can think of two possibilities, want, or, perhaps, wank," said Aisha.

"Mrs Irani, I..." started Layton again.

"If it was either of those two words I would consider it a compliment, was it one of those words, Layton?" said Aisha.

"Mrs Irani, I am sorry," said a flustered Layton.

"Nothing to be sorry about, but I think we should meet soon to discuss things, don't you?" said Aisha, turned on by the thought of the youth wanking whilst thinking of her.

"But, my mum," said Layton.

"Oh, we won't tell your mum, it will be our secret," said Aisha.

"I am confused," said Layton.

"I am saying that I think that you and I should spend some private time together, would you like that?" said Aisha.

"I would, but you are so beautiful and I, I am, um, I don't know anything about women," replied Layton.

"I could teach you some stuff about women, if you would like me to," said Aisha.

"But why would you do that?" asked Layton.

"Because I find you attractive, and I think that you find me attractive," replied Aisha.

"Oh yes, I do," said Layton.

"So, do you masturbate thinking of me?" asked Aisha.

"Yes, twice this morning," confessed Layton.

"Wow! Since I visited you?" said an aroused Aisha.

"One of them," answered Layton.

"Give me your mobile number, Layton, so that we can keep in touch," said Aisha.

"I cannot believe this," responded Layton.

"You better believe it, baby," said Aisha.

Layton gave her his mobile number and they agreed to sort out a date when they could get together. Sonia returned home just after the phone conversation finished.

"What is this envelope?" asked Sonia.

"Oh, Mrs Irani dropped it off, she said it is nothing for you to worry about," replied Layton.

"Oh, okay," said Sonia, opening the envelope. It was something to do with one of Mrs Irani's clients.

Late that night, Layton was in bed when his mobile buzzed indicating a text. He had not wanked since the morning, but had been thinking of little other than Aisha Irani. The text was from an unknown number, but Layton had a good idea of who it might be; at least, he hoped it was.

Hi, it is Aisha, are you playing with yourself and thinking of me?

Layton's hand instinctively went to his stiffening penis. He replied.

No, but I will be now.

Aisha smiled to herself, and typed another message.

Good, because I am playing with myself thinking of your cock.

This genuinely shocked Layton, and he re-read it before sending a very short reply.


Aisha's reply was quicker and longer.

Yeah, I bet you have a great cock. Do you?

Layton was again surprised by the message. He did have quite an impressive penis, but he did not really have any to compare with to say whether he had a great cock or not. He texted back.

I don't know really.

Aisha sent another message.

I am so looking forward to finding out, I will be in touch to fix a time and date to meet xxx

Layton could not believe what had just happened, nor what had happened earlier. He typed back 'okay' and tossed himself off for the third time that day. Aisha masturbated to orgasm thinking of bedding the seventeen-year-old virgin.

Aisha Irani lived alone, although she had a married woman who cleaned her house for her and the woman's husband looked after her garden. She would have no trouble entertaining Layton Devlin in her house for a few hours, on a date still to be fixed. It had never entered her head to have sex with the youth, until she saw him when she visited his house looking for his mother. He would not be the first to lose his virginity to the highly sexed Mrs Irani.

Layton could not stop thinking about Aisha; he thought about her a lot before, but now she was never out of his head. He wanted to phone or text her, but knew that she was a busy businesswoman so he had the sense not to do it during the day. He thought of texting her in the evening, but thought that she might have company and be mad at him.

When Layton was in bed, he got a text that he saw was from Aisha.

Hey baby, I am thinking about you. How are you? A.

Layton was thrilled and replied straight away.

Hey, thinking about you too. I was going to text you earlier but thought you might be busy and get mad at me.

Aisha smiled to herself.

Text me anytime, if I cannot open it straight away, then I won't. How about you wank now while I finger myself, wouldn't that be sexy?

The idea really appealed to Layton.

That would be great, I am already hard.

Aisha was already fingering her cunt.

Do it baby, let's see who cums first.

There was a pause in texts as Layton's right hand shot up and down his cock, and Aisha's fingers worked her cunt and clit. Spunk shot from Layton's penis; he could hardly wait to tell Aisha.

I just came.

Aisha was almost there, and then her orgasm arrived.

Fuck! Cumming so hard.

Their bodies calmed, and Aisha sent another text.

That was fun. I want you to come to my house soon, we will get something fixed.

There were a few more texts to and fro, and then they said their good nights. Layton was still thinking that this was all a dream.

The next morning, Layton took up Aisha's offer to text her anytime.

I can't stop thinking of you. I want to see you.

The reply took a while to come, but when it did, it thrilled Layton.

Honey, I am taking tomorrow afternoon off work so that we can fuck. I will text you tonight with the arrangements. A.

Layton's penis stiffened and he almost came in his boxers when he read that. He responded.

I still can't believe that you want me.

Aisha replied.

Oh, I want you, and you will find out how much tomorrow. Got to go, but I will text you tonight. xxx

Layton wanted to wank, but in his naivety, he decided not to in case it impacted what he could do the next day.

That night, Layton's phone buzzed with a text from Aisha.

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Hey, be at the corner of Milton Street and Cavendish Street at 1 pm and I will pick you up. Okay?

Layton wondered how he could justify being out to his mum.

What shall I tell my mum?

Aisha thought the question was sweet.

No need to tell her anything, she will be working. We will have our fun and I will get you home before she is due home.

Layton saw the logic in that, and replied 'Okay.'

The texting continued for a while; Aisha's last text left Layton in no doubt as to what she wanted.

I am longing to have your stiff cock in my cunt.

Layton was excited and very nervous; he did not sleep well.

Just before 1 the next afternoon, he was standing at the appointed place. He was trembling with nerves. Aisha's car pulled up alongside him. Sometimes she dressed in traditional Indian clothing but today she was in a trouser suit and blouse; she looked gorgeous whatever she wore.

"Hello, baby, how are you?" smiled the beautiful woman.

"Um, very nervous," replied Layton.

"Relax, everything will be great," assured Aisha, as she drove off.

"I have never done it," said Layton, although Aisha already knew that.

"I know, honey, but I have," laughed Aisha.

"But I am worried that I might not be able to, I might disappoint you," said Layton, still very nervous.

"I am sure that you will do just fine, and give me a fucking to remember," smiled Aisha, who was damp between her legs.

The drive did not take too long, and soon they were at Aisha's large secluded house.

"Give me a kiss," said Aisha, when she had switched off the ignition. She leaned towards Layton, and their lips met. Layton had never kissed a female passionately before and he found it difficult to respond, but respond he did when Aisha's tongue entered his mouth.

The snog went on for a while, and Layton's penis was stiff in his boxers.

"Mmm, I think that we should get indoors," said Aisha.

"Yes," croaked Layton.

They entered the house, and faced each other and kissed again. Aisha's hands slid down Layton's back, and his did the same on hers. Aisha's hands went to the young man's buttocks and forced his stiffness against her crotch. Layton, very tentatively, put his hands on Aisha's arse.

"I think the first thing we should do is relieve that stiffness of yours," said Aisha, her eyes showing her excitement.

"Um, are we not going to, um...?" said a confused Layton.

"Oh yes, we are going to fuck, but on a first time a young man sometimes cums quickly so if I wank you and make you cum, you will soon be ready again for a fuck," explained Aisha, leading Layton into the kitchen, and to the sink.

"Let's have these down," said Aisha, undoing Layton's jeans and lowering them, and then lowering his boxers. "Wow! Impressive," said Aisha, taking Layton's erection in her hand.

"Is it?" asked a surprised and happy Layton.

"Oh yes," said Aisha, wanking Layton slowly at first but soon picking up pace.

"Oh, oh, oh," said Layton, as his body tensed and his penis splattered jet after jet of spunk into Aisha's kitchen sink.

"Shit, that was a lot of cream," laughed Aisha, when Layton finally stopped cumming. Aisha swilled the sink out.

"That was amazing," said Layton.

"The best is yet to come, honey," replied Aisha.

"I still think that I am dreaming," said Layton.

"It is real, and now we go to my bedroom," said Aisha.

Layton followed Aisha to the stairs, and up them, gripping his boxers and jeans to stop them slipping down and tripping him up.

"Lay on the bed, honey," instructed Aisha, and when Layton did so, Aisha removed his trainers, jeans, boxers and socks. On Aisha's instructions, Layton took off his T-shirt, making him completely naked.

Aisha took off her black trouser suit jacket and hung it up.

"Have you seen a naked woman before?" asked Aisha.

"Only in pictures or on video," replied Layton.

"Well, you are going to see one very soon," said Aisha, undoing her white blouse, her eyes fixed on Layton.

Aisha removed her blouse and hung it up, then with her back to Layton, she undid and lowered her trousers, bending over to take them off, her large arse enclosed in green knickers. Aisha hung the trousers up, and then turned to face Layton as she undid her bra.

Layton sort of groaned as Aisha exposed her very large pair of breasts.

"Touch them, feel them, kiss them," said Aisha, kneeling on the bed next to Layton.

The young man, nervously, reached out a hand and touched Aisha's left breast, he then sat up and put his other hand on her right one. His penis was stiffening rapidly.

"Kiss them, lick them," said Aisha, and Layton, slowly losing his inhibitions, did so.

"They are beautiful," said Layton, in wonderment.

"Thank you, next you see my arse," said Aisha, getting off the bed and turning her back to Layton as she slowly lowered her knickers, baring her gorgeous backside.

Aisha bent right over to step out of her knickers. She hoped that Layton would touch her arse but as he didn't; instruction was needed.

"Feel my arse," said Aisha, still bent over.

Layton ran his hands over the mature woman's bottom.

"Kiss it," was the next instruction from Aisha, and Layton was happy to do so. Most of his nervousness had now disappeared.

"Now feel my cunt," said Aisha, turning to show Layton her wet and hairy vagina. Layton was in awe. His hand was shaking slightly as it reached forward, and his fingers brushed Aisha's cunt lips.

"Feel inside," said Aisha, and the young man's fingers entered her vagina.

"See how wet being with you makes me?" said Aisha.

"Yes," croaked Layton.

"Now we fuck," said Aisha, getting on her back on the bed.

"I don't know how," said a nervous again Layton.

"Get on top of me, and I will guide you in, it will happen naturally," said Aisha, who was more than ready to be fucked.

Layton got into position and Aisha took his erection in her hand and rubbed it against her cunt lips before feeding it in.

"Press forward," said Aisha.

Layton did so, and he groaned as his penis penetrated Aisha's cunt, and went deeper and deeper.

"Oh," said Layton, as he felt his stiff cock in a cunt for the first time.

"Mmm, you are so big, now move your hips, thrust," said Aisha.

Layton started to do so, but at very irregular intervals. Eventually, he was thrusting at a steady pace.

"That's it, honey, fuck me," encouraged Aisha, her body responding.

"Am I doing it right?" asked Layton, now thrusting rhythmically.

"You are doing great, you are giving me a good fucking," answered Aisha.

Now, full of confidence, Layton was thrusting harder and faster, and Aisha was approaching orgasm.

"Shit, I am cumming," wailed Aisha, momentarily distracting Layton and disrupting his rhythm.

"Keep fucking me, keep fucking me," pleaded Aisha, and Layton soon got back to where he was.

Layton was thinking what a wonderful thing fucking was, as his erection moved rapidly in and out of the writhing woman's vagina.

"Aisha, I love you," blurted Layton, as the fucking continued.

Aisha came again, but this time Layton was not distracted and he fucked on and on. He could then feel himself about to cum and did not know if he was supposed to cum inside Aisha.

"Aisha, I am going to cum," warned Layton.

"Let it go, baby, cum in me," replied the sweating Aisha.

"Ohhh," said Layton in a long groan, as his penis twitched and his semen shot into Aisha. This had Aisha cumming again.

After their climaxes peaked and then subsided, their bodies relaxed a bit.

"You are no longer a virgin," said Aisha.

"No, it was sensational, thank you; did I do okay?" responded Layton.

"You did great, truly you did," said Aisha, before they kissed.

"I can't believe it," said a so-happy Layton.

"We have time to do it again, just give it a few minutes," said Aisha.

"Really?" said Layton.

"Yes, baby, you will soon be stiff again," said Aisha.

After a while, Layton's penis, which was still inside Aisha, did indeed start to stiffen, and was soon fully hard

"Go for it," whispered Aisha, and Layton was soon thrusting hard and fast.

Layton did not know how, but Aisha had somehow rolled them over as they fucked and he was now on his back as the beautiful Indian woman rose up and down on his erection. Aisha was using her cunt muscles to stimulate both Layton and herself, and she was soon announcing that she was cumming again.

Aisha kept riding, cumming once more, before Layton felt his spunk rising and he spurted upwards into the woman that had taken his virginity.

They lay cuddling for a while, Layton exploring Aisha's body with his hands and mouth, but Aisha had to be aware of the time.

They showered, and got dressed.

"Will we do it again?" asked Layton, hopefully.

"We will, baby," smiled Aisha.

They kissed, and then Aisha dropped Layton in town so that he could be home before his mum got home from work. He did not know if he looked any different, but he knew that he certainly felt different.

That night, he got a text.

Thanks for the great fucking, you are a great lover. xxx

Layton felt so proud; he was a virgin no more and he had apparently given the gorgeous mature woman sexual pleasure. He did not know how to reply, but kept it simple.

Thank you, for everything.

Layton did not expect to be Aisha's only lover; he would be content to be one of them.

Aisha would very happily have the young man's stiff penis between her legs again. She would have to take another afternoon off work.

Written by PJH
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