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The Bachelorette Party: Part 3

"Linda gets some help on the ranch"

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After Debbie left and I got into bed, I thought about how we interacted. I'd experimented in college but gave that up when I met Frank. The girls I was with mainly wanted to see my boobs. We were usually drunk and experimenting, and most didn't want to talk about it the next day. My parents would have cut off my college funds if I had brought a girl home or come out to them. I don't have any regrets about my choices. I've lived a good life and have a beautiful, loving daughter. I wish Frank were around to share it with me.

I started, playing with my breasts the same way Debbie had. I wet one fingertip with my saliva, then toyed with one nipple imagining her lips there. As my arousal built, I continued, wetting my finger and toying with my nipple. I could feel my heart racing, one hand moved between my legs, delighting in the sensations. I played with myself, imagining Debbie going down on me as I continued rolling and pinching my nipples. It didn't take long for my fingers to concentrate on my clit and send me into a lovely and sloppy climax.

After catching my breath, I rolled over, whispering a sweet 'thank you' to the dispatcher who screwed up the strippers, then quickly fell asleep.

I wasn't expecting Debbie to call or show up, and I was busy supervising the set-up for the reception in the horse arena. But her little car was parked in front of the house on Thursday when I was walking to get something to make my lunch. When Debbie saw me in her rearview mirror walking towards her, she got out to greet me. This time, she wore jeans, a tee, a long-sleeved flannel shirt, and work boots.

She smiled as I approached, "Hi, Linda. How are you? I hope I'm not intruding. I know you have the wedding to get ready for."

I grinned, "Hey, Debbie. I was going to get some lunch. Come on in."

She asked, "How is the set-up going? I wanted to thank you again for being so nice to Vicki and me. Most people, when they think of strippers, think hookers, and we aren't."

I opened the front door for her, "I don't judge, Debbie. You were both nice, and I felt sorry for you. With the dispatch mix-up and your broken car"

She grinned as she walked past me, "Well, we appreciate it. I was going to call but didn't know your home number. I have some questions for you if you don't mind."

I closed the door behind me then Debbie followed me to the kitchen, "Ask away. Are you hungry? I'm going to have a tuna fish sandwich and some fruit if you'd like to join me."

Debbie smiled, “Just some fruit if you have enough. I don't want to be a bother.”

I smiled, “It's no bother at all, have a seat, and ask away.”

Debbie sat at the kitchen table as I got our food together. She watched quietly until I finished before asking her questions. I placed a bowl of cut-up fruit on the table along with my sandwich.

“Would you like something to drink? I have tea, coffee, water, and juice.”

She smiled, “I'll have whatever you're having, please.”

I turned, got two glasses from the cupboard, and poured two iced teas. I set one in front of her and then sat with mine.

“So, what would you like to know, Debbie?”

I started eating, waiting for her questions.

She twirled her glass as she contemplated what she was going to say, "You said you still have horses. Do they get ridden much? I'm originally from Oklahoma and used to do cutting, reigning, and barrel racing. I miss it, and it's something I love to do. You did say this place keeps you busy. Since I mostly work weekend nights, I wondered if we could make a deal."

I stopped chewing, swallowed, and responded, "Yes, I have few horses, and they don't get ridden enough. A couple of the boarders will hook them up to the walkers. I'd rather they were ridden than walking around in circles."

Debbie sipped, then set her glass down, "What if I came out and worked them during the day, and you let me ride them? I'd groom and care for them as if they were my own."

I thought momentarily, "Well, I've only known you for a few hours, Debbie. You're sweet, but I'd like to see you around my stock first and ask a few questions before I say yes. We can do that after I finish eating. How often would you be out? I don't want someone unreliable because I'd be expecting you, and if you didn't show up, it would mean I'd have to put off something to do what you were supposed to do."

Debbie replied, "I understand that. I'd be here weekday mornings early. Work till around noon, then go to my regular job, which is part-time. On weekends I'm out late most Fridays and Saturdays, which you know. I'm pretty flexible with whatever you want or need, Linda."

I was almost finished with my sandwich as I contemplated her offer, "Let me finish, then we'll go out to the stable, and you can show me what you've got."

Debbie laughed, “I think I've already shown you, Linda. Just kidding. That sounds like a plan.”

I giggled; she was cute and correct. She'd shown me, and they were simply yummy.

I finished, and we put our dishes in the sink. Debbie followed me to the stables asking more questions about the horses and the boarders. She did seem knowledgeable, but I wanted to see her in action. I showed her the tack, feed room, and twelve stalls. When we came to my baby's stall, I introduced Debbie to Honey.

Honey was at the back of the stall and came to greet me when she heard us talking. She stuck her head out the stall door, and I gave her a carrot.

"Honey, this is Debbie, Debbie, meet Honey. She's my baby."

Debbie was wide-eyed, "She's gorgeous like her mama, Linda."

I blushed, “Flattery will get you nothing out here, sweetie. But, thank you.”

I opened the lower half of the door so Debbie could start the bonding process with Honey. Honey is very gentle and loves females. They connected immediately, which was a good sign. I asked Debbie to saddle her up as I watched. I pointed out her blanket and saddle, then waited to see what would happen.

Debbie talked to Honey, calming her as she placed the blanket on her back, then the saddle. I knew Honey wouldn't protest; she loves to be ridden. Debbie did everything right, so we took Honey out so Debbie could ride. When we were out in one of the corral, Debbie adjusted the stirrups then I opened the gate to let them trot out to the pasture. Debbie mounted my baby, and they walked out as I watched.

I watched as Debbie got Honey up to a slight gallop, guiding and talking to her the whole time. I smiled, in part because I saw Debbie's boobs bouncing, and she was very good with Honey. After about ten minutes, they returned, and I had Debbie rub down and put Honey away. With Honey in her stall, I introduced Zeke, Abigail, Princess, and Goodie to Debbie. I told her about their quirks and showed her their tack. We talked, then fed, and treated the rest of my gang, then returned to the house. I suggested she wait until the following week to start since it was crazy here with all the wedding preparations. I had her sign a release form, as all my boarders do for the insurance company.

With business completed, we sat in the backyard and chatted. I found Debbie to be very articulate and sweet. She talked about her life in Oklahoma but not why she moved away. I didn't want to probe, so I didn't ask. She stayed for about three hours. I felt good about her showing up and working. We said our goodbyes, and off she drove with me crossing my fingers that her little car wouldn't break down anytime soon.

Friday was a blur; there must have been fifty people out here setting up chairs, tables, and bases for displays, a stage for the band, plugging in refrigerators and being in the way. At times I felt like a traffic cop and an air traffic controller directing people where to and where not to go. But everything was in place and ready for Cherise's big event on Saturday.

Saturday, the weather was perfect, everyone was happy, and the wedding and reception went off as planned. I was delighted and could finally take a break. In her wedding dress, Cherise looked amazing, and Susan stood out as her maid of honor. I noticed Susan attended alone but seemed happy, so I didn't ask about her love life. I asked her to have dinner with me next week, and she said she'd call. She'd been wanting to talk to me but was too busy. I asked if she were alright, and she smiled and told me she was okay. She wanted to talk about the ranch, not herself. We left it at that and enjoyed the remainder of the reception.

Monday, was insane again when all the suppliers came to retrieve their equipment. When they cleared out, I started walking the arena looking for anything that might hurt my horses. I planned on renting a metal detector, but first, I wanted to walk it all.

I was about halfway through when Debbie entered the arena, dressed to work and smiling. We greeted each other, and then she went to work the horses.

During my walk, I didn't find anything that would hurt my babies. I'd posted a flyer to inform my boarders to look around just to be safe. After that, I headed to the stables to check on Debbie. She was busy brushing down Princess, talking to her, and getting to know her little quirks. I stopped and watched as she slowly ran the brush down the mare's side, talking to her. I had no idea what she was saying, but if she were like me, they would be sweet words to keep the horse calm or complaints in a soothing tone to vent her frustrations with the world. I waited until she had finished saddling up my lovely quarter horse and was taking her out to run. I wanted to catch up with Debbie to see how things were going her first morning.

I walked with them out to the corral; Debbie was delighted to be working with horses again. Her car was giving her trouble, and she'd decided to sell it and get something more reliable despite going into debt. She wanted to be sure she could get here to work and not disappoint me. I almost offered to loan her the money, but I didn't know her well enough. I did offer the names of two mechanics I knew who would look at her car for her. I'd call them for her if she wanted and set something up, hopefully saving her some money.

She thanked me and said that would be nice. I let her and Princess into the pasture, watching her put the mare through her paces. Princess had been a cutting and reigning competitor a few years back, but her owner fell on hard times and had to sell her. I felt sorry for the girl and bought Princess, but I never used her as she was trained to be used. With Debbie guiding her, she seemed to enjoy working again. It made me smile as I turned and returned to the house to call my mechanic friends.

Before leaving, Debbie stopped by the house. I gave her the names and numbers of the two mechanics. They would both look at it and hopefully tell her the problem and how much to fix it. She was so grateful I got a friendly hug and a tease to compare boobs again. As much as I wanted to, I told her no thanks. I knew she was persistent from Saturday night; it was just a matter of time before I gave in. I didn't want to encourage her this soon. I wanted to see her character, and then maybe we could compare and much more.

Debbie showed up for the remainder of the week and was working out wonderfully. She'd made appointments with my friends, and like a diagnosis from a doctor, she wanted a second opinion, so she was seeing both of them. It was nice having her work the horses for me. I finished a couple of projects I'd been meaning to get to, plus I had some 'me' time to relax and unwind instead of working all day. If this worked out, I would be one happy lady.

Finally, a weekend of peace. No parties, weddings, or anything that needed my attention except my babies. After feeding, I let my gang out into the pasture to let them run and play. I loved watching them interact. While they were out, I cleaned the stalls and put fresh hay out for them. They seemed to be happier. Maybe time with Debbie helped their dispositions. They didn't seem to mind when I called them back to their stalls for the evening.

Monday reared its ugly head The feed store called, and my delivery was delayed a few days. Thankfully, I don't wait until I'm really low, so a few days didn't matter. It threw off my routine slightly, but I'd manage. The only complaint I got was from one of my boarders, Audrey Cunningham, or as I refer to her sometimes as, Audrey Cunt-and-a-half. She and her stepdaughter, Candace, board their two prima donna Westphalian mares. She ordered some particular riding tack and treats and was perturbed it would be late for her babies. I understood her frustration, but she could have ordered from a feed store herself, but that would mean she'd have to deal with flat landers.

I digress. Debbie showed up and was beaming. She took her car to both mechanics on Saturday for a diagnostic. They both found the problem and were close in price, so Dwayne, the second mechanic fixed it for her since she was already at his shop. She said it was a loose connection with some sensor, and being the smart girl she is, she was wearing a slightly revealing top, and with the men being my friends, she got low price fix along with some offers of maintenance at a discount. I shook my head and laughed when she told me all the details.

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But the best thing was her car was fixed. I told her about the delivery, and she said she'd be here to help me put it away. I thanked her and then told her about Audrey's order. She'd met them the week before and thought they were lovely. Debbie also mentioned that Candace couldn't keep her eyes off her chest. I grinned and didn't say anything. Then we went about our daily chores.

When the order arrived two days later, Debbie helped me put it away. Candace was off from school and working her horse jumping; she was dressed in her English riding clothes when she walked over to us, asking about their order. I had it separated and ready to take to them when Debbie volunteered to help Candace take it to their Suburban. As Debbie followed Candace with the pallet of goodies, I stopped and watched. They were talking and giggling the entire time. I thought I saw Candace blush, but they were too far for me to be sure with my old tired eyes. I knew Candace was at least seventeen, so I let it go.

When Debbie returned with the empty pallet jack and pallet, she was smirking. I asked what was going on. She said she and Candace were talking horses and that she'd noticed Debbie on Princess doing cutting and reigning. She'd never done that, just jumping because her stepmother was into that. Candace asked Debbie if she could show her if it weren't a problem. Debbie told her she'd need something different to wear that's more comfortable. It made Candace giggle, but she said she had some grubby clothes, and they made a date.

Then Debbie asked if it was alright with me. I gave her a stern look and reminded her this was my place and my horses. She needed to ask me first. Then I smiled and said it was fine, but next time ask. She grinned, said she would, and winked when she mentioned that Candace sure was cute in her riding outfit.

I laughed, “You're asking for trouble going there, sweetie.”

She grinned, “It's the kind of trouble I like, Linda.”

I smiled, “You've been warned, dearest.”

Debbie must have lost track of time because she didn't leave around lunchtime like she had the week before. All the boarders had left, but Debbie's car was still outside my house. I returned to the stables looking for her, hoping she wasn't hurt and lying around waiting for help.

I found her in the feed room, stacking bags of feed after rearranging, putting the newer bags in the back and the older ones in front. She was sweating, her tee was drenched, and she had two bags left. I waited in the doorway, admiring her initiative and how her tee clung to her body, thanks to her perspiration. When she finished with the last bag, she wiped her brow with the bottom of her tee. I'd seen that lovely bare yummy before, and it brought back fond memories of the party.

I didn't want to scare her, so I quietly backed out and then made some noise, walking loudly and calling out her name.

She called back, letting me know she was in the feed room.

I looked surprised and delighted when I stepped into the doorway again, "Wow, Debbie, you didn't have to do this all by yourself. You should have asked for help, sweetie."

She smiled, "I wanted to thank you for the mechanic referrals. You saved me a ton of money and frustration. The dealers I took it to before wanted five times what Dwayne charged me."

I looked her over, and naturally, my eyes focused on her sweat-covered tee over her boobs.

"You're welcome. But, still, you should have asked for help or at least let me know you were staying later than usual. I was worried you were hurt, sweetie."

Debbie smiled, "I will next time, I promise. Oh, I saw a shower on the outside of the stables. Can I use it to get all this dust and sweat off me? I brought a change of clothes because you never know what you'll get on you working around horses."

I laughed, "Yes, I know. But, there's no shampoo or conditioner, plus I'd have to get you a towel from the house. If your car is unlocked, I could get your clothes. Nobody would see you out there. They've all left for the day. However, you can shower in the house if you want. It's a little less hassle."

Debbie blushed, which was the first time I recall her doing that, "I didn't want to impose. The house sounds better. Thank you, Linda."

She dusted herself off then we headed to the house. Debbie grabbed an overnight bag from her trunk and then followed me in.

I told her she was welcome to use my shower. There was shampoo, conditioner, and body gel in there. It didn't make sense to keep some in the seldom-used guest bathroom.

She thanked me as I grabbed a couple of clean towels for her. I showed her where it was and left her. Debbie closed the door, and I heard the shower door open before I left the room. I was halfway down the hall when I got an idea.

I re-entered my bedroom, hearing the water running in the shower. I got undressed and opened the door just enough to peek in. Debbie was in the shower in all her naked glory. I didn't think she'd expect this, and I didn't either, but I had been thinking of her since we met.

I crept in and opened the shower door. Debbie turned, a little surprised to see me.

Then she grinned, “I was hoping you'd come, Linda. Would you mind washing my back?

I smiled, "I thought you might like this, and of course, I'll wash yours if you wash mine."

She handed me the body gel, and the fun began.

Debbie stood under the water as I soaped down her back from her hairline to her ankles. I asked her to brace herself so that I could wash her feet. She giggled, telling me she was very ticklish. I lovingly washed them, trying my best not to tickle her. I worked my way back up, enjoying the feel of her soapy skin on my palms. Then I asked her to turn, and I'd get her front.

Debbie faced me, and instead of soaping her, I reached around, pulling her to me. I've never felt breasts like hers pressed against my own. It sent an electric-like shock through me as our nipples meshed. Debbie smiled, noticing my reaction.

“Never done this with a girl, Linda?”

I grinned, "Not one with enhancements, and it was before you were born."

“Well, let's make up for lost time, shall we?”

She leaned into me, further intensifying the feeling I already had. That's when we kissed, slow and long. We finished kissing, and I turned so Debbie could do my back. Her hands felt great on my ass as she jiggled it playfully. Bending down, that sweet girl washed my feet as softly as I did hers. I felt like I was at a spa getting ready for a massage. She worked her way back up me, asking me to turn around. I did, and we kissed again.

We both rinsed off, taking turns under the shower head. Next, we did fronts. I shut off the water so we wouldn't run out of hot. We took turns soaping each other's boobs, and I was in awe. We played, rubbed, kissed, and enjoyed each other until we felt a chill. I turned the water back on to rinse. We still played with each other, I was exploring, and Debbie was enjoying.

Well, I enjoyed it too. The last thing we washed was each other's vaginas, and we did it simultaneously. My god that was erotic. It was like masturbating together, something I'd never done with another woman. We didn't take it too far, just enough that I hungered for more. Debbie asked me to shut the water off so we could dry and go to bed, where it was much more.

We probably shouldn't have let out hair get wet. We didn't shampoo because we both were too busy playing with each other. So, we dried as best we could, then wrapped our heads in dry towels to prevent too much water on my pillows and the bed. I knew it would dry at some point, but it was inconvenient.

We walked out into my bedroom, and I glanced at the full-length mirror at the two of us. I stopped Debbie and asked her to stand beside me as I gazed at our reflection. She slipped her arm around my waist, wondering what I was doing. She asked if there was a camera hidden somewhere, and I laughed. I told her no, I'm not that sophisticated or creepy. I wanted to see us together and thought we looked good.

Debbie giggled, telling me we looked great next to each other, then cupped one of my boobs, leaned in, a kissed it. I shivered and had to agree with her. Two busty nude women, one old and weathered. The other, young and gorgeous, with their hair up and wrapped in pink and yellow bath towels, we couldn't have been any sexier.

Next, we turned down the covers on my bed. It had been way too long since I shared it with anyone. Now I was expanding my horizons with another woman.

Debbie became the instigator and guide on my path to making love to another woman. I knew how; we might have different parts than men, but the kissing, licking, touching, and words one uses still have the same basic effects.

But everything came together very differently than it was with Frank. Debbie wanted to take her time with me. I was expecting we'd go down on each other and be done. But she had a much better plan.

We started kissing, and she was on top of me, straddling me at my hips. Our breasts mushed together as we made out. Her skin against mine felt so lovely, and the lack of a penis oozing pre-cum on me was very different. Although, I could feel her warm sweetness as she sat on me, which was a bit different.

My hands roamed the small of Debbies back. I liked feeling her curves and would use my fingernails to trace little circles. She seemed to enjoy that as her tongue played with mine. We took a break from kissing so Debbie could suckle. I suggested we change our position so we could nurse each other simultaneously.

Debbie giggled, “I like the way you think, Linda.

I grinned, “I'm glad, sweetie.”

We moved so we were diagonal on the bed. Debbie was on top as we began playing with each other's breasts. The room became filled with moans and the sounds of hungry lips sucking on nipples. We continued like that for a very long time. I thought I might have a breast fetish because I didn't want to stop.

Debbie had other ideas, which were much better. She pulled up on my nipple one last time, then rose to leave me wondering what she was up to. She kissed my lips and then worked down my body so we were in a sixty-nine position.

We were total opposites as far as grooming down there. My full untrimmed bush, speckled with grey pubes, was a stark contrast to her little trimmed arrow pointing down to the promised land. She asked if I was alright with our position, and I told her I was okay.

Debbie practically dove between my legs as I teased her with my tongue, getting acquainted with her taste and the texture of her hair in my mouth. I didn't think I was doing a very good job because Debbie's tongue in my pussy was distracting. That girl knew what she was doing as I was learning. I did manage to focus long enough to find her hood and slip my tongue underneath. Her clit was solid and slippery as I rolled the tip of my tongue over and around it.

I eventually used both hands to grab her ass, holding it in one place to concentrate. That's when she started guiding me between licking, kissing, and sucking on my pussy so we'd both cum.

Frank was never vocal when we made love. Hearing Debbie was different; her words guided, praised, and aroused me as we managed to get off together.

I happened to cum first, thanks to Debbie's expertise, then once I settled down, I concentrated on her. It may have helped when she moved to sit over me, and I guess you could say she rode my face. She still kept guiding and praising as she squirmed and slipped back and forth over my outstretched tongue.

I lost track of time lying under her. The sensations my body was experiencing isolated me from everything except Debbie's sweetness. I finally managed to bring her to a climax. When that happened, she laid on top of me once again.

We kissed, cuddled, talked, and giggled until I saw my bedside clock and noticed it was almost eight. We'd been playing for nearly two hours. I suggested we clean up and eat dinner. I debated asking her to stay the night.

Debbie declined my dinner invitation and didn't give me a reason. I was okay with that, so we showered again, dressed, then kissed goodbye.

After she left and while I was eating, I wondered if I should continue with this. I knew she had eyes on Candace, so maybe I was another notch on her bedpost. It didn't matter. I was happy that I had the opportunity. I now knew what it was all about and enjoyed it.

Written by _O2_
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