It was my daughter's best friend's bachelorette party. I'd known Cherise since she was a little girl and had always enjoyed having her over. She and my daughter, Susan, had had their share of falling outs over the years but always made up. They traded boyfriends once or twice in high school and had both gotten through college with their degrees and were now beginning their careers. It had been nice to watch them grow up together, going through all those growing pains along with the triumphs. Now Cherise was getting married. It made me wonder if Susan ever would. She seemed to enjoy playing the field, or at least that's what it seemed to me since she rarely brought any boys over anymore, if ever. I didn't pry and assumed she was happy being single.
Cherise dated Eric off and on during college, and he found a job close to our town after graduation to be near her. Susan was a serial dater in college and, for the past year, had been seeing one of Eric's frat brothers. I hadn't seen or heard about that guy for at least a month, so I'm not sure what's going on. They all seemed to get along fine, and when Cherise announced the engagement, she and Eric asked if they could hold the wedding on my property. How could I refuse my daughter's best friend?
I have a twenty-five-acre horse farm with a pond and plenty of room. They planned on holding the reception in the riding arena, which was fine by me. Susan is my only child, and since losing my husband, Frank, in a plane crash, she has been the focus of my life as much as a college graduate can be. Cherise has been like a sister to her, so I thought it was an honor to host the wedding.
Susan was in charge of the bachelorette party. Since I had the room, they wanted to have it at my house. I didn't have a problem because the wedding would be here anyway. It seemed to make sense to save the couple some money. But I didn't want to be the one doing all the work; I had enough of my own.
I don't date, it takes too much of my free time since I have such a big place. Although, I only have a few horses that are mine now. I mainly board for others, and they tend to their horses. I ride now and then to get away from the world and talk to my beloved in a particular part of the property we both loved.
The party was just a week before the wedding. I helped them decorate the family room and went to the store for sodas, mixers, chips, finger foods, and booze. Any leftovers could be available for the wedding reception, so there was no worry about buying too much.
I was home for the girls' party on Saturday night. I figured they would have the usual silly games, watch movies, gossip, or do whatever young women do these days. Susan mentioned she'd hired two strippers, but it never occurred to me that the ones who showed up wouldn't be what she expected. I kept in the background, not wanting to spoil the girls' fun. I watched them drink and gossip, ensuring the snack bowl was topped off.
The party included a catered dinner since I had refused to cook. They had plenty to drink, and the girls were in good moods when the caterers left. They were happy until the strippers showed up. They had played some games and were in the middle of a "truth or dare" thing when the doorbell rang. I got up and answered, thinking I'd be greeted by a cop, firefighter, cowboy, or who knows what male strippers dress up as these days.
I must have had a dumbfounded expression when I opened the door and saw two girls, both women about Susan's age, standing there. At first, I thought they were friends or sorority sisters of the girls. But, they were dressed somewhat scantily in cowgirl outfits. One was a tall, leggy blonde; the other was a bit shorter and quite top-heavy. It suddenly occurred to me they were the strippers, something that didn't make sense to me for a bachelorette party when all the girls were straight, or at least I thought so.
Upon returning to my senses, I greeted them, "Hi, can I help you?"
"Hi, we're here for the bachelor party," the busty little brunette grinned as she shook her breasts, giggling.
I focused on them as she jiggled, which, thinking back, was odd for me since I'm straight. But there they were, and they were very impressive.
Trying not to stammer, I calmly told them, "I think you girls have the wrong address. This is a bachelorette party."
"Huh? Is this three five nine seven two Wild Run Road?" The blonde asked.
"Yes, it is, but I doubt these girls wanted female strippers."
From inside the house, I could hear the rumblings of the girls anticipating their male strippers. A few 'who's there'? As giggles and laughs floated through the air while I tried to clarify the situation.
"Our dispatcher gave us this address, so maybe we should call her."
"We've done all-girl parties before." The brunette smiled, looking me up and down.
The blonde was getting agitated, "Oh god, not again. This is the second time she's done that to me this month. I didn't get paid last time because the "birthday boy" wasn't at that house."
"You're welcome to come in and call. Cell coverage is abysmal out here. You may have to deal with six very disappointed girls, though."
The brunette winked with a sly grin, "I've dealt with that situation before and left them all smiling."
"Well, I'd rather do that than not get paid for driving out here. Plus, the tips we'll miss." sighed the blonde.
The blonde seemed like she was going to cry at that point, so I let them both in and guided them to the kitchen and the phone. On the way, the girls gasped and giggled at my little entourage. Susan entered the kitchen while they called, and I told her the situation. She listened quietly, looking them both over as I explained. After I'd finished and she thought about it for a few seconds, she started laughing.
Susan came up with an idea; sticking her hand out for the phone, she told the brunette, "Cherise is going to just die. Let me talk with the dispatcher since I set this up."
The girl on the phone paused after a heated exchange and handed the phone to Susan. She turned her back to us, and I made small talk with our guests. They explained about the other times and how they were only doing this because they figured it was safe and an excellent way to make extra college money. They seemed like nice girls, so I listened and smiled as they told me. After a bit, Susan hung up, turned, and smiled at us.
"You'll both get paid, but the two guys who were supposed to be here are up a creek at a bachelor party on the other side of the county. They are too far away to get here in time. The dispatcher admitted her mistake, so I got money off, but you two are good for your normal fees. Sound okay?"
The two girls were ecstatic, jumping up and down and hugging each other, Susan and me. Susan's eyes widened as the brunette bounced up and down. I'm sure mine did, too, as I waited for her twins to pop out. Fortunately, they didn't, and we listened to what Susan had in mind.
"But, I want you to do me a favor." Susan had an evil grin as she said that, and I felt I knew what she was up to.
"I want you to do your thing with the brunette out there. You may even get a tip since I got a discount if it goes like I want it to."
The girls looked at each other and nodded; wanting to be sure they got their money, they agreed.
"What's her name?" the blonde asked.
"Cherise, and don't hold back. By the way, I'm Susan, and this is my mom Linda."
The brunette smiled as she shook my hand, making sure her boobs were vibrating as she did. I couldn't help but look down and caught myself staring once again. She knew how to work those babies, that's for sure. We exchanged handshakes, and the girls got their things together to begin the show.
The brunette was Debbie, and the blonde was Vicki, we discovered when all the hugs and handshakes were over. They both thanked Susan for making sure their trip wasn't wasted.
I hadn't thought I'd stay to watch the "planned" show, but this was getting good, so I decided to stick around and see what happened. I snuck down the hall and sat in a chair I brought from my bedroom to watch Cherise. Susan came out first, coughing to get their attention since the girls were huddled together, talking in whispers, wondering what was happening.
"Ladies, we have a slight change in plans for the entertainment. I hope you all enjoy and look at this in the spirit it was intended. Cherise, don't hate me, but there are a couple of cowgirls here who know you want to learn to rope in your cowboy, and they are here to show you the proper way of doing just that."
She did her best to keep a straight face while making up the intro. It sounded lame, but what can you do when playing an unplanned joke? As we sat and waited, we heard a song start. "Back in the saddle again" by Aerosmith came on, and the two girls came out swishing and strutting. The brunette twirled a little lariat, and the blonde had two six-shooters. I have to admit they did look cute doing that. I laughed, but some girls just sat there, wondering what was happening. Cherise looked at Susan and nearly coughed her drink out her nose as the two "entertainers" strutted towards her, doing what they would have done had the audience been men.
I should describe their outfits despite not staying on too long. Debbie wore a tiny cowboy hat, vintage nineteen fifties pink fringed in white, and a matching vest too tiny to be of much practical use. Under her vest, her bikini top was red with white stripes. It left little to the imagination. I guess she wanted to be patriotic. Her pink chaps matched her hat and vest, and the tiny fringes looked a bit frayed as she strutted about. She wore a pair of six-inch clear mules in which nobody in their right mind would ride a horse. But dressed like that, I doubt riding a horse isn't what she had in mind anyway. Her outfit couldn't help but bring one's eyes to her bust and tight ass. I would guess that's why she wore what she did, maximum titillation.
Vicki wore a white satin vest and short shorts that clung to her like a second skin. Her shoes were a bit more like boots while still having the six-inch elevation. Her tanned legs were taut and definitely her main focal point. Her too-small black hat contrasted with her hair color and dark olive complexion, which made the outfit more appealing. Her little six-shooters slung low on her waist had matching plastic pearled handles and were not being used for their intended purpose.
They reminded me of outfits Cherise and Susan had worn as little girls at Halloween. Back then, thank goodness, they didn't fill out the costumes quite like these two did.
The two girls walked around the room, showing off their bodies and smiling at each of the six girls. Their movements were meant for enticement; clutching themselves and contorting their bodies to taunt and tease the usual male client seemed to have the opposite effect on the girls. Their focus eventually turned to Cherise, each sauntering to her and displaying their wares. Vicki took Cherise's hand and pulled her somewhat reluctantly to a chair that Susan had managed to sneak out to the middle of the room while all eyes focused on the dancers. The two girls swayed and bobbed up and down in front and to her sides as she sat there, turning Cherises's cheeks a bright crimson. Cherise looked at Susan with eyes that could have pierced steel with their focus. Cherise told Susan she was going to get even. Susan doubled over laughing as Debbie began removing her chaps and shaking her ass in front of Cherise.
Two girls stood up when Debbie began removing clothes and started their goodbyes. They apologized for being so abrupt and thought the idea was funny. They just didn't want to see it actually happen. Debbie and Vicki apologized, and the girls told them not to worry. It wasn't anyone's fault, and it was a cute idea. Susan and Cherise walked them to the door while Vicki and Debbie waited. The room seemed eerily quiet, so I walked to our dancers to thaw some ice.
I walked over to our strippers and apologized, "I'm being a bad hostess, would you two like something to drink?"
"Whatever is easy," Vicki said, and Debbie nodded. I felt terrible for them. It wasn't their fault the girls were prudes, and they couldn't stand a joke. Susan and Cherise walked back in, commenting on their friends' behavior, apologizing when they saw Vicki and Debbie sipping some bottled water I had brought them.
"We can continue if you want, Susan. We made a deal, and I have no problem living up to it." Debbie smiled as she looked at the rest of us.
"Well, why don't we change it a bit?" Cherise commented.
"How about instead of focusing on me, give us all little individual shows; maybe we can learn something to keep our men folk home nights." She added with a smirk and a slight twang.
"Sure, we can do that, and when we're done, if you want our business cards, we could do like a class or something. We get married guys calling for private shows when their wives are gone. And I wouldn't mind cutting those down. Not that your boyfriends or husbands would do that. They give me the creeps at times." Vicki mentioned wincing a bit.
"Sounds good. Finish your drinks, and we'll learn something." Susan smiled.
Everyone sat back down, and Debbie started their little c.d. player again. This time the music was slower and softer. She turned the volume down so they could answer questions and describe why they were doing something in particular. All four remaining girls sat back and watched, sipping their drinks that I refreshed while they focused on their instructors. Debbie would look up and smile at me as I wandered around them, trying not to bump into them or spill the margarita mix.
The girl's bodies were amazing, and Vicki's legs were taut and seemed like they went on forever. I'm guessing her shoes had a lot to do with it. She towered over all of us by at least three inches. Debbie's breasts were large, and she made them the focus of her dance. She'd massage and cup them telling us regardless of a woman's body; there are moves they can do to accentuate and really turn a man on - "And some women," she giggled. The girls remained in their bikinis, telling their audience there was no point dancing nude since they wouldn't get any tips from it.
After the first dance, with Debbie and Vicki dancing as individuals showing their moves, the girls got up, asking questions, then tried some of the movements themselves. I watched as each girl took her turn with an instructor, slowly moving while the others corrected and commented on how she moved. I sat there mesmerized, watching their hands gently touch each other, a smile here and there as each seemed to delight in caressing.
The instructor and student were so close together, and the blushes confirmed that they were delving into intimate areas in talk and some of their actions. I watched as they swapped partners bumping and grinding with each other as if nobody was looking. Each girl would dance with Vicki and then Debbie while the other two unoccupied girls practiced on each other. Then Vickie and Debbie would stand in front and move their hands up and down the girl's body. Making sure they touched and highlighted each and every curve.
When a song was over, they'd switch until everyone had at least two dances with the strippers. Excuses of being overly dressed made for a few laughs, with Vickie suggesting they all strip down to bras and panties if they wanted it to be more realistic. The girls politely declined, although it seemed like they were hesitant to do so. I think if it had been just two girls with the two dancers and me not in the room with a bit more liquor, the lessons might have gone further. I did notice that Susan was paying more attention to what Vicki was doing than Debbie. Like me, the rest of the crowd focused on Debbie's ample cleavage.
The whole thing lasted maybe another hour until Vicki looked at her watch and realized it was beyond their allotted time. She had a date in town and couldn't stay any longer.
After a few more questions, the girls thanked the dancers and began saying their goodbyes. The girls handed out their business cards and told them ladies get a ten percent discount. Then Susan and Cherise walked their friends to their cars and came back in to start cleaning up.
Debbie approached me and asked if there was a room she and Vicki could change into their street clothes since their day was done. I told them, of course, while Vicki went out to get their bags. I led Debbie down the hall showing her the guest room and adjoining bath. She thanked me as she slowly slid past me, her breasts almost brushing mine as she slipped through the doorway.

She paused mid-way through the door, her breasts within millimeters of mine. "Linda, can I ask you a question?"
"Sure, Debbie. What?"
"I noticed you tended to look at my breasts more than anyone else here, not that I'm complaining. I paid good money for these. I was just wondering if you wanted to touch or were curious about them."
I blushed deeply when she said that, wondering if I had been staring at them more than usual."
"They are amazing, Debbie, but I'm not curious about them. I love my own, and I'm not into women if that's what you were wondering."
"That was my next question," she said with a devilish grin.
Just then, Vicki walked into the hallway, and I left them to change. Her words echoed in my ears about my lingering looks. I wondered if I had looked at them more than anyone else. I hadn't thought I did, but then I was busy, and she seemed to pop up whenever my head turned. Maybe it was both our imaginations. I don't know. When I returned to the living room, the girls had the place practically spotless. I told them not to worry about it and that I'd finish cleaning up. They hadn't drunk much alcohol, I had made three pitchers of margaritas, and only two were gone. Usually, I would have insisted on keys, but since they all seemed sober, I let them drive home.
Cherise thanked me for the drinks and hospitality while we talked until Debbie and Vicki came out clutching their bags. Hugs were all around as both Susan and Cherise thanked their dancers. The thanks were mutual since Susan gave them a big tip which is what she would have spent if the guys had shown up. I told them all goodbye and watched the four walk out to their three cars. Closing the door, I turned around and headed to the kitchen to finish cleaning and drinking some of the margarita mix.
Debbie's words regarding my attention to her breasts returned to me as I spilled some margarita mix on my blouse. Silly me, I stood there looking down at my boobs, wondering what life would be like having double Ds instead of the single "D" they had become due to nursing and gravity. They looked good. When I was younger and single, they looked damn good, I thought to myself. Even when I was married, they looked good. I giggled, wondering why they wouldn't look good married or single. The earlier drinks and the current ones were having their effect I was beginning to think silly thoughts.
I heard the doorbell as I put the last glass in the dishwasher. I was wondering who might be out here this time of night. It was about nine when the girls left. I headed out and peeked through the spy port. It was Debbie; I asked her through the door what she wanted. She asked if she could use the phone. Her car had been making funny noises, and she wanted to call AAA before it broke down completely. Vicki had gone on with Susan since she lived in the same direction. They had been about a mile away, parked off the side of the road, debating what to do when Susan pulled up and offered her assistance. I looked again, trying to make sure she was actually alone, and then I slowly opened the door.
I opened it expecting the worse and was pleased to see she was alone. I invited her in and told her to go ahead and use the kitchen phone. After locking the door in case someone was hiding where I couldn't see them, I followed her to the kitchen while she explained she'd had this problem before, and they do something under the hood, and it works well for a few weeks. She has to suffer because she doesn't have money to fix it or get a new car.
I waited as she dialed and talked to an operator who didn't know which end was up. Debbie sounded frustrated, and I offered her a drink when she hung up.
"Thanks, I hate that car. But what can I do?"
"I don't know, Debbie. I'm sorry you have to go through this. Cars are pretty important for your job, I guess."
"We carpool sometimes, and on rare occasions, we get a security guy when it's a big party of men. I guess they weren't worried about security sending two men to a bachelorette party."
I laughed, thinking a male stripper would want help fending off a crazed bridal party. I divided the last of the margarita mix between us, and we moved to the kitchen table to talk and wait.
"You have a really nice house here, Linda. Susan seems very nice. You've raised her well. It isn't every woman who would do what she did for us this evening. Vicki and I both appreciate the kindness and the money."
"Thanks, Debbie. I like to think we raised her right. She worked through college, so she knows money is always needed."
"Do you live alone here?"
"Yes, my husband Frank was killed in an airline crash about two years ago. This place was his dream, I'm trying to keep it alive, but it's hard to do alone. I'm debating whether to sell or lease parts of it so I don't have to deal with it."
"I'd love to have a place like this. I bet Susan loved growing up here, with horses, dogs, and room to roam. I'm a bit jealous. I do ride horses which you may have guessed with my outfit."
I replied, "Debbie, I had no clue why you chose that except that it showed off your boobs and your ass."
With that remark, I took a sip and smiled at her. It actually made her blush. She took a long drink watching me as she did.
"So you noticed my ass AND my boobs? Linda, I'm flattered coming from a straight woman."
She was grinning the entire time she talked, looking at my face for a reaction. I remained stoic and told her that she had an exquisite body and that I couldn't help but notice it since she was dancing in my living room in front of me and everyone else.
"But you especially focused on my boobs, didn't you," she stated as she drank again.
"Maybe I did. I don't recall focusing on anything in particular; you both were there dancing. I couldn't help it."
"I bet you have nice boobs, too. I wonder how they compare to mine."
She looked at me with a mischievous grin. I had no idea what she was up to, but it did feel like a game I could play. I was older and wiser, and I did have a nice rack.
"Funny, just before you rang the bell, I was debating that very question, and yes, I think when I was your age, my boobs were as nice if not nicer than yours, and they weren't enhanced."
"Touche, Linda." She giggled and took another long drink as I smiled and did the same.
Debbie countered, "I'd be willing to compare them against yours anytime. We could now if you're brave enough and don't mind that a twenty-three-year-old dancer thinks you probably have as great a rack as she does, probably nicer since, as you put it, they aren't enhanced."
I nearly spit my drink out my nose with that. We both laughed, and she apologized for saying that while I was drinking. I told her it was fine but didn't need to compare because we weren't in any competition. She acknowledged that fact and asked to use the bathroom. I reminded her she knew where it was, and she excused herself and headed off. I smiled, thinking I'd won that little battle, and checked to see what time it was and wondered where the AAA people were.
After a bit, Debbie returned, sat down again, and sipped more of her drink. I thought I noticed the zipper on her windbreaker down a little lower, but with the drinks, I really couldn't remember. We continued talking about our lives as we waited for the driver. We dodged the boob talk for quite some time, and when our drinks were empty, I sat there watching her draw in the condensation on the outside of her glass. I looked at the clock and realized it had only been thirty minutes. I offered her a refill, and she gladly accepted. I got up and poured some out of the remaining margarita mix. I told her this was my last drink for the night since I usually get up early and tend to some of the horses. When I returned to hand her the glass, I could have sworn that the zipper was even lower.
I sat down again and asked her about an eta for the repair person. She told me they would call when they were close, so I let it go. We talked a bit more, and although not wanting to, I kept glancing at her cleavage. She picked up on it the third time and smiled her little grin again.
"You are curious about them, aren't you." Her right hand slipped over the zipper as she looked me in the eyes raising and lowering it to tease me.
I denied any interest, but she kept moving the zipper up and down. With each lower movement, more of her breasts in the vee neck tee became exposed. It was like a hypnotist and his gold watch, I couldn't keep my eyes off it, and I slowly became entranced. Finally, when she decided she had me hooked, she zipped it down and then removed her windbreaker. The thin worn vee neck barely concealed her braless hard nipples pushing against the fabric. Luckily my glass was on the table, and I wasn't taking a sip then because I would have spit it out. They were amazing. I just imagined them while she was dancing and gyrating in her bikini, but now they were almost entirely exposed, and they were perfect, a bit larger than mine, but they were magnificent.
"Go ahead. You can touch them. They don't bite, silly."
I looked her in the eyes and then back down to her trophies. My face felt as if it were bright red. I knew I was blushing, but I couldn't help but gaze at them in awe. That's when she removed her tee, and her girls spilled out in all their glory. She cupped each one and offered them to me to touch, I hate to admit it, but I succumbed to the temptation. They did feel natural, not like I had expected; of course, I had no idea what to expect, never having felt enhanced boobs. I figured they would feel normal like mine, and they did, for the most part, a bit firmer, but still not bad. I sat there softly, touching and working my fingers over them as she held them for me. I must have been doing something she enjoyed because her eyes closed, and she'd let out a soft moan now and then.
After a few, I coughed to bring her back to reality and removed my hands. She opened her eyes and smiled at me.
"What do you think? You didn't have to stop on my account Linda. You have a very nice touch for a 'straight' woman."
"I felt what I needed to feel, thanks. I wondered if enhancements really felt different and they do and don't. Does that make sense?"
"It does, but you should compare how yours feel to mine. I said it before, and I really would love to see yours. I bet they are as amazing as mine."
"You're not going to stop until you see, right?"
I sighed and relented. She was persistent, that's for sure, and I think the margaritas loosened my inhibitions, so I agreed just to get her off the subject. I sat back and unbuttoned my plain white blouse revealing my run-of-the-mill Bali bra. She smiled when she saw it and wiggled in her chair as if she was going to unwrap a Christmas present. I pulled the blouse hem from my jeans and stood up to remove my top. She looked at me with puppy dog eyes, almost melting my heart. I slipped the blouse off one shoulder, then down my arm repeating it with the other. Setting the blouse on the counter, I turned back to her. She stood up and asked me to turn around so she could undo the clasp. I slipped my hands under my hair, revealing the hook as my back faced her. With expert fingers, she quickly freed it. As the bra dropped off my shoulders, I clasped my boobs with my arms.
"Don't be shy now, Linda." She giggled.
Slowly I turned to look at her, my breasts nestled under my arms, still a bit apprehensive of my actions. Lord only knows what Susan would think if she walked in right now. Debbie reached up, looking into my eyes. Her voice was gentle and reassuring as she softly wrapped her fingers around my wrists and lowered my arms. Her eyes widened as her smile broadened when she glanced at my bare breasts for the first time. My nipples gave away my feeling as she placed one finger on my aureola. I stood there and watched her make little circles exploring the dark pink flesh. I hadn't been touched like that for over two years and nearly lost control. Managing to remain steadfast, I asked her if they were what she expected.
In a whisper, she calmly replied, "Linda, you have magnificent breasts. I can only imagine what they would have been like at my age. You'd have made some money doing what I do."
She smiled as she continued exploring. I won't lie; I did enjoy her touch. She wasn't rushed, taking her time to explore each one, marveling how lovely they were. She even offered to give me her plastic surgeon's name if I wanted to restore them to their youthful glory. She said it's more of a vanity thing or a way to make more money. But they were perfect in her eyes.
"You can touch mine again if you like. They still don't bite."
I was thinking about that, but I wasn't sure. This all seemed like a strange dream to me. The alcohol was kicking in, not enough for me to feel drunk but enough to loosen my inhibitions. If I had still been married, this little vixen would have been gone in a flash. Something inside me liked what I was feeling at my breast and under my fingertips.
We stood looking into each other's eyes, hands exploring. Without a word, she smiled, lowering her face to my breast. I stood there, the scent of her hair filling my senses as she opened her mouth, placing her lips over my stiff nipple. I gasped while she drew her tongue over it, coating it with her saliva. My eyes closed, hands dropping from her breasts to her waist, holding her in place as she focused on me. I stood there and let her devour me, moans of pleasure encouraging her forward.
Gaining a bit of composure, my hands eventually rose, fingers slipping between her brunette strands, pressing her into me. I sensed a smile when she felt me giving in. Her mouth became more active, licking, kissing, and exploring my breasts. My moans grew as her head switched from one side to the other. It almost felt like I would fall over. My knees weakened, and I was in heaven. She began moaning also, mumbling how delicious my breasts were and how beautiful I was. I was about to suggest something when a car horn broke the mood.
"Damn, just when it was getting interesting." She sighed.
The sly smile returned to her face as she took a step backward. Grabbing her tee and slipping it on, she then donned her windbreaker and zipped it up.
"I better get my car working. Back in a few, Linda."
I was dumbfounded, standing there while she quickly composed herself and skipped out the front door. I grabbed my bra and put it back on. Massaging myself, recalling how nice it was to have someone else touch me and compliment me on how I looked. Then the blouse, tucking in my back and straightening myself up as best I could. I put our glasses away, wondering if she was really going to return.
About ten minutes later, just as I was about to give up, I heard cars in the driveway. I peeked out the front window and then decided to walk out to see what was happening. Opening the door, I saw a young man in a tow truck. He was handing her a slip of paper as she looked at me standing in the doorway. He thanked her, looked at me, nodded politely, then drove off. She tossed the paper in her car and came back to say goodbye.
"Linda, thanks for letting me use the phone and see those gorgeous breasts. I hope mine were what you expected."
I stammered a bit and told her they were. She grinned and hugged me goodbye, slipping her business card into my cleavage before she left. I watched as she walked back to her car. Her ass was wiggling a bit more than it probably should have.
She turned back and, with a big smile, asked, "Can I call you sometime?" Then she blew me a kiss getting into her car.
I stammered a bit, trying not to seem too anxious for another meeting yet, wishing she'd stay.
"Sure, anytime."
I smiled back and closed the front door behind me, locking it in the process. As I headed to bed, I debated whether to get out my vibe or use my fingers; I was in the mood now.