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Roommates Awakening

"Steph falls for her freshman roommate"

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I was sweating profusely by the time I finished unloading the last of my belongings into my dorm room. My parents were called away due to a family emergency, so I had to move in by myself. Not exactly how I pictured starting my college experience. 

Despite my desire to start over and explore new parts of myself, my parents wanted to protect me from the world. While I wanted to live in the freshman dorms, my parents insisted I live at the Chabad House on campus, surrounded by Jewish life and under the watchful eye of the rabbi. 

It was a compromise I could live with. I had heard tales of the Jewish parties on campus, and I was excited to see if they were as wild as rumor suggested. 

Lost in my thoughts, I began to unpack the last of my belongings. The room was cool, a stark contrast to my sweat-covered body. My clothes were clinging, and strands of my brown hair were stuck to my forehead. I looked like a sharedisheveled mess. It was hardly the way I wanted to meet my dormmates. 

"Hey," I heard a voice say. 

Turning around, I saw a breathtaking girl, a few years older than me, standing in my room in only a towel. Her wet blonde hair framed her face, giving her an angelic appearance. I was taken aback by how cute she was. I was also taken aback by how naked she was. The towel was barely the size of a hand towel and did little to hide her goods. 

I realized I was staring and fumbled a response. 

"Oh, hi, I'm Stephanie. Steph," I announced. 

"I guess we are roommates, Steph. I'm Jenna," she responded, stretching her hand out. 

As I reached out to shake her hand, Jenna's towel dropped to the floor, her naked body coming into view. While I knew nudity was a fact of life while living in the dorm, I didn't expect to see my roommate naked within moments of meeting her. 

"Oops, sorry," Jenna giggled as she reached down to pick up her towel. 

"Well, it was inevitable that I would see you naked at some point anyway," I said, trying to alleviate any embarrassment she might feel.  

"I'm glad we got that out of the way. Now I just need you to get naked," she joked. 

I look down awkwardly, unsure how to respond. I knew she was joking, but the way she said it left me feeling stripped bare. 

"I didn't realize upperclassmen lived in the dorms," I said, putting the attention back on her. 

"With everything going on, my parents wanted me to live in a dorm this year. They thought I should be more involved in the Jewish life on campus, and what better way to force that than have me live in the Chabad House," Jenna explained.

"I guess that makes sense," I said. 

"What about you? Why aren't you in the regular dorms?" Jenna inquired. 

"Same, really. My parents are really excited for me to start school here, but they were worried I'd stray too far from how they raised me if I wasn't thrown into Jewish life on campus," I explained. 

"Listen, I'm going to meet some friends. Wanna come?" Jenna asked. 

"I look a mess," I mumbled. 

"I think you look cute. Not many things hotter than a dirty girl," Jenna winked. 

"I, um, I," I stammered. 

"I'm just kidding. Why don't you shower, and then we can head over to my friend's house?" Jenna stated. 

I quickly showered, applied some simple makeup, and threw on a fresh pair of shorts and a cute shirt. Looking in the mirror, I was happy with what I saw reflected back at me. 

When I returned to my room, Jenna was dancing to music, wearing tiny cut off jean shorts and a red tube top. She looked carefree, not a worry in the world as she grooved to the music. The way she moved it was clear how comfortable she felt in her body. She seemed so different from the girls I grew up with. She was a breath of fresh air. I hoped her friends had that same energy. 

She caught me staring at her and smiled at me. 

"Ready?" She asked while taking my hand. 

That was the first night of many where Jenna and I hung out until all hours of the night getting to know each other better. While I made my own group of friends, I always looked forward to returning to my room to spend time with Jenna. 

When Jenna wasn't studying or hanging out with friends, she was always off with some guy. I couldn't believe how big of a slut she was. She would openly flaunt how much she loved hooking up. 

Here I was, a virgin, only having dated one boy all throughout high school, living with the embodiment of sex. Jenna and I were a contrast in life. Yet the more I hung around her, the more I became in touch with my own sexual desires. 

One October day, I woke up insatiably horny. With Jenna around, it seemed like I would never get any relief. I finally decided to go for a run, knowing that when I got back, Jenna would be in class. I hoped that, in the meantime, I would be able to run out some of my sexual energy. 

It was a late October heat wave, and with each step, I could feel the sweat trickling down my back, soaking into my sports bra and shorts. The air was heavy and humid, making me breathe harder and sweat more than normal. 

The harder I pushed myself, the more my clothes clung to my body. My sports bra felt like a second skin plastered to my chest. With each step, the bra rubbed against my nipples, making them uncomfortably hard. 

By mile six, my shorts had road up into all the wrong places. I didn't like to run with underwear, as it often caused chafing. Yet today, I wish I had, as I was certain I had a pronounced camel-toe. A wave of embarrassment shot through me, causing me to quicken my pace eager to escape the gaze of onlookers. 

As I entered my room, slamming the door, I looked at myself in the mirror. My once tight pony now hung around my bright red face in a tangled mess. It wasn't uncommon for heat to bring out my needs, and there was something about me looking flush that made me even more turned on. 

I ran my hands over my damp clothes, teasing my hard nipples through my sports bra.

Jenna wouldn't be returning from class for at least an hour. That meant I would have plenty of time to get off before she returned. 

I ripped off my damp clothes and lay on my bed. My long nails trailed along my clavicle before slithering down to my overheated chest. I cupped my breasts, feeling their heft in my hands. My palms pressed into my sensitive nipples, making me moan loudly. 

Teasing my nipples was how I always loved starting my masturbation sessions. Before college, I rarely masturbated, yet being around Jenna had left me in a constant state of arousal. I couldn't quite place why. Maybe it was her sharing details about her sexual conquests, or maybe it was just her general being, but either way, since moving into the dorms, I needed to cum at least once a day. 

Sweat dripped down my tits as I caressed the skin around them. The longer I teased myself, the wetter my pussy got. 

I pinched my nipples hard, twisting them lightly between my middle and index fingers. 

"More," I purred. 

My other hand slid down my slick torso and over my toned thighs. I spread my legs, inviting my hands to explore their desired target. Exploring the tender skin around my vulva made my labia more inflamed with every passing second. 

I spread my lips open while sliding a finger between them. I ran my finger up and down my slit, making my hips buck wild. 

My cunt screamed at me to make it cum. I buried one finger and then another deep into my pussy. Slowly, I developed a rhythm, my hips meeting my fingers as they thrust into me. 

I circled my clit with my other hand, bringing me closer to orgasm. I did my best to conceal my moans, but I was sure any passerby could hear me. I wriggled around my bed, my body consumed with lust, as I fucked myself with abandon. 

Finally, a wave of pleasure shot through me. My orgasm erupted out of me, making my body shake uncontrollably. After a few minutes, my body calmed down, and I opened my eyes. 

What I saw shocked the hell out of me. There was Jenna standing against the door, with one hand down her shorts and the other caressing her tits over her shirt. 

She looked at me and licked her lips as she continued to fuck herself. I couldn't believe what was happening. How long had she been there? Why wasn't she in class? 

I couldn't believe that my roommate watched me masturbate and was playing with herself while doing it. I felt violated, yet surprisingly turned on. 

Jenna's eyes locked with mine. I knew I should turn away, but I felt powerless to stop myself from watching her get off. 

She slid her shorts down her legs, her eyes never leaving mine. Her bare pussy was now in clear view. 

Jenna rubbed her clit furiously while licking her lips. Despite having just cum, I was more turned on than I had ever been in my life. 

I followed Jenna's lead and rubbed my clit frantically. There was no time for teasing. 

The two of us fucked our pussies, as the sound of our wet juices sloshing filled the room. It was too much. 

"Come with me, Jenna," I begged, shocking even myself. 

Moments later, the two of us moaned loudly as our orgasms overtook us. 

Once she caught her breath, Jenna made her way over to my bed. 

"Well, that was unexpected. Sorry, I couldn't help it when I saw you playing with yourself," Jenna explained. 

"I thought you were supposed to be in class," I exclaimed. 

"My teacher emailed us at the last minute and said she was sick, so I came back here to take a nap. I didn't expect you to be fucking yourself," Jenna laughed. 

I didn't know what to say. I had never done anything like that before, and with another girl, no less. Jenna could sense my unease.

"That was a lot of fun. I know it was probably a lot for you, but I hope you don't regret it. I know I don't. We are both young and sex is natural. We should be allowed to enjoy it without any guilt. Besides, you are so sexy. I have wanted to do that since I first met you," Jenna said. 

I sat there silently. 

"Next time, feel free to use my toy, though. It is so much better than your fingers. It is in my pants drawer," Jenna continued. 

Jenna leaned over and pecked me on the lips. Her lips were soft, softer than any boy I had ever kissed. 

"I'm going to go take that nap," Jenna told me as she exited my bed. 

"Um, okay. I guess I should go shower and then head to class," I muttered. 

I walked down the hall in a daze. I turned on the shower and let the hot water cascade down my body, hoping it would awaken me from my malaise. Yet the longer I stood under the stream of water, the more stunned I felt. I couldn't believe that I let things get so out of control. 

"What was Jenna thinking? How dare she masturbate looking at me?" I whispered, trying to be angry with her.

But the truth was I was glad it happened. I liked knowing that she thought I was sexy enough to get off to. 

I frantically washed my body, as if I was trying to wash away the sin that was all over me. As I slipped my hand between my legs, I was shocked to feel how wet I was. The stickiness of my juices coated my fingers, a clear indication it wasn't water that I was feeling. 

Images of Jenna's smooth pussy and pouty red lips flooded my mind. I tried my best to silence the shouting voices in my head. I am a good Jewish girl, I reminded myself. Good Jewish girls don't masturbate thinking about their roommate. Hell, we aren't supposed to be masturbating at all, according to my teachers and my mom. Yet, every ounce of my being screamed at me to get off once again. 

I ran my sticky fingers over my lips, remembering the feeling of Jenna's mouth on mine. I had never kissed a girl before, and I had to admit I liked it and wanted to kiss her again. 

"Fuck it," I muttered under my breath. 

Running my hands over my slick, wet body, I imagined it was Jenna's hands touching me, not mine. My nipples burned with desire as I circled the edges of my breasts. 

I loved the feeling of my wet skin. The wetness added to the sensuality of everything, making the whole moment feel more primal in nature. I cupped my tits, letting the water that dripped off them run down the back of my hands. 

What would it be like to have Jenna's tiny hands caress my tits, I pondered. Moshe, my high school boyfriend, loved pawing at my chest, but never made them feel as good as I did. I was certain Jenna would know how to make my tits ignite with pleasure. 

I took my time exploring every inch of my torso before finally bringing my hand back between my legs. 

"Jenna!" I yelped as my fingers once again grazed my engorged clit.

I dipped two fingers into my tight canal. My pussy contracted around my fingers, pulling them in deeper. The pulsing of my inner muscles sent shivers throughout my body, the longer I fucked myself.  

Pressing my palm against my clit, I repeatedly plunged my digits into me. My body was overheating the closer I was getting to cumming. I needed relief, and I needed it now. 

I desperately rubbed my stiff button, hoping for some sort of release. Finally, I came as I pictured kissing Jenna once again. 

My legs buckled out from under me, bringing me down to the shower floor, my orgasm racking through me. 

I carefully stood up, rushed out of the shower, and got dressed. Returning to the room, I saw Jenna passed out in her bed. I silently grabbed my backpack and headed to class. 

Over the next couple of weeks, I could barely look Jenna in the eyes. I felt uneasy around her. I wondered how we could ever go back to normal now that I craved her body. 

"I could tell you have been avoiding me?" Jenna said one day as we were getting ready for bed. 

"I don't know what to say," I replied. 

"Let me talk. Just listen," Jenna suggested. 

Looking down at my pillow, I breathed, "Okay."

"You are a really special girl. You are still discovering yourself and your place in this world. You don't fully know who you are, and that is okay. You aren't like me. I'm a deviant. I own that. I discovered sex, and I couldn't get enough of it. It means that I don't always think of the consequences and that I let my body lead the way. 

"But," I tried interjecting. 

"Shhhh. Please let me continue. That's what happened a few weeks ago. When I came into the room and saw you masturbating, I should have just left or at least said something to let you know I was there. But watching you was such a turn-on. I've had a crush on you since that first night I met you. That doesn't excuse anything, though. I took advantage of your innocence and that was wrong of me. I am sorry," Jenna asserted, tears streaming down her cheeks. 

I was stunned. I never imagined Jenna feeling bad about what happened. Yet here she was, pouring her heart out to me and apologizing. I reached out to her, pulling her in for a hug. I wanted to let her know that it was okay, that I still wanted her in my life. 

The two of us, weepy-eyed, held each other close. My heart quickened as the two of us clutched each other's backs. The longer we clung to one another, the more it sunk in that Jenna admitted to having a crush on me. 

Heat shot up to my face and then down to my crotch. I found myself increasingly aroused and more and more aware of the tight, toned body leaning against me. 

As we pulled away, I stared into Jenna's eyes. Her deep blue eyes looked back at me, a sly smile splattered across her face. 

Without thinking, I leaned in and kissed her. Jenna pulled back, shocked by my action. I momentarily worried that I made a mistake and almost ran out of the room. Jenna grabbed my hand, yanking me back onto the bed, as she returned my kiss. 

The kiss was gentle. This wasn't a kiss of lust, but a small kiss of affection. It was our way of letting the other know that everything was okay and that our feelings were reciprocated. 

"Would it be okay if you slept in my bed tonight?" I asked. 

"Are you sure? I don't want to mess things up between us," Jenna shared. 

"Please," I simply replied. 

That night, the two of us lay in bed, holding each other tight, as we slept peacefully together. 

Over the next few months, Jenna and I would often share a bed and an occasional kiss, but things never progressed beyond that.

It was our little secret. Jenna was something I kept to myself, and for the moment, the two of us were okay with that. 

Our budding romance didn't stop Jenna from going out and hooking up with guys. At times I was jealous, but surprisingly more often than not, I found myself aroused by the idea of her fucking someone. While touching myself, I often pictured what she looked like when she was riding by some guy. 

I found myself asking detailed questions about what her sex life was like and what she liked the guys to do to her. Jenna indulged my curiosity. I think she enjoyed feeling like she was expanding my world and I was a willing student. 

As the fall semester started to wind down, Jenna and I both needed to let loose. We both worked hard at school and all the hours in the library were taking their toll. 

While I went to my share of parties, I purposefully stayed away from frat houses. The whole scene nauseated me. Tonight, though, I promised Jenna I would go with her to one of the frats she often frequented. 

I put on a tight pair of black jeans and a cute cropped tee. While it wasn't the sexiest look in the world, I thought I looked hot. 

"Oh, sweetie, you can't wear that. Here, let me get you dressed. Take that off," Jenna insisted. 

I was slightly hurt that Jenna didn't like my outfit, but went along with Jenna's request. For the next several minutes, I sat there in just a thong and my bra while Jenna rummaged through her wardrobe looking for something to put me in. I was suddenly Jenna's Barbie doll, waiting to be dressed up. 

"Put this on," she said, with a glint in her eyes. 

The look on her face told me I was in trouble. Glancing at my bed, I saw a few scraps of fabric, and I knew that she meant business. 

With a deep breath, I slipped the denim skirt over my muscular thighs. The hem was positively indecent. I turned to the mirror, tugging on the skirt, hoping to cover up a bit more. 

Jenna slapped my hands away, "Stop that. You have killer legs. Tonight, you are going to show them off. Now put this on," Jenna exclaimed, passing me the top. 


I fumbled around, trying to figure out how to put her shirt on. I was so embarrassed that I couldn't figure this thing out. 

"Help!" I finally shouted. 

"Give me that," Jenna laughed, pulling the shirt from my hands. 

Jenna slipped the top over my head, adjusting the cowl neck so that it laid just right. The neckline plunged deeper than anything I had ever worn before, leaving me feeling extremely exposed. 

I looked at Jenna, hoping for some assurance that I looked okay. 

With a huge grin plastered across her face, Jenna told me, "You look so sexy."

Jenna reached into her closet and handed me a pair of thigh-high black leather boots. 

"Here. These should complete the look," Jenna instructed. 

I sat on my bed, causing the skirt to ride up and expose my thong. 

"I'm going to need to be careful in this thing," I thought to myself. 

"Let me help you with those," Jenna said, taking the boots from my hands. 

Jenna gently secured the boots to my legs, taking her time to make sure the long boots lay just right. 

"I like your thong," Jenna smiled before standing up. 

I smiled back at her, unsure how to respond. 

Jenna took my hand and led me to the mirror. 

"Look deeply in the mirror and tell me what you see," Jenna said. 

"I see very little clothes," I joked. 

"No. No. Really tell me what you see," she pushed. 

I took a deep breath and gazed in the mirror. 

"I see a girl who wants to explore the world but is very worried what will happen when she does," I admitted. 

"You have nothing to worry about. I won't let anything happen to you," Jenna gushed. 

She wasn't lying. I knew I could trust her. I looked in the mirror again. I felt like sex personified. It was empowering. Yet, I still felt uneasy. I started trembling, worried about what people may think when they saw me. 

"You okay? You're shaking, Steph," Jenna said, approaching me from behind. 

Wrapping her arms around my bare torso, Jenna pulled me close. 

"I guess I'm just not used to feeling like this. I feel sexy, hot even. It feels so foreign," I explained. 

"You can change," Jenna started to say before I cut her off. 

"No, no. I liked it. It just... I like it when you look at me the way you are, and it makes me a bit nervous to think other people may lust after me, too," I explained. 

"Oh, plenty of people are going to be checking you out! But don't forget you are mine!" Jenna exclaimed.

As we approached the frat house, I could feel the bass thumping. I took one last deep breath, grabbed Jenna's hand, and pulled her with me. 

The house was packed. From the moment we walked inside, we were assaulted by the overwhelming presence of bodies. We squeezed through the throngs of people, making our way down to the basement. 

The air was thick, in the barely lit room. The boys did their best to make the place feel like a club. On one end of the room, there was a makeshift bar, and there were enough strobe lights in the room to induce a seizure. 

The whole place was overwhelming. The basement stank of beer, perfume, and sweat. Every inch of the place was full of young co-eds trying to get laid. My body yelled at me to run, but one look at Jenna made me realize how badly I needed to dance with her and feel her body against mine.  

"Fuck it. Let's get drunk," I yelled over the impossibly loud music. 

"That's the attitude!" Jenna screamed back. 

We grabbed a couple of red solo cups full of beer and quickly started drinking. 

"To a fucking wild night," Jenna cheered. 

We each downed one cup of beer before grabbing another two. 

Feeling a little buzzed, I took Jenna by the hand and led her to the middle of the room, where people were dancing. 

We swayed to the music, letting go of our inhibitions. Within minutes, sweat began dripping down our bodies in the crowded room. Despite the basement's poor ventilation, we moved our bodies with abandon, not caring how sweaty we would get. 

Jenna wrapped her arm around my bare waist, grooving her body with mine. I pressed into her, letting her take the lead. 

We were tangled limbs, dancing in unison. Our hands roamed over each other's bodies as we let the music dictate our actions. Jenna's red tube top clung to her breast, showing off her ample cleavage. I tried my best, but my eyes continued to dart to Jenna's sweat-laden tits. 

Jenna caught me looking and gave me a devilish grin. My own top had become damp from sweat, making my tits glisten in the dim light. There was something about being so sweaty from being close to Jenna that made me hornier than I had ever been before. All I wanted was to go back to my room and cum. 

I momentarily pulled back and watched Jenna dance. She looked like grace personified. Her body lightly moving on air, as if she were a fairy flying through the sky. Her chest was flush, the heat caused her skin to glisten with sweat, making her look even sexier. 

Her blonde hair stuck to her forehead. I reached for her, running my fingers through her blonde locks, clearing the hair from her face. 

Our eyes met and we just stared at each other, intensely feeling the connection between us. It was clear we both wanted to kiss each other, but we held back, for fear of being caught. 

We continued to dance and drink the night away. As we lost ourselves to the moment, I felt completely alive and free in a way I never had before.  

I held Jenna close to my barely clothed body, grinding against her, feeling her skin on mine. Jenna pushed her knee between my short skirt, grinding it into my soaked thong. I could feel an orgasm coming and knew I needed to pull away before anything happened.  

Jenna could sense what was happening and held me by my hips, making sure to keep me in place. I looked at Jenna with both fear and excitement, as I rode her thigh. Moments later, an eruption coursed through every fiber of my body. 

If it weren't for the loud music, the whole world would have heard me moaning Jenna's name. 

Jenna just smiled at me as she watched me cum on the crowded dance floor. 

Taking my hand, she said, "Let's go."

I followed her lead, bolting out the door and back to our dorm room.

"Oh my god, I'm drenched," Jenna said, pulling at her soaked top. 

"I know. It was so hot in there," I added. 

"It didn't help that you made me cum," I laughed.

"What can I say? You looked hot, and I couldn't control myself. You were wild out there. I have never seen that side of you," Jenna winked. 

"What can I say? You bring it out in me," I grinned at Jenna. 

Jenna pulled me close, our lips coming together as hours of sexual tension were released between us. Jenna cupped my ass, making me yelp in surprise. Not to be outdone, I grabbed her ass and kneaded her thong-covered butt in my palms. 

"We should go hit the shower," Jenna said, pulling away from me. 

Disappointed, I followed her to the bathroom. 

I was about to step into my own shower stall when Jenna grabbed me by my wrist.

"Come here," Jenna demanded, rushing me into her stall. 

"What are you doing? Someone will see us," I snapped. 

"It's three in the morning. Everyone is sleeping. Besides, we are just taking a shower. We can wash each other's backs," Jenna teased.

I took a deep breath and squeezed into the stall alongside her. The space barely had room for both of us, forcing our naked bodies to press together. While we had slept in the same bed together many times, I had never felt Jenna's naked flesh against mine.

The feel of Jenna's hard nipples pressing into my own sent shivers down my spine. I couldn't believe what was happening. I lost myself in the sensation. My roommate's smooth skin warmed me in ways I couldn't imagine. 

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The sudden splash of water shocked me out of my stupor. Jenna turned on the water, instantly soaking the two of us from head to toe. The warm water was refreshing, rinsing away the griminess of the frat house. 

I watched intently as the water cascaded over Jenna's sweat-covered skin. Her light blonde hair became saturated with water, causing it to darken and stick to her shoulders. Jenna's makeup ran down her face, giving her a disheveled but alluring look. 

"You are staring," Jenna laughed. 

"Sorry," I mumbled. 

"Oh, don't be. I want you to look," Jenna replied. 

Jenna squirted body wash into her palms and began scrubbing her body. She gently rubbed the lather into her wet skin. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head as she massaged the soap into her heaving tits. 

My pussy moistened from watching the show before me. Jenna's arm continuously brushed against me, almost intentionally signaling to me that she knew how hot she was making me. 

After several minutes, I shook myself out of my trance and joined her in washing off the grunginess of the frat house. I took my time caressing my sensitive skin. While I couldn't openly masturbate myself, my drunkenness did allow me to let loose a bit and enjoy the feeling of my hands on my eager body.  

I discretely rolled my nipples between my soapy fingers. I suppressed any moans that beckoned to come forth, fearing what would happen if Jenna knew just how horny I was. I worked my way over my toned abs, getting ever closer to my needy pussy. 

I glided my hands over my smooth legs, taking my time to lather them up. Pushing my ass back, I could feel Jenna caressing her body with her own busy hands. 

My body was screaming for her touch. "Please, Jenna. Take me," I begged in my mind. 

All I wanted was for her to get on her knees and go down on me. Instead, I was welcome to a hard slap on my ass. 

"Jenna!" I yelp. 

She slapped my ass again. 

"Ugh," I quietly moaned. 

"Someone was a bad girl tonight, and I loved it," Jenna said, smiling at me. 

"If you keep smacking my ass, I may continue to be one," I shot back at her. 

"I'm going to wash your back now," Jenna asserted. 

She didn't ask. She just stated that she was going to wash me. I nervously stood back up and let Jenna scrub my back. 

Her hands felt like heaven. Despite her simply washing me, there was something seductive about the way she touched me. Jenna slithered her hands over my wet skin, making their way from the nave of my neck down to the top of my ass. 

Jenna's warm breath contrasted with the cooling water, giving me goosebumps. 

"That feels amazing," I groaned. 

"It's your turn now," Jenna stated.  

She turned around, presenting her back to me. 

I knew it was now or never. I lathered soap in my hands and pressed them into her skin. While massaging the soap into her wet body, I pushed my breast in her back, allowing her to feel their heft. I rubbed my breasts up and down her back, washing her with my body. 

Jenna looked back at me shocked, but smiled at me, letting me know I should continue. 

I knew I would normally never do such a thing, but in my drunken state I let my body take over. My nipples scraped along Jenna's back, my hands following along with my breasts. 

The two of us were both breathing heavily, our shallow breaths echoing in the confined space. All I wanted to do in that moment was to turn her around and kiss her. I knew if either of us made that move, it would be over. The two of us would end up having sex right then and there. 

Jenna began to turn around and make the move that I couldn't. Suddenly, I panicked. 

"I guess we should rinse off," I shouted. 

Quickly rinsing the soap off of me, I grabbed a towel and jumped out of the shower stall. 

Even with my back towards her, I could feel Jenna's disappointment. 

Our room was full of tension, when we returned. We both knew what the other wanted, but I was too afraid to admit it. I felt ashamed. 

I slipped under the covers, still wet, and whispered, "Good night." 

"Good night. I had the best time with you tonight," Jenna admitted. 

Flummoxed, I lay there quietly until sleep came for me. 

I woke up around noon to the sound of Jenna returning from the gym. There she was in a matching red gym set. The tight spandex was practically painted to her body. It was a welcome sight to wake up to. 

My overwhelming hangover, though, quickly reminded me of what transpired the night before. 

Before I could say anything, Jenna said, "Greg and I are going out tonight. Will you help me with my outfit later?"

I wanted to cry out, "no", but instead simply said, "sure."

Jenna was drenched in sweat. Her tits were glistening from the overhead light in our room, and her face was still flush from her workout. Looking at her reminded me of last night, and I wanted to scream out and tell her how much it meant to me, to tell her how much she meant to me. 

Instead, I got up threw on some clothes and left the room. 

"Be back by four," Jenna shouted down the hallway. 

I was an anxious mess the rest of the day. I couldn't believe Jenna was going out with Greg tonight after everything that happened with us last night. I couldn't believe how cruel she was being. 

Perhaps she felt spurred by my lack of follow-through. I was awash with emotions when I finally returned to the room at four. 

"Good, you're here!" Jenna shouted. 

Jenna was sitting on her bed, clad only in one of her tiny towels. Her hair and skin were still damp from the shower. The angelic glow around her contrasted starkly from the words that emanated from her lips. 

"God, I can't wait to get fucked tonight. Help me pick out my clothes," Jenna said. 

Outfit after outfit showed off Jenna's young, fit body. I couldn't believe that after last night, Jenna would subject me to this, yet here I was, a willing participant in helping her get laid. 

"I really like the sheer top. It shows off your cleavage, and those boots show off your killer legs," I remarked. 

"You don't think I should go with the sundress?" Jenna pushed back.

"Trust me, no one could resist you in that outfit," I beamed. 

And I meant it. I longed for her as she strolled around our room in her barely there clothing. 

Jenna put the finishing touches to her outfit and makeup, and out the door she went. 

"Don't wait up for me," she winked. 

As the door closed, Jenna stuck her head in one last time and said something that took me completely off guard. 

"Feel free to use my vibrator. I shouldn't be the only one getting fucked tonight. Think of me! I know I will be thinking of you," She teased before blowing me a kiss and sauntering off down the hall. 

I couldn't help but giggle at her audacity. Well, at least she will be thinking of me for whatever consolation that provided.  

The rest of the evening I studied and watched TV. As the clock struck midnight, my body screamed at me to go to bed. Yet, as I lay there, sleep never came. I tossed and turned, unable to get Jenna's words out of my head. The idea that she was out there fucking some guy, moaning his name, all the while fantasizing about me, made my panties soaked with desire. I ripped off my pajama pants and my underwear, along with them, before spreading my legs. 

Sliding my middle finger between my pussy lips, I was shocked to discover just how wet I was. 

"Jenna," I whispered. 

The thought of masturbating and thinking about my roommate both excited and terrified me. All of these feelings were new, and I didn't know what to make of them. I moved my finger up and down my wet folds as my other hand cupped my tits. 

With every bump of my clit, electricity shot through my young body. I gingerly circled my clit, causing my pussy to quiver. The longer I teased myself, the hotter my body got. Sweat formed on my brow, a clear indicator to me just how aroused I was. I was getting close to cumming, but I could sense that something was missing. 

It was then that I remembered Jenna's offer. I got up from my bed and nervously opened up my roommate's drawer, searching for her vibrator. After a few minutes, I finally found it lying on top of some sort of latex catsuit. 

The latex piqued my interest, and I couldn't wait to ask Jenna about it. I grabbed Jenna's pink, phallic-shaped device and went back to bed.  

I brought the toy dick to my mouth and licked the shaft, preparing it for my begging cunt. With a loud plop, I pulled the cock out of my mouth and slowly inserted into my wanton pussy. 

"Oh my god!" I moaned as the toy filled me up. 

I pressed a button on the back of the toy, causing the vibrator to come to life. A loud, sloshing noise filled the room as I thrust the vibrating toy in and out of me. 

Flashes of Jenna in her thigh-high boots and stockings, her tits spilling out of her sheer top, filled my mind. All I wanted at that moment was to kiss her black lipstick covered mouth. To feel her tongue massaging mine as her lipstick smeared onto my lips. I wanted, no needed, to be hers. 

"Yes, Jenna, make me cum," I uttered over and over again. 

I pinched and pulled at my taut nipples, imagining it was Jenna's teeth nibbling at them. It was all getting to be too much. 

Suddenly, jolts of unadulterated pleasure exploded out of every pore of me. My body spasmed uncontrollably for several minutes before I momentarily blacked out. When I came to, my body was drenched in sweat. The experience was almost too much for me. 

I pulled Jenna's toy from my pussy and licked my juices clean off it. While I had licked my fingers clean before, there was something extremely erotic about licking my cream off of Jenna's vibrator. Without much thought, I rolled over and went back to sleep. 

"It looks like someone had some fun," I heard Jenna say as she woke me up early the next morning. 

I blushed wildly as I realized that I was still half naked, and that her toy was lying beside me. 

"Sorry. You said I could…" I mumbled before being cut off. 

"I'm just giving you a hard time. I'm glad you used my toy," Jenna said as she sat down next to me. 

My heart was beating out of my chest as I tried my best to seem calm. Yet, I was anything but calm. I was laying there half naked, my blanket on the floor, while my roommate, my crush, sat beside me, looking like she got the fucking of a lifetime. 

"Well, it looks like you had some fun, too," I said, hoping to take some of the attention off of my nudity. 

"Greg was okay. I had to do most of the work if you know what I mean," Jenna winked. 

"Um, yeah," I simply replied. 

I didn't fully understand what Jenna meant, but I was hesitant to demonstrate my naivety.

Jenna stood up and started to undress. While we had just showered together the other night, the fact that I had just masturbated with her toy not hours before changed how I saw her naked body.  

Our eyes fleetingly met as Jenna flashed me a smile, making my whole body blush from embarrassment. 

"Mind if I lay down with you for a while? We both have a few more hours until class and I'm beat," Jenna asked. 

Before I could answer, Jenna grabbed my blanket off the floor and laid beside me. I was torn. My jealousy demanded I be angry, yet all I wanted was to be close to her. 

As we lay together, Jenna's naked body pressed against mine. I held my breath, afraid that if I moved an inch, this dream would end. 

Jenna had no such worries. She reached for her toy and brought it to her face. With a deep sniff, she took in my scent before taking the length of her vibrator into her mouth, licking off any remnants of my juices she could find. 

"Jenna!" I shrieked. 

I was taken aback by her brazenness, but I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Her slick tongue trailed over the veiny surface of the toy. 

"Wow. You taste good," Jenna winked. 

I lay there dumbfounded, unable to speak. 

"Well, good night," she said, while draping my arm around her torso. 

For the next several hours, I held Jenna close. Her body was warm and welcoming, but I dared not move my arm from where she had placed it. 

I felt trapped. My body and mind yearned to explore my desires, yet I feared what would happen if I did. This was all so new to me, and I felt powerless to stop Jenna's slow seduction. 

We both wanted this. I knew that, but I still couldn't get over my worries about how the community would see me in a relationship with another girl. 

As the clock hit 11, Jenna began to stir. 

"Hmm, I slept longer than I had expected. I guess all that fucking really took it out of me," she giggled. 

She turned towards me, our eyes locked, as our breasts pressed together. 

"You sleep, okay?" She asked. 

"Yeah. I've never slept with a naked person before," I admitted. 

"All you had to do was ask," Jenna teased. 

She slinked out of bed, her body on display for my pleasure. 

"I need to get ready for class. We should hang out tonight. I'll pick us up something to drink," Jenna said before heading to the bathroom. 

I hastily got dressed and bolted out of the room before Jenna could return. 

My mind was swirling. Every fiber of my being was on fire. Being naked for so long next to Jenna left me in a constant state of arousal, yet I had no time to get off again. 

Despite everything that happened this morning, I still had a lot to do today. I tried my best to refocus my attention but struggled through every minute of my studies. All I could think of was the smoothness of Jenna's skin, and what it would be like to run my hands across her figure. I pictured her smooth, wet body in the shower, making me yearn to touch her again. 

As day became night, I returned to the dorm. Entering our room, I was shocked by what I saw. There was Jenna, her makeup all done, dressed in a black leather mini skirt, a sheer black top and a black bra, sitting on a blanket that was strewn out on the floor. She was surrounded by candles, and an assortment of food. 

"Finally! I never thought you would come back," Jenna shouted. 

"What is going on?" I wondered. 

"I made us a picnic," Jenna explained. 

"It looks like a very romantic picnic," I pointed out. 

"Only the best for you," Jenna retorted. 

I reddened, uncertain how to respond. I couldn't believe this was finally happening. 

"Go change. I want you to look hot for our date," Jenna said. 

Date. That word repeated over and over in my head. I grabbed a shirt and skirt from my closet, along with my makeup bag, and made my way to the bathroom. 

I showered, making sure to spend extra time shaving off all my body hair. While I normally kept a patch of hair above my vulva, seeing Jenna's bare pussy in the shower enticed me to try something new. 

"I hope she likes it," I whispered to myself. 

Even as I said it, I couldn't believe that I was hoping Jenna would see my pussy again tonight. I never even let Moshe get that far, and we had dated for three years. 

I quickly dried off. Looking at myself in the mirror, I was happy with what I saw reflected back at me. While so many of my friends had put on the traditional freshman fifteen, I had done the opposite. I had lost about ten pounds since starting college and worked hard in the gym. All that work was paying off. 

I slipped on my maroon mini skirt, and pulled my tight white shirt over my head. I put on some simple make up that brought out my baby-blue eyes, and highlighted the freckles on my nose. With a touch of lip-gloss, I was ready to return to my room. 

I stood at the door, and took a deep breath, before entering. 

"Wow," Jenna uttered. 

I loved knowing that she liked what she saw. She reached out her hand and pulled me down to the blanket next to her. 

"You look beautiful," she remarked. 

"Thanks," I beamed. 

"Here you go. I picked us up some rosé. I hope you like it," Jenna said. 

I took the glass from Jenna, our hands touching for longer than was needed. I loved the feeling of her smooth skin on mine. 

"To become better friends and roommates," I cheered. 

"And more," Jenna added. 

My heart fluttered at her comment. She wasn't beating around the bush. Jenna wanted to take things to a whole other level. 

"I've never dated a girl. Hell, I only dated Moshe, and we never even had sex," I blurted out. 

I was nervous. I didn't know what Jenna was expecting from tonight. I mean, I was so hurt by her going off with Greg last night and then what happened this morning. I was confused. 

"I'm sorry," Jenna said, taking my hands in hers. 

"Why?" I asked. 

"When you ran out of the shower the other night, I felt really rejected. I know that wasn't why you did it, but when the opportunity presented itself to make you jealous, I took it. It was petty. I'm sorry," Jenna apologized. 

"I get it. I freaked out the other night. This is all so crazy. We have been kissing and flirting, and this is all so foreign to me. We're so different, but being around you makes me smile," I admitted. 

Jenna leaned forward and kissed me. Her lips tasted like the rosé we were drinking. I didn't initially kiss her back, but as my nerves melt away, I pressed my lips into hers. After a few minutes of nibbling at each other, Jenna ran her tongue over my lips before slipping it into my mouth. Her hot, wet tongue massaged mine, as our bodies pressed together. 

I welcomed Jenna's advances and let my body melt into her. 

Jenna hands roamed my body and mine hers. Her tender touch caused goosebumps to form across my skin. I yearned for her and couldn't get enough of her touch. 

Months of tension and little kisses led us to this place. There was no more room for sweet kisses. All that sexual build up left my body begging for Jenna's attention. 

Jenna kissed down my neck, nibbling at it, leaving wet kisses. I giggled like a little school girl, as she made her way around my neckline. My heart was pounding out of my chest. This was real. We were really hooking up. I wanted her to know I wanted this as much as she did. 

"Let me," I said as I lifted up my arms and removed my shirt. 

I reached around my back and unhooked my bra, letting my tits free from their confinement. The cool air caused my nipples to harden on contact. 

Jenna looked at me like a wolf who was ready to pounce on their prey and I loved it. The lust in her eyes was palpable and it was empowering knowing I had that effect of her. 

"Kiss them," I begged. 

Jenna didn't hesitate for a moment. Her warm, wet lips engulfed my taut nipples as she twirled her tongue around them. With gentle bites, she nibbled at my nipples while running her long fingers around the outline of my breasts. 

"I had no idea," I moaned. 

Jenna had me wrapped around her fingers. While I had been the one to offer myself to her, I had no idea how good she would make me feel. 

I ran my hands over her sheer top, fumbling with the material. Reaching for the hem, I did my best to pull it over her head while trying not to interrupt her activities. 

"I'll help," Jenna said, smiling at me. 

With one swift motion, she pull off her shirt and bra, leaving her half naked before me. I reached out and cupped her breasts. With a deep sigh, I caress her tits, enjoying the feeling of another woman's boobs for the first time. I was amazed by how different her breasts felt in my hands compared to my own. Jenna's body responded so differently than my own, and I took note of every moan that escaped her lips. 

"Right there," Jenna groaned as I ran my nail around the underside of her boobs. 

Hearing her say that was just the incentive I needed to take the next step. I leaned forward and began exploring Jenna's tits with my mouth. 

I took my time tracing every inch of her breasts with my lips and tongue. While I didn't know what I was doing, I copied whatever Jenna had done to me minutes before. 

"Fuck, I need you," Jenna muttered. 

Taking my hand, Jenna led me to her bed and laid on top of me. Her lips met mine as her thigh pressed into my drenched, thong-covered pussy, and mine into hers. Jenna's wetness coated my bare thigh, letting me know how much she wanted me. 

As we made out, the urgency of our kisses became more frantic. Our bodies began to move as one, fucking each other with abandon. My hands clasped at her body, trying to take in as much of her as I could. Her smooth skin was such a stark contrast from any guy I had ever hooked up with, and I couldn't get enough. 

"God, I am so wet. I need to go down on you," Jenna announced. 

Jenna ripped off my skirt and thong before laying between my legs. My face reddened, knowing Jenna was staring at my flowering labia. I had never felt so turned on before, and I couldn't imagine how wet my pussy looked. I felt embarrassed by my excitement. 

Yet, moments later, that embarrassment all but melted away. All I could think about was the pleasure I was receiving as Jenna slowly trailed her tongue up my thighs. With each kiss, Jenna moved ever closer to my pussy. My hips bucked, moving as if they had a mind of their own. 

Jenna kissed around my labia, her nose nuzzling against my clit, before she took one long lick from bottom to top, sucking in as much of my pussy juices as she could. 

"Jenna," I yell, completely unable to control myself. 

She licked up and down my wet slit, lapping at my creamy cunt. I grasped my chest, pressing my palms into my hard nipples as I enjoyed her tongue lashing. 

"Oh, God. That feels so good. Don't stop," I begged. 

Jenna smiled at me before returning to my needy pussy. Sucking my clit between her lips, Jenna proceeded to circle my button with the broadside of her tongue. 

My body was wracked with pleasure. I gyrated uncontrollably. I had never felt this kind of pleasure before, and I didn't want it to end. 

Jenna held me by my hips, keeping me in place so she could continue her assault. My body was covered in a sheen of sweat as my orgasm finally ripped through me. 

"Yes. Oh, yes. Jenna. Fuck," I mumbled, barely comprehensible. 

As my body relaxed, Jenna looked up at me from between my legs. Her face shone in the light, drenched in my juices. I reached out to her and pulled her up to me. 

We kissed passionately, letting each other know how much that meant to one another. No words could have described how I felt in that moment. I poured every ounce of caring and lust into that kiss, making sure Jenna knew how amazing I felt. 

Tasting my juices on Jenna's lips made me yearn to taste her juices. 

"I want to go down on you," I stated. 

"You don't have to," Jenna said. 

Without responding, I flip her over, putting her on her back. I caught a small grin on Jenna's face. She could tell she was rubbing off on me and she liked it. 

I liked it too. Jenna's awoke a side of myself I had long hid and I wasn't going to ignore it anymore. 

Following Jenna's example, I grazed her thighs with my tongue, planting small kisses as I made my way to my destination. The closer I got to Jenna's pussy, my nose became filled with the sweet scent of her arousal. The smell of her juices was overwhelming, making my mouth water. I needed to taste her. 

While I had planned to tease her, I couldn't stop myself from diving tongue first into her wet snatch. Licking up and down, I savored every drop of her cream that I could taste. After several minutes of lapping at her pussy, I circled her engorged clit with my tongue, making her hips buck toward my face. 

Taking this as a sign to continue what I was doing, I scraped my tongue over her clit slowly. Over and over, I ran my tongue on her clit, making her moan in delight. 

"Just like that. Put a finger in me," Jenna encouraged me. 

Doing like she instructed, I slipped a finger inside her while continuing to lap at her clit. Jenna's pussy clenched my finger with every thrust. Her wet walls squeezed my digit as I thrust it in and out of her.

Months of pent-up desire emanated out of me, causing me to fuck Jenna with abandon. While I am sure my technique was poor, my desire to get Jenna off seemed to make up for not knowing what I was doing. 

"Oh, I'm cumming," Jenna moaned minutes later. 

A spray of juices coated my tongue and lips as I continued to fuck Jenna through her orgasm. 

"Sorry, that was quite the gusher," Jenna giggled. 

"Oh, that was amazing. I can't believe how good you taste," I said

"Come here," Jenna purred. 

The two of us lay there for the rest of the night, holding each other and making out. 

"I have wanted that for a long time," I admitted. 

"That makes two of us," Jenna laughed. 

"I know we have a lot to talk about, but I want you to know how much this meant to me and how much you mean to me. If you are willing, I would love to be your girlfriend," I oozed. 

Jenna kissed me sweetly before replying, "Being your girlfriend would mean the world to me."

While we still had a lot to figure out, I lay there that night, holding my girlfriend, happier than ever. 

Written by Grenefire
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