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Personal Assistant

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Personal Assistant. Is that even a real job? I click on the ad just for fun. To my surprise there is a lengthy and professionally written description.

Hours: Monday through Friday, weekend overtime available.
Compensation: $15 per hour and up.
Duties: house cleaning, errands, pet sitting, paperwork

Hmmm. It seems too good to be true. The ad has been posted for two weeks. It says to text the number provided to set up a phone interview.

Text Corinne. 

I dial the number into my phone and click "new message."

Hi Corinne, my name is Laken. I'm interested in learning more about the personal assistant job you posted. Is it still available?

I'm sure that this job is taken, or that whoever Corinne is must be weird. Or an uptight bitch. Would she even hire me with my tattoos?

I get up from my computer to go make some lunch. The sun is shining outside of the kitchen window and I start to get lost in my thoughts when I hear my phone vibrate. New text message. 

Hello Laken. Yes, the position is still open, although I may take on more interviews. It will be first come, first serve. Can I call you this afternoon at three for a short phone interview?

I look at the clock to check the time. It's only one. I don't have a job, so it's not like I'm doing anything in two hours. I text back,

Sure, that would be great. Talk to you at three.

I decide to brush my teeth for the first time of the day. I'd love to take a nap but don't trust myself to wake up. So I put a pot of water on the stove to boil for some tea and try not to be nervous. I want to be focused and don't want to have these two hours to be anxious and overthinking. I could go work in the garden... but then I'll be hot and breathing heavy. And I've already folded my laundry. No dishes to do since Brooks moved out.

My mind flicks to the place that it flicks to when I have nothing better to do: my dresser drawer. There lies my beloved wand. I fetch it from within my underwear and grab my laptop and nestle into the bed. Seems like a good way to pass time - distracted - and end in a good mood. 

I take my time and watch a few videos before I really let myself zone out. During video number one, I keep my panties on. About halfway through the second video I can feel the moisture through them. Once I've finished the third video I go ahead and pull them down to rest around my ankles. I bring my knees up to open my legs some and drag the wand up and down a bit. I don't turn it on yet. I feel a little tickle on my butt cheek and realize I've started dripping. I decide to replay the last video but this time I plug in my headphones and close my eyes. I listen to a girl moaning and turn on the wand. I climax with the video girl.

As much as I really want to nap now, I know better. I make myself get up and wash off the wand. I killed about an hour and still have one to wait for my interview phone call. I clean up a bit and put on a comfortable pair of shorts and a soft t-shirt. I put on a Pasty Cline tape and start shuffling through photos in my closet.

My tea! I forgot about my tea. I pour out the cup that I left in the kitchen which is now room temperature and boil some more water. By the time it hits three, I have a hot cup of chai to get me through the phone call. I jump a bit when the phone rings.

"Hi, Corinne," I answer.

"Hey Laken, how are you?" she says. She sounds welcoming, but still intimidating. I'm imagining a terribly rich woman. Probably blonde, with kids and a husband.

“I’m pretty good, what about yourself?”

"I could say the same. I’m glad you texted. I’ve talked to quite a few people now but really want to hire someone I get along with. I won’t keep you long - we can meet in person as soon as you’re available. I know it’s cliche, but tell me what made you interested in this job?”

"Oh gosh, well... I recently quit my job as a waitress. I’m good at customer service, but the customers can be a drag. I did make great money, but I want to do something different. That way I can find out where my real passions are.”

Corinne pauses for a moment. “Okay,” she says. “Well, serving one person versus hundreds should certainly be different. And hopefully not monotonous. When you come by I’ll tell you all the details of things I might need help with. Can you show up on Monday for an actual interview? I’ll be available at 9 A.M.”

“Yes, ma’am. That works for me.”

“Oh, good girl,” she says. “Let me send you a text with the address - it will be my house. And I do have cats, so just be aware.”

Okay, I’ll see you on Monday then.”

“Okay Laken. Call me if you get lost. Looking forward to it.”-

The weekend goes by quickly, but by Sunday night I am nervous again. Corinne sounded nice on the phone, but I can’t help but stereotype her. What kind of person has an assistant? Does she even have a real job herself? Whatever. Maybe it will go well and I can just take advantage of an easy job. 

I wake up a little bit early to give myself time to pick an outfit. I try for business casual and wear the only pencil skirt I own. Sandals with a slight heel, and I tuck in a plain v neck and throw on a cardigan. I hook in a pair of earrings and pull my hair halfway back. I pull up the sleeves on the cardigan, because it’s hot out, and decide it’s okay if my tattoos show. I spritz my face with rose water for good luck before I go. 

Corinne’s house is nothing crazy, but it’s bigger than mine and the yard is perfect. I double check myself in the mirror before I get out of the car. Oh god, I hope this isn’t too much cleavage. Chill, I tell myself. 

Sure enough, a brown tabby sits on the railing of the front porch. The porch is filled with plants and expensive patio furniture. I ring the doorbell and wait. When the door opens, it’s a tall and dark haired woman rather than a blonde one. She’s wearing a black pencil skirt as well, and a tank top with a sheer kimono draped over it. Her fingernails are painted red and her eyeliner is winged. She has snake-like green eyes, and she’s... young? I guess she didn’t sound old on the phone, but she can’t be much older than thirty. 

“Welcome,” she says. “Good choice on the skirt.”

“Thanks,” I laugh. “It’s my only one.”

"Well you won’t have to dress up so much for me, but personally I like to get dolled up every now and then. It keeps me motivated.”

I’ll have to try that. Maybe I can get some inspiration from you.”

“Certainly, honey.”

Corinne leads me to a room that sits off of her living room that is styled like an office. I sit in a chair in front of her while she sits at her desk. There are a few bookshelves around, and more plants. Another cat sleeps in the windowsill. Within five minutes, I can tell that she radiates power. Not in a bad way, just in a strong woman way. If she has a husband, she doesn’t need him. And if she does need him, she certainly rules him. 

“So,” she starts. “If you’re leaving waitressing, then what I expect of you here is going to be much more laid back. I, too, am still working on finding my passion.”

I notice her glance down at my cleavage, then she looks directly in my eyes. She looks unfazed. Of course I become nervous. I notice that she has large breasts, but they are well concealed, even in her tank top.

“Do you have an idea of what you want to do?” I ask.

“Not quite. I’ve been exploring a few options. Researching. That’s one thing I may have you do. Research topics for me to see if they’re of interest. Since my husband passed away two years ago, I’ve been managing his business. Well, owning it. I tell the managers what to do. So I just sit here. I’d like to do something I actually enjoy.”

“Yes, I understand.” 

“On the other hand, if you’re to be working from inside my house, I’d like you to help me keep the cats fed and water the plants. That’d be once a day. Most days I’ll give you something to research for me while I handle things with the business. But I’d also like to have garden days sometimes and cleaning days too.”

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“That sounds great, honestly. I feel comfortable researching.”

“Great. But what’s most important to me here is our connection. I want to make sure we are treating each other like humans, not boss and employee. I still expect you to respect me, because I pay you. But please be yourself and please do not be intimidated. If I ask you to do something, know that I appreciate it.”

“Okay, that can work.”

“Now here’s the deal, Laken. I know nothing about you other than the feeling I am getting from you in this moment. Which isn’t much, but it’s telling me to give you a chance at this job, if you want it. You seem competent.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Corinne raises her eyebrows at my response. “Laken, I strongly believe in the importance of endorphins in our brains in order to lead a healthy life. My goal is to make sure I am in touch with those happiness receptors as often as possible. I would like you to provide a service to me, and I will pay you for it. Much more than $15 per hour.”

What? I keep listening.

“This would be an extra job within the one I’m offering to you. You may turn it down and only accept the duties I have already listed. But I will tell you that it’s a service I will continue seeking. I will keep you employed with research and housework, but if I find someone who can do it all, I will have to let you go.”

“I’m sorry, Corinne. What do you mean by service?”

“I mean sex, Laken. For me. It will be one hundred percent based on your consent. But it will be for my pleasure only.”

What??? I feel my head spinning. This got weird fast. Too good to be true. But I don’t feel uncomfortable with her. And I feel a slight tingling under my skirt. “Corinne, I guess I’m just trying to process all of this. You want to pay me for sex? Like a prostitute?”

“No, like a personal assistant. You assist me in ways that are personal to me.” She raises her eyebrows again. I don’t even like women, and she’s so hot. 

“I’m still... processing. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay, take your time. I can excuse you and you can get back with me.”

“No, no. I don’t need to be excused. I want the job, for sure. The first part. Sex? Wow. You will have to let me think about that. Do I have to decide now?”

“No, honey. Like I said, the most important thing about that part of the job is your consent. I will be glad to hire you for everything else I need.”

“So when you say sex, for your pleasure only...?”

“Yes. I want you to work for me, and also to perform oral sex on me most days. Maybe once, maybe more. It depends on my mood, and also on your consent. I will not be performing oral on you. I don’t expect you to expose yourself by taking your clothes off, unless you are comfortable doing so. I would pay you more for that.”

Gosh, it doesn’t sound so bad. But I’m so not sure how I feel about this. “What about safety? Like diseases?”

“I will have you tested before I have you work for me. If you have a monogamous partner, I will pay for them to be tested as well. If you are polyamorous, I won’t take you on for that part of the job.”

She slides a piece of paper out of her desk drawer and sets it on top for me to read. It’s her lab results, reading negative all the way down. “Thank you, Corinne.”

“I know this is a lot, Laken, and not what you expected.”

Somehow she just made me feel so comfortable. Like we’d known each other for years. 

“Corinne, it’s not a no. I just... have never been with a woman. And what kind of pay are you speaking of for this kind of service?”

“From the day you start performing oral sex on me, until a day comes that you’ve decided you want to quit, I will pay you every day at $100 per hour. That’s $4,000 for every 40 hours.”

My mouth falls open. I do the math quickly, figuring what I’d make in a month. 

“I’m going to try,” I tell her. A grin spreads across her face. 

“Can you go to the lab at two?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Good girl. For a bit of orientation, may I introduce myself? Let’s do a house tour and head somewhere more private.”

I follow her through the kitchen and down a hallway, the tingling feeling starting back up.

“This is my bedroom,” she says. “I won’t normally have you in here. No one else lives in the house, so if this works out, I’m going to be making requests for just about everywhere. I am a firm believer that orgasms contribute to good health.”

“That’s a good thought,” I agree. 

“Have a seat here, at the end of the bed. I’m going to let you see me.”

I sit on a cushioned bench at the foot of her bed. The tingling gets stronger. She pulls a chair close to me and sits in front of me. She is barefoot. She pulls her feet up so that her heels rest on the edge of the chair. She’s not wearing any underwear with her skirt. I can see where her vulva begins to crease and the outer lips fall open. She has a natural bush of dark hair. She stands up to remove her tank top, revealing a lace bra and a D size bust. She slips off the skirt then sits in the chair again, drawing her legs up and spreading her knees out to show me everything. She uses both hands to pull apart her lips and show me her clitoris and all of the folds of her inner labia. Near her opening she is shiny with wetness. 

“How are you feeling so far?” Corinne asks.

“Wet,” I tell her. She laughs. 

“Well that was fast.” Her legs are still spread and she’s rubbing herself. I’m just staring. 

“Do you want to... audition today? Right now?”

“Now?” I repeat.

“Yes, Laken. Get up and go to my closet. Hit the light switch and then look to your left. You should see the shelf with all of my toys. Pick your favorite and bring it back here.”

I’m stunned but I follow directions. In the closet, there is a large collection of dildos, vibrators and other toys I don’t recognize. I choose the magic wand.

“Good choice, Laken,” she says, smiling, with her legs still open. “Now sit back down and do to me what you’d do to yourself.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Ugh, I love how you say that. So obedient. I think that we’re going to work well together.”

I dip the end of the wand at the bottom of her labia, where the wetness is. I slide it up slowly towards her clitoris and then back down and back up. I swirl it in a circle at the clit and she lifts her head back and moans. I bring the wand back down again and turn on the vibrator. I rest it lengthwise along her labia and begin to slide it up and down, then pause at the clit again. Corinne has her legs spread as far as they will go and she’s using both hands again to open herself up. She uses her pointer finger and pulls the hood back to reveal her clit, which is pointing and bulging out. I want to lick it but I know better. I rub the wand up and down just on the clit as she moans louder and louder. She uses one hand to pull a breast free of her bra and then takes my free hand and guides me to squeeze her breast. I play with her nipple between my fingers. 

I’m completely in the moment and something overcomes me - I use my left hand to keep the wand moving up and down on her pussy, and grip her titty in my right hand and then bring my face to it to suck on her nipple. I’m flicking my tongue back and forth, letting her ride the wand, and she comes. She shakes and quivers and arches her back in the chair and then relaxes. I drop my hand from her breast and look at her face. I can tell that my own cheeks are flushed and I feel the wet spot soaking through my underwear. 

She finally looks at me. “Thank you,” she says. She pulls her tit back into the bra and pulls on her skirt. Then she notices my legs aren’t crossed. 

“I can almost see in your skirt, Laken. Do you mind if I look?”

“No, ma’am.” She pushes my knees apart and peers at my underwear.

“Oh, my,” she says.

Corinne thanks me for such a great orientation. She sends me off to the lab and tells me to return in the morning at nine so that we can review the results. I have a major lady boner and I already know I'll be playing with myself again as soon as I get home. 

"Laken," she says as I'm about to step off of the porch. I turn back to look at her.

"Yes ma'am?"

"I can't wait for tomorrow," she says with a wink.

"Me too," I say. "See you in the morning."

Written by readingwetbooks
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