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My First Lesbian Encounter

"Seduction of a straight girl"

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Author's Notes

"This is my first story, I do hope it will be well received."

My name is Nikki.  I am thirty-five years old and had been married to Harry for ten years.  I was quite sure he’d had at least one affair and possibly more.  He earns a great deal, and we were very well off financially.

We recently moved into a new, large house in a delightful village in Southern England.  The house is beautiful and required no work, not even a lick of paint.

However, the garden was a different story.  At just over an acre, it comprised grass and nothing else; no flower beds, no trees and was boring.  I was bored!  Harry was spending at least three nights each week away with his job, or women friends.

Although I spent time at the gym three or four times a week.  I still had plenty of spare time on my hands.  We had not made any real friends in the village.  It is difficult for a woman on her own to call on other couples, it might have been misconstrued as though I was checking out their husbands.

When Harry was home, he was always tired from travelling, so we did not tend to have a social life and our sex life was almost non-existent.  On the rare occasions when we got together in bed, Harry would grab my breasts, rubbing hard at my sensitive nipples depriving me of any sensual feelings, before fingering me for a couple of minutes before pushing his cock into me whether I was wet or not.

He would thrust inside me for a few minutes and roll off me and fall asleep.  When we first met, he was a much more thoughtful lover, at least indulging in some foreplay.  I could only imagine he was saving his best performances for someone other than me.

I appraised myself in the full-length mirror in our bedroom.  I was feeling low, and my self-esteem had taken a major hit of late.  I had moved away from my friends, was lonely, and felt unloved.  However, I decided to be positive.

Looking at my reflection, I could see that at 5’ 7” I have long slender legs that are well-toned, my breasts are fairly small but pert, with my nipples erect and proud when I am aroused.  My blond hair is cut stylishly short, highlighting my cheekbones and when I smile my whole face lights up.

So, on the whole, I think I’m attractive.  Why didn’t Harry fancy me anymore?  Standing in my lacy blue thong and matching skimpy bra, I felt I could appear sexy to others.

‘Hm,’ I thought, ‘perhaps I should try and have an affair?’  But how do you go about meeting people in a new area?  The village we had moved to is lovely but so quiet.

‘Come on; get a grip.  Get busy.  I need a project.  The garden; but where do I start?  I am going to need some help it is just so big.  I have never designed a garden before.’

I decided to go to the local garden centre and make some inquiries.  There is a huge one about six miles away, so, having dressed in a summery light cotton short dress, I drove there.

I walked around until I came to the outdoor area showcasing all types of plants, trees and shrubs.  I approached an older assistant thinking he might have the experience to plan a large area.

I explained the kind of help I needed, and he told me that I should contact Samantha.  She had graduated from university with the highest marks and has now formed her own company.  She had worked at the garden centre since she was fifteen years old and knew the local soil conditions and so on.

He gave me her card.  Valley Landscapes.  We construct gardens to your design.  Contact Samantha Reid.  I drove straight home and gave them a call.  The telephone was answered by a man with a friendly voice.  I once again explained what I was looking for.

“Yes, I am sure we can meet your requirements.  Sam is on a job right now, but give me your number and I will get her to call you.”

I had started on my project.  I decided to fix lunch and sit in the conservatory with a salad sandwich and a glass of wine.  I looked out at this huge expanse of nothing and wondered if it really could be transformed.  I was jolted out of my daydream by the trill of the telephone ringing.

“Hi, this is Samantha Reid from Valley Landscapes.  Roger told me you are looking for some help in designing a new garden.”

“Yes, I am, although I am beginning to have some doubts as it’s such a large plot; a bit more than an acre.”

“Okay, that is doable.  What are you worried about?”

“It is just a huge area of grass with nothing on it.”

She chuckled, and I felt the warmth of her enthusiasm.  “Look at it in a positive way.  It is a blank canvas, so in some ways, it is better not to have to transform someone else’s vision; it can be entirely yours.”  I immediately felt more confident.

“Now, today is Tuesday.  Mrs Fowler, can we make an appointment for say, Thursday at 11 am?”

“That would be fine, and please call me Nikki.”

“Oh, much more friendly, Nikki!”  I gave her directions to our house.

“Now, Nikki, you can do something for me if you will.  I would like you to jot down must-have items such as plants, pond, trees and any special shrubs you like.”

“Oh, I thought you would do all of that.”

“Yes of course, but this is going to be your garden and you might like a colour theme or something.  Why don’t you go to the library and browse some gardening books before we meet on Thursday?

Having disconnected the call, I thought she had a nice friendly manner, but she was in total control, even giving me homework.  I laughed out loud.  ‘Isn’t this just what I need?’


I rose at 7 am and after a light breakfast headed for the gym.  After a really good workout, I showered and felt good.  The gym gives me confidence and I was feeling positive and really looking forward to meeting Samantha.

I don’t know why, but I felt the need to make a good impression on her, so I dressed in one of my favourite summer dresses which was short and showed off my long legs and took time with my makeup.

Bang on eleven the doorbell rang.  As I opened the door, I got a vision of an absolutely drop-dead gorgeous girl.  She was about 5’ 9” with blond hair in a ponytail.  She wore tight-fitting jeans and a tee-shirt that showed a glimpse of a pair of boobs with the nipples clearly outlined and no bra.  She was tanned, fit and downright sexy

“Hi, Nikki, great place you have here.”

“Thank you; come on in.”

“Oh I love your dress; that colour so suits you and your earrings match the colour of your amazing eyes.”

“T t t thank you,” I stammered, completely overwhelmed by her beauty and self-confidence, but quickly recovered.  “You look absolutely stunning yourself.”

“Thanks.  So, let’s see the garden.”

Taking the initiative, she steered me through the house to the rear.  We exited through the conservatory.

“Fabulous, just as I thought: a blank canvas.  The length of the plot is a bit longer than the width so it will lend itself to almost any ideas we have.”  She took my arm and guided me back into the house.  “Now, did you follow my instructions and go to the library?”

“I did.  I have prepared a list of ideas, but I’m not sure what will work.”

“Don’t worry, that is my job.  I have brought a portfolio of previous jobs my company has completed with testimonials from satisfied clients.”

I was extremely impressed with her professionalism.  She sat down on the two-seater sofa in the conservatory and patted the space next to her.  I dutifully did as was asked.  Our thighs were lightly touching as she talked me through her very impressive portfolio.  She frequently touched my elbow or wrist to emphasize a point and her very close proximity was having a strange effect on me.  I could smell a very subtle perfume and her skin was flawless.

“My, that is impressive but how have you got such a thorough presentation of your work, being so young?”

I heard that delightful throaty chuckle I had first heard over the telephone, which I found endearing.  “Don’t worry, I’m twenty-five years old, and I started this business two years ago, and I am a go-getter.  I know what I want, and I work hard to get it.”

“Does your husband help in the business?”

“My husband?  I don’t have a husband.  Oh, Roger, the guy who took your call?  He covers the office when I am out on a job, and he helps out with a couple of others when we need some large physical work doing.  Anyway, I am very hands-on and do most of the planting myself.  How about you, are you married?”


“Oh, I detect a pause there.  Is he not happy that you called in a landscaper?”

“Oh, nothing like that.  He hasn’t shown any interest and, don’t worry, he won’t be a problem, and I have my own money for the budget.”  Samantha looked at me a little too long for my comfort.  I got the impression she was sizing me up.  She gently took my hands in hers.

“Listen, I think we can work really close on this project.  I think we could forge a great partnership.”

I loved the warmth that she conveyed to me.  She smiled and I melted a little and just knew I had made an excellent choice by using her company.

“Now, let’s have a look at your list, and we can draw up an outline of how it might look.”

We worked for about an hour throwing ideas at each other and I was totally impressed with her.  All the time she kept touching me, giving me the confidence to make more of a contribution to the meeting than I otherwise would have.

“Well that is a great start, you have some really clever ideas that will work,” she said, putting her hand on my bare knee.  Her touch was like velvet.

“May I ask you something, Nikki?”


“You have great legs; do you work out?”

I blushed.  “Yes, I go to the gym three or four times a week.”

“It shows; you look good.”

She had her hand on my leg and squeezed.  “How about you?  You look fabulous.”  She giggled and my heart melted at this delightful sound.

“Yes, I work out, but gardening keeps me fit, and being outdoors most of the time is good for the complexion.”  Samantha stood up.  “I am going to spend some time making sketches and prepare some examples on my laptop of what we can do.  Is that okay with you?”

“Oh yes.”

“So, I will call you in a few days, and once we have agreed, or thrown something out, or added something, I will be able to give you an accurate costing.”  With that she hugged me, and kissed me lightly on my cheek, murmuring in my ear, “see you soon.”

I blushed again and realised I had goosebumps.  God, this beautiful woman had impressed me immensely and I could not wait to see her again.

Harry came home fairly late that Friday evening.  After dinner, I had planned to tell him of the ideas we had for the garden, but he was not a bit interested and he went to bed saying he was tired.   I suggested joining him, but he said he needed sleep, so I slept in a spare bedroom.  On Saturday he announced that he was playing in a golf tournament all day.  He reluctantly agreed to go out for dinner but left me to book a table.

Left on my own, my thoughts strayed to Samantha and how lovely she was.  For someone so young she was very forceful in controlling what she wanted out of our meeting, and I was very happy to agree, not having a lot of confidence myself.

I made a real effort to look my very best for Harry, but it did not seem to work for him.  I got quite a few admiring looks from some of the other diners, so I tried to keep my confidence levels from slipping any lower.

On Sunday, the telephone rang.  It was Samantha.  “Hi Nikki, sorry to bother you at the weekend but I have some sketches to show you, but I want to check out where the sun sets in your garden, would it be convenient for me to pop over at 5 pm?”

“Yes, certainly, I look forward to seeing you.”  I scampered upstairs to change out of my jogging gear, making sure I looked as good as I had the previous evening.  I positioned myself near the front door and saw Samantha coming up the path.  I opened the door and stepped out to greet her.

“Hi, Nikki.”

She hugged me tightly and her lips brushed my cheek sensually.  Holding me by my shoulders she stepped back to look me all over with her eyes sparkling.  “Wow Nikki, you look gorgeous, have you been ravished this weekend?”  She grinned mischievously.

I blushed but was feeling tingly all over, all the way from my nipples which had started to become erect to a warm feeling in my knickers.

“No, not a chance,” I muttered.

She looked at me quizzically and whispered in my ear, “You would have if I had any say in the matter.”

My God, the effect her words had on me sent shock waves coursing through my body.  Was I imagining what she had just implied?  I looked up at her again and she was smiling before looking into my eyes and grabbing my hand.  “Come on let’s go to the end of the garden to look at the sunset.”

I let her lead me through the hall and out into the garden from the conservatory.  We strolled around the garden making small talk but every few minutes she would squeeze my hand, release the pressure then squeeze again.  Bliss!

“So, have you missed me, Nikki?”

“Yes, I have thought of you a lot.”

“Correct answer!”

We both laughed.  Samantha had an artist’s bag on her shoulder which I guessed housed the sketches.  At that moment Harry came out of the conservatory and headed our way.

“Oh no!” I tensed, and Samantha felt my body language change.  She squeezed my hand keeping hold of it.

“I take it this is hubby?”


I spoke through gritted teeth.  “I have tried to talk to him about our ideas, but he has shown no interest at all.”

“Until I showed up?”


“Prick!  I bet it’s about three inches.”  I could not help bursting into laughter.

“So, who is this beautiful creature and why have you been keeping her a secret from me?”  Harry strode up to us, his eyes appraising Samantha from top to toe.

“Hi, I’m Samantha Reid.  You have a great plot here and Nikki has some wonderful ideas for it.”

“Has she?  I didn’t think she could create a hanging basket.”  I blushed with embarrassment before Harry’s next comment cut me to the quick.

“Samantha, maybe you and I should get together to discuss ideas for the garden.”

Samantha smiled sweetly and replied, “No thanks, Nikki is my client, and she is a natural for producing ideas.  Anyway I just wanted to see where the sun sets on your plot, so now I have seen it I must fly to another appointment, I’m afraid.  So nice to meet you, Mr Fowler.  Nikki, could you show me out, please?  She held my hand and started leading me back to the house.

“Oh, no time for a drink, or something?” Harry desperately called after us.  Samantha just raised her hand in a dismissive gesture and kept walking with me in tow.

“Walk me down the drive, Nikki.  I have an idea as to why you are so unhappy.  Can I call round tomorrow at about 11 am?”

“You bet; I am so sorry for Harry’s behaviour.”

“Don’t give it another thought, he isn’t worth it.”

She leaned in and her lips brushed my cheek, and she whispered in my ear, “We will have a long chat tomorrow.  You are by far my sexiest client and don’t let him destroy your confidence.”  She climbed into her car, gave me a cheery wave and drove off.

That evening Harry and I had a big argument.  He accused me of trying to keep him from meeting Samantha.  When I countered that he had shown no interest in the garden he denied it.

The evening degenerated downwards from there.  I accused him of not being interested in me, and how I had got some admiring looks the night before.  He told me that compared to people he met in his line of work I was dowdy.  However, Samantha’s remarks kept me from getting low.

The intimate feel of her touches made me feel as though I had known her for ages.  The thought of her smile had me buzzing.

I went upstairs and locked the bathroom door.  Then I did something I had never done before; I had a sexual fantasy involving a woman.  I pulled down my knickers and rubbed my clit, very wet with the thoughts of Samantha.

It was how she looked at me, the feel of her holding me and those sensuous lips on my cheeks with her breathy whispers in my ear.  I pretended it was her hands on my pussy, teasing my clit from its hiding place and rubbing it to make the juices flow.

They ran down my leg and I had not felt so aroused in years.  I was probably kidding myself, but I was determined to enjoy my fantasy.  It was Samantha’s fingers that prized my pussy lips open and her two fingers that entered me and fucked me frenziedly.

I was in sexual heaven as I leaned against the bathroom door and let the most amazing sensations wash over me.  My body took control as my cunt spasmed, and I shuddered with the most powerful orgasm I had enjoyed in years.

I slid down the door ending up in a heap on the floor where I lay until the spasms ceased before managing to crawl into the shower cubicle and cleanse myself.

That evening in bed, my thoughts again were of Samantha, wondering what she looked like naked.  I imagined her pussy was shaved as I am sure most young people must be when you see the skimpy material that sells for bikini bottoms these days.  I promised myself that I would shave down there as I teased my clit and got myself wet again and frigged my cunt until that deliciously sensual feeling overtook me once more and I climaxed before drifting off to sleep.

The next morning I was really excited.  I showered, shaved my pussy and dressed in my sexiest underwear.

‘Why am I doing all of this?  I have never lusted after a woman before.  I don’t suppose anything will happen, but what if she does come on to me?  I want her to, but will I have the courage to go with it?  Hell yes.  It will be a new experience, and she makes me feel uninhibited,’ I thought to myself.

I dressed in a cream blouse with the top two buttons undone which showed just enough cleavage to glimpse my lacy bra and the top half of my breasts.  I finished off with a navy mini skirt, and heels.

What would Samantha see?  A sexy woman or a slut?  I so hoped I had made the right impression.

Samantha arrived bang on time.  She wore a tight blue tee-shirt, no bra and the briefest pair of hotpants I have ever seen.  Her long legs and sexy tight arse were displayed to perfection.  The artist’s bag was on her shoulder.  She let her eyes wander slowly all over my body as I blushed a deep red and held my breath.

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“WOW!  You look so fucking hot, Nikki.”

I stammered, “S s so do you, just awesome.”

“Yeah, well I am,” she giggled.

“So, are you going to invite me in or are we just going to lust after each other on the doorstep?”

“Oh God, I’m so sorry, come on in.”

We went directly to the conservatory, and she took her place on the sofa.  I went to join her, but she held her hand up.  “Don’t sit just yet, let me take all of you in.”  Once again, she slowly let her eyes roam over me.  “Turn around slowly.”

I did so, and when I had my back to her, she leaned forward and ran her hands up my legs from my calves to my thigh.  “I know I have said this before, but you do have incredible legs, Nikki.”  She raised my skirt.  “Just as I thought, a really sexy arse.”  She lowered my skirt.  “Okay, come sit by me we have work to do.”

I was dazed and confused.  I thought she was going to undress me or at least slip a finger into my needy pussy, or was she just a big tease?

“Now concentrate on the garden!  Nikki, I have made four sketches, but we can add or take something out.”  Each one was brilliant, and we spent two hours moving things around, deleting them here, adding them there.  Samantha kept touching my arm, elbow, or hand and placing a hand on my leg or thigh.

When we agreed on something, she would squeeze my leg and it felt wonderful.  I was not sure if she even realized what she was doing.

“Okay, we are done.  I will just cost everything and if you agree I will put it all on my laptop to show you how it will look.”

“Great!  Now, would you like some lunch?  How does a prawn and salad sandwich sound with a glass of wine?”

“That sounds great!”

When I returned with the food and wine in an ice bucket, she showed me her costings.  “Nikki, this is how much your garden will cost, what do you think?”

“It is a bit more than I thought but with the addition of the summerhouse I think it’s worth it.”

“Wonderful, now let’s toast the project.  What time is the prick home?”

“He is away until Thursday.”

“Oh, then we have plenty of time to talk after lunch.”  As she said this, she lightly brushed my arm sending shivers running through me.

We enjoyed our lunch and chatted and laughed, which was both lovely and relaxing.  After I had cleared away the dishes, we again sat side by side.

“Nikki, I have only known you for a brief time, but I can see you are unhappy; please tell me everything.”

For the first time in ages, I felt comfortable enough to open up my heart.  I told her how Harry belittles me, shouts and bullies me, and how I feel abused verbally and mentally.  I tried to keep calm, but, sorry to say, I started crying, I felt so sad and worthless.

Samantha put her arms around me and pulled me to her.  At first, I just cried more before beginning to get myself back together.  As this lovely girl wiped away my tears, she lightly traced her fingers over my face, stroked my forehead and softly kissed my cheek.

I was now calm, but then she nibbled my ear sending delicious shock waves through me.  She whispered, “Talking about it will be good for you.  It needs to come out in order to put it all behind you and move on.  Don’t listen to him, you are smart, intelligent and extremely attractive.”

“You make me feel good, Samantha.”

“Great.  Let me give you a hug.”  We hugged and I have never felt so comfortable in someone’s arms before, let alone another female.  Samantha kissed my cheek again and now I was totally relaxed.

“Thank you, Samantha, you have made me feel good about myself.”

“So you should.”

“Was it the hugs?” she smiled mischievously.

“Well the soft kisses weren’t bad,” I giggled, and she laughed.

“You shouldn’t have stopped,” I just blurted out without thinking.

“I wasn’t sure if I should keep kissing you even though I wanted to.”

“What stopped you?”  The atmosphere in the room seemed to have changed and unless it was my imagination there was electricity between us.

“Nikki, have you ever been with a woman before?”

“No, but I want my first time to be with you.  Will you kiss me properly?”

She held my face in both her hands, looked me in the eyes and kissed my lips.  It was a searching kiss, to which I responded, opening my mouth, welcoming her tongue as it explored.  Suddenly we were both kissing passionately, exploring and tasting each other.  We drew apart to get our breathing under control.

“Well, that was something.  I guess by now you know I’m gay.  I fancied you when we first met, Nikki, but I didn’t want to corrupt you in any way.

“You won’t.  I have never felt this way about another woman, let alone such a looker as you.”

“Hey, sexy, you want to look in a mirror.  You have a lot going for you girl; you are very sexy.”

“Oh my, when you said you fancied me from day one, I tingled.”

“What do you think we should do about that?” she retorted.

My heart was pounding.  This beautiful girl affected me in so many ways.

“I, I, I want you to touch me, kiss me, make love to me,” I stammered and could only speak in a throaty whisper.  Samantha moved closer to me and kissed me again.  I melted as she bit gently on my lower lip and cupped my breast.  Oh God, her touch sent, sparks through me.  She flicked her tongue over my neck and throat, causing me to moan softly.

Then she undid the third button of my blouse, but I stopped her with my hand from going further.  She looked at me quizzically and I could only whisper, “Not here, let’s do it properly, in bed.”

I took Samantha’s hand and led her up the stairs.  As we climbed, I felt her other hand run up the inside of my thigh to caress my buttocks.  I stopped and half turned.  Her fingers had trailed across and were resting on my sex.

“Stop darling,” I stuttered, “or we won’t make it to the bedroom.”

“Okay, but I can’t wait to fuck you.”

Hearing her words, I so wanted her to take me on the stairs there and then, but I somehow kept control, turning and moving swiftly up.  I just felt this was a momentous experience and I wanted to enjoy it in bed.  On reaching the bedroom Samantha took control.

“Nikki, as this is your first time, I want it to be special, so you will always remember it.  Just relax, and do whatever I tell you okay?”

I nodded as my heart went out to her, and at that moment I knew it was love that I felt for her.

Samantha kissed me and her tongue was in my mouth, both our tongues danced and entwined.  Suddenly my blouse was gone, and she was reaching to undo my bra, which she threw over her shoulder.  Her tongue flicked over each nipple, and I gasped; it felt so amazingly sexy.

Then my left breast was sucked into her mouth and her tongue worked its way over and around my sensitive nipple as she gently nibbled on it.

“Ooohhh, fuck!”  I was struggling to hold everything together, I had never felt so horny, and my knickers were soaked.

Sam repeated her action with my right breast, and I was not sure how I managed to stay upright.

“Now Nikki, do the same to me.”

I didn’t need to be told twice.  Between us we lifted her tee-shirt off, and I gazed at her pert breasts, her nipples already erect and just waiting, it seemed, to feel for my tongue.  I flicked each in turn.

Then, sucking a breast into my mouth, I licked and sucked it, tasting a woman’s flesh for the first time.  When I felt her shiver and let out a soft moan, I was in heaven.  I repeated my action with her other breast.  Samantha pulled my head up, so I had to release her.

“Take off your skirt.”

I did so, and stepping out of it, I left it on the floor.

“Now, knickers.”

I followed my instructions and stood there naked.

“Now take off my hotpants.”

With trembling fingers, I managed to undo the button and slid the zipper down.  With my hands between the hotpants and her sexy bum, I yanked the garment over her hips and down those gorgeously long legs of hers.  She stood there in a tiny thong.  I went to remove it, but she stopped me.

“Later, precious, now I am going to fuck you.”  With that, she pushed me onto the bed and straddled me giving me a full-on French kiss.  I was totally aroused.

Samantha repeated her earlier actions of kissing, licking, and sucking on my breasts.  She continued down my body, raking her nails to follow.

She wiggled her tongue in my tummy button and then moved further down.  By this time I was moaning softly.  As she licked, kissed, and raked her nails over my inner thighs, I started to leak juices.  Running her tongue over my labia, she gently pressed on my pussy lips and her tongue entered my inner folds as far as she could get it.  My head was spinning with the intoxication of her tasting me for the first time.

“Ooohhh, Yesss!” I moaned as Samantha fluttered her tongue over my clit.  I was wildly thrashing on the bed, and she held my hips as she clamped her mouth tightly over my sex sucking and licking while rubbing my clit.

I was right on the edge when she grabbed my bum and lifted my lower body to her mouth.  Pressing her mouth tightly, she pulled her head back and then moved it frantically from side to side When I felt her nibble my clit, I totally lost it.  My body momentarily tensed, my back arched, and my cunt spasmed.

“Fuck fuck fuck, I’m CCCCUUUMMMIIINNNGGGG!”  My body shook as I experienced a mind-blowing orgasm.  I realized that Sam was still licking and sucking my cunt as wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure washed over me and I climaxed at least three more times.  I was spent.

I’m really not sure if I passed out or dozed off, but as I recovered, Sam was lying next to me smiling and looking into my eyes.  “Was that good?”

“Oh Sam, much, much more than good.  I want to give you some of the pleasure I received.  Now get that thong off.”

“Good.  Take me.”

I pushed her back on the bed, and, lying on top of her, I kissed her deeply and lovingly.  I sensuously licked her neck.  Hearing her suck in her breath made me bolder and I kissed my way to her breasts.  I copied her earlier actions and took each one into my mouth.

I did not linger as I was impatient to see and taste her pussy.  I kissed her inner thighs running my fingers over the soft flesh, realising just how amazing, her legs really were.  As I reached the top of her thighs, I could see the outline of her pussy lips through the thin material of her thong.  Hooking my thumbs into the waistband I pulled it down.

My first glimpse of Sam’s delightful pussy was incredible.  I was right, she was completely smooth and there was a tell-tale thin coating of wetness.  She lifted her bottom to get the thong completely off and I took advantage of her hips thrusting upwards.

I licked her outer lips and tasted her moisture.  I could smell her arousal, and I was intoxicated.  I pushed my tongue in as deep as I could and swirled it around exploring her inner depths.

She twisted her fingers in my hair as my tongue lashed her cunt.  I grabbed her cute arse in both hands and moved my head from side to side as I worshipped her pussy.  I heard her moan which drove me to tongue her even faster.  I moved my head to flick my tongue back and forth over her clit.

Sucking this delicious nub into my mouth, I slipped two fingers into her pussy, and I was so excited I pounded her cunt feverishly.  The squishy sounds my fingers made in her pussy made me even hornier as I curled my fingers to find her special spot.

Sam was writhing on the bed now and I knew she was getting close to her orgasm.  I meant to nibble her clit as she had mine, but I was so aroused I BIT it.  Samantha screamed and climaxed.  I was so thrilled looking at her squirming in ecstasy and knowing I was able to give her so much pleasure.

I slowed down and painstakingly licked her clean while tasting and swallowing her juices.  I lay beside her caressing her lovely face, she opened her eyes and gazed at me.  Her face broke into a happy grin.

“Fuck.  I thought this was your first time with a girl?”

“It is.”

“You are a natural, girl.  Now, can I grab a quick shower and I must get everyone organized to start on your garden the day after tomorrow; is that okay?”


I kissed Sam lovingly as she stood by the front door ready to leave.

“We will arrive at 8 am, is that okay?”

“Of course, darling, it is so exciting.  Now I must pop in the shower – I smell of sex.”  We giggled, and I waved her goodbye.

The next week was like a tornado rushing through my life.  Harry came home unexpectedly and said he wanted a divorce.  He was surprisingly amicable, but obviously, he wanted something.  It turned out his favourite mistress had become pregnant.

He wanted a quick, amicable divorce which gave me a strong bargaining position.  Before I met Samantha, I would not have had the confidence, but now I went for his jugular which in his case was his wallet.

He readily agreed to my demands which meant the house would be mine together with a hefty sum of money which made me quite a wealthy woman.  The week was tied up with meetings with lawyers, bank managers, and insurance companies.

By the time we had done all of that and Harry’s belongings had been collected, and I was totally free of him, Samantha and her team had been working for around ten days.  The garden was already taking shape.  My sister insisted that I go stay with her for a couple of weeks.  I would much rather have stayed at home and seen Sam complete her work, but knowing my sister, if I didn’t go there, she would come and stay with me.  I really was very happy with the end of my marriage.

I stood looking out of my kitchen window at the activity in my garden.  I must say they were a bunch of hard workers.  I could not take my eyes off Samantha in her tee-shirt with perspiration trickling down her front.

Every time she turned my way you could clearly see the outline of her breasts with her pert nipples.  When she had her back to me, she was invariably bending to plant something and the skimpy shorts she wore showed her cute arse and beautiful long legs.  I tore myself away and went out to explain my absence and bring her up to speed.

“WOW, everything seems to have happened so fast; are you okay?”

“I’m fine thanks.”

“I would give you a hug, but I am sweaty and muddy,” she giggled.

“Call me when you are back, Nikki, and I will take you on a tour of your new garden.”

“I promise, you will be the first person I call.”


I arrived back on a Friday evening and called Sam.  She arranged to come around at 5 pm the following day to take me on a tour of the garden.  It looked magnificent from the house, but I did not dare go and explore and spoil her plan.

Bang on time, she arrived.  I was so excited to see her.  She wore her customary tee-shirt, but I was a bit disappointed that she was not wearing skimpy shorts but combat trousers.

On her shoulder was a bag and I thought that it couldn’t be drawings as the garden had been completed.  She hugged me and squeezed my arse.  I was wearing a pale blue summer dress with shoulder straps; it was short, and I saw her sneak a look at my legs.

I was taken on a grand tour of my new garden with Sam holding my hand.  Each time we turned a corner there was a new experience; a vista of different bushes or a pond with a fountain.  The pool of course looked very inviting.  Finally, we arrived at the bottom of the garden.

“I have a surprise for you.  I am going to give you a swing seat with a canopy over, and thought this would be the ideal spot, but what, do you think?”

“Oh this is the perfect spot for it; thank you so much, Sam.”

“Just to be sure, I have bought a blanket for you to try out this spot.”  Taking her shoulder bag she unzipped it and laid a large, padded blanket on the ground.

“Oh you needn’t have gone to this trouble; I can see it’s an ideal place to be completely private with my thoughts.

She grinned.  “Just one thing.”


Sam pulled me close and kissed me.  It was so unexpected but wonderful.  I returned her kiss lovingly.  She slipped the straps of my dress off my shoulders and pulled it down.  As I stepped out of it, she murmured in my ear, “Lie down and take your knickers off, darling.”

My fingers were shaking a little as I did so.  I lay there looking up at her.  She peeled off her tee-shirt and her breasts drew my eyes, and her pert nipples were aroused and erect.

Sam undid her trousers and as she slid them off, she revealed that she was wearing a huge strap-on cock.  I gasped.  It was so lifelike; just like the real thing, with veins and ridges, and a large bulbous head; so much better than the thing Harry had between his legs.

Sam was smiling down at me.  “Another little surprise for you!  I’m going to fuck you and christen the garden.  Firstly, though, suck my girl cock just in case you are not wet.”

“Oh my God, I’m beginning to get wet already.”

Sam slowly dragged the dildo over my lips and, opened my mouth before she slipped it in and slowly fucked my mouth.

She withdrew it and lay next to me and, pushing her finger into my pussy, she wiggled it around.

“Oh definitely wet enough already you horny girl.”

Sam got on her knees and, pulling my legs wide apart, she tapped her cock on my clit, and slowly began sliding it into me.  I felt my pussy being stretched and filled, like never before.  I shivered as I experienced a mini-cum.

Sam withdrew a little.  “Have you just cum?”

“Just a little.”

“The first of many tonight, lover.”

She thrust her hips and invaded my pussy more deeply.  I moaned softly as Sam started to fuck me better than anybody ever had.  I was writhing on the blanket in ecstasy.  She was pounding me now with each thrust hitting my cervix and my g-spot was being rubbed by this big cock.  I was close to exploding.

“Darling, get on your knees I want to fuck you from behind.”

I managed to scramble onto my knees with my bum in the air, but my pussy felt empty.  I needed that cock back inside me so I could cum properly.  Sam thrust it inside me, and my pussy seemed fuller than before.  I was gasping and moaning as my orgasm built.  Sam reached down and rubbed my clit in a circular motion and fucked me harder.

I screamed out as the shockwaves shot through me and I fell face down on the blanket with my legs shaking.  I lay there thinking it is not only my new plants that are blossoming, but I am too.

Girl Honey.
Pure Heart, Erotic Mind.

Written by girlhoneyforyou25
Contributing Authors
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