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Californian Summer With Aunt Clare. Part 2

"After seducing her Aunty Melissa learns the pleasures of female love and learns about her slutty mother"

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Author's Notes

"I have been on a writing sabbatical, I have no time at all to spend on writing with the quality needed to write something worthy of reading. Plus I have been putting 100% of anytime I do have into my first book which isn’t an erotic sex story but more a romance with some hot sex scenes splashed around. I hate that my readers have had to wait so long for me to complete the few stories I have outstanding. But please be patient I will get there, I promise."

"Aunt Clare, I think this is exactly what mother wanted you to do when she insisted I stay here, don't you?" I said, not waiting for an answer. I lowered my pussy onto my aunt's waiting mouth.

I felt a sudden jolt of pleasure as my pussy made contact with Clare's mouth. But it was nothing like the pleasure that seduced my entire body when I felt her tongue slither inside me.

"Oh, Christ, Clare, please keep doing what you're doing. That feels amazing. Oh God, that's much better than my fingers have ever felt,"

Lin looked up at me from between Clare's spread eagle legs and smiled.

"If there is one thing my girl can do, it's eat pussy. She is a master at pleasuring me. Try moving your hips in tiny little circles. Clare loves having her face coated in pussy juices. I'm sure it's been a long time since she has had a sweet young pussy like yours on her face," Lin said before returning to tongue fuck Clare's bum hole.

I had never experienced any quite like this. Clare's tongue was inside me; her lips were closed around my little clitty, and I was kneading my small, firm breast while squeezing my pink nipples.

I knew an orgasm wasn't far away, and my hips started moving involuntarily as I tried to get Clare's tongue right where I needed it. Then I felt Clare's hands come up and cup my bum cheeks but was shocked and surprised when I felt Clare's finger making little circles in my exposed bum hole.

Holy shit, I had never had anyone or anything near my bum. And now, my Aunt Clare was slipping the tip of her finger into it.

"Jesus, Clare, what are you doing? Oh my, that feels so strange and yet so nice. Oooh my oooh God, yes, push it deeper oooh I'm going to cum, oh yes, cummming. God, I love it. Oooh fuuuck.

I came harder than ever, lost balance, and stumbled backwards, landing on my arse behind Clare. What a sight it must have been, my legs spread wide on either side of my aunt's head, and her beautiful girlfriend was lying between her spread legs. It was a lesbian orgy.

Rolling over and looking directly at my dripping wet pussy Clare smiled broadly and said.

"Yummy, now it's my turn. If we are going to do this, we are going inside. Clare got up and held out her hand to me, pulling me to my feet. I was still shaky from my intense orgasm. That or the alcohol, I wasn't sure.

Lin had gotten out of the pool and walked straight up to me. Taking my head in her hands, she kissed me as I had never been kissed before. I thought Ricky was a good kisser. Boy, was I wrong; he didn't compare a rating next to Lin.

Lin's tongue was magical as it twisted and turned in my mouth. Her lips were soft and sensual like velvet pillows. God, why hadn't I ever kissed a girl before? It was simply amazing.

Clare grabbed both our hands and dragged us to the patio doors. She led us into her bedroom, brushing her clothes onto the floor; she pushed me back onto the bed and asked.

"Before we go any further, I need to ask you, Melissa, are you sure this is what you want to do? No pressure, but it definitely seems like you're into as much As I hope you are."

Sitting up, I took Clare's hands and pulled her onto me. I kissed her as Lin had kissed me. Then looking into her eyes, I said.

"Aunt Clare, I have never wanted anything as much as I want to eat your pussy right now."

Clare hugged me, kissing me before rolling over onto her back. Lin sat on the edge of the bed right next to me, her fingers toying sensually with her long dark labia. Sliding a finger in before rubbing the wetness all over her large clit.

I began kissing my way down Clare's perfectly tanned body. Cupping her firm breast, I licked and sucked her nipple. I liked Clare's nipples; they were pale pink like mine, but they were a little longer and perfectly shaped. I sucked on it hard, nibbling it. Clare's hand held my head against her breast as she let out a soft moan.

Continuing down her body, I kissed and licked her taught flat stomach. From the corner of my eye, I could see Lin now had a couple of fingers buried deep in her pussy.

I reached Clare's smooth mons, covering it in tender kisses, causing her legs to instinctively open. My mouth was now within licking distance from her rosy-pink pussy. I paused, taking a deep breath knowing this was the first woman I would ever taste.

Pressing my tongue lightly against her sticky wet pussy lips, I licked upwards in a firm long stroke. Pulling my face back, I saw Clare's pussy lips spread open. They formed a perfect heart shape with her bright pink clit sitting like a diamond on top.

It was the prettiest thing I had ever seen. Her entire pussy was coated in a glossy clear liquid that tasted divine. I was hooked. Never in my wildest dreams could I imagine I would be lying between my new Aunt's spread legs, about to tongue fuck the shit out of her.

Aunt Clare clearly couldn't wait while I contemplated the surrealness of the situation, pushing her hips up to my pouting lips. I needed no extra encouragement and eagerly pushed my young tongue deep between the folds of her womanly flesh.

Clare let out an audible moan as my tongue slithered deep inside her. I turned up the tip of my tongue, scooping as much of her freely-flowing juices as possible. I had no idea another pussy could taste as sweet and pleasurable as Aunt Clares had.

Sure I had tasted myself and often licked my fingers clean after masturbating; it just wasn't something I had thought about before today. But now, I wanted to bathe my face in Clare's honey liquid. She tasted amazing. I was genuinely addicted as I pushed my face against her open pussy lips.

I mashed my face against her open cunt, taking her erect clit in my mouth and sucked on it hard, flicking it with my tongue as I held it firmly between my teeth. Clare's hips lift up, causing my chin to push against her open vulva, coating my face in beautiful cunt juice. "Fuck! I'm in love," I thought as I greedily lapped and sucked on my aunt's leaking wet snatch.

Lost in complete lust and desire for the first time in my young life, I didn't think it could get any better. Oh boy, was I wrong? Having forgotten totally about Lin, I was soon reminded that Clare and I weren't alone as I felt several of Lin's petite fingers push deep into my gushing cunt.

I moaned into Clare's pussy at the surprise that I had never felt my pussy stretched so much before. But that paled in comparison to having Lin's mouth engulf my entire virgin arsehole and her tongue slide inside my anus.

"Oh fuck, Oh my god Lin, oohh that feels sooo good, Oh never before ohh fuuck, yesss," I screamed as I came on Lin's finger.

My entire body quivered and shook as Lin's tongue stabbed in and out of my anus as her fingers pumped rapidly in my cunt. It felt like her entire fist was inside me, so overwhelmed with pleasure I couldn't concentrate on Clare.

"Hey, not fair, Lin. It was my turn for some tongue action, and I was enjoying Melissa's tongue in my pussy. And you interrupted her," Clare said, raising up on her elbows to see what had made me stop eating her delightful pussy.

I could do little but wiggle my tight little butt around on Lin's tongue as she licked and fucked my pink rosebud with her expert tongue.

"Stop complaining. Your pretty pussy will get plenty of opportunities to have Mellisa's gorgeous young face buried between your legs. She's here for the entire summer. Besides, it looks like Mellisa loves your tongue as much as her sexy mom Shirley," Lin said as she slid her dripping wet fingers from my aching, stretched pussy.

"Lin! What did I say? Ssshhh, you weren't meant to mention Shirley. I told you that already," Clare said, sounding annoyed with Lin.

"It's ok, aunt Clare. I sort of gathered something may have happened between you, Lin, and mom from earlier by the pool. Look, I'm old enough to know the truth. Please stop treating me like a child. I mean, I think we are way past that, don't you?"

With the erotic moment broken by the conversation, Clare slid off the bed, grabbed a silk robe hanging on the bathroom door, and handed it to me.

"Your right Melissa. You are old enough to know the truth. Come on," she said, taking my hand and dragging me off the bed. Clare picked up a sun dress hanging over the back of a chaste lounge near her bedroom door and slid it down over her perfect body.

I slid my arms through the gown and pulled it tight around my body as I followed Clare out to the pool.

"Lin, now might be a good time to start dinner. What do you think while I fill Melissa in on everything she needs to know?" Clare said over her shoulder as she left the room. Looking back, I could see Lin had a disappointed face but winked at me and smiled when she saw me looking.

Clare sat down at the outdoor table, so I sat opposite her. Clare's perplexed expression told me she was second-guessing whether to open up to me, so I spoke first, breaking the apparent tension.

"So you make porn movies for a living? That sounds exciting," I said, causing Clare to shoot me a questioning glare.

"Ok, so don't get mad with her, but Lin may have let it slip when you were making the last jug of margaritas."

"I knew Lin coming over on our first night together was a bad idea. God, I promised my brother I wouldn't be a bad influence on you. And we have already turned you into a teen lesbian," Clare said, putting her head on the table in shame.

"What! Are you kidding me? Before I got here today and met you and Lin, I thought my life was over, the embarrassment of spending my summer with some crazy old spinster I had never met. You are amazing. You might be the most awesome person I have ever met. I have loved every second since I first saw you at the airport."

"I had no idea what I was missing in my life until I met you and Lin, God. I love you both. But I do have a few questions."

Clare lifted her head and smiled at me.

"Yea, I think you're pretty wonderful as well. I'm glad you are here, Melissa. I'm sorry for ruining our moment earlier. I'm overthinking everything. I tend to do that sometimes. Ask me anything; if I know the answer, I will tell you, I promise."

"So, my mom. You and Lin had a threesome with her? If I'm honest, I'm struggling to get my head around that. I mean, she is so damn straight."

"It's the straight ones that are sometimes the wildest ones, and your mom is certainly wild between the sheets," Lin said as she placed a bottle of wine and three glasses on the table.

"Lin, really? Will you please try to be a little more tactful when you open that pretty mouth?"

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"It's alright, Aunt Clare. I like Lin's mouth."

Lin grabbed my head and kissed me firmly, sliding her tongue into my mouth.

"Mmmh, and I love your sweet lips as well, gorgeous," Lin said, heading back into the kitchen.

"I shouldn't really say anything about that; it's not my place, but in short, yes. Lin and I had sex with Shirley one night when she and James stayed here after their honeymoon in Hawaii."

"Oh, come on, Aunt Clare, more details need. You can't say yes and leave it at that. What happened? Who did it happen?" I pleaded.

"Alright, but don't you dare repeat this to your mother. You have to promise."

"l swear, I will never say a word. It will be our secret."

"Ok, so James had a business meeting in San Diego which included dinner with clients. He would be late, so he decided to stay overnight, so your mother and I had the day and night together. We went shopping, but later in the afternoon, I received a phone call from the set of a movie we were filming. The lead female actress decided not to turn up, so I needed to go to the studio to sort things out. I wanted to drop Shirley home, but she insisted she wanted to go with me."

"Reluctantly, I agreed even though I knew my brother James would have heart failure if he found out. We arrived at the mansion I had hired in the Hollywood hills and asked your mother to stay in the kitchen area while I went to talk with the crew."

"Now, I will point out that we were doing a lesbian MILF movie and had never worked with this particular actress we booked before. So when Lin saw Shirley in the kitchen, she assumed she was the missing actress and dragged her off to the changing room to get ready."

"Oh my God, and what mom didn't say anything to her or explain who she was? Surely Lin knew you had mom with you for the day?"

"Well, she did, but she also knew I would never bring her to the set. And having never met Shirley before didn't know what she looked like, and let's face it, Shirley is a genuine milf. So Lin just assumed. And no, your mother never corrected her and later said it was all very fascinating so just went along as a bit of a joke."

"Lin stripped your mother off and laid out all the sexy lace lingerie and stocking. Shirley put it all on, and Lin gave her a long see-through gown to cover up with. Lin explained the scene to her. She was the rich owner of the house. She enters the living room and finds the Asian maid (Lin) on the settee looking at her phone and playing herself. As punishment, she spanks the maid before seducing her."

"Holly shit, that actually sounds pretty hot. I wish I had been there to see that!"

"Well, it never got that far. Shirley had no idea the entire mostly male production crew were in the living room. And when Shirley entered basically naked, well certainly not decently dressed, she nearly had a heart attack."

"Oh, that would have been hilarious. Poor mom. She is so naive sometimes. But that doesn't explain how you all hooked up and had a three-way."

"No, sorry, I skipped a bit. While Lin and Shirley were in the dressing room getting dressed. Lin thought it would be a good idea to see if they would be compatible together on film, so she kissed your mother quite passionately. Apparently, Shirley didn't stop her and kissed her back.

"I have to admit, when Lin kissed me, I never hesitated for a second, and I kissed her right back. She has the softest lips ever. I can understand why mom never stopped her, either."

"Well, we all laughed it off. I shut down filming for the day, and we went home. It was your mom that invited Lin over for dinner. I was trying to keep my private life just that from James. As I know, he disapproves of my sexual persuasion. But seems as though Shirley had already been introduced to Lin, and James wouldn't be there. I agreed for her to join us.

Just then, Lin placed a large bowl of warm Asian beef salad in front of Clare and me. It looked and smelt amazing.

"It was your mom that shocked Clare and me again after a few wines by the pool when she confessed that she had been very intimate with her best friend and roommate at college. She said she had enjoyed our kiss very much and asked if it was alright with Clare if she could try it again." Lin said as she bought out her bowl and sat at the table.

"Wait, what? My mom used to have a lesbian relationship with Aunt Barbra? You've got to be kidding me. I need a drink," I said, grabbing my glass of wine and swallowing all.

"I knew mom and Barbra were close and had been best friends since college, but I had no idea they were lovers."

"Well, it was pretty obvious your mom wasn't new to the scene. She certainly knows her way around a pussy, that for sure."

"Lin, I don't think Melissa needs that much detail about her mother. Maybe let's leave some things to the imagination."

"I don't know, Aunt Clare. I think it's kind of hot; my mom is bi. I mean, until today, I had no idea how good it was being with another woman. And now I'm not sure I can just go back to my boyfriend, Ricky, and be happy. Hell, I don't even know if I feel that way about boys at all. I'm a virgin still. I might not even like dick."

"What, you're a virgin? Now I really feel bad about what has happened. The primary reason your mom insisted on you staying with me for the summer was that she thought you and Ricky were already sexually active. She was terrified you would be like a pair of rabbits fucking all over the house, and you would end up pregnant," Clare said.

"Are you kidding? Mom really thinks I'm already fucking Ricky. Jesus, I wish she had bothered to ask me. I would have told her what does she think I'm a slut or something?"

"No, of course not. I guess she just assumed you were. I don't know; we never went into details," Clare said, trying to calm me, sensing I was pissed off.

'Just then, I almost jumped out of my seat as I felt Lin's foot slide between my knees and push my thighs apart. I looked across the table, and she gave me a sexy look and licked her lips. I looked back at Clare, who was oblivious of Lin's toes, now caressing my very wet pussy.

Clare was still talking, probably trying to justify mom's decision, but I had stopped listening. I was now concentrating on the pink paint toe that was expertly caressing my clit. Lin was so sexually forward and open; I loved how she made me feel.

"Melissa, I'm sure Shirley and James only had your best interests in mind when they asked you to stay with me. But I'm not sure we should continue down the path we are on, given the new information. Melissa! Melissa, are you listening?"

"Huh, yeah, sure, Aunty Clare, best interests got it, mmmh, oh God yesss."

"Christ, Melissa, are you even listening to me? Obviously not. A little hard when my girlfriend is fucking you with her foot. Thanks for your support, Lin. You're a real help. Not!"

"Come on, Clare, lighten up, baby. Melissa's a grown woman, and it's not like it's nothing her mother hasn't done. I seem to remember you didn't have an issue with her riding your face. If I remember correctly, you readily swallowed all her cum when she squirted in your mouth. So try not to be too much of a hypocrite."

"What, my mom is a squirter? Holy shit, I have seen that in porn movies, but I didn't know if it was real or not. That's epic. I want to know everything that happened with mom. It's so hot hearing about her being slutty."

"Oh Yeah, your mom is a gusher. She almost drowned Clare when she came into her mouth. But it was when I was fucking her with my favourite strap-on that had her spray her cunt juices everywhere. And God, Melissa, if you ever get the chance to taste your mom do it. She tastes amazing."

I turned to Clare. I could see she was pissed off with Lin and me and our conversation about mom. But I could see something else as well. Lins was rubbing her foot up and down the length of my tight young pussy, making it drip with girly juices. I noticed Clare's hand was in her lap, rubbing her clit through her dress.

I looked back across at Lin, who was staring at Clare. Their eyes were locked on each other as Lin's toes slipped into my gushing cunt. Clare's hand slid under her dress, and she opened her legs as her fingers slid up and down the length of her gash.

Then it dawned on me. Aunty Clare is a full-blown lesbian, but Lin is only bi. Clare gets off watching Lin seduce and fuck other people. I think men as well. It turns her on when Lin defies her and sluts herself out.

I slid my chair back, knelt down under the glass table, took Lin's foot into my mouth, and sucked her toes clean of my juices before standing back up and moving behind Clare.

Sliding the straps of her sun dress down her arms, I gently kissed and sucked her neck as my hands massaged her large, firm tits, squeezing and pulling on her nipples.

"I get it, Aunty Clare. You didn't get to cum before, and you are feeling frustrated. Why don't you let me fix that for you." I whispered in her ear.

"We shouldn't," she moaned in protest as I pulled her nipples and twisted them.

I pulled her head back, kissing her like We were in love. She instantly melted, kissing me back. I grabbed her by the hand, pulled her from the chair, and led her back into her bedroom.

"I want to learn how to squirt. I want you to watch while your slutty girlfriend Lin takes my virginity. I want you to watch me lose my cherry to your sexy slut, Aunt Clare. I know you want to see her fuck my virgin cunt and make me scream in ecstasy, maybe even squirt you with my young juices as she fucks me hard with a big rubber cock," I said teasingly, pushing Clare back on the bed.

Lin simply smiled and walked over to the large wooden sideboard under the window. Opening the doors, I could see dozens of dildos and vibrators on the shelf. Lynn pulled out a strappy belt, then took hold of a large black rubber cock and twisted it into the harness.

"Lin, no, it's too big. This is her first time." Clare exclaimed, seeing Lin holding the black rubber cock.

"It's the one I fucked Shirley with. I think it's only fitting that her slutty offspring gets to taste of what mommy had deep inside her, making her scream and creaming her cunt on, don't you?"

"God, Lin, it looks huge, but if that's the one you fucked mom with, I want it inside. Now come over here and show Aunt Clare how to make me your slut. Because that's what I want. I what to be your summer slut. I want you to use me however you want, when you want. You are Clare's slut. Make me yours."

Written by Kevtheledge63
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