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Californian Summer With Aunt Clare

"Pissed off, she had to spend summer with a woman she had never met. Mellisa soon changed her mind after arriving in California."

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Author's Notes

"I started this for the most resent competition, but could never get it finished in the word limit so decided to just write a full story instead this is part one of two. I don’t really write lesbian stories but thought I would give it a go. <p> [ADVERT] </p>As usual please let me know what you think. Leave a comment or a vote so I know weather to write more or not."

"I fucking hate you so much! Why can't I stay with dad? You're the reason dad left in the first place," I screamed at my mother before slamming my bedroom door.

Throwing myself on my bed, I started crying my eyes out. It wasn't fair I had my entire summer planned out. Rick, my boyfriend, and I would spend the summer with our friends at the old quarry lake, swimming and hanging out. I had planned on giving my cherry to him this summer. And now I'm being told I have to spend the summer with some random woman I had never met.

Just then, my bedroom door burst open.

"Go downstairs and apologize to your mother right now, young lady. I might not be your father, but you will not speak to your mother like that. Not while I live under this roof," my mother's new husband said after coming into my room uninvited.

"Just go away, James! You're right; you're not my father, and I don't have to listen to anything you say. I'm seventeen, and in six months, I will be eighteen, then you two won't be able to ruin my life anymore," I said to him, not even looking up from my pillow.

"No, you are right, Melissa. I'm not your father, and I know we have never seen eye to eye, but your mother loves you very much, and I love you both. And right now, she's in the kitchen crying her eyes out because of what you just said. So I'm asking you not for me but for your mom, please go down and say you're sorry," James said, sitting on the edge of my bed and placing his hand on my shoulder.

I looked up from my pillow; tears still welled in my eyes. 

"Alright, I will say sorry. But only because I love mom, not because you asked me to," I said defiantly, not wanting to give in to James. He was the reason my summer was all going to shit.

I stomped my way down the hall and then downstairs. Mom was sitting at the dining table. Her head was resting on her folded arms, and I could hear her crying.

"I'm really sorry, mom. You know I didn't mean it right. I was just angry, that's all. I just don't understand why you have to go to France with James or why I can't stay with dad. It's not fair. I had so much planned this summer. It's the last one here before I graduate and all my friends go off to college," I said, wrapping my arms around moms shoulders and hugging her tight.

Mom sat up and hugged me back, and we both started crying again.

"I love you so much, mom. You know I don't hate you, right?"

"I know, pumpkin. I love you more than anything on this earth. I understand you are upset, but James's work is sending him over there for two months, and they will pay for me to go with him. And we have only been married three months. I don't want to be halfway around the world from him that long," mom said.

"But I still don't understand why I can't stay with dad or, better still, why can't I stay here. I'm old enough to look after myself, mom," I pleaded with mom's sensibility.

"Haha, nice try, but there is no way you are staying here unsupervised for two months. And I talked to your father until I was blue in the face. Even James pleaded with him for you. But your dad just doesn't have time to look after you. He is extremely busy with work himself."

I knew that was a lie. Dad wasn't busy with work. He was busy with his young secretary and didn't want me in the way. I returned to my room to call Rick and tell him the bad news. I passed James in the hallway.

"Sorry, James," I mumbled under my breath as I walked past.

"It's ok, Melissa, but please be kind to your mom. She has had a hard time of it lately."

Saturday morning came around way too soon. James and mom drove me to the airport in the morning. I gave mom a big hug, and we both had a bit of a cry. Then James hugged me, handing me five hundred dollars.

"Sssh, don't tell your mom. It's spending money just for you," he whispered in my ear.

After arriving in Los Angeles, I grabbed my bags off the carousel. Then looking up, I saw the most beautiful woman I had ever seen walking straight toward me.

She had long flowing red waterfall curls, the most intense green eyes I had ever seen, and she walked like a supermodel. She was dressed immaculately in a business suit and tight skirt. Her smile lit up her face exposing her perfect white teeth. Reaching me, she just grabbed me and gave me a huge hug.

"Mellisa, it's so good to meet you finally. I'm so glad you will be staying with me for the summer we are going to have so much fun together," she said before letting me go.

"Uh, hi, it's nice to meet you as well, I guess. How did you even know who I was or what I looked like?"

"Are you kidding me? You look just like your mom; you are just as beautiful as her. No, you are even more beautiful. Welcome to the family," Clare said.

Christopher, will you take these bags from Melissa, please," Clare said to the chauffeur standing behind her before hooking her arm through mine and walking off towards the exit door.

I had so many questions. I didn't know where to begin. So I started with the most obvious.

"So Clare, mom, and James's wedding, how come you weren't there?"

"Hmmm, I so wanted to be there, I really did. I don't know how much James has told you about his family. And I assume you met my mom and dad?" She said.

"Yes, I did. They seemed nice. They are from Kentucky, right?"

"Well, once upon a time, I was as well. I assume the hypocrites are still portraying to be a homely church-going loving family? Instead of admitting they are inbred, Kentucky hillbillies."

I was shocked she spoke about her parents like that.

"The truth is they are why I couldn't see my brother, marry your mom. They are a pair of bible bashing homophobic judgemental fucks. They refused to go if I was there because I'm lesbian. We haven't spoken since I came out when I was sixteen," she said, looking at me as Christopher opened the long black limousine door.

I was dumbfounded to hear that, plus I was in shock from the revelation she was a lesbian.

"So what about you? Have you ever been to LA before? I certainly hope you like shopping because we are hitting Rodeo drive tomorrow and spending lots of cash. I just know we are going to be best friends. It will be like having the little sister I wish I had," Clare continued.

We talked about lots of things, and I found out that Mom and James had spent three days with Clare after their honeymoon to Hawaii, and before long, we were leaving the city and driving along the coast.

"Clare, where do you live? It's so nice out here. The houses are huge," I said.

"Malibu, I have a modest house on the beach in Malibu," she said minutes before we pulled into a big circular drive.

"Oh my God, Clare, modest! This is the biggest house I have ever seen. It's amazing. Is this really where I will be spending my summer?" I said as we pulled up in front of a vast mansion.

"Afraid so cutie. Now come on, let's grab a drink, sit by the pool and watch the sun go down. The sunsets here are the most beautiful thing about California," she said, taking my hand.

"Wait, you have a pool as well. Holy crap, this place is amazing."

"I like it, Clare humbly replied.

"Clare, pinch me. I think I'm dreaming. This can't be real, surely?" I said as I stood next to the enormous pool, which overlooked the ocean.

"Melissa, it's no dream. This is all yours for the next two months. I'm going to make us a jug of Margarita's," Clare shouted from the house.

"Wait, you are going to let me drink alcohol?" I said, running into the kitchen to clarify Clare was serious and I had heard her right.

"What happens in Malibu stays in Malibu, Ok? If so, you can have a drink with me," Clare said.

"I hugged her tight. Wow, you're the best Aunty in the world. I wish you had come to the wedding. It would have been much more fun," I said, over the moon about how the day had turned out.

"Easy with the Aunty thing. I like to think of us more as sisters. Yeah, sisters, that's much better. Aunty makes me sound old. Christopher has put your bags in your room at the top of the stairs. Why don't you put your bathers on, and we will go for a swim," Clare said, hugging me.

I quickly raced upstairs to check out my room. It was ginormous. It had glass doors that opened to a balcony overlooking the pool and ocean. I really had died and gone to heaven. Putting on my one-piece bathers, I headed back down to Clare.

"What on earth are you wearing?" Clare exclaimed.

"These are my bathers. Why, what's wrong with them?"

"Nothing. I guess if you live in a retirement home, take them off. You aren't going to get a Cali tan in them."

"Wait, you want me to take them off right here?"

"Right there or in my bedroom, it doesn't matter," she said, pointing at a door to my left.

"But what will I wear?"

"I have the perfect outfit for you. " Go get undressed while I finish mixing our drinks," she said before the blender kicked into life.

I walked into Clare's room which was as big as our lower floor at home. I nervously peeled my bathing suit from my body. Just as I was stepping out of it, Clare came in with a Margarita in each hand.

She wolf-whistled at me, making me feel even more self-conscious. I quickly pulled my arm across my exposed breasts. She placed the drinks on a bench and then proceeded to take off her clothes, throwing them on the bed. Before I could blink, she was as naked as I was. I don't even think she was wearing underwear.

I hadn't seen many naked women, but Clare looked perfect and completely tanned. Unlike me, she wasn't trying to hide her nakedness at all and was comfortable walking around with no clothes on. But I guess if you looked that good, why not.

Clare disappeared into a walk-in robe before coming out a couple of minutes later with a bright pink and a white bikini, both of which were so small you could hide them in one hand. Holding them up, she said.

"Which one do you prefer, pink or white?"

"I prefer one that actually covers something. What if someone sees us?" I said nervously.

"Look out the window. Can you see another house? No one can see us. When I'm here on my own, I don't wear bathers at all," she replied.

"The pink one then, I suppose. If going naked is the only other option."

I slipped the bikini on. It was something called a Wicked Weasel, and it covered nothing except my pussy lips and nipples. I felt as naked as I had before I put it on.

"Wow, you look so hot in pink with your long dark hair. That color is my favourite on Lin as well," Clare said.

"Who's Lin?" I asked as we walked to the pool.

"Lin is my current lover. She will be here soon. She's going to cook dinner for us."

"Oh really! I should put my bathing suit back on if we are having company." I said nervously.

Clare looked at me strangely, over the top of her sunglasses.

"Firstly, she's my partner; secondly, she's a girl who has seen much more than you are displaying. Can you just relax for one minute, please? You have a stunning face and a perfect tight young body? Live a little and show it off for a change."

I agreed to try and relax and started by taking a sip of my drink. Wow, the margarita sure did have a kick to it. I was only used to drinking lite beer or hard lemonade. This was real liquor, and I could feel it go straight to my head.

I was in the water, leaning on the pool's edge, talking to Clare, when a beautiful Asian girl walked out of the house carrying an empty glass.

She was completely naked and not a tan line in sight. Her body was so petite and perfect. I had never seen an Asian girl naked before and was intrigued by her long thick dark nipples and the long dark labia easily visible from between her legs. She had no pubic hair and was either waxed or shaved smooth.

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"Lin, this is my new younger sister Melissa. Mel, this is my partner Lin," she said, smiling at me after introducing me as a sister.

"Wow, you look so much like your mom, such a beautiful girl. I can't wait to get to know you better. I have already heard so much about you. Welcome to California, sugar. I'm sure you will love it here," Lin said.

"It's nice to meet you as well, Lin. Oh, you have met my mom as well? She is so beautiful. James is lucky to have her," She said.

"How long have you two been together?" I asked just as Lin wrapped her arms around Clare and kissed her like nothing I had ever seen.

Lin broke away from the kiss and looked into Clare's eyes.

"What's it been, babe? Six months now, right. It was right after we filmed Asian chicks love black dicks," Lin said.

I gasped aloud and saw Clare screw her face up at Lin shaking her head. Did she just say what I thought she said? No, surely not. I must have misheard her.

"Yes, something like that," Clare said, not giving any more information away.

I saw Clare whisper in Lin's ear before Lin dove into the pool. Curious about what Lin said, I asked Clare some more questions.

"You know this really is the most beautiful house I have ever seen, Clare, but I didn't ask what you actually do. I mean big house and chauffeur, you must be really important, I guess."

"I'm a director. I have a partner, and we own a small movie studio," Clare said, not revealing anything to elaborate on what Lin said. 

"She is being modest, Melissa. Clare owns, runs, produces and markets some of the hottest movies in Hollywood," Lin said, sliding up next to me in the pool.

"Oh really, that sounds so exciting. I had no idea you were in the movie business, so when can we go to the studio and meet the actors? Oh my God, coming here to stay with all these surprises has turned out to be amazing," I almost screamed with excitement.

"You don't have to go to the studio to meet the actors. You're standing right next to the biggest star Clare currently employees," Lin said, leaning over and hugging me, her hard erect nipples pressed against my chest.

"Lin! That's enough talk about work for now. What about you, Mel? Do you have a boyfriend? Maybe a girlfriend?" Clare snapped at Lin before changing the subject and directing her questions to me.

I got the distinct feeling Clare didn't want to discuss what she did. Almost like it was a secret, or she was embarrassed. But more importantly, I couldn't stop thinking about Lin's breasts; as she had hugged me. Her nipples were so hard I had felt them. I had never been naked with another girl and definitely never had a naked woman hug me.

"Drink up, little sister, and I will top up your drink," Clare said, holding up the half-empty blender jug.

I threw the drink back and swallowed it in one go, the strong alcohol making me shudder. Holding out my glass Clare filled it back up, then did the same to hers and Lin's.

"Lin, why don't you come and give me a hand in the kitchen to make another batch of drinks and maybe even start prepping for dinner," Clare said, holding out a towel for Lin.

"It's a bit early for dinner, and besides, the water is beautiful. I'm happy here chilling with this gorgeous one," Lin said again, hugging me before kissing me on the cheek.

I looked at Clare, and she gave Lin another scornful glare before heading inside.

"Don't worry about her. She is just pissed at me for bringing up her job. I have no idea why she is so embarrassed about it. She should be proud that she is one of the best and largest producers of porn in the US," Lin said quietly to me as I was about to take another sip of my margarita.

I almost choked when Lin said my Aunt Clare made porn movies.

"What, Aunt Clare makes pornos? And what, you are a porn star?" I blurted out in complete shock and disbelief.

"Sssssh, keep it down. I wasn't supposed to tell you but fuck her brother and the rest of her family. They should be proud of what she has achieved. Just look at where we are right now. Clare went from a scared and lost sixteen-year-old girl on the streets to becoming one of the most influential porn producers in the world," Lin almost whispered as she leant her perfect breasts against me.

"Aunt Clare's brother is my new stepdad. What has he done wrong? And was Aunt Clare a porn star before she started making porn movies?"

"Your new stepfather didn't want you to stay here because of what Clare does for a living. It was your mom that pushed for you to be here. Clare's entire family is embarrassed by her profession. Your mom is super cool, by the way, a total hottie. I would love another night with her alone God, what I wouldn't do with that milf body," Lin said, again shocking the shit out of me. I'm sure she had no filter at all.

"What do you mean one more night with my mom? I'm very confused? Oh fuck I have so many questions. I can't believe you want to sleep with my mom. Wait, you said again, what does that mean?" I said in shock.

"Sssssh Clare's coming back. Don't let on you know everything, and hell yes. I would totally fuck your mom again, and you too, given a chance. Both of you are so damn hot."

"What are you two been whispering about? Lin, please don't corrupt Melissa. She has only been here a couple of hours. I don't want her leaving here thinking we are all sex mad." Clare said as she walked down the stairs into the water.

I gulped my margarita down. It barely touched the sides. I needed another drink as my brain tried to process everything Lin had just told me. I poured another glass and turned to see Clare and Lin kissing each other passionately in a romantic embrace. Holy shit, I thought they were making out right next to me.

It probably sounds naive, but I had never seen two women kiss like that before. And it made me feel weird. It made me feel like I do when Rick makes out with me. Like tingly all over my body, it was making me feel hot.

I drank another margarita as I watched their hands roaming over each other's bodies. I can't believe watching them was turning me on. I had never had thoughts of another girl before. It must be the alcohol, I thought.

Clare suddenly remembered I was there and turned to look at me. Realizing what she was doing, she pulled away from Lin, almost embarrassed I was watching. But I didn't want them to stop; I wanted them to go further. They were both so beautiful I wanted to watch them make love but knew they wouldn't while I was there.

"Aunt Clare, suddenly I don't feel so good. I think I drank too much," I said, holding my head.

Clare looked at the margarita jug and said.

"I'm not surprised you have nearly drank that whole thing on your own. Plus, you haven't eaten all day. Hop out of the pool, wrap yourself in one of those beach towels, and lie on the pool lounge chair. Lin and I will make dinner and get some food into you in a little while. Just rest for a bit."

I was feeling very lightheaded from the drink, but I was not drunk. I just acted that way so they would think I was sleeping and would continue making out some more.

My plan seemed to be working. No sooner had I lay down than they were back to making out. In no time at all, Lin was undoing the tiny straps of Clare's bikini. Once undone, she threw them out of the pool while Clare slid the bottoms down and tossed them right alongside the top.

Clare looked over at me to see if my eyes were closed, and they were, but I still had them slightly open so that I could see.

"Melissa, are you ok? Melissa, honey, are you alright there?" Clare said, checking if I was awake.

I didn't say a word or move and made out I was sleeping. Secretly hoping they would do more than just kiss. My plan totally worked. Clare popped up on the edge of the pool and opened her legs wide.

"The poor thing must have been completely jet-lagged from her flight. She is out like a light. Now get over here, you dirty little slut and eat my pussy, baby."

I watched through squinted eyes as Lin slipped between Clare's legs, her face disappearing from sight. Almost immediately, Clare's head fell back, and she put a hand on Lin's head.

"Oh fuck yes, that's it, baby, lick it nice and hard. Mmmh, yes, suck my clit. God, I have been dying for you to eat my little pussy all day. It's been in a constant state of wetness since this morning, eagerly waiting for your tongue."

I had opened my eyes because Clare had her back to me and Lin's face was busy between Clare's legs. But Lin sat up to talk and saw me watching. She just winked and said.

"Your little cunt is really wet, babe. Are you sure it was me you were thinking about eating this sweet little peach? I mean, Melissa is such a hottie. Are you sure you weren't thinking about her tasting this beautiful tight little cunt? I bet you want her to taste you, don't you? You little slut, I wonder if she tastes as good as her mommy!" Lin said, teasing Clare before she went back to sucking on Clare's pussy.

"Oh fuck, oh God, yes, just like that. You're such a dirty bitch, Lin. She's my niece, for God's sake. And what happened with Shirley should never have happened. If my brother ever found out we had a threesome with his new wife, he would disown me."

Holy fucking hell, they had a lesbian threesome with mom! What the actual fuck. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My mom slept with her new sister-in-law and her porn star girlfriend? I just could believe it. Mom always seemed so straight-laced.

Clare laid on her back with her legs spread wide. I could now see Lin sliding her tongue up and down on Clare's very wet pussy. Lin caught eye contact with me and started to emphasize her tongue movements. She was showing how good she could lick pussy and how she would lick me if given a chance.

We kept constant eye contact as she sucked on Clare's clit. Clare arched her back and started moaning as Lin ate her pussy so expertly. I couldn't help but wish it was me lying there looking into her gorgeous brown Asian eyes, as her tongue gave me the pleasure it was giving Clare.

Without even thinking about it, my fingers slid into the top of the micro bikini bottoms and began rubbing my clit in little circles. Lin briefly smiled at me before pushing two of her petite fingers deep into Clare's dripping wet hole.

I didn't care anymore. My body was on fire with the erotic sex show only feet away. I lifted my bum, pulled the tiny bikini bottom off, and spread my legs wide for Lin to see. Then I pushed three fingers as deeply as possible while my other hand rubbed my clit furiously.

One thing I was good at it was making myself cum, mastering masturbation since I was a lot younger. I sped the fingers up inside my cunt as I became even more turned on. My clit started the telltale signs of tingling, and I could hear the squelching sound as my pussy became wetter and wetter. I was getting close to orgasm, my eyes still locked on Lin's

Lin's tongues started really licking and sucking Clare's pretty pussy, trying to keep in rhythm with my fingers. I arched my back, opened my legs even wider and jammed my finger hard into my dripping cunt one more time.

"Ooooh yeeesss, ooohhh, fuuuck, ooohhh," I screamed as I came incredibly hard. Never once taking my eyes off of Lin's.

My noisy orgasm alerting Clare that I was anything but asleep, her eyes snapped open, and her head turned around. She found herself looking directly between my spread legs as my fingers slowly kept on working their way in and out of my dripping wet hole.

"Oh shit," she screamed as she tried to push Lin's head away.

I quickly jumped up before Clare could sit up and straddled her head.

"If you can eat my mother's cunt, then I can't see why you can't eat mine," I said as I slowly squatted down until my pussy lips were only inches from her mouth.

"Melissa, no! We shouldn't be doing this. You're so young, and your parents entrusted me to take care of you, not seduce and fuck you," Clare pleaded as my tight virgin pussy hovered just above Clare's pouting red lips.

"Aunt Clare, I think this is exactly what mother wanted you to do when she insisted I stay here, don't you?" I said, not waiting for an answer. I lowered my pussy onto my aunt's waiting mouth.

Written by Kevtheledge63
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