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Megan’s Transformation Into A Hotwife - Part 5

"Megan & Derreck back together, out alone, until they are joined by CC, she experiences another first"

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On the way back from the Hilton, and Mathias, my phone vibrated; I knew who it was, or was at least ninety-some percent sure. Derreck had been texting me since he left about this coming Saturday. “It is hard right now, just thinking about Saturday”; “I am so looking forward to the night with you”; “You are SO hot babe, I wish I was in you right now!”; “Is that cooch and ass ready?? :)”; all of them were along those lines, the same basic theme—he wanted me and how much.

He was pretty persistent in the messages. Every time I read one, I felt a small twinge; I also wanted him. They were reminders of how wonderful he felt in me. Our three times together had been relatively short. The first was in the club, resulting in a BJ in the parking lot, then a few hours at his house, then a few hours at our house.

Going out to dinner and spending the night with him would be a whole different situation. It would be much more than just uninhibited, wanton sex; we would naturally get to know each other more completely. I thought that was a good idea, but it could also be dangerous... What if, besides sex, an affection developed? Something beyond the close friendship we had achieved.

This could be risky business. For all of us, but especially for George and I. The need to tell George what I was going to do was weighing on me; I was letting time go by. I needed a period to deal with how he might react. I was resolved that I was going with Derreck, no matter what, but when was the optimum time to tell George? I did not want to spring it on him at the last minute, and I did not want him to have days and days to think, possibly resulting in much more questioning than I wanted to deal with. Thursday morning was the day I settled on. It gave him two days to process it, come to grips with it, and vent anything he felt he needed to.

We had talked quite a bit on the drive back, well mostly he talked and I listened. It was all about what had just transpired at the Hilton. He was thrilled with Mathias personally and with the state he had put me in—twice. I was happy for us both, but exhausted and not able to match George’s excitement in reliving the evening—I had lived it, he only watched. So when we got home, I kissed George goodnight and went to bed. I was so whipped (only figuratively) from Mathias that I was not really interested in anything except sleep.

I slept late the next morning. I knew George had a golf game planned with friends, so I had the morning, and maybe early afternoon, to myself. I just vegged out, occasionally rubbing shea butter lotion on my sore pussy and reading a Hieronymus Bosch novel. I also wrote Derreck a long text about this coming weekend. He quickly responded with more of his explicit desire for me. He added that I had a 400.00 dollar credit at Nordstrom’s that I should use to “get something short and sexy” for Saturday night. So tomorrow I would tell George of my plans and then go shopping, leaving him to think it through.

During dinner George asked, “How is your pussy?”

“Still there, last time I checked,” I said with a smirk.

“You know what I mean...”

“I know. I could, but morning would be better, if you can wait.”

He smiled, “No problem, I know how much he took out of you.”

“Thanks sweetie,” I replied giggling. “It was thrilling wasn’t it? But all you want in the morn, promise.”


The next morning he was ready and I lived up to my promise. We did our usual oral treatment of each other and then he mounted and entered me. He gave a wonderful effort, producing two orgasms for me and his usual one. I was so conflicted... We loved each other and I think he was trying to prove that he was still “the man”, but two other men had intervened. Two men that had taken me to places I had never been, places George would never take me to... c’est la vie. Time to have “the” talk.

“So George, I want to talk about something. Well, not so much talk about but tell you about.”

“Ya babe, what’s up?”

“Derreck has asked me to go to dinner with him Saturday night.”

“Okay...” he said, a bit warily.

“And then to spend the night with him.”

“Really... Alone?”

“Yes, I agreed. I am going to do it.”

“You did not want to talk to me about it first?”

“You agreed when you put all this in motion, that it was my body, my decision. I have decided and I do not want to argue. I want to explore my potential, my abilities. This is absolutely no reflection on you. You will always be my beau.”

“I thought we understood that part of the deal was I got to watch...?”

“I will use FaceTime when we are having sex, you will be able to see everything.”

“Jeez Megs, I did not envision something like this happening.”

“Well maybe you should have. I did not envision you asking me to fuck other guys. Listen, I really do not want to argue. It is a done deal. It will probably be a one time thing. Now I need to go shopping for something to wear. He set me up a small credit at Nordstrom’s. I will be back, probably early afternoon.”

With that, I went to take a shower. He was sitting on the bed looking dejected. When I came out, he was still there. I was not going to fall into that woe-is-me trap. I got dressed, kissed him and took off.

After prowling the whole dress section, I settled on a strapless, crepe, sheath mini dress. In lingerie I found a strapless, underwire, pushup bra that made my cleavage look spectacular—of course I bought the matching thong.

I stopped for a quick lunch and then headed home. George was still moping around.

“So do you want to see what I bought or don’t you care? You will see it Saturday night when he comes to pick me up, if you do not want to see it now.”

“I want to see it. I want to know what I am going to be missing.”

Ignoring his attitude, I went in the bedroom and put it on, complete with stilettos. I looked good enough to eat and I knew it!

Strolling out to the living room, I asked, “So what do you think? Will he be impressed?”

“Holy crap Meg! Why don’t you ever wear anything like that for me?”

“We can’t afford what this cost, that’s why; or I would! I will be keeping this, so you will see it again, if you want to.”

“Damn straight I want to! You look like a million bucks. He is a lucky son of a bitch.”

“And so are you, you have me.”

“Well... ya... I know. Look, I am sorry I got pissy. Everything you said was right. I am looking forward to FaceTime. You promise that, right?”

“Yes, for sure. I don’t know what time it will be. He is picking me up at 6:30 pm for dinner, I don’t know where he is taking me. But I will text you, keep you posted. You have to promise not to bug me with calls or texts.”

“Okay, deal.”

“Oh, by the way, I found out what you are today.”

“What? A jerk?”

“No, a wittol.”

“A what?”

“Wittol. W.I.T.T.O.L. Google it, it fits you perfectly, and no, it is not a nasty or disparaging word. My little wittol,” I said with a slight giggle.

I changed into shorts and a tee shirt, carefully hanging the dress to keep it pristine for Saturday. We did some work around the house, had dinner, watched tv—just a pretty normal day. Nothing else was said about Derreck or Saturday.

That night he did mention that he had looked up “wittol” and that he had to agree—he was a wittol.

“Does that make me pathetic?”

“Of course not George! You just have a fetish. Many people have sexual fetishes, of all kinds. You just need to fully come to terms with yours. I am going out with Derreck alone and although you sounded disappointed, or maybe distressed, I think, somewhere deep down inside, you are thrilled at the prospect. Maybe you cannot even admit it yet, but it is there.”


“See, something is there isn’t it?”

“Okay, I do find it a tiny bit exciting.”

“You are going to ponder and imagine what he is or will be doing to me, won’t you?”

“Oh God, you have me all figured out! I am such a jerk.”

“No you’re not! You let the genie out of the bottle and it is not going back. That is what you have to come to terms with. You want this but part of you is still afraid of it, maybe afraid of losing me. Just remember, I love you, we do love sex. I like Derreck, but I do sport sex with him and any others that I do in the future will be the same, sport sex; to satisfy my own, newly found, substantial sexual needs.

“I will not stop being a hotwife, but I do promise that I will never cheat on you in terms of not telling you what I am doing or going to do. You will either be there to watch everything or I will recount every detail to you, so you will have every pleasure you desire and need.”


He paused, thinking, considering his next words... “You are completely correct. In fact don’t text me or use FaceTime with Derreck, just tell me the detailed story later. I have to let you be you and trust you to tell all. There might even be some deep, weird satisfaction just knowing you are with another man, or maybe even a woman someday.

“Thank you. You have helped me work through this and see what I needed to see. I am, and I guess always will be, a wittol, your wittol.”

“Oh thank God we had this talk. Are we good?”

“We’re good. And thank you also. Have fun Saturday night, I mean it.”

We sealed it with a kiss.

The next day, Friday, was pretty routine, a normal day for us, much the same as others. On Saturday morning he woke up horny, wanting to do me in the ass. I was a bit randy myself and I knew nothing we did in the morning would affect anything that night, so I said, “Sure, lets do it! I know you love it.” I also thought it would be good preparation for what was sure to happen that night.

Once again he turned in one of his better performances—getting me off and marking his territory. The rest of the day was uneventful. I made his dinner and he ate while I prepared for Derreck. I looked even better than when I had tried it on the first time. A little makeup and hair styling does wonders.

George politely complimented me and left it there. At 6:30 pm the doorbell rang. He insisted on answering it. Derreck was standing there, in a tux, a limo waiting by the curb.

“Hey George! Good to see you. How have you been?

“Great, just great! It is good to see you also. Fancy car there. You are going to take good care of my baby tonight, right?”

“She will be treated like the incredible woman that she is—you have no worries. Where is the beauty?”

As I came into view, he said, “ Ah, there you are my sweet. Come to daddy. You are an enchanting vision of sexual allure and loveliness.”

I slowly walked up to him until we were touching. He held me, giving me a deep, stirring kiss, my right leg lifting up from the knee—I already felt a tingling in my vag. George quietly stood by, watching.

Taking my hand, he said, “Let’s start our wonderful evening,” as he began to lead me to the limo. Looking back, he said, “Don’t worry George, I will have her back by noon.”

I don’t believe I even looked back or said goodby to George. The moment I saw Derreck, I was already in his thrall.

He lead me to the car, where the driver was waiting at the door. He opened it for me, helping me inside. Derreck was right behind me. The door closed and we were in a beautiful, dimly lit space. Soft, comfortable leather couches, an open champagne bottle awaiting us. He poured, “To us, for the evening!” We clinked our glasses as the car drove soundlessly away.

He delightfully complimented me on my choice of outfit, running his hands all over it and me.

“It is perfect, just perfect. I’ll bet the top is just barely covering your exquisite areolas.”

Before I could react, he was lifting and slightly pulling down the top seam of my dress. “Just as I suspected! You could have not have possibly cut this any closer.”

He ran his fingers across my breasts, mound to mound and down into my cleavage. The bra was really doing its push-up job. He bent to inhale my scent. With his nose partially between my boobs, he said, “Ah, Opium, I love that perfume.”

He raised up, grabbing the glass he had set down, “To an absolutely wonderful woman. I really missed you.” We clinked them again and he sat back in the seat.

“So my dear, undies tonight?”

“Yes, a thong to match my bra,” I said as I quickly lifted my dress up and down.

“Splendid, splendid. I brought you a small present,” he said as he handed me a red box wrapped in a black ribbon. “Open it.”

I did and found a red and black lacy garter laying on tissue paper. I picked up the garter, it was beautiful but did not understand the gift. He saw the quizzical look on my face.

“Dig deeper.”

So I pulled the paper aside and found... an object. About four inches long, torpedo shaped. A wire coming out of one end going to a small black box. It was white silicone with four, smooth stainless steel strips imbedded in its four quadrants. The small bottle of Astroglide was the dead giveaway as to where it was meant to go.

“You are curious I see.


“I suspect you can guess where it is meant to be placed.”


“Let’s do that first and then I will explain fully.”

Taking it, he lightly coated it with the lube. Handing it back to me, he said, “Pull your thong aside and slide it fully in. It should stay in place and your thong will help block it, if it tries to move.”

I did as instructed. It was cool going in, but comfortable, not really noticeable, almost like a Tampax.

“It is a TENs unit. It will stimulate your vaginal muscles and this little box will control its power. One slider controls the pulse speed and the other, pulse strength. So, lets try.”

He slightly moved each control and suddenly my pussy was pulsing, fluttering, vibrating, basically experiencing a pleasant stimulation.

“Ohh... this could be interesting,” I said, grinning happily.

“And it has quite a range,” he replied, as he pushed the sliders up.

“Ohh, Wow! Damn that is... potent! Okay, back off please.”

“So, good, I am glad you approve. It will make for an even more interesting dinner.”

“Oh my God, you wouldn’t. What if... I can’t control myself?”

“That will be the interesting part. Just try not to scream, at least too loud, it might make other diners wonder.”

“I always said you were a devil. Maybe you are the Devil!”

He turned it off and, after placing the garter high on my thigh, tucked the control under it.

“For safe keeping, ‘til later.” It was his turn to grin.

Then he wanted to “turn the puppies loose”. I had to veto that, pointing out how close I was to showing what I did not want to show. Not that I would be really embarrassed, but it would look kinda slutty. He understood and was pleased when I said we could release them on the way back to his house.

“By the way,” I said, as I softly stroked his quite discernible manhood, “you are quite on view tonight. Yummy!”

“Silk boxers, they can be quite conforming, and you better stop or it could be a tad embarrassing walking into the restaurant.”

I understood all too well, so I ceased and desisted. I questioned him about his trip, what he did, how was business, things like that. What I really wanted to know was if he had fucked anyone while he was away.

He gave no hint about companionship and only discussed the bare bones of the trip, saying that the nitty gritty would just bore me. The he asked what I had been doing. I told him just normal boring stuff with George. I had no intention of even coming close to mentioning Mathias, let alone even being on the hunt.

We soon arrived at the restaurant, Oscar’s, one the most expensive and hardest to reserve in the city.

“Damn Derreck, I am impressed. How did you do this?

“I know the maitre d’. We'll have a nice table and great meal.”

“I would think so!” I said, as the driver opened the door for me.

As we walked in, the maitre d’ said, “Good evening Mr. Roberts, it is good to see you again. I has been awhile.”

Derreck shook his hand, saying, “Good to see you also, Robert.”

“We have a nice table in the back, curved booth, quite private. Carlos will show you back, enjoy your dinners,” he said, smiling at both of us.

The booth was dim and private. Two tapers were burning on the table.

“Carlos, bring us some calamari and two extra dry Chopin martini’s, straight up. Is that okay with you?”

“A perfect start, thank you for asking.”

As Carlos was leaving, Derreck’s hand was on my thigh and advancing upwards, I spread my legs slightly. He retrieved the little black box and then caressed my thong, noting that it was damp and he could feel heat radiating. I just smiled as I began to stroke his organ, wanting to enlarge it, to arouse him—it was working.

By the time the appetizers and martini’s arrived, our thighs were in contact, he was about as hard as his pants would allow and my insert had me on the verge of squirming—I was resisting it as best as I could, but I knew what would happen, sooner or later... I just hoped I could control myself when it did.

Between teasing each other and enjoying the atmosphere, food, and drinks; it was a wonderful evening so far. I was captivated by him and the ambience. My tingling was getting stronger and stronger; he had not increased the power, thank God.

I moved my hand from his rod to his knee and gripped it tightly, my other hand gripping the table’s edge. As it was about to hit me, I squeezed as tight as I could and then uttered a quiet, “Oh fuck!” as my legs trembled.

“Congratulations my dear,” he said, as he turned it off. “I hope you enjoyed it.”

“Is there a bad orgasm?” I said, chuckling. “But if you do that any stronger it is highly likely I will scream, just so you are forewarned.”

“We will save the screams for later. Do I take it that occasional stimulation is okay?”

“Absolutely. Just no stronger and not real often. I am sure I am more than just damp now. I really do not want to walk out of here with a big wet spot on my dress.”


We were there for a bit over three hours. The food, the ambiance, the service, his company, my three additional orgasms—all were wonderful. As we walked out the door, me a little bit tipsy from our libations, the limo was pulling up. Once again the driver opened the door for me and assisted me inside. Derreck was right behind. I knew what was coming next.

“So lean forward. I will help unzip you so we can set them free.”

I did and he did. They were released into his waiting hands, soon to be followed by his lips. I slid forward to let him enjoy himself; his pleasure was my pleasure.

After a few minutes had past, he again turned on the torpedo, as I called it. This time there was no one here except the driver and the privacy window was up. The couch was so big, I turned and reclined with my head in his lap, closing my eyes as he caressed my boobs and nips. He also increased the power to the torpedo. I was determined to resist it as long as possible. My thought was if I could hold off, it would eventually produce a super strong orgasm—I was not wrong.

“Oooh fuck!! God damn I am going crazy! Shit, shit shit!” I was now truly screaming, my whole body was shaking. “Turn the fucker off!” I managed to gasp out. “Oh thank God.” I said as my body and breathing were returning to normal. “That fucker can be devastating,” I said as I reached down and pulled it out. “That was incredible but I will stick with your dick for the rest of the night, thank you very much!”

“Sorry babe, I just had to see how it would affect you. Seriously, are you okay?”

“Seriously, I am fine and the orgasm was incredible but that could really be dangerous I think, like unconscious serious. But now we know. I would not decline it in the future but just be aware. That requires a lot of trust.

“I wonder what the driver thinks happened back here? He can’t see can he?”

“No, he cannot see and I am sure he has heard the same or worse.

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You know I love you and would never hurt you, right?”

“Yes, I know,” was about all I could get out. He had never said “love” before...

We arrived at his house fairly soon after that experience. I was somewhat of a mess but we only had a short distance to the front door. The bra went in my red clutch and he zipped me up. Good enough to exit and go up the driveway. The driver, again there to open the door, had a smile on his face. “Enjoy you evening Ma’am.”

I turned to him, “Oh I intend to, I definitely intend to.” With that, Derreck and I headed for the house.

Once inside, I headed to his family room in the back, where I kicked off my shoes, finished unzipping my dress, stepped out of it and hung it over a nearby chair. I then dropped to his couch, glad to be there. He had gone into the bedroom and came back out, just wearing his black, silk boxers, his cock on full contour display.

“Want some wine or an aperitif?”

“If you have a really nice cognac, I would enjoy that.”

“Is forty year old good enough?”

“I think that just might be perfect. Is there anything you don’t have?”

“I don’t have you, permanently.”

I had no answer for that so I just smiled as he turned to get the drinks. The cognac was excellent. He sat next to me, our bodies touching, and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly.

“Now we have all night together.”

Before I could say anything, the doorbell rang. “I better get that,” and he went to the door.

I heard some unintelligible conversation and then steps coming back to the room. Derreck walked in the room with another guy. I was too startled and too mentally caught off balance to do much. No point in trying to cover what had already been seen and Derreck obviously knew this guy well.

“Megan, I want you to meet Charles, he goes by CC. He is an old friend, fraternity brother.”

“Hi Charles, CC, nice to meet you.” What else was I going to do?

I rose and said, “Ah, Derreck, can we talk in the bedroom? Excuse us CC.”

I turned and headed for the bedroom, knowing Derreck had better follow. He was right behind me and closed the door behind him.

Looking at him with a very confused look, “What the fuck Derreck?”

“This was going to be a surprise but not quite so shocking, sorry about that. Let me explain and then I will do whatever you want.”

He went on to say that CC was married, and he and his wife were in an “open” relationship. She was home now with another woman, enjoying their time alone together. CC could be there with his wife, participating, but he had invited CC over to give me another “first”.

“And that is?”

“Have you ever been with more than one guy at a time?”

“Well... in college there were a couple of times I had sex with two guys, but it was more like they just took their turn, nothing really mutual, like at the same time.”

“And ever been with two guys endowed like me?”

“God no.”

“Well tonight is your chance. He is not as thick and a tiny bit shorter but you will like it. If you take just a few minutes to get to know him, you will find he is at least as nice, charming and easy-going as me; and I totally vouch for his STD free status. I have been with his wife several times, she is almost as much fun as you—almost. I have never been with a woman who is as special as you, in so many ways. If you don’t like him or you just are not interested just say so, no harm, no foul, as they say. He will only stay as long as we want. He knows our deal,”

After a few minutes of quiet, thinking, silence, I said, “Okay, if he is what you say, I agree it could be fun. You go ahead of me and get him down to his undies, like us. When you call me, I will come out and we can chat and see where it goes. I actually hope you are right, but it was a hell of a way to get here.”

“I know, I am sorry, I had a different plan but it did not work out, and by the way, I think he may well be going commando, he usually does.”

“All the better, everything on display. Go on, I will wait for you to call me, get him a cognac.”

Shortly... “Okay, c’mon, everything’s cool.”

I walked out, they were both sitting on the couch, with a space inbetween for me. I flopped down with just enough room, my thighs were touching both of theirs. Glancing at CC, I saw Derreck was right about his cock, well equipped.

I picked up my drink and we all began to chat. I wanted to hear about CC’s home relationship, how open it was. He was very forthcoming, explaining how long they had been married, how they got to where they are. He was very candid and laid back, as Derreck had said. He did not quiz me at all, I liked that. In the middle of the conversation, I started to stroke him and he rose to the occasion.

I was horny and I knew they had to be also, but they were being diplomatic, waiting for me to make the first move. I put my drink down and started to give CC head. His additional stiffening and moans told me I was having the right affect. Then I switched to Derreck, CC started to gently explore my pussy. This was going to be fun.

I stood up, “C’mon guys, let’s go to the bedroom and see what nasty shit we can get into!”

We all walked in together. As I was dropping my thong, they stripped the covers back. I jumped up and spread my legs.

“You both have to make me cum orally before any fucking, and I get to suck whomever is not eating me. Two guys to pleasure me, how lucky can a girl get!”

Derreck motioned CC to go first. He spread me wider and dove in—with vigor! Derreck presented his cock to me, which I happily held and took in my mouth. CC had a long tongue, probably the longest I had ever felt. He went up in me and rolled it around, an extremely sensuous and arousing feeling. Then he used it on my clit, his mouth surrounding it and then dragging his tongue up ‘til its tip just flicked it. He went back and forth from my tunnel to my clit. My juice was flowing freely and he was licking up every drop that came out.

I was sort of on autopilot with Derreck, my concentration was so focused on what CC was doing to me. This would not take long. I was already breathing in gasps, my leg muscles were contracting, that special feeling was building quickly in my groin. I had to pull Derreck out to breathe but I kept stroking him, his cock would forever enchant and bewitch me.

“Oh yes CC, yes, keep it up, just like that, don’t stop or change a thing, you are going to get me!”

My legs started to shudder uncontrollably, “God, I am cumming! Put your tongue in me! Yes, yes! Ohh...”

I took Derreck back in my mouth as the orgasm faded, milking him with my hands, trying to get his cum but he held back. I finally let myself relax.

“Damn, that was great! CC, you are... interesting, to say the very least. Derreck, you brought over a winner. Let’s see how you follow that act!”

They switched positions and Derreck started on me. He had the advantage of knowing me, knowing my ins and outs of pleasure and sensitivity. I greedily started sucking CC as Derreck put the full court press on my pussy. My clit had just desensitized from CC, when he started on it. He quickly brought it back to its nearly orgasmic state.

The same thing happened as I was giving head to CC that happened to Derreck, I went on a sort of autopilot. All my senses were focused on my vag and Derreck’s handiwork. He sucked, licked and flicked it with just the right pressure and speed. His fingers were on my nipples, tweaking and pulling them. He knew just how to get me, he was better than George, even after the years of experience he had.

“Ohh God Derreck, you fucker! You know exactly...”

Again my legs were shaking. He could feel every little movement. He pressed his advantage home.

“Yes, yes! You got me! Ohh shit, I am cumming!” I let out one big, long shout of raving rapture.

He stopped just before I was going to pull him off me. My clit was throbbing, I was panting; slowly I recovered.

“C’mon CC, wanna feel this pussy, fill me up?”

“I’m your man,” he said as he took Derrecks place and wasted no time rubbing his shaft between my lips to lube it and then in he went. Oh God, what bliss is a big cock. He was smaller than Derreck in stature so I could wrap my legs and arms around him and hold on. He pumped me and I pulled him into me, two natural forces working together, in unison. It was bliss. I was stretched and he was doing me as hard as he could, every thrust of his body hitting my clit.

I sometimes wish I could be in a guy’s body just once, to feel what they feel. Is it anywhere near what a woman feels? It is pure euphoria to feel a cock sliding in and out of you. The sensation really defies the English language. You need to put at least ten different words together to begin to describe fully the extreme pleasure of having a guy between your legs, pounding away, kissing you, holding you tight, feeling an orgasm building in you and then its release running through you, taking over your mind and body.

That’s what was happening to me. He was pressing me into the bed with every plunge. That special feeling was building up. I had lost track of time, I hope he had the stamina to keep it up. Please don’t stop I thought—he didn’t.

Arms and legs wrapped around him, it hit me like a freight train. I was screaming and holding on for what seemed like dear life.

That was not to be my only one. He was not out of gas. He never slowed during my wild screaming. It only made the next one come sooner. Time seemed so short, the next train was coming. That one was as strong as the previous, my screams as loud.

How was he keeping this up?, flashed quickly through my mind. No matter, he was. He never slowed until near the end of my last release, then he had his. His hot jizz exploded into me. Pulse after pulse, filling me. This had to be heaven, or at least heaven on earth.

After his last pulse, he was exhausted, as was I. He collapsed on me, trying to hold his weight off me. I whispered for him to just relax, I could take it, and he did. Another feeling I love, a man assaulting me a few seconds before, now surrendering to his drained body.

His weight did not bother me in the least. I still had him in me, still stretching me, his jizz beginning to run past him and out of me. When he first started to move I held him tighter, but then I reluctantly let him go—he rolled to the bed, panting. I was just enjoying the feeling of his seed in me and slowly leaving.

I looked around. Derreck had been watching the whole episode.

“Ready for more baby?”

I was not at all sure that I was, but I said, “You know it lover. Whenever you are.”

“This time you are going to be on your knees.”

As CC was getting off the bed to make room, I thought, Oh God, he is going to do my ass. I wanted him there, knew I could take it there, but it was still a daunting thought.

He was positioned behind me as I was slowly turning over, the last of CC running out; it did not bother Derreck. Grabbing my hips, he pulled me up and slapped both my cheeks—hard!

“Do it big boy! Take me. I am your slut to use.” Smack, smack! God, it felt good. The very last of CC’s elixir just barely seeping out of me. He needed no additional lube, he just plunged in.

“Oh God, yes. You are so fucking huge! Fuck me, make me yours!”

He did just that. As with his oral treatment of me, he knew just want to do. I was stretched even more, his cock just barely missing my cervix. Soon I was lost in the sexual thrall he held me in. His thrusts were violent, powerful; I craved them.

With him holding my shuddering body tightly, the climaxes soon started, “I am cumming! Ohh fuck yes! God, another!”

I was clawing at the bed, panting for air, screaming incoherently. I barely felt the ass slaps. I was in an unimaginable world of pure, wanton lust. I took whatever he gave me and wanted more. I knew I was going to pass out soon but did not care. I had given myself to him, nothing mattered except the next orgasm.

It was at that very moment in time when I felt his convulsive, bursting discharge of spunk erupting into me. Oh that hot, creamy, succulent, slippery milt that I loved so much; it was filling me. His thrusts had stopped but I still felt the surges of his cock. Soon he was finished, still totally in me but not moving. I gradually came back to this world.

“Now I want you to stay like you are for just a second. I am going to pull out and quickly slip under you. Then you can come down and let my rod fill you again. Then you rest on my chest. Okay?”

I was still a bit winded but not ready to give up if he was not. “Okay. Do it”

Quicker than I could have imagined, he was under me, his cock still hard; he was guiding me down on him.

“I can’t believe you are still hard but I love it! I love you and love you in me.” Did I really say I loved him? He did not acknowledge it, thank God.

We lay like that for a bit until we had both recovered.

“Now you are going to experience that new ‘first’ that I mentioned earlier.”

“What ‘first’ could we possibly do?”

That was when I felt the bed move. I glanced back, CC was coming up behind me, his cock sticking straight out, gleaming from the lube that covered it.

It hit me. “Oh my God! You are both going to fuck me aren’t you. You want to DP me!

“Derreck, lover, I am not at all sure I can take this. I have never done it before and the size of both of you in me... I’m scared... and also a bit excited.”

He started to very casually but deliberately, move in me, just an inch or two, as he held my hips.

As he moved, knowing he was stirring me, he said, in his soft, slow voice, “You know you love anal. You took me almost effortlessly and CC is not as thick as me. You know you really want this. You want to experience the ultimate penetration pleasure, don’t you?”

I had dreams about this, wondered what it was like, I desired two cocks in me. It is so nasty, so slutty, so depraved. Would I be accepting the ultimate ravishment of a woman? It did not matter, I wanted it.

“Okay, but go slow and if I say stop it means stop, right then! CC, you hear that?”

“I hear and don’t worry, we never hurt women—ever!”

Just from Derreck’s slow movement, I was responding, my body was responding; I was pressing my clit against him. I felt the first touch of CC’s cock between my crack, my cheeks parting as he advanced toward my rose. Drops of what must have been lube were hitting and sliding down my crack. Then the first pressure. I did not mentally resist but my body did, it was not a natural feeling. A bit more pressure and I started to open, more lube dropped in. Then, surprisingly, he was in. It felt good... actually pleasant—I wanted more.

Derreck whispered to me, “It feels good, doesn’t it?”

Not only had I accepted it, now I longed for it. “Yes,” I whispered back. “Fuck me. Make me scream in ecstacy. Ravish me, I am your slut.”

CC began an with small thrusts, but going a bit deeper each time. Derreck held my hips and began increasing his thrusts, making them longer and longer, until he was fully withdrawing and returning to the deepest part of my coochie. Soon they were both going fully in and fully receding, the feeling was indescribable. My mind and body were overrun with an incredible new sensations. My body was being invaded in such a wonderful way, a way it had never experienced!

It did not take them long to establish a rhythm, one was going in while the other was coming out; a see-saw of sexual rapture. I knew what was going to happen. What was normally a beginning tingle down there, now was an actual tremor, and its strength was increasing rapidly. I was about to lose complete control of my body. Muscles all through me were tensing, waiting for the magic signal to contract, to quiver, tremble and shudder— all outside my conscious control.

“Oh God Derreck, this is so relentless! I am going to start cumming soon. It is building quickly. I know I am going to lose control. Hold me tight and don’t stop ‘til you both cum, I want to be full.”

“We’ve got you babe, just go with your feelings.”

The first wave hit and ran out in all directions from my pussy.

“I’m cumming! Cumming! Fuck me, do me! Ohh my God!

I have faint memories of thinking I must be having a seizure. I heard a female voice in the distance screaming uncontrollably. In the recesses of my mind, there was a feeling of hot fluids flowing into me. Then, through a mist, I could vaguely hear, “Megan... Megan, can you hear me?”

I opened my eyes. Derreck was next to me. It all came rushing back! Well, mostly anyway.

“Good God, what happened?” I said, and then starting laughing. “I guess that’s kinda lame isn’t it? I know what happened. You guys fucked the bejeezus outta me! Look at me, I am leaking everywhere! Well, just from two places... I can’t believe I let you guys do that, but am really glad I did!”

“I love you Megan. I don’t believe you know just how special you are to me.”

I had no answer for that, so I just hugged him as my body finally returned to normal. I asked him where CC was. He was showering so he could get home. About that time, he came out, dressed, ready to go.

“Megan, I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did. You are one terrific woman. Hope to see you in the future. Take good care of Derreck, he needs it.” Before I could say anything, he leaned down, kissed me and left.

“Wow, that was quick. And you need to be taken care of...? I doubt that!”

“That is just CC being CC. He is a good guy and you would like his wife, if you are ever so inclined that way.”

I passed on any statement about another female. I did have certain thoughts but was not ready to discuss them. We both got up and into the shower. The hot water was both relaxing to my muscles and invigorating to my mind.

Back in the bedroom, I propped myself up on a pillow and asked him to get me another cognac, that was really good liquor. He returned with one for each of us and snuggled close to me. We were both whipped but I was not ready to give in to sleep. We talked about the night, from the dinner to my DP. We laughed and relived things. He was such a considerate, gracious, loving man. How could he possibly be divorced? What a fool or bitch she must have been. I never once thought of George after dinner was over.

Finally, we both slid down. I put my head on his shoulder and was sleeping before I realized it.

The next thing I knew, the sun was beaming in through his blinds. I stretched my arms and looked at the clock, it was 11:06 am. Derreck was on his side but must have felt me move. He turned over and stretched his body.

“Morning sweet thing. I take it you slept well?”

I was looking at the tent pole holding up the sheet about where his cock would be... “Ah... oh, ya, great!”

I had been looking forward to his morning wood but I was way too sore. However it did not mean I could not give him some excellent head. He saw me looking and just smiled. I pulled down the sheet and moved between his legs. I was going to enjoy this and I knew he would. I could take my time, tease him a bit and luxuriate in the joy of savoring his gorgeous organ.

Plenty of time past before I let him have his release. I tasted his pre-cum and prepared for the blast that I knew would soon follow. His legs went rigid as his essence shot out. I loved his thick creamy jizz. I played with it in my mouth and let it slowly run down my throat. When I had milked the last of it from him, he pulled me up for a deep, passionate kiss. What a way to end our “date” together.

The mornings activity had caused my juice to run from me, moistening my whole pubic area. He offered me another shower while he made coffee.

“No, I am just going to put my thong on and see if George notices. And, if you don’t mind, I had better get home. I told him I would be home by noon and it is just that now.”

He understood. We both got dressed. It felt sort of bizarre to be in my evening dress on a Sunday morning, not exactly church attire. Of course I would not exactly qualify as virtuous Sister of the year.

At my house, he stopped on the street, by my front door. No going in to charm George this morning. I would face that by myself. I kissed him intensely and walked to the door, where I was met by George before I could open it. Derreck waved in our direction and drove off.

“Hi sweetie! It is good to be home.”

“I missed you and want to hear all about it! Tell me everything.”


Author’s Note: Please comment and vote on my story. It is good for my ego and if you have a critical comment it will help me to be a better writer. Thanks for reading, your enjoyment is my enjoyment. I hope you will read future parts.

Written by Kee
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