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Black Is Beautiful - Chapter 2

"One was great but two prove to be better than one."

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I was woken from my nap by someone rapping on the door. It took me a few seconds to orient myself and sort my mind out as to where I was.

“Who’s there?” I asked.

“Maid service, ma’am. Here to turn down the bed and see if you need anything.”

“Give me a second.”

I scrambled out of bed, threw on a nighty, and yelled, “Please come in,” as I went to the bathroom.

As I attended to the needs of nature, I smiled as I thought of all that I had experienced today and what might still be in store for me tonight.

I returned to the bedroom, and a young woman wearing skin-tight shorts was bent over the bed, tucking a new set of sheets. She straightened out, and my jaw dropped. I was looking at a female version of Devon.

She smiled at me and said, “I’m Danica. I’ll be your chambermaid during your stay. If there’s anything I can do for you, anything, just let me know.”

The innuendo in that ‘anything’ was obvious. I am not bi, nor am I into women. However, if I was, this tender slip of a girl would be interesting.

She ogled my body under my sheer nighty and licked her lips suggestively.

“Danica, you flatter this old woman; however, I’m as straight as it gets.”

“Too bad,” she said with a wistful smile. “However, if you change your mind, let me know.”

“You know, Danica, you remind me of someone who also works at the resort.”

“She giggled, “Oh, you mean Devon? He’s my twin brother. So now I see why he was raving about his new conquest earlier.”

I blushed furiously. “He told you about us?”

“He raved about this hot chick he had had an encounter with earlier. However, as usual, he was discrete and did not reveal your identity. I understand that you are having supper with him?"

“True. By the way, what time is it?”


“I’d better rush. He’s picking me up at seven-thirty. Before I rush off, may I ask you a personal question?”


“Do you also get involved with the guests?”

“Sure do. I have a hot date for supper with a couple. He has a yummy cock which I’m dying to feel in me, and she wants me to be their cupcake for tonight and will be fluffing me. Delicious. Well, I’ll run along now. See you at supper.”

“Hey, wait a minute before you go; what’s a cupcake, and what is fluffing?”

“A cupcake, Wendy, is a woman a wife offers to her husband to make love to. The wife is called a cuckquean, the female equivalent of a cuckold. The wife does the fluffing to help her husband and the cupcake have a better sexual experience. “

“Interesting... Well, enjoy your night.”

“Thank you, I will, and you enjoy yours.”


When Danica was out the door, I rushed to the shower to shampoo my hair and wash. I also touched up my girly parts and my legs with my razor to ensure that no vestige of hair would hinder my anticipated pleasure.

Standing before my meager collection of clothes, I pondered what to wear, finally deciding on a white silk blouse and my black mini-skirt. No panties, hose, or bra required, I decided. All my short hair required was a couple of brush strokes to restore it to tidiness.

I looked at myself in the mirror and was pleased with the look. My nipples were on display for all to admire. However, I would have to be careful of how I walked and sat to avoid my ass or pussy being on show for one and all.

A touch of lipstick, blood red, of course, and a spritz of Kurkdjian Baccarat eau de perfume in strategic locations completed my preparations.

As I donned my Gucci block heel sandals, there was a knock at the door. I rushed to open it, and Devon greeted my appearance with an animal growl before taking me in his arms and kissing me.

“Easy on the makeup, stud. You’ll have plenty of time to mess it up when we get back after supper.”

“Wendy, you look good enough to eat,” he said as he ran his hand under my mini to caress my bare ass.

I giggled, “I had planned on being your desert.”

“Sounds scrumptious. I’ll look forward to that. Let’s go. We don’t want to be late.”

As we strolled arm in arm up the path toward the main building, I realized how nice it would be to not be married to my husband. To be as accessible as I felt now and to let my sexuality loose. It was not just the boy toy escorting me who I was enraptured with, but the ability to truly let myself be who I wanted to be.

“Devon, what is that beautiful aroma? I asked.

“It’s your flower, Wendy.”

“My flower?”

“It’s called Lady of the Night. It exudes its perfume after dark.”

I giggled, “Are you going to make me exude my perfume also?”

“You can bet on it. I plan to make you experience the night of your life.”

“Ooh, that sounds delightfully naughty.”

We arrived at the dining area, and Devon led me to a semicircular booth. I sat down, displaying a lot of thigh as I slid in. Devon gave a soft growl at the display I offered him. “Wendy, you have magnificent legs to go along with many other magnificent features,” he said as he ogled my nipples, which seemed ready to poke a hole in my blouse.

“Can you excuse me for a minute? I’ll be right back.”

“Sure. Hurry back.”

I sat and listened to the sound of the band playing Bob Marley’s ‘Stir It Up,’ I smiled at how appropriate that title was then. Looking around, I noticed my fellow diners. My see-through blouse was tame in comparison to what some of the women were wearing. Tits and cleavage were rampant and obviously enjoyed by their male companions. The white tablecloths hid what was happening lower down.

Danica was sitting two tables away with a man and a woman on either side of her. The female was enthusiastically fondling her tit and kissing her. When they came up for air, Danica noticed me and smiled and mouthed, ‘Have fun.’

“You too,” I mouthed back.

Devon reappeared with another young Jamaican male. “Wendy, this is my cousin Tyron. Would it meet your approval if he joined us for supper?”

Standing before me was a Jamaican Apollo extending his hand to me. I opened my hand, and he enveloped it in his massive hand. This guy exuded power and sexuality, and I felt my nether parts suddenly get even wetter than they had been.

“Why not,” I answered. “The more, the merrier,” I replied with visions of these two teens ravaging my body all night.

Devon sat on my right while Tyron slid into my left. It seemed that I would be the meat in the sandwich later.

“Tyron, what do you do around the resort?”

“I help my dad run the joint when I’m here,” he said. “During the school year, I go to UCLA.”

“How nice. We are almost neighbors then. I live out on the West Coast.”

”Really! Maybe we could meet up out there. Devon will be joining me as a freshman this year.”

I felt my pussy tingle at the thought that I might continue to enjoy Jamaica back home.

I looked up, and a man was standing in front of us.

Tyron said, “Oh, hi, Dad. May I introduce you to Wendy?”

“Hi, Wendy.”

I recognized Clarence, my chauffeur.

“Wendy and I met yesterday when she arrived at the airport. Didn’t I tell you that you would meet some handsome young Jamaicans who would gladly escort you? So have my son and nephew been showing you a good time?”

“Devon has been charming, and I just met Tyron. The evening is still young, so we’ll have to see what develops.”

“Knowing these two, I am sure they will be able to keep you amused.”

“Clarence, what is your function at the resort?”

“I own this joint,” He said with a smile. “Yesterday, our chauffeur was out, so I substituted for him. I came tonight to find out if you would like to come out sailing with me tomorrow afternoon.”

“That would be delightful,” I answered with the memory of his massive cock impaling me earlier.

“Great! I’ll pick you up at lunch tomorrow. Have fun tonight,” he said, walking away with a broad smile.

Devon turned to me and said, “You got to know my uncle well, didn’t you?”

I blushed and replied, “On the way from the airport.”

“Dad is not known for wasting time,” Tyron said with a smirk. “Wendy, is that a wedding ring you’re wearing?”

“Yes, it is. Does that bother you?”

“Not at all. It just adds spice to the occasion. Where is hubby now?”

“On a business trip. Why does it add spice for you?”

“I love married women. I find them to be more passionate and open to having new experiences. If you let us, Devon and I are ready to rock your world.”

“You mean both of you at once?”

“Sure, if you would like.”

“Mmmm! That sounds delicious. Just one restriction, I don’t do anal intercourse, so no DP.”

“We can live with that; however, you are missing out.”

“Apart from that restriction, I expect you two to rock my world. I am open to most things.”

“Why don’t we order, and then we can go back to your bungalow for dessert.”

As we waited for our surf and turf to be served, the young men got me primed for dessert. I spread my legs as impudent hands stroked my thighs. Then, exploring fingers discovered my pantiless state and started strumming my clit and ass. It felt like I had a many-tentacled creature on either side of me, seeking to devour me with its feelers.

I think we bolted our food down in less than a minute. We all three were so anxious to get to the main course. While eating, I had pulled out two handsome cocks and stroked them till my fingers were covered in precum.

Finally, pushing my plate away, I asked, “Ready for dessert, guys? Dessert, in any case, is more than ready for you.”

By mutual agreement, we got up and rushed to the bungalow.

As we closed the doors behind us, Devon took me in his arms and passionately kissed me. Our tongues found each other’s and met in a passionate wrestling match. Tyron, from behind me, cupped my tits and toyed with my super-sensitive nipples.

I felt him unbuttoning my blouse to fondle my titty flesh. I could feel his cock pushing into the crack of my ass while Devon’s cock was doing its best to part my pussy lips through my skirt.

“Back off, guys. Let’s get comfortable so we can have fun.”

I stepped out of their double embrace, undid the zipper on the side of my mini, and let it slither down to pool at my feet. My blouse followed it to the floor, and I stood there in all my glory, wearing only my sandals.

The two of them stood there with jaws dropping, and I stepped back to get a better view and said, “Your turn.”

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In an instant, they shed their clothes and stood side by side before me in all of their magnificence, cocks erect and pointed at the ceiling. I knelt at their feet and took one cock in each of my fists and kissed one and then the other on the tip. I was more than ready for dessert when Devon pulled me to my feet.

“Why did you stop me?” I asked.

“Wendy, this is not a sprint; it’s a marathon. We want to bring you to places you have never visited. So, to start, let us set the pace. You won’t regret it.”

“I’m all yours. Do to me what you wish.”

“Tyron, open the patio doors,” he ordered. He scooped me in his arms and carried me outside. I heard the hum of the Jacuzzi. “I had maintenance start the Jacuzzi while we were at supper. So let’s all get in and relax while we get ready for the main events.”

“Events? There will be more than one?”

“You can bet your sweet ass there will. Don’t plan on getting much sleep tonight.”

He set me on my feet and stepped in the warm water. Tyron put a bottle and three flutes on the edge, stepped in, and sat on my other side. I think the only light came from underwater, and the air was redolent with the smell of incense and sandalwood.

I let my body luxuriate in the feel of the bubbles that caressed my body as each of my handsome lovers kissed me.

I reached to either side to toy with their cocks. Both were quite a handful, and my hand barely wrapped around their shafts. Devon fiddled with some controls on the side of the Jacuzzi, and the air was filled with the soft sound of classical music.

“What’s that playing, Devon?”

“Concieto de Aranjuez.”

“I’m surprised. I thought you would prefer something other than classical music.”

“There’s a time for reggae and a time for classical music. We intend to make love to you and not just bang you. So something like this is more appropriate,” he said while playing with my tit. He alternately pinched and tugged on my nipple, which drove me crazy.

“That’s so sweet.”

“The music or what I am doing to your tit?”

“Both. Also, what Tyron is doing to my pussy.”

“Tyron, are you taking advantage of this helpless woman?”

“Damn right, cousin. She has the tightest, most velvety pussy I have ever felt up.”

“Unhand that woman and open up the bubbly.”

“Champagne,” I gushed, “this is certainly more than a quick fuck. I feel like I have been dined and wined, and we are on a date.”

“We are,” said Tyron. “Here, my Lady, please accept this nectar of the gods,” as he handed me a flute of champagne.

The three of us clinked glasses and sipped on the bubbly.

“That’s good, isn’t it?” said Devon, “However, I know something that would quench my thirst better.”

“What would that be?” I asked.

“Your sweet pussy juice,” he said as he stepped in front of me and wrapped his hands under my ass to lift me so I was sitting on the deck with my feet in the Jacuzzi. Then, spreading my thighs, he lifted my legs and draped them over his shoulders.

He trailed soft kisses and licks along my inner thigh and ran his tongue on either side of my vagina, making me joyfully squeal. Tyron climbed out of the water and knelt beside me. His sweet lips seized my nipple and teased it till it ached. Next, he took some champagne into his mouth and grasped my other nipple. The sensation was divine as the bubbles fizzed around my taught nipple. It was both soothing and exciting.

Devon’s tongue ran trails from my perineum upward through my pussy lips. I lay back, luxuriating as these two edged me closer and closer to a climax. Finally, when Devon inserted two fingers deep into my cunt and found my g-spot while sucking on my clit, which had emerged from its hood, I exploded into a violent orgasm that left me gasping for breath.

I tried to stand, but my legs seemed to be made of rubber. “Wendy, just lie back. We are not finished with you by a long shot.” Tyron said with a smile.

“But I want my turn at dessert,” I said, cradling his massive balls.

“Before that, are you serious about wanting to experience places you have never been?”

“You think you can teach this old broad new tricks?”

“We’re sure we can if she who refers to herself as an old broad can trust us to lead her to new places. And by the way, you are not an old broad. You are a sexy gorgeous woman which no man could resist.”

“You have my trust. I trust both of you. First, however, can I have another swig of champagne?”

“Wendy, you must be reading our thoughts. Devon, serve us a flute and pop the cork on the second bottle.”

We sat cuddling together in the warm air, each guy toying with my body while I regained my senses from that last orgasm. I had never before been paid as much attention as I was now. My breasts were worshiped, my pussy was caressed, and the kisses we exchanged just went on and on, stoking the fire that was raging in my cunt.

Devon had me lie down again when I started moaning with unrequited need. He stood and pulled my legs up and spread them wide. I felt deliciously exposed to their lecherous eyes.

Tyron said, “Ready for a new experience?”

“Oh, Yes. What are you going to do to me?”

“WE are going to quench our thirst at the source,” he said with a smile.

I saw him grab the new bottle of champagne, and spreading my pussy lips, he poured some right up my cunt. The sensation was incredible as the liquid fizzed and bubbled within me. Every millimeter of my vagina received an incredible massage from all those tiny bubbles. I gasped in surprise as I reveled at the moment. Next, he leaned forward and sucked at my hole, drinking right out of my cunt.

He switched with Devon, who repeated the procedure with the added refinement of overfilling me, which resulted in the champagne running down and bathing my ass crack, which felt delightful it even ran into my navel. My whole body tingled when Devon brought his talented tongue and mouth into play as his fingers toyed with my clit, which got me once again over the top. Once more, my whole body quivered and shook as I had a second orgasm.

I don’t know if I blacked out because the next thing I was conscious of was lying in my bed inside the bungalow.

The guys were lying on each side of me, and I looked at them and gave them a goofy grin. “Wow! I think my cup runneth over.”

“It certainly did. It seems that you enjoyed being our drinking vessel,” Devon said.

“It was an incredible experience. Now I want at least a taste of dessert,” I said, reaching on either side and grasping an erect cock in each hand.

“How about a new way of doing that?” Tyron asked.

“A new way?”

“Get on your knees.”

Once I was up, the guys knelt and positioned themselves before me. I could admire their cocks and balls up close for the first time. Both were as hairless as my pussy, and both had yummy balls hanging below. My mouth salivated at the sight of those two ebony shafts.

Tyron was uncut. I slid the foreskin to reveal a fat bulbous head that glistened with precum while Devon was circumcised, even longer and fatter than Tyron’s, and equally glistening.

“Wendy, you just get a taste for now. Call it an appetizer for when we feed your holes with our spunk after we get you fully aroused.”

“Fully aroused! I am fully aroused. My cunt is dripping and aching with need. What else are you going to do to me?”

“Patience is a virtue, love. We are far from done with you. Now take a guzzle of champagne and hold it in your mouth as you wrap those sweet lips around our cocks.”

“What an intriguing thought,” I said as I did just that, taking Devon first. The mix of champagne and his precum was heavenly, a mixture of tart and sweet. I fondled Tyron as I greedily sucked Devon till he was lodged deep down my throat. I sucked till I felt his cock throb and then released him to repeat the experience with Tyron.

I kept at it, savoring his delicious cock tail until he pulled out, and I gasped for air.

The boys lowered me, so I was lying on my side.

“Bath time,” Devon announced.

“What do you mean bath time? I asked in surprise.

“Just relax and enjoy a technique we will try on you for the first time. You are going to be our guinea pig,” he chuckled.

Tyron was in front of me, and Devon was behind. My leg was lifted, and I lay there gasping at the debauchery of my position.

The boys started kissing and licking me across every inch of my body. Tyron started with my feet and licked and sucked my toes before working his way down my leg with soft butterfly kisses and licks, while Devon began with my neck and nibbled at my ear lobes.

I thought I had died and gone to heaven as the licks and kisses covered my body. Not an inch of flesh was spared as my body was laved by their velvety wet tongues. What seemed an eternity later, they switched sides. Devon gave me passionate kisses with his tongue engaging with mine as he explored my mouth. At the same time, Tyron rested my top leg between my thighs and tongue lashed my pussy.

I finally screamed out in frustration. I needed to be fucked.

I was placed on my knees, my thighs were parted, and I felt Tyron’s cock poke at my dripping overheated cunt while Devon presented his cock to my mouth. Another dream was going to actually occur. I was going to be spit roasted for our mutual pleasure.

“Yes!” I screamed, “Give me all that lovely cock. Feed my holes with your lovely cum.”

Tyron spread my pussy lips and inexorably thrust forward, impaling me on his shaft, which pushed my head toward Devon’s cock. I opened my mouth and took his length into my warm mouth and down my throat. He clasped my head and pulled it tighter until my nose was tickled by his sparse pubes. I used my tongue, swirling it around his shaft, which made him growl with pleasure.

Tyron was thrusting deeper and deeper into me and was reaching my cervix. His cock was brushing my g-sot as he thrust in and out. I could feel my cunt tighten on his shaft as it juiced up, lubricating his cock.

He used his fingers to spread my asscheeks and toy with my anus, another first for me. Soon both boys were throbbing in their respective cavities. Devon came first, flooding my throat with his creamy seed. I sucked each drop as I believe in waste not want not.

Then I felt my toes curl as Tyron flooded my cunt and sent me over the edge into yet another orgasm.

While I was still going through a series of mini orgasms, which had my body quivering with delight, they switched sides. My creamy pussy was invaded by Devon’s cock as Tyron’s cock was presented to my mouth coated with both our juices.

I gobbled him down, tasting myself and him on his cock. It was a delightful mixture. Finally, when they had both cum in me a second time, I collapsed on the bed. I had lost count of how many times I had cum today.

I soon fell asleep, blessing my stars for having decided to come to this resort and dreaming of what lay in store for me for the next few days.



Written by ChrisM
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