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Black Is Beautiful

"Wendy gets her revenge on hubby for forgetting their wedding anniversary."

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Author's Notes

"Wendy sees a perfect opportunity to indulge her favorite fantasy when her husband has to miss their wedding anniversary. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Off to a clothing optional resort she goes."

I looked across the breakfast table with distaste to where Kenneth, my husband, was stuffing his face while reading the Wall Street Journal. "I don't think he remembers that this is our first wedding anniversary," I mused.

Kenneth's phone chimed, indicating an incoming text message, and I looked up as he read the text. "Damn! Wendy, I have a problem. I have to go away. An emergency has cropped up, and I must go immediately before the emergency becomes a disaster."

"What about our wedding anniversary?" I asked.

"Oh! I forgot. I'll make it up to you when I get back."

"How long will you be gone?"                                      

"Probably a week. It could be ten days. I have an idea. Why don't you and your friend Joan take a mini vacation, go somewhere warm, and enjoy some sun and ocean. I will make all the arrangements for you. Would you like that?"

"Yes, I would. However, don't think that will earn your forgiveness for missing our anniversary. So far as arrangements leave those to me, I'll make them."


As soon as Kenneth left, I was browsing the web for a singles resort I had once read about. The place was in Jamaica, and I found it very intriguing. Singles only, clothing optional, and situated right on the beach it sounded like the place for me. Visions of young muscular Jamaican males danced in my mind as I researched the site.

I was bored with Kenneth, and since I married him a year ago, I realized my mistake. I now realized he had married me to have a trophy wife he could drag around to events and conferences. I had married him to have financial security.

However, my secret fantasies all revolved around young muscular black males. I'd had a few discrete affairs and found them much more satisfying than affairs I'd had with white males.

Within hours of his departure, I booked my trip for a ten-day getaway at that resort.


The next day I landed at Sangster International Airport in Montego Bay. The resort had told me it would provide ground transportation to its location in Negril. I was delighted with the heat and the warm breeze as I entered the reception area. I looked around and saw an elderly Jamaican man holding a sign with the name of the resort, and I strolled over to him.

His smile as he saw me made my pussy tingle. He eyed me from the tip of my sandals to my face and asked, "And who might you be, pretty lady?"

I gave him my name, and he checked it off on a clipboard. "Wendy, I'm Clarence, I'll be your chauffeur, and we'll be on our way as soon as the other couple who should have been on your plane gets here. You traveling alone?"

"Yes, I am."

"Don't fret. A pretty lady like you won't be alone for long," he said, undressing me with his eyes again.

I blushed when his eyes focused on my wedding ring as he smiled at me. I was sure that he realized why I was here alone.

"Your husband must be an idiot to let you travel here alone. It's a pity that I am getting too old. In the past, I would have found a way to be your tour guide for your whole stay."

I got on my toes and gave him a hug. "Clarence, maybe we can find some moments when you and I could share some quality time."

He gave my butt a squeeze and said, "Wendy, I would look forward to that. However, I am sure you will find some handsome young stud you would prefer to be with. Oh, look, I think those two walking towards us are my remaining passengers."

I turned to see a couple walking towards us with a smile. While they were getting acquainted with Clarence, I excused myself, hurried to the ladies' room, took care of nature's needs, and removed the thong I had been wearing.

When I got back, Clarence escorted us to an SUV and installed the other couple in the back seat. He suggested I sit in front with him. As I climbed into the front seat with his help, I discretely rewarded him with a view of my thighs and handed him my used wadded-up thong.

He took the thong, and as he went around the vehicle to get on his side, I saw him bring the skimpy fabric to his nose and smell my aroma which brought a big smile to his face.

He climbed behind the steering wheel, and as he drove off, he turned his face towards me and mouthed, 'thank you.' The drive took approximately seventy minutes along the coast road. Our fellow passengers were totally involved with each other. The giggling and moans from the back seat indicated they were not losing a minute before starting their fun and games.

Clarence kept looking at me from the corner of his eye, so I decided to start having fun early. I discretely unbuttoned the two top buttons of my blouse, which gave him a view of my tits, and tweaked my nipples until they were stiff and stood out. Squirming on my seat made my mini slide up my thighs, and turning sideways gave Clarence a view of my waxed pussy. 

He grinned at me and lowered the zipper of his pants, and pulled out his cock. Eight inches of man meat were exposed to my lustful eyes, and I could not resist leaning over and wrapping my hand around his shaft.

He moaned and reluctantly removed my hand as he approached a service station. "Pit stop," he announced. "I need to visit the facilities and get some gas. Do you folks need to visit the facilities?" he asked.

"We're fine," our fellow passengers announced.

"How about you, Wendy?"

"Sure. I'll take the opportunity to go now."

Clarence and I walked to the facilities which were behind the building. When we got to the men's room, Clarence pulled me in and locked the door behind us. He reached for me, took me into his arms, and grabbed my butt under my mini. He caressed my butt cheeks before sliding his hand to toy with my pussy. His fingers parted my cunt lips and probed deep into my core. Then, withdrawing his fingers, he had sit on the counter and spread my legs.

I felt his cock between my thighs; however, the angle was wrong. He wrapped his arms around my thighs and lifted me off the ground as he thrust his hips forward, impaling me on his stiff shaft. I was in heaven with his black cock pulsing in my dripping cunt as his fingers toyed with my clit.

I struggled not to scream with pleasure as he thrust into me deep and fast. My juices were flowing, and the throbbing of his shaft deliciously filling my core drove me closer and closer to my climax.

"Wendy, I'm close to cumming. Where do you want mu cum?"

"Fill me up, Clarence, hose my filthy cunt with your seed."

I felt his cock erupt in me, hosing my inner walls with stream after stream of hot cum and making me shudder and shake in my orgasm. We remained joined together for a few minutes while we both recovered. When Clarence finally pulled his cock out, I felt our juices flowing out of my now happy cunt.

He lowered me to the ground and, taking some moistened paper towels, wiped my pussy and thighs clean.

"Wendy, you are fantastic. I'm sure you will make some men very happy at the resort."

"Clarence, you're no slouch yourself, and maybe we'll have an opportunity to repeat this experience under more leisurely circumstances before I leave."

"I'd really like that."

We got out and got back into the SUV. Our traveling companions were oblivious to anything not taking place in the back seat."


When we got to the resort, the young lady at the desk told me that my reserved suite would be unavailable due to some plumbing problems. However, they had upgraded me to a bungalow on the beach and asked if that would be all right.

"Does a bear shit in the woods," I asked with a smile.

Once the signing-in formalities were over, she called a bell boy to carry my suitcase and escort me to my room.

I followed the young lad down a flagstone path that wound its way towards the beach through hibiscus hedges which gave off a wonderful smell mixed with the tang of the ocean breeze. It was delightful.

Seeing the bellboy's tight ass and broad shoulders sparked a delightful feeling in my pussy. I was grateful that Clarence had taken the edge off my needs for the moment.

He led me to a beautiful bungalow scarcely fifty feet from the water’s edge. The bungalow's interior consisted of a bedroom and a small sitting room with patio doors leading to a deck with a Jacuzzi. The area was surrounded by a hedge of hibiscuses, ensuring privacy. After tipping the young lad, I stripped naked and walked into the bathroom. All the latest amenities, including a bidet, were there, to my delight.

After a long shower to wash the trip off me, I rummaged in my suitcase to find my bikini. Pulling it out, I put it on and looked at myself in the mirror. I surveyed my long legs, nicely rounded tits, and tight ass, thinking, "Not bad for an old broad." I’d turned fifty last month and was proud of my body and appearance.

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The bikini contained less material than you would find in a small handkerchief. Two small triangles covered my nipples, and another small triangle covered my pussy, the whole was held together by strings. Turning to look at the back view, my ass was fully revealed as only a string parted my ass cheeks.

This was a clothing-optional resort, but I always thought a bit of covering was more seductive than full nudity. So I picked up a bottle of sun tan lotion and a towel, walked out, and went to the beach.

I saw some young men playing volleyball and set up my towel on a lounge chair where I could see them and where they could also see me. I lay down and reveled in the feel of the sun on my skin. While lathering my body in sunscreen, I decided to hell with it, removed the covering off the girls, and coated them. Tan lines would be kept to a minimum.

I noticed the young Jamaican volleyball players were eying me, which made me smile. Clarence had been fun, but I wanted some young muscular black cock. Soon.

I lay back and watched as they resumed their game. Their athletic bodies as they jumped and dived after the ball had my mind churning at the possibilities. I soon realized they were not guests at the resort but hotel staff. When one of them put his t-shirt back on at the end of the game, I saw that it indicated he was the lifeguard.

I drooled at thinking of that young muscular body and imagined him taking me. I would have to find a way to ensnare him in my trap. I figured I would go and cool off from the sun's rays by swimming and then figuring out how to start a conversation with him.

I admired his muscular legs and slim body as the group walked away from the volleyball area. He smiled as they passed my chair and took in my tits. Then, a broad smile and glistening white teeth flashed at me as he said, "Good day, ma'am."

Feeling my pussy tingle, I got up and walked to the water's edge. I realized it was transparent as I could see the sand below my feet. Swimming out, I paused every few yards to admire the fish swimming below me. I must have been about thirty yards out when I felt my leg cramp up. The pain was excruciating as I struggled to try to alleviate the cramp. I tried to touch the bottom, but it was too deep. So I tried to relax on my back; however, the cramp would not go away.

A deep voice behind me asked if I needed help. There he was, a few yards away, swimming towards me. My lifeguard who would be my savior. This was not the conversation starter I had envisaged, but it would work.

"Yes, I have a cramp, and it's killing me."

"Don't worry, ma'am, I'll get you safely back to shore."

"Thanks. My name is Wendy, by the way."

"I'm Devon, Wendy. Pleased to meet you despite the circumstances. Now relax, and let me tow you back to where we can get out."

His arm came around my chest, and he side stroked with my weight across his back and side. Then, in a few powerful strokes, he was back into shallower water and stood. He scooped me up in his arms and carried me back to shore.

"Feeling better?" he asked.

"No, the cramp is still painful."

"Where is your room? I'll take you there."

"I'm in bungalow three, but I'm too heavy to have you carry me all the way."

"Nonsense. You are as light as a feather."

As he carried me, he was eying my tits. I had forgotten that they were exposed. He saw that I was looking at him ogling them, tried to avert his eyes, and blushed.

"Devon, any man who saves me is entitled to look. Feast your eyes."

"Wendy, they are magnificent."

"Thank you, young man. I am deeply honored that a young stud like you finds this old bag of bones pleasing to his eye."

We arrived at the bungalow, and he lay me on the bed. "Wendy, would you like me to work on that cramp for you?"

"How would you do that?"

"Well, I think I could massage it till the tension was released."

"Go for it."

He went to the bathroom and returned with a bottle of skin lotion. "OK. Turnover on your belly and relax. Let Devon work his magic."

I lay my head across my crossed arms as he kneaded my calf muscle. He obviously knew what he was doing because my cramp disappeared in just a minute.

"I think you've done it, Devon."

"Don't move the treatment is not finished.'

I felt lotion spread over the length of my leg, and instead of kneading, he was now giving me a light massage from my foot and then running up the length of my leg. Then, he started to drive me crazy when his fingers began to run along my inner thigh, lightly feathering the tender tissues and running almost to my pussy but stopping short of touching home base.

He moved from my leg to massaging my ass. He kneaded and caressed each cheek as I felt my pussy starting to juice up. Finally, I took my arm out from under my head and reached back, and slid it up the leg of his board shorts to grab his cock. He gasped as my hand unsuccessfully tried to circle his shaft.

"Wendy, don't move. Stay there, and let me make you feel good."

"But, Devon, I want to see and feel your cock."

"You will, but first, I want to make you feel good."

"Mmmm! Go right ahead. I can hardly wait."

His hands got busy untying the string of my bikini, and he pulled it out from between my asscheeks. His fingers reached under me to explore my dripping cunt. I raised myself to my knees to give him easier access to my pussy. I felt absolutely depraved as I exposed myself to him with my knees spread and my ass up in the air.

Looking back, I saw that he had removed his board shorts, and his cock dangled down under a pair of massive balls. I drooled at the prospect of taking that enormous cock and sucking on it. However, I expected him to start fucking me on the spot. Instead, much to my surprise, he continued the massage directing his attention to my pussy which was now fully accessible to his strong fingers. It was a thrilling experience to give my body to him so thoroughly.

Just when I thought it could not get better, I felt him shift on the bed as his tongue started licking between my pussy lips and running a track through my ass crack and back to my pussy repeatedly. Then, his fingers parted my pussy lips, and he began tongue fucking me, which drove me over the edge. I felt my cunt clench and my toes curl as I thrust my ass back toward his mouth. The orgasm I experienced was delicious and caused me to fall to my side in a fetal position.

"I think you enjoyed that," he said with a grin. His face was coated with my pussy juice.

"Come here, lover boy, I need to kiss you."

He reached for the sheet to wipe his face, but I pulled him to me and licked his face clean. Then, pulling his face to mine, I parted his lips with my tongue, and we kissed while he toyed with my aching nipples. Finally, I took his cock in my hand and stroked him as he leaked pre cum all over my hand.

I could sense that he was about to explode and did not want all of his beautiful seed wasted. I pushed him so he was flat on his back in order to straddle his body. I lowered myself over his cock, parted my pussy lips, and fed him into my hot clasping cunt. He filled me up as I had never been filled before. I felt every vein, every ridge of his cock as I rode him with wild abandon.

His cock pulsed in me as we drove ourselves closer and closer to an inevitable climax. Finally, when he reached up with his hands and played with my tits, I could no longer hold back and my juices coated his cock as I succumbed to a delicious orgasm.

I bounced faster on his cock going from one orgasm to another till I felt his hips arch up to thrust even deeper into me as he shot his creamy cum deep against my cervix. I felt shot after shot of his cum bathing my cunt, and ended with a final massive orgasm.

Rolling off his body, I cuddled him against me while we regained our power of speech and breath.

"Wendy, you are amazing. I'm no virgin, and I can tell you that was the best fuck of my life."

"You were no slouch yourself, Devon. I have known many men over the years. You are one of the best lovers I've ever had."

"Would you like a repeat performance?"

"Damn right, I would."

"Why don't you join me for supper, and we'll see where that can lead us."

"I'd love to."

"OK, why don't you nap, and I'll pick you up around seven o'clock."

"I'll be here waiting with bated breath, lover. What's the dress code for supper?"

"Whatever you desire, but no naked bottoms. However, no panties are required," he said with a smirk.



To be continued.


Written by ChrisM
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