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Younger Sister In Control

"Tammy gives full control, disciplinary and otherwise, to Amber, her younger sister"

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Things had moved on for Tammy and Amber. Their father had to move about a hundred miles away for his job, and their mum went with him. That left the two girls in the house together.  

Even before their parents had moved away, Amber had spanked Tammy a few times, all for good reasons, but they had agreed between themselves, that if Tammy stepped out of line, Amber would spank her. Tammy saw it as a way of improving her behaviour and even admitted things to Amber that she had done wrong, which, if their mum had found out, would have meant a long-winded one-sided discussion. Instead, Tammy was spanked and corrected that way, which she found far more effective. It could only happen when their parents were both out, so it happened a few times, but nowhere near as many times as Tammy upset Amber.  

Amber, who was twenty, and the younger sister of the two, was happy to give Tammy a spanking, because although she was the younger sister, her older sister could be a real pain in the neck sometimes. Tammy knew she often upset her younger sister, but most times, she couldn't stop herself from misbehaving. It didn't happen anywhere near as often once it was established that Amber would spank Tammy on those occasions. 

After their parents moved, and it was just the two of them in the house, Amber knew that it would cause her more stress because of her sister's poor attitude. Just spanking her occasionally, wasn't going to be enough. Tammy saw that as well and asked Amber what she thought was the best way to deal with that. 

Amber had already given that some thought. She said, "What you need to do is effectively give me maternal control over you. We could set you a whole set of rules, covering your behaviour, and if you break any then you would get another spanking. That wouldn't go far enough, though, I think you should need to ask my permission to do things. You should ask my permission before you can literally do anything outside the house because I will get stressed if I don't know where you are, what you are doing, who you are with, and like. I know that's more than you have had to accept in the past, but, bearing in mind your long-term fantasy to be spanked, which I have made into a reality, it is only taking that further." 

As Amber explained all of this, Tammy saw so many benefits. Of course, it would mean being spanked many more times, and she had to admit that Amber gave her really hard spankings that left her crying her eyes out, and certainly understanding the reason each time. She could also see how her behaviour, or misbehaviour and disobedience, had caused her younger sister so much stress. It was linked to Amber being happy enough to give her a spanking, in fact, several of them, so it would be a natural progression if Amber was the one in charge, now that their parents weren't around. 

What Tammy wondered, was how much control Amber should have over her. The more she thought about it, the more fun it would be, the greater the control. Tammy knew that, even though she was twenty-four, she deliberately threw teenage-type tantrums to try to get her own way, and, quite often, she did because of those tantrums. She was sure that Amber wouldn't stand for that if she was in charge, and Tammy knew that would mean either stopping the tantrums or getting spanked each time. Tammy smiled to herself, thinking, maybe a bit of each? 

So, in response, Tammy asked, "So, sis, you would set me lots of rules, which I would have to obey. I would have to ask your permission to go out and can see how that would improve things between us. What about in the house, though?" 

Amber had thought about that as well, and said, "Lots of the rules will apply to what happens in the house as well. I'll certainly want to control your computer use, as you spend so much time looking at spanking videos and photographs. The same goes for your tablet and phone. I suppose I would want access to both, so I can see exactly what you were doing, which groups you are in, who you are talking to, and the like." 

Tammy knew that could be a problem because she belonged to lots of groups. However, lots of parents had that control, so why shouldn't Amber? She replied, "Okay, Amber, that makes sense. Anything else?" 

Amber replied, "Lots, actually. Obviously, you will be at work during the week, but back home in the evening, unless I give you permission to go out. Me setting a curfew time for you has to happen. Also, when you are in the house, rules covering you not making a mess, washing your breakfast things and putting them away before you leave for work, cleaning chores, right through, I think, to me telling you when it is your bedtime. That might mean you going to bed before me, but you would still have to accept it. I won't use grounding as a punishment, but I will use spanking every time. 

Tammy found herself willingly up for all these things. Amber was right that she had fantasied about being spanked by her younger sister, and, even after being spanked several times already by Amber, and each time it was so painful, she still knew she needed to be regularly spanked, for her own good.  

Up until now, Tammy knew that Amber had some level of undisputed control over her, but now their parents were gone, the difference would be that Amber would now have much more control over her, with things like being told her bedtime standing out a mile. Even so, was that going to be different from any relationship where one partner was in charge and the other had to obey everything? She had read about female-led relationships where the wife made every decision and had total control over the husband, who had to accept every decision or be punished. There wasn't so much of a difference between a wife controlling her husband, and a sister, even a younger sister, controlling her older sister. In fact, she could see that they were exactly the same. 

Tammy had never liked to admit to herself just how much she was lacking in responsibility, certainly compared to her younger sister, and it could never have been any clearer to her than it was now, given the experience of them living together with Amber the one in control. Long may that last, Tammy kept telling herself. 

Tammy and Amber had now led that life for several weeks since their parents had moved away, and Amber had had the need to spank Tammy on several occasions. In fact, on many more occasions than either of them had expected when Tammy gave full control to Amber. However, Tammy saw that Amber wasn't being cruel or vindictive, but was simply enforcing the rules correctly. It was Tammy who broke the rules, and, actually, she realised that she had never broken one intentionally, and it was her own failures that led to her being spanked.  

Tammy even saw that she was trying harder and harder to keep to the rules, and that was working because the number of times she was spanked by Amber was reducing. She, therefore, still wanted Amber to enforce the rules strictly, because she could see how that was benefiting her. She knew she had the greatest respect for Amber, and that Amber was trying to do what was best for both of them as well. Yes, Amber spanked her very hard whenever she did spank her, and she did enforce the rules strictly, but Tammy knew her younger sister never went over the top. 

Tammy had been concerned with some of the rules that had been made by Amber, particularly relating to her computer use, and some of the places she wanted to go with her friends. However, she had to admit that she understood the reasons that each time Amber had said no, and knew that wouldn't have happened if she hadn't given such stringent control to her younger sister. Nevertheless, on balance, Tammy knew that Amber had always made the right decision and given her the right instructions. 

Of course, that still didn't stop Tammy from pushing buttons and breaking the rules set for her by Amber. Just like today, which was why she was in the dining room, standing by the chair already turned into the room by Amber, and she saw the hairbrush on the dining table, which she was now used to Amber on her bare bottom, and, as usual, that would happen again now. 

Tammy had missed her curfew set for today, Saturday night. She was ten minutes late, and, as she walked up the pathway, she hoped that Amber was still up so she could spank her tonight rather than in the morning. Best to get it over with, she knew. It never crossed her mind to be let off, though, as Amber had clearly stated that giving her older sister no second chances was fundamental to the control she had over Tammy. 

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As she walked into the hallway, Tammy saw Amber standing there, with her arms crossed, looking really annoyed, and she immediately said, "You are ten minutes late. That is well in excess of the two-minute leeway I give you. Therefore, you deserve another spanking." 

Tammy knew that she deserved to be spanked, but still hoped that it would happen to her tonight rather than tomorrow. However, she knew that if she asked for that, Amber would spank her tonight, but also first thing in the morning. She had made that mistake just once before, and never again. She knew that she just had to accept whatever decision Amber made. 

Amber usually insisted on giving the punishment as soon as possible after a rule was broken. She knew there was some benefit in waiting awhile, letting Tammy ponder on the knowledge that the spanking was going to take place. However, on balance, she still favoured immediate retribution. So, she kept glaring at Tammy and ordered, "Go into the dining room, stand by the spanking chair, and take your dress and knickers off. I will be in very shortly, and you had better be ready to go across my lap for another well-deserved spanking. 

Tammy knew not to say anything, but nodded her head in agreement, and immediately did exactly what she was told to do. At least she was relieved the spanking was going to happen tonight. She got to the dining table, quickly unzipped her sleeveless, very tight, low-cut dress, and pushed it down towards the floor, catching her knickers on the way, stepped out of both, and put them on another dining chair. She knew she just had her bra on, but if she had gone out in a top and skirt, then she would have had the top on as well. That was just the way it was, she told herself. 

Moments later, Amber came into the dining room, sat down on the dining chair, glared up at Tammy, pointed at her own lap, and ordered, "Get across my lap." 

Tammy did momentarily look at Amber and saw that she was wearing a shorty night dress, so she had been ready for bed herself. It did mean that she would be lying across her younger sister's bare thighs, and, when she did bend down across Amber's lap, she had her now usual close-up view of her younger sister's painted toenails and legs. When Tammy felt Amber's hands rubbing her bottom in circles, she knew this always put her correctly in her place, as the naughty girl she was. Even so, Tammy knew her sister only ever had her good interests at heart, which was why she accepted Amber's strict control over her.  

Once Amber had started spanking her bottom, Tammy quickly knew why she should obey every rule Amber set her because she did find it so hard to cope when being spanked by her younger sister. She knew it was quite right that Amber didn't let her off lightly, because she would only be more likely to break the rules if she would be able to cope easily with a spanking. Tammy knew, therefore, that Amber was right, yet again, in the way that she was handling her older sister with such a hard spanking. 

Amber knew that she had to give her sister a hard spanking to teach her a lesson, but, at the same time, did enjoy both the control she had over Tammy and her ability to spank her so often. She had never seen giving a spanking as being as much fun as she did find it, although, that probably was because it was her older sister she was spanking. Nevertheless, she was turning her sister's bottom cheeks deeper and deeper shades of red, and Tammy was gasping and squirming around on her lap as she always did, so, hopefully, the enjoyment she was having was matched with the lesson that Tammy was learning. If not, at least she still had the fun of giving her older sister a really hard spanking. 

Amber was now quite used to spanking her sister with her hand for a good seven or eight minutes, by which time she had turned both bottom cheeks a rather nice bright red. She also thoroughly enjoyed picking up the hairbrush, tapping it twice on each of her sister's red bottom cheeks, just to warn her about what was going to happen next. Amber then landed spank after spank with the paddle hairbrush, flattening each of Tammy's bottom cheeks each time much more than when spanking with her hand, and got louder gasps from her sister, which told her just how hard Tammy was finding it. Of course, they both knew that Tammy should find it difficult because she was the one who broke the rules. 

As much as she was struggling, Tammy still never held it against her sister, because Amber was right to thrash her so hard. It was what they both wanted, rules set and obeyed, and, if not, punishments given. The punishment was always a spanking, never grounding or corner-time, as spanking was the punishment that made the most sense rather than long-winded one-way discussions, being sent to your room, or loss of electronics. None of those things came close to matching the lesson that will be given when having your face so close to the floor, the close-up view of upside down legs, and receiving persistent spank after spank.  

Amber also knew the additional benefit for her was stress relief. She was so stressed when Tammy broke so many of the rules, which meant she didn't know where she was and the like. What made spanking such a good punishment, was that, as she gave spank after spank, the stress she had been feeling made its way down her arm and was splattered across Tammy's bottom. Not exactly her stress, but certainly making Tammy pay the price for giving her younger sister so much stress. 

Again, as usual, Tammy struggled even more dealing with spank after spank from the wooden hairbrush. She again knew that this was exactly what she deserved, and was certainly reminding herself with every single spank just who was in charge here. It wasn't her, but it was her younger sister.  

Amber knew that every spanking she gave her older sister had to be meaningful, and if she ended up crying, then so much the better. She didn't always cry, but today she did. So, as the sobbing started, and then the crying, but Tammy stayed in position across her lap, Amber knew that the right thing to do was to make several of the spanks even harder, to make sure that the lesson was given in a way that Tammy would clearly understand it.  

At least once the tears flowed, and Tammy's bottom was both red and slightly bruised, Amber stopped spanking her old sister but left her across her lap to give Tammy time to recover. 

Tammy was relieved when the punishment was over, and, as usual, she told herself that she would never break another rule, although, to be fair, she knew only too well that she wasn't yet capable of achieving that goal. In fact, she was probably years away from that. 

Nevertheless, Tammy's blurred vision told her that her younger sister had not held back at all when giving the punishment, and was actually pleased that that was the case. The whole point of giving Amber disciplinary control over her was to make sure that she was punished whenever she broke a rule set by Amber or disobeyed Amber in any way at all, and she really hoped that Amber would continue controlling her and, whenever necessary, punishing her, for what clearly were all of the right reasons. 

Once her older sister had calmed down, Amber gave the instruction, "Okay, Tammy, you can get up now. Go and wash your face, then take your bra off and get to bed. No nightdress for you, as you have been so naughty. That means, of course, that you will be once again sleeping on your tummy, and I hope that will be a constant reminder for you.  

When, just a few minutes later, Tammy was in bed and was lying on her tummy, she was rubbing her stinging bottom and again tried to convince herself that she would never disobey Amber again. Well, until the next time, which was most likely just a few days away, or less. 

As much as Tammy had been so happy that first time that Amber had spanked her, she...

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Written by Peter242
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