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Friends Watch Amber Spank Tammy

"Tammy breaks a rule and this time Amber spanks her with her friends watching"

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Chap 4

Tammy, who was twenty-four, knew that she would be in trouble because she was getting home five minutes later than Amber, her younger sister who was twenty, had told her to. What she hadn't expected, was that Amber had several of her girlfriends over, so Tammy was nervous as she walked into the living room, but thought that, at least, her punishment would be delayed until after all of those girls had gone.

Tammy was wearing a vest top and tight jeans and was pretty sure that several of the girls in the room looked at her with envy, given her well-toned arms and legs, and cleavage, but then, both Tammy and Amber were used to getting those kinds of looks whenever they entered a room. Maybe she would be okay, Tammy thought to herself, given the smiles that she was receiving from Amber's friends.

It didn't go as Tammy had thought, though. As soon as she walked into the room, Amber scolded her, "What time do you call this, Tammy Marie?"

Tammy immediately knew that she was in serious trouble because, not just was she late, but Amber's anger was confirmed by her using her full name rather than the shortened version of, Tam, which she used when she was a good girl. Amber using her middle name as well was another firm indicator she was in trouble.

Tammy wasn't sure what to say, because, so far as she knew, none of these girls knew that Amber had disciplinary control over her, but, did know to say, "Sorry, Amber."

Amber looked even more annoyed, as she pushed back with, "Amber, what?"

Tammy certainly didn't like the way this conversation was going, but she had no choice but to respond with the correct level of respect for her younger sister. So, wincing, and feeling herself blushing, she replied, "Sorry, Amber, ma'am."

Tammy heard the gasps of surprise coming from several of the girls, and, when she looked around the room, she saw so many surprised looks on their faces. She supposed that confirmed that the girls didn't know the control that she had handed Amber.

Tammy then looked at her younger sister, who still had an angry look on her face as she looked around the room, and said to her friends, "Do you girls want to see what I do when Tammy Marie has broken one of my rules?"

Tammy was even more horrified, as Amber never used her middle name unless she was fuming with her, and now she had used her middle name again. Even feeling much more apprehensive, she did hear several responses like, "Erm, sure thing."

Amber glared at Tammy again, and ordered, "Fetch me the leather belt." After just a second, Amber emphasised the command, by saying, very sternly, "Now."

Tammy was really anxious now because, not having been disciplined by Amber in front of anyone else, she was now going to be disciplined in front of Amber's friends. So, right now, she was faced with everything being kept between the two of them being turned on its head, and was going to be punished with so many girls watching. Worse, if that was possible, was that some of Amber's friends had older sisters who were her own friends, so her own circle of friends would be told about this.

Of course, Tammy was all too aware that she had asked Amber to take disciplinary control over her, and welcomed every time she was spanked by her because every time she had broken a rule and needed to be spanked. She certainly didn't want to change any of that. After all, their mum, Sandy, who was forty-four, had stopped spanking her several years ago, although did still spank Amber from time to time. So, Tammy knew that having Amber spank her, even though she was her younger sister, was still so good for her.

Being the obedient girl she now was, Tammy didn't even think about arguing with her younger sister, as, in any case, she knew that would only lead to a much harder punishment. She just went straight to the cupboard where the belts were kept, opened it, and took out one of the really thick leather belts Amber had used on her bottom so many times already. She closed the cupboard door, took a deep breath, turned around, walked over to Amber, and held out the belt for her.

As much as Tammy didn't want to be spanked in front of Amber's friends, she wasn't even going to beg Amber not to do this, as she knew that she had broken a rule and was going to be dealt with by her younger sister, and, having given control to Amber, Tammy knew that it wasn't her place to argue. If Amber had decided she was going to discipline her in front of her friends, then that was going to happen. It was no different to their mum deciding to spank her in front of her friends, or being in a female-led-relationship where she was the submissive partner, and the dominant partner made that decision.

All of these thoughts reminded Tammy how lucky she was to have Amber controlling and disciplining her, and told herself she must never say, no, to her. Well, she wasn't going to argue, not today or ever, and just wanted to accept what her dominant, but oh so caring, younger sister decided.

As soon as Amber took hold of the belt, she kept glaring at Tammy and ordered, "I want your jeans and knickers off, and you bent over the arm of the sofa."

Tammy winced once again at that instruction. Was she really going to have to bare her bottom in front of Amber's friends? She supposed that was going to be the case, and so, being in obedient mode for her younger sister, she did undo her jeans and pushed them downwards, albeit struggling as she always did when taking her jeans off. She then slipped her thumbs into the elastic waistband of her knickers and pushed them down to the floor, stepping out of them, and putting them at one end of the sofa. Standing naked below her waist, she felt the humiliation of so many girls watching her, and knew she was blushing but still wanted to obey Amber. She then walked to the other end of the sofa, the one that she had so often bent across when being thrashed by her young sister, and bent down so that her bottom was perched on the armrest, and her arms were stretched out towards the far end of the sofa to make sure she didn't try to protect her bare bottom from the terribly wicked thick leather belt.

Amber stayed in control, by supposedly talking to Tammy, but really addressing all of her friends, "All you had to do, Tammy Marie, was get home at the time I set you. You didn't, so you deserve what you are going to get now."

Tammy was looking at the cushion on the sofa, but heard various comments from Amber's friends such as, "It looks like she is going to do it, but it should be fun to watch."

Amber positioned herself, as she always did, laid the very thick leather belt on Tammy's bare bottom, raised her arm above her head, and then landed a very hard spank with the belt. The lash made Tammy gasp, and the sound of the thwack echoed around the room. That was then followed with lash after lash with the belt, and Amber knowing that her older sister's bare bottom was stinging more and more as the thick leather belt landed each time.

As the thick leather belt continued to land, Tammy was no longer thinking about the fact that Amber's friends were watching. Instead, she was just trying to cope with the ever-increasing pain, whilst, at the same time, accepting that Amber was in charge, and was punishing her correctly for missing her curfew. Tammy was regretting delaying leaving the party she was at, chatting to her friends and forgetting the time, panicking, and then trying to get home in time. Of course, that was never going to happen, and didn't, and that was why she was, so correctly, being thrashed once again. She needed to do better, she told herself, and knew Amber was right to make every lash of the leather belt a hard one.

Tammy lost count of the number of times Amber spanked the leather belt down on her bottom, but knew it was several dozen, probably at least three dozen, in fact. By the time Amber had stopped, Tammy's eyes were full of tears, which she knew were dribbling down her face. Well, they always did, and so she was hardly surprised about that. Unfortunately, she was wearing makeup, so she knew that her face would be smudged by her tear-stained makeup. She had also been there time and again, and knew she would have to spend time in the bathroom washing the smudged makeup off, whilst all the time telling herself this was all her fault, and that Amber was right, as always.

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Once Amber had stopped thrashing her with the belt, she left Tammy crying her eyes out as she looked around the room, smiling at her friends, and most of the friends were smiling back at her. She supposed most of them had watched their own brothers and sisters being spanked by their mums, and vice versa of course, so maybe this wasn't so different. Well, except here it was the younger sister thrashing the older sister.

After savouring the scene, Amber looked down at Tammy and instructed, "Okay, sis, you can get up now. Leave your knickers off, but you can go upstairs to the bathroom and wash all that smudged makeup off your face. Then, go to your bedroom as it is already past your bedtime. First, though, put this belt back in the cupboard."

Tammy heard the instructions, and at least was happy that her punishment was over. She had been expecting to go straight to bed as soon as she got home, so that wasn't an additional punishment. She always went to bed well before Amber, which was designed to give her sister some peaceful alone time when she didn't have to worry about overseeing what her older sister was doing. Tammy was quite happy with that arrangement, because it was right that Amber should have her own time and space.

So, Tammy did as she was told, put the belt back in the cupboard with the others, then turned, and, looking at the floor as she walked, still naked below the waist and with a red stinging bottom, left the room and went upstairs to the bathroom, rubbing her stinging bottom as she went up the stairs.

Once in the bathroom, she first looked in the mirror at her bottom and saw how red it was. She expected that, as her bottom was stinging. She then looked at her face in the mirror, but was now so used to seeing her face with tear-stained smudged makeup. Furthermore, she still told herself that every single time it happened, it was her own fault, because Amber was only enforcing the rules she had set, which Tammy had agreed she would obey or suffer a similar pain-filled punishment as she had just done. It's what she needed to happen to her to make her a better person, and she really did think it was working, and so was ever so thankful to Amber for that.

Once she had washed off all the makeup, Tammy went to her bedroom and got undressed. She knew she wasn't allowed to wear night clothes whenever she was disciplined, and so switched out the light, got into bed, pulled the sheet right up to her neck, because, after all, it was the middle of summer, and blankets weren't needed. As she lay there, she started to think about the fact that she had now been punished in front of so many of Amber's friends, and wondered how that might change things.

Just then, the door to her bedroom opened. She thought it was Amber, but instead, it was one of Amber's friends, Jasmine, who walked in and sat on the bed. Tammy sat up but made sure that the sheet still covered her breasts, but she was wondering what Jasmine might want.

Jasmine gave Tammy a sympathetic look and said, "That looked like it really hurt, Tam."

Tammy thought that was obvious, but she did reply, "Yes, it sure did."

Jasmine said, "I felt sorry for you, seeing you struggle as Amber thrashed you."

Tammy replied with a smile and, meaning every word, "Don't feel sorry for me, as I deserved the thrashing. It was my own fault, as I broke a rule and knew the punishment."

Jasmine then asked, "Do you think that is a better or worse punishment than being grounded and other similar punishments?"

Tammy didn't know where that question was leading, but replied, "I know it hurts, but at least it is over far more quickly than the long one-way conversations that our mum would have had with me. Well, except for the intense stinging that lasts for ages, but that is a very good reminder for me." Tammy even smirked as she added, "At least it was only three dozen lashes, as I was five minutes late. I have had much more than that when I was even later, so I am learning, and Amber is doing a very good job teaching me."

Tammy was still sniffing back tears and loved it when Jasmine came over to her and wiped her tear-filled eyes with a tissue.

As she did so, Jasmine gave a thoughtful look as she replied, "You know, Tam, I think that's right. Unfortunately, I'm still grounded, and my mum docks my weekly allowance, sends me to bed really early, grounds me for days at a time, and makes me do additional household chores. I've often wondered whether it would be better if she spanked me. I think, from what you've just said, that it would be far better if she did, so you are so lucky to be dealt with the way you are."

Before Tammy could reply, Jasmine stood up, came over to her, bent down, and gave her a kiss on her forehead. It made Tammy feel so good. Jasmine then said, "I just wanted to ask you that, Tam. I'll leave you alone now."

Jasmine walked out of the bedroom and closed the door behind her, leaving Tammy thinking about the discussion, but Tammy knew very well that she was better off being thrashed by Amber rather than all of the boring punishments that Jasmine suffered. She fell asleep thinking how lucky she was to have such a great sister.

The next morning, Tammy woke feeling refreshed, although her bottom was still stinging, as it always did when thrashed the night before. However, she knew she could cope with that, got up, and heard Amber was downstairs already.

Tammy made her way downstairs and found Amber in the kitchen. Tammy saw her younger sister look towards her, and immediately Tammy asked, "Can I say something to you, please, ma'am?"

Amber had a quizzical look on her face as she replied, "Okay, Tam?"

Tammy was still smiling as she said, "I just wanted to say, thank you so much for agreeing to have disciplinary control over me, being so strict, and punishing me every single time I need to be. I don't regret one bit giving you that control. Can I please give you a hug, ma'am?"

Amber was quite taken back, and just nodded her head. Moments later, Tammy had come up to her, thrown her arms around her neck, gave her a really loving hug, and kissed her on the cheek.

As she was hugged by her older sister, Amber made the point, "You realise, Tam, that after last night, I will be spanking you again whenever you deserve it, no matter who is in the room?"

Tammy was really up for that, saw the absolute sense of it, and replied, "Of course, Amber. It would be my own fault and I have to suffer the consequences, know that your strict control and pain-filled punishments have made me a far better person already, and will hopefully continue to do so."

Amber was satisfied that Tammy fully understood why what happened last night had to be done, to make some of the punishments even more effective. She had no doubt whatsoever that she would be spanking her older sister several times when watched by her friends, as well as Tammy's own friends, but all for Tammy's own good, every time.

Tammy felt so secure having Amber in charge of her, and it was the best thing that could have happened to her. Of course, she hated being thrashed, but it was the only thing that had worked, as was obeying her younger sister every single time. Or else!

Written by Peter242
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