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Valestock, Ch. 04 - Part 3

"Festival's finale; GF and her brother 'test the suspension' - continued"

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Breaking the kiss, Claire smiled warmly at her boyfriend. Her breathing was a little heavier as she looked up at him with her green eyes sparkling furiously in the light.

"I take it that you missed me?" Michael asked amusedly, and Claire laughed lightly.

"Don't I always?" she answered with a smile, "Although me and your brother found something to do. But it's always nice to see you, babe."

Michael grinned at that, and Claire noticed that both Matt and Zach were smiling amusedly at the comment. Both obviously knew what she meant, though her boyfriend didn't.

"You went to get something to eat, ah?" her loving boyfriend asked, as he tried to work out what the taste was in her mouth.

Claire's smile deepened, and her eyes sparkled some more.

"Yeah, Zach had a drink for me. I drank it all though. But I don't think you would have liked it anyway," she answered with a smile, and Michael nodded, still unaware of what she was talking about.

He was satisfied by her answer though, much to Claire's growing horniness' satisfaction at being so blatant in front of her boyfriend about cheating on him.

Michael then turned to look at his brother with a huge grin.

"Zachy-boy, me and Matt here have got something you might want to see. You busy?" he asked, and both Claire and Zach looked at Michael confusedly.

"What is it? And why aren't you asking me?" Claire asked curiously, though the insinuating look Michael gave her gave Claire a clear idea of what her boyfriend was talking about.

Michael had been intent on getting his brother laid at this festival. For some reason, he still didn't believe his brother could get women no matter how much he teased him. And so, Michael and Matt had said they would take him to one of the tent-stalls at the festival that had shows of people dancing. Michael, and Matt, claimed that Zach would easily find a girl there who would ‘take care’ of him.

Claire smiled amusedly to herself, thinking that Zach had already gotten laid twice at the festival - by Michael's own girlfriend at that. That thought sent shivers through her again.

"I don't think you'd want to join us on this one, babe," Michael answered insinuatingly, and Claire nodded, still smiling at her own thought.

"Why, what is it?" Zach asked curiously, looking between his brother and Matt.

"Something you'll enjoy. And something you need, my dear little brother," her boyfriend answered with a big, amused grin.

Zach eyed the pair suspiciously for a moment and then glanced at Claire, who also now wore an openly amused smile, though not for the reason her boyfriend did. After a moment he reluctantly nodded, still eyeing the two warily.

"I'm not going to like this, am I?" he asked suspiciously, and Michael laughed amusedly.

"I'm sure you will. Time for you to become a man, little brother," Michael replied, before he turned to kiss Claire on the forehead, "We'll be at the tents a bit later if you want to hook up?"

Claire smiled and kissed him softly on the lips.

"You three go and have fun. I'm sure I'll find something to do," she answered, and Michael smiled, "Where did Tony go? I could spend some time with him."

Both Matt and Zach hid their smiles at that, though Michael was looking at her and so he missed their expressions anyway.

"He was wandering around here somewhere last I saw him. After telling us that he nearly got kicked out of the festival for sneaking into the girls' shower stall," her loving boyfriend replied with a very amused grin, and Claire felt that familiar fire grow within her.

It seemed she wasn't the only one who enjoyed being so blatant about her cheating in front of Michael. This was getting hotter by the minute.

Nodding, she let her arms come away from his.

"Well, you boys enjoy yourselves," she said playfully as Michael took a hold of his brother's arm with a grin, "And don't do anything I wouldn't."

All three of them laughed at that. However, only Matt and Zach really understood her meaning.

Watching the three of them walk off into the crowd, Claire smiled to herself as she felt the familiar horny feeling tingle within her after being so blatantly insinuating in front of Michael.

She was turning into a cock-hungry slut. She had already had mind-blowing sex THREE times today! None of which had been with her boyfriend! And here she was, already thinking of finding Tony again because she had gotten horny kissing her boyfriend after having a mouthful of his brother's cum. Not to mention insinuating about all that she had done behind his back right to his face.

At that, a hot surge of lust pulsed through her. Oh, she had to find Tony right now.

Heading off to find her and Michael's friend, Claire wandered through the crowds for a few minutes, peering through the sea of humanity as she went along looking for any sign of Tony.

After a few more minutes, however, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around with a playful smile on her face, ready to tease her and Michael's friend.

However, as she turned around her eyes did not fall on Tony's handsome face, but instead on some guy she did not know, though oddly he looked familiar.

"Hi," Claire said after a moment, not knowing what else to say as she stared at the man and tried to work out why he looked so familiar.

"Hey, it's good to see you again," the guy replied with a smile that looked smug and somewhat...expectant. How did she know him?

"Again?" Claire asked, realising she looked as confused as she felt. The guy's smile altered to show his amusement, "I'm sorry, I've spoken to a lot of people the last few days and I'm terrible with faces."

The guy made a dismissive gesture, laughing lightly. At least he wasn't annoyed that she didn't remember him. Perhaps he was one of the people who had been hanging around their tent the last few nights.

"That's alright, you were a little busy the last time I saw you," he replied with a very smug, and very insinuating, smile.

Claire was just about to ask him what he meant when she suddenly understood why this guy looked so familiar.

He was one of the guys who had grabbed at her ass and tits in the crowd yesterday after Tony and Matt had both cum on her face and tits! That explained why he was looking at her as he was at least.

"Ah, yeah, I remember you now," Claire said as she nodded her head and folded her arms under her large breasts. That only served to accentuate her impressive rack, though. This random guy was looking at her with the same hunger Matt, Tony, and Zach now looked at her with.

"You were in the crowd yesterday."

The guy nodded with a grin as she recognised him. His eyes wandered over her, lingering on her chest before they once more rose to look in her large, green eyes.

Oddly, for someone who had cheated on her boyfriend with three different guys so far, this guy's attention seemed strangely uncomforting.

"Yeah, it was a good show that," he answered, and Claire wondered whether he meant the band or her foursome in the crowd. The words he spoke next made his meaning clear, "Say, are you busy? Fancy getting a beer or something?"

Claire fidgeted with her arms a moment, trying to decide whether to hold them by her side, but then she decided that this guy would no doubt ogle her however she stood, and so she kept her arms folded. She tried not to look as uncomfortable as she felt inside and gave him a smile, which turned out a little less convincing than she had hoped.

"Oh, I...have to meet a friend of mine. We have plans for today. Sorry," she said after a moment, hoping her voice was at least a little more convincing than her smile.

"Sure, that's alright," the guy replied, his smile obviously implying that he hoped he would be able to join in with whoever she was meeting - like Matt, Zach, and Tony had yesterday, "Mind if I walk with you? I'm just wandering around anyway."

Claire's smile was a little weaker this time, however she didn't know what else to say, so she nodded reluctantly and turned.

Walking on through the crowd, she kept her arms around her and made sure she didn't get too close to the guy. Though he seemed intent on getting close to her, no doubt hoping to cop another feel in the crowds of people. Claire made sure that he never got the chance.

She did have to listen to him talking for some time though, mostly insinuating his approval of events in the crowd yesterday, to which Claire gave a nod and a half-hearted mumble.

She was beginning to lose hope on either finding Tony to rescue her from this situation – as they walked around for what must have been half an hour, though it seemed like much, much longer – or that this guy would get the message that she wasn't interested and leave her alone. Finally, though, an opportunity to make a sneaky getaway arose.

Whatever his name was, Claire was sure he had told her, though she hadn't been listening that much, stopped by a candy floss stall. He asked if she wanted one, to which she shook her head, and then he proceeded to join the queue for one of the pink fluffy balls on sticks.

Claire waited until he was looking ahead, and a couple of people had joined behind him, before she snuck off into the mass of people and kept her head down. She hoped to lose him as she wound her way through the thickening crowd of people.

Winding through and squeezing passed people as they walked in whatever direction they were going, Claire kept a lookout over her shoulder, occasionally braving looking up as she snuck along to see if she had been spotted.

The first couple of times she didn't see him through the mass of people. However, the fourth time she looked up she dove back down and hurried along, zig-zagging her way through the crowd, winding around the stalls, as she noticed him somewhere behind her. He was scanning over the crowds as if he were trying to find her.

From then on Claire wandered through the crowd not looking back until she realised that she could inadvertently run right into him. And so, thinking swiftly, she decided to head back to Matt's van. There was no way he'd find her there.

So, she hurried to the tent and picked up Matt's key's before quickly making her way to the parking lot.

Claire didn't feel relieved until she had unlocked the side door of the van and climbed in the back, pulling it closed behind her.

"Phew, a girl can't have a gangbang in a concert crowd without attracting some weirdo," she sighed, as she sat down on the seats Matt had installed on the wall of the van opposite the door.

The lustfulness, and the odd humour, in that statement made her laugh lightly. Though it didn't help deal with the burning inside her pussy. With that guy around she had forgotten all about sex for the moment. But then she had just reminded herself of it now and it came back with vengeance.

Looking around the van Claire smiled naughtily to herself. The back of the van would make the perfect place for round two of the foursome. If only she could find the others right now. They could take care of her so much better here than they had yesterday.

Her heart pounded at that thought. Though she decided against heading out of the van just yet, that guy might still be looking for her. And Michael, Matt, and Zach were all busy anyway. And she had no idea where Tony was.

Stretching Claire leaned back against the wall of the van and sighed. The day's 'activities' had taken more out of her than she had figured, she thought as she felt her body relax and a light drowsiness fall on her.

That was understandable though after having sex three times already today. Not to mention being stuffed by a total of thirty inches of hard dick in one day! That thought made her purr contentedly to herself as she shifted on the seat so that she could lie down.

She would rest a little while here then head out when she figured that guy wasn't looking for her anymore. Or at least when she had more chance to find one of the guys to hang around with. She didn't trust that strange guy at all, he seemed the type to stalk her all night.

Shaking the thoughts out of her mind, Claire let her mind drift to thoughts of the dicks she had had buried within her today. All of them were big, hard, thick cocks, and all belonged to guys who were not her boyfriend. Oh, and all had fucked her so fucking good.

With those thoughts drifting through her mind, the amount of energy she had used that day caught up on her, and sleep closed her beautiful eyes. Dreams followed on those horny thoughts that made Claire's body even more hungry for satisfaction. Little did the hot girlfriend know that satisfaction was about to come unexpectedly. And cum hard at that.


As Michael led his younger brother through the crowd with his friend, he smiled to himself in anticipation. He had seen his brother have girlfriends before, but from the way he acted around women, there was no way he had had sex yet. Michael was intent on getting him laid at the festival, and he had the perfect plan for it.

Of course, the loving boyfriend wasn't aware that his younger brother had had sex, many times, before. And in fact, had that very day, with Michael’s own girlfriend, against the side of their friend's van, the friend walking with them. Who also, incidentally, had fucked Michael's girlfriend in the front seat to that day.

Michael Archer was also unaware of the fact that right at that moment his girlfriend was curled up in that van, sleeping soundly, exhausted from being screwed by two of their friends and his younger brother all in one day.

He was also unaware, as was Claire, that the van was about to have its third christening of the day. This time twice as hot as either of the other two times by far.

Michael led his brother on as his sexy girlfriend's life was about to take an unexpected, yet intensely hot, turn for the better. Nothing would ever be the same for Claire Nichols after this.


Ever so gently, Claire's eyelids fluttered open, and she reached her arms over her head, stretching gently. Then she sat up on the seat, glancing out of the van's front window for a clear look at the light.

The sky was still bright, and from what she could tell by the clock on the dashboard she had been asleep only a couple of hours, though it had seemed like a lot longer. She would have slept much longer if her dreams of Zach and Matt double-teaming her with Tony's dick in her free hand hadn't stirred her from her sleep with a heart that felt as if it was going to beat its way out of her chest at any moment.

Looking at the door, Claire thought that the guy she had been avoiding would hopefully have given up by now. But even if he hadn't, she couldn't spend the rest of the day hiding away in the van. The others should be free by now, unless they had headed off to another show or something. But she could at least head to the tent and take a look.

She was about to reach for the door when she realised that she no longer held the keys. Figuring that she must have dropped them on the floor in her sleep, Claire began to look under the seat. That was when suddenly she heard the door handle click and looked up just as the sunlight flooded into the back of the van as the door slid open.

For a moment Claire's heart skipped a beat as she wondered if that strange guy had found her. Which was a silly thought really considering he didn't know which vehicle she was in, even if he had figured out she was in the parking lot.

However, her heart settled as her eyes rested on the backlit image of her brother Sam as he jerked back at the sight of her, obviously surprised to see her there.

"What are you doing here?" her younger brother asked, as he stood outside still holding onto the side door.

Claire blinked and squinted her eyes; she hadn't gotten used to the sudden light yet.

"I could ask you the same thing," she answered, as she raised her hand to shield her eyes.

Sam looked around a moment before he made a reply.

"I was heading out here anyway. But I noticed Matt's keys weren't in the tent, so I figured he'd headed out here," he replied, before he looked around once more and then climbed in. He pulled the door closed behind him and moved to sit next to her on the seat.

"Ah, planning on bringing a girl back, ah?" Claire teased amusedly as she could finally see again.

"Nope, just needed a little private space for a smoke and a drink," Sam answered, as he placed a fat bottle of cider in front of him that Claire hadn't noticed him carrying. Then he reached into his pocket and took out a small clear bag of weed.

"I don't have much, so I didn't want to have to share it with everyone."

Claire laughed lightly at that, and Sam smiled amusedly, before he spoke again, "So, now you know why I'm here, why are you?" he asked, as he leaned back against the van's wall, looking at her with that small bag in his hand.

"Some creepy guy...

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Written by The_Shadow_Rising
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