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Travelling With The Bradys Ch. 2

"The journey begins"

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Author's Notes

"The inclusion of twin sisters has placed this, and remaining chapters, in the Incest Fantasy category. While incest is far from the primary focus of this story, it is important that readers be informed that there is incest content. Some folks don't care for that and they don't need to be blindsided with it."


Lance called me as I was leaving his house and I made a quick stop at my house before meeting him. He’d decided that a quick nine holes on the golf course would give us privacy to talk with the added benefit of getting some golf in.

Lance is a scratch golfer, while I am not. I love the game but didn’t start playing until long after college. I’m tickled to death if I’m nine over on nine holes. Lance has never given me any shit about it and is a pretty good instructor. I’d dropped two strokes off my average every year for the past three, but I’d reached my peak. I was never going to play enough or be good enough to consistently par the course. I was excited that the possibility existed that I might par the course one day.

Our drives were resting on the number one fairway and Lance didn’t waste any time as I drove the cart away from the tee box. “I talked to Tera for a few minutes before I left to meet you. She tells me that you’re on board with the idea.”

I chuckled. “Lance, your amazing wife could convince me to walk on water if she chose to. Anne and I have spiced up our love life with fantasies about you two since that night at the club. We both want this very much, but I need to be sure Anne and our marriage are safe.

“I believe you care for us both, and I trust you to keep her safe. That’s not an easy thing for me to do, and I can’t imagine trusting any other man with her. Tera eased my concerns last night, but I still need to hear it from you.”

Lance nodded. “I’m making you the same promise I expect you to make to me. I will not harm Anne or your marriage. I will protect Anne just as I would my own wife. While she is with us I will do everything in my power to keep her happy and safe.”

I stopped the cart at my ball and we met at the back of the cart. I reached out and shook his hand. “Then I want you and Anne to experience what Tera and I have. Your wife is an amazing woman and I care for her deeply. I know that she’ll help me be a better man and a better husband.”

Lance nodded seriously, then grinned. “You got a head start on me and the anticipation is killing me! That’s ok, though. I’m willing to wait until we leave for New York. I’m sure you know exactly what I’m feeling.”

I grinned back. “Hell, yes! It’s like the best dream in the world coming true. I’m happy about this. I really think we’re starting something amazing.

“I do have one condition, though… You and I have to agree to let Tera and Anne decide how we handle our growing relationship. I don’t want either of us to forget that our wives’ happiness always comes first.”

He patted my shoulder. “That’s an easy one. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

I whacked my ball and he whacked his as we moved around the course. I decided it was time to address the elephants on the course. “I’m looking forward to taking the girls to Jupiter.”

He raised an eyebrow and looked at me for a moment, then broke out into a grin. “Did you expect me to be the protective dad?”

I shrugged. “Well, kinda.”

He chuckled. “Relax, man. We raised our girls with open and educated minds when it comes to sex. You’re not getting virgins and believe me when I say I wish it had been you that gave them that once-in-a-lifetime experience. I’m sure that it would have been wonderful for both of them. They care for you and you care for them. I can’t think of anybody I trust more to protect them, take care of them, and please them. Trust me. We’re good.”

I had the best round of golf I had ever played that day and beat him by one stroke. I’d never come close to beating him before and was very pleased with myself. He took it in stride, didn’t make excuses, and was generous in his congratulations. Now all I had to do was figure out how I did it so I could do it again. That wasn’t likely, but one never knows.


Thursday was a bit frantic with preparations, especially for Anne. She not only had to pack for her trip, but she also had to prepare for the work side of things. Lance always took advantage of his New York trips to visit with his financial people and investors. Anne had a lot of preparation to do for that side of the trip. Everything that could be done was completed by late evening and we went to bed together for the last time before another man would experience the gift of her body. That little fact wasn’t lost on either of us.

Our lovemaking that night was sweet desperation. I desperately needed her to know how much I loved her, needed her, and would miss her. I know that she was feeling the same because, as always, we shared everything. We were both firmly committed to each other, but neither of us could fully overcome the fear of losing the other. As exciting as the possibilities were, we had never done anything like what we were setting out to do, and some apprehension was unavoidable. As uncomfortable as that made me, I was glad that we felt the way we did.

In the morning we made the short drive to the Brady residence. I had one hand on the steering wheel and the other holding her hand tightly. We pulled behind the house and I parked the car. I planned to pull the Seven series BMW out of the garage and put my more mundane car into the empty slot in the garage. It would remain locked behind the garage doors while we traveled. I got out of the car and pulled out Annes and my suitcases.

We held each other close, kissed, and swore our love for each other. I smiled down at my wife. “OK, enough maudlin stuff. You know I love you above all others and I know you feel the same. Let’s promise each other to focus on the moment until we’re back together. This is something we both wanted and we know it will be an amazing experience for both of us. Kiss me one more time, and let’s do this.”

Our last kiss before parting for a week was loving, erotic, and intense. When we separated, our better natures took over and we grinned at each other. Anne caressed my cheek. “I love you, Ben. Have fun teaching Trisha and Tess what a real stud is like, and don’t let them manipulate you. I’ll call you this evening as soon as we get settled.”

I nibbled her neck, causing her to shiver. “I’m sure your first day is going to be busy and I’ll be driving. A quick call to let me know you’ve arrived safe is all I ask. We’ll make the most of the drive today and finish up tomorrow. “

She nodded. “You know Tera and Trisha will want to drive it all today. They’ll be anxious to get to the beach.”

I chuckled. “They have to get used to doing things my way, and breaking up the trip is as good a start as any.”

Anne went into the house while I moved cars around and loaded luggage. I left the trunk on the BMW open so I could load the rest of the baggage. The BMW had a large trunk and I suspected I was going to need it.

I walked into the house and the first thing I saw was Lance laying one hell of a lip-lock on my beautiful wife. Tera and the girls were watching and grinning at the display. Within moments the girls noticed me, and two very delectable twenty-year-old women were soon vying for my attention.

Tess being the more aggressive of the two, managed to plant her lips on mine first. After a very heated kiss, her sister took her turn. While Tess had the aggressive ‘I want to fuck you right now’ approach to kissing, her sister was more romantic. I found both to be wonderful kissers, but I will admit my instant favorite was Trisha. There was something about the soft kiss and the hidden depths of her sexuality that drew me a bit more toward her than her sister. Not that I would kick either of them out of bed for eating cookies. I doubted I would give them much time to eat cookies in bed in any case.

Lance’s regular driver showed up and the luggage was soon loaded in both vehicles. Tera pulled me aside and leaned into me. “We trust you with the two most important people in our lives, just as you trust us. We love Anne too, Ben, and we will take care of her.”

She gave me a toe-curling kiss and got into the car. Anne and I were left alone while the others waited in the cars. I held her close and kissed her one final time. She smiled gently at me when I let her go. “Never forget for a moment that I love you. I’ll see you soon. Be careful on the road, and don’t let those two manipulate you. Have fun and I’ll see you next Friday.”

I watched as they pulled away before climbing into the BMW. I got things positioned the way I liked them and put the car in gear. Suddenly, I was excited. Not just because I had two very hot young women ready and willing to fuck my brains out but also because I was going to be driving this wonderful machine. Tess was sitting in the passenger seat while her lovely sister sat in the back. I pulled out of the driveway and our trip began.


We had a lot of hours ahead of us on the road, and that meant there was plenty of time to fill the miles with conversation. I learned things about Trisha and Tess I never suspected and wasn’t all that thrilled about knowing. I have a bit of a fatherly feeling for the girls and some of the risks they had taken in pursuit of fun made me cringe. I was shocked to learn that Trisha was as much an instigator as her more mischievous sister.

We were maybe fifty miles into the trip when I felt Tess’s hand wandering up my thigh. I pulled over and stopped. “Let’s get some rules straight. While I’m driving you will keep your hands to yourself. I can’t focus on your safety if my cock is in your hand. Let’s keep driving time and play time separated.”

Tess looked a bit pouty and Trisha commented. “Well, I guess Tess and I will have to play alone back here.”

I chuckled. “That’s entirely up to you, but don’t be surprised when I turn up the volume on the wonderful sound system in this car. I’ll be jamming to some amazing tunes so I’m not distracted by you two. I would prefer that you wait so I can watch in a more comfortable setting.”

Tess tossed her hair. “I don’t want to wait that long. It’ll be late when we get to Jupiter and you’ll be all tired and worn out.”

I raised a finger to make my point. “We aren’t driving the entire way today. You wouldn’t get in until the early hours of the morning anyway and we would all be too tired to have any fun. I’m not putting you at risk by trying to drive nearly eighteen hours. I have a reservation for us in Savanah. We’ll spend the night there and drive the rest of the way in the morning. I’ll try to find some way to make it up to you.”

Tess was a bit grumpy for a while and both girls were giving me the silent treatment. I wasn’t a bit surprised. They were two beautiful young women of privilege and they were used to getting their way in all things. I filled the silence with a This American Life podcast and soon, they were captivated by the stories of real people and their wonderfully unique lives.

An hour later, they were both talking excitedly about the podcast. Over the course of the trip, I played This American Life, shared my taste in music to a mixed reception, and played some of my favorite comedy podcasts. The miles flew by. The car was an amazing feat of engineering and a pure joy to drive.

We arrived in Savanah and I checked us into our suite at the Four Seasons. The girls were a bit shocked when I made them drag their own luggage into the hotel. I had left my suitcase in the car and carried my go-bag up to the room. I pulled out my shaving kit, stripped naked, and walked to the bathroom. I couldn’t help but grin when I glanced into the mirror and saw Trisha and Tess hugging each other and watching my ass as I walked into the bathroom.

When I finished my shower I decided to have a bit of fun. I left the bathroom, naked as the day I was born. The girls were kicking back on the bed when I walked back into the room. I walked over to the bed and stood there in all my glory. It was all I could do not to laugh as they studied my body hungrily. My cock began to swell and was soon the center of their attention.

Pretending not to notice, I waved toward the bathroom. “Why don’t you freshen up, and I’ll take you to dinner?”

Their eyes never left me as they slid off the bed and stood near me. Trisha surprised me when she was the first to touch me. She ran her hands down my chest before grasping my cock with both hands. “Tess, he’s so beautiful. His body, this amazing cock… Fuck dinner. I need you, Ben!”

I gathered her into my arms and kissed her softly but deeply. I let her go and she looked at me dreamily. I reached for Tess and shared a kiss with her. When I let her go they looked at me expectantly. It was time to introduce them to the art of the tease. “What’s the holdup? Get ready, and let’s go.”

I turned away and heard them both huff in frustration. It was all I could do not to laugh. They watched me with hungry eyes as I walked over to my clothes and began to dress. Once I pulled up my boxer briefs I looked over my shoulder. “Well? What are you waiting for? I’m hungry, so get moving.”

It took them a moment, but they did what I asked. I suspect that neither of them had ever gotten ready for dinner so fast in their lives. I escorted the ladies downstairs, where a car waited to take us to dinner. I had done my research and had made our reservation before ever leaving home. We had a secluded table to ourselves. When our waiter arrived I ordered wine. I figured that if they were old enough to die for their country, they were old enough to drink some wine. They weren’t that far from twenty-one anyway.

We had a great time and once dinner was finished we shared a brandy. I treated them both like they were the most important women in the world. Soon we were sharing little kisses. Our waiter was a very attractive woman who looked to be in her late thirties. She never said a word, just watched and bit her lip as I kissed Tess deeply before doing the same with Trisha. She winked at me when I looked over at her.

She grinned at the girls. “I don’t suppose one or both of you would like to trade places for the evening?”

Tess shook her head vigorously. “I understand how you feel, but the answer is Hell No! I’ve waited for years for what’s going to happen next and I’m not going to wait for another second.”

She laughed and I gave her a generous tip before we left. I called Anne and we talked for a few minutes. Both of us were with company and promised to talk the next day when we could do so with some privacy. I suspected that by then, we both would have a lot to share.

Trisha and Tess snuggled up against me on the ride back to the hotel and we shared kisses along the way. I wanted to build their anticipation and it seemed to be working. I chuckled when we arrived at the hotel and both women practically ran to the elevator. They were holding the door for me when I finally sauntered my way over.

We arrived at the room and they began frantically digging through their suitcases. They grabbed whatever it was they were looking for and both went into the bathroom. I took the time to strip down to my boxer briefs before kicking back on the bed and waiting. I was beginning to get drowsy when they finally exited the bathroom.

I was sprawled out on the bed and did my best to pretend I was asleep. The lamp across the room left my head mostly in the shadows and I gave them a few mild snores as they approached the bed. I waited like a spider for a fly as they got close. They looked absolutely stunning! They wore matching negligees and thongs as they sidled close to the bed. I was instantly as hard as granite and continued to watch through lidded eyes as they climbed onto the bed on either side of me.

I felt Tess’s hand softly rub down my chest and my stomach. She whispered to her sister. “He’s so cut...

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Written by Woodart
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