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The Seduction Of Hope. 2

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Aimi and Sophie were still in her room. I didn’t know whether they were awake and ‘busy’ or still sleeping. Either way, I didn’t want to disturb them. What I did want to do was have a nice breakfast ready for them when they finally did emerge, so I cut up some veggies and grated some cheese and potatoes, all of which I put in the fridge before putting on the coffee.

Eventually, they emerged, looking like they’d been up fucking late into the night. By their smiles, I assumed that had. Also, when they smelled like pussy when they kissed me good morning.

“Coffee’s ready. You’re having omelets. OJ in the fridge if you want.”

I knew Sophie would Wasn’t sure about Aimi, but she poured herself a glass too as I started breaking eggs.

It seemed very… domestic. I’d put on a robe and slippers. Sophie had on an oversized sleep shirt and Aimi was wearing PJ bottoms and a tee. I tried not to dwell on what had happened last night too much. At least not yet. Right now I just wanted things to seem… normal. At least until after breakfast.  It was hard, though, not to think about what had happened. That we’d fucked. That I’d eaten my daughter’s pussy.

Apparently, everyone else was okay with ignoring the elephant in the room too. At least until after they had food in front of them and I’d sat down to join them.

I felt toes brushing my calf. I couldn’t tell whose, though. Not without being obvious about it. It really didn’t matter. It felt nice. Playful and sensual. Flirty. I glanced at both of them. They were both too busy eating to give themselves away. I could play that game too. I pretended like nothing was happening and started in on my food, despite being distracted by what was going on under the table.

Eventually, when everyone had cleared their plates, it stopped.

“We’ll clean up, Mrs. Reynolds.”

Again with the ‘Mrs. Reynolds’.  I paused, meeting Amie’s gaze, unable to keep myself from returning her ‘innocent’ smile. I had a feeling that what had happened last night was only the beginning. Something else I didn’t want to think about too much right now.

“Going to shower, then,” I said, leaving them to clear the table. Maybe the hot water would help clear my thoughts…


…or not. I found it impossible not to think about them. The smart thing do to would be to put a stop to things. Better late than never. I wasn’t going to, though. The simple answer was; I didn’t want to. The last few months with Aimi had been amazing. And last night? Pandora’s box had already been opened and I had no interest in trying to close it again. Neither did Sophie or Aimi. I decided to simply accept that and let it play out. Aimi seemed to be the main instigator, so I’d simply follow her lead. Once I’d sorted that out, I felt better. Not great, maybe, but better. I found myself also very turned on. Charlie was going to be gone for almost a week. A lot could happen in a week.

And it didn’t have to end there. Aimi’s almost daily visits didn’t have to stop, as long as we were discreet. As for Sophie…  I’d leave that in her – their – hands. I still wasn’t comfortable with where this had gone, or where it was going, but I felt powerless to stop it.   


I was a little disappointed the that girls had made plans that didn’t include me.

“We’ve had tickets for this since forever, mom, and this is the last week.”

An art exhibit. Monet. I knew the artist was one of Sophie’s favorites. I felt a little better when Aimi reminded me to heat up the hot tub and told me they’d pick up some things at the market for dinner.  

“A traditional barbeque, Mrs. Reynolds. It’ll be fun. Afterwards, we can all soak in the tub and get naughty.”

“It’s Hope, Aimi,” I corrected her.

“If you insist, Hope,” she said with a laugh and a less-than-innocent kiss. “Check your messages later,” she added before leaving, shutting the door behind her.

I decided to keep myself busy with housework. That worked until my phone pinged. Eagerly, I checked my messages, feeling a little disappointed that it was only Charlie, telling me he missed me, that we were doing fine, and that I needed to remember to pay the electric bill. An hour later, Aimi texted me. Twice within thirty seconds. Pulse racing I stopped what I was doing and sat down on the couch, full of anticipation. This time I wasn’t disappointed.

Promise to make it up to you tonight. Read the first.

Sophie likes to be spanked too. Read the second.

A moment later a third arrived. From Sophie, this time.

 A photo. She’d been wearing a skirt when she’d left. It was the same skirt, pulled up around her waist as she sat in the passenger seat of Aimi’s car. She wasn’t wearing panties. She really did have a pretty pussy.

Saving it for you. Aimi says not to come while we’re gone. Love you, mom.

Tease. Tell Aimi I’ll do my best.

I got busy again, needing to distract myself until they got back.


To say it was an atypical family night barbeque would be a lie. We grilled hot dogs and corn on the cob. There was potato salad and strawberry shortcake. And, of course, beer, and we’d sat out by the pool in our swimsuits eating it while Sophie gushed about the exhibit. And then afterwards, we took a dip in the pool. I felt like I was transported back in time. No longer a housewife and a mother. Just one of the girls having fun. Yes, I was a little drunk. We all were. Aimi, of course, couldn’t help herself, flirting with both of us. And we flirted back. When the sun started going down we all retreated to the hot tub. It was in a gazebo, adding an extra layer of privacy. Sophie disappeared for a while. When she reappeared, it was with some special treats.

“Edibles. Thought it would be fun. When was the last time you got high?”

“I don’t remember. Before you were born, probably.”



So we got high. I didn’t overindulge. I don’t think they did either. It felt nice. My doubts and inhibitions seemed to vanish. Or at least dimmish to a point where I could easily dismiss them.  It felt good. I felt good. I could feel anticipation for what I was sure was going to happen we settled into the hot water.

“How wet is your pussy, Hope?”

That’s how it began. With Aime, as always.

“Very?” I admitted, glancing over at Sophie and giggling with embarrassment.

“Good. Sophie?”

“Sopping wet.”


That got all of us giggling. I’d forgotten how fun it was to get stoned. We each had our own corner, so we could stretch out and, more importantly, see each other. I had claimed the middle. Sophie was to my right and Aimi on left. Our swimsuits had been left on a hook on the wall.  Sophie had turned the stereo on and we were listening to a mix that She’s made back when she’d lived here. A mixture of genres that seemed to fit together well. She’d always had a gift for that.

“Aimi says you like being spanked,” I said, setting my half-emptied beer down on the edge of the tub.

“Kind of,” she admitted, blushing a little.

“Good to know.”

That got us giggling again. Then Aimi stretched her legs and Sophie did the same. Pretty soon we were involved in a three-way game of footsie. Soon after that,  Aimi had abandoned her corner and was sitting next to me,  taking my face in her hands and turning me towards her, and kissing me.

I felt her hands on my breasts, her thumbs brushing over my nipples until they’d stiffened. A moment later, Sophie had joined her, taking one of them between her lips, sucking sensuously. I closed my eyes and sighed. It felt wonderful. I felt two pairs of hands spreading my legs apart. And then the touch of fingers on my pussy. I couldn’t tell whose. It didn’t really matter anymore. They switched places, Aime sucking on my other nipple while Sophie kissed me. I sucked her tongue into my mouth, returning her kiss, passion welling up inside of me. God, I wanted her bad.  Sure, she was my daughter, but she was more than that. She was beautiful and sexy and I wanted to fuck her in the worst possible way.

“Told you I’d make it up to you to you.”

“You did,” I managed, coming up for air, Sophie’s nose pressed against mine, her beautiful blue eyes filling my vision.

I kissed her again, exchanging air, breathing her in and then out again as she breathed me in. Aimi was playing with my pussy under the surface and Sophie was playing with hers so I started playing with Sophie’s.

“Been wanting this all day,” my daughter managed, her words becoming a moan of pleasure.

“Longer than that,” Aimi teased.

“Years,” she confessed. “Long before I knew Aimi.”

I didn’t know what to say, so I said nothing. Instead, I kept playing with her pussy, using my fingers on her clit while we shared sloppy, lust-fueled kisses.

No more was said. Not for a while, at least. We’d trade off every few minutes. Aimi fingering Sophie and kissing me, while I fingered her and Sophie took care of me. Then they’d kiss and I’d watch, enjoying the soft moans mingling in the steam rising from the water’s surface.

“Help me,” Aimi told me as we were ‘trading partners’ again. Not sure what she wanted, I took her lead. Together we playfully bullied Sophie over the edge of the tub, her ass up in the air, head and arms hanging out.

“Spank her, Hope.”


“Please, mom?”

Tentatively I smacked her bottom with the flat of my hand. It wasn’t much of a blow. I didn’t want to hurt her, after all.

“Oh my god, really? Harder, mom! Jesus!” she said, beginning to laugh.


I smacked her harder. Much harder. The sound of my hand on her bare ass seemed incredibly loud to me and left a red mark on her pale flesh. I thought she was going to swear. Cry maybe. Tell me to stop. Instead, she let out a delightful moan of ecstasy.

“Fuck yes. Again.”

“I told you she likes to be spanked, Hope. Just like a little girl.”

Not trusting myself to comment, I smacked her again, this time on the other cheek. She let out a sharp gasp and reached back to grip the sides of the tub, lifting her ass higher, making it a better target.

“Don’t stop.”

I didn’t. I kept spanking her, amazed at how much she was enjoying it, considering how red her ass was turning.

Aimi moved in next to her, reaching up between her thighs from in front so that she could shove her fingers into her cunt, holding them there, forcing Sophie to do all the work. She began fucking them, pumping up and down, forcing them as far as she could into her cunt while I kept slapping her ass and then the backs of her thighs with my bare hands, pausing when she started to come.”

“No no no, please, don’t. Don’t stop,” she implored, so I started again, slapping her over and over until she exploded with a howl, shaking from head to toe with ecstasy, sobbing as it hit her.

“Fuck,” she managed eventually, Aimi’s fingers still deep inside her pussy, although I’d stopped abusing her bottom. “That was incredible. You should try it.”

“I don’t think so,” I managed, still overcome by the magnificence of her orgasm. To think that I had been a part of something so powerful and beautiful…

“Told you so,” Aimi said, kissing me.

“Yeah,” I said, carefully caressing Sophie’s bright red cheeks. I felt a little bad, thinking she wouldn’t be able to sit down for at least a day. Apparently, I was the only one, though.

“Hungry. Going to grab some chips. And some more beer,” Aimi announced, climbing out of the tub. I watched her go, her perfectly proportioned ass swaying teasingly as she exited, leaving Sophie to recover and me to…

I took her in my arms and kissed her. At first, it was tender. A mother kissing her daughter.

“Love you, baby,” I whispered softly.

“Love you too, mom. Now fuck the shit of me.”

It quickly turned to something else. Something dark and primal. Something possessive. I pulled her closer, fingers tangled in her damp hair, forcing her to kiss me. Not that she wasn’t willing. By the time Aimi returned, I had her trapped in a corner, my mouth on her perfect breasts. Aimi had told me she liked to be bit, so I was biting her. Like with the spanking, It had begun tentatively. But once I realized what she needed, I’d sunk my teeth into her tender nipples, making her writhe and squirm with pain even as she begged me to bite her harder.

I watched as Aimi set the bottles aside and moved in behind her as I released Sophie’s nipple. Watched as she leaned over her, guiding her head back so she could kiss her.  Like my initial kiss, it was a surprisingly tender gesture, their gazes locked. And then, like mine, it turned possessive and fierce.

“Dirty slut,” she called her.

“The dirtiest,” Sophie replied, panting and then gasping as started biting her breast, sinking my teeth into her flesh just like I now knew how she liked it. Wanted it. Needed it.

“Fuck,” she groaned as Aimi joined us, kneeling next to me and abusing her other nipple.

“Mother fucker.”

Literally, I thought. Not that I voiced it out loud.

I started alternating. Biting and then sucking, enjoying her squirming as she tried, although not very hard, to escape. Aimi, meanwhile, grabbed one of the half-full bottles and pushed it up into her, fucking her under the surface with it, using it like a dildo. I started using my nails on her, leaving a trail of pink marks on her tits and along her flanks. It seemed to excite her more, so I kept at it. It wasn’t long after that she climaxed with a wordless cry, grabbing both of us, holding on for dear life as he thrashed around in the tub.  It was an amazing sight to behold…

Afterwards, we settled down, content to finish our beers and cuddle each other in the tub. I think we were all a little worn out and needed a break. I know I was, at least.  Not that it was over. We share intimate touches. Kisses. A few words here and there. Mostly we just enjoyed each other’s presence while in the afterglow of our lovemaking.

“Love you, Aims,” my daughter murmured at one point, kissing her friend.

“Love you too, Soph.”

I glanced over at her roommate and wondered if there was more going on than… well… crazy hot girl-on-girl sex. Aimi simply smiled and kissed her as I watched. And then kissed me.

As it grew late I finally turned the tub off and toweled off.

“Bedtime. At least for me.”

No one argued. This time, however, they didn’t disappear into Sophie’s room. They joined me in mine. Three of us in the king-sized bed I shared with Charlie. I suppose I should have been conflicted about that. I wasn’t though. Not even a little.

We slept tangled up with each other. No one bothered putting anything on or even suggesting it. I think I would have welcomed it if it turned into some sort of… orgy, but it didn’t. It was getting late and we were all a little worn out.

It was nice, though, to awake occasionally to find one or the other – or both – snuggled up against me. Or sometimes I’d be woken by soft kisses or intimate touches, returning them sleepily…

The night passed. This time I didn’t feel the need to get out of bed and start breakfast. Surprisingly, Aimi did, leaving me alone with Sophie, the sun peeking through the curtained window as she spooned me.

“Morning,” she whispered in my ear, kissing the tip as she rubbed my tummy, her hand going lower and lower until she was stroking her fingers through my pubes.

“Morning, sweetheart,” I said with a content sigh. “That feels nice.”

“Mmhm,” was her answer. I’m not sure what would have happened if Aimi hadn’t announced that she’d made waffles and that they’d get cold if we didn’t hurry. I realized, suddenly, that, while I’d fucked Aimi alone, I’d only fucked Sophie in the presence of her lover.  Something to think about later. Or not. Right then, my stomach started growling and I decided that I should listen to it.


In the world of fantasies, the entire day would have been a never-ending festival of hedonism. Realistically, though? It was on my mind. All of our minds and it was nice to be able to relax in the privacy and security of the house. I made a point of putting down the curtains and blinds in the rooms that faced the street so that we could enjoy the day without the worry of scandal. I found that I enjoyed the freedom to walk around half-dressed. We all did. In fact, Aimi spent about half the day completely naked. It felt both naughty and fun and it made it easy to forget that I was no longer twenty.

We listened to music while putting the house in order. Even had an impromptu dance party in the living room. Afterwards, we put on a movie. We found plenty of time to flirt, some of it going beyond that. Make out sessions in the kitchen and the living room.  Some intimate touching and teasing. Sophie pulled out her phone and took porn-worthy pictures of Aimi and me. Then Aimi returned the favor. We laughed a lot. I made another batch of margaritas for lunch, but we went easy on them.

“Save them for later, Hope,” Aimi suggested. “All this sexual tension is going to have to be released...

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