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The Seduction Of Hope. 1

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I’m not quite sure when it had become a game. It had started as harmless flirting. After all, she was my daughter’s roommate and while I’d had a few fantasies about her, there was no way I was going to do more than that. In my defense, everything that happened had been instigated by her. It had started with a smile. A radiant dazzling smile.

“Sophie’s told me so much about you.”

“All good, I hope?”

She’d just laughed at that and batted her eyelashes subtly.

That had led to more subtleties and occasional innuendos. We saw plenty of her. Roommate and burgeoning best friend. They became inseparable and would stop by on weekends for meals. She loved to flirt. Sophie would just laugh, shaking her head.

“She’s like that with me too, Mom.  It doesn’t really mean anything.”

I didn’t want to believe her. I wanted to be special.  Even though I’d never harbored serious thoughts about being with another woman I wanted her to mean it, so I began to flirt back. Not in front of my daughter, of course. But there were enough times that it was just the two of us. Times when I found my pulse racing just a little. Times when she’d turn her smile on me and say something borderline inappropriate, fueling my fantasies further.

Sometimes, when I had the house to myself, I’d indulge myself while thinking about her. I couldn’t help but wonder what she’d be like in bed. Was she kinky? Aggressive? Submissive perhaps?

As time went on, the lines became even more blurred. A touch. Innocent enough, and yet… was it? Her smiles became… secretive. Knowing. Her comments blurred the lines more and more, leaving me off balance and, oh god, hungry for forbidden fruit.  

And then, during the summer, when school was out and Sophie was away visiting cousins, she stopped by and it stopped being a game.

I was out by the pool.  It was that kind of day. She let herself into the backyard. That wasn’t so unusual. She’d become a familiar sight around the house.

“You look good,” she’d told me.

I smiled shyly, enjoying the compliment. Despite being twenty years older than her, I like to think I kept myself in good shape.

“Thanks. There’s lemonade in the fridge. Or beer. Help yourself.”

She disappeared into the house. When she returned, she had a pair of bottles, both opened. She offered one to me and set the other on a table before turning a very dangerous smile on me.

“Thought I’d go for a swim.”

I took an absent swallow of beer as I watched, my pulse speeding up as she unbuttoned her top and realized that she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. No swimsuit. No bra. Her breasts were divine. Perky with youth. On the small side, maybe, but amazing. Her nipples too. dark and perfectly formed. She’d turned, and I watched her in silhouette, noting how stiff they were.

“Like what you see?”

I hadn’t even been conscious of licking my lips. Caught, I blushed again, much to her delight. A moment later she was unbuttoning her jeans.  As with her blouse, she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. Her mound was smooth. I noticed a hint of gold between her slightly parted lips. A piercing. I noticed something else, too. She glistened. Or at least her pussy did. Was she… turned on? Maybe she just got off a little at teasing me. Maybe she had a streak of exhibitionism in her…  Or maybe…

Fuck. I tried to shut my mind off and keep the thoughts out that seemed destined to invade it. She had an amazing body. Just as I’d imagined, and she was displaying it nonchalantly. An object of lust.

I stared at the butterfly tattoo on the back of her shoulder as she sat on the pool’s edge, legs in the water, downing her beer while engaging me in conversation that was, as usual, flirty and filled with innuendo. I did the same.

“Want another?”

“Yes, please.”

When I returned, she was in the water, floating lazily, her pointy-tipped breasts on display. I handed her the beer and sat down, not the chaise this time, but on the pool's edge, mirroring her earlier stance. I’m not sure if she was a little tipsy, or just done with being subtle…

“Does Charlie make you come a lot?”

“Excuse me?” I replied, startled.

Giggling she tried again. “Does your husband make you come a lot, Hope?”

I didn’t answer right away. I wasn’t expecting the question and I was deciding how, or if, I wanted to answer it. Being a little tipsy myself, I went with the truth.

“Not as often as I’d like…”

“Shame.” She paused to paddle over to me, resting her arms on the tiles next to me, her elbow brushing my thigh as I passed the bottle to her.

“When was the last time you had an orgasm?”

“I… I’m not sure that…”

Aimi giggled a little, taking another drink before handing the bottle back.

“Couple of weeks ago, I guess.”

“What were you thinking about? Or who? It’s okay. Just us girls. I won’t tell Sophie.”

I looked at her, our gazes meeting. Her almond-shaped eyes sparkled with mischief. She still wore a hint of pink lipstick. I thought about telling her to mind her own business. I thought about it for a while. I don’t know if it was the alcohol or what. I wondered if she already knew.

“You,” I finally admitted, blushing as I turned away from her, staring at the oak on the corner of our property.

“Good,” was all she said, taking the beer from me again. I noted, absently, that it was almost gone. I got up to get the one I’d brought for her.

“You have a nice ass.”

I felt the tips of my ears burning as I drained about half the bottle before handing it over.

“Thanks. Aimi…? Sophie’s my daughter. You’re her best friend. I don’t think…”

“You should be having sexual fantasies about me?”

“Yeah,” I managed, sounding lame.

“Probably not.” She smiled, reaching out and resting her hand on my thigh, stroking thoughtfully, sensuously, with soft fingertips as she took another pull.

“We’ve fucked, you know.”


“Me and Sophie. We’ve fucked. A few times. Okay, a lot.”

She watched me carefully. I admit that I was a little shocked, at least at first, and then, thinking about it, decided that, if I’d been Sophie, I would have fucked her too. I wasn’t though. I was married and, until Aimi had come into my life, pretty certain I was straight.

“She looks a lot like you. Younger, sure, but you’re not that old,” she told me, licking her lips slowly, making sure that I was paying attention. Truth was, I was riveted.

“I didn’t know she was…”

“Lez?” She shook her head, her dark hair still wet, sticking to the sides of her face. “She’s not. Not really. It’s just for fun. She’s getting good at it, too. Making me come, I mean.”

“Oh.” I wasn’t sure I liked hearing her talk about my daughter like that. Or that I was a little turned on imagining her and Aimi… fucking.

“Might be fun to join us sometime?”

I was hoping she might giggle a little, tell me she was joking and talk about something – anything – else. She didn’t, though. Just kept running her nails gently along my thigh, raising goosebumps all over.  I squirmed, feeling uncomfortable at her touch. She just smiled, and stopped, taking another drink then handing me the bottle so I could finish it off…


“How was your day, hon?” Charlie asked as he speared a meatball with his fork.

“Nice,” I murmured distractedly, still replaying the events over in my head. “Aime dropped by for a swim.”

He just nodded and took a bite. I couldn’t help but notice his eyes. Not on me. Far away. Like he was harboring a secret. It came to me suddenly. Fucker had been fantasizing about her too. I almost giggled, wondering how long that had been going on and if he’d come while thinking about her too. I wouldn’t be surprised.

Cheekily, I decided to torture him a little.

“Didn’t even bring a suit. Skinny dipped. That girl has no shame.”

“Sorry I missed that,” he quipped. I had to laugh a little. At least he was honest about it.

“Maybe next time,” I teased.

That night, after he’d gone to bed, I made myself come. Twice. The first time while thinking about Aime. The second while thing about Aimi and Sophie. Watching them, recalling her words. We’ve fucked. She looks a lot like you.


The next time I saw her was the day Sophie was due home. I was supposed to meet her at the airport at noon. Aimi showed up about 10 while Charlie was at work.

“I thought I’d go with you to the airport. Meet our girl.” She took me by surprise then and kissed me. Not a passionate kiss. Just a brush of the lips against me. It was full of promises. A little flustered, I stammered something inarticulate, much to her amusement. 

“You got off before you went to sleep. Thinking about me.”

She hadn’t phrased it as a question.


“Just once?”

This time I just shook my head, blushing.

“Good,” was all she said, and then kissed me again. This time it was more. Much more. This time, without meaning to, I kissed her back. When it was over, I was breathless.

“We have a little time, Hope. Want me to make you come?”


A part of me did. Most of me, really. Only… It was a bad idea. Not only that, but if I said yes, I wouldn’t be able to say no the next time she asked. And something told me there would be a next time.  I found myself staring into her almond-shaped eyes. Dark and depthless and full of promises. I nodded, slowly, not trusting my voice.

“Good,” was all she said as she took my hand and led me to the bedroom. My bedroom. The one I shared with my husband, Charlie…

Funny thing was, I’d never cheated on him. Not once. Sure, I’d thought about it a few times, but that was it. It didn’t feel like cheating though. It wasn’t another guy, after all. It was a girl. Aimi. My daughter’s roommate and best friend. And, apparently, lover.

She undressed me. I let her. I wanted her to just rip my clothes off and ravish me. Instead, she took her time, each electrifying touch making me shiver with delight. Each kiss stealing my breath away.

“Your breasts. So beautiful,” she murmured as she helped me out of my top, guiding me away from her so she could unclasp my bra. “Just like your daughter’s. She likes having her nipples bitten.”

I gasped softly, her words followed by a gentle bite on the back of my neck and a soft giggle.

“Me too,” I admitted, letting her undress me, neither helping nor hindering her as she moved before me again, her finger trailing over my arms, my shoulder, my breasts, Stooping slightly so could kiss them, take them into her mouth, nibble them…

I let out a moan. It felt divine. She bit harder. I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter with each little gasp that she forced from me as she sucked and bit them, taking turns, while unzipping my jeans.

“Have you ever had your pussy eaten by another woman, Hope?”

“No,” I admitted with a shaky whisper.

She didn’t answer. She simply helped me out of my pants and panties and then knelt at my feet, her face inches from my pussy, blowing softly, gently against it.

“You don’t shave. Sophie shaves.”

“TMI,” I managed, my hands resting on the top of her head, stroking her silky black hair almost tenderly.

Giggling, she shrugged. A moment later I felt her tongue lapping slowly between my now swollen lips, licking up my juices. We didn’t speak for what seemed forever. I just stood there, while she knelt before me, expertly using her tongue on me – on my pussy – until I was shaking too hard to keep my balance. Laughing softly at my predicament, she guided me over to the bed and lay me down, spreading my thighs gently as she pressed her face between them and started licking and sucking and…

I climaxed. Hard. Loud. It felt like I was convulsing. Maybe I was. When we first got married, and many years after, Charlie still made me come. And then… things just slowed down between us. It happens. I was as much to ‘blame’ as him. I’d never climaxed like this, though. Not with Charlie. Not masturbating. Not with any of the guys I’d dated before I’d met him. Never.

“Oh, Fuck,” I whimpered when she finally came up for breath.

She just smiled, glancing at the clock. “Get dressed,” she ordered, giving my saturated pussy an almost sweet kiss, laughing a little.

“Sophie. Airport.”

“Oh shit.”

“I need to shower…” and wash the scent of my illicit orgasm from me. The scent that was all over her face, I realized suddenly.

“No time,” she said, smiling as she made a show of licking her lips. Of tasting my cum.


“No time,” she repeated, this time more forcefully as she helped me dress again.


We made it with time to spare, both of us smelling like we’d been fucking. The car did, too, much to my chagrin and embarrassment.

“Good thing she’s not my girlfriend,” Aimi had teased on the way over.  “Just my fuck buddy. Just like you, now.”

“I…” I didn’t know what to say, so I decided to say nothing at all and kept my eyes on the road.

Sophie didn’t seem to notice. Or at least she didn’t say anything until we were on the freeway and on our way home, choosing, instead, to catch me up on how she’s spent her time at her cousins’. It sounded like she’d had fun, although it sounded like she was also glad to be back home.

I’d noticed that, while she hugged Aimi, just like she’d hugged me, she hadn’t kissed her. I wondered if that was because of their relationship or because I was there.

In the car, though, things became slightly more… interesting. She gave me a strange look before turning her attention to Aimi and kissing her shyly, pausing quickly and giving her the same look. Only it wasn’t the same.

“You smell like pussy, babe.”

Aimi nodded, sharing that dazzling smile with by daughter that she sometimes used on me.

“Your mom’s pussy.”

I almost lost control of the car.

“It’s okay, mom.  We’ve talked about it,”  Sophie said hurriedly.

“You what?”

“Oh, come on. Not like you haven’t been obvious every time she comes over,” Sophie said, shaking her head, trying to hide her grin.

“You knew?” This time I managed not to swerve into the wrong lane.

“And approved. Thought it was kind of hot, actually.”

The rest of the trip was made in silence. I had too many things to think about to talk to either of them and I think they both respected that. I did catch them quietly whispering to each other in the backseat from time to time, but mostly, I was too lost in my own thoughts to pay much attention.

Eventually, I dropped them both off at their shared apartment, giving Sophie a fond hug. And then… I’d meant to do the same to Aimi, but somehow she managed to turn it into a kiss.  For the first time I tasted my own cum on another woman’s lips. I hurried back to the car drove home to shower. I really didn’t want to smell like this when Charlie got home. I felt a little guilty. It didn’t help that I got myself off while showering either. Eventually, I took a nap and then kept myself busy with chores around the house. When Charlie got home we had a nice, if somewhat quiet, dinner and then settled in to watch a movie. Afterwards… after he’d gone to bed, I’d stayed up and played with myself while recalling the events of the afternoon before crawling into bed and sleeping the sleep of the damned.


The next time Aimi stopped by, she was alone. Several days had passed. Several days of me not being able to get her out of my thoughts. This time, there was no coy seduction involved. She simply showed up at the house, shut the door behind her, and led me to the bedroom. This time she didn’t take her time undressing me. She was ravenous. Hungry for me. It felt good. No, it felt amazing to be wanted like that. This time, after she was done eating me out, I returned the favor, hesitant, but not because I was conflicted.

“What if I’m not very good,” I murmured as I lay my hand on her pussy and started to stroke it.

“Just relax, Hope. I’ll guide you through if I think you need help. Maybe you’re a natural, though.”

Somewhere in between, I think. I did make her come. It wasn’t as explosive as mine, but she wasn’t faking it, at least, and seemed to enjoy it.

“You’ll get better. Sophie did. Now? Wow,” she said with a sly smile before giving me a quick kiss.

“We lay in silence for a few minutes before she decided she needed to run some errands. Her kiss goodbye stole my breath away. She seemed to have that effect on me. It also tasted of me. Unable to help myself, I compared my taste with hers, finding I preferred hers, but mine wasn’t so bad either…


Twice more in the bedroom, each time her claiming I was getting better. Then once in the living room and finally, out by the pool where the whole thing had started. I wasn’t too concerned about the neighbors catching us. They call it a privacy fence for a reason. Still… it was kind of hot to think that they could catch us.  Catch me, more accurately, fucking a girl half my age. A very hot girl who also happened to be my daughter’s best friend. I came hard, almost as hard as the first time she’d made me come, just thinking about it.


The next time was at her place while Sophie was out.

“Come over, Hope. I want you.”


“Now,” she told...

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Written by sprite
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