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The Online Affair, The Move

"The five of us headed back to my house to pack and play."

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Walking into the kitchen area, we found that everyone was still seated around the table and jabbering like a bunch of old women, which they technically were.

They quieted as we entered the room, and I took that moment to ask, "We are going to need a couple of extra hands to help pack things up so that we can be back here by next weekend. Who would like to volunteer?"

Several hands were raised amongst the flurry of "Me, me, me's." In the midst of the commotion, I looked at Cynthia, and we both started to laugh. Then everyone else joined in until we were all chuckling for no reason.  

"Okay, who has the important shifts this week?" Cynthia inquired.

Several hands dropped, leaving only three volunteers during a series of "damn-its" and "shits."

The three left were Catherine, Charlotte, and Danielle.  

"Will all three of us fit in your car?" Danielle inquired as I was thinking the same thing.

"Yes, if you all pack light. We can certainly use all the help, that's for sure," I responded.

"Okay, so are you all in?" Cynthia asked.

All three replied with an excited "Yes!"

"Alright, go and get packed and remember to keep it light. I'm sure that Jackson has a washer and dryer that we can use if we need to reuse some items," Cynthia directed. Within seconds they were all off to their rooms as Cynthia and I headed to hers to ready ourselves.

Cynthia was a simple woman with simple needs. She packed much like a guy would, bringing five T-shirts, a couple of pairs of shorts, a pair of jeans, socks, and underwear. Her toiletries were limited to a toothbrush, toothpaste, a hairbrush, and some deodorant. It was funny because up until that moment, I hadn't even noticed that there was no makeup in sight and that she didn't wear any.

I made short work of throwing my things back into my bag before we headed back toward the kitchen, where everyone was still gathered. Danielle was the first back carrying a medium-sized backpack. Catherine and Charlotte were only moments behind with one shared suitcase. There were hugs all around, which took more than a few minutes since none of them had been away from each other for more than a twelve-hour day in a very long time.

With the hugs and kisses ebbing, I headed for the car with all the bags and filled the back before starting the engine. I was familiar with the way women tended to linger when a loved one was leaving and figured that I'd get the process moving by my actions. The hint was taken, and within minutes, they were all seated, and I pulled away. It was already after three, and with a six to seven-hour drive ahead, I picked up some speed to help shorten it a little.

All of the women were busy gawking and yapping at the sights like a flock of geese as I drove along while holding Cynthia's hand. I would point out some places here and there along the way, which made the trip go by much faster. Over halfway home, I pulled off the road to get some gas and asked the ladies, "Do you want to grab some food real quick at the fast-food next door, or would you prefer a sit-down place?"

"I vote that we just grab something and keep going," Danielle piped up while the rest were still considering my question.

"And why is that?" Cynthia inquired.

"Because I can't wait to see Jackson's home and to get started on bringing him to ours."

"That's perfect. Let's do it!" Cynthia shouted before the others joined her reverie. They were carrying on like a bunch of school girls while I filled the tank. Even with the doors and windows closed, everyone within the immediate area could hear them yik-yakking. Several men in the area began to stare and noticed their glaring beauty. Fortunately, I finished pumping the gas and got out of there before any of them got the nerve to approach.

The reality of it all hit me pretty hard as we were ordering our food in the drive-thru, and several of the teenage boys who worked there gawked at my girls through the windows. I realized that their stunning beauty would always make them targets for the seedier members of society. Fortunately, their superior strength would always be there for them to draw upon if necessary. Even so, I would never leave them alone if it was at all possible. I was a lover, friend, and co-parent to nearly all of them now, and the responsibility was not lost on me.

Pulling from the fast-food joint, we were back on the road as each of them began digging into the food while continuing to chat. Cynthia helped me get set up with my dinner as we sped down the road. In the aftermath of such a fatty and gluttonous meal, all three of the back-seat passengers were soon off into la la land as the sky gradually darkened with the setting sun.


We'd all finished eating, and the three in the back were all snoring away as I quietly talked with Jackson. "You do know that we can take care of ourselves and that you don't have to worry about any of us, right?" I voiced while rubbing my hand up and down his thigh.

"So, you saw them too? It's just a gut reaction, especially since two of you are pregnant with my children. I couldn't begin to fathom what it would be like to lose any one of you. Especially you!" Jackson responded.

"How close are we to your home?"

"About thirty-five minutes away. Are you getting tired?" he answered.

"Nope. More like horny. I think it has something to do with being pregnant, although I've never been before," I replied while playing with his growing cock through his jeans.

"Really! So, I'm going to have two pregnant women in my house that are going to be as keyed up as you are right now? You can't wait for another half-hour, can you?" he asked as I was freeing his stiffened prick from its cotton prison.

Moving closer, I dropped my face into his lap and slid his cock into the depths of my throat in one quick motion. "Fuuuccckkk," slipped from his mouth like a soft roar.

I held him in firmly while swallowing over and over to keep him on the edge. Backing off just enough to get a deep breath through my nose, I plunged back down and tickled his swelling scrotum with my whirling tongue. When I felt him begin to tense up, I backed off a little to hold him close to the edge. This went on for a while before we came to a stop.

"Are you planning on keeping me this close to ecstasy for the final ten minutes of our ride?" a panting Jackson questioned rather impolitely.

I eased off his angry purple prick pulsing like a piston and replied, "I just wanted to make sure that you stayed awake since all the others fell asleep, but I can stop if you like," as I wiped the drool from my lips.

"You do know that this means a merciless butt-fucking for you tonight, right?" Jackson stated, more than questioned, as I let my fingers lightly graze his engorged penis.

"I'm counting on it," I murmured in his ear while maintaining contact with his prick.

"I have a feeling that it's going to be a very busy week. I certainly hope that we have enough time to actually pack my belongings."

"Well, since you can only fuck one of us at a time, that leaves three of us to work while you're servicing the fourth. Unless, of course, you need to supplement your vitality with a little cunnilingus."

"Speaking of which, I could use a little taste of you before pounding your sumptuous rear. You do have a succulent flavor that makes me want to spend all night licking your puss."

"See what all your dirty talk is doing to me, lover boy. You've got me soaked through my shorts and even leaving some on your poor car seat."

"Don't worry about that. I'll suck it clean right after I suck you dry, my sexy little Momma-to-be."

My hands opened my shorts and then dove between my slippery folds to fill my womanly cavern until Jackson could attend to me. I'd underestimated his ability to turn me on yet again. He was right. There'd be little rest this week between the packing and the humping. Ten minutes later, we'd arrived, and between getting the others moving and grabbing our bags, it was even longer before I got to have him inside me.

There were three bedrooms, two downstairs and one upstairs. Catherine and Charlotte shared the larger downstairs room, while Danielle got the smaller one. Once they got the quick tour and settled in, Jackson and I finally headed upstairs to his room. It was after eleven before we slipped naked under the covers, and Jackson dove down to feast on my yearning cunt.

"Fuck me, now!" I softly shrieked after Jackson brought me to a magnificent orgasm.

He slowly licked my flowing juices before nibbling his way up my belly. Reaching the base of my swollen breasts, he continued his gentle biting on their soft underbellies. At this point, I could feel the inflamed head of his prick parting my slick labia. I squirmed like the needy slut that I'd become, trying desperately to impale myself on his scalding tool. But he had me pinned to the bed with his hands on my shoulders. Did I mention that his knees had my thighs spread obscenely wide?


After bringing Cynthia to a leg-quivering orgasm with my mouth, she begged to be fucked. I took my time dining on her delectable nectar, even with her soft whimpering. Feeling that I'd had enough, for now, I worked my way up her softly curved abdomen making little nips along the way. 'Was the baby growing that quickly?' passed through my mind briefly. The gradual wandering process was clearly driving her wild. Arching my back to touch her puss with my hard-on clearly pushed her to the edge of hysterical passion as she started to wiggle her hips in a vain attempt to impale herself.

I'd already spread her thighs with mine and was now pressing her shoulders down firmly while working over her under-breasts.

"Fuck me already!" she scowled.

That's when we both heard, "I'm sorry to interrupt, but it's so lonely in the room. I was wondering if I could sleep with the two of you tonight?" Danielle inquired.

I'd just begun gnawing on Cynthia's right nipple, so her only reply was a growling yell, far too loud to keep our activities secret.

Without thought, I replied, "Yes, you may. Now please sit on your Aunt's face to keep her quiet."

Shedding her nightgown and panties, Danielle straddled Cynthia's head, facing me, and pressed down onto her Aunt's mouth.  

"Ohhh, Aunt Cynthia, your tongue is amazing. Yeah, right there. Mmmm!" Danielle vocalized while I gnawed on Cynthia's nipples.

I could hear Cynthia's moans as I brought her nips to rigid peaks. Once I had them as hard as they would get, I slipped forward, plunging my ready prick fully into her welcoming vagina. Cynthia bellowed into Danielle's pussy and causing her to have her first orgasm. The rest of the night was a series of three-ways that brought us all much satisfaction.

The morning light came much too soon, and my need for caffeine outweighed the desire to roll around some more with my sexy bedmates. Pulling on some shorts, I stumbled down the staircase and made my way to the kitchen. Upon reaching the bottom of the steps, I realized that I could already smell coffee brewing. Once I got my eyes focused, I saw Catherine and Charlotte standing near the coffee pot, talking.

"Good morning! How did you sleep now that you were back in your home again?" Charlotte offered cynically.

"Well, if you have any hearing at all, you know that there was very little sleep had by anyone upstairs last night. How did you two sleep?"

"Like two babies cuddled up against their Momma's breast," Charlotte replied while cupping Catherine's through her flimsy t-shirt that didn't quite cover the curve of her exposed ass. I realized, even through my focus-challenged eyes, that neither was wearing panties. My interest was abundantly evident through the nylon shorts that I was sporting, even though I knew I needed the coffee more.

"Mmmm, it seems that even with all your late-night activities, you're still interested in Catherine's perfect little ass. Shall I hold her in place and let you take her?" Charlotte questioned while raising Catherine's t-shirt and wrapping her arms around her firmly.

"Heyyy!" Catherine whined before I replied.

"I would never take a woman against her will. It has to be offered for me to even consider sex with another. And you two should already know that!" I stated a bit too firmly.

"We do!" they sang in stereo before wrapping me in their arms from both sides and squeezing me tight.

"Ladies, as much as I'd love to be the meat in your loving sandwich, I really need some coffee so that I can begin to clear the fog from my sleep-deprived brain."

"Okay," they whispered simultaneously.

"But you will spend a night with the two of us soon, won't you?" Catherine asked.

"Now, how could I resist you two beauties?"

"I think it's clear that you can't," Charlotte said as she palmed my morning wood.

"Plus, we've been talking, and I've decided I want to get pregnant, too," Catherine added.

"If you're sure, then I'd be happy to give you both a daughter. But, for now, let me get the others moving so we can all get some work done around here. If you two want to get breakfast started, there should be plenty of fixins in the fridge. By the way, does Danielle drink coffee?"

"Yes! She likes it hot and white, just like her current lover," Charlotte answered like the smartass that she was.

"Okay, you two may want to start another pot while I deliver some to the others."

I headed upstairs to deliver the coffee to my two groggy lovers before jumping in the shower for a quick wash. Coming out of the bathroom, I saw that the bed was empty, and I could smell breakfast cooking downstairs. I'd already asked the moving company to deliver some boxes so that we could all get started on the packing. While we ate, I heard a truck stopping out front, and I popped out the door. They had two large bundles of boxes that I brought inside before allowing the estimator inside to examine my belongings for the move.

He was quite professional and only glanced at the ladies to say hello and continue his work. I took him from room to room and explained what needed to be packed and what could be taken as it was. Thirty minutes later, he was headed out the door as the girls all began to hit the showers. I pulled out a supply of newspaper that I'd collected as tinder for the fireplace and began wrapping some breakables from the kitchen. Cynthia was back downstairs rather quickly in her shorts and a T-shirt. She took over while I grabbed my cell to begin making some calls.

I moved outside for two reasons. The first was because Cynthia looked so sexy in her shorts that all I wanted to do was tear them off and have my way with her right there. The second was because shortly thereafter, the other three emerged wearing basically the same thing, and I couldn't keep my cock from popping out of my pants. Plus, I needed quiet while I broke the news to my job, family, and friends.  


I kept the girls focused on the task at hand while we all kept an eye on Jackson as he dealt with all that he had to do. I'm sure that it wasn't easy for him, especially since he was doing all this in such a short time frame.  

We had finished the kitchen and were moving into the living room to pick up the loose items there for packing. We had a great system going with myself, Danielle, and Charlotte wrapping items, while Catherine packed them all and labeled the boxes. With the living room finished, we moved on to the small bedroom.  

"We may as well strip the bed because I doubt that anyone will be sleeping here for the rest of our stay," Danielle posed with a seductive little smirk on her face.

"Yeah? How was your Aunt's tongue? Was it as magical as I remember?" Charlotte teasingly inquired.

"I'll bet it was!" Catherine added very feverishly.

"Maybe I should take the both of you upstairs and remind you," I posed to show them that they weren't the only ones that could talk raunchy.

"Okay, all this sexy talk has got me all worked up, so I'm going to take a walk outside for a minute to cool off," Danielle interrupted before walking out the back door.


I'd been on the phone for what felt like days with most of the initial calls made. Feeling the need to relax for a few minutes and maybe grab a drink, I headed back inside. My ladies had been busy. Grabbing a beer, I examined their exemplary work. The kitchen cabinets were empty, with a couple of stacks of boxes left neatly in the corner. Sipping my beer, I wandered into the stark living/dining room. There was nothing left save the furniture and some more boxes. Walking into the small bedroom, it was all the same, and that's when I heard them.

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Peaking out the rear-facing window, I saw my hard workers taking a necessary break in the pool. Did I mention that they were all nude? Hugh Hefner himself would have been jealous. I did my best to meander out the back door casually, but my bulging prick gave away my desires for all of them.

"Hello, ladies. I see that...

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Written by stockingluvr
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