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The Naturist 4 - New Life Begins

"Life comes in phases - Live each one and make it the best!"

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Author's Notes

""This is the story of a love affair between a father and his daughter's best friend and lover. It was put into the incest category due to a father/daughter closeness that some find taboo, there has not been actual sex between family members. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Until now! Because I had to place this in the incest category, I decided to complete the bond and go full incest in the last chapter. I hope you enjoy."

The ranch was everything Caleb had claimed. A 600-acre lush, green Texas ranch, although it was more forest than pasture like most ranches. Caleb claimed two pastures were about one hundred acres each that had cattle. By running cattle, the ranch was able to keep taxes low.

The entrance was a nondescript electronic gate set between two white concrete walls, and the entire ranch was surrounded by a twelve-foot chain-link fence. After Caleb entered a code, the gate opened, and we proceeded down a tree-lined drive. We passed another drive with a sign that read ‘Residential Zone – Residents and invited guests only.’

A short drive further ended in a parking lot with a large building and the parking lot surrounded by an eight-foot wooden fence. We parked, and all got out.

“The parking lot and the lobby when we first enter are considered neutral zones. While it’s not forbidden to be naked in these areas, they ask that you use a bit of modesty here. It gives respect to delivery people and others that visit and may not be nudists,” Caleb explained as we walked into the lobby.

We were met by Caleb’s mother Chandra and aunt Julie. They would be taking the six of us on the grand tour.

“We have just a few simple rules,” Chandra started. “Number one, No means no, stop what you are doing and move on. Two, don’t do things to make other people uncomfortable; don’t stare. We all have sexual urges; when they pop up, deal with them discretely. Three, no sex in family areas, and if someone has a red bracelet on their wrist, it means they are under eighteen; no sex or inappropriate touching. We will prosecute for rape or statutory rape. Four, There is a teens-only beach, under twenty-one only. And lastly, when you walk through those inner doors, this is a nudist resort; you go nude. Women may wear a simple white panty or just use a tampon on their periods. No one is going to judge you one way or the other. If you are asked to join the ranch, there is a more advanced set of rules you will sign for, but follow those five, and you’ll be good. Any questions?”

The next room was a basic locker room, but there wasn’t a men’s and women’s side; everyone undressed, dressed, showered, or bathed together. The six of us quickly shed our clothing without much thought. Chandra and Julie were wearing sarongs in the lobby, but the sarongs were hung on a rack with dozens more.

“It’s not a hard and fast rule, but we encourage modesty in the lobby and parking lot. If you need to meet a clothed person or run out to your car, you are welcome to grab a sarong from this rack,” said Julie.

The main clubhouse had several other rooms, including a large kitchen and dining area. There was also a game room and an office area for guests who needed to work. Outside, an Olympic-sized swimming pool was complete with diving boards and slides. There was also an outdoor dining area, four hot tubs, a wading pool, a kid's playground, and a grass sports field.

Just beyond the sports field were the lake and the family beach area. We walked over to the beach; it had the fine powdery white sand, not the course stuff.  The beach was a hundred feet deep and stretched a couple hundred feet in each direction.

“This is perfect!” Christy exclaimed

“Yes,” Jessie agreed. “Can we have the wedding here on the beach?”

“Of course you can,” Chandra answered.

The ladies all started talking a mile a minute about the wedding plans. Caleb took Cory and me down to the water and pointed out some features and fishing spots. A peninsula jutted out into the lake at the far side of the lake; “Just behind that area is the adults-only beach.”

“A lot of people go there to get away from the kids and engage in adult activities,” Caleb explained. “If someone is there and engaged…” he started to say as the girls walked up.

“What are you boys over here conspiring about?” Chandra asked.

“I was just about to explain the adults-only beach,” answered Caleb.

“The rule is, there ain’t no rules,” Julie said with a laugh. “If someone is having sex in the middle of the beach, they want to be watched. You’ll learn who’s who over time, but some people you can throw a towel down right next to and watch up close; others prefer you watch at a distance. Just be polite.”

“There are occasional orgies and such, but normally it's just couples. There are also four beach beds under cabanas that can be reserved by members daily in the office,” said Chandra.

“I have a…” Jessie started and looked a Christy. “We have a question,” Christy finished.

“Christy and I heard about an old custom for marriage ceremonies and wondered if we could do it here?” Jessie asked Chandra.

Chandra smiled as if she already knew what was going to be asked.

“Yes,” said Christy, “it’s called a Bedding Ceremony.”

Chandra and Julie both chuckle and smile at each other. “Yes, ladies, we have done bedding ceremonies here. We recommend the clubhouse or a cabana at the adults-only beach,” said Julie.

“Bedding ceremony, what’s that?” I asked.

Everyone chuckled at my innocent question.

“Well, Daddy,” answered Christy. “It’s where after the wedding ceremony, we go to bed and have our first sex as married couples... in front of our guests.”

“Everybody!” I exclaimed.

“We encourage everyone to watch. It’s a beautiful expression of love and an educational experience for the younger adults,” Chandra explained.

“We explain the ceremony to the younger viewers and have them watch at a distance,” Julie added.

“And we ask that during the viewing period, you stick to the simple missionary or cowgirl positions,” Chandra continued. “We don't want it to be pornographic during the viewing.”

“I don’t know if I want to have sex in front of everyone,” I say with concern.

“Come on, Daddy,” and “Yeah baby,” Christy and Jessie have at me together. They both batted their eyes at me and puckered their lower lips like they always did when they were younger and chorused out together, “Please, Daddy.” And giving me hopeful looks.

“Oh my god, stop it, you two know I can never deny those pleading faces,” I extoled.

After some more walking around, we ended up in the residential zone in Chandra and Caleb’s home. Plans were made, the wedding date set, and we had a nice lunch.

-           -

The wedding plans were tedious, but the girls were giddy and sexually charged. Caleb had to be at the office a lot, which left Christy more time to herself or with Jessy. Jessy was insatiable as always, and wanted sex three and four times a day with me, and took care of Christy during the day when Caleb was working.

Three weeks before the wedding, Caleb had to go on a business trip for five days. On the second day of his absence, I woke to Christy on top of Jessie. They were making out hot and heavy, eyes closed, tongues wrestling six inches from my face. Looking down, I could see Jessie’s arm moving between their bodies rhythmically.

I leaned over and pressed my lips to Jessie’s cheek. Jessie moved her mouth to mine without missing a movement, bringing Christy with her. For a moment, the three of our mouths and tongues came together, and we shared a three-way kiss. Christy pulled back and looked from Jess to me to Jess, then leaned back in and continued sharing our kiss for several minutes.

When we finally finished, Jess looked at me and said, “Fuck me, babe, I’m horny as hell right now.”

Christy looked at Jessie and extolled, “What about me? I thought you were going to take care of me first.”

“Aww, don’t worry, baby, I’m going to take care of you. Just stay right here, sweetheart,” Jessie says to Christy before she turned to me. “Babe put a couple pillows under my ass.”

I lifted Jess and Christy’s lower half and shoved two pillows under. Their pussies were pressed together and were both wet and leaking. I lined my cock up to Jessie, pushed in, and started fucking her.

“No fair, Jess!” Christy extolled. “You get a nice fat cock, and I get your skinny finger.”

“Oh, quit being a whiny little bitch,” Jessie said.

Jessie made a quick movement as I pulled back; my cock slipped out, and I pushed it between both their bodies and over their clits. Christy let out a deep guttural moan as my cock slid over her clit.

“Do it like that babe, it feels good,” Jessie said. “See, I told you I’d take care of you, you dumb bitch.”

I was apprehensive as my cock was pushing against my daughter, but in a split-second decision, I just went with it. I grabbed Christy’s hips and started pounding my cock between the two of them. The girls started making out and humping against my cock as it slid between their bodies. It wasn’t as good as Jessie’s pussy, but it was running a close second, as the two of them created a wet inferno between their legs.

Their moans were becoming more urgent as we were all getting close. Jessie was the first to cum, and she cried out, “Oh gods yes, I’m cumming, Daddy.”

Christy looked back over her shoulder at me as I continued pounding my cock between them and said, “Fuck me, Daddy, fuck me hard.”

I fucked my cock hard against her soaked, swollen pussy and clit as hard as I could until I felt her shuddering. She came and flooded my groin in juice; this sent me over the edge. I pulled back and sent five jets spurting across her back and her ass. The first squirt reached all the way to her neck; the last sprayed against her puckered little star and dribbled down over her pussy.

I fell forward to their side; Jessie rolled and pushed Christy over me. They both kissed my cheek, then kissed each other, cuddled up, and went to sleep.

We didn’t sleep long before Jessie’s phone rang and woke us. It was Caleb looking for Christy.

“Hey honey, how’s work going?” Jessie asked.

“Yeah, she’s laying here with Jeff and me.”

“Haha, yeah, something like that, but she’s missing that fat cock of yours, sugar.”

Christy tried to grab the phone from Jess. “Yo, bitch, hands, he called me not you.”

“Yeah, she thinks she has some claim to my phone because you’re on it, haha. Yeah, sure, are you alone? Okay, give me just a second, sugar.”

Jessie got up, put a tripod we use for filming at the bed's end, and clicked the video call. She hopped back in bed next to me as Caleb appeared on the screen.

“Well, don’t you three look all cozy this morning,” Caleb comments.

“Sorry baby, I was so horny when I woke up this morning. I really needed to be with someone. You aren’t mad, are you?” Christy replied.

“No, not at all, baby. I told you, you can play as much as you want. I know you love me.”

“Yeah, but that’s with Jess, and I’m in here with both Jess and Daddy.”

While Christy and Caleb chat back and forth, Jessie starts playing with my cock, which I'm sure Caleb could see. I swatted her hand away twice.

“It’s okay, baby,” Caleb replied, “I just wish I was there to help. You having trouble there, Jeff?”

“No,” Jessie answered for me, “but there is going to be trouble if he doesn’t let me have this cock right now.”

Jessie hopped around on my chest and pulled Christy’s leg and bottom half over on top of my groin. She pulled my cock through the gap then looked at the camera. “I’m going to have both of them right now honey, you want to watch.”

“Yes, ma'am, let me just lock my door.”

Caleb returned, and Jess pushed her pussy in my face and took my cock in her mouth while staring at the camera. I could feel the heat of Christy’s pussy against my cock as Jess licked and sucked both my cock and Christy’s pussy back and forth.

“Let me see your cock, sugar,” Jessie asked Caleb. “You want me to suck you like this?”

I felt Jess deep-throat my cock.

“Oh yeah, baby, just like that,” Caleb responded.

“You want me to eat your wife's pussy, like this,” Jessie asked.

Christy let out a long low moan as Jessie worked her magic tongue. I could feel Christy humping against my  cock as Jessie held it against Christy’s pussy. Jessie worked her tongue, swirling it around the head of my cock and Christy’s clit as Christy continued humping. It only took a few minutes before Christy, and I came for the second time.

I had been lazily licking Jessie’s pussy, but after Christy and I came, she sat up and began fucking my face and tongue.

“You ready to cum, sugar, you ready to fill me with your hot baby batter? Come on, babe, cum for me, fill me full. Oh, oh, just like that, yes.”

Jessie came hard and flooded my face, and I heard Caleb moan and cum too. Jessie fell off to the side, and Christy crawled across me and started licking the juice from Jessie, but her tit was pressed into the side of my face as she did so. I couldn’t help myself and sucked her nipple into my mouth. Christy pressed down and moaned.

My reverie was broken when Caleb spoke up, “Guy, this has been a slice of heaven, but I have a meeting in five minutes and need to clean up. Let's do this again tomorrow night at eight, all four of us.”

“Sounds good, baby,” Christy said, “You stay safe; I love you.”

“I love you too, baby. See you tomorrow night,” Caleb responded. “Bye Jeff, bye Jess, Love you guys. See you tomorrow.”

We said our goodbyes, and the screen went blank.

“Jessie, I can’t believe you were rubbing Daddy’s cock on my pussy in front of Caleb.”

“Don’t lie; you know you liked it as much as I did. I felt you thrusting against it. You’re lucky I promised to be your buffer. Otherwise, there were a couple of times you lifted high enough… one flick of the wrist, and you would have been fucking.”

“Jessie, you know I can’t control myself when I’m really horny.”

“Alright, ladies, we need to get up and get breakfast,” I said.

-          -

Later that day, Christy talked to Caleb for a few minutes and told him all about the parts of our morning escapades that he had missed. Caleb’s only response was, “I get to recreate that with you and Jess, right?”

“If you’re a good boy, I’m sure something can be arranged,” Christy said with a giggle.

“Okay, baby, you can recreate it tonight, so I can watch. Sorry, baby, but I have to run. See you tonight,” Caleb said before hanging up.

-          -

The next night at 7:45 PM, Christy had us all on the bed and had her video chat system hooked up to the bedroom flat screen. Caleb called at eight on the dot; he laid naked on the bed, similar to us. Christy did her normal nightly chatting about their day, but Jess got bored and began sucking my cock along the way. Christy didn’t really notice what we were doing behind her, but Caleb did and smiled at me.

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“Christy honey, I think you’re being left out in the cold,” Caleb spoke up.

Christy turned and looked at us and started playing with her pussy. Caleb was on the video and began stroking his cock. Christy looked on longingly, and Jess noticed and offered my cock.

Christy didn’t say anything but looked a Caleb and said, “See what I have to put up with from this slut, baby.”

“You do what you need to, baby. You’ll get no judgment from me.”

“Fuck it,” Christy said as she crawled over to us. “Sorry, Daddy, I can’t look at you with what I’m about to do.”

Christy flipped around and planted her pussy on my mouth. Then I got the distinct feel of two tongues licking my cock simultaneously and felt it pass back and forth several times. Then I felt one of the girls take me deep in her mouth. I couldn’t tell who, as my head was firmly between Christy’s thighs as she fucked my face.

I heard Caleb proclaim, “Oh yeah, baby, suck that daddy-cock, suck it just like it was mine.”

I was getting close to cumming, but the sucking stopped, and one of them squeezed the base of my cock hard. Christy crawled off my face, and Jess crawled on but then slid off and lifted my head. Christy had her back to me, but I could see my cock poised at her opening.

“Caleb, honey, I love you so much. Tell me to stop, and I will.” Christy said in a begging tone.

“Do it, baby, fuck that cock like it's mine,” Caleb responded.

Christy turned and looked at Jessie, then looked down at me and spoke just above a whisper, “I love you, Daddy, I love you so much.” Then sank slowly down on my cock.

I don’t know if it was the taboo of having my cock inside my daughter, but the sensation was unbelievable as she slid up and down on my cock. It was as if there was an electric current passing between us.

Jessie leaned down and whispered in my ear, “This is so fucking hot baby, she’s wanted this.” Jess then nibbled on my earlobe while I watched Christy bounce up and down on my cock. I was vaguely aware that she was talking sexy to Caleb, but I was too lost in my own ecstasy to understand anything they said.

Christy was slowing down, so Jess whispered in my ear again, “Get up and force her down into doggy; it's her favorite; you need to fuck her hard, babe.”

I sat up and pulled back and out of Christy. She turned and gave me a surprised look, but I maneuvered her around, so her side was to the camera and pushed her...

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Written by James_Gina
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