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The Gods Play Dice - Chapter 5

"Thomas is made to edge his sister."

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Author's Notes

"Another story of frustration and denial."

Stepping off the bus after a long day at school, Thomas slung his bag over his shoulders. The sun was just starting to set, the distant glow of the orange orb already halfway behind the horizon, and he let out a tired sigh as he made his way back. Not because he had just finished getting through all his midterms and his tests though he couldn’t exactly say he wasn’t happy about that, but rather because today just so happened to be one of the rare few days where their mother was stuck at the office working overtime. And so even with the promise of a quiet afternoon of nothingness and yesterday’s leftovers still in the fridge, it was still with some amount of hesitation that he stepped past the threshold to close the door behind.

“I’m home!” he called out.

For a moment, he waited for a response. Not that he had really expected one, though that didn’t mean there was nobody there. At least judging by the pair of shoes kicked haphazardly to the side, and setting them back onto the shelf where they belonged, he walked over into the living room to find Sarah curled up on the couch with a book in her hand. Romeo and Juliet, the title read, and he blinked as she tucked her knees underneath her chin. Quite normal really, like a cat sitting up in bed. The only problem was that as comfortable as that looked, it also gave him a perfect view of her panties up her skirt along with the smoothness of her bare legs.

Well crap. That wasn’t good. Swallowing hard, he looked away. By then though the damage was already done, and as the heat rose up across his face, it was as if a small part of him just knew that he should have waited a little longer before coming in instead.

“You done staring?” she asked.

“Uh…,” said Thomas.

“Or would you rather I pull them to the side so you can get a good look at what’s behind?” said Sarah.

She reached over to turn the page, not even bothering to shoot him a glare, and Thomas shifted uncomfortably in place. Blue, why did she have to wear the blue ones today? Especially the light blue ones that seemed to match every last inch of her hips along with the gentle curve of her rear. A bit like a second skin as it stretched over the crease that ran down the very center, and a single glance at the tiny little bump at the top was more than enough for him to wince as he felt his member start to stiffen against the insides of his chastity cage.

“I, uh…,” he said, “I thought you didn’t like romance.”

Another second seemed to pass, however, before Sarah bothered to answer the awkwardness of the question.

“Well, I don’t,” she said, “But unless you really want to see me being spanked for failing all my classes, then I suggest you shut up and let me finish my book report in peace.”

“Oh,” said Thomas.

“Or do I have to go over there and hit you again?” continued Sarah, “Just like the last time you tried to bother me when I was busy with my things.”

Pausing, she looked over to stare rather pointedly, and Thomas grit his teeth. Briefly, his eyes gave in to the temptation again as they wandered back down between her legs. Why did she always have to be so difficult every time he tried to talk to her? Almost as if she was trying to make his life as hard as possible, and even if she hated it as much as he did every time they had to do something like this, that didn’t mean she could just dump all her frustrations on him like he was some sort of punching bag. Where was the fairness in that? Like, weren’t they supposed to be siblings? Brother and sister holding hands?

For a moment the mental image of it crossed his mind, the two of them smiling as they sat next to each other, and he felt like laughing. As if she would ever agree to something as stupid as that, let alone whatever else it was that normal families did. Like camping, or hiking, or not arguing with each other just because he happened to walk in on her getting changed.

He sighed again. It wasn’t a feeling that he missed. Better get on with it then, before they end up having another fight.

“Right,” he said, holding his hands up in surrender, “I’ll leave you alone in a bit. Mom just wanted me to make sure that you did your exercises for the day.”

To the surprise of absolutely nobody though, Sarah reacted to the information about as well as he expected.

“And why do you have to be the one to do it?” she said, “Why doesn’t she just come and check herself?”

“Because she’s still at work and won’t be back until midnight,” said Thomas, “Didn’t you get her text?”

“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean you can just look at my bits down there like it’s nothing,” she shot back. “Girls are fragile things, you know. You can’t just treat them like that.”

She blinked as she looked over at him again, her knees still pressed up against her chest, and Thomas very politely refrained from pointing that they were pretty much already halfway there. Or the fact that it wouldn’t be the first time he had seen her naked like this either, and wasn’t it just last week that she had been bouncing up and down in his lap with her pussy soaked through and his dick shoved all the way up her rear? No orgasm for either of them as usual of course, the overall time being still too short, though he did end up getting awfully close at the end. And against the memory of her sobbing as their mother made her bend over in front of him afterwards with her anus still twitching from the use, it was hard not to think about the disappointment of having his member locked back into its cage.

Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath. Today was Monday, which meant they still had another four more days left to go before he got to try again. An entire ninety-six hours of frustrating wet dreams as he tossed and turned in bed, and even then it wasn’t as if he was guaranteed a release once they were there. Maybe a coinflip at best if the dice just so happened to land in his favor and he managed to roll either her pussy or her ass again, but anything less than that and the only thing he could really do was to wait another week.

Or maybe another two or three in this case if Sarah decided to be finicky again.

“Alright, I can respect that,” he said finally, “It’s fine if you want some privacy. Just remember to call me over after you’re finished.”

“What do you mean?” said Sarah.

“For the exercises,” said Thomas, being careful to avoid setting her off a second time, “Mom wanted me to take a picture as proof.”

“Do you really want to see my pussy that bad?” she said.

“Yes,” said Thomas, “Because if you don’t agree to do it, then I’m going to end up being punished as well, and then we’ll both have to wait even longer before we’re finally given another chance.”

The implication of what exactly that meant didn’t need to be explained as he looked over at her again, but Sarah still didn’t seem to be convinced. Not even as she bit down on her lips, and if this went on any further then he was seriously going to start losing his patience. Already, it had been significantly longer than he would have liked, both for her and for him, and he didn’t exactly relish the idea of their mother stepping in to take pity on them both before he was finally able to spend. Mostly since, as good as it felt to have balls finally emptied after what felt like an entire year, having his semen slowly pushed out from him from the inside via a prostate milking just wasn’t the same.

The memory of the last time it happened rose up in the back of his mind, and he shivered at the feeling. Awful, it had simply been awful. He never wanted to go through something like that ever again. Especially since their mother tended to stop every time she saw so much as a single drop appear, and against the phantom feeling of being edged over and over via his butt for an entire hour on end, all while Sarah panted and cried right next to him as she went through the exact same thing as well only with her g-spot and her clit, it was as if he could already feel the emptiness of the frustration building inside of him as he clenched his fists.

That was the last thing he needed right now after all this time. A pleasureless and unsatisfying dribble followed by a lingering ache that left him feeling even worse than if he had chosen to skip out altogether entirely. As such, it was rather fortunate that things turned out well for once in his life as Sarah let out a sigh and finally gave in.

“Do it for me,” she mumbled.

She brought the book back up to cover her face again, and Thomas blinked at the request.

“What?” he said.

“I said do it for me, you dimwit,” said Sarah, “My assignment is due at midnight today, and I don’t have the time.”

“But didn’t you just say…,” said Thomas.

“Yeah, but you want to cum this week, don’t you?” she said miserably, “Well, so do I. Properly, at any rate. Like, if you think you have it bad just because you can’t shoot your sticky little teaspoon of baby batter inside of me, then imagine how I feel whenever you end up doing it in my mouth and I have to swallow it. You know what Mom makes me do afterwards whenever I don’t get to spend?”

“No?” said Thomas.

“She takes me to her room and makes me do it with my nipples and my butt for an entire hour and then ruins it,” said Sarah, “With a brush if I’m lucky, though most of the times she just blows on it a little and that’s all I get. Like, hands-free and everything.”

She glared across at him, and he blinked in surprise. And now that it was mentioned, he had honestly never even thought about it that way. Mostly since it wasn’t exactly often that he was able to make it past the edge from just a mere sixty seconds of having her lips wrapped around his dick, and in all the other times that he did, the feeling was so strong that it practically sent him to sleep. Which probably explained why he never once noticed the fact that Sarah seemed to disappear off to somewhere for quite a while afterwards, or that every time she came back it was always with her eyes swollen red as if she had just been crying.

“Oh, I see,” he said.

“Uh-huh,” said Sarah, “Feel a little bit less like a prick now that you know the truth behind it?”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to,” said Thomas.

He shuffled in place, and a while seemed to pass as the two of them stood there like that, him looking down at the floor while she continued to sit there with her knees pressed up against her chest. Dimly, he tried not to stare at the way her nipples poked up from underneath the school uniform that she was still wearing. The thin layer did nothing to hide them as they rose up from her chest, though as she shifted her position once more, the transient view of the two points seemed to fade again as if they were never even there.

All of a sudden, he became very aware of how thin her hips looked with her skirt pushed up like that around her waist.

“So what now?” he asked.

“What now?” echoed Sarah, letting out a sigh, “Well since I really don’t feel like it today, either you do it for me, or we’ll both face the punishment of having to wait another week.”

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“And you’re okay with that?” said Thomas.

“No,” said Sarah, “But it’s not my problem that you can’t get it out on time, is it? Either way, it’ll save me the frustration at least of being teased again without relief.”

She looked away as if having to wait didn’t bother her one bit at all, and Thomas grit his teeth as his gaze moved back down between her legs. Specifically to the soft color of her panties, and against the pressure building up in his chastity cage it wasn’t long before his willpower finally gave in. Fine, he’ll do it. Just this once. And besides, it wasn’t as if she hadn’t ever done the same thing before for him. Usually with an expression of disgust on her face of course, but that didn’t mean it didn’t count with how often she found herself on her knees and with her hands wrapped around his shaft. Fully naked as well with her pussy peeking out at him from between her legs, and already he could feel the soft touch of her tongue against the very tip of his glans as she slowly brought him to the very edge of an orgasm that he knew he would never be able to get.

As such, biting down on his lips, he forced himself to walk forward and kneel in front of the couch with a blank expression on his face. Up above, Sarah looked down from her book, apparently still making a pretense of pretending to read, though the mask seemed to shift a little as he reached over to pull her panties down her thighs. Bit by bit, the fabric seemed to slide across her skin, almost like a curtain being drawn as it slowly rose to reveal the heat of her most intimate place, and a single strand of wetness stretched out after it as he peeled them away. Then, as she lifted her hips to prevent it from snagging, he watched as it fell back down against the pinkness of her slit.

It was a bit like watching a flower slowly budding. Like that they waited, his heart beating away in his chest, and Thomas took in a deep breath as he tried to prepare himself for what to do next.

“Umm…,” he said.

“Stop staring and just get it over with already,” mumbled Sarah.

“Right,” he said, “Do I…?”

“They’re still in my bag,” she said, “Over there by the kitchen.”

She pointed rather uncomfortably, her voice coming out even softer this time, and it was only with a faint sense of realization that Thomas felt his body start to move as if he were a puppet on strings. Then, stumbling a little as he stood, he crossed the room and returned a moment later with a small cloth pouch marked with her name. Black, like silk, with the strings tied together into the shape of a tiny and intricate butterfly, and the knot offered only a brief moment of resistance before he was finally able to turn it over into his hand.

He looked down. Inside were the two rounded spheres of her ben wa balls that she had received last year for her birthday. Absently, he rolled them about. For some reason that was hard to explain, each one felt much heavier than he had expected. Like there was a sense of solidness about them, and Sarah looked over at the movement with her lips caught between her teeth again.

“You need to…,” she said, “At the top.”

His ears strained to make out the words, and it took him a second to understand. Then it was his turn to blush, and the tension seemed to creep up another fraction of an inch as he swallowed against the dryness of the air. Already he had seen the procedure enough times before to know what to do, though that didn’t make the process any less nerve-wracking as he reached out with his hand. One finger on each side, set apart at just the right width as he caught the tiny and sensitive little nub in between, and Sarah seemed to grow even smaller as he peeled back the hood of her clit. Then, with that done, it was a simple enough task to bring her closer and closer to the edge until he could see the opening of her tunnel start to twitch.

One… two… three…

Thomas counted each stroke out loud inside his head. If the awkwardness of his movements bothered her however, Sarah made no show of it. Not even as they made it through first the tens and then the twenties, the wetness of her arousal already starting to overflow as he kept up a slow but steady rhythm, and the longer the silence grew, the more she bit down on her lips. Hesitantly at first as if it would kill her if she did, though by the time they got to thirty the facade was all but broken as he felt her hips start to shift.

“Are you clos…?” he said.

“Shut up,” growled Sarah, “Keep going.”

She looked over as if daring him to argue, and so he wisely didn’t. Instead, he looked back down towards the task as the numbers continued to tick, and it wasn’t long before forty and then fifty passed by in infinite slowness above their heads. And then sixty, and then seventy, and then eighty, and like that, it wasn’t until they reached somewhere just over the count of one hundred and twenty that it finally happened. A single clench, stronger than all the others before it, and then…

“Oh!” said Sarah, “I… I can’t…”

Thomas could see it coming from a mile away. It was impossible to miss. The muscles on either...

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Written by RetrospectiveInsomnia
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