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The Gods Play Dice - Chapter 1

"Every week, Thomas gets to fuck his sister. Sort of."

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It was Friday evening, which meant that the weekend was just around the corner. That meant two long glorious days of no more classes, no more homework, and no more school. Thomas couldn’t ask for anything better. It was a dream come true. Pure unadulterated relaxation, with hardly a single care in the world. Well, save for one other thing.

Sure, the weekends were the perfect time to lay back and relax, of waking up late and sleeping in, but besides just the peaceful calmness of lounging about on a Saturday morning with nothing to do, the singular red checkmark that ran down each row of his calendar marked something else just as important. Something that his parents had implemented ever since he first turned eighteen. And now, just six months later, it was hard to think of any other way his life could have turned out.

Because Fridays were release days, and thus the only chance he had of being unlocked from the chastity cage secured between his legs.

“Are you ready?” said his mother.

They were sitting at the kitchen table, him, his stepmother, and his stepsister Sarah. A bowl lay in front of the three of them, two small dice waiting within. One to six, the most common kind, and picking one up at random, Thomas made the first roll. Three dots in a diagonal, right in the middle. Scowling, Sarah picked up the second die and tossed it into the bowl as well.

Three and two, making five in total.

“Damn it!” she cried.

“Oh, right on the boundary,” said their mother, “Just one more and then…”

“Mom!” cried Sarah.

“Alright, alright,” said their mother, “You don’t have to yell.”

It was a classic scene that took place every week at the kitchen table. And of course, even after all this time of being told not to, Sarah went ahead and did so anyways. For his own part, Thomas let out a sigh as he looked down at the dice in the bowl. It was hard to even tell what his sister was trying to complain about. Sure, it was still a five, but their mother wasn’t exactly wrong. And he had rolled a three, which meant that no matter what Sarah tried to do, the sum would have been at least a four or greater since the lowest she could have rolled was a one. Maybe she knew something he didn’t. Math had never been his strongest point.

He looked up towards the chart that was pinned to the wall. Two to twelve, with the entire range of possibilities split apart into four separate sections.

2 - 3: Handjob

4 - 5: Blowjob

6 - 10: Pussy

11 - 12: Ass

Honestly, if he had just rolled one higher, and then…

The thought was soon interrupted though as the argument beside him rose to a pitch. Which might have been cause for alarm, had they not already been through this exact same situation at least a dozen different times before. As mentioned above, it really was something that took place nearly every single week. Every time the table was cleared after dinner and the bowl was taken out. He would roll the dice, sit there quietly, and wait for Sarah to finish arguing so that they could finally start.

“Now, Sarah,” said their mother.

“I don’t want to,” said Sarah.

“But he’s your brother…,” said their mother.

“That doesn’t mean I have to suck his dick!” said Sarah.

Sparing a moment to glance at him from across the table, she crossed her arms stubbornly across her chest. Which might have looked somewhat intimidating, had it not perfectly framed the pitiful nature of her breasts. Even being older than him by a year, it was as if her growth spurt had been cut short halfway. Thus, besides the softly rising curves of her B-cup bra and the slightly wider diameter of her hips, their bodies were still more or less the same.

Not a single strand of hair for either of them, full shaven with the skin of their crotches made smooth and bare. Something that he was able to confirm for himself on a regular basis, considering the last two lines written down on the chart pinned to the wall behind him. Over which Sarah was once again making a scene.

“Sarah, you have to understand…,” said their mother again.

“Nope!” said Sarah, “I’m not doing it.”

“But you…,” said their mother.

“None, nada, I refuse,” said Sarah.

And then, as if the line hadn’t already been crossed.

“Besides,” she said, “It’s not like you can make me.”

There was a short pause as she smiled, and the room grew deathly still. Wincing, Thomas looked on in sympathy. That was most definitely not the right move to make. Bad decision, very bad decision. A prediction that came true a moment later as their mother finally lost her patience.

“Sarah Elizabeth Wilson,” she said, “Do you need another week with the training beads?”

Taken slightly aback, Sarah’s smile seemed to shrink a little across her face.

“Or how about the plug,” said their mother, “Because I can do that too. Turn the vibrations on low and tie your hands up to the bedframe so you can’t reach down underneath the sheets.”

“No, I…,” said Sarah.

“Because you’re lucky I don’t,” she continued, “You’re lucky that you don’t have to wear a chastity belt while your brother does. As a girl, I trust you enough that you won’t go putting your hands where they shouldn’t be, but the Purity Center is only a thirty-minute drive away. I’m sure the doctors would be more than happy to take your measurements. Would you like me to set up an appointment?”

Sarah swallowed hard at the threat. For a while, the three of them sat there in silence as the question hung awkwardly in the air. The answer was quite obviously a no, but whether out of some last remaining sense of pride or perhaps even guilt, she didn’t seem quite willing to say it just yet. Maybe she was thinking that if she waited long enough, then the issue would just go away.

There was another pause as Thomas looked over at the two of them. and their mother sighed as Sarah finally gave in. Looking down towards the floor, she seemed to shrink down into her chair.

“Good, that’s what I thought,” said their mother, and then a moment later, more to herself, “Besides, I don’t even know what you’re trying to accomplish anyways since it’s not like you get to cum either until he does.”

Sarah blushed at that, unable to hide her reaction. With the formalities now out of the way though, it was finally time to begin. Their mother waved for them to get started, and standing up from the table, Thomas reached down to pull his shirt up over his head before undoing the button of his jeans. Sliding them down his legs, his underwear followed a moment later as tossed them aside. Fully nude, he shivered as he stood there with nothing to hide behind except the clear plastic shell of his chastity cage.

It was easier when he wasn’t the only one who had to undress. Besides him, Sarah was considerably slower. Her shirt came off, and then her bra as she laid it down onto her chair. Turning around so he couldn’t see her front, she carefully undid the zipper of her skirt before moving to slide her panties down to her knees. Lifting up each leg in turn, she carefully folded the garment in half as she placed it to the side.

As she did so, Thomas felt his member twitch ever so slightly as she bent over at the waist. With her legs spread ever so slightly apart, he could almost see the shape of her lips through the thin gap in between. A short glimpse was all he got through as she stood back up again in the next moment. Side by side, they waited in silence again as their mother held out a key.

“Now then,” said their mother, “Are you two ready?”

Thomas nodded, and with a click, the chastity cage fell away, leaving behind only the ring that went around the base. Instantly, he groaned as he felt his member spring up to its full length. One week, that was how long it had been since he had been locked up without relief. And the sight of his naked sister standing next to him didn’t do much to help his nerves.

Sarah, however, was less amused.

“If you cum in my mouth, I’m not swallowing,” she said.

Thomas nodded. That was fine with him. The only thing he really cared about at this point was getting it all out after having it build up inside him for an entire week. Of course, that was only on the condition that he was able to today, given the special conditions of his release. It was something that he had tried to protest against before, mostly to no end.

The rules were the rules though, and spreading his legs apart, he reached up to place his hands on top of his head. It was vital that he kept them there if he didn’t want to immediately be locked up again. Sarah knelt down in front of him, her face level with his crotch, and their mother set a timer as she signaled for them to begin.

“Go,” she said.

Thomas grit his teeth. Sixty seconds, that was all the time they had. Of which Sarah wasted at least three opening her mouth to take him in. Instantly, Thomas gasped as he felt the soft touch of her lips sink all the way down to the base. For a moment she looked up at him as she held herself there, and then as the texture of her tongue finally found his frenulum, the entire world seemed to fade away as it swirled around his tip.

Lick, lick, lick…

After an entire week of denial, it felt like pure bliss. Thomas closed his eyes, savoring the sensation as she slowly began to move her head. Despite Sarah’s initial reluctance, she quickly fell into a rhythm as she licked along the underside of his shaft. Up and down, up and down, each one of her movements seemed to last for an eternity as it pushed him closer and closer to the edge. Already painfully erect, it wasn’t long before he was already a third of the way there.

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Of course, the challenge was still getting there before the timer rang. Her tongue swiped across the tip again, and Thomas moaned as he started to count down inside his head. One last lick as she started to suck, and he almost lost control of himself as his legs started to shake.

Lick, lick, lick, lick, lick…

Sarah looked up at him again, and Thomas gasped as he felt the pressure build up within. Every weekend it was like this. Sixty seconds to cum, and if he took too long, then it would be back into chastity for the next seven days until it was time to try again. And depending on how the dice went, his chances were never the same.

Handjobs were almost always a bust, something that drove him near insane. Two or three dozen jerks to get him all nice and warmed up, and then it would be straight back into his cage. Blowjobs were a little better, giving him a thirty or forty percent chance, but it really depended on how backed up he was that day. After an entire month of holding it in then sure he might be able to reach the end, but most of the times it was only if he rolled a six or above that he had a decent chance of ejaculating. Not that it prevented Sarah from trying either way, since her orgasms were tied to his. If she wanted to cum, she would have to first make sure that he was completely and fully drained.

In a way, it was almost ironic. She might have always been reluctant about the entire thing, but the moment her own orgasms were on the line, she started to suck as if her life depended on it. Which she was currently doing now, even as the timer continued to count down beside them.

Forty-five seconds now and counting…

Thomas gasped, his head lost in the clouds. There was another surge of pleasure as Sarah brought her tongue up to lap at the opening of his urethra along his tip. Squeezing his eyes shut, he tried his best to focus in on the sensation. Like tiny little fairies dancing upon his shaft. Each stroke seemed to send a bolt of lightning down into his prostate, which after an entire week of being locked up, felt like it was about to burst with need.

Forty-three seconds, and then forty-two…

He couldn’t take it anymore, he was going to cum. And only after less than half a minute of having his sister’s lips wrapped around his dick. Except as the timer hit the upper thirties and continued to count, his seminal vesicles stayed frustratingly shut. Groaning, he tried to thrust his hips, and Sarah made a noise of protest as he hit the roof of her mouth.

So warm, so hot! Sarah gagged, and he felt another stroke of pleasure shoot up into his brain as her tongue slid along the underside of his shaft. The homeopathic presence of her teeth was more than enough to convince him not to do it again though, and shooting him a glare, she brought her attention back to focus in on the tip.

Lick, lick, lick… kiss…

Soft butterfly kisses now as she changed tactics. A drop of precum seeped out past his glands, and Sarah made a face of disgust. There was nothing she could do about it though. Either she could swallow it, or she could stop. And judging by how stiff her nipples were, she seemed to be just as frustrated as he was about the entire thing.

Thirty-three, thirty-two- thirty-one…

Halfway there, and he could feel her starting to get a little desperate as the reality of the situation kicked in. Not that he wasn’t desperate as well. Behind the base of his member, he could feel his muscles working double time as his prostate started to twitch. As much as he tried to bring himself over though, thirty seconds just wasn’t enough. Even as Sarah took him all the way to the back of her throat again, her lips sliding ever so gracefully down over his shaft.

Lick, lick, lick… kiss, kiss, kiss…

She sped up, bobbing her head up and down along the iron rod of his member. Another drop of precum, another look of pure disgust. Another lick along the tip of his urethra, and he groaned as he felt his balls starting to rise up.

Twenty-one, twenty, nineteen…

Less than a third of the total time left. His heart beat away, rapid-fire in his chest, but it still felt like he was stuck on some sort of plateau before the edge. No matter how good it felt, his body just simply refused to give in. There was an entire week’s worth of cum boiling away inside him, and yet even as Sarah looked up pleadingly, it simply refused to come out.

He looked down at her, her lips pressed up against the base where his member was attached. Just below, he could see the entire length of her naked body along with the perked up ends of her sharply formed breasts. There was a gap between her body and his, and through the space in between he could just barely make out the soft mound of her vulva between her legs. She opened them a little wider, leaning back as she did so, and he moaned as he caught sight of her slit.

Eleven… ten… nine…

Thomas was going insane. His dick twitched up another notch, adding another pound of pressure to his load within. He tried to reach out and grab onto it with his muscles, but the only result he got was another spurt of precum, nowhere even close to an orgasm. Looking down, he watched in frustration as Sarah used her tongue to lap it up from his tip.

Five… four… three…

Thomas sobbed. He wasn’t going to make it. Not today at least. The timer hit two seconds, and Sarah gave him another kiss along the tip of his glands. Her tongue reached out to run once, twice, three times over the end, and then it was over as the timer finally rang.

“And we’re done!” said their mother.

Instantly, Sarah pulled away, climbing to her feet again as she let out a sigh. Whether it was from relief or frustration though, it was hard to differentiate. Especially given the way her nipples were standing up stiff from her chest. Down below, her slit wasn’t much better, judging from the sticky strands of fluids clinging to the inside of her thighs.

Panting a little, Thomas glanced over at her naked form, his member still throbbing from the memory of her mouth. Oh, how he would love to bend her over right now and slide into her all the way up the base. They’ve done it plenty of times before like that in the past, her bent over the arm of the sofa while he emptied himself into either her pussy or her rear. For now though, this was all he was going to get. A sixty second blowjob with nothing to show for it aside from a few salty drops of pre-ejaculate which she did her best to swallow as she looked up at him.

Keeping his arms on top of his head, he waited as their mother walked forward with a bowl of ice. A few minutes later, there was a click, and he looked down to see his chastity cage fitted once more around his groin. Inside, his glands continued to twitch as it tried to rise up against its prison. Biting down on his lips, he tried to think of something else. Well, nothing left to do now except to get dressed.

Slowly, he reached out for his underwear as...

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Written by RetrospectiveInsomnia
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