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Tempting Trevor: Part Two

"Stacy toys with Mary. Sexy panties are a cause for suspicion."

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Author's Notes

"These stories are copyright of Hamlin and They are not to be republished, resold, edited, or redistributed for any commercial purpose without express written consent of the author. Synopsis: To Stacy, everyone is a toy to satisfy her need for sexual control. <p> [ADVERT] </p>She delights in seduction, and the bigger the challenge, the more gratifying. She's enslaved her parents. Now her brother and his girlfriend are her summer project. Can the inexperienced couple resist the irresistible Stacy?"

Chapter 5: Changing Room

Trevor did not see Stacy for the rest of that evening. He kept to himself, bringing his PlayStation to his room and secluding himself inside, only coming down for dinner.

“Where’d your sister get off to?” his dad asked over dinner.

“Dunno. Said she was going out to see friends.” he shrugged.

He was so engrossed in his own thoughts and the food that he didn’t notice the look that passed between his parents. After dinner, he texted Mary to see how she was feeling.

“I’m ok. Just didn’t feel all that well today,” she replied.

“Want to come over tomorrow? Maybe we can swim or go to the mall.”

There was a pause, and then, “Ok. How’s your sister?”

“Good. Haven’t seen much of her today.”

He tried not to think of just how much he’d seen of his sister today.

“Think she’ll be home tomorrow?” Mary asked.

“Don’t know,” he wrote back, “Why?”

“Nothing. She was really nice. Just asking.”

They texted idly back and forth as Trevor watched TV until finally, he fell asleep.

The next morning, Trevor made his way downstairs, much the same as the day before. The sound of that soothing instrumental music came from the living room, and he froze. Stacy must have come home late, but she was already up and doing her yoga. He crept forward, determined not to be “My Little Bro the Peeper.”

He edged his way down the hall, and carefully peeked around the corner, unconsciously becoming the peeper. Yes, there was Stacy standing on one leg, hands folded at chest level, her eyes closed, and her big breasts struggling for freedom in a tight sports bra. Trevor made a mental effort to dismiss the sight of his sister’s hard and excited nipples from his memory and stepped into the room.

“Uh, hey,” he said quietly, unsure of the protocol for disturbing someone who was becoming one with everything.

Stacy let the pose go and opened her eyes.

“Hey, Trev,” she said, no trace of incestuous lust in her eyes, “Want to do the thing with me?” she asked.

She did not specify what thing, which led Trevor’s mind to conjure up the image of Brother spraying his semen on Sister’s face. Clearly, this was not "the thing”.

“Yoga?” he asked, stupidly.

“Uh, yeah. I wasn’t asking if you wanted me to suck your dick,” Stacy fired back, acutely aware of what she was doing.

Trevor flushed with shame, and Stacy laughed at him, saying, “Come on. It’ll be good for you.”

She waved him in. It would be good for him. The yoga. The yoga would be good for him, not the dick sucking. Fuck!

He took up a position next to his sister, and she started the music again. Today, her hands on his body took on a new feeling. She gently pushed his legs apart and straightened his back.

“You okay? You’re pretty tense.”

“Yeah,” he answered, “Just kinda slept on my back wrong.”

“Oh, well, this will be great, then,” she said, and squared his shoulders. He mimed her actions as she went through her forms, doing his best to focus on how his body should move, and not the way in which Stacy’s body moved.

“How’s the little girlfriend?” Stacy asked as she posed.

“Good. Said she’s feeling better. She might come by a little later to swim, or maybe we’ll go to the mall.”

“Cool. Maybe she can work on your back today.”

He shrugged, then remembered his pose and relaxed his shoulders. On the couch, Trevor’s phone rang.

“Oh, bad form!” Stacy chided him playfully, “Phones off beforehand next time.”

Trevor blushed and nodded.

“Sorry,” he said.

“I think we’re done, anyway. I’m gonna go shower.”

Trevor nodded as he picked up the phone and answered Mary’s call.

A short while later, Mary pulled into Trevor’s driveway. The sight of Stacy’s car made her stomach flutter. Trevor hadn’t asked Mary about her dirty lesbian encounter with his sister, so she assumed Stacy hadn’t told him about it. Why should she? It was a naughty secret, and that made Mary feel excited and dirty. She’d made it through the whole day without God smiting her over it, though, so she figured Jesus must have forgiven her sin. She’d be better now, and it wouldn’t happen again. She would be good. She would resist that sexy feeling, and not let Stacy touch her boobies or her cunny ever again.

She found Trevor inside on the couch, watching TV, and gave him a light kiss on the lips, then snuggled against him.

“Hey, babe,” he said, putting his arm around her, “You look like you’re feeling good.”

She nodded.

“What do you feel like doing?” Trevor asked, “Swimming? Maybe hit the mall? We can see a movie. Go out to the trails?”

“I forgot my suit,” Mary said, without adding that it was intentional, “but whatever else is fine, as long as I’m with you.”

Trevor grinned and kissed her, then kissed her again, harder this time, his hand sliding down to her leg. Mary’s tummy did a little backflip. His hand was so strong. Despite her efforts, she couldn’t help but recall all the naughty things Stacy had said to her in the shower.

“He’s so big and handsome… you’re afraid that he’ll break you…”

Stacy entering the room gave her the excuse she needed to break off the kiss.

“Hey, cutie!” Stacy said and leaned down to kiss Mary’s cheek like they were old friends.

“Hi, Stacy,” Mary said, blushing.

“Did I hear something about the mall?” She asked, cocking her hip.

Mary looked up Stacy’s long, bare legs to her tight shorts, and along her exposed tummy, to where her big breasts swelled beneath a cropped top. She’d pulled her dark hair back into a ponytail. She was gorgeous. Mary remembered the way those big breasts had felt pressed against her back, and the way Stacy had touched her body, the way she’d made her cum. Dang it! She was supposed to be good!

Trevor spoke up, answering, “Yeah, we were thinking about going to the mall. I have my graduation money to blow, so I thought I might afford one of those lollipop rings for my girl. You know, give her something nice.”

Mary punched his arm playfully and laughed.

“You wanna come with?” Trevor asked.

Mary’s stomach clenched.

“I don’t wanna be the third wheel,” Stacy said.

Trevor waved that away. “Come on. It’ll be fun. Remember how we used to go into Spencer’s and try on the most outrageous stuff we could find?”

“Oh, God! You looked so adorable in that little green leprechaun hat, with the giant mustache, clown wig, and fat nose! I still have the picture.”

The two of them cracked up at the memory, and Mary felt a little silly. They just went so well together, she thought, feeling awkward. She didn’t know why. They were siblings. Of course, they’d share a lot of jokes. She was just stupid. Stupid, Mary.

“Mary and I did it once,” Trevor said, always so polite, doing his best to include everyone in the fun. Aside, to his girlfriend, he asked, “You remember the hat?”

Mary laughed. She remembered the hat. It was a dunce cap, and she’d felt stupid wearing it while Trevor took her picture. Of course, anyone wearing a dunce cap would feel stupid. That was the point.

“Ok,” Stacy relented, “I’ll go.”

“Great. Let me get my keys.”

He went upstairs, leaving Mary alone with Stacy. Stacy towered over the seated girl, who looked up at her with wide eyes. Stacy smiled at the look of fear and arousal on the girl’s face.

“You didn’t…”

Stacy shook her head.

“Of course not, baby,” Stacy said, and leaned close, tilting Mary’s chin up. “That’s just for us.”

She brushed her lips teasingly against Mary’s and thrilled at the little gasp and tremble from the other girl. Stacy favored her with a little wink and stood back up. A moment later, Trevor returned with his keys.

“Ready?” he asked.

The three of them piled into Trevor’s car, Stacy taking the back seat.

“Hey, Mary,” Trevor said, “Stacy works at the Frederick’s place. She said she can get a discount for you on some clothes, if you want.”

Mary blushed hotly. She knew what Frederick’s was, and they didn’t sell “clothes”.

“Oh, that would be so cool!” Stacy chimed in from the back seat. She rested her hand lightly on Mary’s shoulder, saying, “We can find you a new swimsuit! You’ll look like such a doll, trust me.”

A doll. A cute little dolly, Mary thought, and shivered at Stacy’s touch.

“Well, maybe…” she said noncommittally.

As they drove, she looked out the window and wondered what was wrong with her. She prayed, asking Jesus for strength to resist her own naughty feelings. She hadn’t even let her boyfriend see her in anything less than appropriate, and here she was thinking about his sister’s hand touching her naked body in the places that she’d denied him, over and over. She was such a bad girlfriend.

Trevor pulled the car into a parking space and followed the girls inside. He enjoyed the view in front of him. Mary’s tiny bottom in her jeans was a sharp contrast to Stacy’s full, round ass in her tight shorts. A brief memory of that ass, poking up into the air so enticingly, popped into his head. Sick, he thought, and quickened his pace, so that he walked beside his girlfriend. He found her hand and squeezed it affectionately. Mary favored him with a smile and a kiss on the cheek.

True to his word, Trevor stopped them at a candy machine, popped in a quarter, and bought a candy ring with a big, sugary ruby. He offered it to Mary.

“A token of my undying affection,” he said gallantly, slipping the ring on her finger.

“I will lick it with love,” Mary replied, putting her hand to her forehead in a mock swoon.

“Will you, now?” Trevor asked cheekily.

Mary slapped him playfully and said, “Don’t be dirty.”

They milled about the mall, window shopping, and then the inevitable happened. Frederick’s. Stacy turned to the couple with an expectant look.

“I don’t know,” Mary said, “Everything looks so small and… sexy.”

“Just like you!” Stacy chirped, winking at her, and making her blush.

“Let’s just look,” Trevor suggested, clearly more excited than she.

Mary allowed herself to be dragged into the store. The salesgirls were all like Stacy. Tall, slim, sexy, with real tits. Mary felt like a child. This place wasn’t for her. She should be in a Carter’s store. Trevor, meanwhile, was content to observe all the eye candy. Not only were the employees total babes, but so were the customers. He glanced about surreptitiously, examining the assortment of fine ass and tit flesh all around him.

Stacy led them to the swimwear section, where she began sorting through suits of varying sizes and colors, giving Mary’s body the occasional scan. Finally, she selected three suits, one for her, and two for Mary.

“Let’s go have a look!” she said excitedly and took Mary’s hand.

“Here?” she asked dumbly.

Stacy did not reply but tugged her along toward the dressing rooms with Trevor in tow. A moment later, Mary somehow found herself inside a dressing room with Stacy. She looked up at the older girl, eyes wide with fright. Stacy leaned in close to her ear so her voice wouldn’t carry.

“Don’t worry,” she cooed, “Just trust me. You know I won’t make you do anything you don’t want. I just want to make sure my little dolly looks so sexy.”

Mary trembled at the soft hiss of the girl’s voice in her ear, that seductive, breathy hiss that positively dripped with the unspoken promise of pleasure. Oh, Jesus, she thought, how did I get myself into this again? Stacy peeled off her own shirt, displaying her bra-clad breasts to Mary’s eyes. She unhooked the bra, and set it aside. Mary looked like she’d suffered a shell shock, her mouth agape as Stacy bared her naked tits to her as though it were the most natural thing in the world. Next, she slipped off her shorts and watched Mary’s gaze follow the movement. Her eyes stopped at the shaved V of Stacy’s hidden pussy.

Stacy reached out and took hold of the hem of Mary’s top, peeling it up and over her head, as though it was her right to strip her brother’s girlfriend whenever she pleased. Mary quaked with arousal at her touch and couldn’t find the will to disagree. Mary, of course, did not wear a real bra. She wore a band across her chest to make her nipples less prominent, but she simply didn’t have enough boob to require a real bra. She wondered why Trevor–-or any man–could get excited at the sight of her tiny boobs. Her boyfriend probably wanted to see real tits. Big, gorgeous, round tits. Like Stacy’s.

“Not all men want big tits,” Stacy whispered in her ear, as though reading her mind, “Some of them like precious little nipple-tits, like yours.”

Mary bit her lip to choke off a squeal of surprise. Or was it a moan of pleasure? She wasn’t sure which. Stacy was so blatantly vulgar with her expletives. It was shocking. People Mary knew just didn’t talk like that, and the sound of the dirty words coming from the mouth of someone so pretty sent a tremor through her, straight to her pussy.

Stacy slipped the band off of Mary’s nipples, brushing the hard points with her fingertips as she did so. They sprang to life instantly, betraying her excitement. Stacy grinned at her knowingly. She crouched down, unbuttoned Mary’s jeans, unzipped them slowly, and slid them down her legs. She looked up, and Mary lifted one leg, then the other, letting Stacy pull the pants off.

Stacy’s smooth hands glided up her legs sensually until they came to rest on the band of her white, cotton panties. Mary’s heart thudded in her chest as the college girl looked up into her eyes. Stacy kissed her tummy lightly, nuzzled her face against Mary’s warm skin, and slowly peeled the panties down her legs. Mary shivered, biting her lips. She wanted to scream! What was Stacy doing to her to make her feel this way? It was like she was controlling her mind with nothing but her hands, and her eyes, and her perfect, gorgeous body. What was this power that the older girl had over her?

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Stacy’s tongue snaked from her mouth and gave Mary’s peach a long, slow lick. The poor teenager squeaked and bit her lip harder. Stacy stood and offered Mary the first of the suits she’d selected. She watched her put it on. The first suit was much like the underwear she’d had on. A thin band of white fabric stretched across her nipples, revealing just how hard they were. The bottoms were a tiny set of strings, which ran between her puffy pussy lips and through the crack of her tiny bottom. It showed off more of her skin than she’d ever let another human see. Aside from her mother. And Stacy.

“Oh my God!” Stacy exclaimed, “It’s so perfect.”

Mary blushed. She seemed to have lost her voice. Stacy pulled another suit and put this one on herself. She pressed her breasts into the keyhole top, which pushed her tits together and offered a view of her impressive cleavage through the keyhole. The bottoms were a high-waisted band, which barely covered her pussy, and left her entire ass virtually nude.

“Let’s show Trev,” Stacy said, and before Mary could protest, Stacy opened the door of the dressing room.

Trevor’s mouth fell open in awe as Stacy stepped out, pulling a reluctant Mary behind her. Mary hid behind Stacy, peeking around her in embarrassed fright, watching the way her boyfriend’s eyes drank in the sight of his sister’s perfect body. Stacy twirled around to show him the back, then asked, “What do you think? Boner-inducing?”

“It’s… um… yeah, it looks great,” Trevor replied diplomatically and then shifted his eyes to Mary.

Mary held one hand over her chest and cupped the other over her sex. Her skin was flushed crimson from head to toe, and she was visibly shaking. Stacy moved behind her, took the poor girl’s arms, and gently pulled them to her sides, exposing her nearly nude body to Trevor’s eyes for the first time. She saw desire cloud his vision as he eyed her over, but it wasn’t the same look he’d given Stacy. Of course, it wasn’t, she thought. Stacy was, like, a million times hotter. She couldn’t even blame Trevor for ogling his own sister. She was the physical embodiment of sex, and he was just a boy with crazy hormones. Anything with big tits was going to give him a boner.

“Ok,” Stacy said, “Who wore it better?”

Trevor quickly replied, “I have to give it to Mary. Sorry, sis.”

Stacy ruffled his hair playfully and said, “Right answer. Such a good boy. Be right back.”

She pulled Mary back into the dressing room and shut the door. Within seconds, she pulled the tiny band off of Mary’s boobies, leaning in to whisper, “Did you see how big his cock got looking at us? You’re lucky we’re in a store, or he probably would have whipped that monster out right here and made you take care of it.”

Mary gasped as Stacy’s fingers found one of her nipples and rolled it in her fingers.

“Do you think he’d want that? Do you think he’d want to feel your small hand around his cock? It would be so fat and angry, wouldn’t it? So big in your tiny hand. Would you know what to do with it?”

Mary shook her head as Stacy played with her nipples, making her gasp.

“I think he enjoyed looking at my big tits, too,” Stacy continued, “I’ll bet he wants to slide that fat cock right between them. He’s so horny. Do you think he’ll go home and jerk his cock, thinking about my tits?”

Stacy clapped her hand over Mary’s mouth as she squeaked and trembled.

“Oh, God!” Stacy exclaimed, “You liked that idea, didn’t you, baby? Your boyfriend jerking off to his sister’s big tits? Oh my God, you little slut!” she giggled in Mary’s ear.

Stacy crouched and pulled the suit bottoms down Mary’s legs....

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Written by Hamlin
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