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Tempting Trevor: Part Three

"Trevor's first lesson. Stacy reminds her first slaves who owns them."

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Author's Notes

"These stories are copyright of Hamlin and They are not to be republished, resold, edited, or redistributed for any commercial purpose without express written consent of the author. Synopsis: To Stacy, everyone is a toy to satisfy her need for sexual control. <p> [ADVERT] </p>She delights in seduction, and the bigger the challenge, the more gratifying. She's enslaved her parents. Now her brother and his girlfriend are her summer project. Can the inexperienced couple resist the irresistible Stacy?"

Chapter 7: My Little Brother the Peeper

Trevor did, in fact, think about big tits. The day at the mall, being surrounded by so many hot girls had the natural effect of giving him a raging boner. He relieved it at his computer. He consciously avoided any of the fauxcest videos, but many of the girls he focused on seemed to have dark hair and big, bouncy boobs. That was okay, though. They were just porno girls who had hot bodies, and they just happened to have dark hair.

Once he’d sprayed his cum, he spent the rest of the evening playing video games, sending the odd text to Mary just to ensure she was doing okay. She was resting. Good. The afternoon turned to evening, and the evening turned to night. Well past midnight, he finally resigned himself to sleep. Stacy hadn’t come home by the time he drifted off. Man, college life must be just one big all-night party, he thought.

In the morning, the day seemed to repeat itself. The sounds of Stacy’s yoga music drifted from the living room as he came downstairs. He entered the room.

“Morning!” Stacy chirped, her back to him as she stretched, then bent, pushing her ass out toward him.


“Come on,” she invited him, “we’ll make a yogi out of you yet.”

Trevor went through her instruction. This was actually really cool, he decided. Relaxing, calming. At the end of it, he felt more… balanced, he guessed.

“Thanks, sis,” he said, accepting a towel from her and mopping his forehead, “I’m liking this.”

“Me, too! I didn’t really think I’d like teaching it as much as I do, but you’re a good student. Quick learner.”

He took a seat on the couch and checked his phone, which he’d remembered to silence this time.


“Hmm?” he grunted, responding to a message from Mary.

“I don’t want to impose, but, well… I hoped that I could use your computer again. If it’s not too inconvenient”

Trevor stiffened but tried not to show it.

“Uh, yeah… sure. I’m gonna shower and watch some TV, so whatever,” he said, his eyes on his phone, though he wasn’t really looking at anything.

“Thanks,” Stacy said happily.

Trevor watched out of the corner of his eye as Stacy’s ass wiggled away out of the room. He gave it a few minutes and then showered. It was only as he got out that he realized his mistake. He hadn’t actually brought other clothes in with him. He wrapped a towel around his waist and padded softly to the door of his room. Maybe Stacy wasn’t using his computer yet. The door was mostly shut but cracked. He raised his hand to knock, but then a tingle went down his spine. Was she…?

As soon as the thought entered his brain, he knew he had to know. It was just like the morbid curiosity that had prompted him to open those tabs. He just… had to know. Stealthily, he placed his finger in the door’s crack and eased it open just enough to see. And, oh, did he see.

Stacy was at his computer, pushing a thick, pink dildo into herself. Trevor bit his lip. Oh, shit! His desk was essentially just a table, so there was no back to hide what was happening underneath. The rise of the dual-monitor setup ensured that whoever was behind the desk could not see the door, but anyone at the door could clearly see what was happening beneath the desk.

Stacy’s spread legs were quite visible, as was her busy hand, working the toy in and out of her sexy pussy. He could hear her soft moans of pleasure as she fucked herself slowly. He felt his own hand rubbing his cock through the towel, looked down, and quickly pulled it away. Fuck, this was wrong! He was looking at his first real pussy, and it was his own sister’s!

He tore himself away from the door, and hurried off silently, creeping down the stairs, and threw himself down on the couch. His cock was stiff, tenting the towel. He shut his eyes and breathed, but all he could see was a pink dildo, held in long-nailed fingers, being stuffed into a wet, sexy pussy. Jesus, he was the worst fucking brother!

The sound of the bathroom door clicking shut just upstairs drew his attention. Stacy was finished. Stacy was finished masturbating with his computer. He could get dressed. Yes, dressed. He quickly went up to his room and shut the door, locked it, and went to the computer. He ran his hand across the seat. It was wet. He’d just scooped up his sister’s pussy cream on his finger. Oh, God! He wiped his finger on the towel, but instead of putting the towel on the chair, he paused, and with a trembling finger, he scooped up more of the wetness and brought it to his mouth. It had a sweetness to it but didn’t really taste like anything in his experience.

He sat in the chair; the towel protecting him from the wetness and took the mouse in his hand. There was one minimized browser window. Shit! He hovered over it, left-clicked, moved the mouse to “close” then to “maximize”. He had to know. He clicked.

The video was titled, “Beating my Brother’s Boner.”

He put on the headphones and clicked play. This wasn’t a fauxcest video. Chances were it was just a couple roleplaying, but it was certainly homemade. The camera was someone’s phone, set to the side on a table. The couple was young, probably about the same as him, if he had to guess. They did not show their faces. The young man sat on the couch, and his topless “sister” kneeled before him.

She poured lube from a bottle into her hands, and slowly stroked the man’s erection, getting it slick and shiny. She worked both hands up his long shaft, then used one to jerk on the head of his cock, and the other to stroke up and down his rigid pole. Trevor’s hand found his own pole and stroked. The motion of the girl’s hands was hypnotic. His eyes glued to the screen, he matched the rhythm. The “brother” moaned and gasped as his “sister” stroked.

“You like that?” she teased him.


“Do I do it better than your girlfriend?” she asked, hotly.

“Oooh, yeah. Don’t stop!”

“Am I hotter and sexier than she is?”


“She doesn’t suck your cock, does she?”

The man moaned, and somehow Trevor knew he was shaking his head in the negative.

“You could let me suck it,” the girl teased, “You could let your big sister suck it for you.”

“Oh, shit!” the man exclaimed, and his cock twitched wildly in the girl’s hand.

The man grunted, and Trevor saw a hot spurt of cum between the girl’s fingers as she worked the head of his cock. He continued to groan and buck his hips as the girl milked the cum from his hard penis, leaving her hands a sticky mess. She leaned in and sucked the head of his cock, swiping her tongue around the crown to lick up the gooey semen. Trevor’s own cock exploded over his hand. He fumbled for the edge of his towel and wrapped it around his spurting cock as the guilty pleasure flowed through his groin. The girl in the video giggled and slowly milked more cum from her “brother’s” cock, licking it up sexily.

Chapter 8: Lessons

Trevor, dressed in shorts and t-shirt, laid back on his bed watching TV. Well, the TV was on, but he wasn’t really watching. He wasn’t really doing much of anything. He was thinking about the video and feeling guilty. He’d done it again. He’d intruded on Stacy’s private fantasy world. This time, he’d even jerked off and cum to it. Jesus, why had she left that stupid browser open? The thought stopped him. Why had she left the browser open? It wasn’t like Stacy didn’t know the difference between close and minimize. Had she done it on purpose? Had she left it open for him to find? It certainly appeared to be the case. Why else?

She’d meant for him to find it. Teasing him would certainly be something that Stacy would do. She might just be doing it as some kind of sick joke. That would be entirely like her. She’d do it just to fuck with him. Like the time she replaced his shampoo with honey. It wasn’t malicious. It was just the relationship they had. Good-natured ribbing. That was all it was, he was sure. A knock at his door broke the thought.

“Come in,” he called.

Stacy opened the door, dressed in her new bikini. Trevor did his best to keep his eyes on the TV, but she posed with one arm against the doorframe, legs slightly spread. The keyhole top revealed deep cleavage, pressing her breasts together like an offering.

“Feel like hitting the pool with me?” she asked, “It seems a shame to spend such a beautiful day inside watching TV.”

Trevor fought with his hormones, but decided it was the right thing to do. Stacy was just being a jerk with the porno thing, after all. She was screwing with him, to see what kind of reaction she could get, probably laughing to herself the whole time. He couldn’t let her win.

“Yeah, okay. Let me get dressed,” he replied.

Stacy did not move from the doorway. She watched him expectantly.

“Um, a little privacy, pervert?” he said jokingly.

“Oh, right,” she laughed, “can’t divulge the location of the family jewels. Someone might steal ‘em.”

She shut the door. Trevor sighed and dressed in his swim shorts. He found Stacy outside, already in the pool.

“If you cannonball me,” she yelled, “I’m gonna pants you.”

Trevor took the stairs into the pool and made a few easy laps back and forth across its length, while Stacy floated on her back, soaking in the sun. Trevor wondered if her boobs helped keep her afloat, then chastised himself for thinking about her tits again. For a while, they just relaxed in the water, then decided on racing from one end of the pool to the other several times. Trevor could tell that Stacy was a bit surprised at how evenly matched they were.

Eventually, they tired of the water and laid out on the loungers to dry off. As they lay in the sun with their shades on, Stacy spoke up.

“So,” she said, “I hear you and Mary haven’t been… intimate.”

“Intimate? Wow, Stac. That was a whole sentence without the word fuck in it.”

Stacy laughed, saying, “I was trying to be nice, dumbass. Ok. I hear you haven’t fucked your girlfriend yet. Is that better?”

Trevor blushed, but he’d asked for it.

“Why was Mary talking to you about us?” he asked.

“We were girl talking, of course. Girls talk about dicks and clothes.”

“Hey, thanks, by the way. It was really cool of you to include her like that. She doesn’t have a lot of, well, regular friends. They’re all those churchy girls, and I’m sure they’re not talking about dicks and clothes. I know you didn’t have to be so nice, so I appreciate it. Most big sisters wouldn’t even try to get to know their brother’s girlfriend.”

Stacy reached out and touched his shoulder, genuinely touched, even if his supposition for why she was including Mary so thoughtfully couldn’t have been further from the truth.

“She’s a sweet girl,” Stacy said, then asked, “So, why haven’t you boned?”

“You’re weird.”

“No, I’m just embarrassed to have a studly brother that’s still a virgin. I’m thinking about my reputation. Tara was telling me how hunky she thought you were.”

“Tara?” he asked, thinking of Stacy’s statuesque blonde friend, “The last time I saw Tara, she called me a drooling pervert sicko.”

“Well, time has a way of changing one’s perspective, I guess.”

“In my defense,” Trevor said, “her bikini was way too small.”

“So was her boyfriend’s dick.”

They shared a laugh at the joke.

“You’re avoiding the question,” Stacy said finally.

Trevor sighed. She would not drop it.

“Mary’s a good girl. She’s got all that Jesus in her head from her mom,” he said.

“Jesus isn’t what’s stopping her,” Stacy said.

“What do you mean?”

He rolled over onto his side, curious.

“She’s afraid, trust me. I can see it.”

“Afraid? Why?”

Trevor felt like he was being baited, but Stacy was discussing sex, and the prospect of something that might lead to him having sex with his girlfriend made any reservations about discussing sex with his sister irrelevant.

“Let me divulge the solemn secrets of the female gender to you,” she said, “and remember, these are closely guarded. To discuss them with a man breaks all kinds of rules, so I could totally lose my vag-club card by telling you.”

“Sounds serious,” Trevor joked, but he was genuinely curious. Of course, he’d read plenty of things on the internet about girls, what women want, the kinds of things every guy wants to know more than anything else.

“The thing about most girls,” Stacy said, “is that they’re actually a lot like guys when they think about sex. Especially when a girl hasn’t done it before. They get scared that they’re going to do it wrong, or that they’re not going to be good enough. They think that guys have these lofty expectations about what a girl should know, like kissing or touching, or giving a good blowjob.”

Trevor thought about the video. “Let your big sister suck it for you,” he heard the girl’s voice say, and he felt his dick getting hard.

“That’s stupid,” he said aloud, “Why would I expect her to know about stuff that she has no experience with?”

“It’s just the way people think. Let me ask you this: Are you afraid that you won’t do it right, or that you won’t be good enough? Don’t worry. It’s normal. Of course, you are.”

There was no need to answer. She continued, “Everyone is worried about that. But really, what were you good at the first time you did it? Hell, I’ll bet you couldn’t even jerk off right the first time. I know I couldn’t.”

“Ok, that makes sense,” he conceded, unable to stop himself from thinking about Stacy shoving a dildo into her pussy. She seemed to have learned how to do that pretty well.

“It’s like anything else. You learn with experience.”

“Kind of hard to get experience,” he said, “when your girlfriend won’t let you.”

Stacy grinned and felt her pussy juice up. It was exactly the answer she wanted. Bait set. Spring trap.

“What you need,” she offered helpfully, “is to know exactly what works a woman up, so that she won’t say no. She’ll want it more than you do. Now, what you have going for you is that you already have most of what it takes.”

He raised an eyebrow curiously, fully attentive.

Stacy went on, “You’re a total sweetheart. That’s a big win in your favor. Girls get all gooey over that sort of thing. A patient guy that treats her like a queen will get her into bed with you, as you know.”

He nodded.

“If it’s genuine, which it is with you, that’s a foundation for a long-term thing. Girls are 90% mental. Guys are almost completely physical and visual. The challenge for you is that you have to be in her head and her body at the same time. It’s not enough to just kiss and touch. You need to kiss, talk, and touch in just the right places to get her knees turning to Jell-O, and her legs spreading.”

Any remaining reservations Trevor may have had about the conversation were now gone. Listening to an actual desirable woman, talking about kissing, touching, and spreading legs, had his full attention.

“So, what do I do?” he asked.

Snap went the trap.

“You need someone to show you,” she said.

Trevor’s mind turned over, confused.

“How do I do that? She doesn’t know any more about sex than I do.”

“I can show you,” Stacy offered.

Trevor stared at her dumbly. Stacy looked back expectantly.

“Show me? What do you mean?”

“I mean,” she said, “I can show you what to do.”

Trevor’s glacial thoughts finally picked up on what she was saying.

“You? I’m not… what do you mean?” he stammered.

“Ok, I’ll spell it out for you, caveman. I will take you upstairs, lie on the bed with you, and teach you how to kiss, touch, and how to do it right, so that you can get your girlfriend so turned on that she'll have to fuck you.”

“You’re my sister!” Trevor blurted, and then lowered his voice and repeated, “You’re my sister!”

Stacy rolled her eyes, as though he was being childish, and said, “God, I’m just trying to do you a favor. Sisters are supposed to be used for experimentation. Don’t you read porn stories?”

Trevor choked and felt his tongue go dry.

“It’s not like I’m going to fuck you. You’re my brother. We can’t fuck. That’s sick.”

Trevor croaked out, “I know that. Jesus! I’m not,” he realized he was loud, lowered his voice to a whisper, and continued, “I’m not trying to fuck my sister!”

“See? It doesn’t have to be weird. I’m just showing you how to do some simple things that every man should know. Would you rather fumble through it on your own and keep getting cock-blocked? I mean, it’s not my virginity on the line. I can get laid whenever I want.”

She turned back onto her back, and put her arms behind her head casually, which made her swelling breasts more prominent. She feigned indifference and dropped the entire conversation. Trevor’s hard penis encouraged him to accept. Having a dick was so unfair, he decided. Even when you knew something was wrong, your dick had a way of telling you it was ok. No one would know. What was the harm? Having a dick was like trying to keep a wife happy. When you didn’t listen, it beat at you until you made it happy. When you finally made it happy, it just wanted to be happier. There was no winning.

Finally, Trevor said, “Ok.”

Stacy ignored him.

“I said, ok,” he repeated.

She turned her shaded gaze toward him and said, “Ok, what?”

Trevor ground his teeth. She was going to make him say it, just...

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Written by Hamlin
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