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Drunk and horny, Margery arrived home and paid the driver before stumbling into her house. Staggering her way into her bedroom, she tossed her clothes onto the floor and lay naked on her bed.

Closing her eyes, she pondered how Terri and Dustin had masturbated each other.

Fuck, that was so hot! she thought, as her index finger lightly slid down her body until it was tickling her clit.

With her eyes closed, her finger slid between her folds while she reminisced over the scene in her mind.

"Mmm. Ohh. Mmm." Margery wallowed while her fingers jabbed inside her pussy.

"Mom?" she heard, coming from the doorway. In her lustful state, she didn't hear her son had come home.

"Oh, Jacob. Get in here and fuck me."

Jacob quickly stripped and met his mother on the bed, and wasted no time spreading her legs wide before pushing his solid meat inside her.

"Oh... Yes! Mommy needs this! Fuck me! Fuck mommy!"

Pushing and pulling, Jacob went to town on his mother's hot pussy. He could feel her wetness encompassing his shaft and then heard her huff, "I'm coming! Mommy's coming!"

Groaning himself, he exploded once he felt his mother orgasm while her hips thrust upward, causing more of his meat to sink inside her womb.

"Fuck, Mom!" Jacob huffed, as he rolled off his mother and lay beside her.

"Yes... I agree that was great. I needed that."

"Jesus, Mom. I don't think I've ever seen you this horny."

"I know. I just didn't realize how fucking hot I would get, seeing Terri and her son like that."

"I know what you mean. Jesus, I wanted to fuck you right then and there when I saw them playing with each other like that. Why did you stop us? I bet if they saw us fucking, they would have been fucking each other, too."

Margery rolled on her side and said, "Because she was half in the wind, that's why. She almost had a breakdown when we were leaving the beach tonight. I could only imagine what she'd have done if it went any further."

"So, what now? She okay?"

Margery sighed, "I don't know. I told her we would talk tomorrow when her head was clear."

"Oh. Well, if you need my help at all, you know I'm more than willing."

"Margery chuckled, "Yeah, I can only imagine what you would be willing to help with."

"Aw, come on, Mom! You know what I mean."

Margery patted her son's chest and said, "Thanks for the offer, but I think I'll handle this on my own. Now let's just get some sleep."

"You want me to go to my room?"

"No. You can stay here. Your father won't be home for a couple more days."

Jacob looked up at the ceiling and replied, "I don't know why you haven't tossed him out, yet. You know I'm the only man you need to make you happy."

"Just go to sleep, Jacob. I don't want to talk about that again."

"Okay, Mom. Goodnight," Jacob said as he kissed his mother's lips before turning over.


Terri awoke the next morning, her head pounding, as she rolled over to see her husband lying next to her, still asleep. She thought Shit! I didn't hear him come home.

Slowly turning her head toward her nightstand she gazed, blurry-eyed, at the clock.

"Five-thirty!" she whispered to herself as she struggled to get to her feet; knowing her husband would be getting up for work soon, she wanted to check on her son.

Oh, fuck my head she thought, holding it in the palm of her hand while slowly making her way to the wardrobe closet.

Still in her baby dolls, she pulled out a tan-colored long robe, not wanting to make too much noise, and headed toward her son's room.

"Dustin?" she whispered, as she lightly knocked on his door. There was no answer, so she slowly opened it to find her son in the dim light lying on his back, naked, with a hardon as he slept.

Terri felt her pussy tingle as she stayed motionless, just gazing on her son's stiff wood. Unable to control the sexual desire she was feeling, her forbidden thoughts got the best of her, and she found herself wondering if she could take that monster down her throat.

Stop! You have to stop with these thoughts! she thought to herself.

Unfortunately, she couldn't, and as if she was in a trance, eased herself into his room.

Her eyes never left her boy's massive meat as she slowly slipped next to his bed.

My God. It's so hard. No! What am I doing? I have to leave. I... I have to... Terri concluded, but alas, her temptation was too great. Hesitantly, she sat on his bed.

Slowly Terri's hand reached for his cock, and she heard him make a little grunt as her palm circled around his thick shaft.

Oh... I can't help it. It's so big. And so stiff Terri thought, her hand slowly stroking up and down his shaft while her other hand brushed over the top of her panty-covered pussy.

Terri's lust was building as her son moaned in his sleep, and when she saw his precum bubbling out of his mushroom head, she was unable to stop from lowering her face to his massive meat.

Maybe I can kiss the tip just once. Yes, only the very tip, and I'll stop Terri considered, as she smelt her son's sex. Dubiously, Terri leaned over and placed a quick kiss right at the end of her son's cock. But then followed it with another kiss, holding this one just a tad longer, and savoring the flavor when it reached her taste buds.

Apprehensively, Terri's fingers tucked inside her panties until they reached her sweet spot, while her mouth parted a smidgen wider, just enough to encompass his mushroom head.

Oh God, it tastes so good. So good Terri perceived, and couldn't stop herself from slipping a little more of his meat stick into her mouth, while her tongue circled the tip.

Relishing the moment, Terri closed her eyes and enjoyed what it was like to feel a hard cock between her lips once more.

"Oh... Fuck... Mom..." Terri heard, and felt a remarkable sexual shiver run through her body when she opened her eyes and became aware her son had awakened and was staring down at what she was doing. Right then, she should have stopped, but couldn't find the strength to do so. Her want was too great, and just as she sensed her son lift his ass off the bed, she quickly jammed three fingers inside her pussy while easing his monster down her throat at the same time.

"Ohhh. God..." Dustin groaned, and took hold of his mother's head as she slowly started to bob up and down.

Never in a million years could he have imagined such a thing would take place, but it was, and he relished how good it felt.

Terri's sex-driven lust had built to its full potential, and she worked on her son's tool faster and harder, bringing herself and her son closer to an orgasm. An orgasm she shamefully wanted to taste and have.

He's close. I can feel the way his cock is throbbing in my mouth. He isn't going to last much longer Terri realised, causing her to inhale his entire girth down her throat.

Dustin tried desperately to hold back his building need to come, but the excitement of knowing it was his mother that was sucking him, had pushed him to his limit. Then, when she took his dick entirely down, it was too great for him to hold out any longer and he huffed loudly, "I'm coming, Mom!"

Terri felt her climax hit its crescendo when she heard those words, and held her son's dick deep down her throat, trying not to gag as her body shook in pure delight.

However, her son's cum kept pumping and pumping until it was hard for her to breathe. Unable to handle it anymore, Terri shot up from his meat, gasping for air, causing her to finally comprehend what she had done.

Oh my God! No! Not again! She reflected, horrified; she wasn't able to control her urges.

"Mom?" Dustin called, as his mother dashed out the door.

Mortified and pissed at herself, Terri went back to her room just as her husband woke up.

"Morning, Dear," Terri said, as she went back to her wardrobe closet.

"You're up early," Hubert replied.

"Um... Yes, I guess I am," Terry remarked, as she changed the subject while putting on loose-fitting blue jeans and a black t-shirt.

"What time did you get home? I didn't hear you come in."

"Yeah, it was kind of late, so I didn't want to wake you."

"The game lasted that long?"

"No... But I wasn't in any condition to drive, so Charlie's wife dropped me off."

"His wife did?"

"Yeah. Charlie wasn't in any condition, either."

Terri felt her blood begin to boil upon hearing that, but after what she had done, thought it would be best to let it slide, at least for now. She said, "I'll go make you something to eat before you leave, since I'm up."

"No need, Honey. Charlie will be picking me up shortly, since my car's still at his house."

"Okay," Terri replied as she left the room.

Terri went to the kitchen and put on a pot of coffee. Sitting at the table while her husband was in the shower, she reflected on what took place.

You fucked things up, now. Giving your son a blowjob! What is your son going to think? How will you explain your actions, and even if you can, do you think your son will understand?

Terri pondered her predicament, not sure what she could do to make things right, and then heard, "What's eating you?"

Terri was unaware her husband had entered the room and quickly lied, "Oh, nothing special. Just figuring out my day."

Thankfully, it appeared her husband bought into her little fib, and they both just chatted for a short time while drinking their coffee, waiting for Charlie's arrival.

It wasn't long before a horn blew, and Hubert said, "Well, there's my ride."

"I'll see you tonight, Dear," Terri replied, and kissed her husband's cheek before he ran out.

As he left, he blurted, "Oh, I forgot to tell you. I have to work late tonight."


"Yeah. Sorry I didn't mention it earlier. It just slipped my mind."

Terri sighed, "Okay. Then I guess I'll see you sometime tonight."

"It's probably going to be a late night, so don't wait up for me."

Hearing that got under Terri's skin, and all she said was, "Fine."

Terri went into the kitchen, sat back down, and rested her head on her arms.

Again he's working late! And when he's not, he's out with his buddies. Does he even know or care how that makes me feel? Terri thought, when she heard a thumping sound coming from upstairs.

Oh, Dustin is up. Okay, so how do I handle that problem? Think Terri. Think.

Not wanting to appear worried about what had happened, she took some eggs out of the refrigerator and started to make breakfast on the stove.

"Mom?" She heard come over her shoulder a couple of minutes later as she cooked, then felt her son's hand lightly touch her shoulder, causing her to pause. "You okay?"

"Listen, I think we need to talk."

Dustin moved his hand away from his mom and said, "Yeah, I figured as much, by the way you ran out of my room."

"Yes. I shouldn't have left abruptly like that, but please take a seat while I finish your breakfast."

Dustin did as he was told and waited as his mother set a plate down in front of him with some scrambled eggs and toast.

"Listen, Dustin," Terri said, as she poured him a glass of milk before sitting down herself. "The stuff that... We... I mean, I..."

"I know what you're going to say, Mom. It was a mistake for it to happen."

"Yes. Well, no. I mean..." Terri said, flustered.

"Mom... I get it; we both were pretty lit last night. I know we did some things that we shouldn't have. But, about what happened this morning? Well, I'm not going to say I'm sorry for that! I mean, honestly, that was the best thing I've ever experienced, and I'm glad I got to share it with you."

Terri felt the sudden desire to kiss her son upon hearing that. But also she felt ashamed and replied, "I enjoyed it also, and I'm truly sorry for letting myself get carried away once more, but I hope you can understand why it can never happen again."

"I know, Mom. I'm not stupid. It would be crazy for us to... You know..."

Terri sighed loudly, "I'm so glad you understand, Dustin. It would devastate your father if he were ever to find out."

"I do understand, Mom. But I wish I didn't."

Terri put her hand in his and said, "You're a good son, Dustin. And I want you to know, none of this was your fault."

"Thanks, Mom," Dustin said, knowing most of what he just said was total bullshit.

Yes, he was aware what they did was wrong, but the lust he felt for his mother now was too great for him just to ignore, and he couldn't help but wonder if there was a way he could make it happen again.

Terri smiled at her son before getting up and walking away. But just before leaving the kitchen, looked back and said, "Oh, by the way. Your father is going to be working late tonight, so what would you like for dinner?"

Hearing that news perked Dustin up. Thinking quickly, he replied, "Why don't we go out to eat, instead?"

"I guess we can do that," Terri said, and then went on her way, feeling a little better than she thought she would.

Dustin quietly finished his eggs and meditated about how he could use their time out at dinner to his advantage. There had to be some way to get her interested once more, especially since his father wouldn't be around.

For the first time, Dustin felt envious of his dad and thought, He's such a lucky bastard. If I were him, I'd be fucking her day and night.

And then pondered over what might happen in his make-believe world; how he would get her drunk, and then slowly seduce her at the restaurant until she could not resist him, then meticulously slip his hand under the table until it was up and under her skirt.

He could picture his mother's face trying to hold back her building excitement, as he snaked his hand toward her pussy, and heard her sigh when his finger tickled her clit.

"Dustin, we shouldn't. Not here. Not like this." He heard her express in his mind.

But he persisted, and watched as her hand moved toward his throbbing pole.

'Do you want to touch it, Mom?' Dustin said, and felt a shiver of delight when his mother's palm cupped his bulge.

'This is so bad for us to be doing again. My God, what would your father say if he saw us doing this?' Dustin heard her hiss in his mind, causing him to open his eyes abruptly.

Fuck. She's right. What am I thinking?

Frustrated, Dustin got up and put his plate in the sink before bursting out of the house.


Hours later, Terri called her friend, dreading how this conversation would go, and cleared her throat when her friend answered.

"So, how are you feeling this morning?" Margery asked.

"Besides me messing up again this morning, I guess better than before."

"Again?" Margery questioned.

Terri gave her friend the quick rundown on what she had done, leaving out how great it made her feel.

"Jesus, Terri! So, what now?"

"Well, after Hubert left for work, I had a good talk with Dustin about it, and he was very understanding."

"Understanding, how?"

"He knew it was a mistake and that it can't happen again."

Margery paused before saying, "Oh. So... That's it, then?"

"Of course, that's it!" Terri barked. "You agree, don't you?"

Again there was a long pause before Margery blurted out, "Yes. I guess I do. But don't you find it odd that you couldn't stop yourself? Let alone the mixed signals you're giving Dustin."

"Yes, you're right. But I can't let my temptations get the better of me, no matter how sexually frustrated I might be. I have to put a stop to this before it ruins my family."

"Do you think this is all from what you and Hubert are going through?"

"It has to be. I mean, I never thought about my son like this before."

Terri then sighed, "My god, Margery, all I could think about was sucking him off when I saw know what."


"Jesus, Margery! Yes...his cock! His big, massive, throbbing, hard cock!"

Margery laughed and replied, "Well, let me just say this. I enjoyed kissing Jacob last night, and to be honest, I wanted it to go further, also."

"My god, Margery! You mean, you...? We're a real pair, aren't we?"

"Maybe. But can you blame us for wanting something from our sons that our husbands are lacking?"

"I... I guess not. Speaking of which, the son of a bitch is working late, again!"

"So, you're free again tonight," Margery said.

"Stop right there, Margery! I'm not going to do anything crazy again, like last night."

"What? I was only going to suggest we go out to eat later."

"Sorry, but Dustin already suggested we do that."

"He did? Well then, why don't I pick you both up, and I'll bring Jacob."

"I... I don't know about that."

"Listen, it's only dinner, and maybe some dancing afterward."

"Dancing? When did you hear me say anything about dancing?"

"Oh. Come on, Terri. It'll be fun."

"Yeah, and last night was supposed to be only a fun party with our boys, remember?"

"This is different."

Terri tried to hold her ground, but her friend finally got her to agree, so when Dustin came home, she told him about what she and Margery planned for the evening.

"Sounds great, Mom! Let me wash up and change," Dustin said, and raced up the stairs to his room.

Terri followed suit, but as she looked at herself in front of her vanity, she couldn't help but wonder what might happen if she wore something just a tad sexy instead of her typical attire.

There you go again, Terri! she thought, and remembered what her friend said...

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Written by bob03567
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