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After almost getting caught having sexual relations with her son moments sooner, Ava was now hiding in the bathroom pretending to be taking a shower. Only she wasn't alone; her son Logan was also present, standing naked behind her under the running water.

Quietly, they listened as her husband, his father, spoke just outside the door. "Listen, honey, can we talk when you get out? I've been thinking about what you said, and well... Maybe we can try to fix this."

Logan's mind raced with thoughts and then realized that if his father talked his Mom into forgiving him, all this would be over. But, no way did he want this to end, so as his father spoke from the bedroom, Logan reached around his mother and lightly tickled her pussy.

"So, what do you think?" Chris said.

Ava squirmed and tried to remove her son's prying hand from her snatch and replied, "I... I... guess so."

Logan held his hand firm and finally found her clit and rubbed it feverishly as he placed a hand on her neck and pulled her back to him. Then, standing under the water, he kissed her hard, and she moaned softly.

"Logan... What are you doing? Your father is... Oh fffuck," Ava softly whimpered as her excitement grew.

Logan felt her mound push against his hand, and he knew she was hot again. With his dick still hard, he centered himself behind her, and right as his father asked another question, he slid it into her cunt, which lunged her forward and forced her hands to brace herself against the shower wall.

"Oh!!! Logan! Your dick! It's! It's! Oh god, it's inside me!!!" Ava said in a loud whisper. However, it was too late to stop him. Her cunt already gripped tightly onto his meat as it sent unknown pleasures throughout her body.

"So, what do you think?" she heard in her excited state and tried to reply, "Oh... Oh... sssounds good."  Then huffed, "Oh, fuck! Ssssooo good!"

Logan grabbed her hips and pounded away as she made little whimpers. He could feel her now pushing back to meet his every thrust, and it just added to his maddening lust.

"Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god!" Logan could hear his mother say as he fucked her wildly. Then, when her body tightened up, and her whimpers intensified, he quickly covered her mouth just as he felt her quiver.

Logan pushed his dick hard into her as she trembled, and just when he was about to cum himself, he whispered, "How did it feel to cum on your son's cock?"

Ava couldn't deny it! Having her son's dick inside her was the most intense thing she had ever felt before, and she had trouble controlling her whimpers.

However, when she felt he was about to explode, she rapidly pulled away and turned around. Then, taking his throbbing dick in her hand, she jerked him off until he exploded.

"Okay, honey. I'll go fill up the tank and make the reservation while you get ready," they heard while Logan, on weak knees, grunted next to his mother while his dick spurted out the last of his sperm into her stroking hand.

Logan then eased forward and was going to kiss his mother just as she smacked his chest and followed with a muffled roar, "What the hell, Logan!! Do you know how dangerous that was! What if your father heard us!"

"I'm sorry, Mom. I know I got carried away. It's just that you're so hot I couldn't help it," Logan said as he made another attempt to kiss her.

"Are you kidding me right now! Jesus, Logan, control yourself!" Ava said as she pushed on her son's chest.

"You heard him, Mom. He's going to get gas," Logan replied.

Ava got out of the shower and proceeded to go into her room. Standing next to her bed, she turned and said, "Well, I think we had enough excitement for one day."

Logan followed her into the bedroom and said, "But Mom, we got time before Dad gets back."

"It's too risky, so go into your room and dress before your father gets back," Ava said as she shushed him with her hands.

"But look, Mom, it's hard again. See what you do to me," Logan said and stroked his hand over his stiff prick.

Ava looked down at her son's hard appendage, sat on her bed, and replied, "I... I think it would be best if you take care of that yourself this time."

Slowly, Logan walked up next to her while stroking his dick. He could see how her eyes were fixated on his member still and said, "You sure, Mom."

"Ye... Yes. I... I think you should go before..." Ava replied.

"Before what, Mom?" Logan croaked and noticed how his mother's right hand had dipped between her legs. "Before you want to fuck me again."

Logan could see that lustful desire back in his mother's eyes. Quickly, he pushed her backward, spread her legs, and huffed, "I have a better idea." Then, with a mighty heave, he slid his stiff dick inside her while he stood.

"Logan!" Ava yelled as her son slowly sank his steel pole deeper into her snatch.

"Oh fuck, Mom, you're so tight. I can feel your cunt gripping me again."

Ava thrashed around as she whimpered. "But your father! He'll be right back! Oh god! We... We have to ssstop before... Oh, Christ, you're getting me excited again!"

No longer able to resist her building urges, Ava spread her legs wider, giving her son ample room to drive his dick deeper into her welcoming pussy.

Logan moved on top of her as she wrapped her legs around him and said, "Yeah, Mom. That's it. Fuck me back. God, your cunt feels so good around my cock."

"Oh my God, you're so big," Ava said as her body lifted and sent his dick deeper into her yet.

Logan fucked her slowly and, as she moaned, said, "You like fucking your son, don't you? Having my dick inside your pussy."

Whining, Ava whimpered, "Oh, Logan. This is so wrong for us to be doing!"

"Even so, you like it still. In fact, you love it. Don't you, Mom?" Logan said as he quickened his pace.

"Oh... Oh, Logan! Oh, Christ! Oh... Oh, fuck!" Ava wailed as she grasped his ass.

Logan thrust harder still and said, "Tell me, Mom. Tell me how much you love it."

"Oh, fuck yes! Oh God, I do. I do love fucking you!" she replied just as her body stiffened and then screamed, "Fuck! I'm cumming!"

Logan fucked her fast and hard. His cum raced up his shaft, and as she quivered under him, he grunted loudly, "Fuck, Mom!"

Ava could feel him tensing up and yelled, "Wait! Logan! You can't! Not inside me!"

With a mighty heave, Logan held his dick deep inside his mother when he exploded and croaked, "Fuck! I--can't--help--it!!!"

"Oh no! Oh no, you! You came inside me!" Ava screeched with a shocked look.

Logan held himself still as his dick pumped in her womb and replied, "Fuck, Mom, I'm sorry. I did. It just felt too good to stop."

Ava pushed him off of her and sat up. Then, with a worried tone, she said, "I have to clean this up. Jesus, I'm not on the pill!"

Logan shouted as his mother raced into the bathroom, "Sorry, Mom. I didn't know."

"Oh, God! Oh, God!" Ava said as she quickly got back into the shower and yelled, "Logan, go clean up in your room! Your father will be returning any second now!"

"Okay, Mom," he said and did what she asked.

Logan was changing when he heard the front door open and listened as his father entered their bedroom. Unable to make out what was being said, they talked for over half an hour before leaving the room.

Then he heard a rap on his door before his mother said, "Logan, dear, your father and I are going out to eat."

"Okay, Mom," he called out and waited until they left before calling his friend Jacob.

"Holy shit! Holy shit! Dude, you're my fucking hero! You have to tell me what it felt like to fuck your Mom."

"It was the best thing ever. And I almost didn't get that far. I swear when she sucked on my cock, I almost blew right then."

"Dude! She fucking sucked your dick, too?"

Logan laughed and said, "Yeah, and she's very good at it."

"Aw... That's it. I got to try to get somewhere with my mom. So you think she's going to fuck you from now on?"

"I sure hope so. If Dad didn't come back, I would have fucked her again for sure. Well, I should say maybe I would have. She was kind of pissed at me afterward."

"Why?" Jacob said.

"Well, my dick felt so good in her; I just blew inside her."

"OH FUCK, DUDE! You kept it in her!"


"Shit, you have more balls than me for sure. Listen, my dad's gone out of town for a week. So I'm going to let you go and see if I can get anything started with my mom tonight."

"She's cleaning now?"

"Nah, she's in the living room, watching a movie. Maybe I can figure something out if I watch it with her."

"Oh okay. Well, good luck."

"Thanks, and congratulations again, you lucky fucker. I'll talk to you later."

Logan hung up and made a quick sandwich. Then he returned to his room, reminisced over his triumphant accomplishment, and thought, Wow, I can't wait to fuck her again.

Logan fell asleep, imaging having his mother in all kinds of different positions...

The following morning, Logan was awakened by the sound of his father whistling a tune in the bathroom.

Logan dressed and entered the kitchen where his mother was facing the sink, dressed in a white floral skirt that went down to her knee and a short-sleeve pleated top.

Logan walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, and said, "Morning, Mom." Then proceeded to kiss her cheek.

"Logan, honey. We have to talk."

"Okay, Mom," Logan replied and hugged her tummy as he rested his chin on her shoulder.

"Listen, honey, what happened yesterday was a big mistake. I know we both wanted to do that, but I had a long talk with your father last night, and he seems sincere about working things out."

Logan huffed and said, "But, Mom. He cheated on you. And I know he's been neglecting you also."

"Yes. You're right. He has. However, he's my husband, and I should at least give him another chance."

Logan's blood boiled, and he said, "What about me, Mom? Can't you see I wouldn't do that to you?"

"I know, honey. But you're my son, and it was wrong for me to let you fuck me like that," Ava said.

Logan heard the water running in the shower and leaned into his mother's ear and whispered, "Then tell me fucking your son wasn't the most exciting thing you've ever experienced." Then reached up and fondled her breast.

"Logan! Honey! Didn't you hear what I just said? We... we can't," Ava said and grasped at his hands.

Logan kissed and nibbled at her neck as he dropped his right hand down and pressed it tightly over her mound, and said, "But I know you liked it as much as I did, Mom."

"Yes, I did. Oh! Honey! But it's! It's wrong!"

Logan quickly lifted her skirt and pushed his hand under her panties.

Ava squirmed and grabbed at his prying hand and said, "Logan, it's wrong. We... we shouldn't... Ugh... Oh... Ahhh. Your fffather.  Oh god...  He'll... he'll will be coming s-s-soon."

Logan wiggled two digits deep into her and bluntly said, "You're already wet, Mom. You're saying we shouldn't, but your pussy is saying we should."

Ava whimpered as her body gave into her son's sexual advances and could feel her cunt gripping at his fingers as he slid them in and out of her. Unable to control her sinful lust, she barely worded, "Please, Logan, I'm not supposed to like this."

Oh, fuck! He's making me want him again! Ava thought as she felt him ease her panties down with his free hand.

Logan ignored her pleas and lowered his pants. He quickly lifted the back of her skirt and slid his cock between her legs.

"Oh... Oh... Ohhh, God..." he heard as he took hold of her hips and pushed his mushroom head between her slick slit.

"Oh fuck! Logan. Your father mmmight..." Ava trailed off, saying as her son's meat thrust deep inside her, sending her head spinning once more.

Ava braced herself on the counter as her young man fucked her profusely from behind.

Logan fucked her rapidly and said, "I can tell by how your cunt is grabbing my dick that you like it, Mom!"

Ava whimpered, "Yes... Oh yes. Your cock feels so good inside my pussy. Please, god forgive me!"

"Oh... Oh! Oh god, I love fucking you! Fuck Mommy! Make mommy cum!" Ava commanded as she pushed back harder, meeting his every thrust.

They fucked like animals until Ava shivered and groaned, "Fuck! I'm cumming, baby! Mommy's cumming!!!"

However, just as Logan was going to cum, the water stopped, and Ava quickly pulled away, turned around, and whispered, "Your father might hear."

"Mom, I need to cum. I was so close."

Logan watched as his mother got down on her knees and took his entire cock down her throat. Then, with a deep fast thrust, she steadily sucked his dick until he couldn't hold back anymore and grunted, "Oh fffuck, Mom. That's it. I'm going tooo... Tooo! TOOO!!! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!"

Logan felt his cock pump all its hot seed into her mouth and watched as she sucked it down while looking up at him.

Ava stood up and said, "Quickly now... Fix your clothes." She did the same. Then rapidly sat at the table just as her husband entered the room.

Logan chuckled under his breath when his dad gave his Mom a quick peck on the lips just after he had come inside her mouth.

Chris sat down at the table, and as Ava went to make him some breakfast, he said, "So did you get all the stuff needed for the party tonight?"

 Ava turned around, holding a spatula in her hand, and said, "What party?"

"Remember the football party. I told you about it last week."

"No, Chris. No, you didn't."

"Oh, hmm... Well, I thought I did. Anyway, a bunch of people will be coming over around 8 for kickoff."

"Jesus, Christopher. I'll have to run to the store and also get the house ready!"

"Well, you do have all day, you know."

Ava gave a nasty look at him that even startled Logan. Then said very bluntly, "I'm glad you think I just loaf around here all fucking day!"

"Oh, come on, you know what I meant."

Ava huffed and said, "Do I?"

Logan excused himself from the table and said, "Okay, I'm off for school."

"Okay, honey. Have a good day," Ava said as Logan fast-paced out the door.

Ava finished making her husband his eggs and sat quietly at the table until he finished and heard him say, "I'd better run myself before I'm late."

"So, how many people are we talking, Chris?" Ava said as her husband began to walk away.

"I don't know, maybe a half-dozen or so."

Ava sighed and said, "Okay, I'll see you tonight."

"Okay, babe," Chris said before he turned around to give her a quick peck on the cheek.

Ava watched as he walked away and thought, Yeah, it really seems like he's trying to make an effort.

She got up to leave herself except her cell phone rang, and she noticed it was Marge.

"Hi, Marge."

"So, how are things going?"

Ava skipped completely over the part where she fucked her son and went right into how Chris wanted to work things out. Then she explained how she had to go shopping quickly for the party she didn't know she'd be hosting.

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"I won't keep you then. I can see you're very busy today. I'll call again tomorrow."

"Okay, Margery," Ava said and hung up the phone.

Ava managed to straighten up and set out a nice spread just as her son got home.

"Hi, Mom," Logan said as he gave her a friendly kiss. Then said, "You need any help?"

"No, honey. I'm just about finished. Thank you for offering."

"Anytime, Mom," Logan said and followed with, "So I guess no yoga tonight?"

Ava placed her hand on her hips and said, "No... No yoga tonight. And I was serious about what I said this morning."

"Mom, I thought we settled that already. You know I can tell you love it."

"Yes, I do. However, it's also wrong that we keep doing that, and I furthermore told you how your father wants to fix things between us. How can I even think about resolving my problem with him if I'm still fucking you?"

"Mom, I think..." Logan started to say when Ava shouted.

"Enough, Logan! I said no more, and I mean it!"

Logan didn't say another word and just sulked back to his room and stayed there until he heard his father open the door and enter with a bunch of people.

Slowly, Logan walked toward the small crowd and noticed a young girl standing off to his father's right side.

Ava also noticed and rapidly introduced herself and felt like someone kicked her in the stomach when her husband hastily spoke and said, "This is Rachel, honey. One of our interns."

Ava said, "Nice to meet you. Chris, can I have a minute?"

"Sure thing, dear," Chris said and followed her into the kitchen.

"Tell me you didn't just bring your little whore into our home," Ava announced.

"Honey, please don't make a scene. I had no choice. Mark already invited her; I couldn't say no."

"You couldn't, or you didn't want to?"

"Baby..." Chris said as Ava walked away.

Everyone sat in the living room as the game started, except Ava. Logan quickly noticed this and went to look for her.

Logan walked into the kitchen and noticed her sitting at the table drinking a beer while bouncing her crossed leg and said, "Everything okay, Mom?"

Ava looked at him and said, "No. Everything isn't okay. I was a fool to think your father would change."

"So that girl is the one, isn't she?" Logan said as he walked closer to his...

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Written by bob03567
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