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I drove slowly past our home at exactly one o’clock. There was a car parked in the driveway behind Liz’s car; a black estate car that I didn’t recognise but even though there were not any taxi signs on it I suspected that it was Joe’s. I drove on by and went on a slow drive around the village and came back to our home. It was gone.

I found Liz still in her bed. She was lying on her back with her head resting in her hands behind her; staring up at the ceiling lost in thought. “Everything okay?” I asked as I approached the bed.

She turned and smiled. “Mmmmmm,” was all she said.

I sat down on the edge of the bed.

“I take it that it was good then?”

She smiled. “Wonderful,” was her reply.

I leant over and kissed her. “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.”

The bed looked ruffled; pillows askew and there was the smell of sex in the air. I could also smell Hugo Boss aftershave.

“Why don’t you join me?”

I didn’t need asking twice. Moments later I was naked and lying beside her. We kissed and cuddled and then I found my hand moving slowly down her body to her mound. Her belly was damp and sticky but her crotch was wet and even stickier. “Joe’s been busy,” I commented.

She smiled. “Joe’s been very, very busy,” she corrected.

I felt the hurt but I also felt highly aroused. “Are you going to tell me all about it then?”

She shook her head. “That’s private,” she answered. “All I will say though is that there is a lot of cleaning up for you to do.”

Liz pushed down the duvet and exposed her nakedness. “There’s cum on your belly,” I commented.

“There’s cum everywhere,” she corrected again. “Even up my bum.”

She saw the look of shock on my face. “He’s an animal in bed!” she told me.

“H... he must like this interracial stuff.”

“I’m only the second white woman that he has fucked,” she revealed. “He’s been trying to date white girls for years.”

I laughed. “He’s finally pulled again after all that trying, hey.”

She nodded.

“It must be some sort of a highly prized conquest then to pull a white girl then?”

Liz nodded. “It’s more than just a conquest,” she answered. “It’s crossing a divide; breaching a customary boundary, breaking a taboo.”

“He told you that?”

“Oh yes,” she admitted. “He told me that if he were seen out with me his street ‘cred’ would soar into orbit.”

I laughed. “Well I suppose a guy can live in hope can’t he.”

She pulled her hands from around the back of her head and cuddled up to me as she reached down for my erection. “Actually, I asked him to take me out on Friday night,” she told me.

“W... what, you mean be seen in public together?”

She nodded. “I told him that I wouldn’t mind going out to eat somewhere and that if he wanted to get one of his drivers to take us somewhere and take us back to his place later it wouldn’t bother me.”

I was stunned but what could I say and what it made it worse was that I had an erection from just hearing her say that.

“S... so you’re spending the night with him then?”

“And probably Saturday night as well. I’ll be home on Saturday and Sunday during the daytime but I’ll be away overnight with Joe,” she told me. “Is that okay?”

I nodded. She kissed me and gave my erection a hard squeeze. “Well are you going to clean me up then?” she asked. “I went out of my way to have you come home to a lovely meal.”

“So where do I start then?”

“Mmmmm,” she uttered. “Well... first of all I gave him a blow job. I was naked in here and I undressed him and knelt down and took him in my mouth. I caught some of his cum in my mouth but he slipped out of me and the rest went on my neck, breasts and tummy.”

I kissed her. “So I start with your lips and work my way down then?”

She smiled and turned over onto her back. Some of his cum had since dried but I could still taste the saltiness of the little rivulets of cum that had made their way down her body. Her belly was still sticky but that was because he had pulled out the second time he fucked her and cum on her tummy as well. He had fucked her again a little while later but had fully emptied his seed inside her so I had much to feast on there. Finally, there was his last fuck where he took her anally. I did rim her and clean up his cum but I never delved any further. By now Liz was screaming out to be fucked and I obliged her. I gave the icing on the cake.

We lay for a little while silent and deep in thought. Liz was the first to break the silence. “Are you okay?”

“Yes,” I told her.

“You don’t mind me staying overnight with him this weekend do you?”

“Would you stay here if I said that I did?”

“Probably not,” she answered as she stroked my chest.

“Well there you are then,” I told her.

“Are you happy with Amy?”

I told her that I was but I also told her that I was concerned about Amy wanting me to father a child with her. “Would that be a bad thing?” she responded.

Her response surprised me.

“Amy knows her own mind. She always has done. It’s one of the things that I admire about her. I wish I had been like that when I was her age,” Liz said.

“Yes, but before she starts thinking about homemaking she needs to get her education finished and her career off the ground.”

“What, like I did with my first husband?” she argued. “I planned on staying at college but I was besotted with him and we married and I got pregnant at eighteen.”

“It was different with me though wasn’t it?”

“I did want children with you but we never did happen upon the right time did we?”

I thought about it. “No, we missed the boat didn’t we?”

She cuddled me. “Well it’s never too late, is it?”

“What you mean you and I?”

“You as a father and me as a mother? she responded. “But not necessarily together!”

Liz, what are you saying?”

She didn’t respond letting the bombshell drop inside. “You want a child with Joe?”

“I’m not sure yet,” she told me. “He wants to marry and settle down and have children. He’s told me that much already.”

“He hasn’t asked you has he?”

She laughed. “No, it’s too early for that,” she said. “But I suspect that given time he will one day.”

“And will you agree?”

“As I said, it’s early days yet but no one knows what the future holds do they?”




I left for work soon afterwards. Liz had given me much to think about but I was always one for caution; learning lessons the hard way. Making spur of the moment decisions on emotional impulses nearly always ends in disaster. Far better to wait for the fog to dissipate and the whole picture become clearer!

I arrived home just before six and Amy was there to greet me with a hug and a kiss. Liz was in the kitchen preparing dinner. Liz gave me a kiss too but it wasn’t with the same warmth and eagerness that Amy had given.

“When will dinner be ready, mum?” Amy asked.

“It won’t take long. Why, what time do you want it?”

Amy looked up at the kitchen clock. “Seven okay?” she replied. “I think dad needs some TLC and I was going to run a bath for him and take him up a glass of wine.”

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Liz smiled at me. “Go on then,” she said with a laugh. “And don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

Amy laughed. “I’m only going to scrub his back, mum!”

“Yeah, and I still believe in Santa Claus.”

I departed with Amy feeling lighter in spirit. Amy ran a bath and then brought up a bottle of Shiraz and a couple of glasses. I relaxed under the hot, soapy water as she poured me a glass and then sat down on the chair by the bath.

“Mum was telling me about your conversation earlier,” she revealed. “I wouldn’t read too much into what she says. I think she’s smitten at the moment. More in love with love than anything else.”

I smiled. “And what about you?”

“I’ve been smitten with you since the age of sixteen. When I stared going out with boys I quickly realised just what jerks most of them were,” she told me. “You, on the other hand, always seem so strong and sure of yourself. I once told mum that when I marry it would be to a man like dad.”

“That’s kind of you.”

Amy got up and leaned over the bath and kissed me. I responded by grabbing hold of her and pulling her into the water with me. There were screams and shouts and then laughter. Liz wondered what all the noise was and rushed upstairs and saw us there.

“Dad pulled me into the bath with him. I’m soaked.”

Liz joined in the laughter.

“She wasn’t scrubbing properly.” I said.

She laughed again and left us too it. Amy stood up and stripped out of her skirt and top as well as he bra, stockings and suspenders. She wore no panties. I stood up, my erection at full stretch, and stepped out of the bath. Amy reached for my erection. “Turn around and bend over,” I told her.

She gripped the edge of the bath and pushed out her bottom to me. We were both wet and soapy but I still griped her hips and slid my erection into her welcoming cunt. It was a fast and brutal fuck and Amy moaned loudly all through it. It was only after I came inside her and started to pull out that I noticed Liz standing in the doorway. She just smiled and turned away saying, “I’ll put the chips and steaks on now.”

I smiled and just shook my head but Amy felt differently. “I’m going to have to have a word with mum about just walking in on us like that,” she told me.

I told her to leave it to me. We joined her about fifteen minutes. The bathroom now tidy and both of us dressed, we went downstairs. Amy’s hair was still wet but she was happy with it. She had put some more stockings on and a pair of panties on this time but she left off her bra and wore a tight fitting top instead along with a short flared skirt. Her mum complemented her on how sexy she looked as they hugged.

We ate and as we relaxed with wine Amy asked her how she got on this morning with Joe. Liz just smiled and said, “As I said to your dad earlier, it’s private.”

This gave her the opportunity for her opening. “Sometimes what dad and I do is private too mum,” she said quietly.

Liz thought for a moment. “Yes, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t just barge in on you like that.”

Amy held her hand. “That’s okay mum. It... it’s just that sometimes... well it’s private.”

“I’m sorry. Yes I understand. I... I just like to watch, that’s all.”

“I don’t mind you watching once in a while mum,” Amy told her. “In fact I know dad gets a kick out of putting on an exhibition sometimes.”

I laughed and turned to Amy. “Maybe tomorrow night we might allow mum to sit quietly in the corner of the bedroom and watch us fuck,”

Amy smiled. “Sounds good to me,”

“I’d love that,” Liz said.

“You can also make sure that I am nice and hard for your daughter before you sit down and afterwards you clean up all my semen from her.”

Amy looked at her mum. “I’d like that too.”

Liz nodded. “Okay,” she said softly. “And if I don’t do a good job?”

I was quick off the mark. “Well, you know what the punishment will be for that don’t you, Liz?”

“The hairbrush,” Amy smiled.

“From whom?” Liz asked looking at Amy.

“From me of course, mum,” Amy answered.

I just smiled and turned to Amy. “Maybe mum should be punished for her intrusion earlier?” I suggested. “I always believe in starting as you mean to go on.”

Amy took a slow sip of her wine. “Perhaps you should go and get the hairbrush. Mum.”

Liz hesitated for a moment. “Well!” Amy said. Liz stood up and left. I smiled to myself. Amy was surprising me again. Liz returned a few minutes later with the hairbrush and Amy got up and took it from her hand. “Other end of the table please, mum,” she told her.

I pulled my seat back and watched as Liz stretched out over the end of the table. “Will you hold down her arms please, dad?”

I rested my hands on her outstretched wrists and watched as Amy lifted the hem of her mum’s dress over her waist. Then she tugged down her panties until they were around her knees. My cock was straining in my pants now. “How many shall I give her, dad?”

“That’s up to you,” I shrugged. “But remember she will be seeing Joe on Friday night so we don’t want any embarrassing bruises or marks do we?”

“I guess not,” she responded as she tapped Liz’s bottom with the brush.

Her first hit was swift and hard. Liz yelped and her body jerked. It was lucky that I held her tightly down. Two more strokes quickly followed and there was a slower and much more measured hit. Liz was sobbing now. I looked at Amy as if to say enough but she gave her two more before putting the brush down. I let go of her arms and she tried to stand up but Amy stopped her. “Stay still, mum,” she told her placing her hand in the middle of her back. “Fuck her dad.”

I moved round the back of the table as Amy stooped down and removed Liz’s panties before reaching for the buckle of my belt. “Nice and hard, dad,” Amy said with a smile. “Give her a good hard shagging.”

I just stood there as Amy removed my trousers and briefs before dropping to her knees and taking my cock to her mouth. I moaned softly to the realisation that she was hardening my cock for fucking her mother. It was heavenly but Amy didn’t want to waste time or risk me coming too quickly. Standing up she pulled me by the cock the couple of feet or so to her mum, who was still bent over the table sniffling and sobbing. Pressing the tip of my cock against Liz’s awaiting gash she gave me a playful slap of the bottom. “Take her, dad. Take her,” she said.

I gripped Liz’s hips and thrust forward, embedding my huge cock deep inside her, as Amy picked up the brush again. I wondered what was going for a moment as she moved behind me and then I felt the pain. She had slapped me with the brush. “Come on, dad, fuck her harder.”

I cried out, not so much in pain, but more in surprise at what was happening. Then I cried out again as she struck me again. “Come on, dad. The sooner you fill her the sooner I’ll stop.”

“Oh god,” I cried out as I gripped her hips even tighter and began to thrust faster and harder.

Amy hit me again, telling me that I was doing well. I lost count of the blows I received from her but I did cum and mercifully, Amy did stop; but if all that had shocked me what followed shocked me even more. Amy sank to her knees and after taking my cock in her mouth to clean me up, she turned her attention to her mum. My cum was now making its way out of Liz’s cunt, huge creamy globules of semen gathering to make its way down Liz’s thighs. It never made it, of course. Amy’s tongue went to work; slurping sucking and slavering away until nothing was left.

And all the time Liz sobbed and squirmed. Not from the pain though or even from the shock of it all. Liz was sobbing because she was enjoying the pleasure of another woman’s attention to her sex.


Written by angieseroticpen
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