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Peter came hard all over the ottoman, as Lisa stroked his cock, she fingered his ass, my cock was in his mouth, and his mom was masturbating while watching.

I felt my orgasm hit, so I let go of Peter’s head and pulled the tip of my cock out of his mouth. But it was already too late, I shot my load of cum inside his mouth before I could pull out. After I had pulled my cock out of his mouth, I only made matters worse. I continued to jerk my cock and sprayed my cum all over Peter’s face.

Susan continued rubbing her pussy while watching her son get finger-fucked in the ass and suck his father’s cock. Susan pictured herself under Peter, getting fucked doggie-style, as Lisa and I carried on. As soon as Susan saw Peter cum, she had her own orgasm, as she imagined Peter pumping his cock, and spraying his seed deep inside of her.

Lisa removed her fingers from Peter’s ass, and slowly milked the last few drops of cum out of his cock. I looked over at Susan, and said, “It looks like you let time run out. We don’t get any points this round.”

Part 7

George & Susan: 1

Peter & Lisa: 1

Lisa and I went and sat in our respective seats while Peter wiped his cum off his face and the ottoman with a towel.  Once he finished cleaning up, he removed a piece of paper from the wooden box.

It read, “Licking up water out of a dog bowl. No hands.”

Peter looked at his mother and knew exactly whose water bowl he wanted to lick. He pushed the ottoman out of the way and told his mom to lay flat on the ground, flat on her back. Peter looked down at her laying on the ground and spread her legs further apart. He then walked to the side of the room, got down on all fours, and told Lisa to start the timer.

Peter crawled back into the room on his hands and knees. He sniffed all around the room, running his nose along the ground or pointing in the air.

When he reached Susan's foot, he stopped to give her toes a good sniff. After smelling each toe, he gave them a lick. This caused Susan to squirm slightly because he tickled her but it also turned her on.

Peter begin making his way up Susan’s leg, sniffing and licking, as he approached her pussy. Once at her pussy, he gave it a long sniff, and then went back to several quick sniffs. He lifted his body and started licking his lips. Susan and Peter made brief eye contact and shared a subtle smile.

Peter’s head went back down to Susan’s pussy and he gave to a long slow lick. He tasted his tongue and then dove back down. He started licking her pussy quickly, over and over again.

As he licked her pussy, he started moving his body around her. He was now kneeling beside her instead of being between her legs. We could clearly see reactions coming from both Susan and Peter.

Susan was writhing around on the ground, doing her best to remain still, and Peter’s cock was starting to grow again. His cock never fully harden because he had just finished having an orgasm, but his blood was definitely flowing back through his cock.

Peter continued moving his body further around his mother’s body until his knees were right next to her head. After a couple more licks, Peter threw one knee over his mom’s head. They were now in a sixty-nine position.

Peter’s cock hung down right over Susan’s mouth. She slowly opened her mouth and barely stuck out her tongue. As Peter’s cock swung back and forth, Susan gave the tip a gentle lick. On the last lick, Peter lowered his cock down into his mother’s mouth. He just held it there as Susan closed her lips around it and licked his cock inside her mouth.

Enjoying the feeling of his cock in her mouth, Peter was no longer concerned about pretending to be a dog as he ate his mother’s pussy. Susan’s hips were bucking up, into Peter’s mouth as she had another orgasm, causing Peter to go back to licking up her juices from her pussy, looking more like a dog now, than he did before.

Lisa was watching the timer carefully while Peter performed his task. Waiting until the last possible second, Lisa finally says, “A dog, eating or drinking out of a dog bowl.”

Peter sat up and wiped his mouth off with his arm and gave Lisa a big smile and nodded his head.


George & Susan: 1

Peter & Lisa: 2

Lisa got up, before Peter could sit down, and congratulated him by giving him a big hug and a kiss on the lips, then they both sat down together.

Susan finished the last of her wine and stood up. She walked over to the box and pulled out her task.

It read, “Eating an ice cream on an extremely hot day.”

Susan pushed the ottoman back into the center of the room. She gestured for Peter to get up and join her. Susan had Peter lay down on his back and grip his dick tightly pointing it straight up.

Susan leaned down and whispered in Peter’s ear, “I want you to slowly stroke yourself until your cock is nice and hard for my scene. Keep it pointing straight up for me, please. If I win this point, we’ll finally get Lisa to lose her panties for the rest of the night!”

Susan grabbed and stroked Peter’s dick while she was whispering in his ear. Peter’s cock was already mostly hard before Susan began. She moved to the side of the room and told me to start the timer.

Susan came skipping into the room pulling her hair to the sides, pretending to be a little girl. She skipped over to Peter and stood on the other side of him.

She looked up in the air and pretended to talk to someone taller than her. She held up one finger to the person and then pointed down to Peter’s cock. She reached up in the air and took the imaginary ice cream cone from the man and then moved her hand down to Peter’s cock as if still holding the ice cream and making his shaft the cone.

Susan started skipping in place while holding Peter’s cock to make it look like she was moving away. As she was skipping she looked like she was getting hot and wiped the sweat away from her forehead.

She looked down at Peter’s cock and had an expression of shock. She immediately lowered down to Peter’s cock and started licking upwards all around the head of Peter’s cock.

His cock was fully hard now and he no longer needed to hold it up, now that Susan was holding it. Peter just sat back and enjoyed the feeling of his mom licking his cock.

Susan was rapidly licking Peter’s cock. It appeared that the ice cream was melting faster than she could lick. In a last-ditch effort, Susan stuck Peter’s ‘ice cream’ into her mouth completely. She started sucking his cock very hard. She was truly thinking about what she would do if her ice cream was melting out of control.

Peter’s cock was on fire. He could tell that he would cum soon from his mother’s actions. He had no intention of holding back though. She was sucking his cock in such a way that she’d be able to pull his cum out of his balls, even if he didn’t cum.

Suddenly, Susan felt Peter cum in her mouth. His load was not as big as before, but it was perfect for what she needed. Susan did not swallow Peter’s cum, she held it in her mouth until Peter had finished cumming.

Once he was done, Susan lifted her mouth off of his cock, but left his cum all over the head of his cock. Peter’s cock now looked like it was a melting ice cream cone.

Susan went back to licking Peter’s cock, using the cum to act as the ice cream. It turned me on, to watch Susan lick Peter’s cum off of his cock. My cock got rock hard and I started rubbing it. Just then Lisa reached over and started slowly stroking my cock.

“Here, let me,” she said.

Susan had just about licked all the cum off Peter’s cock when I noticed the timer was almost done.

“Eating ice cream on a hot day,” I said.

In response to my guess, Susan sucked Peter’s whole cock into her mouth and slurped up any remaining cum before standing up. Susan looked at me to tell me I was correct when she saw Lisa stroking my cock. She wanted to be jealous, but that was hard to do when she had her son’s cum in her mouth.

“It’s your turn, Lisa, unless you still need a minute,” Susan said sweetly, after swallowing, trying her hardest not to sound bothered.

Lisa let go of my cock and stood. As Lisa passed by Susan, she said, “That will be a tough act to follow,” and then slapped Susan’s ass playfully without even looking back.


George & Susan: 2

Peter & Lisa: 2

Lisa stood in the middle of the room facing us and seductively removed her panties.

“Looks like it’s a tie game now, let’s see if I can’t fix that,” Lisa said, and then tossed her panties to Susan.

Lisa read her task, “Riding on a Teeter Totter with a friend.”

Lisa thought hard about how she wanted to play this. She finally settled on asking Susan to come up and help her. Lisa showed the piece of paper to Susan who laughed and called me up to help them too. I stood up and walked to the center of the room, my cock still hard from Lisa playing with it.

Susan didn’t bother to tell me what the task was. First, she rotated the ottoman so the short side was facing the couch instead of being longways. Second, she had me lay across the ottoman so my head and ass were hanging off the two ends. I had to hold up my lower half with my legs bent and my feet on the ground. Lastly, Susan grabbed my hard cock, and said, “Keep this hard, we’re gonna need it during our task.”

Susan walked back over to Lisa to discuss their plan while I stroked my cock and watched the two naked women whispering in each other’s ears.

“There’s our Teeter Totter. Which end do you want to ride, cock or face?” Susan asked Lisa, quietly, figuring she’d pick my face immediately.

“I don’t care either way,” Lisa whispered back, “I’ll ride either end, happily. I tell you what, you pick first, and I’ll sit on whichever side you don’t.”

Susan turned and looked at me. She saw me looking at them as I stroked my cock. Then she looked at Peter and saw him looking at her. Peter gave her a friendly smile when he saw her look at him. Susan moved my hand off of my cock, and said to Peter, “Start the timer, please. We are ready to begin.”

Susan walked back to Lisa and grabbed her hand. The two of them skipped over to me. Susan put her finger to her mouth, and said, “Hmmmm,” as she looked back and forth between my face and my cock.

Susan finally decided and she threw one leg over me and sat down slowly. Susan looked up at Lisa and smiled. Lisa was shocked. She had not expected Susan to sit on my face.

Lisa stepped next to my hip and then threw her leg over me. The two of them were facing each other, but Susan was sitting and Lisa was standing. Susan grabbed my hard cock and pointed it right at Lisa’s pussy opening and then gave her a nod.

Susan had thought about her options of where to sit and the possible consequences of each choice. But when she stopped thinking about her husband and instead thought about Peter, the choice was clear. Susan wanted to fuck Peter openly in front of me. So she came up with a surefire way to guarantee her chances. She knew that if I fucked someone else in front of my wife, I would not be able to say ‘no’ when she wanted to fuck someone else in front of me. So she insisted that Lisa sit on my cock.

Lisa slowly began to sit. She felt the tip of my cock touch her pussy, almost immediately, and she had barely even started moving downwards. The head of my cock was the first to pierce and stretch Lisa’s pussy.

Lisa had fucked plenty of guys, but they were all boys, and my cock was the biggest one she’d ever fucked. She took it in nice and slow. Her pussy was soaking wet with excitement, but that didn’t help the feeling of my fat cock stretching her pussy further than it’s ever been stretched.

I couldn’t believe how tight Lisa’s pussy was. She said she liked fat cocks like mine, but I was starting to think she was all talk.

As Lisa sat down further on my cock, Susan started to lift up off of my face. Lisa had the entire head of my cock inside her now, and she thought it would start to get easier. She pushed down a little harder to get more of me inside but quickly realized that my shaft was just as thick.

She had a mixed feelings of pain and pleasure. She’d never felt pain during sex, not since her first time, anyways. It was exciting to her to be fucking such a long, thick cock, and right in front of my wife. ‘She’d finally become the slut she always wanted to be,’ she thought to herself.

Lisa had only taken half of my cock before she stopped descending. Susan understood and started sitting back down on my face. To match Susan’s movements, Lisa started standing up again, feeling even more pleasure as my cock and helmet started dragging their way out of her pussy. Lisa stopped when she felt the rim of my cock head reach the opening of her pussy.

Susan stood up much faster this time, and Lisa had to impale my cock, quickly, to match. She let out a squeal when she did, but she also managed to take an extra inch of my cock. Susan had set the pace for the two of them, but Lisa had now taken over.  She was no longer feeling pain, only pure, lustful, pleasure.

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Susan was now standing and sitting on my face to match Lisa. She was hardly feeling anything, as there was not much I could do with my tongue when Susan stood up. I decided to change that though.

I brought my hand up to my chin and extended two fingers under Susan’s pussy. And on her next thrust down, my fingers inserted themselves inside Susan. She was surprised but happy that her pussy was now getting some much-needed attention.

Susan started fucking my fingers, trying to get herself off. Lisa was now forced to follow Susan’s lead again. Since my fingers are much shorter, Susan was making shorter, quicker, strokes. In turn, Lisa had to make shorter, quicker strokes on my cock.

The two were doing a very good job of bouncing opposite each other, but that was no longer their main concern. Both women were enjoying the feeling of being penetrated and were trying to have an orgasm. This was of course having the same effect on me.

Lisa’s tight pussy was pumping my cock hard and fast now. Her pussy felt so warm and juicy that I was doing everything I could to not cum. Just then my wife had an orgasm and held herself up in the standing position, causing Lisa to remain still while impaled on my cock.

I couldn’t hold it any longer. I sent my cum flying, deep inside Lisa’s pussy. She felt my cum streaming inside of her as she had her own orgasm, causing her pussy to milk every last drop of my seed into her.

Peter was thoroughly enjoying the show but he made sure to watch his time. As soon as he noticed that everyone just had an orgasm, he called out his guess, “Riding a teeter-totter. You guys did an awesome job of that, I could really tell. Next time, I want to be the teeter-totter.”


George & Susan: 2

Peter & Lisa: 3

Susan and Lisa climbed off of me and were both uneasy on their feet. They both staggered to the couch and plopped down. They were both clearly exhausted.

I sat up and grabbed the wooden box. I pulled my task and read it, then I called Lisa back up, to help me. I rotated the ottoman back to its original position and had her lie down on her back. She looked worried until I showed her the task.

It read, “Trying to get all of the peanut butter out of a jar, using only your fingers or tongue.”

Lisa smiled at me, leaned her head back, and closed her eyes. I moved to the side of the room and told Susan to start the timer.

I walked into the room and pretended to open the cupboard doors as if I was looking for something. After the third door, I expressed that I found what I was looking for, and reached up and grabbed it.

I held the jar in one hand and opened a drawer with the other. I showed disappointment that I didn’t find anything in the drawer. I shrugged my shoulders. I pretended to unscrew the lid for the imaginary jar, and then I sat it down right where Lisa’s pussy was sitting.

I walked across the room to grab a real chair and sat it down right between Lisa’s open legs. I sat down and grabbed the top of Lisa’s pussy like a jar and then shoved two fingers inside her pussy.

I made a scooping motion with my fingers and then pulled...

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Written by HoldMyQuill
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