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New Discoveries (Part 5, The Delivery)

"Husband gives Mother and Son space to continue their sexual exploration."

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Author's Notes

"Please enjoy. Continuing this series due to popular demand. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Thank you for all of your support. It really helps!"

Susan picked up her phone and searched for a particular item that she was suddenly in need of. She browsed through several different varieties and options until the exact item she had been looking for appeared on the screen. She made her selection and entered the exact specifications that would best meet her needs. She inputted her credit card information and selected next-day rush delivery. Before hitting send, she added the following to the field marked ‘Special shipping instructions’: “Hand deliver to the named recipient only!”

Now satisfied, Susan put away her phone, turned off the lights, and went to sleep.

I fell asleep that night, still blindfolded and handcuffed to the bed.

Part 5

The next morning, Peter was the first to wake. Peter had gone to bed naked and woke up with a huge hard-on. Instead of taking care of himself, like he usually did, he got out of bed and walked down the hall to his parents’ room.

He walked in, and found me asleep, in the exact same position I was in when he left our room last night. Next to me was his mother lying naked under the covers. Her tits were exposed above the covers which only came up to her stomach.

Peter stood over his mother, his hard cock just inches away from her mouth. He reached down and started fondling her tits. Susan slowly stirred awake and opened her eyes to see Peter’s cock.

“Good morning,” she said quietly, and lifted her head to give his cock a gentle kiss.

“Do you want me to suck your cock this morning?” she whispered to Peter.

Peter nodded his head. Susan looked over at me sleeping, with my exposed cock, rising and falling against my stomach, with every breath I took.

“If I suck your cock, you have to suck his cock,” she said.

Peter shook his head back and forth. Susan made an exaggerated frowning face. She sat up and got out of bed.

“Very well then, I guess we will have to do this the hard way,” she said as she reached into her bottom drawer and pulled out a leather collar and leash.

Susan affixed the collar around Peter’s neck, and said, “Kneel,” in a hushed but stern voice.

Peter knelt down, and Susan affixed the leash to the collar, and pulled the leash towards her, pulling his face into her crotch.

“Eat,” she demanded.

Peter started licking his mother’s pussy.

“That’s a good servant, but a servant never tells his master, ‘No.’ Do you understand?”

Peter nodded his head yes and continued licking her pussy.

“Good, then prove it! Put your father’s cock inside your mouth, and don’t remove it until I say so. Do you understand?”

Without responding, Peter stood up and crawled onto the bed. He moved his face close to my soft cock, and stared at it. He wasn’t sure how, or if, he could put my cock in his mouth.

“I’m waiting,” said his mother, still holding the other end of his leash.

Peter reached his hand up and slowly picked up my limp dick with two fingers and pushed it into his mouth. He just held it in his mouth, refusing to taste it or swallow.

He waited as long as he could, but noticed his mouth was quickly filling with saliva. If he didn’t swallow soon, he’d end up drooling all over my stomach.

Peter finally gave up and swallowed his saliva in one big gulp. When he swallowed, his tongue pushed up hard towards the roof of his mouth, squeezing my cock in the process.

My cock reacted to the sensation of being squeezed and immediately began to harden. Peter could feel my cock swelling and getting warm in his mouth. Peter got nervous about the situation and started swallowing repeatedly, making matters worse for himself.

I was still asleep, but my cock was wide awake now. It continued to grow bigger and harder in Peter’s mouth. Susan could see what was happening and she enjoyed the show.

Susan waited until my cock was fully hard inside Peter’s mouth. Peter was no longer able to touch my stomach or close his mouth around my cock. Drool was running down my shaft and tears were running down Peter’s face.

Without saying a word, Susan gave two quick tugs on Peter’s leash, to tell him that he was done. Peter released my cock from his mouth and stood up.

Susan looked him dead in the eye, and said, “Now that we both know what the other is capable of, I don’t think we’ll have any more problems today, will we?”

Peter shook his head.

“Good. I guess you should have taken that blow job after all. Go downstairs and make me a delicious breakfast while I stay here and finish what you’ve started. Keep in mind, that the better the breakfast, the better my mood will be.”


Susan unclasped the leash from the collar and sent Peter on his way, before climbing on the bed and waking me up with a blow job. After waking me up with my cock in her mouth, Susan never spoke a word, she never even responded to any of my questions. I got the hint pretty quickly and enjoyed the attention in silence.

I realized that being blindfolded and with no words being spoken, I could have been having sex with anyone. I guess that was the idea. My wife was letting me have a sex-with-a-stranger fantasy.

After giving me a blow job, ‘the stranger’ started rubbing lube on my cock. This was new. My wife rarely enjoyed anal sex, but I kept my mouth shut.

Susan straddled my cock in a reverse cowgirl position and lowered her ass over my cock. She pressed her ass down my cock, and took me in fully, in one slow motion. She never touched me anywhere else, and I couldn’t touch her, with my hands cuffed.

I really could have been fucking anybody at this point, male or female, and I would never know it. I guess that was the point Susan was trying to make.

Susan rode my cock hard, bouncing up and down. I told her that I was just about to cum, and she jumped off my cock, and slammed her mouth down over my cock. I came in her mouth as soon as it was closed around my cock. I unleashed a torrent of cum, filling both of her cheeks to the brim.

With her mouth full of cum, Susan pulled her mouth off of my cock without spilling a drop. She turned around and walked out of the bedroom, heading downstairs.


Peter was in the kitchen, cooking some bacon and eggs. He had already cut up a variety of fruits and had a selection of pastries on the counter as well. Susan was very impressed and was immediately put in a very good mood.

She walked up behind Peter and clipped the leash to his collar before he even knew she was there. Susan pulled down twice on the leash. When Peter turned to look at her, she pointed to the ground. Peter knelt down and looked up at his mother.

Susan leaned her head down to his, and Peter puckered his lips, readying for a kiss. Susan grabbed his cheeks and firmly squeezed. Peter opened his mouth to avoid the pain of her squeezing. As soon as Peter’s mouth was open, Susan opened her mouth and allowed the cum in her mouth to flow out into her son’s awaiting mouth.

Peter’s eyes went wide when he realized what she was doing. He knew exactly what she was pouring into his mouth. Peter didn’t struggle, but he also didn’t swallow.

Once all of the contents from her mouth were in Peter’s, she stopped squeezing his cheeks and held his chin up in the air. Peter closed his mouth with his father’s cum still in his mouth. Peter knew his mother wouldn’t let him spit it out but he didn’t want to swallow it either.

“Does it taste that good, that you are keeping it in your mouth? Savoring the flavor, letting it soak into your tongue?” Susan asked.

Peter finally gave in and swallowed, knowing the alternative was keeping a load of cum in his mouth all day. Once he had swallowed my cum, he was finally able to assess the new taste he had just encountered for the first time. He decided that it actually wasn’t as bad as he thought it would be, but he wouldn’t be suggesting it to his friends anytime soon.

“Now that, that is out of the way, maybe next time you won’t be so afraid of having a cock in your mouth. I’ve done it plenty of times and it’s really not that bad, maybe you’ll even start to enjoy it like I do,” Susan said.

“That was your breakfast. Finish making mine and serve it up on the dining room table. When your father comes down, I want you to wish him a good morning, with a French Kiss.”

“Breakfast looks great, by the way! You have made mommy very happy. You will have more fun than punishment today, if you just keep doing as mommy says,” Susan said, as she turned around and went back upstairs.

Susan entered the room, saw me moving around, and said, “Oh, good, you’re finally awake. I sent Peter up earlier to check on you, but he said you were still asleep.”

Susan removed my mask and handcuffs. I looked at her suspiciously, thinking she was just teasing me. But in the back of my mind, I wondered if she was telling the truth, and I had just unknowingly had sex with my son. I immediately dismissed the notion and got out of bed.

I jumped in the shower quickly and then got ready to spend most of my day out of the house. I was going to let Susan have her fun, which she was clearly in the mood for.

I made my way downstairs and found Susan sitting at the table eating a huge spread of food. It was way more than she could eat. She was wearing nothing but her black sheer robe. Her tits and pussy were clearly visible in her outfit.

Peter stood next to her, watching her eat. He was completely naked, except for a collar around his neck with a leash attached, that ran down to Susan’s hand. I watched, as Susan gave the leash a couple of quick tugs. Peter jumped into action and grabbed a napkin from the table and wiped his mother’s mouth with it.

Susan was clearly having fun with this and didn’t need my help. I walked over to Susan and told her I was planning to play a few holes of golf today, and run some errands. She told me to be back at dinner time, “No later, and no sooner,” she added.

I agreed and leaned in to give her a kiss, goodbye. Instead of looking up at me, she tugged on Peter’s leash again. Peter grabbed my face and brought it up to his. He planted a huge kiss on my lips and pushed his tongue inside my mouth. I was surprised at first but quickly realized that Susan had pre-planned this interaction.

I returned Peter’s kiss twice as enthusiastically as him. I lunged my tongue inside his mouth and battled for supremacy. I was attempting to shock Peter more than he could shock me, but ultimately, he won. While my tongue was diving into his mouth and rubbing his tongue, I tasted something. I tasted my own cum in his mouth!

I pulled my head back quickly and looked him in his eyes. I was trying to read him, trying to see if it was his mouth that had sucked my cock, his ass that I had fucked. My head was spinning. I turned around and walked out of the house, replaying the events in my head, trying to tell if it could have possibly been Peter in my bed, the whole time. It was a feeling that I was unable to shake, all day.


After breakfast, Susan told Peter to clean the dishes and the kitchen while she went upstairs to get him something special. She told him that since he had done such a great job so far, she was not going to make him stay naked, all day.

Peter was relieved and got straight to work. Susan went upstairs and came back down just a few minutes later. She was holding a feather duster in one hand and a ‘French Maid’ outfit in the other.

Peter couldn’t believe it. He knew it would be embarrassing, but figured it would still be better than being naked.

I bought the ‘French Maid’ outfit a couple of years ago. I wanted Susan to wear it in the bedroom, to try and spice things up. She wore it once, didn’t care for it, and never wore it again.


Peter put on the outfit for his mother but discovered that it was way too small for him, since it was bought for his much smaller mother. It was so short that his cock hung out of the bottom of the dress and his ass did not fair much better.

Susan handed the feather duster to Peter and told him to clean the blinds. She told him that he’d better do a good job or there would be negative consequences. Susan stood up and watched Peter clean the blinds.

“Higher,” she said.

Peter reached up as high as he could to dust the blinds. Susan enjoyed the view of his ass as he reached up, causing the back of his outfit to lift up even further in the back. Susan grabbed her phone and took a picture of Peter dusting the blinds, then she zoomed in and took another picture of just his ass. Peter never even noticed.

Susan went upstairs and lay in bed. She absentmindedly started playing with her wet pussy. She looked at the photos she just took, and was thinking about all the different things she could do with Peter. She was getting close to cumming, when she realized that she had the real thing downstairs, instead of playing with herself.

Instead of continuing to masturbate, Susan quietly went back downstairs to spy on her son. She found Peter sitting on the couch, looking at his phone.

“What are you doing?” she yelled.

Peter jumped up and started dusting again. Susan ran up the stairs and came back down a minute later.

“Give me the feather duster,” Susan said, “So you like to sit on your ass when I’m not looking?”

“Mommy’s going to make sure you can’t sit down again. Turn around and bend over.”

Peter knew better than to disobey his mother. He turned around and bent over in front of his mother. Peter thought his mother was going to spank him with the duster. Susan smacked his ass cheek with her bare hand. Then she smacked the other cheek. Susan alternated cheeks each time. She spanked each cheek five more times until his ass was nice and red.

Susan then started rubbing his ass gently, and asked him, “Will that be enough to stop you from sitting?”

“Yes, Mommy! I won’t sit again, I promise,” Peter whimpered.

“I’m not so sure,” Susan replied.

Susan moved her hand from rubbing Peter’s ass cheeks to rubbing his asshole. Peter took in a deep breath but didn’t move. Susan pushed against his ass until she was finally able to push her finger inside. She slid her finger back and forth, loosening Peter’s anus. She pulled her finger all the way out and pushed it back in. This time she used two fingers and repeated the process. As soon as Peter’s ass accepted her fingers without any resistance, Susan took the handle of the feather duster and shoved it into Peter’s ass. She slowly pushed the handle into his ass without stopping, until seven inches of the handle was buried deep in his ass

When Peter was bent over, facing away from Susan, she had opened the bottle of lube that she had brought down from upstairs, and squirted some into her hand. She lubed the handle of the duster before she shoved it in his ass.

Susan stepped back and admired her work. Peter looked like some kind of bird, with feathers protruding from his ass.

“You now have two choices,” Susan said, “You can either continue to dust the blinds, from top to bottom, using the feather duster, as it is. Or, you can scrub the entire kitchen floor, on your hands and knees, using only your own toothbrush, while holding it with your mouth.”

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Peter didn’t know which to choose. He thought about both of them, and they both sounded equally impossible and un-enjoyable.

Just to add insult to injury, Susan said to Peter, “Did you know that I was just upstairs fingering my pussy, when I decided that I really wanted a hard cock in my pussy, instead. And, since you had the only cock in the house right now, I was coming downstairs to borrow yours. But then you had to go and fuck it all up!”

Peter’s cock began to grow, as he thought about his mother masturbating and using his cock, to get herself off.

Noticing his cock getting hard, Susan said, “Oh, you like that, do you? You like the idea of mommy wanting to fuck your cock?”

Susan started rubbing her pussy again, while looking at her son’s growing cock.

“Fuck it,” she said, “Why should I have to be punished, for your fuck up? Get your tight ass upstairs right now!”

Peter ran for the stairs, the feather duster swinging back and forth in his ass, as he ran.

Peter was kneeling beside the bed when Susan finally made it to her room. He was kneeling up high, as the duster in his ass, prevented him from kneeling back on his heels.

Susan walked up to Peter, dropped her robe to the ground, and shoved her pussy into Peter’s face. She grabbed the back of Peter’s head and pulled it hard against herself.

Peter licked and slurped his mother’s pussy. She was soaking wet from masturbating earlier and from the thoughts of having Peter’s big cock in her.

Susan was loving the attention...

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Written by HoldMyQuill
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