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Back from our visit to the cider farm, I left my mum and dad to look after our purchases, and went back towards my room. I was feeling a bit sticky between the legs after my impromptu fuck, and felt the need to wipe myself down a bit, especially the trails of pussy juice down my thighs. But I didn’t actually make it, since as I was turning the corner I bumped into Abi coming out of her room.

“Mm, hello gorgeous,” she said, putting her hand around my waist and squeezing my bum. “Been out somewhere this morning?”

“We’ve just been getting some cider,” I explained, not mentioning what else I’d got, in case anyone overheard.

Abi, perceptive as ever, looked at my chest, then ran her hand up my back, feeling for a non-existent strap.

“No bra, today, Annie?” she noticed.

“No, and nothing down below either,” I said with a grin.

“God, Annie, you are something special,” she said, “but guess what, I’ve got some news. Chris is coming down later today. He managed to get his work finished at last, and he called me last night to let me know he was going to set out from home very early today and get here by just after lunch.”

“That’s great news,” I said. “It’ll be nice for you both to have him here.”

Abi blushed. “Come in here, quick,” she said, opening her bedroom door and pulling me in after her before shutting the door again. I assumed she was feeling embarrassed about what Chris would think if he knew what the two of us had been up to, but then she made a confession.

“I told him about meeting you, Annie, and what we’ve been up to,” she said.

Now it was my turn to blush. “What, all of it?” I asked, rather alarmed.

“Pretty much. Not the fisting, but I told him about how we met, and what we did, and the pee game we had. He knows how much I love it, and he sometimes pees on me to please me, but it’s not really his sort of thing. And now I feel bad, because I should have discussed it with you first, but we don’t have any big secrets about sex, and I knew he’d think it was hot if he knew I’d been with a girl, especially one as sexy as you. I know he won’t tell anyone else, he’s not like that.”

“So did you tell him about Matt and Sally too?”

“Well, I had to tell him that, since it kind of explains how you and me first got started,” she admitted. “I said Matt seemed like a nice lad, and how you were nice too, and, well, that we’d all been having a bit of a good time.”

That was one way of putting it, I suppose. Despite myself, I was beginning to feel a bit tingly at the thought of Abi telling Chris about me.

“So did he think it was hot, you and me?”

She giggled. “He said he hoped I hadn’t corrupted you, and I said I supposed I had, really. But I didn’t think you minded, did you?”

“I don’t know how I’ll be able to look at him though, knowing I’ve been having sex with his wife. And all I’ll be thinking is, what does his dick look like?”

Abi looked at me. “You can find out if you like,” she said. “I know he wants to fuck you.”

And I knew that I’d want to fuck him too, to feel his big hard dick stretching my vagina, his hot thick spunk spurting into me. Having at last managed to have a quick fuck, I wanted another, and suddenly this could be my chance. But I wanted to share him with Abi, not take him from her.

“I’d love that,” I admitted, “But only if you watch us.”

“Oh fuck, Annie, you’re so dirty,” she said. “Of course I want to watch: and join in. You don’t think I’d let him have you to himself, do you? And anyway, I want you again, now, quickly, before Chris gets here.”

She pulled me towards her, and kissed me roughly on the lips, while putting her hand straight onto my left breast and kneading it expertly through my t-shirt. I fumbled around her waist and began to pull up her top, instantly aroused and wanting her body. But I also wanted to tell her something.

“I’ve got a confession to make too,” I said, as she played with my nipples. “I thought about what you said, about sucking your brother’s cock. And last night I was in the pub garden with Matt, and he was talking about Sally, and I could see his cock was hard. So I took it out of his trousers and sucked him off.”

“What, just like that? What did he say?”

“He loved it. But I wouldn’t let him come until he’d done the same to me. I pulled my skirt up and he went down on his knees and licked me out.”

“Oh, Annie. Did you come?”

“You bet. He knew where my clit was and what to do with it. Then I sucked him some more, and he came in my mouth. I know I shouldn’t have, but it was fun.”

“Annie, you are such a slut. And I bet you swallowed it.”

I smiled and nodded.

“Fuck, Annie, I want you so much,” said Abi, trying to pull my shirt off. But I’d had another idea. Talking about sucking my brother’s cock had got me very turned on, and I wanted to do something else dirty.

“Shall we go into the bathroom?” I asked. “That cider has all gone through me, and now I need to pee. And this time I want to pee on you properly.”

Abi’s face lit up. “Oh God, do you mean that?”

I nodded. “I was going to ask if you wanted to watch me again, but when you said that Chris sometimes actually peed on you, I thought you might like it if I did it instead.”

Abi blushed. “You must think I’m so weird.”

“I think you’re filthy, and I love it.”

In the bathroom, we each of us stripped off our clothes. Abi put in the plug to stop the pee running away, then got into the bath-tub, lying down on her back with her legs apart. I clambered after her and stood over her, one leg on either side of her chest. I parted my labia with my fingers to let my pee run freely, and tried to relax my muscles to let it start to flow. It seemed much easier this time; maybe I was getting used to this.

“I think it’s coming,” I whispered, as I felt the first stirrings of liquid in my urethra. At first, it was just a couple of small squirts of pee, which splattered onto Abi’s tummy, but quickly it built to a steady stream which flowed out of me and splashed off her large breasts in a pale golden fountain. She was frantically rubbing at her clitoris, so I aimed some of the flow onto her strumming hand.

“On my face, Annie, please, quick,” she gasped.

I clenched my muscles to hold the pee in for a moment, while I shuffled up the bath until I was directly over her face. I couldn’t believe she wanted me to do this, but the look in her eyes showed how desperately she needed it. So, I relaxed my muscles again, and released the floodgates. She blinked her eyes as my warm pee sprayed over her face. I thought she’d keep her mouth shut, but instead she opened it wide and the stream of pee went straight in between her teeth. I could see her throat moving as she tried to swallow it, then she was gasping and choking as it overflowed out of her mouth. Now her hair was damp with my pee as well, and the sharp musky smell began to spread through the bathroom. The flow from between my legs was starting to slow, and I squirted the last of it out with a few squeezes of my muscles.

Then I sank to my knees to sit astride Abi’s tummy, and looked at her face, wet with my pee. I leant over and kissed her on her mouth, tasting the pungent liquid. She put her arms around me and pulled me against her, so that my body was quickly smeared with it as well. She rolled me over so I was lying on my back in the shallow yellow pool, and pushed her hand roughly between my legs, slipping two fingers up into my pussy. I was wet with excitement, and felt gloriously dirty as Abi finger-fucked me.

Already the pee in the bath was cooling, but suddenly I felt a hot, wet sensation on my leg. I looked up, and saw a small stream of yellow piss running out from between Abi’s legs and onto me. It smelt different, more pungent, than mine.

“I’m sorry, but it just happened,” she said, not very convincingly. “Come on, let’s get clean now.”

She pulled out the plug to let the pee run out, and stood up to turn on the shower. I got the shower gel and poured a big dollop into my palm, which I then smeared all over Abi’s breasts and tummy. I worked up a lather on her tits while she did the same to me, and we were soon both covered in a layer of slippery froth. She slowly massaged my tits, rubbing her fingers over my rock-hard nipples, while I put my hand between her legs and slipped two fingers into her vagina. She buried her head in the nape of my neck and nuzzled at me, moaning as I finger-fucked her.

Suddenly I heard a click as the bathroom door opened. Abi let out a squeak of alarm, and pulled away from me, looking over my shoulder at the doorway. Then I saw her relax.

“Thank God it’s you, darling,” she said, “I thought you might be Sally.”

I turned my head around and saw a guy standing in the doorway. So this was Chris. Not that tall, but good-looking, with short dark hair and a thin layer of stubble; very sexy. I don’t think he could quite believe what he was seeing, his wife naked in the shower with another girl, both of them obviously in the middle of something rather intimate. Not that it seemed to bother him. He was shaking his head with a big grin on his face, that threatened to turn into open laughter at any moment.

“Fuck me, Abi,” he said, “When you said you’d been having a bit of fun with one of the other guests in the hotel, I didn’t think I’d actually catch you at it!”

Abi stepped out of the bath, and ran over to him, putting her arms round him and giving him a big kiss on the lips which quickly turned into a real smooch. By the time they’d finished, there was quite a wet pool on the floor, and his polo shirt was wet all down the front.

“So I guess this is Annie?” he said, once they had finished. I didn’t quite know what to do, standing naked in the bath being introduced to a rather hunky guy by his equally naked wife. I began to get out, but Abi stopped me.

“Don’t get out,” she said. “Chris could probably do with a shower too if he’s been driving all morning. Shall we help him get clean?”

Well, I was game, and by the look on his face so was he. He pulled off his polo shirt, and then his socks, while Abi began to unbutton his trousers. He was wearing boxer shorts, and I watched eagerly as he dragged them down as well, revealing a good-sized penis that, while still soft, was clearly already starting to swell with blood.

Abi gave it a jiggle with her hand.

“How about that, Annie?” she said. “Not bad, eh?”

“It looks very nice,” I said, not being able to think of anything better to say on the spur of the moment.

“It gets better,” she giggled, taking hold of it and pumping it up and down. “But come on, darling, in you get, and then maybe Annie can see if she can get you even bigger.”

“Come on then, you two,” I said, “There’s room for all of us.”

Once they were both in, I got the shower gel and squeezed a great big dollop of it into Chris’s wiry mass of pubic hair. I began to lather it up, smearing it up his cock and over his balls. This had the pleasing effect of making him even harder, and by the time I was finished his cock was rearing up at a good 45 degrees in front of him, all white and soapy. Obviously, I didn’t have a ruler with me, but it did look about 8 inches long, and with a lovely big knob. But I’d worry about details like that later.

Abi began to rub shower gel over the rest of his body, while I took the shower head and washed the soap off his cock. I stroked my fingers carefully round his knob end, under the rim of his smooth, prominent helmet. Then I bent over and licked round the tip, before placing the whole end in my mouth and sucking on it gently.

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“Oh fucking hell,” he said, “don’t stop.”

I wasn’t planning to. I slowly lowered my head further onto his erection, taking the first few inches into my mouth. I could see Abi watching, and once she had finished washing the soapy gel off his body, she put her hand between his legs from behind and cradled his balls gently while I sucked on him. I rubbed my hand slowly up and down his shaft, feeling the veins gorged with blood.

“Come on, let’s go next door,” Abi suggested. We got out of the shower and roughly towelled each other dry, with much focus on breasts, bums and genitalia in general. Then, between them Abi and Chris hustled me through into the bedroom, and almost threw me onto the bed. I lay on my back and spread my legs, like a very willing sacrificial offering. There was no need to say anything: we all knew Chris was going to fuck me, and as far as I was concerned, the sooner the better.

Chris crawled onto the bed as well, his erect cock swinging between his legs. He kissed my naval, then up my tummy towards my tits. As he nuzzled his face into my right boob, I felt his cock brushing against my pussy. Abi leant over and took hold of it, positioning it against my slit. As Chris eased forward, I felt my entrance stretching to take his wide knob, before it suddenly popped inside. As he slowly pushed inside, I felt every inch going deeper and deeper.

I sighed as I took him right in. He supported himself on his arms, still licking and sucking at my breasts and hard nipples as he plunged his cock in and out of me. After a few minutes of this, he withdrew for a moment and rolled me over onto my front, pulling my bum into the air. Sliding his hard cock back into me, he began to plunge even deeper, almost pulling out every time, placing his hands on my waist to hold me steady. I slid my hand down to my clitoris and began to rub it in time with his thrusts, loving every minute of it.

Then I felt his cock withdraw again, and to my dismay I felt it sliding backwards and forwards against my anus. Shit, he wasn’t going to try and push it in my arse, was he? I’d only tried anal once before, and I made my boy-friend stop before he’d got more than the tip of his head inside my anal passage. Even that had hurt, and basically I’d just chickened out. I’d experimented with playing with my vibrator around there, pushing the tip in as far as I dared, but as soon as it began to hurt I stopped.

“No, not there,” I said. “It hurts, I’m too tight.”

Chris stopped, his cock resting along the cleft of my bum, but I saw Abi looking at him.

“What about with lube, Annie?” she asked. “Have you tried it with that?”

I shook my head.

“Erm, no,” I admitted. “Just with my own, you know, juices.”

“Can you have a go, with lots of proper lubrication? It really does make it so much easier. Believe me, I’ve tried it both ways.”

“Have you got some, then?”

“Yes, let me go and get it.”

She leaned over to open the drawer of the bedside table, and took out an almost full tube of KY Jelly. I knew what it was usually used for, of course. I’d sometimes used it to lubricate my clitoris while I was masturbating – it made it tingle delightfully - but I was usually wet enough not to need it when I was getting fucked.

“Let’s just try, Annie, and if it’s still too painful, Chris’ll stop. Won’t you, darling?”

“Don’t worry, of course I will,” he replied.

Abi squeezed a huge gloop of jelly onto her fingers.

“I’m afraid this might be a bit cold,” she smiled.

It was – I gasped as I felt her fingers massaging the cold jelly all around my anus, pushing a finger inside to spread it around.

“Now your turn, sweetie,” she said to Chris, and rubbed even more up and down his shaft and over the bulbous head until every inch of it was coated in jelly. Then Chris re-positioned himself behind my upturned bum, and put his hands on my hips to steady himself.

“Ready, Annie?” he asked, and I nodded.

Abi knelt beside us and took his cock in her hand. She placed it against the little puckered hole, and I felt the knob-end of his rock-hard erection pressing against my tight little arse-hole. The lube felt cool around my sphincter. I bit my lip as I felt him push gently against me...

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Written by naughtyannie
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